Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Region VII, Central Visayas DIVISION OF BOHOL City of Tagbilaran April 27, 2015 DIVISION MEMORANDUM No. 17f . 8. 2014 SEMEO QITEP IN MATHEMATICS To: All Education Supervisors/Subject Area Coordinators Public Schools District Supervisors and Coordinating Principals Public Elementary and Secondary School Heads 1. Enclosed is Regional Memorandum No. 222, s. 2015 dated April 23, 2015 re SEMEO QITEP IN MATHEMATICS. 2. For more details, refer to at tached communication. 3. For immediate and widest dissemination. WILFREDA D. B6N(&AL0S, Ph.D., CESO VI Schools Division Superintendent y c- ^ REPUBLIKA NG PILIPBVAS REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES KAGAWARAN NG EDUKASYON DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION REHIYON VH, GFTNANG VISAYAS REGION VH, CENTRAL VISAYAS Sudlon, Lahug, Cebu City APR 1 3 2015 REGIONAL MEMORANDUM No. 12 , s. 2015 SEAMEO QITEP IN MATHEMATICS To: Schools Division/City Super intendents Heads, Public Elementary and Secondary Schools All Others Concerned 1. For the information and guidance of all concerned, enclosed is a DepEd Unnumbered Memorandum f rom the Office of the Undersecretary for Regional Operations dated March 27,2015 entitled "SEAMEO QITEP in Mathematics". 2. For details, refer to the attached communication. 3. Immediate dissemination ofthis Memorandum is desired. JULIET A. JERUTA Director III Of icer-In-Charge f ESSD JAJ/WY/nam4115 ^ K Regional Dir ector's Of ice: Tel. nos.: (032) 231-1433; 231-1309; Teie&x 414-7399; 414-7325; AssL Regional Director's Of f ice Telefax: (032) 255-4542; f Field Eff ectiveness Division: (032) 414-7324; Curr iculum LearningMater ials Division (032) 414-7323; QualityAssurance andAccountability Division: (032) 231-1071; Resource Mobilization and Special Programs andProjects Division: (032) 254-7062; Tr aining and Development Division: (032) 2SS-S239 loc. 112; Planning, Policy and Research Division: (032) 233-9030; 414-7065; Administrative Division: (032) 414-7326; 255-1313; 414-7366414-4367; Budget and Finance Division: (032) 256-2375; 253-8061; 414-7321 Website: " @30.2O1S: Xwtapatan op ofud.s $unanaqutana# a&at" ;//(JSf;\ Department of Education %?"~"J! Region VII, Central Visayas ^'">-ii~ imiinninniiiiimiur ninninnur nmimi RD2015-6363 08-Apr-15 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Office of the Undersecretary for regional operations MEMORANDUM Scholarship No. 17, s. 2015 TO : Regional Directors Schools Division Superintendents Heads of Public Elementary and Secondary Schools SUBJECT : SEAMEO QITEP in Mathematics DATE : 27 March 2015 The SEAMEO QITEP in Mathematics announces its offering of the regional training programs for member countries for FY 2015. Course Title: Joyful Learning in Mathematics Education Course Schedule: 19 May-1 June, 2015 Participant: Junior Secondary School Mathematics Teachers Number of Participants: 1 Deadline of Application: Apr il 15,2015 /Course Title: Southeast Asia Realistic Mathematics Education (SEA-RME) Course Schedule: 4-17 August 2015 Part icipant Primary School Mathematics Teachers Number of Participants: 1 Deadline of Applicat ion: May 29,2015 /Course Title: Developing Lesson Study in Mathematics Education Course Schedule: 16-29 October 2015 Part icipant: Primary School Mathemat ics Teachers Number of Part icipants: 1 Deadline of Applicat ion: August 31,2015 Course Title: Utilization and Development of IT-Based Mathematics Learning Course Schedule: 3-16 November 2015 Part icipant Senior Secondary School Mathemat ics Teachers Number of Part icipants: 1 Deadline of Applicat ion: August 31,2015 The programs aim to enhance competencies of part icipants in developing and creating joyful learning environment in mathemat ics educat ion, developing and creating RME model which is applicable in their respect ive country, developing lesson study in mathemat ics educat ion and learning using the developed IT-Based learning materials. DEPED COMPLEX, MERALCO AVENUE, PASIG CITY 1600 I [email protected] DIRECT LINE 633 72 03 | FAX 631 84 92 | WWW.DEPED.GOV.PH DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Office of the Undersecretary for Regional Operations MEMORANDUM Each region is requested to send one (1) nominee for each of the course noting the criteria for selection of the participants (see Annex A). Please note the need for English language certification from the head of office. The application forms and other instructions are attached to this memorandum or may be accessed from For further inquiries and clarifications, you may call (62) 274889987/(02) 6337237/6388638 or email via [email protected] or [email protected]. AH DepEd applicants should be endorsed by their respective heads of division and region. Immediate dissemination of and appropr iate action for this Memorandum is desired. JESU&ML MATEO Assistant Secretary OIC, Office of the Undersecretary for Regional Operations SEAMEO QITEP/Regional Training/dagar/3-27-15 DepEd complex, meralco avenue, pasig city 1600 | [email protected] direct line 633 72 03 | fax 631 84 92 |'h DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Office of the Undersecretary for Regional Operations MEMORANDUM Sponsor ing SEAMEOQITEPinMath Group Scholarship JoyfulLearninginMathematicsEducation RealisticMathematicsEducation Program DevelopingLessonStudyinMathematicsEducation UtilizationandDevelopmentofIT-BasedMathematicsLearning Target Participants PrimaryandSecondarySchool MathematicsTeachers Numberof Nominees One(1)per regionfor| eachofthe course Dateofthe Program 19May-1June,2015 4-17August2015 16-29October2015 3-16November2015 Website/Contact Numbers DonorCountry Onorbefore April 15, Deadlineof Submissionof Nominees Endorsement (62)274889987or (02)6337237/6388638 Internationalround-tripairfares, DepEd accommodation,andmeals Counterpart DEPED COMPLEX, MERALCO AVENUE. PASIG CITY 1600 | [email protected] DIRECT LINE 633 72 03 | FAX 631 84 92 | WWW.DEPED.GOV.PH 2015/May29, 2015/August 31,2015 Division and Regional Heads Salaryand benefitsof thenominee forthe durationof thetraining DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OFFICE OF THE UNDERSECRETARY FOR REGIONAL OPERATIONS MEMORANDUM ANNEX A A. QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS 1. Philippine Government a. Candidate must have rendered at least three (3) years of service; b. Must hold a permanent appointment; c. Must have a college degree related to the f ield of study [or has sufficiently demonstrated ability and experience along the f ield of study;] d. Must have obtained at least a very satisfactory performance rating for two consecutive periods preceding the nomination e. Must not have a pending application for scholarship under another program; and f. Must have rendered the service obligation required under Executive Order 367 for scholarship recently concluded B. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE 1. DepEd will provide the salary of the nominee for the duration of the award 2. Donor Organization C. DOCUMENTARY REQUIREMENTS (DEPED) 1. Supporting documents to be submitted prior to screening and evaluation: a. A letter of nomination addressed to the Chairman of DepEd Scholarship Committee signed by the Regional Director or his/her duly author ized official b. Updated Personal Data Sheet/Resume with list of in-service training and seminars attended (Spell out acronyms of organizer/s and topic/s or subject/s of the training. Certif icates of training NEED NOT be submitted) c. Certif ied copy of statement of actual duties and responsibilities d. Copy of passport 2. Other documentary requirements to be submitted if accepted: a. b. c. d. Certified copy of service record Photocopy of Diploma (Baccalaureate/graduate) Photocopy of Transcript of Records (Baccalaurete/graduate) Certif ication that the nominee has no pending scholarship nomination to other program e. Certif ication that the nominee has no pending administrative and/or criminal case f. Certif ication from the school/division that the nominee has no financial and office accountabilities g. Scholarship Contract DEPED COMPLEX. MERALCO AVENUE. PASIG CITY 1600.| [email protected] DIRECT LINE 633 72 03 | FAX 631 84 92 | WWW.DEPED.GOV.PH DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OFFICE OF THE UNDERSECRETARY FOR REGIONAL OPERATIONS MEMORANDUM D. PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS (SEAMEO QITEP in Math) a. Prof icient in English b. Proficient in computer c. Must be in excellent health condition (a medical certif icate accomplished by a government physician certifying that the participant is medically f it for a 4-week programme is to be attached to the course application form) d. Should not be more than 50 years of age e. Should not be an expectant mother (for female participant) f. Course requirements can be found in the attached general information regarding the course DEPED COMPLEX. MERALCO AVENUE. 1'ASIG CITY 1600 | [email protected] DIRECT LINE 633 72 03 | FAX 631 84 92 | WWW.DEPED.GOV.PH
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