2015 – 2016 Cheerleading Tryout Information and Permission Form All parts must be completed; incomplete forms will not be accepted. Name: ____________________________________ Current Grade: ______________ Address: ________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: __________________________________________________________ Home Phone: _______________________ Student cell phone: ____________________ Parent/Guardian Name: ____________________________________________________ Parent Cell Phone/s: _______________________________________________________ Parent Email Address: _____________________________________________________ Health Concerns: _________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Cheer/Dance Experience: (where/when) _______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ I, ______________________________ , the above named student, have read and understand the information in the 2015-2016 Paxon School for Advanced Studies Cheerleading Tryout Packet. Signature: _____________________________ Date: _________________ I, ______________________________,the parent /guardian of the above named child have read and understand the information in the 2015-2016 Paxon School for Advanced Studies Cheerleading Tryout Packet. I give permission for my student to participate in tryouts. I fully understand that the school and coaches will take every reasonable precaution to prevent accidents, but know that they will not be held responsible if any accident occurs. Signature: _____________________________ Date: ___________________ I give permission for my student’s name and telephone numbers to be published and distributed to the other squad members and their parents. Yes _______ No ________ Signature: ______________________________ Please sign and return this form. 2015-2016 CHEERLEADING TRY-OUTS Paxon SAS Gymnasium April 27 - 28 (Practice) 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm April 29, 2015 (Try-Outs) 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm APPLICATIONS DUE: April 25, 2015 *please include photo (headshot only) PHYSICAL FORMS DUE: April 25, 2015 * All forms must be completed by deadlines in order to participate in tryouts* Please contact Ms. Kuzniewski for more information at [email protected] April 18, 2015 We would like to thank you for showing a keen interest in becoming a member of the cheerleading team at Paxon School for Advanced Studies. Our cheerleading squad symbolizes a strong, vibrant and proud tradition of performance and academic excellence here at PSAS. As a Paxon cheerleader, you will learn what it means to be a part of something truly special; a member of a squad that is hardworking, dedicated, motivated and filled with school spirit. You will come to experience firsthand the respect and honor that accompanies the wearing of a Paxon cheerleading uniform. The spotlight will be on you as you proudly represent all that is admired about our school (i.e., confidence, character, class, self-esteem, etc.). With that said, please take this opportunity to read carefully, with your parent or guardian, the information enclosed in this letter. It spells out the responsibilities and level of commitment that is expected of you as a Paxon cheerleader. Cheerleading is, no doubt, an exciting and fun sport. It is exciting for the fans in the stands to watch, and fun for you (the cheerleader) to perform on the field. However, it is not a sport that is designed for everyone. The routines and stunts that we perform on the field take a lot of time and practice, and can be quite demanding. Your scheduled activities for the year may include after-school practice, school pep-rallies, fundraisers, football games, basketball games, and competitions. You will be expected to participate in each of these activities. Please keep this in mind as you discuss your options with your parent or guardian. As a final note, please understand that if you are selected to become a member of our team, and you are unable to fulfill your commitment throughout the year, it will likely have a profound impact on the entire squad. Therefore, please carefully consider your choice before signing up. Once selected, you will be expected to maintain a rigorous academic course load and fulfill your personal cheerleading financial obligations; to include outside commitments. There will be a MANDATORY Parent Meeting on Thursday, May 14, 2015 at 6 pm in the PSAS Auditorium for the 2015-2016 squad. The first of two payments will be due at this time for cheer camp. ($175-NO EXCEPTIONS!) We look forward to an exciting tryout clinic and wish each of you the best of luck! Danielle Kuzniewski Varsity Cheer Coach GENERAL REGULATIONS Purpose: To direct and lead the student body and other spectators at games, pep rallies and any other school events. Make a positive contribution to your school and community. Participation: Each cheerleader shall be present at EVERY scheduled event. Practices: There will be at least two practice days weekly (3:30 pm – 5:00 pm) Cheerleaders will dress appropriately for practice (shorts, t-shirt and tennis shoes) Transportation: Cheerleaders are responsible for providing their own transportation to all games. Parents must pick up their child by the designated time. Attire: Each cheerleader will purchase and maintain their own uniform. If you lose, damage or outgrow your uniform it will be your responsibility to purchase a new one. You must wear appropriate attire to every game and event to participate. Absences: All absences must be explained in writing. If you are absent from a game, practice or event due to an unacceptable excuse you will be penalized by sitting out the next scheduled game or event. Excessive absences will result in dismissal. Dismissal/Suspensions: *If you fail to maintain a 2.0 GPA *Unacceptable behavior or attitude toward any team member, Captain, school official or adult *Suspension from school or being sent to an alternative school *Excessive referrals There will be no refunds for dismissals. Signing below acknowledges you have read and understand the general regulations of being a cheerleader at Paxon SAS. Parent Signature: __________________________________ Cheerleader Signature: ______________________________ Verification of Health Insurance Coverage Requirements I (Parent/Guardian) understand the base health insurance coverage including sports related injuries is a requirement for participation in athletics and in the event an individual or family medical plan is not provided participation in athletics can be denied or revoked. Further, I understand that school sports participation insurance for students is provided for purchase by Duval County Schools in the event individual or family plan coverage is not currently in place. I Print (Parent/Guardian) verify that Print (Student Athlete) is covered by an individual or family medical health insurance plan including, but not limited to, sports related injuries for participation in interscholastic athletics sponsored, supervised and engaged in at Paxon School for Advanced Studies. Insurance Provider: Type of Coverage: Primary Subscriber: Group Name: Policy Number: (Parent/Guardian Signature) (Date) HIGH SCHOOL SPORTSMANSHIP CONTRACT Coaches are expected to: • Treat players, parents, opponents and officials with respect. • Teach and inspire players to love the game and compete fairly and in a sportsmanlike manner. • Demonstrate by example the type of person he/she wants the players to be. • Have control of his/her players and command discipline at all times. • Respect and abide by all FHSAA rule and regulations for his/her sport. • Realize that as the coach he/she is an educator and therefore understands the sport he/she is coaching and the proper behavior for that sport. • Monitor the student athlete’s grades (progress reports) and behavior to ensure that the student athlete’s academic performance is at an acceptable level not only for athletic participation but more importantly to meet the requirements for graduation. • Report any breech of conduct by their athletes to the appropriate school authority. Example: Fighting during an athletic contest. The student will be subject to the appropriate disciplinary measures according to the Duval County Code of Conduct as well as the school’s contract. Players are expected to: • Treat opponents with respect. • Adhere to all FHSAA rules and regulations in regard to sportsmanship and participation. I fully understand that if the school is fined by the Florida High School Athletic Association (FHSAA) because of my unsportsmanlike conduct, I must reimburse the school for the total amount of the fine. • Demonstrate self-control. • Respect and accept all official’s calls and decisions without gestures or arguments. • Win with dignity, lose without excuses. • Understand that the good of the team always comes first. • Show respect for your coaches, the opposition’s coaches, players and the officials. • Adhere to all school and team rules. • Understand that the Duval County Code of Conduct shall extend to cover all interscholastic athletic contests. • Conduct yourself at all times in a manner that represents character and sportsmanship traits that are acceptable in today’s society. Parents are expected to: • Be positive role models at athletic contests. Your son or daughter will be aware of your attitude and behavior. • Be supportive of the coach. The team is the coach’s responsibility, not the parents. • Not coach from the sidelines. • Communicate with the coach and create a positive supportive working relationship. • Realize that as the coach he/she is an educator and therefore understand the sport he/she is coaching and the proper behavior for that sport. • Remember the primary value of athletic participation is to provide our youth with an opportunity for selfdevelopment, physically, emotionally, and mentally. • Respect the judgment of the officials and refrain from openly criticizing each and every call the official makes. • Be aware that if a parent conference is desired with the coach that it is highly inappropriate to speak with the coach regarding this at the conclusion of an athletic event. Wait until the next day and call for an appointment with the coach. • Understand and respect the different roles of parents, coaches and officials. Parents should parent, coaches should coach, and officials should officiate and each should be treated with respect for what they do. Coach’s Signature Date Participants Signature Participants Name Please Print Date Parent/Guardian Signature Date:
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