South Lakeland District Council Council 20 May 2015 Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2015 PORTFOLIO: Not applicable REPORT FROM: Debbie Storr – Director of Policy and Resources (Monitoring Officer) REPORT AUTHOR: Debbie Storr/Chris Woods - Democratic and Electoral Services Manager WARDS: Not applicable KEY DECISION NO: Not applicable 1.0 PURPOSE OF REPORT 1.1 The purpose of this report is to approve changes required to standing orders following implementation of the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2015 which came into force on 11 May 2015. 2.0 RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that (1) approval be given to the proposed amendments to the delegations to the Human Resources Committee/Sub-Committee, as set out in Appendix 2, to comply with the requirements of the Local Authorities (Standing Orders)(England)(Amendment) Regulations 2015, including the invitation for 2 Independent Persons in accordance with the arrangements as set out in this report; (2) the Officer Employment Procedure Rules be amended, as appended to this report at Appendix 1, to meet the new statutory changes detailed therein, with the Solicitor to the Council being confirmed as the Proper Officer for the purposes of those Rules, and (3) the Monitoring Officer be authorised to make all necessary changes to the Constitution. 3.0 BACKGROUND 3.1 The Council’s current Officer Employment Procedure Rules are as set out on pages 189 - 192 of the Council’s Constitution. These Rules apply to the recruitment and dismissal of various Chief Officers, in particular the 3 statutory officers of Head of Paid Service, Monitoring Officer and Chief Finance Officer. 3.2 Some of these functions are delegated to a sub-committee of the Human Resources (HR) Committee as set out on page 41 of the Constitution which confirms that a sub-committee drawn from 5 members of the HR Committee (to include at least 1 Cabinet member) has delegation to deal with the discharge of duties under Paragraph 4.4 of the Officer Employment Procedure Rules. 3.3 The Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2015, which came into force on 11 May 2015, introduced new arrangements for dealing with disciplinary cases involving a council’s 3 statutory officers – the Head of Paid Service, Monitoring Officer and Chief Finance Officer. The new Regulations require councils to amend their Standing Orders to have regard to these new arrangements. 3.4 Traditionally before one of these officers could be dismissed the Council had to appoint a designated independent person (DIP) to carry out an investigation into the circumstances. The Council could then only take disciplinary action in accordance with the DIP report and recommendation. 3.5 The new regulations seek to introduce a new streamlined procedure whilst attempting to retain some independent check within the system. They give the “independent person” appointed to support the members’ conduct framework a role in the disciplinary process for chief officers. 3.6 The Regulations introduce new mandatory Standing Orders which all councils will have to put into their Constitution to replace arrangements relating to the previous framework. The revised Standing Orders have been incorporated into the Employment Procedure Rules attached at Appendix 1 to this report for Members to confirm. 3.7 Only the Full Council can dismiss one of the 3 statutory officers (referred to as “relevant officer”). Previously (with the exception of the Head of Paid Service) the decision could have been delegated to a committee or to the Head of Paid Service. 3.8 Before considering such action the Council must set up a Panel (which shall be a committee of the council) for the purpose of advising the Council on the dismissal of relevant officers of the authority. It is proposed that these functions should sit with the Human Resources Committee, but that a smaller number of Members would be more appropriate for such a Panel, and that these additional functions are delegated to the 5 Member Sub-Committee of the Human Resources Committee (as under the existing rules). 3.9 Under the new arrangements for the Officer disciplinary process the Council must invite at least two Independent Persons (IPs) to be on the Panel. The IP must be invited but there is no obligation on any IP to take up the invitation, nor is there anything which would prevent the Panel sitting if the IPs did not attend. 3.10 IPs are to be invited in a particular order. First priority is to be given to an IP appointed by the Council who is also an elector in that Council’s area. If that proves insufficient numbers, or the invite is refused, the Council should invite any other IP it has appointed, and finally it can then approach IPs from other authorities. 3.11 The Council currently has one IP under its conduct framework. Mr Tweddle has been approached and has confirmed that he would look to take up any invitation to attend such Panel if required. A second IP would be required from another authority, and the Monitoring Officer is liaising with colleagues across Cumbria on this. It is proposed that Council endorse the invitation on behalf of the Council to the IP to be considered for appointment to the Human Resources Committee/Panel and duly appoint David Tweddle as co-opted member only for dealing with matters relating to the dismissal of relevant officers in accordance with the statutory procedure, and that further invitations be extended for another IP from neighbouring authorities in the area to sit on the Panel as required. 3.12 The Regulations allow for an allowance to be paid to any IPs appointed. Under the standards framework, an allowance of £250 per annum is paid to the IP. Under the current allowance scheme the IP would be entitled to the co-optees allowance (currently £36.16) per meeting which would be applied to any Panel meetings attended under these requirements. 3.13 Members are requested to note the new legislative requirements and agree proposals to take them forward. 4.0 RESEARCH AND CONSULTATION 4.1 Not applicable. 5.0 PROPOSAL 5.1 Appendix 1 sets out details of new legislation requiring changes to the Council’s standing Orders. The recommendations seek changes to the Human Resources Committee/Sub-Committee delegations (detailed in Appendix 2) to give effect to the requirements, and confirmation of the Solicitor to the Council as being the Proper Officer for the purposes of the Officer Employment Rules. 6.0 ALTERNATIVE OPTIONS 6.1 Changes are required to standing orders following implementation of the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2015 which came into force on 11 May 2015. 7.0 NEXT STEPS 7.1 Once approved, amendments will be made to the Constitution and the changes will take immediate effect. 8.0 IMPLICATIONS 8.1 Financial and Resources 8.1.1 There are no additional financial or resource implications at this stage. 8.2 Human Resources 8.2.1 Not applicable. 8.3 Legal 8.3.1 The report has regard to the relevant legislative and constitutional requirements. 8.4 Social, Economic and Environmental Impact 8.4.1 Has a sustainability impact assessment been carried out? No – this report deals with constitutional issues. 9.0 RISK ASSESSMENT Risk Consequence Controls required That the Constitution of Challenge to decision Ensure review and make the Council is not up to making process any necessary legislative date Failure to comply with changes relevant legislation 10.0 EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY 10.1 An equality and diversity impact assessment has not been carried out on this report but equality is considered as part of any of our procedures and will be considered as relevant at committees, etc. 11.0 LINKS TO THE COUNCIL PLAN AND PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 11.1 Not directly but the governance arrangements underpin the Council’s decision making processes. 12.0 CONCLUSION AND EXPECTED OUTCOMES 12.1 As set out in paragraph 3.3 above, this report seeks approval to introduce new arrangements for dealing with disciplinary cases involving the Council’s three statutory officers – the Head of Paid Service, Monitoring Officer and Chief Finance Officer. Appendix No. 1 Revised Officer Employment Procedure Rules 2 Revised delegation committee to Human Resources Committee/sub- CONTACT OFFICERS Debbie Storr, Director of [email protected] Policy and Resources (Monitoring Officer), BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS AVAILABLE Constitution Local Government and Housing Act 1989 and relevant Regulations Localism Act 2011 The Local Authorities (Standing Orders)(England)(Amendment) Regulations 2015 TRACKING Assistant Director Portfolio Holder Ward Member(s) Solicitor to SMT the Council N/A N/A N/A 15.4.15 23.4.15 Scrutiny Committee Executive (Cabinet) Committee Council Section Officer N/A N/A N/A 20.5.15 N/A Monitoring Officer Human Resources Manager Group Leaders author N/A 16.4.15 151
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