NEVADA DEPARTMENT OF WILDLIFE FISHERIES DIVISION FIELD TRIP REPORT DATE(S): 19 and 20 March, 2015 LOCATION(S): Lake Jacqueline, Desert Shores Lake Association, Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada PURPOSE(S): Investigate reported fish die-off and associated water quality PERSONNEL: Kevin Guadalupe PREPARED BY: Kevin Guadalupe, Endemic Fish and Amphibian Biologist INTRODUCTION On the morning of 19 March representatives from Desert Shores Community Association (DSCA) inquired about potential causes associated with fish die-offs at Lake Jacqueline. Lake Jacqueline is an approximately 39 surface-acre north-south running elongate privately owned lake in northeast Las Vegas maintained by the DSCA, providing aesthetic and recreational opportunities for residents. It was reported that no incident to this extent has occurred prior in Lake Jacqueline. Warmwater fish species typically favor 8-10 ppm of dissolved oxygen, and sustain life adequately at levels greater than or equal to 6 ppm. Levels below 6 ppm are typically stressful and undesirable to most warmwater fish species. The DSCA contacted the Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) for assistance in assessing temperature, dissolved oxygen, and general lake and fishery condition at Lake Jacqueline. METHODS and MATERIALS Water temperature and milligrams per Liter (mg/L) of dissolved oxygen was measured at three locations using a YSI 55 handheld meter with a 20 foot cable. The sensor probe membrane was replaced and calibrated to 2,400 feet elevation onsite prior to data collection. Conductivity (µs), pH, total dissolved solids (TDS) in parts per thousand (ppt) was measured at surface locations using a handheld Oakton Test-r 35 multi-parameter meter. Visual observations were made to inventory species occurrence, and to document the extent and distribution of expired fishes. On 19 March, measurements were taken at the Desert Shores Lakes Association marina dock, the southeast corner of Lake Jacqueline (South Dock), and from a kayak in the middle of the southeast bay (Table 1). A handheld Garmin etrex 20 recorded locations of all data measurement locations (Figure 1). Measurements were recorded from 1511hours to 1633 hours in the afternoon towards the peak photosynthetic period at surface levels, mid-depths, and at the bottom relative to the depth of the survey area. On 20 March measurements were recorded at the South Dock and Marina Dock from 0630 hours to 0700 hours at surface, mid-depth, and at the bottom. RESULTS On 19 March highly saturated dissolved oxygen (>10.00 ppm) levels were measured at the Marina Dock and South Dock (Figure 2 and 3). Temperatures ranged from 58.28°F to 60.44°F during surveys times. Favorable oxygen and temperature measurements were measured at the surface and mid-level measurements from a kayak in the southeast corner of the lake. A low dissolved oxygen measurement was recorded at 8.45 feet towards the bottom, ranging from 1.372.27 mg/l of DO. There were seven species of game fish and ornamental fish species observed expired within Lake Jacqueline (Table 3). Introduced pet trade red ear slider turtles were also observed, but appeared in general good health. Floating expired fish were not observed on the north side of Breakwater Drive Road Bridge near a bubbling aerator. General appearance of expired fishes was healthy without obvious signs of external parasites, or unhealthy looking body length to weight measurements. The majority of expired fish were observed in the south side of Lake Jacqueline in the 16.89 surface acres south of Breakwater Drive Road Bridge. Temperatures and dissolved oxygen levels did not significantly differ (p >0.05) between DO measured in the afternoon of 19 March and morning of 20 March. A drastic fluctuation in diel (24 hour) temperature and DO was not detected at the sample locations between photosynthetic peak in the afternoon of 19 March and the morning of 20 March. TABLE1. Water parameter measurements recorded on a handheld YSI 55 oxygen temperature probe at Lake Jacqueline, Desert Shores, Las Vegas NV on 19-20 March, 2015. Location Marina Dock Marina Dock Marina Dock South Dock From Kayak From Kayak From Kayak South Dock South Dock Marina dock Marina dock Marina dock Date Time Depth from surface (ft) 3/19/2015 1511 0 15.7 60.26 106.5 10.11 3/19/2015 1513 2.5 14.9 58.82 96 10.13 3/19/2015 1520 5.2 14.9 58.82 89.7 9.06 3/19/2015 3/19/2015 3/19/2015 3/19/2015 3/20/2015 3/20/2015 3/20/2015 3/20/2015 3/20/2015 1612 1632 1628 1633 0630 0632 0656 0704 0707 0 0 4 8.45 0 2 0 2.5 5.2 15.8 15.5 14.7 14.6 14.1 14.1 13.8 13.8 13.8 60.44 59.9 58.46 58.28 57.38 57.38 56.84 56.84 56.84 103.43 109.3 82 20.1 98.5 82.8 93.3 90.2 76.1 10.28 10.9 8.55 2.27 10.16 8.56 10.17 9.78 7.84 Temp (°C) Temp (°F) % Oxygen Saturation DO (mg/L) TABLE 2. Water parameter measurements recorded on a handheld Oakton Testr 35 multiparameter probe. Location Marina Dock South Dock Marina dock Date pH Conductivity (µs) TDS (ppt) 3/19/2015 3/20/2015 3/20/2015 8.7 8.8 8.81 1960 1952 1951 1.4 1.39 1.38 TABLE 3. Encountered fish species at Lake Jacqueline, Desert Shores, Las Vegas NV on March 19-20, 2015. Common name Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp *Grass Carp Koi (decorative carp) Largemouth Bass Genus species sub species Pomoxis nigromaculatus Lepomis macrochirus Ictalurus punctatus Cyprinus carpio Ctenopharyngodon idella Cyprinus carpio Micropterus salmoides haematopterus FIGURE 1. Map of water quality measurement locations at Lake Jacqueline, Desert Shores, Las Vegas, NV on 19-20 March, 2015. 0 Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) 4 6 8 2 10 12 0 Depth (ft) 2 4 6 8 10 Marina Dock South Dock From Kayak FIGURE 2. Dissolved oxygen level measurements taken at Marina Dock, South Dock, and from a kayak at Lake Jacqueline on 19 March, 2015 using a handheld YSI 55 meter. 50 55 Temperature (°F) 60 65 0 Depth (ft) 2 4 6 8 10 Marina Dock South Dock From Kayak FIGURE 3. Water temperature level measurements taken at Marina Dock, South Dock, and from a kayak at Lake Jacqueline on March 19, 2015 on a handheld YSI 55 meter. DISCUSSION A possible scenario for the cause of the fish kill at Lake Jacqueline is that it was a result of lake turnover that occurs in warm eutrophic (nutrient rich) lakes. Typically, excess nutrients and decomposing layers of a lake stay locked beneath due to thermal stratification. During the spring-mixing period, oxygen and carbon dioxide levels can reach equilibrium with the atmosphere, increasing the likelihood of lake turnover and mixing (Goldman and Horne 1994). Eventually the difference in temperature and density between the overlying water and the beneath is so slight that the slightest wind can mix the stratified layers, mixing the anoxic, potentially toxic decomposing, carbon dioxide producing, and lethal nutrient rich levels with the surface water. Decomposing leaf litter accumulated over winter months and organic materials including dead fish can increase the biological oxygen demand (BOD) on a lake from these lower aphotic (lightless) zones. Fish that are unable to find refuge during the time of mixing can perish over long enough exposure. After such an event, the sediments of a eutrophic lake may take several weeks of mixing before their oxygen debt is fully balanced and carbon dioxide levels return to normal. As temperatures in the Las Vegas Valley increase, lake levels will again start to stratify. Lake Jacqueline temperature was measured as nearly uniform through the water column on 19 and 20 March, ranging from 56.84° F to 60.44 °F. Night time ambient air lows ranged from 56 to 65 °F in the Las Vegas valley during the week of 14 March through 21 March (Table4, Figure 5). This problem is compounded at night time hours when natural oxygen producing processes (photosynthesis) drop to zero. Although oxygen is an indicator of lake health, it is one variable among many others contributing to a lake’s ecosystem. An anoxic zone potentially lethal to fish was detected when sampling 1.33 mg/L to 2.27 mg/L of dissolved oxygen at 8.4 feet below the surface at the South Side of Lake Jacqueline. However, low oxygen levels alone are probably not enough to kill fishes of different species both tolerant (carp) and moderately tolerant to low dissolved oxygen levels (largemouth bass) within the lake at such drastic levels. Experiments with the critical low oxygen shock level with bluegill, largemouth bass, and catfish found that these species can survive 24 hours in dissolved oxygen levels as low as 0.75, 0.92., and 0.95 mg/L for 24 hours when exposed in a shock test at 25 °C [77°F] (Moss and Scott 1961). Excess nutrients in a lake bottom can be just as harmful as those that come from the surrounding watershed. Fertilizer runoff can also increase oxygen consumptive processes and increase biological oxygen demand. It is unlikely a fish parasite or disease rapidly killed this many fish since it affected fish of different species in a singular event. In general and based on general, visual observations, the fish collected were in healthy state of length and body mass ratio. Fish examined for general appearance and health looked healthy and did not have visible external parasites (hook worms, trematodes, etc), gill lesions, or bacterial infections as in warmer months. The possible scenario and causes presented are hypothetical and based on basic limnological functions. Additional monitoring is needed to gain substantiated empirical evidence to know exactly why fish perspired in such large quantities at Lake Jacqueline. TABLE 4. Temperature measured in the Las Vegas Valley for the week of 15 March, 2015 through 21 March, 2015. Data was accessed through the website on 23 March, 2015. 2015 Mar 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 high 83 84 84 78 80 81 85 Temp. (°F) avg 71 72 73 72 71 68 71 low 58 60 61 65 62 55 56 high 13 15 17 18 21 13 23 Wind (mph) avg 6 7 8 8 8 7 11 high 18 19 22 24 28 15 29 FIGURE 5. Weekly weather history graph from 15 March, 2015 through 21 March, 2015. Graphs were accessed through the website on 23 March, 2015. RECOMMENDATIONS In most situations, DO greater than 6 mg/L (or ppm) can support self sustaining populations of recreational sport fish. Varieties of options are commercially available to regulate, mix, and enhance the common problems facing artificial lakes in desert climates. Many of these products are available by purchase through such companies as Pentair Aquatic Eco-Systems: Creating artificial oxygen rich refuges during nighttime hours could potentially decrease the impact of lake events. In addition, monitoring equipment like those produced by Onset can monitor seasonal and diel oxygen and temperature fluctuations for aquatic lake management purposes. It is recommended that the DSCA work with a private company specializing in pond and lake management/consulting to develop appropriate measures to prevent future fish die-offs. LITERATURE CITED D. D. Moss & D. C. Scott (1961) Dissolved-Oxygen Requirements of Three Species of Fish, Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 90:4, 377- 393, DOI:10.1577/1548-8659(1961)90[377:DROTSO]2.0.CO;2 Goldman, Charles R., and Horne J., Alexander. 1994. Limnology. McGraw-Hill, Inc, New York.
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