Owl Class (Year 6) Term 5 - Summer 13.04.15

Year 5 Term 5/6 planning: Ancient Greece
Wonderful World
(History, Geography, MFL)
History - Ancient Greece
Children will research different aspects of life in
Ancient Greece: sports, culture, theatre,
important people and prominent events. They will
look into lifestyle, family and education, including
the differences between male and female roles
(are they still applicable today?) Following this,
they will research famous believers and thinkers,
leaders and fighters, before ending the term by
looking into historical events.
French - In French children will begin to
understand and use longer and more complex
sentences and phrases. Children will be learning
phases to use when out and about shopping in
preparation for their forth-coming residential.
Express Yourself
(Art, Music, Drama, Dance)
Music – Aladdin
This term the children will be learning the songs
ready for Owl class’ production of Aladdin. The
children will learn to sing in harmonies and
rehearse backing vocals for a variety of songs for
the production. Children will also have the chance
to rehearse in role for the production, once auditions have taken place!
Art - Pottery
Alongside exploring Greek history, we will
research Greek art work and pottery. Inspired by
this, children will design and make their own 2D
and 3D pots using clay. Linking to this, we will
research modern artists who sculpt with clay.
Miss Louise Pimm
Owl Class (Year 6)
Term 5 - Summer
13.04.15 - 22.05.15
Understanding and challenges
Children will continue to work with a
variety of programs and tools to develop
their programming skills; they will be able
to explain and program each of the steps
in their algorithm. The children will use
different inputs to control an onscreen
action and predict what will happen.
Children will be able to recognise errors
in a program and link errors to a problem
in the algorithm on which it is based.
Health and Wellbeing
RE - Does belief in Akhirah (life after death)
help Muslims lead good lives?
Children will look at ways in which Muslims try to
lead good lives and how their belief in Akhirah
influences this. They will find out who Muhammad
was and the importance on the Qur’an to the
Muslim faith.
PSHE / SEAL—Healthy bodies, healthy minds
In this unit children will explore managing risk and
building resilience as well making choices and
decisions around drugs and work/life balance.
PE—striking and fielding games
Children will continue to apply the skills they have
been learning to a variety of games such as Kwik
Cricket and rounders. Children will continue to
develop their agility, balance and coordination.
Investigate, Design & Make
(Science, DT)
Science - Inheritance and Evolution
After our introduction to this topic on our trip to
Bristol Zoo last term, children will be exploring
the ideas of adaptation, inheritance and evolution.
Children will have the opportunity to discuss
fossils as evidence of life millions of years ago and
study the life of Mary Anning. They will compare
offspring with parents for both plants and animals,
seeing how they have adapted to habitats. We will
touch upon Darwin’s theory as well as Wallace and
Mendel’s contributions to our understanding of
Year 5 Term 5/6 planning: Ancient Greece
Wonderful World
(History, Geography, MFL)
History - Ancient Greece
Children will continue their exciting learning about
Ancient Greece, now focusing on sport; the origins
of the Olympic Games and theatre. They will
explore how these have developed into the
spectacle that they are today. They will research
famous artists and athletes by gaining an
understanding of what was important during
Ancient Greek life.
In French children will be able to put their French
learning to good use when we go on our residential
to France. Children will visit a French market, ask
for their spending money in French and also speak
French at breakfast times!
Express Yourself
(Art, Music, Drama, Dance)
Music – Aladdin
Following on from term 5, children will continue to
learn and practice songs from the end of term
production of Aladdin. They will begin to think further about performance skills and presenting to an
Drama - Aladdin
There will be lots of opportunity throughout this
term to develop our drama skills in preparation for
the production. Children will learn how to project
their voices, remain in character even when they
are not the main focus of the scene, use props to
tell the story and work in small groups to create
scenes that flow smoothly from one to the next.
Miss Louise Pimm
Owl Class (Year 6)
Term 6 - Summer
03.06.15 - 22.07.15
Understanding and
Handling Data
Children will have the opportunity to plan
the process needed to investigate the
world around them. They will collect data
based on their learning about websites
and the routes taken for information to
reach their own devices.
Technology in our lives
Children will learn about how the internet
works, and how data is sent. Children will
then then conduct a data collection survey, where they investigate the origins of
websites they use.
Health and Wellbeing
RE - Does belief in Akhirah (life after death)
help Muslims lead good lives?
In the second part of this unit children will be
learning to challenge stereotyping through
understanding different Muslim interpretations of
Jhid and how this links to getting to Heaven.
PSHE / SEAL—Ready, Steady, Go!
This unit explores transition to secondary school,
focussing on the associated thoughts and feelings
that accompany change.
PE—striking and fielding games
Children will continue to apply the skills they have
been learning to a variety of games such as Kwik
Cricket, pavilion cricket and rounders. We even
have chance to play against other schools!
Investigate, Design & Make
(Science, DT)
Science - Circuits
In science children will be learning more about
circuits. After revision of simple circuits, children
will then get lots of hands on experience with
symbols, diagrams and incomplete circuits. They
will partake in two enquiries about the length of
wire in a circuit and the use of cells. Throughout
the unit we will compare series and parallel
circuits as well as facing many challenges!
DT - Cookery
In DT this term we will be cooking. After
exploring healthy and balanced diets in PSHE last
term, children will looking at Ancient Greek diets
compared to today as well as making and cooking a
Year 5 Term 5/6 planning: Ancient Greece
Fox Class (Year 5)
Miss Louise Pimm
Terms 5 and 6 - Summer 2015
During terms 5 and 6 children will continue to grow as writers, learning
new skills and techniques, as well as ‘tricks of the trade’ for genres of
writing. Children will be expected to begin to utilise a range of
advanced punctuation, whilst experimenting with sentence structure
and new ideas.
We will be starting the term with properties of shape and measures.
We will reason about special triangles and quadrilaterals and recognise
right-angles, equilateral, isosceles and scale triangles. We will also be
able to calculate missing angles in a triangle . We will continue to use a
protractor to measure angles and understand and the formula to use
to find the area of a shape and its perimeter. We will continue to use
all four operations with whole numbers and decimal numbers and make
effective choices about which calculation method to use, based on the
numbers involved. Children will have opportunity to draw and interpret
line graphs and ask and answer a range of questions about the data.
We will also be:
Using and interpreting co-ordinates in all four quadrants
Representing a problem using calculations, symbols, formulae and
Working out averages and probability
Solving multi-step problems word problems involving money and
Collecting, processing, presenting and interpreting data to solve
Searching for solutions by trying out a range of ideas and
justifying their reasons.
Using long division and multiplication to work out a number of
word problems.
All the learning in numeracy will be flexible to meet the needs of the
children. Therefore we may spend longer on some areas of numeracy
than others so that the children have a very secure understanding.
Children will also be spending time completing SATs papers and
learning from them so that they are fully prepared for the SATs that
they will undertake in May.
Alongside our topic of ‘Ancient Greeks’, children will explore a range of
Greek myths, such as ‘Pandora’s Box’. They will use these ideas to
influence their own writing - producing their own mythological story.
Children will be building on their previous knowledge of poetry, using
similes, metaphors and personification. They will be exposed to more
poetry, looking at classic narrative poems - themes, style, language and
rhythm .
In term 6, we will study non-chronological reports, with a focus on
current technologies. After looking at layout choices, technical
vocabulary and use of diagrams, children will create their own nonchronological report for an iPad.
We will finish the year by taking a look at persuasive language, with a
focus on addressing the reader. After researching pros and cons,
children will explore balanced arguments. They will produce a
convincing holiday brochure to try and captivate their reader.
We will continue to unpick and compare both prose and poetry in
guided reading sessions. Children will be exposed to a wide variety of
poetry and different genres of books; comparing and contrasting
language, style and themes.
Please continue to spend time practising spellings with your child. The
aim is for children to be applying spellings and learnt spelling rules in
their independent work - not just in testing!