Item # DATE ISSUED: April 2, 2015 ATTENTION: Civic San Diego Hearing Officer Meeting of April 9, 2015 SUBJECT: Rite Aid Little Italy (1411 Kettner Boulevard) – Consideration of an Amendment to Conditional Use Permit No. 2005-32 – Little Italy Neighborhood of the Downtown Community Plan Area – Public Hearing STAFF CONTACT: James Alexander, Assistant Planner REQUESTED ACTION: That the Civic San Diego (“CivicSD”) Hearing Officer considers an amendment to Conditional Use Permit (CUP) No. 2005-32 to extend the hours of off-site alcohol beverage sales (“Project”) for the Rite Aid retail store located at 1411 Kettner Boulevard in the Little Italy neighborhood of the Downtown Community Plan (DCP) area. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the CivicSD Hearing Officer denies the requested amendment to CUP No. 2005-32. SUMMARY: Thrifty Payless, Inc. (“Applicant”) is requesting approval of an amendment to CUP No. 2005-32 to allow extended hours of off-site alcohol beverage sales from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. (midnight) for the Rite Aid located at 1411 Kettner Boulevard in the Little Italy neighborhood of the DCP. DOWNTOWN COMMUNITY PLANNING COUNCIL: On March 18, 2015, the Downtown Community Planning Council voted [INSERT VOTE HERE] to recommend that the CivicSD Hearing Officer [INSERT APPROVE/DISAPPROVE] CUP No. 2005-32, extending the off-site sale of alcohol beverage sales at the subject property. BACKGROUND On June 28, 2005, CUP 2005-32 (Attachment A) was granted to Rite Aid allowing off-site alcohol beverage sales at 1411 Kettner Boulevard in the Little Italy neighborhood. The store opened on September 5, 2005 and operates with an Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) Type 21, Off-Sale General (Package Store) license. One of the key conditions of the CUP required that no alcoholic beverages shall be sold or delivered except between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. each day of the week, as is standard for most off-site alcohol beverage sales Downtown. Under the Centre City Planned District Ordinance (CCPDO), establishments engaged in off-site alcohol beverage sales are required to obtain approval of a CUP. The CUP procedure establishes a review process for the development of uses that may be desirable under appropriate Civic San Diego Hearing Officer Meeting of April 9, 2015 Page 2 circumstances, but are not permitted by right. The intent of these procedures is to review these uses on a case-by-case basis to determine whether and under what conditions such a use may be approved at a given site. A CUP is a Process Three decision made by the CivicSD Hearing Officer at a noticed public hearing. The CivicSD Hearing Officer’s decision is appealable to the CivicSD Board of Directors. Establishments seeking to make a modification to a condition of approval in a previously approved permit are required to go through the same review process. DEVELOPMENT TEAM ROLE Applicant FIRM/CONTACT Thrify Payless, Inc. Tina Macier Property Owner Allegro Towers, L.P. Steve Donlon OWNERSHIP Michael Podgurski, Vice President and Corporate Officer (See Attachment F) (Privately Owned) Leo R. Fry, owner (Privately Owned) DISCUSSION Neighborhood Context The Little Italy neighborhood is an evolving and growing neighborhood. Redevelopment has yielded mixed housing types throughout the area. Redevelopment efforts will underscore the neighborhood’s historic and contemporary qualities with strategic intensification to accomplish population goals and increase neighborhood vitality. It is planned for residential development to intensify in the southern portion near the Civic/Core district, while the prevalence of lower-scale buildings and wide mix of uses will continue to the north. Applicable DCP Goals and Policies The following are some of the key DCP Goals and Policies for the Little Italy neighborhood: 3.1-G-2 3.1-G-3 6.4-G-1 6.4-G-2 Provide for an overall balance of uses – employment, residential, cultural, government, and destination – as well as a full compendium of amenities and services. Allow service and support commercial uses—such as small hospitals, produce markets that serve restaurants, and repair shops—in specific locations to ensure availability of essential services within downtown. Facilitate Little Italy’s continued evolution as a cohesive, mixed use waterfront neighborhood. Reinforce the India Street business district as the heart of the neighborhood. Expand neighborhood-serving retail and services as well as access to open spaces to serve the growing population. Civic San Diego Hearing Officer Meeting of April 9, 2015 Page 3 SITE DESCRIPTION Rite Aid is currently located within an 8,819 square foot (sq. ft.) tenant space at the northeast corner of Kettner Boulevard and West Ash on the ground level of the 29-story Allegro Towers apartment project in Little Italy. Other uses on the ground level of the building include a dry cleaning and alterations business, residential and restaurant. Surrounding land uses: • North: Mid-rise residential/mixed-use • West: High-rise residential and office • South: Surface parking lot • East: High-rise commercial office/retail Existing alcohol beverage outlets with CUPs in the vicinity include: • Unwine at 1471 Kettner Boulevard • 7-11 at 1670 Kettner Boulevard • The Market by Buon Appetito at 1605 India Street • Stone Company Store at 1202 Kettner Boulevard Maps showing surrounding land uses and a map showing existing alcohol beverage outlets in the vicinity are included as Attachments B and C, respectively. The land use district for this project site, as designated in the CCPDO, is Employment/Residential Mixed-Use (ER). The ER district provides synergies between educational institutions and residential neighborhoods, or transition between the Core (C) District and residential neighborhoods. A variety of uses are permitted in this district, including office, residential, hotel, research and development, educational, and medical facilities. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Rite Aid is a large retail chain that provides thousands of convenience items, an in-store pharmacy, as well as carries a variety of alcoholic beverages for off-site consumption. Rite Aid’s current hours of operation are 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. with off-site alcohol beverage sales available between the hours of 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. seven days a week. Based on customer demand, Rite Aid is proposing to extend their hours of off-site alcohol beverage sales to 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. (midnight). A project narrative, plans, and site photographs have been included as Attachment E to this report. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT The CUP procedures establish a review process for the development of uses that may be desirable under appropriate circumstances, but are not permitted by right. The intent of these procedures is to review these uses, on a case-by-case basis, to determine whether the proposed use may be appropriate at a given site. Civic San Diego Hearing Officer Meeting of April 9, 2015 Page 4 Off-Site Alcohol Beverage Sales Under the CCPDO, establishments engaged in the sale of alcoholic beverages for off-site consumption are subject to approval of a CUP and the following minimum conditions: A. No wine or distilled spirits shall be sold in containers of less than 750 milliliters; B. No malt beverage or beer products shall be sold in quantities of less than a six-pack of 12-ounce bottles or other containers totaling a minimum of 64 ounces; C. No alcoholic beverages shall be sold except between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. of each day of the week. Under the provisions of the CCPDO, applicants may seek exceptions to condition C listed above subject to the Hearing Officer making the following findings: • The request for an exception was provided in the public notice for the hearing; and, • The proposed use and operations are compatible with existing and planned surrounding land uses. As previously stated, Rite Aid currently operates under CUP 2005-32 which limits the hours of off-site alcohol beverage sales to 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. The Applicant is seeking an exception to Condition C, and is requesting an amendment to Condition No. 6 of the CUP to allow off-site alcohol beverage sales to occur between the hours of 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.. Staff has reviewed the Applicant’s proposal and does not recommend approval of the proposed exception related to the hours of off-site alcohol beverage sales. In recent years, alcohol beverage outlets in the neighborhood have been limited to the standard 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., based on community input. Historically, staff has not recommended approval of exceptions to the hours of off-site alcohol sales due to concerns that allowing alcohol sales to occur beyond the prescribed limits in the CCPDO will contribute to alcohol related problems in the surrounding neighborhoods. However, exceptions have been granted primarily for larger grocery stores (15,000 square feet or more) and for unique circumstances. Recently approved exceptions include Albertson's in the East Village neighborhood, and Jimbo’s Grocery store and CVS in Horton Plaza. Staff considers it important to be consistent with similar establishments throughout downtown that have obtained a CUP and that exceptions be granted only when there are extraordinary circumstances. In this particular case, there are no extraordinary circumstances that would warrant support to sell alcohol for off-premise consumption past 10:00 p.m. CUP Findings: Pursuant to Section 126.0305 of the San Diego Municipal Code, four findings must be made to approve a CUP. Staff has considered the findings listed below and has determined that requisite findings for approval cannot be made. Civic San Diego Hearing Officer Meeting of April 9, 2015 Page 5 1. The proposed use or development will not adversely affect the applicable land use plan; While the sale of off-site alcoholic beverages adheres to the CCPDO and is consistent with the goals and policies of the DCP, the proposed amendment is not justified in this land use district or under the current circumstances. The CCPDO establishes regulations to regulate such uses, including the limitation on hours of alcohol sales. These were created in accordance with the wishes of the community and the process allows for public input. As such, the community has expressed opposition to the Project and staff has concluded that there are no outstanding circumstances that warrant an exception to the established hours of alcohol sales that do not adversely affect the application land use plan. 2. The proposed use or development will not be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare; The proposed off-site alcohol beverage sales has the potential to be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare of the community if the alcohol sales hours are extended. The restrictions regarding the time limitation for off-site alcohol beverage sales were put in place to reduce the impacts resulting from public inebriation, easy access to inexpensive liquor for the large downtown homeless population, and other occurrences of alcohol-related incidents. There is no unique circumstance for this particular alcohol beverage outlet that would merit the suspension of this restriction for the Applicant. 3. The proposed use or development will comply to the maximum extent feasible with the regulations of the Land Development Code; and The proposed amendment is not consistent with the CCPDO and the DCP. The use will be required to comply with all applicable regulations, conditions of approval of the existing CUP, and the requirements of the ABC and the SDPD. 4. The proposed use is appropriate at the proposed location. This activity will not add any benefits in the Little Italy neighborhood besides extended opportunities to purchase alcoholic beverages for off-site consumption at later-thannormal hours. Both the Little Italy Association and the Little Italy Residents Association, two prominent community groups in the neighborhood, have stated that they do not feel the extended hours are appropriate at the proposed location. Staff requested input from the San Diego Police Department (SDPD) regarding this application and the request to extend off-site alcohol beverage sale hours and has not received a recommendation as of the date of this report. Staff has received public correspondence from the Little Italy Association and Little Italy Residents Association stating opposition to extended off- Civic San Diego Hearing Officer Meeting of April 9, 2015 Page 6 site alcoholic beverage sales hours (Attachment F). No additional correspondence from the public has been received. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT Development within the Downtown Community Planning area is covered under the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) for the San Diego DCP, CCPDO, and 10th Amendment to the Centre City Redevelopment Plan, certified by the former Redevelopment Agency (“Former Agency”) and the City Council on March 14, 2006 (Resolutions R-04001 and R-301265, respectively) and subsequent addenda to the FEIR certified by the Former Agency on August 3, 2007 (Former Agency Resolution R-04193), April 21, 2010 (Former Agency Resolution R04510), and August 3, 2010 (Former Agency Resolution R-04544), and certified by the City Council on February 12, 2014 (City Council Resolution R-308724) and July 14, 2014 (City Council Resolution R-309115). The FEIR is a “Program EIR” prepared in compliance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15168. The project is within the scope of the development program described in the FEIR; therefore, no further environmental documentation is required under CEQA. CONCLUSION Staff is recommending that the CivicSD Hearing Officer deny the proposed amendment to CUP No. 2005-32. Respectfully submitted: Concurred by: James Alexander Assistant Planner Brad Richter Assistant Vice President, Planning Attachments: A – CUP No. 2005-32 / Draft Resolution B – Vicinity Map of Adjacent Land Uses C – List and Map Showing Alcohol Beverage Outlets D – Narrative, Plans, and Site Photos E – Ownership Disclosure F – Public Correspondence S:\Alexander\Permit Reviews\Process 3\2005-32A CUP (Rite Aid Little Italy OSS)\2005-32A_StaffReport_DRAFT.docx ATTACHMENT A CIVIC SAN DIEGO HEARING OFFICER RESOLUTION NO. 2015-04 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2005-32A RITE AID LITTLE ITALY WHEREAS, on May 17, 2005, Thrifty Payless Corporation (dba Rite Aid), filed an application for a conditional use permit (CUP) to operate a 9,004 square foot alcohol beverage outlet at 1411 Kettner Boulevard. The site, described as Lots 1 through 6 in Block 18, of Middletown, in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, according to Partition Map thereof made by J.E. Jackson on file in the office of the Clerk of Said San Diego County, is located in the Commercial/Office Land Use District of the Centre City Community Plan Area; and, WHEREAS, on June 28, 2005, the Designated Hearing Officer of the Centre City Development Corporation (CCDC) held a duly noticed public hearing and considered Conditional Use Permit No. 2005-32, including a staff report and recommendation and public testimony, pursuant to Sections 126.0304, 126.0305, 103.1904, 103.1919 and 103.1925 of the Municipal Code of the City of San Diego. WHEREAS, on November 21, 2014, Tina Macier, on behalf of Thrifty Payless, Inc., filed an application for an amendment to conditional use permit (CUP) No. 2005-32 to extend the hours of off-site alcohol beverage sales at the Rite Aid located at 1411 Kettner Boulevard; and, WHEREAS, on April 9, 2015, the Designated Hearing Officer of Civic San Diego (CivicSD) held a duly noticed public hearing and considered Conditional Use Permit No. 2005-32A, including a staff report and recommendation and public testimony, pursuant to Sections 126.0304, 126.0305, 103.1904, 103.1919 and 103.925 of the Municipal Code of the City of San Diego; and, WHEAREAS, Development within the Downtown Community Planning area is covered under the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) for the San Diego DCP, CCPDO, and 10th Amendment to the Centre City Redevelopment Plan, certified by the former Redevelopment Agency (“Former Agency”) and the City Council on March 14, 2006 (Resolutions R-04001 and R-301265, respectively) and subsequent addenda to the FEIR certified by the Former Agency on August 3, 2007 (Former Agency Resolution R04193), April 21, 2010 (Former Agency Resolution R-04510), and August 3, 2010 (Former Agency Resolution R-04544), and certified by the City Council on February 12, 2014 (City Council Resolution R-308724) and July 14, 2014 (City Council Resolution R309115). The FEIR is a “Program EIR” prepared in compliance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15168. The project is within the scope of the development program described in the FEIR; therefore, no further environmental documentation is required under CEQA. BE IT RESOLVED, by the CivicSD Hearing Officer as follows: That the CivicSD Hearing Officer considered the findings listed below and has determined that requisite findings for approval cannot be made. RESOLUTION NO. 2015-04 CUP NO. 2005-32A 1411 KETTNER BOULEVARD FINDINGS: 1. The proposed use or development will not adversely affect the applicable land use plan; While the sale of off-site alcoholic beverages adheres to the CCPDO and is consistent with the goals and policies of the DCP, the proposed amendment is not justified in this land use district or under the current circumstances. The CCPDO establishes regulations to regulate such uses, including the limitation on hours of alcohol sales. These were created in accordance with the wishes of the community and the process allows for public input. As such, the community has expressed opposition to the Project and staff has concluded that there are no outstanding circumstances that warrant an exception to the established hours of alcohol sales that do not adversely affect the application land use plan. 2. The proposed use or development will not be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare; The proposed off-site alcohol beverage sales has the potential to be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare of the community if the alcohol sales hours are extended. The restrictions regarding the time limitation for off-site alcohol beverage sales were put in place to reduce the impacts resulting from public inebriation, easy access to inexpensive liquor for the large downtown homeless population, and other occurrences of alcohol-related incidents. There is no unique circumstance for this particular alcohol beverage outlet that would merit the suspension of this restriction for the Applicant. 3. The proposed use or development will comply to the maximum extent feasible with the regulations of the Land Development Code; and The proposed amendment is not consistent with the CCPDO and the DCP. The use will be required to comply with all applicable regulations, conditions of approval of the existing CUP, and the requirements of the ABC and the SDPD. 4. The proposed use is appropriate at the proposed location. This activity will not add any benefits in the Little Italy neighborhood besides extended opportunities to purchase alcoholic beverages for off-site consumption at later-than-normal hours. Both the Little Italy Association and the Little Italy Residents Association, two prominent community groups in the neighborhood, have left comments with Staff stating that they do not feel this use is appropriate at the proposed location. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an amendment to CUP No. 2005-32 is hereby DENIED by the CivicSD Hearing Officer to the referenced Owner/Permittee. 2 RESOLUTION NO. 2015-04 CUP NO. 2005-32A 1411 KETTNER BOULEVARD ____________________________ James Alexander Date Assistant Planner DENIED by the Hearing Officer on April 9, 2015. S:\Alexander\Permit Reviews\Process 3\2005-32A CUP (Rite Aid Little Italy OSS)\2005-32A_Reso_DRAFT.doc 3 ATTACHMENT B CVS East Village Alcohol Outlets Vicinity List Permit No. Business Name Location Hours Restriction CUP 98-1118 Vantaggio Deli 1736 State Street 10:00AM – 8:30PM CUP 2003-14 Stone Company Store 1202 Kettner Boulevard 10:00AM – 10:00PM CUP 2003-20 7-11 1670 Kettner Boulevard 10:00AM – 10:00 PM CUP 2008-10 Unwine 1471 Kettner Boulevard 10:00AM – 10:00 PM CUP 2010-35 The Market 1605 India Street 10:00AM – 10:00 PM ATTACHMENT C Rite Aid Little Italy Alcohol Outlets Vicinity Map Vantaggio Deli CUP 98-1118 7-11 CUP 2003-20 The Market CUP 2010-35 Unwine CUP 2008-10 Rite Aid Little Italy Stone Company Store CUP 2003-14 ATTACHMENT D ATTACHMENT E LIRA Little Italy Residents Association Date: March 6, 2015 To: Mr. James Anderson From: Anne MacMillan Eichman Re: Rite Aid Process Three Conditional Use Permit Request Dear Mr. Anderson: On behalf of the Little Italy Residents Association Board of Directors and Members, I submit our opposition to Rite Aid’s request to extend its sale hours of alcohol. Moreover, LIRA opposes granting a Process Three Conditional Use Permit to any Rite Aid, CVS, 7-11, Walgereen and independent neighborhood markets in our Downtown. Over 37,000 Residents call Downtown their home. These tax-paying stake holders have a vested interest in preserving their quality of life as homeowners. Our organization, LIRA, has over 250 Members. It was formed to help preserve and foster the quality of life for those of us in Little Italy and Core/Columbia as well as for the people who work here and who visit our Neighborhood. Extending the sale hours of alcoholic beverages would negatively compromise the reasonable “quality of life” standards we have set for our Community and that define Little Italy, Core/Columbia it as a preeminent address in Downtown San Diego. We are counting on you to stand up for the rights of Residents and deny the Rite Aid at 1411 Kettner Boulevard its request for a Process Three Conditional Use Permit. Thank you. Respectfully, Anne MacMillan Eichman , LIRA President . 395 WEST CEDAR STREET, SAN DIEGO CA 92101 ATTACHMENT F
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