DAV Public School, Sector-49, Faridabad Summer Break Assignment Class lV Subject- English Name:,....,..,.........,...,...,. Class: .....'........ ROLt No' .....'-.-.. Sum sr aacatinn is to protect oursefves Jtom e&rene fraat' '/acatian f,oes not flean to std) awal frofi ttarning, 'Ific vacation ass$nmcnt ;t Biven to Rgep 1ou in toucfi witfr stu{izs wfiiIe 6cing awal from scfioot l{ere are some constru.ti'ue an[ creati've acth/iti*s to Fgry 1ou |uzzing hfrg 6usJ 6ees' Q-,1 The kev to success in creative writing is regular practice Here is an opportunity to write about your feelings, thoughts and experiences, share them and pen down your thoughts in not more than 60 words on the topics given be low: The nicest thing I ever did for anyone was ........... .... ... .. .. The advertisement I like the most is..... Q-2 Make a collage of News headlines Give any shape and bei utify it Paste cutting cf any one News headlines of each day along with the day and the date ( paste headlines of any 10 days ). This has to be done on any colourful sheet. Q-3 Cut anV one picture from the magazine or newspaper' Paste it on A4 size sheet, give the heading'Picture Composition' and write 8-10 lines on paragraoh form. ,' it in a Q-4 Read any story book and answer thg following: r Whlch is your favorite character from the book that you have read? Describe the character in not more than 60 words. Find out 10 unfamiliar words from the book that you have read and write their mea nings. Complete the story map after reading the story. STORY MAP Note: Q-1 and Q-4 have to be done in a thin copy. Cover and decorate label it as'My creative Writing copy'. !!!l!! Enjoy your vacation and have lots of fun and frolic it nicely and !i!!l! I .,..".-.. -3 S q a qR6 qd.SB'fi sffi,t+er-'uq,FfrETqle Gqq-G-fr 4isa+rea ar$ arH..............,....m8fl- qe-ft. 3Tcfdf, atEqttr 68T-8 11. t s- t ........{4.. t) t-fr44{-. I * Ffri d aA t I gs# rrd qr i4 fr-dr 3lt{ e{rqafrr' 6}-dr * qlss fr I F{'q{ t$,bT + FerEI FtA H +q-f,:rqql ekrdr 4 e;n +{ s;i Hl*R'sqi :ld'*1 3$-ar a'fr ffitg$Rt qmq +tqa zi-sr arm + qH * qrg drf,{ q* lfi:ronr ti W li.l +'r oa 6-{fi tl 4{ +f-{d +iird -rne :id qa t ifi ql *{ tr' q: s{ d{ #fl1 gk a+ra dgr i€ +r4ri * fdt 5{r* s'& tga il 5S Sf,-ateT 6f{n +R'*. og 4a$o, aA t 3il{ Ts* €ffi d 3je t& $1 5s sr+rr +t+a ; .. il-a tr;q +a t, cRdlsail{ qaa? 5ad{ /? +iq * 3i? *d d-i t ? .......,......,....... q1il 6lqd 3rq'i tg md? i3 t z 3id{.,.................... cqar 6io-d $q,i 3it #1' 5i-{ * ffi, jt dd_r€_fr t? ...................,.. oqq g-6id J{rri 3rd *1 g}-ar il& M? 3id{.................,.... ?Tad3IUr.q6TAT-................ l.l-11r1.i.................... arEsr?r ji d dd:- dl.l lqJlr ? 6c. ..............,... fra gf,arq rt.q fia Bqlqo-r qt'd. qqal.riq+a 6?jrdl S{-{+-qi3{ {-E*{j3{ t d-d tr'a carci- 5- Sj4+3I caa3 +ar ?1,{ er{t:- irf d I 6Erf- q-dY ai4-qaar d-S q-ilfr H I q-dY # t. 6ra +rd ..... 6ri t I er-{dt +} 3rin esa€t... a-EriirfltHI q6rqnt3n-{ .. .... t c?dE R-4 Edd'6T dr+q q;I: ft'd - 6ff €ri...,.......... dT{fi' il 6A $c-d' .. . ... q{ I i 6ffi + oE s f,qr fr rT ]Idrt h a-cr +l +arur' tbo- gars ( 3ie.1 311 s.+6r I r 1 qea e (16 sr"( ji 3.d{ d I +)f,aleil *}. Erai ........................ Jr) na?16:\ oli arar ...... cem s Balssr qr'q er$ flB-*z+d-dd s) ................. crfr ?Td {.{rd rri Erar ... . ..1 u; ln+- ne$ qri arar ...... I 14) | q6ni ffidiB'l I 6t-dr €S€ erqr ilS drclr .......... .. sffi{ d-6d Ed{ t ?.l')............... q l I cldb $& g&arq qr;q fd-o Od-{T arfl'Eilq g)qa flr 4) wqr 6ci {ri{ qr t +-q qrqq trq, I 64'3fl6 dq w"ft rn q\' ffl ( fu 1 L ?.4I | I I ii st{ g€- :l"T I E* t c?a c ai-ai qslqdrfr lrec fu st{I srqld q{r RqT qfra.. , c. R-{ ............. , I I .. ... I DAV PUBLIC SCHOOL, Sainik Colony, SEC Class - lV Session( 2015 Subject * - - 49 2016) Maths Date Summer Break Assignment Section....,., Name .-............,.,,..,...,. ln each row find the two sums with the same answers. B c D E 36+3 10 + 16 3xq Half of 50 42+6 Half of 16 3x3 2x2x2x4 14 + 17 4xg And 65 + 15 100 - 19 And 2*2 2+3 And A 24 1 51 2 36:4 3 5x7 64+2 4 35+47 9xg 21+3 4x2 5 2 \.7 161, +2 5+2 2. complete the multiplication table :28 2 3. One thousand less than ten thousand 4. 12 Years 5. - ........................... months. 12 Weeks = DaVs. ANSWER And 6. Write the number of line segments in the following :- . b. 7. --lt'= /--{ Put the sign :- a. L2 10 b. 1489 O c. 1 9 10 C) r---l 3 d. 1498 1,643 r 2 () zo+a 8. Write the fraction for:Shaded part Unshaded part 9. Arita boughl Lhe following items :- Pencil box Rs.20.00 Rs.35.00 Powder Rs.40.00 Cream Rs.49.00 Tooth brush She had Rs. 150 in her purse. How much money was left with her. 7 _ D.A.V. PUBLIC SCHOOL, SAINIK COLONY, SBCTOR 49 SESSION*2015*16 CLASS IVISUBJECT G.SC.;NAME""""""" ROLL NO' SUMMER BREAK ASSIGNMI]N'I' Topics Covered 1. - Plants, My Body, Plants around usrflowers M U LTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS:- A) Crane and Jacana are 1. 2. Wading birds Perching birds 3. 4. Clirnbing birds Scratching birds 3 4 tagle Vu ltu re 3. RuruMN B) This bird has Probing beak. 1 Hooooe 2. WoorlPecker C) Dry fruit are generalTY eaten in 1. 2. Winter season Summer season 4. Spring season juice in the small intestine is D) The organ which secretes digestive 1. Liver 2. Salivary glands 3 4 Stomach Food PiPe 3, 4. Wheat 3. 4. Neem Peepal E) This plant has iaProot. ' 1-. 2. Banana Grass Rose F) This plant has aerial roots. 1. 2. Banyqn Apple FILL IN THE BLANKSJ. are evergreen trees. and have needle like leaves. B. 's this urderground Pdrt of a P dnt. C. to uncovered food. D. Flies (iXn tra nsfe r of the mouth. E. Flat teeth are in the A. 3. Match UP:A. No Leaves B. Cultivated crops C. Tongue D. Large intestine E. 4. Leaf Cactus Rice chloroPhYll tasting and licking Absorption of water WRITE IRUE AND FALSE:- A, Hyd rilla plantgrows underwater' Mango & Neem plant grows in plains C. An eight-Vear-old child is likely to have both temporary and pe rma nent teeth. D. We should chew the food properly. B, 5. DEFll.lE r- A. 6. Digestion GIVE REASON:- A. Why do aerial roots need to come out of the soil ? B. Why the rootSof maize & banyan tree are special? 7. ACTIVITY:- Paste two-two pictures of Summer & winter-FloweB& Fruits in copY D.A.V.PublicSchool Sector 49Faridabad Sum rner Brea k Assignment( 2015-16) CLASS lV Su bject-Soclal Sciences Section Name Roll No, Q 1 Fill in the blanks is an organized group of PeoPle. 1.A 2.Participation is more important than 3. ----- -----.'*--- children are taught the 4. ---------- 5. Do not ma ke------------------- remarks about any one's physical appearance 6A slgn language '--------- was invented by Louis Braile. joint family has parents and their----- 7. Family members should 8. There is greater '- children spend-----'-------- time together' interaction between parents and children in a ---------*'----- family' Q2 Tick the correct oPtion 1. --------- ------- (a) Louis wrote the first book on educating deaf Braile {b)Juan Paulo Bonet {c)Prem Chand 2. Children develop caring attitude towards others by (a)watching parents (b) watching other people (c) both a and b - 3. . --- --------(a) develops the ability to handle stress l\,4editatlon (b)sports (c) watching T V 4. Parents and sibljngs provide all the suppo'it to the chjldren in (a) Nuclear family (b)joint family (c)none of these 5. Visually and hearing impaired children deserve, (a) Understanding { b)Pity (c) both a and b Q 3, Ivlatch ups :1". Good citizens building confidence 2,Family many nuclear 3.Meditation fixed time 4. Deaf children fa m ilies home 5.Joint family sign language 6.Foster child ren relieves stress Q:4 Soive the word puzzle with the help of ihe hints: Hints: (a) (b) (c) (d) l.his festlval marks the victory of good over evil He presides over the Nlkah. It ls considered as an auspicious time to start new venlures. Whose iclols are worshipped during Ganesh Chaturthi? is celebrated during this month. What ls a [,'luslim wedding known as? (e) lcJ (f) (s) (h) A ritual ln Hindu wedding. Where cjoes a Sikh wedding take place?
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