PRASAR BHARATI DD News: Doordarshan Bhawan, Phase II, Copernicus Marg, New Delhi. Engagement of Casual Assistant Editors, Casual Reporters and Casual News Readers in Sanskrit DD News requires following personnel on Casual basis (not more than 7 days in a month): Sr. Designation/ No. Post No. 1. Casual Assistant 10 Editors Qualification/ Experience of Remuner ation Essential: Written test i) Post-Graduate in and Interview Sanskrit AND ii) Editorial work experience of at least 2 years or Diploma in translation from English to Sanskrit. Preference will be given to candidates who have(a). Diploma in Journalism/ Mass Communication. (b). Proficiency in Sanskrit typing. 2. Casual Reporters 10 i) ii) iii) Essential: Written test, Graduation in Sanskrit Screen test and Proficiency in Sanskrit Interview language. Pleasing personality with broadcast quality voice. Preference will be given to those (a) Degree/ diploma in Journalism/ Mass Communication (b) Proficiency in Sanskrit typing. 3. Casual Readers Mode Selection News 10 i) ii) iii) `1600/- per day `1600/- per day for those having experience of 3 years. `1250/per day for freshers. Essential: Written test, `1100/Graduation in Sanskrit Screen test and per day Proficiency in Sanskrit Interview language. Pleasing personality with broadcast quality voice. Preference will be given to those who have(a) Degree/ diploma in Journalism/ Mass Communication (b) Proficiency in Sanskrit typing. Candidates may apply in the prescribed application form given below to Assistant Director (HR), DD News, Room No. 416, Tower B, Doordarshan Bhawan, Copernicus Marg, New Delhi 110001. Applicants are required to paste latest color photograph and self-attested photocopy of educational qualifications, proof of Date of Birth and SC/ST/OBC category along with the application. Scanned copy of the application form will also be accepted and may be mailed at: [email protected]. While the format of application is same for all categories, individuals desirous of applying for more than one category may fill separate application forms w h i l e clearly mentioning the category applied for. Kindly clearly mention in bold letters on the envelope the post applied for. The form and details can be downloaded from DD News website Deadline for Submission of Forms:29-05-2015 Note: 1) No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates appearing for written test/ interview/ screen test. 2) Applications received incomplete or after due date would be summarily rejected. 3) Decision of Selection Committee will be final and no representation would be entertained. 4) The applicant may note that working on casual assignment basis for DD News will not confer any right for regularization of services in this Organization. The booking will be offered from time to time on the basis of requirement, and will not exceed 7 days in a calendar month. (Pushpavant) Assistant Director (HR) DD News, Delhi. APPLICATION FORM Casual Assistant Editors, Casual Reporters and Casual News Editors in Sanskrit 1. Category for which applied. 2. Name (IN BLOCK 2. (Surname) (First name) (Middle initial) LETTERS) 3. Father’s Name 4. Date of Birth 5. Place of Birth 6. Marital Status Married Unmarried 7. Gender Male Female 8. a) Nationality b) Are you a person who has migrated from Pakistan with the intention of permanently settling in India or subject of Nepal? Yes/No SC/ ST/ BC/ Others 9. Category Coloumn Speak Read Write Langu Unders 10. Languages Known. age tand No.2 Name Rate 1-Least to onwards 5-Fully Proficient may be filled in number on the basis of proficiency. 11. Email address 12. Contact Numbers Mobile: 1. 13. Contactable person’s name and Mobile: 2. 14. Calling Address Landline: Present Mailing : Permanent : If presently in job, please state Name and Address of organization and your Designation,: 15. Have you ever been convicted by a Court of Law? Is there any legal case filed against you in a Court of Law? If yes, provide details (attach extra sheets if required). 16. Educational Qualifications ( Please indicate CLEARLY in the appropriate column whether from Traditional or Modern stream) S. No . Qualification 1. Post Graduation PG Diploma 2. Graduation 3. Intermediate 4. Matriculation 5. 6. Other 16.Software skills 17. Awards Discipline/ Specializat ion University/ Year of College passing Percentage/Grade 18. Experience (May add sheet if required) Organization Designation Period Field of S. No. Work Experience Salary drawn Reason for leaving 1 2 3 19. Copies of Testimonials attached with the application (Please list them). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 20. References 1. (with Designation, telephone number/ E-mail id email id) 2. 21. Any other information you would like to provide 22) Please state Institutions/Professional bodies etc of Sanskrit with which you are associated:1) 2) 3) DECLARATION I hereby declare that all the information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge. Date and Place (Signature of the Candidate)
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