Denver Biofeedhuck Clinic, fnc. Patient Registration Name: Apt #: Street Address: Zip code: State: Cify: Social Securitv #: Home phone #: Cell phone #: (-- )- Date of Birth: Gender: Male Marital Status: Manied Single Employment status: Full time _ Domrnant Hand: Female Divorced # of Children: Full time with restrictions _ Part time R L Ages: Student Not working In case of emergency please notify: Address: Phone: Work irgury: Autornobile accident: Major Medical: If no: Name of insured: Are you the insured?: SS # of insured: If Major Medical: Group #: Date of ID#: iryury: lnsurance Claim #: Insurance company covering this clarm: Insurance adjuster: Phone #: t__J - Insurance address: Employer's name: Employer c ontacVsupervisor Fax: : (_-) - Have you changed employers since your irgury?: Name of referring physician: Fax: (.-) - Phvsician address: Diagnosis: Patient or Guardian sisnature reouired: I authorize Denver Biofeedback Clinic, Inc. to perform evaluation and treatment of myself as needed. I authorize the release of any medical or other information necessary to my physicians and insurance company to process this claim. I furthermare authorize payment of medical benefits to Denver Biofeedback Clinic, Inc. I realize that I am fully responsible for any payments not covered by my insurance except where prohibited by law. "I hereby acknowledge that I have received a copy ofthe Provider's Notice ofPrivacy Rights." Signed: Date: Denver Biofeedhack Clinic, fnc. Patient Registration Page 2 Describe your rvork and your title or position: If you have work restrictions, please describe them: Please describe how you were injured: Have you had any surgeries related to this iryury?: (dateldescription): Please date and describe any other major illnesses, accidents or surgeries that you have had: List all medications and dosages that you are currently taking: Do you have a history of Diabetes Seizures Briefly describe activities that are limited due to your current condition: What are your goals and expectations for biofeedback and this training. Thyroid dysfunction Denver Biofeedback Clinic, lnc. SYMPTOM CHEGKLIST Name: Date: PAIN SCALE: FROM 0 TO 10 - NO PAIN, 10 = SEVERE BLOOD PRESSURE _H|GH -HEADACHES 0 JAW- HEAD NECK- ARMHIP SHOULDER LEG BACK HAND FEET tN EARS _POUNDTNG HEART _R|NG|NG _coNSTIPATION _LOOSE BOWELSIDTARRHEA STRESS SCALE: FROM 0 TO 10 _uLcER/TNDTGESTTON NAUSEAA/OMITING WORK: _FATNTNESS/D\ZZTNESS HOME:_ _ARTHRIT|S -ALLERGIES TIGHT KNOT IN STOMACH _rrcHrNG/RASHES _EAS D I I LY AN N OYE D/t RRTTATED FFICULTY CONCENTRATI NG _OBSESSIVE SWEATY PALMS SHORTNESS OF BREATH COLD HANDS/FEET THTNK|NG ANGER DEPRESSION I NCREASED WORRYI NG/FEARFUL TH I N KI NG TENSE/NERVOUS JUDGEMENT DTSSATTSFACTTON _JOB -IMPAIRED -FEELING DIET: _POOR APPETTTE _LOWERED SELF-ESTEEM _ACC|DENT-PRONE _TENDENCY FOR ERRORS _oVER-EAT|NG SKIP MEALS...HOW OFTEN CAFFEINE...HOW OFTEN SUGAR...HOW OFTEN JAW PAIN: _JAW TENSTON _POPPtNG/CLtCKtNG HOW OFTEN DO YOU: USE ALCOHOL USE RECREATIONAL DRUGS AFTER EATING _PA|N -PAIN ON AWAKENTNG _cLENCH tNG/c Rt N D EXERCISE SMOKE I NG.. TMJ SPLINT JAW LOCKS: OPEN SLEEP: NUMBER OF HOURS PER NIGHT HOW LONG TO FALL ASLEEP SLEEP PoSlTloN: STOMACH _ BACK_ SIDE (RlcHT)_ (LEFT) _ IF YOU HAVE UNRESTFUL SLEEP, PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: What time do you get ready to go to bed at night?_ What time do you go to bed? Do you read or watch TV or work in your bed or bedroom? Do you wake up during the night? How many times? lf you wake up, do you know why? Explain Are you able to fall back to sleep?_ How long does it take to fall back to sleep? Do you feel rested in the morning? What time do you wake up in the morning? Do you fall back to sleep in the mornings? What time do you get out of bed? Do you take naps during the day? Do you drink coffee, caffeinated sodas, teas or eat chocolate? How often? Do you drink alcohol in the evening? When is the latest you will have caffeine? How often? .. DAY/N tc HT CLOSED vi ft rrl sr| q) €t E z= _f tl *J t{ € F E o c) O a, *:A -€) ('l Q)a ,n -4 dE tah rp et P3 --oo u2 - () Fr '.\ 1- -tr EFI =d tl: .s s F: \)E .\r F .-= .-= -d €a g thl b3 €-f (l).. (Jtl a 8A SE Trll lrA 9- --taE qas FU) ss o\) b€ En{ t- \) FI Q) H o. q)90 tt 6rE 9q)*{ }(\- == {O) --e t. P* b6 tl<u tL t\r t\ q) a 7c{t ,t2 fit= c)P L r Gl ('.)E {r) Ef, -c)E S ti '!l .Il Y - FY E . rFl c.J ) -r €|l A -r C) 9" t c) F +J il c) +) 6lt CJ .tl 13 lq F' o- o {rr €l 'l( a a a -*e)r -rr) D nnve, B iofeedhack C nnic, f ur. Phone 720-855-6680 Fax 303 -433- I 899 RELEASE OF PROTECTED HEALTH INFORMATION AI\T) VERBAL C OMMIJI\ICATIOI{S DISCLO SURE , hereby authorrze Denver Biofeedback Clinic, Inc. and its agents to release protected health information related to my evaluation and / or teatment to my insurance company and I or treating physician(s). I also authorize the rndividuals, professionals, and companies named below to communicate with and / or release information to Denver Biofeedback Clinic, Inc. This disclosure is for the purpose of _ Treatment, Payment, Operations, the release of Psychotherapy Notes, Other. If "the release ofPsychotherapy Notes or Other" is checked, regardless ofwhether additional purposes are also or _ checked, this form is a HIPAA compliant Authorization. As such, Denver Biofeedback Clinic, Inc. may not condition treatment, payment, enrollment in a health plan, or eligibility for he'alth plan benefits on your signing this Authorization. Also, if this is an authorization, the practitioner must provide you a copy. Insurance name: Address: Phone: _ Fax: Referring physician: Address: Phone: Fax: Attorney: Phone: Fax: Other: (Physical Therapists, Psychologists, etc.) *** Please give a phone number for each name listed. THIS DISCLOSURE is intended to cover any and all medical records including but not limited to, those regarding drug and alcohol abuse, psychological or psychiatric disorders, muscle injuries or disorders, nerve injuries or disorders, bone orjoint injuries and disorders, and brain injuries and disorders. Denver Biofeedback Clinic, Inc. and its agents, as well as others named above, are AUTHORIZED to verbally communicate with my insurance company and physician(s) and each other concerning the information contained in the medial records and regarding my treatment and evaluation. It is not necessary that I be present during any such conversations. This authorization does not include anyone other than my biofeedback therapist or their agents, and those named above. I certiff that this request is made voluntarily and that the information given above is accurate to the best of my knowledge. This, authorization will expire I year after the date of signature below. I may revoke this authorization with written notice, except to the extent that the practitioner or Denver Biofeedback Clinic, Inc. has taken action. You may treat a photocopy or fax of this signed authorization as a duly executed original for all purposes. DATED thrs Signature of Patient Signature of Therapist day 2oo-. of ---, Location: Denver Biofeedback Clinic, Inc. 2100 West Littleton Blvd. Suite 245 Littleton, CO 80120 720-855-6680 phone 303-433-1899 fax [email protected] Directions: From the North, take I-25 South to Santa Fe. Go south on Santa Fe to Alamo and turn left onto Alamo (turning into old town Littleton), follow Alamo a few blocks over the railroad tracks and take the first right onto Bemis. Park on Bemis or in the back of the building. From the South, take I-25 to C470 and exit at Santa Fe. Follow Santa Fe North to Alamo and turn right (turning into old town Littleton), follow Alamo a few blocks over the railroad tracks and take the first right onto Bemis. Park on Bemis or in the back of the building.
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