Republic of the Philippines department of Cir otation Region VII, Central Visayas SCHOOLS DIVISION OF BOHOL City of Tagbilaran May 28, 2015 DIVISION MEMORANDUM No. 2Oq s. 2015 REITERATION ON THE DISPOSAL OF TEXTBOOKS WTH TEACHER'S MANUALS & OTHER INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS IN RELATION TO THE IMLEMENTATION OF BRIGADA ESKWELA 2015 TO: DIVISION SUPERVISORS/DIVISION COORDINATORS DISTRICT SUPERVISORS/COORDINATING PRINCIPALS ELEMENTARY & SECONDARY PRINCIPALS/SCHOOL HEADS ALL OTHERS CONCERNED 4. Attached please find DepED Order No. 14, s. 2012 and Regional Memorandum No. 294, s. 2015 re: Reiteration On the Disposal of Textbooks with Teacher's Manual and other Instructional Materials in relation to the Implementation of Brigada Eskwela 2015 for the information and guidance of all concerned. 5. All Public Schools District Supervisors and School Heads are enjoined to support this undertaking. 6. Immediate dissemination and compliance of this Memorandum is desired. D. BONGALOS, Ph.D., CESO VI wLFREDA School Divi ;ipn Superintendent }b^fp[*r SGOD/dvd REPUBLEKA NG PILBPINAS . REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES KAGAWARAN NG EDUKASYON DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION REHIYON VII, GITNANG VISAYAS region vn, CENTRALVISAYAS A ^^ ^| ^^ ^Mf t'nilk^l I/V 1IJC1/ TmtmTrSSSm Sudlon, Lahug, Cebu City MAY 2 0 2015 REGIONAL MEMORANDUM No. 9 9 4 s. 2015 REITERATION OF DEPED ORDER NO. 14, S. 2012, PARTICULARLY ON THE DISPOSAL OF TEXBOOKS WITH TEACHER'S MANUALS AND OTHER INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS IN RELATION TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF BRIGADA ESKWELA 2015 To: Schools Division/City Superintendents Officer-in-Charge of Regular Divisions 1. For the information and guidance of all concerned, attached is a Memorandum from Usec. Mario A. Deriquito, Undersecretary, Partnerships and External Linkages entitled, "Reiteration of DepEd Order No. 14, s. 2012, Particularly on the Disposal of Textbooks with Teacher's Manuals and Other Instructional Materials in Relation to the Implementation of Brigada Eskwela 2015", which is self-explanatory. 2. For details, please refer t o the attached DepEd Memorandum/Order and Enclosure. 3. For compliance. y julietA. jeruta / Di/ector III ^ Off icf er-in-Charge Office ofythe Regional Director JAJ/ICJ clmd '15 oowNin/t tiED Regional Dir ector'sOf ice: Tel. nos.: (032) 231-1433; 231-1309; Telefax 414-7399; 414-7325; Asst Regional Dir f ect or's Of ice Telefax: (032) 255-4542; f Field Ef fectiveness Division: (032) 414-7324; Curr iculum Lear ning Mater ials Division(032) 414-7323; QualityAssurance andAccountability Division: (032) 231-1071; Resource Mobilization and Special Pr ograms andProjects Division: (032) 254-7062; Training and Development Division: (032) 255-5239 loc. 112; Planning, Policy andResearch Division: (032) 233-9030; 414-7065; Administrative Division: (032) 414-7326; 255-1313; 414-7366 414-4367; Budgetand Finance Division: (032) 256-2375; 253-8061; 414-7321 Website: " J(l2C15:3Caftapeaaat t^ a&at>3baaaagutaaa^ a6at" ^@2015 21:42 6337217 PROPERTY PAGE 01 jKf e Department of Education @M Region VII, Central Visayas RJEPUBLJKA NG PIUPINAS REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES KAGAWARAN NG EDUKASYON RD2015-687S 18-May-15 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION DepED Complex, Mer alco Ave., Pasig city Tanggapan ng Pangalawang Kalthim Office ofthe UndHrsecf ittary Par tnerships and External Linkages For : From : Dir ect Line : {+632)633-7207 Fax : (+63,2)637-4211 Website : All Regional Directors Schools division/ City Superintendents Heads, Public Elementary and Secondary Schools All Others Concerned MARIO A.^DER^6urr6 Undersecr etary^ Par tnerships and External Linkages Subject: Reiteration of DepEd Order No. 14, S. 2012, Part icularly on the Disposal Of Textbooks with Teacher's Manuals and Other Instructional Materials in Relation t o the Implementation of Br igade Eskwela 2015 Date : May 15. 2015 As the Depar tment of Education (DepEd) conducts this year's Brigada Eskwela also known as the National Schools Maintenance Week from May 18 to 23, please be reminded of the DepEd Order No. 14, S. 2012, particularly on the disposal of textbooks with teacher's manuals and other instructional materials, as part of making our schools clean and conducive for learning. For more inf ormation, all concerned may contact Ms. Maritess Ablay, Chief Administration Officer, Asset Management Division, DepEd Centr al Off ice with telephone number (02) 636 3602 / 635 0551. Immediate dissemination of and str ict compliance with this is hereby desired. Thank you. filV'l \ ..V2015 21:42 6337217 PROPERTY PAGE 02 tepnbltt of tf)e ^p^tlijjpities f department of GEfeucatian DepEd ORDER ' * 1 @ No. 14 , a. 2012 POLICY AND GUIDBUSES ON THE PROPER DISTRIBUTION, CARE, RECORDING, RETRIEVAL AND DISPOSAL OF TEXTBOOKS (TXs) WITH THE TEACHER'S MANUALS {TMS) AND OTHER INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS (IMs) To: Regional Directors Schools Division/City Super intendents Heads, Public Elementary and Secondary Schools All Others Concerned 1. This DepEd Order provides the Policy and Guidelines on the Proper Distribution, Care, Recording, Retr ieval and Disposal of Textbooks (TXs) with the Teacher's Manuals {TMs) and Other Instructional Mater ials (IMs) in order to improve access to them, maximize their use, and minimize or eliminate damages and/or losses. It also provides guidelines on the proper recording and disposal of damaged and condemned TXs with the TMs and other IMs. 2. These guidelines include reiteration of relevant provisions in DepEd Order No. 25, s. 2003 entitled "Resolving Losses of Textbooks" and DECS Order No. 23, s. 2001 entitled "Loss ofTextbooks by Students." 3. The pr incipals/school heads (SHs) shall ensure that TXs with the TMs and other IMs, which are government property are properly used, cared for, safeguarded from natural and human elements and recorded. 4. The TXs with the TMs are provided to students and teachers f ree and are intended to be used for at least f ive (5} years. Therefore, it is the responsibilit y of every learner, teacher, nd SH to exert all ef forts to protect the TXs with the TMs and other IMs f rom damage or loss to prolong their life span. 5. All concerned DepEd of icials are enjoined to str f ictly implement and adhere to the enclosed guidelines and procedures. Hence, any inf raction of these guidelines shall be dealt with administratively. 6. : I I; \ j @ For more information, all concerned may contact: Ms. Socorxo A. Pilor Executive Director Instructional Materials Council Secretar iat (IMCS), 5/F Mabini Bldg., DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City Mobile Phone Nos.: 0927-793-7331; 0928-696-0132 Telefax Nos.: (02) 634-0901; (02) 631-3690; (02) 631-4985 E-Mail Addresses: [email protected]: [email protected]. 7. Immediate dissemination of and str ict compliance^th this Order is directed. Secr etary # A m DcpSd Complex, MetElco Avenue, Pasig City 1600 O* 633-7208/6337228/632-1361 ^V 636-4376/G37-6209 @ r-: :!ti [ j I V2015 21:42 633m/ ,y End.: As stated References: DepEd Order Nos.: (25, s. 2003 and 23,'s. 2001) To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects: MANUALS POLICY *w**mw- rvnvo @ rl._..*_. i on19. ^2015 21:42 6337217 PROPERTY PAGE 04 (Enclosure to DepEd Order No. 14, s. 3012) Policy and Guidelines on the Proper Distribution, Care, Recording, iccmcvai nq ^mjtosui of Textbooks {TXs) with the Teacher's (TMs) and Other Materials (tMts) The following policy and guidelines are issued: a) Textbook Issuance and Distr ibution within .the School ? Textbooks (TXs) and teacher's manuals (TMs) are Government Properties and must each be assigned a property code number as indicated in DepEd Order No. 26, s. 2007, Submission of Consolidated Inventory Report of Property, Plant, and Equipment (PPE). Textbooks and Desks/Armchairs at DepEd Central Ofice or at ? At the start of the school year, the school supply officer/designated property custodian shall be responsible f or issuing the TXs and TMs to classroom tcachers/advisers, who shall likewise issue the same to each student. ? The Schools Division Superintendents and School Heads should ensur e that teachers accept TXs and TMs issued to them by the school supply off icer/designated property custodian for the use of the pupils. The teacher-advisers who are apprehensive to accept the TXs and TMs due to penalties of losses and accountability, shall be dealt with administratively. ? The supply Officer/designated property custodian shall stamp mark the name of the school at the front and back cover, title page, and anywhere in the body ofthe TX/TM. ? TXs and TMs issued to each teacher & student shall bear the proper ty code number, where, the TXs/TMs identify with the user. The supply officers/designated property custodians shall maintain a record/logbook of TXs/TMs issued to each user. The teacher-adviser may facilitate the recording by having each student sign in the record/logbook against the designated property code number for which they were assigned a textbook. ? Teachers are encouraged to read to the students "Take Care ofthe Book" found in the Inside Front Cover ofhigh school TXs and Inside Back Cover ofelementary TXs. This shall minimize damage on TXs due to improper handling and usage. b) Textbook Inventory in the Classroom ? Teachers shall require the students to f ill out the "Book Record Form" found in the inside Front Cover ofthe TXs. Each teacher-adviser must keep a current inventory of the TXs in his/her classroom. It is suggested that students are randomly checked before leaving the classroom or af ter every class session. ? School supply off icers/designated property custodians are encouraged to conduct an inventory on TXs at least af ter every grading period or at the end of a semester. Teacher-advisers can facilitate the preparation of an inventory through the submission of an inventory report to the Supply Off icer/ designated Property Custodian af ter every grading per iod or at the end ofthe semester. c) Textbook Retr ievaland Loss ? The formula for the computation of loss TXs can be found in DepEd Order 25, s. 2003. The supply officer/designated property custodian must prepare a "Matrix of Computation for TX Losses" in order to standardize the collection. Below is a sample ofthe comDutation matrix usios the following formula: Amount t o be paid = acquisition cost - depreciation amount, where The depreciation amount is equal to the acquisition cost divided by 5 (the estimated useful life oftheTXs and TMs) multiplied by the number ofyears the lostTX orTM kuka kann twmatt ^2015 21:42 6337217 PAGE 05 PROPERTY Enc.osur* D*U Order ^-^JZ^ZZZZIZ*^* Mater ials EnglishExpresswaysGradeI(Zone1) AmounttobePaid Teacher'sManuals(Pbp29.74) NumberofYearsir iUse Textbooks(Php35.98) 23.792 28.784 1 17.844 21.588 2 11.896 14.392 3 5.948 7.196 4 0.00 0.00 5 0.00 0.00 Beyond5Years the closing ofclasses so losses can be kept 10 a minimum; ? Lost and unreturned TXs must be reported immediately to the supply of icer/designated property custodian so the school can collect the appropriate cost f prior to the closing ofthe school year and not before or during the opening ofclasses. ? In lieu ofa notarized Affidavit of Loss, a letter from the student signed by the parent or guardian and endorsed by the teacher-adviser to the Property Custodian/Supply Off icer (for losses due to force majeure) or a letter by the Teacher-Adviser noted by the School Head (for losses due to transfer or dropping out of students) may be submitted by the teacher as a supporting document for his/her application for Relief from Accountability. ? The school should initiate an investigation for repor ted losses to determine the need to adjust TX requests and allocation for the following school year. ? To ensure a 1:1 textbook to pupil ratio (TxPR) every school year, the supply off icer/designated property custodian may request from the buffer stock of the Division, Region, or Centr al Off ice for replacements pr ior to or during the opening of classes. ? The school's goal is to keep losses ofeach textbook title at 1% or less. To ensure the achievement of this goal, the principal/school head should closely monitor retrieval procedures and involve the whole school and community in reminding the students to return TXs before the end ofthe school year. ? The schools may provide incentives to encourage the return of textbooks before the end ofthe school year. d) Textbook Disposal ? The supply off icer/designated proper ty custodian should identify obsolete, damaged, or worn out TXs/TMs and submit the inventory to the Division Off ice, copy fiirnished the Instructional Materials Council Secretariat (IMCS). ? The principal/school head should ensure that all TXs/TMs for condemnation/disposal are no longer in the inventory list. ? The Division Off ice in coordination with the Disposal Commit tee shall notify the schools on the disposal dates. ? The following measures are recommended to facilitate TX disposal: i. Condemn old TXs/TMs procured by the Central Of fice or other fund sources (LGUs, SEF, Local School Board, etc.) that have been replaced orwill be replaced by the following Universal Titles. This includes TXs/TMs in the following subject ar eas: @ Sibika I to 3 / @"W "*<vsw ""WP*": j/2015 21:42 6337217 Enclosure to DepEd Order no. __, @ **\ PROPERTY V;r^1 PAGE 06 a other lnstmctional MatertaB English for Grades 1 to t> Mathematics f or Grades 3,4, & 5 Araling Panlipunan ! & H Mathematics I to IV (2009 Revised Edition) Music & Ars 1, 111. & *v ^J... 9. UpoWK \ &. IV @ Science 3 to 6 @ Mathematics 1,2, & 6 @ Filipino 1 to 6' @ AralingPanJipunanin&iV @ Filipino I to IV @ Music & Arts II m following inur es n y be r^nmm^t *e Disposal Commt e: @** """"@ __ _.,__ !.@@ moiKmii nmorams. etc. tMtir ejWHJP- @'""IjjJ'
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