APRIL 1, 2015 VOLUME 1, NUMBER 1 About the Newsletter This past year the DC Police Union has worked hard to inform its members about Union news, upcoming Union events, and issues affecting our membership. We have created a new website – www.DCPoliceUnion.com – and updated our social media presence to give our members every opportunity to learn more about how they can get involved. While our work is far from over, we will continue to take steps to maintain a high level of transparency and update our membership about the latest news and events. We believe that our Union is at its strongest when our entire membership is actively involved and informed about the road ahead… CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Being the Police Online Presence By: Delroy Burton, Chairman By: Gregg Pemberton, CID Shop Steward During the past year, it has been a privilege and an honor to represent the members of the DC Police Union locally, nationally and internationally. As most of you are keenly aware, policing in the United States is under attack. Politicians, members of the media, and activists… CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 All Hands on Deck Initiative The DC Police Union believes that All Hands on Deck (AHOD) breaches the collective bargaining agreement, and for this reason, the DC Police Union has been very… CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Office of Police Complaints (OPC) By Ucrania Paniagua-Santana, OPC Union Representative The Office of Police Complaints (OPC) reviews and resolves complaints filed by civilians against Metropolitan Police Department Officers… CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 1 One of the chief complaints I've heard over the years is that the union wasn't keeping its members informed. I used to agree with this sentiment wholeheartedly, however, under the leadership of Chairman Burton and the insight of Secretary Marinos, the union has made great strides in transparency and has finally moved into the 21st century. The DC Police Union now has an amazing online presence… CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Court Automated Notification System (CANS) Have you or a coworker been subpoenaed by a defense attorney via CANS because of your official duties as DC Metropolitan Police Officer? If so, the DC Police Union believes you should be compensated in accordance with the contract and the law. Recently, the DC Police Union learned… CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 Arbitration Updates……….....pg. 4 Health Benefits Update.......pg. 4 1 2 About the Newsletter CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1… It is for this reason that we have compiled our first Newsletter of the year. By addressing the All Hands on Deck Initiative, Court Automated Notification System, Office of Police Complaints, the Union’s progress, and the state of policing in our country, this documents recaps this past year’s events and offers insight about the road ahead. We hope you enjoy reading the Newsletter and reference it if there is ever a need. Thank you for the work you do as police! We hope that you will continue to be active members of our Union, and you check out our Facebook and Twitter pages, which we regularly update throughout the day. Online Presence By: Gregg Pemberton, CID Shop Steward CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1… Not only can you stay informed through mainstream social media like Facebook and Twitter, you can also visit our flagship website at DCPoliceUnion.com. The site has a public page with tons of information (including an interactive crime mapping app), but more importantly, it has a private members side that contains mountains of data like pay scales, information about raises, links to media articles about legal action with the department, the most up-to-date facts regarding all the hot button issues affecting us, and tons of other relevant resources the union can provide, from health benefits to personal legal assistance. Please make it a point to like, follow, and bookmark our new lines of communication. It's the easiest way to stay up-to-date and get involved. And we'd also love to hear your feedback. See you there! Being the Police By: Delroy Burton, Chairman CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1… are using speculation, false information and race to widen existing divides and deepen distrust 2 between minority communities and the police departments that serve and protect them. Often those are the same communities experiencing the highest levels of crime and need police services the most. It is with this as a backdrop that I want all of you to remember why you became police officers in the first place. The pride you felt upon graduation, and the oath we all swore to protect and defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic and to administer the law in a just, impartial, and reasonable manner is what matters most. In time of crisis when our collective impartiality, integrity and judgment is being challenged and defamed, it is more important than ever that we remember our oath and our duty to administer the law impartially in the face of provocation. Please remember that although there are very loud anti-police voices at the moment, the vast majority of Americans appreciate and support your efforts to keep them and their families safe. Thank you all for everything you do and please be careful. All Hands on Deck Initiative CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1… active and aggressive in fighting the AHOD Initiative. See below for a complete list of the steps the DC Police Union has taken: 2009: The DC Police Union filed a Class Grievance and prevailed in arbitration. The MPD did not appeal the Arbitrator’s decision. The MPD and the Union are scheduled to return to the Public Employees Review Board (PERB), so the PERB can determine what type of payments should be ordered for the Enforcement Order in DC Superior Court. 2010: The DC Police Union filed a Class Grievance and prevailed in arbitration. The MPD delayed its obligations to provide members with compensation that they are dues under the award by appealing the decision to the 2 1 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2… Public Employee Relations Board (PERB). PERB upheld the arbitrator's decision and award. Despite not appealing the PERB's decision any further, the MPD has failed to provide members with the compensation provided for in the award, forcing the Union to file a Petition for Enforcement of the Award with PERB. The DC Police Union has also filed a grievance for interest on this overdue award under Article 46. 2011: The DC Police Union filed a Class Grievance and prevailed in Arbitration and was upheld by the PERB Board. However, MPD appealed PERB’s decision, which is currently pending on appeal in DC Superior Court. 2012: The DC Police Union filed a Class Grievance and is awaiting a date for arbitration. 2013: The DC Police Union filed a Class Grievance and is awaiting a date for arbitration. 2014: The DC Police Union filed a Class Grievance and is awaiting a date for arbitration. Court Automated Notification System (CANS) CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1… that members attending court as the result of a subpoena issued by the Department via CANS at the request of a non-government attorney (for duty related testimony) will not be compensated in accordance with the Time and Attendance General Order 206.01. The Department’s failure to properly compensate members for court attendance relies on a General Order that was unilaterally imposed upon our members without bargaining as required by our Contract and District law. That bargaining demand is still pending and will be addressed in the future. The General Order improperly requires members ordered to court by the Department to accept a “witness fee check or voucher” if the CANS is from a nongovernment attorney. Remember that a CANS subpoena is the same as those issued by prosecutors mandating your attendance in court. The Department’s 3 attempt to make a distinction between the two is improper and designed as a cost saving measure at the expense of our members; particularly when the CANS are for off-duty court appearances. The Department is required to compensate members according to the contract and applicable to the law when its members are summonsed, subpoenaed or ordered to court by prosecutors using CANS, but the Department refuses to do the same when members are legally subpoenaed by non-government attorneys for duty related testimony. In the future if this occurs, or if you have been subjected to this practice, we encourage you to contact your Chief Steward and file a grievance. Office of Police Complaints (OPC) By Ucrania Paniagua-Santana, OPC Union Representative CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1… All DC police officers are subject to receiving complaints, and it is important for you to know your rights as a police officer. Please see the information below that can help you deal with complaints from OPC. 1. If you have been requested to respond to OPC: Notify a DC Police Union representative of the district, unit or division you are assigned to. If you cannot find anyone notify the Executive Steward Russell Mullins or myself at 202-548-8300 or 202-2768080. 2. If you receive a Report of Investigation Letter from OPC and do not agree with allegations that are being brought forth against you: You have approximately 15 business days to complete an appeal to the investigation. It is essential that if you want an appeal done bring it to the DC 1 2 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3… Police Union immediately and meet with me so that we can start your appeal. If you have any other questions about OPC please feel free to call me at my cell number 202-276-8080. Arbitration Updates 1) The DC Police Union has gone to arbitration concerning Union members with prior DC Government time, we are hoping to receive the decision within the next three months. Once we are notified we will notify the affected members. 2) The DC Police Union is currently working with FMCS and the MPD to schedule an arbitration date for the group grievance filed for the lateral officers, whose pension contributions were not properly ported over from their old law enforcement agency to the MPD’s retirement fund. Health Benefits Update • Effective November 1, 2014 your dental coverage changed. • If you had a HMO plan, you now have Dominion Dental HMO. If you have questions or have not received your cards, please call Member Services at 1-888-518-5338 or visit www.DominionDental.com/UHCDe ntal • If you had a PPO plan, you now have United Healthcare PPO. If you have questions or have not received your cards, please call Member Services at 1-877-816-3596 or visit www.MYUHCDental.com (National Options 20) CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 • Effective January 1, 2015 your vision plan changed. • You now have United Healthcare Vision. UHC does not issue cards for this plan. Simply let your provider know that you have United Healthcare vision and that it is a National Option PPO plan. You can also visit their website (www.MYUHCVision.com) to print a temporary card. If you need further assistance you can contact the union office, Monday – Friday, 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM.
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