DAV PUBLIC SCHOOL, KHERA KHURD / BUDHPUR School Website: davpskherakhurd.com school mail [email protected] HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK (2015- 2016) CLASS III English 1. Do page no. 18,19,20,21 , 22, 44 of practice book. 2. Make a list of Animal sounds, young ones and homes. 3. Paste pictures of any four breeds of dogs and write two lines about it. Make list of vocabulary words. Refer the dictionary write two words with its meaning alphabetically. 4. Learn a simple story and write it in the activity file . Give stress on intonation, comma, and full stop. 5. Write and learn 10 lines on Republic Day Celebration. 6. Read lesson at the zoo and the canary and refer dictionary for difficult words. Hindi Mathematics Q1 Write and learn tables from 1 to 15. Q2. Make a colourful cartoon and scenery with help of basic shapes. Note:- Use only colourful paper cutting shapes such as triangle, rectangle, square and other shapes ) Q3.Make a flower vase of using all the odd numbers coming between 1to 50. Q4. Do 5 question daily for Addtion , subtraction and multiplication in a separate small practice note book. Note (Do Q1 to Q3 in Maths Activity File) G. Science 1. Make a peacock or any animal / bird using dry leaves of different trees /plants and write their names , 2. Enlist nay 1o trees growing around your home and paste their pictures in the activity file. 3. Make a paper bag with old newspaper and decorate it. 4. Grow a sapling during holidays and watch it grow . Observe the change change that occur in it every week. 5. Visit zoo and write the names of the animals that you see there . Put their names in the relevant boxes (refer page – 39 )from the book and paste pictures of any five. S.Science All Holiday H.W will be done in your Activity File (S.St) Q.1. List our National symbols :- a) Flag b) Emblem e) Bird f) Flower c) g) Animals Tree d) h) Fruit Game Write 2 sentences on each of them . Q.2. List some activities that you share with your grandparents . Learn some games that They played when they were young and write their names and paste pictures also if possible. Q.3. Paste Indian Political map and mark any 10 states in it.(fill colour also) Q.4. Make a Collage of the places where you visited in Summer Vaccation (paste picture ) and write one tag line for each picture . Q.5. Write daily Temperature (Max. & Min. ) from 18th May to 2nd June Q.6. Read L- 3 & 4 and write new words also in your activity file. Use a creativity to make it best. General Knowledge i) Read the newspaper daily. Cut and paste the headlines from the newspaper under the following categories:NATIONAL NEWS, INTERNATIONAL NEWS, SPORTS ,WEATHER ( Paste 5 news of each category) ii) Make a poster to bring out the idea that we should not waste water. iii) Do the following pages in the KidWiz Book:- Pgs 2, 3, 11,12,13 &26 Computer Q1. Read the chapter - 2 Q3. Make a beautiful collage of computer and its devices. Music 1. Learn sargam 1,2,3,4,5,6 2. Make a chart of all these 6 sargam. Art Make a wax crayons painting Instructions: Draw any picture or scene in your drawing file ,then outline it with wax crayons . Now apply blank poster colour over the picture with the help of brush let it dry. Vedpath Note: All the projects and pasting’s have to be done in your subject activity file provided by the school .
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