-... Himachal Pradesh State Expert Appraisal Committee SEIAA, Himachal Pradesh Ministry of Environment Forest & Climate Change, Government of India, at Department of Environment Science & Technology, Paryavaran Bhawan, Near US Club, Shimla-1 Ph:0177-2656559,2659608 Fax: 2659609 No.HPSEAC/2008,16-Vol-IV 30, )..o..- .l.. I Dated: :to 131101~-. MINUTES OF THE 38th MEETING OF THE STATE LEVEL EXPERT APPRAISAL COMMITTEE HELD IN CONFERENCE HALL, DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. SHIMLA ON 17th, 18th & 19th MARCH, 2015. The 3gth meeting of State level Expert Appraisal Committee for arpraisal of the Project Proposals received for Environmental Clearance was held on 1?1\ 1gth & 19t March, 2015 in the Conference Hall of Department of Environment, Science & Technology, Shimla. The following were present in the meeting(s) held on day-I, II and III: Name 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Desi. Sh. Shailendra Nigam Dr. R.C. Chauhan Dr. Bbupinder S. Marb Sh. Raj Kumar Sood Sh. S.P. Negi Sh. Arun Kumar Sharma Prof. (Dr.) Dalip S. Thakur Sh. A.N. Gautam Er. Parveen Gupta Chairman Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Secretary 17/03 18/03 19/03 ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ The deliberations were started with permission of Chair. DELIBERATIONS HELD ON Day -I 17th MARCH, 2015 ITEM NO. 1: CONFIRMATION OF THE MINUTES OF 3ih MEETING OF SEAC: The minutes of the 37th meeting of SEAC held on 12th & 13th February, 2015 were ratified by the committee as per procedure. ITEM N0.2: APPRAISAL OF CASE APPLICATIONS LISTED ON 17th MARCH, 2015 FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CLEARANCE: 2.1 Sh. Satbeer Singh, S/O Sh. Bikram Singh, Mauza Bhadauri, Village & Post OfficeBhadauri, Tehsil-Haroli, District-Una, Himachal Pradesh. , The SEAC examined the case application as per procedure of EIA Notification. The case was earlier listed in 3ih meeting of SEAC, where committee decided that the project proponent shall apply a fresh as per the observations made by the committee. Now the Project proponent in compliance to the observations of the committee has resubmitted the 38th Meeting of SEAC Application Form and other relevant documents. It is observed by the SEAC that the project is river-bed mining, confined to collection of Stone, Sand & Bajri from the proposed site. It has been proposed to collect Sand, Stone and Bajiri from an area of 03-52-37 ha and the proposed capacity of extraction will be 33,790 tons per annum. No drilling and blasting has been proposed for mining activities. The operation will be manual with use of hand tools like shovel, pan, sieves, etc. The minerals will be collected in its existing form. The committee after deliberating on the information submitted by the project proponent and considering the facts placed before the committee recommended the case application for consideration of project for grant of environmental clearance by the SEIAA, subject to prior fulfillment of following conditions besides along with project 'Specific Conditions' as at Annexure-A and 'General Conditions' to be stipulated as at Annexure-B. 2.2 Mis Time Builder Stone Crusher, Sh. Gian Chand, Mauza Dhaliara Mohal Bharwara, Tehsil-Dehra, District-Kangra, Himachal Pradesh. The SEAC examined the case application as per procedure of EIA Notification and observed that the project is a riverbed mining project for the mining of Sand, Stone & Bajiri located near Mauza Dhaliara & Mohal Bharwar. The proposed project is having lease area of 4.9452 hectare having Khasra number 363/1. It has been proposed to collect approximately 23,200 TPA of Sand, Stone and Bajiri. The extracted Sand, Stone & Bajiri will be collected in its existing form. Mining will be carried out only up to a depth of lm (3 feet) depth, using hand tools like shovels, pan, sieve etc. during the day time. The project proponent has submitted the letter of grant of mining lease dated 08.12.2011, proforma of joint inspection report dated 23.08.2011, letter from mining officer dated 15.03.2014, NOC from Gram Panchyat dated 26.08.2011. The committee after deliberating on the application, information submitted by the project proponent and considering the facts placed before the committee recommended case application for consideration of project for grant of environmental clearance by the SEIAA, subject to prior fulfillment of following conditions and along with project 'Specific Conditions' as at Annexure-A and 'General Conditions' to be stipulated as at Annexure-B: The project proponent shall resubmit the Form-1 after correction in information (ref. 2.6 sr. no.) The project proponent shall resubmit the Map clearly showing the observation of joint inspection report w.r.t. laying of water supply scheme pipe line through the mining site as to show that the same shall not be disturbed by mining activities. The project proponent shall submit the details on legal source of water supply. The NOC from panchayat for use of water from nearby source if any shall be submitted. The copy of Letter of Intent from competent authority. Letter from Industry department regarding approved working-cum-Environment Management Plan. An undertaking/ resolution to provide the sanitary facility i.e. Toilet in a nearest located Government School/ Dispensary/ Panchayat Ghar to the SEIAA clearly 38th Meeting of SEAC mentioning the name of that Government School/ Dispensary/ Panchayat Ghar under proposed CSR activities. The project proponent shall ensure that the information supplied w.r.t. toposheets, longitude, latitude are corrected. The live stock data presented is of 1997 and may be updated from latest surVeys. The pictures supplied w.r.t. plantation in the areas observed to be of Lantana and visor cannabis, which requires clarifications. 2.3 Sh. Om Prakash, S/o Sh. Tulsi Ram, Village-Hurla, Post Office-Hurla, Tehsil-Bhunter, District-Kullu, Himacbal Pradesh. The SEAC examined the case application as per procedure of EIA Notification and observed that the project is an manual/semi-mechanical extraction of Stone from hill slope for supply to proposed captive stone crusher and further sale in the local market and adjoining districts, where sizable demand exists. The mining lease area is 16-19 bighas Private land comprising of Khasra Nos. 3435, 3447 and 3049. The raw material extracted from the hill slope up to optimum production of 24,915 metric tons/year including 1,455 metric tons of mining waste and soil cover which will 'spread over the exhausted benches. The project proponent has provided the copies of letters of Intent from Department of Industries, dated 14.08.2014, proforma for joint inspection report dated 25.08.2013, approved working-cum-Environment Management plan dated 23.12.2014, letter from DFO dated 05.01.2015, and NOC from Gram Panchyat dated 08.03.2014 etc. Mining Officer letter dated 27-08-2014. The committee after deliberating on the information submitted by the project proponent and considering the facts placed before the committee recommended the case application for consideration of project for grant of environmental clearance by the SEIAA, subject to prior fulfillment of following conditions and along with project 'Specific Conditions' as at Annexure-A and 'General Conditions' to be stipulated as at Annexure-B: The project proponent shall resubmit the Map giving clearly all important references such as roads, important land marks. The project proponent shall submit the details of legal source of water supply. NOC from concerned Gram panchayat for use of water from nearby source if any. The project proponent shall re-submit the Forml with correct information. The project proponent shall give preference to Rubinia & Buel (suitable plant species) instead of horticulture practices. The project proponent shall submit the list of flora and fauna duly certified from the competent authority. The project proponent shall submit an undertaking for construction of check dams and to the fact that the muck shall not be thrown/ dumped in the near by nallaha/ river. The project proponent shall specify muck dumping sites with Khasra number. The project proponent shall submit the list of plant species which are endemic to the area and are fast growing from competent authority. The project proponent shall submit an undertaking/ resolution to provide the sanitary facility i.e. Toilet in a nearest located Government School/ Dispensary/ Panchayat Ghar to the SEIAA clearly mentioning the name of that Government School/ Dispensary/ Panchayat Ghar under proposed CSR activities. 38th Meeting of SEAC 2.4 Sh. Om Prakash, S/o Sh. Jyoti Parkash, Village-Hurla, Post Office-Hurla, TehsilBhunter, District-Kullu, Himachal Pradesh. The SEAC examined the case application as per procedure of EIA Notification and observed that the project is an manual/semi-mechanical extraction of Stone from hill slope for supply to proposed captive stone crusher and further sale in the local market and adjoining districts, where sizable demand exists. The mining lease area is 16-03-02 bigha of Government Land Comprising of Tukra NO. 1, 2 & 4. The raw material extracted from the hill slope up to optimum production of 14320 metric tons/year including 820 metric tons of mining waste and soil cover which will spread over the exhausted benches. The optimum stone production in a year would be 13,500 metric tons. The project proponent has submitted the copies of letter of Intent from Department of Industries, dated 12.08.2014, proforma for joint inspection report dated 07-09-2013, approved working- cum - Environment Management plan dated 23.12.2014, letter from DFO dated 07.05.2014, and NOC from Gram Panchyat dated 25.07.2013 , Mining Officer Letter dated 29-09-2014. The committee after deliberating on the information submitted by the project proponent and considering the facts placed before the committee asked the project proponent to take first stage Forest Clearance from the competent authority and resubmit the case to committee. 2.5 Mis Rajinder Kumar, Village-Mashiwar, P.O. Kotla, Tehsil & District Solan, Himachal Pradesh The SEAC examined the case application as per procedure of EIA Notification and observed that the project is a manual extraction and mining of Sand, from quartzarenite formation. The area comprises of Khasra No. 35 & 36/2 measuring 5-15-00 Bigha (0.4326 hectare) falls in Mauza Mashiwar, Solan. It has been proposed that total capacity of the project would be 4680 metric tons per annum, including 4410 metric tons of friable sandstone/ sand and 235 metric tons of waste and 36 metric tons of soil cover to be left in the mined pits as back fill. The project proponent has submitted the copies of letter of Intent from Industry department dated 18.01.2014, joint inspection report dated 21.01.2012, working-cum-Environment Management Plan dated 01.11.2014,-Ietter from D.F.O. Solan dated 27.10.2014, letter from Mining Officer dated 01.01.2015, NOC from Gram Panchyat dated 26.04.2011. The committee after deliberating on the information submitted by the project proponent and considering the facts placed before the committee recommended case application for consideration of project for grant of environmental clearance by the SEIAA, subject to prior fulfillment of following conditions and along with project 'Specific Conditions' as at Annexure-A and 'General Conditions' to be stipulated as at Annexure-B: The project proponent shall re submit certificate from forest officer regarding distance of project site from Wild Life Sanctuary. The project proponent shall provide muck dumping sites with Khasra number. The project proponent shall submit details of legal source of water supply. NOC from panchayat for use of water from nearby source if any. 38th Meeting of SEAC The project proponent shall submit an undertaking/ resolution to provide Toilet facility in a nearest located Government School i.e. at middle school Mashiver under proposed CSR activities. The project proponent shall provide Labour hut/ rest room with required sanitary facility. 2.6 Mis Sh. Sandeep Thakur, S/o Sh. Kewal Ram, Village-Tali & PO-Chanair, TehsilTheog, Shimla, Himacbal Pradesh. The SEAC examined the case application as per procedure of EIA Notification and observed that the project is a manual extraction and collection of Stone from hill slope Mauza Tikar, for supply to captive stone crusher. The mining lease area is 0.5961 hectare of private land having Khasra number 335/2. The optimum capacity of the project would be 10,800 metric tons per annum including the waste generated during the mining of stone about 600 metric tons per year. Thus, the total material handling will be 10,800 metric tons per year. The area being a part of hill slope where no habitation is required to be disturbed from the mining lease area. The project proponent has submitted the letter of Intent from Industry Department dated 28.10.2013, NOC Gram Panchyat dated 11.12.2012, site appraisal report conducted on 04.03.2012, working-cum- Environment Management Plan dated 04.02.2014, letter from DFO - Theog regarding list of flora and fauna dated 23-01-2015, Mining Officer letter dated 10-12-2013. The committee after deliberating on the information submitted by the project proponent and considering the facts placed before the committee recommended case application for consideration of project for grant of environmental clearance by the SEIAA, subject to prior fulfillment of following conditions and along with project 'Specific Conditions' as at Annexure-A and 'General Conditions' to be stipulated as at Annexure-B: The project proponent shall supply document w.r.t. legal source of water supply. The NOC from panchayat for use of water from nearby source if any. The project proponent shall submit an undertaking/ resolution to provide Toilet in a nearest located Government School Govt. Primary School Katiana under proposed CSR activities. 2.7 Mis Vivek Aggarwal, S/o Sb. Krishen Kumar Aggarwal, H. No. 1223, Sector-22-B, Chandigarh. The SEAC examined the case application as per procedure of EIA Notification and observed that the project is of Sand, Stone & Bajiri mining project having lease area of 4-84-29 ha. The lease area lies in Sarsa river tributary of Satluj river near village-Bir Palasi. It has been proposed to collect approximately 27,300 TPA of Sand, Stone & Bajiri. No mining will be undertaken during monsoon season. The operation will be manual with use of hand tools in which the Sand, Stone & Bajiri will be collected in its existing form. Minor mineral mining will be carried out after levying the 1/5 area from the banks of the river bed according to the width i.e. 60 meters to 74 meters as no mining operation in rotation manner. The SEAC observed that the Hon'ble National Green Tribunal has passed an order on dated 04.02.2015 wherein it has been directed that the SE/AA has to dispose the above said 38th Meeting of SEAC application for grant of Environment Clearance within one week from date offiling of the application. The SEIAA received the application from the project proponent on 27th January, 2015 and circulated the same to all SEAC members on 6 1h February, 2015 w.r.t. the Hon'ble NOT decision. The project proponent has submitted the grant of mining lease from Industry department regarding grant of mining lease dated 21.02.2011, NOC from Gram Panchyat dated 23.08.2010, working-cum-Environment Management Plan dated 8.04.2013. The committee after deliberating on the orders of the Hon'ble NGT as stated above observed that the time involved in processing of the application has been notified by the Ministry of Environment, Government of India and any change in process does not fall in the purview of SEAC. However, on information submitted by the project proponent and considering the facts placed before the committee appraised the proposal and recommended case application for consideration of project for grant of environmental clearance by the SEIAA, subject to prior fulfillment of following conditions and along with project 'Specific Conditions' as at Annexure-A and 'General Conditions' to be stipulated as at Annexure-B: The project proponent shall resubmit the Form-I after necessary corrections as has been observed by the SEAC. The project proponent shall submit the data on water discharge during lean period & ground water level of area. The project proponent shall submit the map clearly indicating the reference. The project proponent shall submit provide muck dumping sites with Khasra number. The project proponent shall submit details of legal source of water supply. The NOC from panchayat for use of water from nearby source if any. The project proponent shall submit the list of plant species which are endemic to the area and are fast growing from competent authority. The project proponent shall submit an undertaking/ resolution to provide the Toilet facility at Primary School Plassi Kalan under proposed CSR activities. Project proponent shall allow through fare on the road passing through his land and ensure that mining on both sides of road does not block the fleet passage. 2.8 Mis Nagni Mata Stone Crusher, Sh. Rajeshwer Singh Guleria, Village & Post OfficeSakoh, Tehsil-Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh. The SEAC examined the case application as per procedure of EIA Notification and observed that the project is for Sand, Stone & Bajiri located near Mauza Bassa, Mohal Nagrota Surian, Kangra. The mining lease area is 04-93-68 hectare having Khasra number 1/1. It has been proposed to collect approximately 47,250 TPA of Sand, Stone & Bajiri. No mining activity will be taken during the monsoon season. The mining operation will be manual with use of hand tools in which the Sand, Stone & Bajiri material will be collected in its existing form. Minor mineral mining will be carried out only up to a depth of 3 feet, using hand tools shovels, pan, sieve etc. only during the day time. The project proponent has submitted letter of grant of mining lease from Department of Industries dated 16.01.2012, NOC of Gram Panchyat dated 21.07.2009 & 06-04-2009, letter 38th Meeting of SEAC from Mining Officer dated 14.03.2014, working -cum - Environment Management Plan dated 26.12.2013, letter from Fisheries Officer dated 19.03.2014, joint inspection report dated 08.11.2013, land revenue records dated 30.01.2013 and Mining Officer letter dated 14-032014. The committee after deliberating on the information submitted by the project proponent and considering the facts placed before the committee recommended case application for consideration of project for grant of environmental clearance by the SEIAA, subject to prior fulfillment of following conditions and along with project 'Specific Conditions' as at Annexure-A and 'General Conditions' to be stipulated as at Annexure-B: The project proponent shall submit details of legal source of water supply. The NOC from panchayat for use of water from nearby source if any. Provide Data w.r.t. groundwater level in and around the project site. Provide muck dumping sites with Khasra number. The project proponent shall submit an undertaking to organize plantation activity with active participation of children of nearby school and also shall provide a toilet in a nearest located Government School i.e. Bassa School Primary School under proposed CSR activities. 2.9 Smt. Nidhi Kuthiala, Mis Maan Naina Devi Stone Crusher, 36-Lower Bazar, Shimla171001, Himachal Pradesh. The SEAC examined the case application as per procedure of EIA Notification and observed that the project is of Sand, Stone & Bajiri mining having a lease area of 4.0404 ha having Khasra number-2. It has been proposed to collect approximately 36,450 TPA. As proposed the operation will be manual with use of hand tools in which the sand, stone & Bajiri material will be collected in its existing form. Minor mineral mining will be carried out after leaving the l/5th area from the banks of the river bed according to the width as no mining operation in rotation manner. The project proponent has submitted letter of Intent from Industry department dated 28.05.2013, letter from Mining Officer dated 01.07.2014, letter from Gram Panchyat dated 07.05.2012 & 21.04.2012, land revenue records dated 27.03.2012, letter from DFO-Una dated 27.06.2014 and joint inspection report dated 04-5-1012. The committee after deliberating on the information submitted by the project proponent and considering the facts placed before the committee recommended case application for consideration of project for grant of environmental clearance by the SEIAA, subject to prior fulfillment of following conditions and along with project 'Specific Conditions' as at Annexure-A and 'General Conditions' to be stipulated as at Annexure-B: The project proponent shall submit details of legal source of water supply. The NOC from panchayat for use of water from nearby source if any. To provide information regarding Muck dumping sites with Khasra number. Shall submit an undertaking/ resolution to provide the sanitary facility i.e. Toilet in a nearest located Government School/ Dispensary/ Panchayat Ghar to the SEIAA clearly mentioning the name of that Government School/ Dispensary/ Panchayat Ghar under proposed CSR activities. 38th Meeting of SEAC 2.10 Sh. Kundan Lal Verma, Village & P.O. Sanjauli, Tehsil-Junga, District-Shimla, Himachal Pradesh. The SEAC examined the case application as per procedure of EIA Notification and observed that the project is for mining of Stone over an area of 23 Bighas, 1-72-58 hectare in Khasra No. 467/2 at Mauza Dargi, Tehsil Suni, District Shimla H.P. Mining capacity mentioned is 15,500 MTPA as indicated in the forms by the applicant. The proposal was taken up by the SEAC in its 361h meeting. The proponent was advised to submit documentary evidence w.r.t. changing of Khasra number, letter of intent from mining department, method of mining along with photography and videography of the mining lease area, revised list of flora & fauna authenticated by the Forest department and NOC of Punjab & Sindh bank that they have no objection to the mining project. The same has been submitted by the project proponent. The committee after deliberating on the information submitted by the project proponent and considering the facts placed before the committee recommended case application for consideration of project for grant of environmental clearance by the SEIAA, subject to prior fulfillment of following conditions and along with project 'Specific Conditions' as at Annexure-A and 'General Conditions' to be stipulated as at Annexure-B: The project proponent shall submit details of legal source of water supply. The NOC from panchayat for use of water from nearby source if any. The proponent shall submit the details of muck dumping sites with Khasra numbers. The proponent shall provide a toilet in the nearest located Government School i.e. Thun under proposed CSR activities. 2.11 Mis Laxmi Stone Crusher, Village & Post Office- Thathal, Tehsil- Amb, DistrictUna, Himachal Pradesh. The SEAC examined the case application as per procedure of EIA Notification. The proposal was taken up by the SEAC in its 13th meeting. The SEAC approved ToR's and advised for ·conducting EIA studies for the project. The same has been submitted by the project proponent. The project proponent has submitted certificate from the Department of Industries regarding transfer of mining lease dated 12.07.2011, joint inspection report dated 05.02.2013, NOC's from the Gram Panchyat (photocopy is not clear), approved working-cum-Environment Management Plan dated 09.07.2012, affidavit dated 24.06.2013 mentioning that violation, if any, made under Environment Protection Act, 1986 will not be repeated, letter from DFOUna dated 03.02.2014, copy of Environment Public Hearing conducted by H.P. State Pollution Control Board on dated 23.12.2013. The project proponent did not appear before the committee to present his case and requested to list the case in next meeting of SEAC. 38th Meeting of SEAC 2.12 Rajiv Kshetrapal, Mis lndorama Pvt. Ltd., Director,-IIL, 16, Bhai Vir Singh, 2°d floor, Gole Market, New Delhi-110001. The SEAC examined the case application as per procedure of EIA Notification and observed that the project is expansion of Man Made Fibre Unit (Spandex Yam-Petrochemical Based Fibre). The proposal is expansion of Industrial Unit lndorma Spandex for manufacture of manmade textile fibre using petro chemical derivatives at village Lodhimajra, Baddi. The proposed production capacity is 6000 TPA and the existing capacity is 5000TPA and the total expanded capacity will be 11,000 TP A. The project has been granted Environmental Clearance by Himachal Pradesh SEIAA on dated 16.09.2010 vide no. HPSEIAA/2010/781650 under category-'B' of the 5(d). The unit is using haz~dous chemical Di-phenyl Methane Di-isocynate (MDI) and expected storage is about 200 tons and having the plot area of 1 lakhs square meter. The project proponent has submitted documents such as earlier Environment Clearance letter vide number HPSEIAA/2010/78-1650 dated 16.09.2010 from SEIAA, safety data sheet of Lupranate, letter from I&PH department regarding permit for sinking/drilling of tube well under Section 7 of the H.P. Ground Water Act, 2005, Renewal of Consent to Operate from Pollution Control Board dated 07.08.2014, lease deed agreement. The committee after deliberating on the information submitted by the project proponent and considering the facts placed before the committee approved the terms of reference (ToR) annexed at Annexure-C 2.13 Sh. Kumar Rajinder, Village-Gunai, P.O. Kotbeja, Tehsil-Kasauli, District-Solan, Himachal Pradesh. The SEAC examined the case application as per procedure of EIA Notification and observed that the project is for mining/extraction of Minor Minerals (Stone) over an area of 50-00 Bhighas i.e. 3.7625 Ha (private land) in Khasra 115/111/3 at Mauza & Mohal Banoi, Ramsingh,Tehsil- Kasauli, Distt. Solan, as per details given in the mining permission by the State Government. H.P. Annual mining capacity is 49,600 TPA as indicated in forms by the applicant. The proposal was taken up by the SEAC in its 361h meeting. The proponent was advised to submit documentary evidence w.r.t. Joint Inspection report of the committee, revenue papers of land, photographs and video graphic view of entire mining area, revised list offlora and fauna. The same has been submitted by the project proponent. The committee after deliberating on the information submitted by the project proponent and considering the facts placed before the committee recommended case application for consideration of project for grant of environmental clearance by the SEIAA, subject to prior fulfillment of following conditions and along with project 'Specific Conditions' as at Annexure-A and 'General Conditions' to be stipulated as at Annexure-B: The project proponent shall submit the details of legal source of water source of water. The project proponent shall submit an undertaking/ resolution to provide the Toilet in a nearest located Government School i.e. Middle School Gunai and Panji under proposed CSR activities. 38th Meeting of SEAC 2.lA Mis General Manager, Jakhu Ropeway Project, Near US Club, Sbimla-1, Himacbal Pradesh. The case was listed in 37'h meeting of SEAC vide item no. 3.26. The project proponent has represented against the observation of the SEAC stating that the SEAC may relook at the case in the light of orders of Hon'ble High Court Himachal Pradesh. The proponents were given an opportunity to appear before the SEAC in 381h SEAC meeting on 17-03-2015. The SEAC considered the representation by the project proponent who are joint owner of Jakhu Ropeway Project along with Tourism Deptt. GoHP. The project proponent presented their case in chronological order that initially the Jakhu Ropeway project was approved in year 1992, it envisaged transfer of 0.42 hectare land and felling of 21 No. of trees. The starting point of the project was Ladies Park (Now Rani Jhansi Park). The State Government awarded the project in 1997 as Joint Venture to a private party. However, the project did not take off. The Government changed the Site from Ladies Park to Shiwalik Hotel. This revised project now involved transfer of only 0.32 ha of Forest land and felling of 31 trees. The GoHP gave a study to RITES. The report of the RITES was considered and approved by the State Government in November, 2004 (and accordingly approved the revised project area). The Forest Clearance under FC Act was also obtained by the GoHP for cutting required number of trees coming under alignment of the ropeway. Thereafter, the State Government on the basis of this report invited fresh tender for execution of the Ropeway project in joint venture with private party and Deptt. of Tourism, Himachal Pradesh. The project was awarded to the project proponent in year 2005 as Joint Venture with Himachal Tourism though formal agreement was signed on l 61h March 2006 between GoHP & the Project Proponent. The Govt. of HP also simultaneously filed application for revised proposal for Forest Clearance under FC Act to Govt. of India. This proposal was under process while agreement was signed with proponent by Go HP. The proponent submitted that they had no role in seeking Forest Clearance under FC Act. During the pendency of FCA approval by Govt. of India, a litigation occurred in Hon'ble High Court of HP regarding non execution/ completion of the project. State Govt., Government of India, and proponent were made party. The Hon'ble High Court Himachal Pradesh passed orders on the basis of certain facts and also the statement filed by the Additional Solicitor General of India as well as Assistant Advocate General of GoHP that the notification of 14th Sep 2006 was not applicable as per the clarification issued by MoEF, Gol. Further the proponent also informed that when the project was under execution/ construction they increased the height of base station and applied for regularization of same. For this deviation they were imposed an amount of Rs. 68.00 lakhs as penalty and then secured regularization by the Municipal Corporation Shimla, GoHP. The committee was also apprised about the fact that the proponent was issued a direction by MoEF, Gol in the Year 2012 & 2013 under Section 5 of Environment Protection Act 1986 to stop the construction work as they were alleged to have concealed the facts of non clearance of FCA before signing the agreement in March, 2006 and seeking clarification from MoEF, GOI. The proponent denied the allegation as was alleged in these notices that the facts were concealed by them that Forest Clearance was still pending in the year 2006 when the agreement was signed by the proponent and GoHP. The proponent informed that they have filed their reply before the MoEF, Gol. 38tb Meeting of SEAC The representatives submitted that there is no question of concealing the facts from the authority or any one on this account. Nevertheless, in compliance to above they have filed the present application and represented to SEAC. Proponent informed the committee that the matter w.r.t. applicability of Sep., 2006 EIA, Notification has been settled by the Hon'ble High Court. The project proponent also stated that the orders of Hon'ble High Court was not challenged either by Government of India or Government of Himachal Pradesh or any other respondent. The SEAC after hearing the proponent and after perusal of records including direction by Ministry of Environment & Forests, GoI and orders of Hon'ble High Court concluded that the present case does not come within its purview and therefore, the case may please be disposed of accordingly. DELIBERATIONS HELD ON DAY-II 2.14 18th MARCH, 2015 Ms Him Stone Crusher, Village & Post Office-Maidangarh, Tehsil-Amb, District-Una, Himachal Pradesh The SEAC examined the case application as per procedure of EIA Notification and observed that the project is manual extraction and collection of Sand, Stone and Bajri from Sohan river bed which is tributary of river Beas for supply to the captive crusher unit. The area comprises of Khasra numbers 1773, 1781, 1782, 1783, 1785, 1786, 1787, 1788, 1789, 1790 & 1791 falling in Mauza & Mohal village & Post Office-Maidangarh, measuring 4-92-71 hectares. The total material handling in a year would be 43,000 metric tons. The waste generated during the production of commercially usable construction agreeable would be about 6400 metric tons per year. The project proponent has submitted the approval letters from different departments like grant of mining lease from Department oflndustries, dated 17.08.2010 (photocopy is not clear) and the proponent was asked to file a legible copy joint inspection report dated 23.02.2008, letter from Mining Officer, Una dated 23.01.2015, NOC from Gram Panchayat dated 07.02.2008. The committee after deliberating on the information submitted by the project proponent and considering the facts placed before it, observed that there is inconsistency in the Form-1 and pre-feasibility report and therefore asked the proponent to resubmit correct documents. The project proponents later resubmitted the revised Form-I with pre feasibility report as per observations of SEAC. The committee after deliberating on the revised information submitted by the project proponent and considering the facts placed before the committee recommended case application for consideration of project for grant of environmental clearance by the SEIAA, subject to prior fulfillment of following conditions and along with project 'Specific Conditions' as at Annexure-A and 'General Conditions' to be stipulated as at Annexure-B: 3gth Meeting of SEAC - 2.15 The Project Proponent shall resubmit the details of assured water supply source. The Project Proponent shall submit the report regarding the water level of the well for three seasons. The Project Proponent shall resubmit the revised certificate from mining department. The Buffer Zone map shall be leveled with all the legends. The Project Proponent shall submit the revised EMP with component wise details with cost implications including recurring and non recurring costs. The Project Proponent shall submit an undertaking for building a toilet in a nearby school Johsloh as a part of CSR activity. Mis Laxmi Stone Crusher, Sh. Ajay Sauhta, Village & Post-Dhar, Mauza Mohal Mungra-Nadhal, Tehsil-Jubbal, District-Shimla, Himachal Pradesh. The SEAC examined the case application as per procedure of EIA Notification and observed that the project is hill slope mining project for the mining of stone located near Mauza Mohal Mungra-Nadhal, Jubbal. The proposed project is having lease area of 0-84-72 hectare having Khasra number 172/1. It has been proposed to collect 16,625 TP A tone from hill slope and proposed the mining is confined to extraction of Stone from the proposed mine site. The project proponent has submitted the approval letters from different departments like Department of Industries, letter of Intent dated 17.03.2015, approved working-cumEnvironment Management Plan dated 06.11.2012, NOC from Gram Panchyat dated 01.11.2010, letter from Mining Officer dated 04.06.2014, clearance of Forest dated 06-072013. The committee after deliberating on the information submitted by the project proponent and considering the facts placed before the committee recommended case application for consideration of project for grant of environmental clearance by the SEIAA, subject to prior fulfillment of following conditions and along with project 'Specific Conditions' as at Annexure-A and 'General Conditions' to be stipulated as at Annexure-B: - 2.16 The Project Proponent shall resubmit Form-1 with correct technical details and corrected information on waste generated. The project proponent shall make provision of water storage tank of 1OKLD and shall submit the details of assured source of water supply. The Project Proponent shall clearly indicate the methodology proposed to be adopted for extracting stone from the query site. The Project Proponent shall resubmit pre-feasibility report with revised EMP cost with component wise details Sh. Karan Singh, Mis Bhuvneshwari Stone Crusher, Roopi Palace, Kullu, Tehsil & District-Kullu, Himachal Pradesh. The SEAC examined the case application as per procedure of EIA Notification and observed that the project is manual extraction and collection of Stone over an area measuring Turka No. 1 Khasra no. 3253 measuring 15 Bighas (Govt. land). The minor mineral extracted from this quarry will be used in the already installed stone crusher. The total material handling for five year of stone shall be 161364 metric tons from a number of benches. The waste generated during the production of commercially usable construction aggregate would be about 3430 38th Meeting of SEAC metric tons for five years. Waste generated during extraction of minor minerals will be in the form of top soil cover which is generated shall be spread on the exhausted area which shall be used at the sites identified for tree/bushes plantation. The project proponent has submitted NOC letter from DFO-Kullu dated 04.03.2013, renewal of mining lease from Conservator Forests (Centeral), dated 05.02.2013, letter of Intent from Geological Wing, Industry department dated 23.12.2014, letter from Mining Officer, Kullu dated 02.01.2015, NOC from Gram Panchyat dated 06.02.2011, approved mining plan dated 08-05-2014, Joint Inspection report dated 04-06-2014. The committee, after deliberating on the information submitted by the project proponent and considering the facts placed before it observed that there are inconsistency in the Form-1 and pre-feasibility report and therefore asked the proponent to resubmit the documents. The project proponents later resubmitted the revised Form-I with pre feasibility report as per observations of SEAC. The committee after deliberating on the revised inf()rmation submitted by the project proponent and considering the facts placed before the committee recommended case applicatio~ for consideration of project for grant of environmental clearance by the SEIAA, subject to prior fulfillment of following conditions and along with project 'Specific Conditions' as at Annexure-A and 'General Conditions' to be stipulated as at Annexure-B: - 2.17 The project proponent shall submit the revised EMP with component wise details with cost implications recurring and non recurring costs. The Project Proponent shall resubmit the details of assured water supply source. The Project Proponent shall clearly indicate the methodology proposed to be adopted for extracting stone from the query site. The Project Proponent shall submit the detailed list of species proposed to be planted for development of Green belt as part of EMP. The Project proponent shall submit an undertaking/ resolution for plantation on the place with khasra number and to provide the sanitary facility i.e. toilets in nearby school i.e. Govt. Primary School Bhedhu, Gadsa under proposed CSR activities. Sh. Shyam Kumar, Village & Post Office-Ispur, Tehsil & District-Una, Himachal Pradesh The SEAC examined the case application as per procedure of EIA Notification and observed that the project is an manual extraction and quarrying of Stone, Bajri & Sand from river bed of Soam Nadi. The area comprises of Khasra No. 2542, 2543, 2544, 2545, 2546, 3202 & 3203 measuring 3.6322 ha. Total optimum material handling in a year would be 40,500 metric tons, including 38,070 metric tons of stone, Bajri & sand to be sold at pit mouth and market and 2430 metric tons of waste in the form of silt & clay metric tons of soil cover to. be left in the mined pits as back fill. The project proponent has submitted the Letters of Intent dated 09.04.2014 from Department of Industries, joint inspection report dated 19.06.2012, approved working-cum-Environment Management Plan dated 31.01.2015, letter from Mining Officer, Una dated. 31.01.2015 and Jamabandi from Patwari, Una dated 07.01.2012. 38th Meeting of SEAC The project proponent has proposed that as the lease area is well confined within the flood protecting embankments, requiring no bank protection measures and no area being available for plantation, so there will be no cost of rehabilitation involved. The committee after deliberating on the information submitted by the project proponent and considering tbe facts placed before the committee recommended case application for consideration of project for grant of environmental clearance by the SEIAA, subject to prior fulfillment of following conditions and along with project 'Specific Conditions' as at Annexure-A and 'General Conditions' to be stipulated as at Annexure-B: - 2.18 The Project Proponent shall submit details of assured supply of water for the project. The Project Proponent shall submit an undertaking/ resolution to provide the toilets (separate for ladies and gents) in !spur. The Project Proponent shall carry out the plantation on panchayat land with NOC of the panchayat and consent of panchayat, and shall submit a proof of same to the SEIAA. Sh. Rajinder Singh, Mis Ashapuri Stone Crusher, Village & Post Office Shamshi, District-Kullu, Himachal Pradesh. The SEAC examined the case application as per procedure of EIA Notification and observed that the project is an manual extraction and collection of Stone over an area measuring 5 bighas (Govt. land) situated in Mauza Mohal Kot Kandi, Diyar Khasra Nos. 3253, Turka no. 3 by forming benches for supply to captive stone crusher unit. Total material handling for five year of stone shall be 10,000 metric tons per annum. The waste generated during the production of commercially usable construction aggregate would be about 1, 140 metric tons for five years. Waste generated during the extraction of minor minerals will be in the form of top soil cover, and, shall be spread on the exhausted area which shall be used at the sites identified for tree/bushes plantation. The project 23.12.2014, Wild Life 02.01.2015, 05.05.2014. proponent has submitted the letter of Intent, from Industries department dated letter from Conservator of Forest (Central) dated 11-04-2013, letter from DFODivision Kullu dated 04.03.2013, letter from Mining Officer-Kullu dated NOC from Gram Panchyat dated 06.02.2011, approved mine plan dated The committee after deliberating on the information submitted by the project proponent and considering the facts placed before the committee recommended case application for consideration of project for grant of environmental clearance by the SEIAA, subject to prior fulfillment of following conditions and along with project 'Specific Conditions' as at Annexure-A and 'General Conditions' to be stipulated as at Annexure-B: - The Project Proponent shall re-submit pre feasibility report with amended/ correct information. The Project Proponent shall submit the revised EMP with component wise details with cost implications recurring as well as non recurring. The Project Proponent shall clearly indicate the methodology proposed to be adopted for extracting stone from the query site. 38th Meeting of SEAC - The Project Proponent shall submit an undertaking/ resolution for undertaking plantation on the place with khasra number and to provide the sanitary facility i.e. toilets in nearby school i.e. Govt. Primary School Bhedhu, Gadsa under proposed CSR activities. 2.19 Sh. Chattar Singh Tomar, Village & Post Office-Kamroo, Tehsil-Paonta Sahib, DistrictSirmaur, Himachal Pradesh. The SEAC examined the case application as per procedure of EIA Notification and observed that the proposed project mine is 1.92 hectare having Khasra number 3239/545/1 min and 3241/553/1. The proposed capacity of lime stone extraction will be 84,930 TPA from hill slope. The proposal was taken up by the SEAC in its 36th meeting. The proponent was advised to submit documentary evidence w.r.t. all drawing plans showing contours w.r.t. location of mining area, protection measures with all physical features, lay out plan of all roads involved, photographs/videography to be submitted for whole of the mining area, Environment Management Plan. The same has been submitted by the project proponent. The project proponent has submitted the renewal of mining lease from Department of Industries-geological wing dated 01.04.2010. The project proponent has given the capital cost & recurring cost as Rs. 11.5 lakhs & Rs. 5.7 lakhs respectively. The committee after deliberating on the information submitted by the project proponent and considering the facts placed before the committee recommended case application for consideration of project for grant of environmental clearance by the SEIAA, subject to prior fulfillment of following conditions and along with project 'Specific Conditions' as at Annexure-A and 'General Conditions' to be stipulated as at Annexure-B: - 2.20 The Project Proponent shall submit an undertaking/ resolution to provide the sanitary facility i.e. three toilets in Kamroo, Chiknal & Khajiar panchayat under proposed CSR activities. M/s Jagdamba Stone Crusher, Village & Post-Masyana, Tehsil & DistrictHamirpur, Himachal Pradesh. The SEAC examined the case application as per procedure of EIA Notification and observed that the project proposal is for River bed mining/collection of Sand, Stone and Bajri over an area of 1-74-85 hectares in the Government land in Khasra No. 646 at Mohal-Bari, MauzaDhaned, Tehsil & District- Hamirpur. The proposed capacity of extraction is shown as 14,400 MTPA. The proposal was taken up by the SEAC in its 25th and 28th meeting. The TORs were fixed for EIA and the proponent was advised to get the public hearing conducted according to the EIA Notification, 2006. The public hearing has been conducted by the SPCB and has submitted the proceeding, It was observed by the SEAC that as such no specific issue has been imposed in the proceedings. 3gth Meeting of SEAC The proponent has submitted the renewal of mining lease letter dated 17.09.2010 from Department of Industries, letter from DFO-Hamirpur, joint inspection report dated 07.01.2009, proceeding of Environmental Public hearing conducted by H.P. State Pollution Control Board, Shimla dated 21.01.2014, proforma for Environmental appraisal of mining projects dated 29.01.2015, NOC from Gram Panchayat dated 11.01.2012. The committee after deliberating on the information submitted by the project proponent and considering the facts placed before the committee recommended case application for consideration of project for grant of environmental clearance by the SEIAA, subject to prior fulfillment of following conditions and along with project 'Specific Conditions' as at Annexure-A and 'General Conditions' to be stipulated as at Annexure-B: - 2.21 The Project Proponent shall submit copy of mining lease certificate and copy of letter submitted for renewal of the mining lease. The Project Proponent shall submit an undertaking/ resolution to provide the sanitary facility i.e. Toilets (separate for boys & girls) in Middle School Bagarti & Badi under proposed CSR activities. The Project Proponent shall submit the updated livestock data base. The Project Proponent shall submit the corrected rainfall data. Sh. Savitri Thakur, M/s Baba Stone Crusher, V.P.0.-Manlog Kalan, Tehsil- Nalagarh, Solan, Himachal Pradesh. The SEAC examined the case application as per procedure of EIA Notification and observed that the project is a River bed mining project for extraction of Sand, Stone & Bajri from bed of Gambhar Khad located near Mohal/Mauza Radog, Nalagarh. The proposed project is having lease area of 4.46 ha. (59-05 Bighas) and lying in Khasra number 42. It has been proposed to extract 32,810 tons/annum of Sand, Stone & Bajri. Maximum 3,650 tons/ annum of silt & clay will be generated as a waste. As proposed the mining will be carried out only up to a depth of 1 m (3 feet) depth, using hand tools like shovels, pan, sieve etc. only during the daytime. The project proponent has submitted the working-cum-Environment Management Plan dated 10.03.2014, joint inspection report dated 09.09.2011, NOC from Gram Panchyat dated 05.03.2011, letter from Mining Officer dated 19.03.2014. The committee after deliberating on the information submitted by the project proponent and taking on record the complaint logged against the project and considering the facts placed before the committee, committee observed that the case application be recommended for grant of environmental clearance by the SEIAA, subject to prior fulfillment of following conditions and along with project 'Specific Conditions' as at Annexure-A and 'General Conditions' to be stipulated as at Annexure-B: - The Project Proponent shall submit an undertaking/ resolution to build rain shelter at Jabal and two toilet (separate for girls & boys) in School at Chillad under proposed CSR activities. The Project Proponent shall submit the NOC from I&PH Department indicating the distance from the existing water supply/ irrigation schemes located in and around the mmmgarea. 38th Meeting of SEAC 2.22 Mis Jai Shankar Stone Crusher, Village-Churpur, Tehsil-Indora, District-Kangra, Himachal Pradesh. The SEAC examined the case application as per procedure of EIA Notification and observed that the project is for mining of minor minerals (stone, sand & bajri) over an area of 2-87-25 ha, in Khasra No. 171/1 at Mauza & Mohal Bari ofTehsil-Indora, Kangra. The proposal was taken up by the SEAC in its 36th meeting. The proponent was advised to submit documentary evidence w.r.t. approved mining plan as per the guidelines issued by the MoEF &CC, Govt. of India and certificate from Mining department that there is no mining lease existing/operational within 500 meters from the periphery of the applicants lease area or if the leases exist within 500 meters of the periphery of applicant's lease area, the total area of all the leases including that of the applicants does not equal or exceeds 5 hectares. The same has been submitted by the project proponent. The proponent has submitted the approved working-cum-environment management plan dated 21.12.2012, letter from mining officer-Kangra dated 23.01.2015 etc. The committee after deliberating on the information submitted by the project proponent and considering the facts placed before the committee recommended case application for consideration of project for grant of environmental clearance by the SEIAA, subject to prior fulfillment of following conditions and along with project 'Specific Conditions' as at Annexure-A and 'General Conditions' to be stipulated as at Annexure-B: - 2.23 The Project proponent shall submit the status report of the mining. The Project Proponent shall submit copy of mining lease certificate and copy of letter submitted for renewal of the mining lease. The Project proponent shall submit an undertaking/ resolution to build two toilet (separate for girls & boys) in Schools at Chuharpur and Kursan under proposed CSR activities. Mis Jai Shankar Stone Crusher, Village-Churpur, Tehsil-Indora, District-Kangra, Himachal Pradesh. The SEAC examined the case application as per procedure of EIA Notification and observed that the project is for mining of minor minerals (stone, sand & Bajri) over an area of 2.1147 ha, in Khasra No. 171/3 at Mauza & Mohal Bari of Tehsil-lndora, Kangra. The proposed capacity is 18,900 TP A. The proposal was taken up by the SEAC in its 36th meeting. The proponent was advised to submit documentary evidence w.r.t. permission from State Government for mining. The same has been submitted by the project proponent. The proponent has submitted letter from DFO-Nurpur regarding list of flora & fauna dated 03.12.2013, approved working-cum-Environment management Plan dated 18.02.2013 NOC from Gram Panchayat dated 22.10.2013, letter from Mining Officer-Kangra dated 23.01.2015, joint inspection report dated 15.02.2010, letter from Industry department regarding grant of Mining lease dated 14.10.2011. The committee after deliberating on the information submitted by the project proponent and considering the facts placed before the committee recommended case application 3gth Meeting of SEAC for consideration of project for grant of environmental clearance by the SEIAA, subject to prior fulfillment of following conditions and along with project 'Specific Conditions' as at Annexure-A and 'General Conditions' to be stipulated as at Annexure-B: - 2.24 The Project proponent shall submit the status report of the mining. The Project Proponent shall submit copy of.mining lease certificate and copy of letter submitted for renewal of the mining lease. The Project proponent shall submit an undertaking/ resolution to build two toilet (separate for girls & boys) in Schools at Chuharpur, Kursan under proposed CSR activities. Sh. Kushal K. Rana, S/o Sh. Baldev Singh Rana, Village & Post Office-Jaisinghpur/ Kuthan Tehsil- Jaisinghpur, District Kangra, Himachal Pradesh. The SEAC examined the case application as per procedure of EIA Notification and observed that the project is for River bed mining of Sand, Stone & Bajri having lease area of 22-78-04 hectare with Khasra number 1002 & 1003 located near village-Kuthan/Jaisinghpur. It has been proposed to collect approximately 3, 37,500 TPA of Sand, Stone & Bajri. No mining activity will be undertaken during the monsoon season. As proposed the minerals deposited as stream bed material will be collected in its existing form. As the mining is on Beas river, year wise mining is proposed. The operation will be manual in which material will be collected in its existing form using hand tools like shovel, pan, sieve etc. The mining will be carried out only day time. The project proponent has submitted letter of Intent, dated 01.08.2014 from Deptt. Of Industries, letter from Tehsildar showing Khasra numbers dated 25.11.2013, approved working-cum-Environment management Plan dated 19.01.2015, letter from Gram Panchayat dated 11.11.2013, letter from DFO-Jaisinghpur, Kangra regarding list of flora and fauna dated 07.02.2015, proforma joint inspection report dated 13.11.2013, letter from Mining Officer dated 04.02.2015. The committee after deliberating on the information submitted by the project proponent and considering the facts placed before the committee recommended case application for consideration of project for grant of environmental clearance by the SEIAA, subject to prior fulfillment of following conditions and along with project 'Specific Conditions' as at Annexure-A and 'General Conditions' to be stipulated as at Annexure-B: - - The Project Proponent shall submit a letter from Mining Department w.r.t. the fact that the mining lease has not yet been operational in order to examine the proposal for final disposal by SEIAA in the light of Office Memorandum No.J-11013/41/2006IA.II (I) Dated 12-12-2012 of MoEF which interalia prescribes the procedure for dealing with cases of violations. The Project Proponent shall submit information regarding legal source of water to be utilized in mining activity and revised cost estimates (recurring and non recurring). The Project Proponent shall resubmit the Form-1 with correctly filled information. The Project Proponent shall prepare and submit Environment Impact Assessment Report with at least four seasons data· base and shall prepare and submit the Environment Management Plan accordingly. 38th Meeting of SEAC 2.25 Sh. Sachin Sood, Mis Himalayan Stone Crusher, Village- Mauza Sanathali Pargna Sarhan, Shimla, H.P. The SEAC examined the case application as per procedure of EIA Notification and observed that the project is mining lease for extraction of minor minerals from hill slope for an area about 0-93-00 hectare having Khasra number 215/1 in Mauza Sanathali Pargna Sarhan, Tehsil-Rampur, Shimla, H.P. As proposed capacity of the project is 9600 TPA. The stone mining area is located on the hill slope. The proponent has submitted letter from DFO-Rampur dated 01.07.2013, permanent registration from State Geologist, H.P. dated I 0.02.2005, joint inspection report dated 01.11.2010 (photocopy is not clear), renewal of Mining Lease from Govt. of India, dated 30.04.2013, form of mining lease for minor minerals, letter oflntent dated 04.02.2015. The committee after deliberating on the information submitted by the project proponent and considering the facts placed before the committee recommended case application for consideration of project for grant of environmental clearance by the SEIAA, subject to prior fulfillment of following conditions and along with project 'Specific Conditions' as atAnnexure-A and 'General Conditions' to be stipulated as at Annexure-B: - - 2.26 The Buffer Zone map shall be leveled with all the legends. The Project proponent shall resubmit Form-I duly signed proponent mentioning that project falls in forest area and with correction specifically indicated by the committee. The Project proponent shall submit an undertaking/ resolution (separate for girls and boys) at Sunda High School under activities. by the project other necessary to build Toilets proposed CSR Sh. Praveen Kumar, M/s Mahavir Stone Crusher, Village-Mulana, P.O. Bohni, Tehsil & District, Hamirpur, H.P. The SEAC examined the case application as per procedure of EIA Notification and observed that the project is for extraction of minor minerals from river bed of Pung khad for an area of 4.16 hectare having Khasra numbers 220/1 & 262 in Village-Tika Bharnot, DistrictHamirpur, H.P. The proposed capacity of production is 20,200 MT A. The project was earlier listed in 36th meeting of SEAC, wherein the project proponent was directed to get the public hearing done for the project. The project proponent informed that they have not submitted any proposal for conducting the public hearing since as per Rule it was not applicable to their project. Therefore, have resubmitted their proposal for seeking a review .of the SEAC on the view point of the earlier SEAC. The proponent has submitted document of permanent registration from State Geologist, H.P. dated 15.10.2014, mining certificate from Mining Officer, Hamirpur dated 05.02.2015, joint inspection report dated 01.01.2009 grant of mining lease letter dated 20.05.2011, NOC from Gram Panchyat letter dated 20.10.2010, letter from Patwari dated 07.11.2009, letter from DFO - Harnirpur dated 08.10.2012. The committee after deliberating on the information submitted by the project proponent and considering the facts placed it observed that the conducting of public hearing as per provision of EIA Notification is not required in the present case and therefore SEAC 38th Meeting of SEAC appraised the project proposal and accordingly recommended case application for consideration of project for grant of environmental clearance by the SEIAA, subject to prior fulfillment of following conditions and along with project 'Specific Conditions' as at Annexure-A and 'General Conditions' to be stipulated as at Annexure-B: - 2.27 The Project Proponent shall resubmit Form-1 duly signed by the project proponent. The Project Proponent shall submit mining plan duly approved by the competent authority. Project proponent shall submit an undertaking/ resolution to build sanitation facility for the public with proposed cost under proposed CSR activities. The Project Proponent shall submit map of buffer zone with complete reference points (distance from road, school, government structure if any etc). Sh. Sanjeev Thakur, S/o Sh. Kamaan Singh Thakur, Village & Post Office- Sainsowal, Tehsil-Haroli, Una Himachal Pradesh. The SEAC examined the case application as per procedure of EIA Notification and observed that the project is for River bed mining of Sand and Bajri having mining lease area of 0338-90 hectare with Khasra number 2824/2 from the proposed khad. The production of Sand & Bajri shall be 27,100 MTA. The proponent has submitted the letter of Intent from Department of Industries dated 03.12.2013, letter from Mining Officer dated 28.02.2014, approved working-cumEnvironment Management Plan dated 12.02.2014, joint inspection report dated 04.05.2013, NOC from Gram Panchyat dated 20.02.2013, land Revenue record (Nakai Jamabandi) letter dated 13.02.2015, affidavit to dump the waste dated 13.02.2015. The committee, after deliberating on the information submitted by the project proponent and considering the facts placed it recommended case application for consideration of project for grant of environmental clearance by the SEIAA, subject to prior fulfillment of following conditions and along with project 'Specific Conditions' as at Annexure-A and 'General Conditions' to be stipulated as at Annexure-B: - 2.28 The Project Proponent shall resubmit Form-1 duly signed by him. The Project Proponent shall submit the location plan showing the existing access to the river and the distance of the river from the mining area. The Project Proponent shall submit the revised details of manpower for proposed activities. The Project Proponent shall submit an undertaking/ resolution to build sanitation facility i.e. two Toilets with water facility (separate of girls & boys) in Govt. Primary School Rampur under proposed CSR activities. Sh. Satish Kumar, Village-Baloh, P.O. Jhalan, Tehsil-Naduan, District-Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh. The SEAC examined the case application as per procedure of EIA Notification and observed that the project is of Sand, Stone & Bajri mining having mining lease area of 1-73-3 7 hectare having Khasra number 503/499/1. It has been proposed to collect approximately 16,150 TPA of Sand, Stone & Bajri. No mining activity will be undertaken during the monsoon season. 38th Meeting of SEAC The operation will be manual with use of hand tools in which the Sand, Stone & Bajri will be collected in its existing form. Minor mineral mining will be carried out after levying the 115th distances from HFL/ banks of the khad according to the width i.e. 26 meters as no mining area from each bank. The proponent has submitted letter for grant of mining lease from State Geologist dated 03.03.2010, NOC from Gram Panchyat (photocopy is not visible), approved working-cumEnvironment Management Plan dated 15.02.2014, letter from DFO-Una regarding list of flora and fauna dated 0303.2014, joint inspection report dated 06.10.2009. The committee, after deliberating on the information submitted by the project proponent and considering the facts placed it, recommended case application for consideration of project for grant of environmental clearance by the SEIAA, subject to prior fulfillment of following conditions and along with project 'Specific Conditions' as at Annexure-A and 'General Conditions' to be stipulated as at Annexure-B: - 2.29 The Project Proponent shall submit copy of joint inspection report and copy of the renewal of mining lease from Industry Department. Project proponent shall submit an undertaking/ resolution to build sanitation facility i.e. Toilets with water facility (separate of ladies & gents) in Baloh Panchayat Janj Ghar under proposed CSR activities. Sh. Ayodhya Lal Sharma, Village Dadhoon, PO. Pansai, Tehsil Nadaun, Distt. Hamirpur, HP. The SEAC 'examined the case application as per procedure of EIA Notification and observed that the project is for River bed mining of Sand, Stone and Bajri having mining lease area of 4.3881 hectare with Khasra number 413/15, 415/36 & 416/36 near Mauza Hathol, Naduan, Hamirpur. It has been proposed to collect approximately 7,400 TPA of Sand, Stone & Bajri. The proponent has submitted corrigendum letter from State Geologist dated 28.08.2014, grant of mining lease from State Geologist dated 20.08.2009, NOC from Gram Panchayat, approved working-cum-Environment Management Plan dated 12.02.2014, letter from DFOHamirpur regarding list of flora and fauna dated 03.03.2014, joint inspection report dated 15.09.2007. The committee after deliberating on the information submitted by the project proponent and considering the facts placed before the committee recommended case application for consideration of project for grant of environmental clearance by the SEIAA with 'Specific Conditions' as at Annexure-A and 'General Conditions' to be stipulated as at Annexure-B. DELIBERATIONS HELD ON DAY III 19th MARCH, 2015 2.30 Sh. Devinder Kumar, Mis Sada Shiv Stone Crusher, Village & Post Office-Kuhna, Tehsil-Rakker, District-Kangra, Himachal Pradesh. The SEAC examined the case application as per procedure of EIA Notification and observed that the project is manual extraction and collection of Sand, Stone & Bajri from Beas river 38th Meeting of SEAC bed up to one meter for supply to captive stone crusher and further sale in local market. The area comprises of Khasra No. 1566/1 and 1566/2 measuring 4.2994 hectare falling in Mauza Kaloha, Mohal Kuhna, Kangra, H.P. The proposed mining capacity will be 38,500 metric tons per annum. The proponent has submitted Grant of mining lease order dated 27/9/2012 from Department dated 08.03.2011, approved oflndustries dated 27.09.2012, joint inspection report working-cum-Environment Management Plan dated 05.10.2013, letter from Mining Officer, Kangra dated 12.03.2014, NOC from Gram Panchayat dated 16.03.2015. The committee after deliberating on the information submitted by the project proponent and considering the facts placed before the committee, recommended the case application for consideration of project for grant of environmental clearance by the SEIAA, subject to prior fulfillment of following conditions and along with project 'Specific Conditions' as at Annexure-A and 'General Conditions' to be stipulated as at Annexure-B: The Project Proponent shall resubmit duly signed Form-1 and Para in 8.3 figure to be corrected in pre-feasibility report. The Project Proponent shall resubmit information on legal source of water. An undertaking/ resolution to provide the sanitary facility i.e. Toilet in a nearest located Government School i.e. at Kkuhna & tree plantation at Kkuhna Panchayat under proposed CSR activities. 2.31 Sh. J.S Sidhu, Mis Him Chemicals & Allied Industries, V.P.0.-Bathu, Tehsil- Haroli, Una, H.P. The SEAC examined the case application as per procedure of EIA Notification and observed that the project is manual extraction of Sand, Stone & Bajri from hill slope for supply to captive stone crusher having area comprises of Khasra No. 952 measuring 0.9939 hectares falling in Mauza Bathri, Tehsil-Haroli, Una, H.P. As proposed the total optimum material handling in a year would be 18, 165 metric tons in a year with optimum production of stone & Bajri being 14,800 metric tons to be achieved in the fifth year. The waste generated during the production of commercially usable construction aggregate in the 5th year would be about 3565 metric tons. The area is part of hill slope and has no habitation required to be disturbed from the mining lease, therefore, no rehabilitation and resettlement plan is required. The proponent has submitted letter for grant of mining lease from State Geologist dated 28.09.2010, joint inspection report dated 05.05.2010, approved working-cum-Environment Management Plan dated 25.07.2012, letter from DFO-Una dated 06.02.2015, letter from Mining Officer, Una dated 06.02.2015, NOC from Gram Panchayat dated 19.12.2009. The committee after deliberating on the information submitted by the project proponent and considering the facts placed before the committee recommended the case application for consideration of project for grant of environmental clearance by the SEIAA, subject to prior fulfillment of following conditions and along with project 'Specific Conditions' as at Annexure-A and 'General Conditions' to be stipulated as at Annexure-B: 38tb Meeting of SEAC The Project Proponent shall submit an undertaking/ resolution to provide the sanitary facility i.e. Toilet in a nearest located Dharmshala near GSS School Bathri under proposed CSR activities. 2.32 Sh. Dharminder Singh, Ashok Indoria, Mauza & Mohal-Lodhwan, Tehsil-Nurpur, Kangra, H.P. The SEAC examined the case application as per procedure of EIA Notification and observed that the project is mining of minor minerals like Stone, Bajri & Sand from terrace, which is a tributary of Beas River. The mining lease area is 4-50-20 hectare having Khasra numbers 1599/617/2 (private land) in Mauza & Mohal-Lodhwan, Tehsil-Nurpur, District-Kangra. The proposed capacity is 53,000 TPA and 2,61 ,595 MT for the leased period of 5 years. The proponent has submitted grant of mining lease from the Department of Industries dated 29.04.2011, permanent registration letter dated 26.04.2012, letter from DFO-Nurpur dated 15.03.2013, approved working-cum-Environment Management Plan dated 08.05.2013. The committee after deliberating on the information submitted by the project proponent and considering the facts placed before the committee recommended case application for consideration of project for grant of environmental clearance by the SEIAA, subject to prior fulfillment of following conditions and along with project 'Specific Conditions' as at Annexure-A and 'General Conditions' to be stipulated as at Annexure-B: - 2.33 The Project Proponent shall submit an undertaking/ resolution to provide the sanitary facility i.e. Toilet in nearest located Government School Bari Khad Govt. Primary School under proposed CSR activities. The Project Proponent shall submit the details of legal source of water supply. The Project Proponent shall re-submit Form-1 with correct information as indicated by the committee. The reporting regarding the sale of silt and clay needs to be clarified. The Project Proponent shall give number of trucks deployed on site and No. of trips involved per day at project site for evacuation of the material. M/s Lakhwinder Singh, Village-Kungrat (Mahal-Thara Heeran), Tehsil-Haroli, DistrictUna, Himachal Pradesh. The SEAC examined the case application as per procedure of EIA Notification and observed that the project is for collecting approximately 2, 50,000 TP A of Sand, Stone and Bajri from the area of 4.18 hectare having Khasra number 546, 547,548 & 549. As proposed the operation will be mostlY. mechanized in which the material will be collected in its existing form. Minor minerals (sand, stone and Bajri) mining will be carried out by open cast method by bench formation 6*6 meters from top to bottom. The proponent has submitted letter from land revenue records dated 22.09.2011, letter from Mining Officer dated 31.03.2014, letter from DFO dated 16/7/2013, NOC from gram Panchayat Una dated 28-10-2012. The committee after deliberating on the information submitted by the project proponent and considering the facts placed before the committee recommended the case 38th Meeting of SEAC application for consideration of project for grant of environmental clearance by the SEIAA, subject to prior fulfillment of following conditions and along with project 'Specific Conditions' as at Annexure-A and 'General Conditions' to be stipulated as at Annexure-B: The Project proponent shall correct information as indicated by the committee in prefeasibility report e.g. correct coordinates of project site etc. The Project proponent shall submit NOC from concerned Gram panchayat for use of water from nearby source if any and date of NOC issued. The Project Proponent shall submit an undertaking/ resolution to provide the rain shelter at Laluwal under proposed CSR activities. The Project Proponent shall resubmit EMP cost. The Project Proponent shall submit the approved copy of the Environment-cumWorking Plan. The Project Proponent shall submit the copy of the Letter of Intent from Mining Department. The Project Proponent shall indicate the exact latitude and longitudes of the site. 2.34 Sh. Ranvir Singh, New Shiva Stone Crusher, Village & PO Kandwal, Kangra, H.P. The SEAC examined the case application as per procedure of EIA Notification and observed that the project is mining of minor minerals like Stone, Bajri & Sand having lease area of 497-93 hectare having Khasra number 700 & 731/2/2. The lease area lies in the river bed of Chakki khad a primary tributary of river Beas. As proposed the mining operation will be manual with use of hand tools in which the material will be collected in its existing form. Minor minerals will be carried out only to a depth of 0.9 m (3 feet) depth, using hand tools like shovels, pan, sieve etc. only during the day time. The proposed capacity of extraction will be 47,200 TPA from Chakki Khad. The proponent has submitted copy of lease deed, letter from Mining Officer dated 28.01.2014, NOC Gram Panchayat, letter from DFO dated 31.01.2014. The committee after deliberating on the information submitted by the project proponent viz-a-viz the decision of the SEIAA w.r.t. concentration of mining activities in Chakki river that the lease applications of Environmental clearance in Chakki & its Tributaries in the areas 1 KM upstream of bridge on Mandi-Pathankot NH and 3KMs Dis of Railway bridge on Pathankot-Jallandher section shall be dealt with one level i.e. at the level of MoEF&CC, Gol and considering the facts placed before the committee and verbal explanations given by the proponent on distance of project site w.r.t. above decision of SEIAA recommended the case application for consideration of project for grant of environmental clearance by the SEIAA, subject to prior fulfillment of following conditions and along with project 'Specific Conditions' as at Annexure-A and 'General Conditions' to be stipulated as at Annexure-B: - The Project Proponent shall submit Certificate from PWD regarding exact distance of project site from upstream of bridge on Mandi-Pathankot NH and Dis of Railway bridge on Pathankot-Jallandher section. The Project Proponent shall submit an undertaking/ resolution to provide the toilet with water facility at Khanni (Upparli) Panchayat Bhawan under proposed CSR activities. 38th Meeting of SEAC - 2.35 The Project Proponent shall resubmit EMP cost. The Project Proponent shall submit number of vehicles used in mining at project site. The Project Proponent shall submit the legal source of water supply Sh. Ranvir Singh, Mis Shiva Stone Crusher, Village and Post Office-Kandwal, DistrictKangra, Himachal Pradesh. The SEAC examined the case application as per procedure of EIA Notification and observed that the project is of Sand, Stone and Bajri mining having lease area of 3.8770 hectare with Khasra number 731/1 & 732 which are adjoining to the lease area of 4-97-93 hectare having Khasra number 700 & 731/2/2 allotted in the name of New Shiva Stone Crusher as stated in the letter from Mining Officer dated 28.01.2014 supplied by the proponent. The committee after deliberating on the information submitted by the project proponent the committee observed that the case the present case is in same ownership of New Shiva Stone Crusher which has been appraised by the Committee as at Sr. No. 2.34 and stands recommended for the grant of Environmental Clearance by the SEIAA and in the position of schedule of EIA, Notification these two cases total area is exceeding 5 hectare and therefore, either case of these two shall have to be appraised with applicability of General Conditions as per provision. Therefore the project proponents were informed to apply to the MoEF&CC, Gol for the present case under category of cluster case. 2.36 Sh. Anil Trehan, Mis Saini Stone Crusher, Mauza/Mohal Mohtali, Tehsil-lndora, District-Kangra, Himachal Pradesh. The SEAC examined the case application as per procedure of EIA Notification and observed that the project is mining of minor minerals like Stone, Bajri & Sand from privateland (terrace land) having Khasra number 1164/1, 1168, 1170/1 at Mauza/Mohal Mohtali, Indora, proposed capacity will be 1,01,640 MT Kangra, H.P. in an area of 4-67-00 hectare. The (24,420 TP A) for the leased period of five years. The proponent has submitted grant of mining lease dated 29.11.2010, letter from DFO dated 15.03.2013, approved working-cum-Environment Management Plan dated 28.05.2013. The committee after deliberating on the information submitted by the project proponent and considering the facts placed before the committee recommended the case application for consideration of project for grant of environmental clearance by the SEIAA, subject to prior fulfillment of following conditions and along with project 'Specific Conditions' as at Annexure-A and 'General Conditions' to be stipulated as at Annexure-B: - The Project Proponent shall submit an undertaking/ resolution to provide Toilet (separated ladies & gents) Majra Government Middle School under proposed CSR activities. The Project Proponent shall correct information as indicated by the committee in prefeasibility report and Form-1 and resubmit. The Project Proponent shall correct the data w.r.t. Land Environment and corrections in production capacity. 38tb Meeting of SEAC - 2.37 The Project Proponent shall submit the component wise detailed summary of EMP with cost implication of recurring and non recurring costs. Mis Jagdambay Stone Crusher and Screening Plant, Village & Post-Gondpur, Jaichand (Niebla), Tehsil-Haroli, District-Una, H.P. The SEAC examined the case application as per procedure of EIA Notification and observed that the project is an open cast manual mining. It has been proposed to collect Sand, Stone & Bajri from the proposed project. As proposed the applicant intends to mine Sand, Stone & Bajri from the lease area comprising 2.7553 ha khasra no. 4083 & 1460. The extracted material will be sold in the open market. Mining will be confined to the allotted lease area is a part of seasonal Hum Khad, a primary tributary of Soan Nadi and secondary tributary of river Satluj. It has proposed to handle approximately 148450 tons of river bed material in five years with approximately annual average of 28,120 tons per annum. The proponent has submitted letter oflntent dated 11.06.2014 having 02-75-53 hectare (Govt. land) in Khasra numbers 4083/1460, joint inspection report dated 24.12.2012, approved working-cum-Environment Management Plan dated 28.01.2015, NOC from Gram Panchayat dated 07.02.2015, letter from DFO-Una dated 11.02.2015, letter from mining officer dated 04.02.2015. The committee after deliberating on the information submitted by the project proponent and considering the facts placed before the committee recommended the case application for consideration of project for grant of environmental clearance by the SEIAA, subject to prior fulfillment of following conditions and along with project 'Specific Conditions' as at Annexure-A and 'General Conditions' to be stipulated as at Annexure-B: - 2.38 The project proponent shall submit an undertaking/ resolution to provide water cooler in Govt. School Singha under proposed CSR activities. Project proponent shall correct information as indicated by the committee e.g. correct coordinates (Lat/Long.) and free sale of sand in pre-feasibility report and resubmit. The project proponent shall submit baseline data w.r.t ground water level of well from where water is to be taken. The Project Proponent shall provide the green belt along the haul road. Mis Jai Ganesh Stone Crusher, VPO-Kalruhu, District-Una, Himachal Pradesh. The SEAC examined the case application as per procedure of EIA Notification and observed that the project is mining of minor minerals like Sand, Stone and Bajri from an area having 4.3929 hectare with Khasra number 509, 510,511,512,513 & 731 (Private Land). It has been proposed to collect approximately 17,400 TPA of Sand, Stone and Bajri. No mining activity will be undertaken during the monsoon season. As proposed the operation will be done manually in which the river bed material will be collected in its existing form. Minerals mining will be carried out only up to a depth of 0.9 (3 feet), using hand tools like shovels, pan, sieve etc. Mining will be carried out only during the day time. The proponent has submitted supplementary deed, affidavit, letter from Mining Officer dated 18.02.2015, NOC from Gram Panchayat dated 15.08.2013. 38th Meeting of SEAC The committee after deliberating on the information submitted by the project proponent and considering the facts placed before the committee recommended the case application for consideration of project for grant of environmental clearance by the SEIAA, subject to prior fulfillment of following conditions and along with project 'Specific Conditions' as at Annexure-A and 'General Conditions' to be stipulated as at Annexure-B: - 2.39 The project proponent shall submit an undertaking/ resolution to provide toilet (separate for ladies and gents) with water facility for village community at Kalruhi under proposed CSR activities. Project proponent shall correct information as indicated by the committee in prefeasibility report and resubmit. Project proponent shall resubmit EMP cost. The project proponent shall submit baseline data w.r.t. ground water level of well from where water is to be taken. The Project Proponent shall submit the copy of approved Environment-cum-working Plan along with approved letter. General Manager (HoP), Surgani Sundla HEP, Himachal Pradesh Power Corporation Limited Sujanpur Tihra, District-Hamirpur, H.P. The SEAC examined the case application as per procedure of EIA Notification. The SEAC observed that the project was earlier listed in 121h & 141h meeting ofSEAC, wherein ToR's for the same were approved. The project was also listed in I 01h meeting of SEIAA wherein the authority perused and approved the ToR's as were recommended by the SEAC with following additional ToR's: • (a) The project proponent will have a well laid down Environment Policy and it may be detailed in EIA report. (b) The Environment Policy should prescribe standard operating process I procedures to bring into focus any infringement/deviation/violation of the environment or forest norms/condition and it may be detailed in the EIA. • The hierarchical system or administrative order of the project to deal with the environment issue and for ensuring compliance with the EC conditions may be detailed. The project proponent must have a system of reporting of non compliance/violation of environment norms. This reporting mechanism should be detailed I the EIA report. • The project proponent has also submitted the revised Environment Impact Assessment & Environment Management Plan for Surgani-Sundla Hydro Electric Project in 2014. The H.P. State Pollution Control Board conducted the Environmental Public Hearing for the same project on 28.12.2014. The copy of the same has been also circulated to all SEAC members for their perusal. The consultants of the project made a detailed presentation on the EIA report and proposed EMP before the SEAC. 38th Meeting of SEAC The committee after deliberating on the information submitted by the project proponent and considering the facts placed before the committee, committee observed that the project proponent have not submitted the approvals of query sites including FCA clearance from competent authorities besides the approvals for setting up of Stone Crushing Units for project being integral part of the project. The committee decided that the case shall be appraised in entirety and therefore asked the project proponents to submit the above mentioned approvals to the authority. However the SEAC also advised the project proponents to make necessary amendments in proposed EMP as per the discussions held during the presentation. 2.40 Mis Him Chemicals & Works, Unit-II, Village & Post Office- Bathu, Tehsil-Haroli, District-Una, H.P. The SEAC examined the case application as per procedure of EIA Notification and observed that the project is manual extraction of Sand, stone and Bajri from Hill slope for supply to captive stone crusher. The area comprises of Khasra No. 1115/1 measuring l.0791 hectares falling in Mauza Bathri, Tehsil-Haroli, Una. The total optimum material handling in a year would be 1725 metric tons in year with optimum production of stone & Bajri being 1725 metric tons to be achieved in the fourth year. The waste generated during the production of commercially usable construction aggregate in the fourth year would be about 4750 metric tons. The proponent has submitted letter for grant of mining lease from State Geologist dated 07.10.2010, joint inspection report dated 05.05.2010, approved working-cum-Environment Management Plan dated 25.07.2012, letter from· DFO-Una dated 06.02.2015, letter from Mining Officer, Una dated 06.02.2015, NOC from Gram Panchayat dated 17.02.2010. The committee after deliberating on the information submitted by the project proponent and considering the facts placed before the committee, recommended case application for consideration of project for grant of environmental clearance by the SEIAA, subject to prior fulfillment of following conditions and along with project 'Specific Conditions' as at Annexure-A and 'General Conditions' to be stipulated as at Annexure-B: - 2.41 The Project Proponent shall submit an undertaking/ resolution to provide one rain shelter at Bathri bus stand & plantation in nearby Panchayat under proposed CSR activities. Mis Shiv Shakti Stone Crusher, Smt. Usha Devi W/o Sh. Piar Chand, Village-Karkriar, P.O. Himmer, Tehsil-Bhoranj, District-Hamirpur, H.P. The SEAC examined the case application as per procedure of EIA Notification and observed that the project is for minor minerals like Sand, Stone and Bajri from hill slope and from river bed Khansa having an area of 45.13 kanal (2.63085 Ha) (hill slope-31.02 kanal & river bed14.11 kanal) with Khasra number 98 & 98/1. As proposed the project is an open cast mining and during opening of benches, 2525 metric tons of total silt and clay will be generated. The proponent has submitted certificate from DFO, Hamirpur, joint inspection report dated 05.03.2010, copy of grant of mining lease dated 09.06.2010. 38th Meeting of SEAC The committee after deliberating on the information submitted by the project proponent and considering the facts placed before the committee recommended case application for consideration of project for grant of environmental clearance by the SEIAA, subject to prior fulfillment of following conditions and along with project 'Specific Conditions' as at Annexure-A and 'General Conditions' to be stipulated as at Annexure-B: - The Project Proponent shall submit the copy of letter of intent. The Project Proponent shall submit the revised EMP with cost implications (recurring/ non recurring). The Project Proponent shall submit an undertaking/ resolution to provide one Gaushala in gram Panchayat (provide name) with facility of water under proposed CSR activities. ITEMN0.3 S-1.1 Correction in Environmental Clearance letter issued in favour of Mis. Krishna Stone Crusher, Village-Tatehra, P.O. Oel, Tehsil-Amb, District-Una, H.P. at Mauza Tatehra, Una, H.P. w.r.t. capacity of production of the unit in accordance with the letter of intent/ Grant letter. The SEAC considered the request letter of the project proponent dated 11.03.2015 for necessary amendments in Environmental clearance letter HPSEIAA/2013/219-M/s Krishna Stone Crusher-2802 dated 22.01.2015 w.r.t. project capacity per annum i.e. 33,390 TPA in place of 350 TPD. The SEAC approved necessary amendment in the project capacity and recommended that the SEIAA may issue the corrigendum w.r.t. same. Any other item with permission of Chair: The SEAC Chairman, Secretary & members expressed their serious concern over in consistency among the information, data presented in application forms filed by the project proponent and presentations.made thereafter before the committee during the appraisal, besides the fact that there are errors in information typed in the pre-feasibility report, non legible photocopies of various layout plans of environment-cum-management working plan etc. Therefore, the SEAC unanimously took a decision to call all the consultants who are filing application forms on behalf of various project proponent on the last day of 3gth meeting and to discuss about the same with consultants who are actually preparing the data, application forms for appraisal on behalf of applicants and that the such inconsistencies, errors in information is actually causing delay in decision making process etc. The meeting with consultants was convened after completion of day 3 meeting dated 19/3/2015 at 4:30 pm and it was decided that: i) SEAC will devise a format for supplying of information, format for presentation in addition to the Form-1 as per EIA notification, 2006 and SEAC shall host the same on its web site. ii) The SEAC shall also host the sample Form-1 duly filled as to facilitate the applicant to file applications before SEAC/SEIAA for appraisal. Chairman expressed deep appreciation and gratitude to the Members, Secretary of SEAC and staff of the Department of Environment, Science and Technology, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh for the sincere hard work, commitment and positive attitude in dealing with & considering the matters brought before the committee. Committee was able to achieve complete 1=1Ilanimity in 381h Meeting of SEAC the decision making process. The members and staff extended their full cooperation in conducting the business even during late hours. Chairman and members also thanked to the Department of Environment, Science & Technology for arranging logistic support for meetings of the committee. • Meeting ended with vote of thanks to and from the Chair. ~ (Parveen Gupta) tk~ (Shailendra Nigam) Chairman, HPSEAC Secretary, HPSEAC, Endst. No. SEAC 38th Meeting/2015- 3 °1J..o-a l Dated ,~ .2.e March, 2015 Copy to following for information and further necessary action please: 1. The Member Secretary, State Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority, Himachal Pradesh, Shimla-1. 2. Case files of all projects, Guard file. Note:- These minutes are being posted on the official website of Authority in department of Environment, Science & Technology and all concerned shall down load these minutes for taking necessary actions relevant to their Project for further necessary action. ~ (Parveen Gupta) Secretary, Himachal Pradesh State Expert Appraisal Committee, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh. 38th Meeting of SEAC Annexure-' A' Specific Conditions: i. 1i. iii. 1v. v. vi. vii. vm. 1x. x. x1. xn. Stone and Bajri is not allowed to be sold to crushers not having consent to establish and operate and also not complying with the condition stipulated by State Pollution Control Board. The project proponent shall obtain Consent to Establish and Consent to Operate from the Himachal Pradesh Pollution Control Board and effectively implement all the conditions stipulated therein. Environment clearance is subject to final order of the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India in the matter of Goa Foundation Vs. Union oflndia in Writ Petition (Civil) No. 460of2004, as may be applicable to this project. Annual replenishment report certified by an authorized agency shall be submitted. In case the replenishment is low, the mining activity/ production levels shall accordingly be decreased/ stopped. Effective safeguard measures shall be taken to control particulate matter level so as to ensure that these are within permissible limit. Regular monitoring of ambient air quality shall be carried out and records maintained. The results of monitoring shall be submitted to MoEF&CC and its Regional Office and CPCB, SPCB regularly. Effective safeguard measures, such as regular water sprinkling shall be carried out in critical areas prone to air pollution and having high levels of particulate matter such as loading and unloading point and all transfer points. Extensive water sprinkling shall be carried out on haul roads. It should be ensured that the Ambient Air Quality parameters conform to the norms prescribed by the Central Pollution Control Board in this regard. The project proponent shall undertake adequate safeguard measures during extraction of river bed material and ensure that due to this activity the hydro-geological regime of surrounding area shall not be affected. Regular monitoring of ground water level and quality shall be carried out around the mine lease area by establishing a network of existing wells and installing new piezometers during the mining operation. The periodic monitoring [(at least four times in a year - pre-monsoon (April-May), monsoon (August), post-monsoon (November) and winter (January); once in each season)] shall be carried out in consultation with the State Ground Water Board/Central Ground Water Authority and the data thus collected may be sent regularly to the MoEF &CC and its Regional Office Dehradun, the Central Ground Water Authority and the Regional Director, Central Ground Water Board. If at any stage, it is observed that the groundwater table is getting depleted due to the mining activity, necessary corrective measures shall be carried out. The project proponent shall obtain n~cessary prior permission from the competent authority for drawl of requisite quantity of water for the project. Appropriate mitigative measures shall be taken to prevent pollution of the river in consultation with the State Pollution Control Board. It shall be ensured that there is no leakage of oil and grease in the river from the vehicles used for transportation. Vehicular emission shall be kept under control and regularly monitored. The mineral transportation shall be carried out through the covered trucks only and the vehicles carrying the mineral shall not be overloaded. No drilling and blasting operation shall be carried out. 3gth Meeting of SEAC xiii. xiv. xv. xvt. xvii. Mineral handling area shall be provided with the adequate number of high efficiency dust extraction system. Loading and unloading areas including all the transfer points should also have efficient dust control arrangements. These should be properly maintained and operated. Periodical medical examination of the workers engaged in the project shall be carried out and records maintained. For the purpose, schedule of health examination of the workers should be drawn and followed accordingly. Provision shall be made for the housing of construction labour within the site with all necessary infrastructure and facilities such as fuel for cooking, mobile toilets, mobile STP, safe drinking water, medical health care, creche etc. The housing may be in the form of temporary structures to be removed after the completion of the project. The project authority shall implement suitable conservation measures to augment ground water resources in the area in consultation with the Regional Director, Central Ground Water Board. The project proponent shall undertake all the commitments made during the public hearing and effectively address the concerns raised by the locals in the public hearing as well as during consideration of the project, while implementing the project. 38th Meeting of SEAC Annexure-'B' General Conditions: 1. No change in mining technology and scope of working should be made without prior approval of the MoEF &CC. 11. No change in the calendar plan including excavatioJ)., quantum of mineral Sand, Gravel, Boulders (minor mineral) and waste should be made. 111. Four ambient air quality-monitoring stations should be established in the core zone as well as in the buffer zone for RSPM (Particulate matter with size less than 10 micron i.e., PM10) and NOx monitoring. Location of the stations should be decided based on the meteorological data, topographical features and environmentally and ecologically sensitive targets and frequency of monitoring should be undertaken in consultation with the State Pollution Control Board. IV. Data on ambient air quality should be regularly submitted to the MoEF&CC including its Regional office located at Dehradun and the State Pollution Control Board/ Central Pollution. Control Board once in six months. Provisions contained in notification no. B29016/20/90/PCI-I dated 18.11.2009 should be allowed for monitoring. v. ·Fugitive dust emission from all the sources should be controlled regularly. Water spraying arrangement on haul roads, loading and unloading and at transfer points should be provided and properly maintained. vi. Personnel working in dusty areas should wear protective respiratory devices and they should also be provided with adequate training and information on safety and health aspects. v11. Occupational health surveillance program of the workers should be undertaken periodically to observe any contractions due to exposure to dust and take corrective measures, if needed. vm. A separate environmental management cell with qualified personnel should be set-up under the control of a Senior Executive, who will report directly to the Head of the Organization. IX. The funds earmarked for environmental protection measures should be kept in separate account and should not be diverted for other purpose. Year wise expenditure should be reported to the MoEF &CC and its Regional Office located at Dehradun. x. The project authorities should inform to the Regional Office located at Chandigarh regarding date of financial closure and final approval of the project by the concerned authorities and the date of start of land development work. xi. The Regional Office of this Ministry located at Chandigarh shall monitor compliance of the stipulated conditions. The project authorities should extend full cooperation to the officer (s) x11. xm. of the Regional Office by furnishing the requisite data I information I monitoring reports. The project proponent shall submit six monthly reports on the status of compliance of the stipulated environmental clearance conditions including results of monitored data (both in hard copies as well as by e-mail) to the MoEF&CC, its Regional Office Dehradun, the respective Zonal Office of Central Pollution Control Board the State Pollution Control Board. The proponent shall upload the status of compliance of the environmental clearance conditions, including results of monitored data on their website and shall update the same periodically. It shall simultaneously be sent to the Regional Office of the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Chandigarh, the respective Zonal Office of Central Pollution Control Board and the State Pollution Control Board. A copy of the clearance letter shall be sent by the proponent to concerned Panchayat, Zila Parisad I Municipal Corporation, Urban Local Body and the Local NGO, if any, from whom suggestions/ representations, if any, were received while processing the proposal. The clearance letter shall also be put on the website of the Company by the proponent. ~ 38th Meeting of SEAC xiv. xv. xvi. The State Pollution Control Board should display a copy of the clearance letter at the Regional office, District Industry Centre and the Collector's office/ Tehsildar's Office for 30 days. The environmental statement for each financial year ending 31st March in Form-V as is mandated to be submitted by the project proponent to the concerned State Pollution Control Board as prescribed under the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986, as amended subsequently, shall also be put on the website of the company along with the status of compliance of environmental clearance conditions and shall also be sent to the Regional Office of the MoEF &CC, Dehradun by e-mail. The project authorities should advertise at least in two local newspapers widely circulated, one of which shall be in the vernacular language of the locality concerned, within 7 days of the issue of the clearance letter informing that the project has been accorded environmental clearance and a copy of the clearance letter is available with the State Pollution Control Board and also at web site of the MoEF&CC at http://envfor.nic.in and a copy of the same should be forwarded to the Regional Office of MoEF &CC at Dehradun. 381h Meeting of SEAC Annexure-'C' TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR PROJECT EXPANSION OF MAN MADE FIBRE UNIT (SPANDEX YARN) AT VILLAGE LODffiMAJRA, TEHSIL BAD DI, DISTT. SOLAN HIMACHAL PRADESH BEING ESTABLISHED BY Mis INDORAMA INDUSTRIES LTD. Justification of the project. Status of Consent to Operate and Authorization accorded by the HPPCB for existing unit. Copy of NOC/ Consent to Establish for the existing unit. Data for the stack emissions, fugitive emissions; water requirement and water balance chart; wastewater generation, treated effluent quality, re-utilization and disposal of solid/hazardous waste for the existing unit. 5. A map indicating location of the project and distance from severely polluted area and State Boundry. 6. Project location and plant layout. 7. Infrastructure facilities including power sources. 8. Total cost of the project alongwith total capital cost and recurring cost/annum for environmental pollution control measures. 9. Project site location alongwith site map of 10 km area and site details providing various industries, surface water bodies, forests etc. 10. Present land use for the study area of 10 km radius. Details of land availability for the project along-with supporting document. 11. Location of National Park/Wild life sanctuary/Reserve forest within 10 km radius of the project. 19. Details of the total land and break-up of the land use for green belt and other uses. 20. List of products alongwith the production capacities. 21. Detailed list of raw material required and source, mode of storage. 22. Manufacturing process details and process flow chart. 23. Action plan for the transportation of raw material and products. 24. Site-specific micro-meteorological data indicating temperature, relative humidity, hourly wind speed and direction and rainfall is necessary. 25. Ambient air quality monitoring at 6 locations within the study area of 5 km., aerial coverage from project site as per NAAQM notified on 16th September, 2009. Location of one AAQMS in downwind direction. 26. One season site-specific micro-meteorological data using temperature, relative humidity, hourly wind speed and direction and rainfall and AAQ data (except monsoon) for PM2.5, PMlO, S02, NOx, shall be collected. The monitoring stations shall take into account the predominant wind direction, population zone and sensitive receptors including reserved forests. Data for water and noise monitoring shall also be included. 27. Details of water, air and pollution its mitigation plan. 28. Air pollution control measures proposed for the effective control of gaseous/process emissions within permissible limits. 29. An action plan to control and monitor secondary fugitive emissions from all the sources. 30. Determination of atmospheric inversion level at the project site and assessment of ground level concentration of pollutants from the stack emission based on site-specific meteorological features. Air quality modeling for proposed plant. 31. Name of all the solvents to be used in the process and details of solvent recovery system. 32. Design details of ETP and shall carry out the study of biological process of existing ETP and submit the same along with EIA report. 1. 2. 3. 4. 33th Meeting of SEAC 33. Action plan to control ambient air quality as per NAAQS Standards notified by the Ministry on 16th September, 2009. 34. Source and permission from Competent Authority for the drawl of water. Water balance chart including quantity of effluent generated recycled and reused and effluent discharge. 35. Complete scheme of effluent treatment. Characteristics of untreated and treated effluent to meet the standard. 36. The unit shall work out the plan for zero discharge. 37. Ground water quality monitoring minimum at 6 locations shall be carried out. 38. Ecological status of the study area. 39. The details of solid and hazardous wastes generation, storage, utilization and disposal particularly related to the hazardous waste calorific value of hazardous waste and detailed characteristic of the hazardous waste. Action plan for the disposal of fly ash generated from boiler shall be included. 40. Authorization/Membership for the disposal of solid/hazardous waste in TSDF. 41. Risk assessment/ Disaster for storage for chemicals/solvents. Action plan for handling & safety system. 42. An action plan to develop green belt in the area along with Layout plan. 43. Provisions for rainwater harvesting measures at plant site shall be included to harvest rainwater from the roof tops. 44. Details of occupational health programme and safety covering following points: a) b) c) d) e) Exposure of workers directly or indirectly to the raw material being used by the proponent. With measures for safety of workers. Prepare onsite and offsite emergency plan for chemical disaster. Proposal for Liver function tests (LFT) during pre-placement and periodical examination. Prepare occupational health surveillance programme. Safety plan for third party/ neighborhood in case of any kind of emergency. 44. Socio-economic development activities. 45. At least 0.75 % of the total cost of the project should be earmarked towards the Enterprise Social Commitment based on Public Hearing issues and item-wise details along with time bound action plan should be prepared and incorporated. 46. Note on compliance to the recommendations mentioned in the CREP guidelines. 47. Detailed Environment management Plan (EMP) with specific reference to details of air pollution control system, water & wastewater management, monitoring frequency, responsibility and time bound implementation plan for mitigation measure shall be provided. 48. EMP shall include the concept of waste-minimization, recycle I reuse I recover techniques, Energy conservation, and natural resource conservation. 49. Total capital cost and recurring cost/annum for environmental pollution control measures. 50. Corporate Environmental Responsibility. 51. The Project proponent shall acquire and submit the PLI as a part of off/ on site emergency plan. 52. The Project Proponent shall submit the details of recyclable waste and other solid wastes which are likely to be generated form the process. ~ 38tb Meeting of SEAC
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