David’s Elite Team ‘16 How can you possibly decide on a photographer for portraits that will last a lifetime? Most professions require some sort of license, proof of competency, or adhesion to an ethical standard. Professional photography is one of the few completely unregulated professions. That makes it very difficult for clients to know who to trust and how to discern true value. In a world with hundreds of “professional photographers” and no professional standard, how does a client make a good decision? When I ask students why they chose David’s Photography, it is almost always because of the testimony of past clients. “Team ‘16” is about proving my integrity and competence to the current senior class and their parents. Though I have been doing this for 35 years and hold the designation “Master Photographer and Photographic Craftsman” from Professional Photographers of America, I enjoy the chance to re-prove myself every year to the current class. The time to be a part of this unique opportunity is drawing to a close. If your student would like to be a part of Team ‘16 it is imperative that they apply by March 31st (tomorrow). All information about Team ‘16 can be found on my website (www.davidsphotography.com) under the Team ’16 tab. The application is available here. I hope that you and your student will take some time to review my work to see if David’s is the right fit for you. Thank you and God Bless, David Hyttsten 8 super easy steps to being a Team ‘16 Model at David’s. Positive people, achievers and beautiful spirits are encouraged to apply. Why David’s? Images are epic, timeless and tell the story of you. What else would you want? Fame? We can get you that too. STEP 1 Fill out this application and wait. We will get back to you in about a week. STEP 2 Get accepted, then Tweet, Instagram and Facebook your reaction in a selfie and you will get bonus items like 16 free wallets plus 2 extra social media images from your model shoot! STEP 3 Book 2 Photoshoots. 1. Book your Elite Model Photoshoot - Now here’s the “catch”. A $200 deposit is made at this time to hold your sessions. This fee is applied to your shoot and print order. Not much of a “catch” is it, when you are getting a free Model Shoot and the best price guarantee on your summer photoshoot, free family photoshoot, free model cards, free social media images, $50 per referral, exposure to all of our fans, images in our marketing and all the fame that comes with it. Yah Our Elite Models are the best and we reward them for being the best, the deposit is to make sure you are committed to David’s and all of it is applied to your sessions and order. 2. Book the type of Summer Photoshoot, (Top Model - Essential) must be completed by September 1. STEP 4 Your 45 minute Elite Model PhotoShoot. Remember this is the fun one. The shoot you get to take some fun images and really get a feel for what your summer shoot will be like. So bring a variety, something fun, something glamorous and something casual, or just bring 3 somethings. STEP 5 Put it out there. 2 weeks after your model shoot, market David’s. Your killer images are now ready for you to start showoff to your friends on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, your own mobile app, and handout cards. Moms can also promote us too ...For everyone that books as a referral from you...you get $50 off your order. This could add up quick. Should be no problem to get 1-2 referrals with very little work. For those of you that are overachievers, you could really make out. STEP 6 Summer Shoot- June - August is best This is your real photoshoot. Read the online what to wear guide. Select something that will please your parents, and then some fun different outfits that express your personality and the things you are into. STEP 7 Book your private screening and order appointment- a day or 2 after your photoshoot. Mom will cry and you will not believe how awesome you look. This is the time you will select the images you will put in your home and give as gifts to family and friends. STEP 8 Book your Free Family Photoshoot This is the last year you will be living at home (at least your parents hope so) and it won’t get any easier to get the family together. Let’s do this in September or October with all the Fall colors. Free to David’s Elite Models. $129 value.
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