Team Captain - Dawson Creek Adult Soccer League

TEAM REGISTRATION Team Name: Team Captain: Captain’s Email Address: Captain’s Phone Number: Team Shirt Colour: * Shirt colours must be approved by the DCASL *
CAPTAIN’S RESPONSIBILITIES CONTACT THE LEAGUE CAPTAIN’S MEETING LATE REGISTRATIONS Captains please contact the league via email [email protected] prior to or on 21‐April‐2015 to let the league know that your
team will be participating in the 2015 DCASL summer league program The Annual Captain’s meeting is scheduled for 21‐April‐2015, 7 pm at Sola’s Banquet Room in the Dawson Creek Super 8 Motel. All captains are expected to attend. Please bring your completed team registration form and all related player registration forms and fees to this meeting. Captains please collect late registration forms from your players. Upon receipt please hand them to the President (Devon Aaroe) or Vice‐President (Kieran Hinchliffe) of the DCASL for collection. Once the DCASL is in the possession of the player’s completed registration forms, Assumption of Risks and registration fee the player will be legal and eligible for play. TEAM LISTING * Below please only list players that have given you their completed registration form, assumption of risks form and their registration fee. PLAYER NAME 1. REGISTRATION FORM RECEIVED REGISTRATION FEE COLLECTED 
 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. DAWSON CREEK ADULT SOCCER LEAGUE – Questions? Contact us at:
PRESIDENT – Devon Aaroe – [email protected]; We are also on Facebook and additional information is available on our website @ TOTAL REGISTRATION REVENUE COLLECTED: DCASL Team Registration Form 2015 DCASL ‐ SUMMER LEAGUE REGISTRATION FORM DCASL – REGISTRATION POLICY REGISTRATION FORMS AFFILIATED PLAYERS Affiliated players (players who have a team they will be playing for) – are responsible for getting their registration forms to their Team Captain. TEAM CAPTAIN Team Captains – are responsible for completing a TEAM REGISTRATION FORM and submitting it to the league, with their team’s individual registration forms, at the Annual Captain’s Meeting. NON‐AFFILIATED Non‐Affiliated players (players who do not have a team they play on and are associated with) – are PLAYERS responsible for getting their individual registration forms delivered to the league via the Co‐op mall drop box or by mail prior to April 27th, 2015. (see registration form for mailing address and drop box location details) LATE REGISTRATION AFFILIATED PLAYERS Affiliated players (players who have a team they play for) – are responsible for getting their registration forms to their Team Captain. Late Registrants CAN NOT PLAY until their form and fee is handed in to the league. TEAM CAPTAIN Team Captains – are responsible for submitting late player registration forms to the DCASL. These forms are to be handed directly to the President (Devon Aaroe) or Vice‐President (Kieran Hinchliffe) of the DCASL PRIOR TO the Late Registrant playing. NON‐AFFILIATED Non‐Affiliated players (players who do not have a team they play on and are associated with) – after May 1st PLAYERS are encouraged to find a team themselves. Should a late registrant have difficulty finding a team to join they can then contact the league directly via email ([email protected]) and the league will attempt to help them find a team. Once on a team a Non‐Affiliated Player will need to hand their registration forms and fees in to their Team Captain for submission to the League. REGISTRATION FEES *No player can play without full payment of their registration fee; no exceptions.
*No discounts will be provided to players who register late or during mid‐season. UNREGISTERED PLAYERS * An UNREGISTERED PLAYER is any player whose completed registration form, signed Assumption of Risks form and/or full registration fee is not received by the league. Teams fielding unregistered players will be given an automatic 3‐0 loss if found to be fielding players unregistered with the DCASL. Losses can be applied retroactively if it is found that unregistered players have played in previous games. DEADLINES 20‐APRIL‐2015 Deadline for Team Captains to let the DCASL know that their team is returning for the 2015 summer season. 21‐APRIL‐2015 Annual Captain’s Meeting 27‐APRIL‐2015 Deadline for ALL Players to get their registration forms in to the league via the dropbox located at the Co‐op mall or by mail (details can be found on the player registration form) 01‐MAY‐2015 First game night of the year – Absolute deadline for submission of Team Registration Forms. 26‐JUNE‐2015 Drop‐dead deadline to join the DCASL Summer Program; no new registrations will be accepted after this date. 2015 DCASL Registration Policy