2 0 0 1 MMV ANNUAL REPORT Medicines for Malaria Venture is a not-for-profit foundation dedicated to reducing the burden of malaria in disease endemic countries by discovering, developing and delivering new affordable anti-malarials through effective public-private partnerships. CONTENTS 1 Joint Statement by the Chair of the Board p 2 p 6 and the Chief Executive 2 The Maturation of Medicines for Malaria within the Global Context 3 Building MMV’s Portfolio for Future Expansion p 8 4 Drug Discovery and p 16 Drug Development Projects 5 The Organisation p 34 6 Financial Information p 38 Our vision is a world in which affordable drugs will help eliminate the devastating effects of malaria and help protect the children, pregnant women, and vulnerable workers of developing countries from this terrible disease. 1 JOINT STATEMENT BY THE CHAIR OF THE BOARD AND THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE In our report last year we focused anti-malarial medicines. We also on the burden of malaria on the recognise that even where relevant lives of people living in developing commercial R&D occurs, for example countries and on MMV’s vision: for the modestly sized travellers’ a world in which affordable drugs market, little from its output will help eliminate this scourge and eventually goes to the poor in protect children, pregnant women, endemic countries. The reality is and vulnerable migrant workers. that both the R&D value-chain and Integral to this vision is the under- subsequent so-called “access” issues standing that success in combating a can be very complex and intimidating. disease as complex and multi-faceted It would be as foolish to pretend as malaria requires many coordinated that the problem has been fully public health interventions, in addition addressed through public-private to safe and effective drugs. partnerships, as it is to point a finger of blame at any one sector. We are also well aware of the history of over-promise and under-delivery These caveats notwithstanding, what associated with some malaria control can be said even after only a short programmes in the past. Bearing period of MMV’s existence, is that this history in mind, we are neither the central partnership concept that tempted to promise more than is sustains MMV’s operations does work the spider against malaria. possible nor to overstate our better than most expected. Our Often applied as a plaster, achievements. What then have been experience is that we have success- the achievements in MMV’s first fully configured the rather imprecise full year of operation? though widely accepted wisdom, “In Western England up until well into the 19th century many people continued to believe in the curative powers of the spiders were also sometimes ingested alive in a pat of butter of the benefits of public-private or submerged in a spoonful of English treacle.” We have always been passionate partnerships into a specific template advocates of public-private partner- that actually functions to significantly ships as a strategy to counter the stimulate leading edge drug R&D. lack of commercial R&D for new This achievement is very clear from 4 the scientific section of this report. it against a detailed business plan programmes from developing and size, decrease the percentage spent Critical to this achievement is the and completed the first part of the particularly from malaria endemic on Geneva-based operations and at fact that we have real pharmaceutical plan successfully, we are now focusing countries. the same time increase our operational partners – several are at the top of on fine-tuning and scaling-up the the big Pharma R&D productivity operation. This will involve in the first Our newly established “International with the close involvement and rankings. They are real net contribu- instance a major updating of the Operations” office in Delhi will thus counsel from our donors, stakeholders tors to the complex set of human business plan, which is targeted for focus on engaging the science base and professional advisors. skills and technological resources completion in Q3/4 2002. and the industry of these countries that need to be marshalled for state 5 reserves. All of this has been possible – but only where these resources Fundraising is always part of the of the art pharmaceutical R&D to Many enterprises falter at this already exist and can contribute landscape of not-for-profit organisa- be possible. The size of the anti- crucial “mezzanine” stage of their to our vision without the need for tions like MMV. We believe that for malarial portfolio we now manage development. Early success can lead priming investments. It is in this the process to be effective – and it is the largest assembled since the to overconfidence with a subsequent context that we recently signed a will have to be for us to reach the Second World War. It is also the first overcommitment of human and Memorandum of Understanding targets outlined in our business plan ever specifically targeted at the poor financial resources that cannot with the Indian Council for Scientific – it will require the participation not living in the approximately ninety in the end be sustained. We will be and Industrial Research (CSIR), only of MMV management but of all disease endemic countries. MMV’s very careful not to do this. one of the world’s largest R&D stakeholders and donors. contractual relationships with our Nevertheless, it is clear that we organisations with a long history pharmaceutical and academic must now begin to scale-up in order of interest in malaria R&D. We In concluding our statement last partners are structured as creative to achieve the critical mass and are also particularly delighted that year we made the point that our win-win agreements. Although each portfolio size that will allow us to Dr. R A Mashelkar FRS, the Director primary goal during the next several is unique, MMV always gets free and deliver our target of registering one General of CSIR, has agreed to join years was to create an organisation unfettered access to the key research new anti-malarial drug every five MMV’s Board of Directors. capable of delivering MMV’s vision in outputs, including rights to intellectual years. Scaling-up for us involves not property within our field of interest. only a desire to increase the quantity Finally, scaling-up also involves goal has not changed but in reviewing and quality of the R&D we support; an increased focus over the next the detail of this report we feel that What is particularly pleasing in we hope over the next several years several years on efficient financial the goal is not only achievable but reporting these achievements is that to approximately double the size management and on effective well on track. they are beginning to be widely of our portfolio and to apply tried fundraising. As is clear from the recognised. Even erstwhile critics of and tested portfolio management financial section of this report, we the partnership concept who imag- techniques to it. It also implies some have in 2001 both managed to ined that there were irreconcilable qualitative changes including a increase our R&D spend and portfolio differences between our public-health broadening of the malaria indications remit and the needs of our pharma- we hope to target. Additionally our ceutical partners are largely current portfolio, perhaps not conceding that we must be doing surprisingly, originates mainly from something right. Indeed many are developed countries where relevant now seeking to work with us or R&D is largely focused and where Dame Bridget Ogilvie Dr. Christopher Hentschel to replicate the template we have most of our partners are located. We Chair Chief Executive Officer developed for other neglected now hope, without compromise to Medicines for Malaria Venture Medicines for Malaria Venture diseases. Having established the quality, to broaden the provenance template, committed to executing and scope of this R&D to include Dame Bridget Ogilvie a sustainable manner. That strategic Dr. Christopher Hentschel 6 “ Malaria research outlays are perhaps $ 100 million, or $2.20 per DALY (disability-adjusted life years). Thus, the malaria R& D per DALY is around one-twentieth of the global average. It is notable and disturbing that the premier public-private partnership for developing new malaria drugs, the Medicines for Malaria Venture ( MMV ), currently disburses less than $ 10 million per year in funding, and is so limited in funding that it currently aims for only $30 million per year by 2004.” ( p.79, “ The Macroeconomic Report on Health” , WHO, 2002 ). 2 THE MATURATION OF MEDICINES FOR MALARIA WITHIN THE GLOBAL CONTEXT Malaria : The Ignored Killer The year 2001 ended with global community to support health inter- attention becoming increasingly ventions, including R&D that targets receptive to the problem of neglected the very poor. The Commission diseases in developing countries argues: “With globalization on trial and culminated in the creation of the as never before, the world must Geneva-based Global Fund to fight succeed in achieving its solemn AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. The commitments to reduce poverty and concept for such a fund was initially improve health. The resources raised at the G8 Summit in Okinawa – human, scientific, and financial – in 2000. It was then endorsed at the exist to succeed, but must now be UN General Assembly Special mobilized. As the world embarks on Session on HIV/AIDS in June 2001 a heightened struggle against the and again at the G8 Summit in evils of terrorism, it is all the more Genoa in July 2001. important that the world simultaneously commit itself to sustaining 2001 also saw the relationship millions of lives through peaceful between global health and economic means as well, using the best of ever developed, was late to be growth highlighted in the report of modern science and technology and accepted because it was long the Commission on Macroeconomics the enormous wealth of the rich considered too toxic. It finally and Health entitled “Macroeconomics countries. This would be an effort became recognised as an effective and Health: Investing in Health that would inspire and unite peoples treatment when it was adopted as for Economic Development”. The all over the world”. “Chloroquine, one of the most effective synthetic anti-malarials a standard anti-malarial for report, authored by a group of the United States Army.” eminent economists headed by Harvard’s Professor Jeffrey Sachs, provides detailed analysis and economic arguments as to why it is in the interest of the global 8 3 BUILDING MMV’S PORTFOLIO FOR FUTURE EXPANSION In last year’s annual report, MMV’s This consolidation has taken Robert Ridley first, the scientific section focused several aspects: Chief Scientific Officer on the medical need for anti-malarial • The formal review by MMV’s Solomon Nwaka drugs, the scientific opportunity that Expert Scientific Advisory Scientific Officer (Drug Discovery) exists for these needs to be met, and Committee of the three projects Lise Riopel the portfolio building process that already operational Scientific Officer (Clinical Development) was under way at MMV to deliver on • The establishment of agreed its mission. At that time, three pro- project plans for the newly jects had been initiated and could be selected projects described in detail, all of them dis- “It has been suggested that officers to provide project many of them at the developmental management support to MMV stage, had been selected for funding, projects • The initiation of a third round these projects into the portfolio of project selection, to be represents a major advance in the completed by early 2003, and level of MMV’s scientific operations the identification of potential and its chances of future success. new projects for consideration in that process. Oliver Cromwell, who died of malaria in 1658, could have been saved The past year has essentially been one of portfolio consolidation, rather The progress within the project tree however none of his physicians than growth and further project portfolio itself is illustrated next page. dared prescribe it. The bark from the selection. MMV has had to work by the powder from the cinchona hard to put in place both personnel Some remarkable advances within and procedures to manage what individual projects occurred in 2001 is already perhaps the largest – particularly noteworthy are : time were suspicious of this anti-malarial drug development The University of Nebraska/Monash “popish powder” and considered it portfolio ever assembled by one University/ Swiss Tropical Institute/ organisation. Roche Synthetic Peroxide project Peruvian cinchona tree had been introduced to Europe by the Jesuits and therefore most English at that to be part of a larger plot to spread Catholicism.” Scientific Officer (Non-clinical Development) • The hiring of three scientific covery projects. Eight other projects, but were not operational. Combining David Ubben (see page 17) 10 Exploratory Projects Discovery lead identification Discovery lead optimisation Dihydrofolate Reductase Lactate Dehydrogenase Inhibition Cysteine Proteinase Inhibition Transition Phase 0 (preclinical) Early Stage Dev- Mid Stage elopment Development Late Stage Development Synthetic peroxide Dihydrofolate Dehydrogenase Heme Polymerisation Fatty acid Biosynthesis Inhibition Protein Farnesyl Transferase Inhibition product, or a single agent related The pre-clinical data currently being to the artemisinins, either as a obtained in the MMV projects, for semi-synthetic, or fully synthetic, example in reproductive toxicology, compound. This class of agents has and the subsequent good clinical received tremendous scientific practice associated with MMV clinical Semi-synthetic peroxide Chlorproguanil / Dapsone / Artesunate Combination interest and validation over the last regulatory studies, will also greatly Improved Quinoline Pyronaridine / Artesunate Combination decade and the science was ripe assist in this process. Improved antifolate combination for further exploitation. Increased use of artemisinin derivatives to Although the artemisinin related treat malaria, often in poorly projects have been highlighted this financed healthcare systems, has year, it should be stressed that MMV led to an increased and urgent need is significantly invested in other to better understand and characterise approaches including entirely novel these drugs. In particular it is molecular targets and we envisage important to more fully define their that these will start to play a larger The GSK/University of Liverpool/ safety profile. Improved pharma- role in our portfolio focus in the compounds with enhanced longer WHO project on the chlorproguanil covigilance with currently used coming years. lasting activity than artemisinin – dapsone – artesunate combination therapies will help address this issue. derivatives. These compounds could has proceeded very well with deliver improved drugs with shorter pre-clinical safety studies almost treatment times than those required complete (see page 32) for the artemisinin derivatives • Assuming there are no untoward Intravenous artemisinin Projects initiated and under contract Projects initiated, some funds disbursed and close to contract Projects under contractual discussion • The design and identification of toxicity results this product should There has been a quantum increase page is taken. Moving in a clockwise patent application, with ownership also enter Phase I clinical trials in our level of understanding of direction around the figure, MMV’s and rights to all anti-malarial in 2003. malaria biology in recent years. This projects cover many of the areas is the result of increased investment highlighted in the figure: • The submission of MMV’s first applications residing with MMV. A further patent application is The Korea SP Pharm Inc./WHO from many national and regional likely within the year. project on the pyronaridine – scientific research agencies and Projects on cytosolic drug targets artesunate combination (see page 30) research foundations, such as US include : Antifolate inhibition, • Rapid advancement into pre-clinical National Institutes of Health, including inhibitors of dihydrofolate Wellcome Trust, Burroughs-Wellcome reductase Fund, and the European Union. • Chlorproguanil-dapsone-artesunate The Bayer Project on Artemisone, a semi-synthetic artemisinin derivative with improved efficacy and reduced studies, especially toxicology • The establishment of appropriate neurotoxicity characteristics com- outsourced activities in both Evidence of this is perhaps best development project with GSK: pared to the artemisinin derivatives South Korea and elsewhere illustrated by the revolution in malaria chlorproguanil inhibits dihydrofolate genomics – the completed genome reductase; dapsone inhibits a folate toxicity results this product should will be published later in 2002. pathway enzyme called dihy- has been initiated within three also enter Phase I studies by An excellent overview of the current dropteroate synthase (see page 32) months of project selection early 2003. status of malaria research activities (see page 27) • A full scale pre-clinical programme • Assuming there are no untoward can be found in the recent Nature • Phase I clinical studies are envisaged 11 Scientific Opportunities for New Chemotherapeutic Approaches th • Dihydrofolate reductase inhibition exploratory project with the in 2003 if all goes well with It is perhaps no accident that all the Insight (Nature, February 7 , 2002 National Science and Technology toxicological assessment. highlighted projects this year involve issue) which was co-sponsored by Development Agency, Thailand an artemisinin derivative combination MMV and from which the figure next (see page 25). 12 Cytosol Lysosomal food vacuole Drugs Antifolates New targets Glycolysis (e.g. lactate dehydrogenase) Nucleotide biosynthesis Drugs Quinolines interact with haem/haemozoin Peroxides oxidoreductively generate free radicals • • • • Projects on apicoplast metabolism drug discovery and development are New targets include : Inhibition of Type 2 Fatty many-fold. They include the extensive • Plasmepsin aspartic proteases • Falcipain cysteine protease Acid Biosynthesis rise of drug resistance to many of the • Enoyl-acyl-carrier protein reductase commonly used anti-malarial drugs, inhibition discovery project with safety issues associated with some Texas A & M University, Howard drugs and difficulty in ensuring • Hughes Medical Institute and Jacobus compliance for drugs that have a • • Pharmaceuticals (see page 19). more complicated dosage regimen. • Parasite plasma membrane New targets Glusose transport Nutrient uptake Na+/H+ antiport Apicoplast Mitochondrion Drugs Antibiotics inhibiting protein translation (e.g. tetracycline and doxycycline) New targets Plastid DNA replication and transcription Type 2 fatty acid biosynthesis Non-mevalonate isoprenyl biosynthesis (link to protein prenylation) Drugs Atovasquone inhibition of cyt c reductase New targets • • • • • In addition, the cost of certain drugs Inhibition of protein isoprenylation greatly risks their inclusion in • Protein farnesyltransferase national policies, especially in inhibition discovery project with Sub-Saharan Africa. The safety issues University of Washington and are of particular significance given Yale University (see page 22). the poor infrastructure of many • (Dihydroorotate healthcare systems in which malaria dehydrogenase) As stressed in last year’s report, the is endemic and the resultant lack medical needs driving anti-malarial of supervision of drug use. This is of Sites of drug action and new drug targets Diagram of P. falciparum trophozoite residing in erythrocyte. Major organelles associated with drug targets are highlighted, drawing attention both to sites of current anti-malarial drug Drug Main limitations • Chloroquine • Quinine • Amodiaquine • Mefloquine • Halofantrine • Resistance • Compliance, safety, resistance • Safety, resistance • Artemisinins • Compliance, (safety), (GMP), (cost) action and new targets that are under investigation (taken from Ridley (2000) “Medical need, scientific opportunity and the drive for anti-malarial drugs”, Nature 415, 686-693 and reproduced with permission from Nature). Glycolysis inhibition Isoquine is an analogue of chloro- • Lactate dehydrogenase inhibition quine which interferes with discovery project with GSK, University of Bristol and London heaemozoin formation (see page 31) • Cysteine proteinase inhibition School of Hygiene and Tropical discovery project with GSK and Medicine (see page 20). University of California, (arthemether, arteether, artesunate) (safety), resistance, (cost) • Safety, resistance, cost Overview of current anti-malarials Drugs currently in use as anti-malarials have many attributes, but also contain certain liabilities that could be improved • Sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine • Resistance • Atovasquone-proguanil • Resistance potential, cost • Lumefantrine-artemether • (compliance), resistance potential, (cost) upon by further drug discovery and development. San Francisco (see page 23). Projects relating to the lysosomal food vacuole include all the Projects on mitochondrion related particular concern for the two most Uncomplicated malaria, where the artemisinin projects already metabolism include: “at risk” groups of patients, namely main issues relate to: mentioned including the synthetic Interference in nucleotide very young children and pregnant • Overcoming drug resistance peroxides. In addition they include: biosynthesis women (see figure above). • Ensuring a drug dosing regimen Interference with hemoglobin • Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase degradation and haemozoin exploratory project with University It is helpful to divide malaria into formation of Leeds (see page 26). several major sub-indications and to • Isoquine development project with 13 that encourages good compliance GSK and University of Liverpool. • Low cost. acknowledge that a different set of Complicated or severe malaria issues exists for each of these. where the main issues relate to: 14 • Appropriate, stable formulations MMV is making every effort to there is a danger of generating last resort and may be inappropriately (intramuscular, intravenous or address the issues of safety in resistance to the few remaining used under poor supervision. The intra-rectal) pregnancy early on in development. drugs. dilemma posed by this “balance“ • Rapidly acting drugs to bring This is especially important as the can be reduced significantly if new current drug of choice for intermittent Thus today, it may be inappropriate drugs are developed that are config- treatment in pregnancy is sulfadoxine- to make certain drugs too easily ured for easy and safe use and with Plasmodium vivax malaria, for pyrimethamine against which there is available in an environment where dosing regimens that ensure good which drugs are needed that are substantial resistance development. the drugs are effectively drugs of compliance. active against both the blood and There is an urgent need to address liver stages of the disease, and the current lack of effective where the main issues relate to: treatments for this indication. about rapid recovery from coma. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment • Overcoming drug resistance for the blood stage of the disease The MMV portfolio is already quite • Superiority in safety to the only comprehensive. However, it should drug currently available to treat be stressed that many projects are the liver stage of the disease, reaching the most risky stages of primaquine. the drug R&D process. That is, they Goal: Equity, reduce morbidity and mortality toxicological evaluation and an main issues relate to: assessment of their ability to generate • Safety, especially a defined lack of useable drug formulations. Several Goal: Reduce delay resistance Broad access to anti-malarials Restrictive access to drugs Emphasis on community and household management Emphasis on regulation and control of drug use Requires high sensibility are about to engage in extensive Malaria in pregnancy where the Reduce evolution of drug resistance Requires high specificity Malaria control any foetal toxicity • A profile that facilitates intermittent may not survive the rigorous tests ahead and we calculate that we still treatment during pregnancy to need to double our project portfolio prevent women from contracting to deliver on our mission to generate serious disease. one new anti-malarial every five years. A balance has to be struck by malaria control programmes in locations where health infrastructure is weak and a great amount of self-purchase and treatment of malaria occurs. On the one hand there is a desire to encourage wide distribution of drugs for ease of access. On the other there is a desire to ensure drugs are used only when needed and that they are used appropriately to avoid the generation of drug resistance. The more options there are for malaria treatment, the less acute this dilemma becomes and one can promote For many of the sub-indications Nevertheless, progress to date has mentioned above, it is very difficult been far better than we could have to define how appropriate projects predicted. With luck we hope that are until they have progressed this portfolio could indeed change far into the drug discovery process, the face of anti-malarial drug use in or even have entered pre-clinical the coming decades. widespread use without fear that this will result in no malaria treatment being available downstream. or clinical development. It is 15 therefore not easy at the moment The figure on the following page, to state the specific relevance of kindly provided by Tom Sukwa of our projects for these indications. WHO/AFRO, illustrates the issues However, as more and more facing those charged with malaria projects are subjected to rigorous control. On the one hand there is an toxicological evaluation, urgent need to make drugs widely their potential will become more available to ensure ease of access to apparent. treatment. However, if this is done 16 4 DRUG DISCOVERY AND DRUG DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS DISCOVERY PROJECT 1 Synthetic Peroxide Project description provided by Prof. Jonathan L. Vennerstrom The objective of this project is inexpensive, has high oral activity, to identify an orally active low cost and is devoid of neurotoxicity. anti-malarial synthetic peroxide more potent than any of the currently At the outset of the project, available semisynthetic artemisinins we began with peroxides that had with a treatment regimen of no more excellent intrinsic potency against than three days to ensure good P. falciparum. Thus, our emphasis compliance. has been on identification of peroxides with a combination of “An old South Indian remedy for malarial fever was to embrace a bald-headed Brahmin widow at dawn, The suitability of the compounds high oral activity in the P. berghei- for non-oral formulations and their infected malaria mouse model and potential for prophylactic use will a good pharmacokinetic/metabolic be important secondary, but not profile. Throughout this process, essential, criteria. Our aim is to we have explored structure activity generate sufficient data by 2003 relationship (SAR) in sufficient to allow for selection of a compound detail to provide strong patent to enter development. protection. Many synthetic anti-malarial There have been a number of key peroxides have been prepared, but results and achievements to report most suffer from low oral activity, in 2001: a defect shared in part by the semi- • Several key synthetic peroxidic imagining that one would thus transfer the disease to her.” synthetic artemisinins. Therefore, intermediates were prepared on a need exists to identify a new a 100 mmol scale and subjected peroxide anti-malarial agent, espe- to further transformations that cially one that is easily synthesised, are to obtain target compounds 18 difficult or, in some cases, impossi- and intravenous pharmacokinetic DISCOVERY PROJECT 2 ble to obtain directly by our studies in rats. Anti-malarial drug development focused on inhibition of Plasmodium standard peroxide-bond forming • As shown in the figure below, one peroxide development candidate reaction. structure activity of this class of of action, but unlike artesunate, This project proposes the develop- inhibitor complexes, which will compounds has been defined. a long lasting anti-malarial effect. ment of anti-malarial compounds help develop the structure-activity that target P. falciparum enoyl ACP relationships of the compound series. • In an exploratory toxicity study, • Lead optimisation efforts have Dr. Solomon Nwaka, involved prospective estimation rats were treated with doses of reductase (ENR), a key enzyme in P. falciparum and Mycobacterium e-mail : of log P and polar surface area artesunate and three peroxides the Fatty Acid Synthase II system smegmatis will serve to assess [email protected] values for compounds, and this up to 300 mg/kg/day for five (FAS II). whether resistance can be readily has been effective in decreasing consecutive days. Clinical laboratory the previously limiting lipophilicity investigations revealed minimal Three chemical hits against this of the peroxides. Furthermore, and essentially reversible changes. enzyme have been identified, two Optimised leads will be subjected to rapid metabolism screening of In summary, at this stage there of them from a high-throughput pharmacokinetic and safety analyses active peroxides using human, rat, are no adverse toxicological combinatorial library screen and to screen for compounds suitable for and mouse liver microsomes has findings. the third being triclosan, a known pre-clinical and clinical evaluation. successfully screened out bacterial ENR inhibitor. These chemical The absence of FASII in humans compounds with high metabolic structures provide the basis for lead and the identification of specific conversion rates. Those compounds optimisation, with the most effective inhibitors validate this pathway as successfully passing the metabolism inhibitors identified through a an outstanding target for the screen hurdle have been combination of three screens. development of new anti-malarial DISCOVERY PROJECT 1 Synthetic peroxide Principal Investigators and Affiliations : • Prof. Jonathan L. Vennerstrom University of Nebraska Medical Center, U.S.A. • Dr. Yuxiang Dong University of Nebraska Medical Center, U.S.A. • Dr. Reto Brun drugs. Swiss Tropical Institute, Switzerland 100 • Prof. William N. Charman Monash University, Australia 5.8 days 17.8/18.5 days MMV 1 artesunate control 80 • Dr. Susan A. Charman 9.6 days Monash University, Australia chloroquine • Dr. Heinrich Urwyler F. Hoffmann-LaRoche, Switzerland Funds allocated in 2001 : Parasitemia (%) F. Hoffmann-LaRoche, Switzerland 60 DISCOVERY PROJECT 2 Anti-malarial drug development focused on inhibition of Plasmodium falciparum fatty acid biosynthesis Principal Investigators & Affiliations : • Dr. Jim Sacchettini Texas A & M University, U.S.A. • Dr. David Jacobus Jacobus Phramaceuticals, Princeton, New Jersey, U.S.A. • Dr. William Jacobs Optimisation has already begun • Dr. Bernard Scorneaux • Dr. Hugues Matile selected in vitro. progressed to oral bioavailability Swiss Tropical Institute, Switzerland Albert Einstein College of Medicine & Howard Hughes Medical Institute, New York, U.S.A. with the synthesis of over twenty In addition to investigating triclosan analogs. Synthesised P. falciparum enoyl ACP reductase, compounds are being screened significant progress has also been using assays with purified and active made on characterising other P. falciparum ENR, whole-cell assays enzymes in the fatty acid synthase Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, U.S.A. against P. falciparum asexual blood type-II pathway (whose activities lie Contract under negotiation stage parasites propagated in vitro, upstream of that of PfENR, also and in vivo assays against P. berghei known as fabI). The genes fabF, fabG in mice. The P. berghei screen will and fabH have been subcloned from employ a recombinant parasite line RT-PCR products and we are in which the P. berghei gene encod- now crystallizing recombinant, ing ENR is being replaced by the purified fabF. • Dr. David Fidock Contact at MMV: 40 22 days mefloquine 20 MMV 2 >60 days rigorous in vitro/in vivo relationship. 0 0 5 10 15 Time post infection (days) infection treatment 20 Dr. Solomon Nwaka e-mail : [email protected] P. falciparum homolog, to establish a $ 1’079’110 19 Project description provided by Dr. Jim Sacchettini has, like artesunate, a rapid onset • A clearer understanding of the Contact at MMV: falciparum fatty acid biosynthesis The interest in this project is to test whether other enzymes 25 Our lead optimisation process represent valid chemotherapy benefits from parallel elucidation targets. The project is made of the crystal structures of enzyme- feasible by the combination of the 20 requisite chemical, biochemical, this coordinated academic and an inhibitor that specifically inhibits sites and generate a pharmacophore pharmaceutical, molecular pharmaceutical effort. plasmodia LDH alone. Fortunately, – a generalised representation of the we have obtained crystal structures compound based on one-dimensional of both human and Plasmodium (physical and biological), two-dimen- falciparum LDH and they demonstrate sional (substructures) and three – significant structural differences, dimensional (charged groups, implying the development of highly hydrophobic groups, hydrogen bond selective inhibitors should be feasible. acceptors and donors) properties. Initial identification of possible leads Once the pharmacophore has been has utilised a combined approach assembled, compounds in the incorporating high-throughput database with similar properties screening of over half a million can be identified. This state of the compounds, in silico screening on art technique uses many weeks millions more and structure-based of computer time, but has enabled design. From these studies we the project team to identify have identified several classes of compounds that not only bind to the compounds that selectively inhibit enzyme, but also inhibit the growth plasmodial LDH in preference to of the parasite. Once lead compounds human forms of the enzyme. have been identified, the comple- Crystallographic studies are being mentary range of skills that are used to visualise precisely how these available across the three sites are compounds bind within the active brought into play to fully characterise site of the target enzyme, and hence the molecules: the activity against direct further chemical modifications the parasite is determined by the of these molecules. These studies parasitologists at LSHTM while are, of course, complemented by the crystallographers at Bristol both in vitro and in vivo studies at attempt to obtain the structure of the London School of Hygiene and the inhibitory complex formed with Tropical Medicine using both normal the target enzyme. This information and drug resistant strains of is then used by the bio-molecular Plasmodia. In order to expand the modellers to direct the design of repertoire of possible inhibitory new compounds that are synthesised structures, we are also using com- by the chemists at GSK. Central to puters to interrogate a database these studies is the availability of containing the three dimensional structural data describing the intimate structures of over nine million interactions of inhibitors with the drug-like compounds. target enzyme. The combination and parasitological expertise in PfENR with bound Triclosan DISCOVERY PROJECT 3 Inhibitors of Plasmodium falciparum lactate dehydrogenase as novel anti-malarials Project description provided by Dr. Gus Cameron This project team is developing synthesis of ATP is driven by both inhibitors of Plasmodium falciparum glycolysis and the enzymes of the Lactate Dehydrogenase as potential citric acid cycle, Plasmodia instead drugs for the treatment of uncompli- rely on simple, fermentation-coupled cated malaria. The aim is to identify glycolysis. The key enzyme in this compounds with efficacy against process is lactate dehydrogenase MDR Plasmodium, suitable for oral (LDH), and compounds that inhibit administration and well tolerated, this enzyme have been shown to kill fast acting and inexpensive. the parasite. This enzyme forms the target for this project. Humans also ATP is the fundamental energy have several forms of LDH “currency” in most living organisms, - although we do not rely so heavily and needs to be constantly regener- on their activity for our survival – ated for growth and survival. so one of the challenges the project Whereas in most higher organisms team must overcome is to develop DISCOVERY PROJECT 3 Inhibitors of Plasmodium falciparum lactate dehydrogenase as novel anti-malarials Principal Investigators and Affiliations : • Dr. Leo Brady Principal Investigator, Bristol University, U.K. • Dr. F. Gómez de las Heras Research Director, GSK, U.K. • Dr. Simon Croft Principal Investigator, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, U.K. • Dr. Gus Cameron Project Manager, Bristol University, U.K. Funds allocated in 2001 : $ 289’825 Contact at MMV: Dr. Solomon Nwaka e-mail : [email protected] of complementary skills across the 21 These calculations use the known project team has enabled us to make structures of lead compounds that good progress within a relatively Photomicograph of infected erythrocytes labelled with mepacrine. have been co-crystallised in the short period of time. C : cytoplasm, F: food vacuole active site of LDH to identify contact 22 DISCOVERY PROJECT 4 P. falciparum Protein Farnesyltransferase Inhibitors as Drugs Against Malaria Principal Investigators and Affiliations : • • Prof. Wesley C. Van Voorhis University of Washington, Seattle WA, U.S.A. Prof. Michael Gelb University of Washington, Seattle WA, U.S.A. • Prof. Andrew Hamilton Yale University, U.S.A. • Schering Plough Research Institute DISCOVERY PROJECT 4 assistance of Christophe Verlinde P. falciparum Protein Farnesyltransferase Inhibitors as and Wim Hol (University of promising compounds. Enzyme Drugs Against Malaria Washington) combined with parallel inhibition studies will be comple- Project description provided by Prof. Wesley C. Van Voorhis organic synthesis for rapid mented by evaluation of compound preparation of lead compound activities in the erythrocyte-based • We hope to screen at least 500 The long-term objective of this for structure determination. PFT derivatives in the Gelb and Hamilton culture assay and the P. berghei research is to develop inhibitors is a heterodimeric protein with laboratories with attention to malaria model in mice. If appropriate, of P. falciparum protein · and ‚ subunits. We have found optimisation of pharmacokinetic follow-up studies in a primate farnesyltransferase (PfPFT) as that the native PfPFT · and ‚ genes properties of lead compounds P. falciparum model (laboratories drugs against malaria. would not express in either E. coli measured in the laboratory of of Wesley Van Voorhis and or in insect cells using baculovirus S. Sebti (University of South Fred Bruckner) and toxicology PfPFT is an excellent candidate drug constructs, probably because of Florida). studies will be initiated. target for a number of reasons: the high AT nature of plasmodium • Inhibition of PFT is predicted to be DNA and the resulting codon bias. lethal to P. falciparum because We have constructed completely P. falciparum probably lacks an synthetic PfPFT · and ‚ genes enzyme called PGGT-1 that rescues with optimal codon usage for PFT-inhibited mammalian cells. baculovirus and are in the midst Consistent with this hypothesis, of constructing baculoviruses for preliminary evidence demonstrates expression of these synthetic genes. Protein Prenylation that PFT inhibitors kill P. falciparum rather than being cytostatic. • The genes for PfPFT have been identified. • Discovery of lead PfPFT inhibitors Proteins containing a C-terminal CaaX are first prenylated on the cysteine group. This is followed by endoproteolytic removal of aaX tripeptide and methylation of ·-carboxyl group of the prenylated cysteine. Shown on the left is the cysteine-attached 15-carbon farnesyl group. Some proteins contain the 20-carbon geranylgeranyl group (right). by screening compounds prepared by medicinal chemists at BristolMyers Squibb and Schering Plough • PfPFT is transcribed in erythrocytic Research Institute as part of their DISCOVERY PROJECT 5 forms of P. falciparum, and is thus efforts to develop mammalian PFT Development of falcipain inhibitors as anti-malarial drugs Bristol-Myers Squibb likely synthesised in the life cycle inhibitors as anticancer drugs. We Project description provided by Dr. Philip J. Rosenthal Contract under negotiation stage that is the target of therapy. will also test compounds prepared • • There is a good correlation with in the labs of Profs. Andrew Malaria parasites reside within red cysteine protease inhibitors cured some inhbitors of PfPFT between Hamilton (Yale University) and blood cells during the portion of mice of otherwise lethal malaria enzyme inhibition and P. falciparum Michael Gelb (University of their life cycle that is responsible for infections. Thus, the falcipains offer growth inhibition. Washington). Some of these clinical malaria. While inhabiting red a validated drug target. compounds show activity against cells, the parasites take up and of PfPFT can be found, and P. falciparum infected red blood degrade human hemoglobin as a key An important current goal is selective PfPFT inhibitors may cells with an IC50 of <100 nM. source of amino acids. A number of the identification of safe and increase the therapeutic window Some of these compounds have proteases participate in hemoglobin effective falcipain inhibitors for of PFT inhibitors for malaria a >20-fold selectivity in growth degradation, including cysteine-class rigorous testing as potential therapy. inhibition of P. falciparum proteases known as falcipains. new anti-malarial drugs. compared with mammalian cells. Inhibitors of cysteine proteases Contact at MMV: Dr. Solomon Nwaka • It is likely that selective inhibitors e-mail : [email protected] Our goals for the first 2 years are: • To express recombinant PfPFT for 23 screening potential inhibitors and • Optimisation of lead compounds blocked hemoglobin degradation and Important progress since our using computer-assisted structure- development by cultured malaria original application has included based drug design with the parasites. In addition, peptide the following: 24 throughput screen is evaluating the DISCOVERY PROJECT 6 orthologs from other species activity of the entire GSK cysteine Synthesis and Selection of Inhibitors of were identified, enabling us to protease inhibitor collection against Malarial Dihydrofolate Reductase better plan our activities for drug recombinant falcipain-2, falcipain-3, Project description provided by Prof. Yongyuth Yuthavong discovery against cysteine proteases and vinckepain-2. The full screen would be more complex than will be completed and data from it The overall plan of the project is to A major achievement in obtaining initially anticipated. analysed in the near future. At that prepare recombinant P. falciparum crystals of the enzyme, both in the point, effective compounds will dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR), wild-type and double mutant falcipain-2 and falcipain-3 were be identified and collected, and both in wild-type and mutant forms (C59R+S108N) forms are available expressed in a heterologous they will then be evaluated for responsible for drug resistance, to of sufficient size and quality for X-ray system, purified, and extensively in vitro anti-malarial activity and crystallize and obtain the structure diffraction studies. As for active-site characterised. for pharmacokinetic properties. of the enzyme through X-ray inhibitors, we have designed and Data from in vitro and pharmacoki- diffraction and to design and screen screened a number of compounds and production of crystals of this netic analyses will guide SAR compounds likely to be effective against the two types of mutants: enzyme were achieved. determinations and optimisation of inhibitors for further development one is the A16V+S108T and another the inhibitors for activity against as anti-malarials. We have achieved comprises mutants containing S108N, P. vinckei and P. berghei were falcipains and cultured P. falciparum the expression and purification of single, double (C59R+S108N), triple expressed, purified, and parasites, and for pharmacokinetic the wild-type, single (S108N), double (N51I+ C59R+S108N or C59R+S108N Principal Investigator and Affiliation : biochemically characterised, properties. (S108N+C59R and A16V+S108T), +I164L) or quadruple (N51I+C59R+ • Prof. Yongyuth Yuthavong triple (N51I+C59R+S108N and S108N+I164L). • Three falcipains and multiple • The key P. falciparum targets • High yield expression of falcipain-2 DISCOVERY PROJECT 5 Development of falcipain inhibitors as anti-malarial drugs Principal Investigators and Affiliations : • • • Dr. Philip J. Rosenthal University of California, San Francisco, USA Dr. Scott Thompson GlaxoSmithKline, King of Prussia, PA, USA Dr. Frederico Gómez de las Heras GlaxoSmithKline, Tres Cantos, Spain • Falcipain-2 orthologs from and key differences between C59R+S108N+I164L) and quadruple were identified. coming year include: (N51I+C59R+S108N+I164L) mutant These compounds have significant • Optimisation of expression, forms of P. falciparum DHFR through anti-malarial activity and the stage Funds allocated in 2001 : $ 50’000 • Partial screening of the GSK the use of both natural and our is set for the design of even more collection against falcipain-2 has of falcipains and orthologs from synthetic genes. potent compounds which avoid the Funding allocated in 2001 : resulted in the identification of other plasmodial species. $ 1’458’694 potent and selective inhibitors, • Complete screening of the GSK resistance effects enabled by The enzymes, expressed both as some of which have demonstrated cysteine protease inhibitor DHFR domain only and as DHFR-TS, potent in vitro anti-malarial activity collection against recombinant constitute the most important Contact at MMV: against chloroquine sensitive and falcipains. mutants responsible for antifolate Dr. Solomon Nwaka resistent P. falciparum strains. • The GSK cysteine protease inhibitor collection was extensively enlarged, and available biochemical and biological data for components was expanded. • Screening of active GSK inhibitors prepared and purified for both parasites. screening and crystallization • Pharmacokinetic analysis of lead GSK inhibitors in rodents. • Crystallization and initial structure determination for reorganising chemistry efforts to falcipains. mutations at various sites. Contact at MMV: Dr. Solomon Nwaka e-mail : [email protected] resistance, are now routinely against cultured P. falciparum A major effort has gone into incorporate the Tres Cantos site, 25 BIOTEC, Thailand’s National Science and Technology Development Agency Major project objectives for the purification, and characterisation [email protected] Synthesis and Selection of Inhibitors of Malarial Dihydrofolate Reductase these enzymes and falcipain-2 cysteine protease inhibitor e-mail : DISCOVERY PROJECT 6 purposes. This represents the first time that P. falciparum DHFR crystal structures have been available to assist in drug discovery efforts. • Synthesis of new candidate which in 2001 was dedicated entirely falcipain inhibitors based on to research targeted at developing results of initial screens and SAR world diseases. Currently, a high determinations. 26 DISCOVERY PROJECT 7 DEVELOPMENT PROJECT 1 Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase inhibition Development of an Improved Semisynthetic Artemisinin Derivative Project description provided by Dr. Glen McConkey Project description provided by Dr. Burkhard Fugmann This year this project has advanced Over 60 compounds based on Bayer AG, Germany, has a successful Dr. Gabrielle Schmuck at Bayer devel- greatly with the discovery of new prototype dihydroorotate dehydro- history in developing drugs against oped novel in vitro assays to test for compounds that inhibit the targeted genase inhibitors were synthesised tropical infectious diseases. As far neurotoxic potential. This proved enzyme dihydroorotate dehydroge- at the University of Hull (A. Boa). back as 1934, Bayer discovered extremely valuable in the selection nase. The targeted enzyme catalyzes The most potent inhibitors were chloroquine (ResochinR) which in of compounds to take forward as an intermediate step in synthesis of tested in parasite assays and found subsequent decades was developed potential development candidates. pyrimidines, building blocks of the to inhibit growth at low concentrations. to become the most effective medicine for prevention and therapy By the end of the year 2000 several Current efforts are characterising of malaria. In 1995, in the context C-10 aminoalkylartemisinin derivatives Unlike animals, malaria parasites the mechanism of inhibition. of growing chloroquine resistance, had been identified, that met the must derive their pyrimidines from Understanding how the compounds Bayer Central Research department selected criteria for entry into synthesis and cannot salvage inhibit the enzyme will guide the started collaboration with Professor development; high activity in rodent pyrimidines. Related studies this synthesis of a second generation Richard K. Haynes of the Hong Kong malaria, lack of neurotoxicity both year have demonstrated that this of compounds to search for more University of Science and Technology in vitro and in vivo, as well as easy Principal Investigators and Affiliations : enzyme is essential for growth of potent inhibitors. The kinetics of (HKUST), an internationally renowned chemical access and scalability. The • Dr. Burkhard Fugmann Plasmodium falciparum . This validates inhibition and X-ray crystallography authority on the study of Artemisinin. final development selection was our rationale for targeting this with co-crystals of the enzyme enzyme. In the first year of the study, and inhibitor will elucidate the The goal of the “Bayer-HKUST Australian Army Malaria Institute we developed an in vitro assay for interactions. Based on these findings Anti-malarial Project” was to discover in Brisbane. Plasmodium falciparum testing compounds based on libraries of derivatives will be and develop improved artemisinin naive Aotus trivirgatus monkeys were expression of recombinant enzyme synthesised in a full drug discovery derivatives for the treatment of infected with a multi-drug-resistant from malaria parasites and humans. program. uncomplicated, non-severe malaria Plasmodium strain. Parasitemia via oral and suppository formulations. developed over 6-9 days after inocu- This year we have adapted the assay Design features would also seek to lation up to a level of 10%. The best for screening series of compounds. ensure suitability for intravenous compound, later given the proposed Several “hits” identified from treatment of severe malaria, for name “Artemisone“, when applied the screening have been tested and which the only current therapy is as a single dose of 10mg/kg p.o. found to inhibit parasite growth. intravenous quinine. reduced parasite density to zero genetic material RNA and DNA. DISCOVERY PROJECT 7 Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase inhibition Principal Investigator and Affiliation : • Dr. Glen McConkey University of Leeds, U.K. 1 Funds allocated in 2001 : $ 118’038 done in cooperation with the Contact at MMV: Dr. Solomon Nwaka e-mail : [email protected] within 1 day, whereas artesunate DEVELOPMENT PROJECT 1 Development of an Improved Semisynthetic Artemisinin Derivative Bayer AG, Leverkusen, Germany (project coordinator) • Prof. Richard K. Haynes Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Affiliates : • Australian Army Malaria Institute, Brisbane, Australia • London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, U.K. Funds allocated in year 1 : $ 495’000 Contact at MMV: The existing artemisinin class of achieved clearance from parasites Dr. David Ubben drugs thus had to be improved after 4 days under the same condi- e-mail : regarding efficacy, neurotoxicity, tions. Artemisone is in fact 10-30 stability and pharmacokinetic fold more active than artesunate behaviour. From the beginning of based on preliminary pharmacokinetic the cooperation, parasiticidal efficacy and efficacy data in monkeys. [email protected] and the establishment of reliable 1 27 McRobert, L. and G.A. McConkey. 2002. RNA interference (RNAi) inhibits growth of safety parameters were of equal In 2001, MMV decided to support Plasmodium falciparum. Mol Biochem Parasitol. 119:273-8 importance. In particular, the accelerated development of 28 Artemisone as a new drug candidate and pharmacokinetics. Additional been developed as intra-muscular In rat, a single dose study showed against non-severe and severe milestones have been the elaboration and rectal formulation for severe that only 1% of AL is cleaved to malaria. Pre-clinical development of a detailed pre-clinical and clinical malaria. However, absorption from dehydroartemisinin (DHA), indicating is being done by Bayer Central development plan and conclusion of the intramuscular site is slow and that efficacy and toxicology findings Research under the leadership of the chemical backup program. In absorption from the rectum is highly may be attributed to the parent Dr. B. Fugmann. Clinical development 2002, the pre-clinical development variable. Our rationale is that a better compound rather than the metabolite. is managed by Bayer Pharma division will continue with a safety package, approach which would improve cure In contrast, 80% and 38% of a single in cooperation with MMV staff. further biological testing with rates would be an intravenous dose of AS is converted to DHA in exploratory dose finding and combi- formulation of artemisinins that can man and rat, respectively. It has been The pre-clinical development of nation experiments, GMP synthesis achieve reproducible peak plasma shown that human liver microsomes Artemisone in 2001 has focused on optimisation and formulation concentrations. Our plan is first to in vitro metabolise AL into 2-hydroxy the development of a competitive development. Clinical phase I with compare AL to a current formulation artelinate. Because microsomes of multi-kg scale synthesis as well as healthy human volunteers is of AS, with respect to chemistry and rhesus monkey, but not dog, also GLP process development and scheduled to start in 2003. manufacturing, pharmacology, produce 2-hydroxy artelinate, rhesus toxicology (including neurotoxicity), monkey have been selected as non- pharmacokinetics and metabolism. rodent animal model for pre-clinical The better of the two compounds studies. analytical method for toxicology DEVELOPMENT PROJECT 2 would then be synthesised under Development of an intravenous artemisinin treatment for severe malaria Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) WRAIR has developed a rat model Project description provided by Dr. Jonathan Berman conditions and evaluated in GLP for severe malaria. Using an i.v. animal studies to meet regulatory dose of 40mg/kg/day for three DEVELOPMENT PROJECT 2 Development of an intravenous artemisinin treatment for severe malaria Principal Investigator and Affiliation : • Dr. Jonathan Berman Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR), USA. Contract under negotiation The management of severe malaria cardiotoxicity have been attributed Investigational New Drug (IND) days, both AL and AS cleared requires good medical care and the to quinine. Artemisinins are now requirements. Assuming that there parasite Plasmodium berghei from use of chemotherapy to decrease being used in an attempt to improve are no safety concerns, a clinical rat. Efficacy has also been studied parasitemia to a non life-threatening upon quinine’s efficacy and toxicity. development program will be designed in Aotus monkey infected with level. At present this is accomplished As illustrated in the figure, oil soluble to meet current international regula- Plasmodium falciparum, a commonly primarily by administering quinine artemisinins, artemether and tory and ethical requirements. used animal model. Our data indicate e-mail : intravenously. However, this artheeter, have a methyl and ethyl that AL clears parasite at 8mg/kg/day [email protected] treatment is unsatisfactory as the group respectively, with ether links The project status and achievements for three days and AS clears parasites mortality rate reported in the late to oxygen. In contrast the water can be summarised as follows: at 2mg/kg for three days. Definite 1990’s was up to 27% in South East soluble artemisinins, artelinic acid Asia and up to 20% in Africa. (AL: figure left) and artesunic acid Chemistry, Manufacturing, Control Additionally, adverse effects such (AS: figure right) have a polar group (CMC): AL has been formulated in a as cinchonism, hyperinsulinemic attached to the oxygen. Oil-soluble soluble salt with purity greater than Rat and Rhesus have proven to be hypoglycemia, and often fatal artemisinins and artesunate have 99%. The AL salt is dissolved prior good models to study toxicology and use to form a stable solution suitable toxicokinetics (drug levels in blood for i.v. injection. The dissolved salt associated with toxicity). These decays over time (10% in two studies will allow the determination months). Other formulations with of the non-toxic levels and the improved stability are being studied. appropriate therapeutic dose. Contact at MMV: Dr. David Ubben efficacy studies in Rhesus monkey model are now underway. AS dissolves in bicabornate but 29 Artelinate Artesunate decays at a 10% rate in hours. 30 DEVELOPMENT PROJECT 3 of 2003. Parallel registration with Pyronaridine Artesunate the European Agency for Evaluation of Medicinal Products is envisaged. Project description provided by Dr. Tom Kanyok Pyronaridine, an acridine-type African setting, compared to the DEVELOPMENT PROJECT 4 Mannich-base, is a water soluble blood other artemisinin fixed dose Development of a novel and superior 4-aminoquinoline – Isoquine schizontocide first synthesised in combination currently marketed Project description provided by Prof. Steve Ward China in 1970. Data indicate that which needs to be administered it is effective against chloroquine twice a day for three days. resistant parasites and is well DEVELOPMENT PROJECT 3 Pyronaridine Artesunate Principal Investigators and Affiliations : • • Dr. Tom Kanyok WHO/TDR, Switzerland Dr. Chang Sik Shin Korea SP Pharm Inc., Seoul, South Korea Funds allocated in 2001 : $ 643’000 • Possibility of broader geographic The 4-aminoquinoline class of idiosyncratic adverse drug reactions, anti-malarial, as exemplified by a feature which has blighted the tolerated. Artesunate is a water- use since widespread development chloroquine and amodiaquine, have widespread use of the drug. Clearly soluble semi-synthetic derivative of of resistance to pyronaridine has been the most successful class there are many areas of overlap artemisinin. Artesunate has been not yet been reported. of anti-malarial drugs to date. The between these two research success of the class is partly based programmes. developed in various forms by several • The long-half-life of pyronaridine DEVELOPMENT PROJECT 4 pharmaceutical companies and is (60-190 hrs) may increase the on their ability to exploit features registered for clinical use in many interval between new infections in of the haemoglobin degradation Isoquine is the most promising lead countries. some high transmission settings. pathway, a unique malarial parasite compound to have emerged from pathway. In addition to this selective these research programmes after Principal Investigators and Affiliations : • Prof. Steve Ward A pyronaridine-artesunate fixed A Product Development team is in mode of action these drugs are the synthesis and evaluation of dose combination should provide place to manage the development affordable, easy to use and prior to some two hundred novel molecules. the following advantages over programme and has representation the emergence of chloroquine Isoquine is an isomeric derivative non-artemisinin-containing drugs from Iowa University, WHO-TDR, MMV, resistance the drugs were highly of amodiaquine under patent to the already marketed: Korea SP Pharm Inc., and other effective. University of Liverpool. This molecule • Rapid onset of action translating consultants from academic or governmental institutions. has been re-designed to remove For the past fifteen years the the metabolic alert for reactive Tropical Pharmacology Group in metabolite formation, a feature that Under the leadership of Korea SP Liverpool has attempted to establish is central to the toxicity of the development of resistance when Pharm Inc., the pharmaceutical devel- the pharmacological basis of drug molecule. This manipulation has compared to standard single agent opment is well advanced with a major action, resistance and toxicity to this been achieved without any loss anti-malarial regimens. achievement realised in the form class of drugs. Our ambition was to of anti-malarial activity. In fact the of a simplified route of pyronaridine use this information in the rational drug shows improved activity both of malaria due to the ability of synthesis, which will significantly re-design of novel 4-aminoquinolines in vitro against P. falciparum and artemisinin derivative to prevent reduce the final product cost. with improved pharmacological in vivo against a rodent model of the development of gametocytes. The non-clinical safety studies and profiles. We developed two parallel malaria after oral drug administration the ADME programme are currently lines of investigation: using compared to amodiaquine or the In addition this fixed combination ongoing in Korea. A first stop/go chloroquine as the lead molecule therapeutically relevant de-ethylated should present the following evaluation about progression into we focused on understanding the metabolite of amodiaquine. The advantages over other artemisinin clinical programme is due by 2nd Q, chemical basis for resistance and chemical modification introduced containing drugs: 2002. Assuming that there are no using amodiaquine as our lead we into isoquine also shifts the overall • Once daily regimen for three days safety concerns to move into human tried to separate anti-malarial activity metabolic pattern of the drug in a will improve compliance and ease trials, the team plans to file an IND from the liability of this drug to way that could have therapeutic control program in Asian and to the Korean FDA at the beginning produce potentially life threatening benefit. Importantly this new drug into rapid fever and parasite clearance time. Development of a novel and superior 4-aminoquinoline – Isoquine University of Liverpool, U.K. • Prof. Kevin Park University of Liverpool, U.K. • Dr. John Horton GlaxoSmithKline, U.K. Contract under negotiation Contact at MMV: • Possible decrease in the rate of Dr. Lise Riopel Contact at MMV: e-mail: [email protected] e-mail : • Possible decrease in transmission 31 Dr. David Ubben [email protected] 32 can be synthesised in three simple process. The core members of this advanced. Pharmaceutical develop- at various ratios for a preliminary steps from readily available chemical development team have already suc- ment of CDA is progressing within assessment of efficacy and safety. intermediates. As such the drug cessfully managed the development GSK. should be affordable to our target to UK registration of another new population. anti-malarial agent, chlorproguanil- The ratio of CPG and DDS is fixed influence the efficacy results of the dapsone. The pre-clinical pharmacol- but the ratio of these components above Phase-II study, CDA will also In order to develop this drug quickly ogy study plans have just been and artesunate is not determined. be studied in less-immune children we have developed a public-private completed and mutagenicity testing Pharmaceutical development will populations. A clinical development partnership between the University should begin within the next four proceed with a number of ratios plan will be prepared in accordance of Liverpool, the Liverpool School of months following the scaled up until the optimal ratio has been with current ICH guidelines Tropical Medicine and GSK pharma- synthesis of drug. The development finally determined by clinical trial. and discussed with partners and ceuticals. The product development of our programme is structured so team is made up of academic and as to allow a first into man decision A stop/go decision point to initiate industry expertise that covers all within two years with a product Phase-I studies will be made shortly. aspects of the drug development registration within five years. The main aim of the first Phase-I As immunity can be expected to appropriate regulatory authorities prior to implementation. study will be pharmacokinetic interaction between CPG-DDS and artesunate. DEVELOPMENT PROJECT 5 DEVELOPMENT PROJECT 5 Chlorproguanil-dapsoneartesunate. Principal Investigators and Affiliations : • Prof. Peter Winstanley University of Liverpool, U.K. • Dr. John Horton GlaxoSmithKline, U.K. • Dr. Tom Kanyok WHO/TDR, Switzerland Chlorproguanil-dapsone-artesunate Project description provided by Prof. Peter Winstanley Following the Phase-I programme, a dose-finding Phase-II study will be Chlorproguanil-dapsone (Lapdap; artemisinin compound (CDA), is now performed to determine the optimal CPG-DDS), is the partner component being undertaken for the following artesunate dose in patients with of this artemisinin combination. reasons: uncomplicated malaria. Lapdap will It is a rapidly-eliminated antifolate • Artemisinin combination therapy be co-administered with artesunate drug currently submitted for regula- (ACT) has been shown to reduce tory approval for the treatment of the rate at which resistance to uncomplicated malaria. It has been mefloquine is evolving in Thailand. shown: • To select less readily for resistant Co-sponsors: WHO/TDR United Kingdom Department for International Development (DFID). Contract under negotiation • A large body of scientific opinion believes that ACT has the potential Contact at MMV: parasites than sulfadoxine-pyrime- to reduce the rate at which drug Dr. Lise Riopel thamine (SP). resistance will evolve in Africa – e-mail : • To be safe and well tolerated. where approximately 90% of the • To have clinical utility in patients deaths due to malaria occur. [email protected] whose prior treatment with SP 33 had failed. It is also available at a A Product Development Team price that is affordable in the (PDT) has been formed to manage context of malaria in Sub-Saharan the CDA project. Its membership Africa. includes academics, an MMV Officer, and personnel from WHO and GSK. MMV gratefully recognizes, that all partner institutions have contributed to the projects Further development of the product A full pre-clinical programme has through writing off overhead costs and through the provision of other services and gifts with the addition of artesunate, an been commissioned and is well in kind. 34 5 THE ORGANISATION The MMV Board Members The Chair of the Board is Dame Bridget Ogilvie, a former head of the Wellcome Trust, with a distinguished career in pharmaceutical research. Dame Bridget is now on the faculty of University College London. “In Italy during the thirteenth century alone, 17 popes died of malaria.” Dame Bridget Ogilvie Prof. Trevor Jones University College London, Director-General, United Kingdom. The Association of British Pharmaceutical Mr. David Alnwick Industries, United Kingdom. Project Manager, Dr. R. A. Mashelkar Roll Back Malaria, WHO, Switzerland. Director General, Dr. Enriqueta Bond Indian Council of Scientific and President, Burroughs Wellcome Fund, Industrial Research, India. USA. Dr. Graham Mitchell Mr. Louis Currat Chairperson, Executive Secretary, Global Forum for Scientific and Technical Advisory Health Research, Switzerland. Committee, Special Programme for Dr. Winston E. Gutteridge Research and Training in Tropical Ex-Chief, Product R&D, Diseases (TDR), WHO, Switzerland. Special Programme for Research and Foursight, Australia. Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR), WHO, Prof. Francis Nkrumah Switzerland. Director, Noguchi Memorial Institute Dr. Chris Hentschel for Medical Research, University of Ghana, Chief Executive Officer, Ghana. Medicines for Malaria Venture, Prof. Leon Rosenberg Switzerland. Department of Molecular Biology, Princeton University, USA. (see picture next page) 36 Dr. David Roos Dr. Thomas E. Wellems Professor of Biology and Director, Biologist with expertise in cell University of Pennsylvania Genomics and molecular biology of malaria and Institute. Expertise in the cell biology mechanisms of drug resistance. of apicomplexan parasites and joint National Institutes of Health, USA. coordinator of the Plasmodium Dr. David Wesche genome database, USA. Clinical Pharmacologist with expertise in Dr. Dennis Schmatz malaria from previous position with Biologist with expertise in parasitology, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, including malaria. Executive Director, currently with Pfizer Global Research and Human and Animal Infectious Disease Development, Ann Arbor, USA. 1 Research, Merck Research Laboratories, 3 USA. 1. Board Members The Medicines for Malaria Management Team and Staff 2. Expert Scientific Advisory Committee 3. Management Team and Staff 2 The Expert Scientific Advisory Committee The Committee Chair is Dr. Simon Campbell FRS, who was formerly Head of Global Drug Discovery for Pfizer. Dr. Christopher Hentschel Erin Kimaoui Chief Executive Officer Personal Assistant to Dr. Robert Ridley the Management Team Chief Scientific Officer Dr. Lise Riopel Peter Potter-Lesage Scientific Officer Chief Financial Officer Dr. David Ubben Diana Cotran Scientific Officer Human Resources and Dr. Solomon Nwaka Administration Manager Scientific Officer Dr. V.P. Venugopal Souzie Zador Director, International Operations Communications Officer Dr. Simon Campbell FRS Prof. Gilbert Kokwaro Chemist, ex-Head of Worldwide Drug Pharmacologist with expertise in malaria, Discovery and Development, Europe, University of Nairobi, Kenya. Pfizer. Prof. Sornchai Looareesuwan Dr. Tanjore Balganesh Clinician with experience in malaria, Dean Biologist with specialist expertise in of Faculty of Tropical Medicine, University infectious diseases. Head of Research of Mahidol, Thailand. Tony Murdoch John Sudduth and Development, Astra-Zeneca, India. Dr. Yves Ribeill MBC Business Consultants IT consultant Dr. Simon Efange Chemist with experience in malaria Chemist, Professor of Medicinal through earlier work as Head of Anti- Chemistry, University of Minnesota, USA, infective Chemistry Research with and University of Buea, Cameroon. Rhône-Poulenc Rorer France, now Dr. Alan Hudson President and CEO, Scynexis Chemistry Chemist, ex-Head of Cancer Research, and Automation Inc. USA. MMV also uses the services of: Wellcome plc (UK) with additional expertise in parasitology and malaria 36 chemotherapy, United Kingdom. (continued next page) 37 Medicines for Malaria Venture receives funding and support from government agencies, private foundations, international organisations, corporations and corporate foundations. These funds are used to finance the MMV portfolio of research and development projects to provide new, affordable medicines for the treatment and prevention of malaria. As a not-for-profit Swiss Foundation under statutes dated 15 th November 1999, MMV is exempt from cantonal and federal taxes and is the equivalent of an exempt organisation within the meaning of Section 501 (c) ( 3 ) of the United States Internal Revenue Code. 6 FINANCIAL INFORMATION The financial year to 31 st December 2001 This second financial year has been posts and more were recruited and, one of innovation and consolidation. most important of all, expenditure The MMV Financial Regulations, on malaria drug research & develop- Investment Guidelines and Financial ment increased dramatically. & Accounting Rules and Procedures were drafted and ratified. Internal Research & Development compliance procedures and controls Expenditure were formalised and a new in-house Project-related expenditure in 2001 multi-currency, multi-lingual was virtually 3 times the figure for accounting system was installed the year 2000, with USD 6’709’653 and is fully operational. We continue as against USD 2’280’748 (note 4). to use PricewaterhouseCoopers Ltd. as external international auditors Foundation Capital and UBS, a major Swiss bank, for The legally stipulated foundation our global banking services such capital of USD 4'000'000 was, “The introduction of quinine to India as current accounts, investments for historic reasons, under the indirectly led to the development of and cash-management facilities. custodianship of the World Health The on-line bank-to-customer link Organisation. At 31 December 2000 already in use was extended to USD 1'197'619 had been received. include electronic payment facilities. During 2001 a further USD 2’309’741 The year was characterised by a originating from the Netherlands number of exceptional factors. The Minister for Development Cooperation capital fund which, was largely under was transferred. At 31 December 2001 the custodianship of WHO in 2000, the amount still outstanding amounted is now almost fully subscribed, to USD 492’640 (note 2g/6). the tonic drink industry. In 1858 a patent was granted for “an improved aerated tonic liquid”, today known all over the world as Schweppes tonic water.” considerable additional donations and pledges were received, liabilities Donations & Pledges increased as new staff took up their Donations received at bank amounted 40 to USD 12’177’850 with an additional agreements signed with project USD 1’000’000 expected from WHO partners. Other operational expenses, Roll Back Malaria on presentation of however, are normally in Swiss the audited Financial Statements Francs. The resulting exposure or and Annual Report 2001 (note 3). exchange risk is hedged at budget time to provide a realistic fixed Medicines for Malaria Venture – MMV Balance Sheet at 31st December 2001 2001 2000 USD USD 170 815’530 11’584’765 535 1’017’493 5’891’716 12’400’464 6’909’744 1’000’000 0 10’195 143’588 0 27’166 49’735 9’239 Prepaid & other Receivables 1’153’783 86’140 Prepaid R&D Commitments 0 59’000 13’554’247 7’054’884 34’030 18’084 75’221 32’968 38’956 19’371 82’849 14’338 160’303 155’514 6 13’714’550 7’210’398 2e/4 3 0 0 51’103 0 419’948 1’000’000 151’194 51’160 2f 2b 279’143 100’176 0 0 430’422 1’622’302 4’000’000 (492’640) 4’000’000 (2’802’381) 6 3’507’360 1’197’619 2h 9’776’768 4’390’477 13’714’550 7’210’398 Assets Current Assets Staff & General Administration USD/CHF budget rate for the year. The senior management team was The accounts are kept in US dollars. completed with the arrival of the A sophisticated treasury management Chief Scientific Officer and Chief and accounting approach is therefore Financial Officer. There were 8 new required, matching inflows to outflows appointments in 2001 and MMV also by currency, and taking timely multi- Prepaid & Receivables financed the start-up costs of its currency investment and foreign permanent headquarter offices, exchange decisions. Donations Receivable Prepaid Expenses Accounts Receivable Recoverable Withholding Tax including furniture, I.T. and communi- Cash Cash in Banks Short-term Deposits Cash & Cash Equivalents Our financial management is one investment in infrastructure, general of prudent, conservative control, administration (non R&D) spending including appropriate return on is on a downward trend as a percent- interim treasury investments. We Fixed Assets age of total expenditure (note 5b/c). also seek to forecast various long- Guarantees Fixtures & Installations Office Furniture Computers & Equipment so as to manage MMV’s growing December 2002 R&D portfolio more effectively and Great consideration is given to efficient to enable us to fundraise proactively. Total Assets financial management at MMV, The figure “the funding-gap scenario” Liabilities and Capital & Reserves which operates in a complex multi- illustrates one such scenario and currency environment. The bulk of shows why effective fundraising, 92'200'000 Financial Tables $ 90'000'000 The detailed financial tables that $ 80'000'000 follow – Balance Sheet, Statement of $ 70'000'000 Income & Expenditure, Cash Flow and $ 60'000'000 Notes – represent MMV in its second full $ 50'000'000 The funding-gap scenario MMV funding received and pledged against actual/forecast expenditure 2d 2c Total Fixed Assets Current Liabilities Accrued R&D Commitments Deferred Income Other Creditors Accrued Expenses Provisions Short-term Provisions Unrealised Exchange Gain 59'700'000 Received / pledged (cumulative) Spend (cumulative) 3 Total Current Assets The financial year ahead to $ 100'000'000 2a/2b Cash & Cash Equivalents cations. In spite of this significant term funding and income scenarios Notes 47'2 200'000 Total Current Liabilities 40'2 200'000 200'00 year of operation in which all the $ 40'000'000 fundamental compliance and financial $ 30'000'000 components of the organisation have $ 20'000'000 been consolidated. Capital & Reserves 33'200'00 200'000 23'200'00 200'000 $ 10'000'000 $ 0 8'700'0 00'000 3'20 00'000 2000 1 31'700' 31'700'000 Foundation Capital -subscribed -less unpaid capital 11'500'000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2 3 4 5 Capital Fund Operations Reserve 41 donations are received in US dollars, probably involving several new although other currencies are some- donors, is now a high priority. times involved. Outflows for projects Without it, planned expenditure are mostly in USD as per the various could outstrip income in 2003. Total Liabilities and Capital & Reserves 2g 42 Medicines for Malaria Venture - MMV Statement of Income & Expenditure at 31 st December 2001 Income Donations received Private Foundations UN Agencies Government Agencies Corporates & Corporate Foundations Donations received Medicines for Malaria Venture - MMV Statement of Cashflow at 31 st December 2001 2001 2000 USD USD 6'000'000 4'250'000 2'827'850 100'000 6'300'000 500'000 612'015 100'000 3 13'177'850 7'512'015 2b 371'441 0 10'385 76'162 18'772 0 Notes 2001 2000 Notes USD USD 2h 5'386'290 4'390'477 3 (1'000'000) 0 39'540 (49'735) (134'349) (9'239) 86'166 (86'166) (419'948) 419'948 (1'000'000) 1'000'000 (100'091) 151'194 (51'160) 51'160 (2'579'842) 1'477'162 1'287 (19'371) 7'628 (82'849) (18'630) (14'338) 4'927 (38'956) (4'788) (155'514) 379'319 0 2'309'741 1'197'619 Cash flow resulting from financial activity 2'689'060 1'197'619 Net variation of petty cash, cash & bank deposits 5'490'720 6'909'744 6'909'744 0 12'400'464 6'909'744 5'490'720 6'909'744 2a/3 Excess of income over expenditure for the period Operating activity Increase/Decrease in Donations Receivable Financial Income Exchange Difference Other Income Increase/Decrease in Receivables Increase/Decrease in Recoverable Withholding Tax Total Income 13'559'677 7'606'949 Increase/Decrease in Prepaid Expenses Expenditure Increase/Decrease in Accrued R & D Commitments 2e /4 Research & Development Expenditure Increase/Decrease in Deferred Income Project-Related Variable Expenditure Expert Scientific Advisory Committee Expenses 2e/4 5a Research & Development Expenditure Foundation Board & Stakeholder Expenses 5a 6'633'542 76'111 2'241'373 39'375 6'709'653 2'280'748 39'228 30'934 Increase/Decrease in Other Creditors Increase/Decrease in Accrued Expenses Cash flow resulting from operating activity Investment activity General Administration Expenses Increase/Decrease in Fixtures and Installations Staff-Related Benefits / Compensation Recruitment / Relocation Office Rental General Insurance State Emoluments Supplies Telecom, Internet & Postal Charges Travel & Fundraising Expenses Professional & Legal Fees Training, Education & Journals I.T. Expenses Web Site & Advertisements Printing & Brochures Public Relations Communications Consultancy 5b 5b 823'418 12'488 165'775 1'585 1'024 29'447 35'272 38'132 92'849 57'891 58'477 43'252 42'013 14'514 60'519 117'598 111'283 46'074 1'987 0 1'903 2'737 88'406 48'628 20'063 1'904 0 2'447 80'268 380'430 2c Increase/Decrease in Office Furniture Increase/Decrease in Computers and Equipment Increase/Decrease in Guarantees 2d Cash flow resulting from investment activity Financial activity Provisions Foundation Capital: 2g/6 FInancial Charges Payment received to Capital Fund Bank Charges & Visa Exchange difference (loss) Depreciation on Fixed Assets 2c General Administration Expenses Total Expenditure 3'402 126 45'081 1'062 0 0 1'525'267 904'790 8'274'147 3'216'472 Cash & cash equivalents at beginning of period Ancillary Activity Income 5c 100'761 0 Transfer to Operations reserve 2h 5'386'290 4'390'477 0 0 Cash & cash equivalents at end of period Variation Result 43 44 Notes to financial statements for the year ending 31 December 2001 the premises subject to the prevailing Special Programme for Research & contracts. Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR). The TDR funds represent earmarked 1a. Introduction internal annual average rate Medicines for Malaria Venture calculated on the weighted average is a Swiss Foundation, established of opening balances in foreign as a non profit legal entity, registered currencies and the exchange deals The grants allocated are recorded on World Bank and the Netherlands in Geneva under statutes dated effected to obtain sufficient balances a contract or letter of understanding Minister for Development 15 November 1999. It is managed by in the currencies concerned. In 2001 basis, the expense being accounted Cooperation prior to the foundation a foundation council, a chief executive the average rate for USD/CHF was for by MMV at the moment of of MMV. At 31 December 2000 the officer and 3 senior managers. 1.7468 and for GBP/USD 1.41. allocation and initial payment. In amount of USD 2'802'381 was still the case of any portion remaining to be transferred from the World e. Grants committed for projects funding from the U.K. Department for International Development, the With its head-office in Geneva, Year-end balances in other currencies unpaid at the year-end, it is included Health Organisation. At 31 December the aim of MMV is to bring public are converted at the prevailing rates under current liabilities. 2001, the remaining balance for and private sector partners together of exchange at balance sheet date. to fund, and provide managerial The accounting rate USD/CHF used and logistical support for the at the 31 December 2001 balance discovery and development of new transfer was USD 492’640 f. Short-term provisions (see also Note 6). sheet closing was 1.63 and that for These provisions represent estimated h. Operations reserve medicines for the treatment and GBP/USD 1.44. The resulting costs for certain performance-related prevention of malaria. The products Exchange Difference was taken to staff payments and for audit services. should be affordable and appropriate Provisions as an unrealised gain and for use by populations in developing any unrealised loss is taken to countries. Income & Expenditure. b. Accounting Standards c. Fixed assets The accounting standards followed Fixed assets are stated at cost less are those of the Swiss Code of depreciation in three classes. The Obligations, articles 957 to 964. foundation applies the straight-line This represents the excess of income over expenditure for the period and g. Capital accrued. This amount is ascribed to the Operations Reserve utilised for The founding capital referenced in future operation and project funding the statutes amounted to USD costs by MMV as its rapidly evolving 4'000'000 from WHO – Roll Back research and development project Malaria & UNDP/World Bank/WHO pipeline dictates. method for the depreciation of these 3. Donations received at bank 2. Summary of significant assets, using rates of 20% p.a. in addition to Foundation Capital received (see also Note 6) accounting policies for office furniture and 33% p.a. for both fixtures and installations and a. Donations received *An additional amount of USD 1’000’000 expected from W.H.0. Roll Back Malaria after During 2001 the following donations were received: presentation of the Financial computers and equipment. Statements and Annual Report Rockefeller Foundation (received in 2000 for 2001) USD 1’000’000 for 2001 has been taken as The donations received are recorded Depreciation started only in the year Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation USD 5’000’000 income for 2001 as it on an accruals basis. 2001 with the effective operation at U.K. DFID USD 2’827’850 relates to an agreement up to the foundation's final premises. W.H.O. Roll Back Malaria USD 2’500’000* 31 December 2001. This explains World Bank via Global Forum USD 750’000 total Donations Received d. Guarantees Exxon Mobil USD 100’000 of USD 13’177’850 as taken to dollars. Receipts and expenditure in Guarantees concern office rental Total received at bank USD 12’177’850* other currencies are recorded at an only and are recoverable on vacating b. Foreign exchange The accounts are denominated in US 45 Income & Expenditure. 46 4. a) Project-related variable expenditure : Grants committed + During 2001, the foundation awarded grants to the following projects: Project Partners Award Paid Prepayment Accrued Major Discovery Projects 290’825 GSK U. Bristol 290’825 0 0 1’079’110* 1’020’1 1 0 59’000*(from 2000) 0 Roche 4 U. Nebraska 5 STI 6 U. Monash 7 Drug Discovery Project 990069 1’458’694 GSK 8 UCSF 9 Drug Discovery Project 001007 Artemisone 1’458’694 grants represents an amount of 31 December 2001 to be transferred USD 551’875 and covers legal fees from the books of the World Health for contracts, organisation and trans- Organisation originates from the port for project meetings/reviews, following agencies: project consultancies. 2’442’000 5. Expenses World Bank a) Governing Board and ESAC WHO/TDR/Roll Back Malaria expenses represent travel and a per-diem. During 2001 an amount of b) Internal capacity building USD 2’309’741 originating from the advanced efficiently in 2001 with Netherlands Minister for Development 8 staff appointments and effective Cooperation was transferred by operations in new, dedicated office W.H.O. and attributed directly to premises. Foundation Capital. to office space and infrastructure Bayer 10 Drug Discovery Project 001010 UK Department c) Ancillary activity income refers 2’442’000 sub-let income, which can be offset H.K.U. 11 Pyronaridine artesunate Foundation Capital still pending at for International Development 2 Drug Discovery Project 990086 Cysteine protease inhibition over and above these direct project 1 LSHTM 3 Synthetic endoperoxide 6. Foundation Capital pending scientific staff compensation and Drug Discovery Project 990006 Lactate dehydrogenase inhibition b) Project-related variable expenditure against total rental, telecom and 643’000 643’000 related operational expenses. Korea SP Pharm Inc. 12 WHO/TDR 13 Exploratory Projects Medicines for Malaria Venture has received funding and support Exploratory Project 990016 Heme polymerisation inhibition U. California Berkeley Exploratory Project 990050 Orotate dehydrogenase inhibition 0 0 0 from the following organisations: 118’038 118’038 0 0 • Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation U. Leeds 15 Exploratory Project 990099 Dihydrofolate reductase inhibition 0 14 50'000 50'000 0 0 • ExxonMobil Corporation • Global Forum For Health U. Mahidol 16 Research Total USD + 47 Grants committed mainly covered the effective period from June 2001 to June 2002 6’081’667 1 Glaxo Smith Kline (Madrid, Spain) 2 University of Bristol, UK 3 London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK 4 F. Hoffmann–La Roche AG (Basel, Switzerland) 5 University of Nebraska, USA 6 Swiss Tropical Institute, Basel, Switzerland 7 Monash University, Melbourne, Australia 8 Glaxo Smith Kline (Philadelphia USA) 9 University of California San Francisco, USA 10 Bayer A.G. Leverkusen, Germany 6’022’667 59’000 1 1 Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong 12 Korea SP Pharm Inc., Korea 13 UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Program for Research & Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR), World Health Organisation, Geneva, Switzerland 14 University of California Berkeley, USA 15 Leeds University, UK 16 Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand • International Federation of • Rockefeller Foundation • Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation • United Kingdom Department for International Development • World Bank Pharmaceutical Manufacturers • World Health Organization Associations • Roll Back Malaria • Netherlands Minister for • TDR Development Cooperation 48 To the Governing Board of Medicines for Malaria Venture Geneva As auditors, we have audited the accounting records and the financial statements (balance sheet, income statement, cash flow and notes) of the Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV) for the year ended December 31, 2001. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Foundation’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We confirm that we meet the legal requirements concerning professional qualification and independence. Our audit was conducted in accordance with auditing standards promulgated by the profession in Switzerland, which require that an audit be planned and performed to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. We have examined on a test basis evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. We have also assessed the accounting principles used, significant estimates made and the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the accounting records and financial statements comply with the Financial Regulations of the Foundation and the accounting principles as described in the Appendix 4 of the financial statements. Cover Illustration We recommend that the financial statements submitted to you be approved. Hospital for Tropical Diseases, Mahidol University: A 10 year old Karen boy (from the Thai/Myanmar border area), who has severe, drug resistant malaria, in the intensive care unit, prepares to take his artesunate tablet. Photo courtesy of: WHO/TDR/Crump PricewaterhouseCoopers SA MMV logotype The MMV logotype was designed by Rick Vermeulen of Rotterdam in The Netherlands, winner of a worldwide design competition held in 1999. Photograph Credits J.-P. Gallay J.-A.-Ducrest p. 2 WHO/TDR/Sawyer p. 6 WHO/TDR/Crump p. 8 WHO/TDR/Martel p. 16 WHO/TDR Geneva, March 8 th, 2002 p. 34 WHO/TDR/Reiler p. 38 WHO/TDR Concept and Graphic Design Appendices Grey Worldwide, Geneva Photolithography Financial statements (balance sheet, income statement, cash flow and notes) Thiong-Toye Associés S.A., Geneva Printing TPC Sprint S.A., Geneva, April 2002 MMV – Medicines for Malaria Venture P.O. Box 1826 CH - 1215 Geneva 15, Switzerland Phone +41 22 799 4060 Fax +41 22 799 4061 info @mmv.org www.mmv.org
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