Editorial Essential to the success a high scholarly quality of the The editor manuscripts, level evaluation is utterly and all of any journal of reporting accorded dependent his effforts that of to the upon would attempts scientific to maintain research submitted those come Acknowledgment consuming duties. by the members is the manuscripts. welcome who review these to naught without A. Alvares J.C. Arcos B.H. Arison ST. N.R. Aust Bachur R. Blum K. Brendel J.W. Bridges R.R. Brown T.R. Brown Dingell Domino R. Donham H.W. D.E. Dorough Duggan G.J. Dutton F.S. Eberts T.E. Eling 0. Elion R.W. D.A. Estabrook Price Evans J.L. P. Mazel R.E. McMahon H.M. Mehendale R.E. Holtzman J. Hook MG. Horning C.E. Inturrisi C.C. Irving M. Israel Z.H. M.O. Lucier Lynn R.J. Mason M. Marietta DL. Hill E. Hodgson Menzer METABOLISM of chemicals R. Schmid Sporn Stamey R.C. L. Sternson W.G. Stillwell Neal D.W. Nebert A. Neims R.E. Notan P.J. O’Brien VT. Oliverio S. Orrenius J. Patel Kaplowitz J. Peterson R.E. Peterson A. Karim Y. Kikkawa K.A. Pittman A. Poland H.K. CD. C.C. Porter A. Rane Kimelberg Klaassen D. Koechel GA. Krishna D.J. B. La Du G.L. Lage J.J. Lech R.J. Lefkowitz RH. E.S. G.A. W. Levin R.R. Levine Reed M. Reidenberg Reuning Reynolds S. Riegelman D. Robard R.J. Rubin H.W. Ruelius L. Lemberger LePage D.H. Russell G. Levy E. Sanders P.P. Saunders J.E. Fletcher T.L. Loo L.S. J.R. Fouts TA. R.R. Loomis 454 1.0. Sipes S. Sisenwine M.B. TA. A. Kappas N. A.. Siemens D.N. Silverman Smith Spirtes R.A. A.F. Junod G.F. Kahl W. Kalow D. Shen C.C. MA. Murphy Shanker Scheline during E.C. Schreiber J. Selkirk J.A. Miller A.L. Misra JR. Mitchell M.R. Montgomery T. Muther V. Nair Israili James J.D. L. Fischer A.B. Fisher fate P. ,Shore C. Fenselau Fenstermacher for DRUG R.E. Stitzel S.J. Stohs J. Sullivan E. Swinyard A.E. Takemori T.R. Tephly V. Thomas R. Thompson R.A. Van Dyke L. Van Middlesworth J.A. VandenHeuvel M. Vore D.P. Wallach T. Walle R.I.H. Wang M. Warner E.L. Way W. Weber M.W. Whitehouse F. Wiebel G.R. Wilkinson K.I.H. Williams R.T. Williams J.T. Wilson 5K. Yang D.W. Yesair D. Zakim D.M. Ziegler scientific thanks of whom Martin M.R. Juchau R.L. Juliano J.M. E.F. each Masters Matthews M. Chadwick K.K. Chan A.M. Cohen Conney scientists, ofthe many B.S. H.B. D.M. Jerina D. Jollow R.T. Coutts P. Dayton F.J. Di Carlo Lu biological members with BR. M. Bush I. Campbell A.H. the other N.S. Shah K. Shiverick D.G. Shand G.L. Henderson M. Heymann A. Black A.Y.H. manuscripts many acknowledges B. Goz F. Greene L.G. Hansen J. Baron L.Z. Benet W. Berman E. Bingham K. Bischoff or more POSITION: 1976-1979. following from G.W. R.K. C. Harris Billings of the editor share of the total chore is accomplished Editorial Advisory Board, but much L. Galbery JR. Gillette N.C. Gillis W.C. Govier S. Barbonak RE. one has come The tributions the devoted and conscientious service given by the reviewers. This editor will always be grateful for the willing and excellent way in which reviewers have accepted and discharged these very timeD.M. Ackerman S. Agurell help community. A large of the the has con- reviewed AND the DISperiod Announcements Metabolism Drug The 1979-80 meetings, season typically invited speaker, Andrew Polk, consisting in the Wm. Discussion of this group of a dinner Delaware H. Rorer, Valley Inc., Group will Fort ical include and region. a number a lecture by Information: Washington, Pa. of an Dr. 19034. Mechanisms International and communications mation: Dr. Thomas Biological Congress (posters; abstract Robert Snyder. Jefferson Effects.” on Toxicology. University, Satellite Invited deadline, Department 1020 symposium lecturers April of Locust Street, Drug Metabolism and to free 1, 1980). InforPharmacology, Philadelphia, Pa. 19107. 2nd July retariat, international on Toxicology Congress 7-1 1, 1980, Brussels, Belgium. SdR Associated, 16 Avenue Information: des Abeilles, Congress 5ccB- 1050 Brussels, Belgium. 2nd International July 14-17, Symposium 1980, Guildford, on Biological Surrey, Reactive England. Intermediates Subject: 7th October European 5-10, Workshop 1980, Zurich, on Switzerland. concepts, experimental and clinical methods, new developments. Information: Administrative Box “Chem- 455 182, CH-40l3 Basic, Switzerland. Overview of present recent trends Secretariat, and P. 0. STATEMENT OF O!R3HIP. MANAGIMENT U.&C uoM R-month1y 428 O?CS 0, E. Preston 41.1 E, Preeton ,. LocAT,o O St. INS 0P S*D .$C*YIO r C, Baltimore, , U*#{149}YU N St., NAMIS j3 aj DISP0SITON & L,.oc*1oN MD j.c.w?ps 6 21202 INS MD *OOSU $40.00 lPW SNSR* O Baltimore, COMPLITS AND AND CIRCULATION &1) PS.NR$ 21202 OP PULHI. IDYO. ANO MAN*S$NS pusLa#{149}sN 1.’4Ad’..J li11iami co., Wilkini 428 5. Preston St., Ba1tiiore, lID 21202 to,,.. ‘)r. Kenneth C. MAaAs.N. 7. Leibaian, University of Geineiville, CI (ffuldb5e 32610 II1ed..I t*#{248} f INCh. I*V I ti kghv. - wdaWM msric*n for Pharmscoloqy Therapeutics Soci.y Expsri.ental nd_ FL f4A’ OWNS i.i,__ t.tb.sea, SONONOLOINS, kNOI Dr. Rou$ton aax.r ROcxvilIe FlEe 1W 0014 cfo JSQ ___________________________________ t Florida, OflAIU. *N*OTKSR S*CUCTY NOLDSOW,NQO HO.OINS P$1NY Q #{216}$ OF -- --.----...------ *se* NMR Non. Th.,,._. w A. ,xY114T NATUI AND OF AVS*OI SuS CIACUI.ATSON .CQE$FINTED(lPRJ ?O?*I.FO I. F .l sai#{149} D*F$ m.o,.,. *ND C*RN$UE FTRUY F. TO TAF*#{149}DCINCU .*Yio(I*.fiOIS4itJ1I #{149}AMFI*. #{163}?*T COMFJ . ADevSF FRES OFSF. I’. iceny UN*CCOUN #{149}11. ,J * MA) YtO. .q..i ie .,.li C. ST 1067 1067 49 ‘ ,- - 46 1113 p? by I.,.. - *N*St USS*ND 0* . T1ThF ONFR 1475 Or SDIYOR. NJ$WU. pS,: AT TNt EOULA N 4d SUSN Publieher 1U.ISs.?a..M..d) FATU .Od ..l d?FFI 43SS,f e _,e *. .‘ , a ci. , “ ,S u. F. C. 3S. ‘Y/A..Pub1i.her ,s. TO 0A14 362 .,, ,,,‘#{149}_, OF CNOI NIAU? 1085 OLFD MAIUNO PU#{149}U$M$A$ 312S OOFSU 1085 / cOLIT,OW NO. FUSLHtO 1475 1588 Ie U. $ US 1588 #{225}o,,tcsi,ectdco.. .3. FO ACTUAL 3134 ,. TOTAt. t*c.. PLMNQ COFF TO,*o..TR,.,.o.’f*.-.C.’4D) S. cOFS$ FCIONQ 2 MOWYWS - 3. M*a.FuSSCW11QS C. NO. DUINO #{216}SNI AUTHOR Acara, Margaret, I 13 Agurell, Stig, 155 Aldridge, A., Bo, Andresen, Andrews, Arakawa, Arison, Harry Edward, Christina, Ehrnebo, S., 263 A., 416 330 A., 335 M., P., 335 John W. A., 310 Fischer, L. J., 319 L., 296 Bauer, J. E., 138 Beaubien, A. R., 34 Becking. George C., 24 Ford, G. C., 226 Friel, Patrick B#{233}langer, Pierre Fujii. Toshihiko, M., Fouts, 171 Bell, J. P., 81 Benet, Leslie Z., 373 Benoit, Frank, 24 Biggs, S. R., 233 Bogentoft. Conny, 108 Bolton, G. C., 388 Bopp, R. J., 356 Boreham, D. R., 226 Brenner, W., 194 Brenner-Pfaff, Ursula, 404 Cagen, S. Z., 252 Carr, Keith, 346 Chaplin, M. D., 81 Charpenteau, Jean-Louis, 429 L. F., 233 Chien,M.M.,2l1 Cho, Arthur K., 65 Chu, lh, 24 Chu, N. I., 81 100 Colby, Howard D., 52, 270 Confalone, Pat N., 220 Coombs, Renate A., 132 Crabtree, Ross E., 149 Colburn, Wayne A., Cressman, William Cresswell, Peter A., 325 R., 393 Dahl#{246}f, Carl G., 103 Dahlstr#{246}m, Bengt E., 108 Davis, Frank T., 360 Davis, Mary E., 425 DeGraeveJ., 166 deLuna, F. A., 330 James 345 Raymond L., Galtier, Gangolli, Gerber, Gergely. Pierre, 429 Sharat D., 181 N., 138 Vera, 416 Gibson, J. E., 252 Andrew T., Masahisa, Hashimoto, Yoshinobu, Hitt, Denson, Hunt, Donald D., 446 252 Desaiah, D., 28 Devereux, Theodora R., 70 Dhahir, Patricia H., 149 Ding, Teck Ling, 373 Dingell, James V., 61 Donald, A. G., 241 Drew, Roger. 208 Duncan, A. E. W., 330 C. Anthony, Claes, Jan-Erik, 155 285 L., 1 Livesey. J. C.. Lundborg. Lynn. 108 R. H., 199 Per, 103 R. K., 138 Maddox, M. L., 81 Madrid, Visitacion 0., Maeda, Tadao, 435 Marquess. Marsha Richard 306 McHugh. L., 270 1., 446 William R., 1 I K. M., 252 Suzanne L., 40 McLennon. McMahon, Mechoulam, Mehendale, Midgley, Migdalof, Milburn, Mimnaugh. Mitchell, Thomas P., 204 Robert E., 76 Raphael, 155 H. M., 28, 425, 442 I.. 233 Bruce H., 325, 448 Peter, 100 Edward G.. 208 Stephen C., 399 Miyazaki. Hisashi. 14, 20 Mold#{233}us,Peter, 416 Montgomery. Mark Muto, 435 Junko, R., Nambu. Iqbal, Zafar M., 44 lshida, Takashi, 162 Naruchi, Nash, Keiko, Tatsuyuki, 14, 20 340 J. F., 356 A. El., 188, 290, 378 Nelson, Wendel L., 351 Nordqvist, Marianne, 155 Nowell, R. M., 215 Neims, Jenkins, A. B. A., 350 R., 138 Jernigan. James D., Johnson, Peggy B., 270 Jonen, H. G., 90 124 J. 0., Jansen, 132 Martinelli, E., 335 Matin, S. B., 81 Maume, B., 166 Mayhew, E., 124 14, 20, 435 A., 446 429 Lindgren, Liu, Ann 340 Ho, 1. K., 28 Hook, Gary E. R., 70 Claude, McConnell, McCormack, Paul C., 100 Ben 404 340 Lindberg. Mazze, Haskins, N. J., 226 Hassing. J. M.. 49 Hawkins, D. R., 233 Heider, John G., 129 Henry, David P., 149 Hill, Donald L., 11 Hills, Joanna F., 448 Hinson, Jack A., 296 Hirom, Jyunji. Lindsay, Halldin, Magnus, 155 Hama, K. M., 81 Harris, Rosalyn A., 181 Deml, Erhard, 301 Dengler, H. J., 145 Dent, 11 Gielen, J. E., 166 Gillette, James R., 121, 296, 366 Gordon, W. P., 138 Gram, Theodore E., 208 Grech-B#{233}langer, Odeue, 171 Grey, A. A., 3 15 Griffin,D., 138 Griffiths, L. A., 388 Grindel, Joseph M., 325, 448 Gupta, P. K., 7 Hashimoto, Hannelore, Kubo, Lage, G. L., 280 Lake,BrianG., 181 Lam, D. C. C., 285 Leal, Kenneth W., 345 Leander, Kurt, 155 Levy. Shlomo, 155 20 Furner, Hasegawa, Kreft, Labouche, R., 70 N., C., 310 Kahl, G. F., 166 Kahl. R.. 166 Kalow,W.,315 Kato, Ryuichi, 340 Kennedy. K. A., 3 19 Kimmel, Hazel B., I Knowles, John A., 40 Kolis, Stanley J.. 220 155 7 Cherie Evelyn 132 Ferrari, Findlay, Fisk, Chasseaud, Jones, 129, Eichelbaum, M., 145 Eling. T. E., 420 Ende, M., 145 Epstein, Samuel S., 44 Brian D., 360 Larry S., 296 Satoshi, 20, 435 B. H., Assandri, Gwen Dugger, 378 Alvinerie, Michel, 429 Amos, B. A., 81 Anders,M.W., 199 Anderson, M. W., 420 Andersson, Duthu, INDEX 346 Ogilvie, 176 457 Richard J., 383 AUTHOR 458 Oguri, Kazuta, Ohlsson, Ohmiya. Agneta. 155 Yoshio, 442 Barbara A.. 132 Orwig, 162 Rustum, Y. M., 124 Sasso, Gino J., 220 Schillings. Roger T.. 40 Timbrell, John A., 237 Tio, Cesario 0., 40 Schomerus, T#{246}k#{233}s, L., 81 Tom, Wai-Ming, 90 Trush, Michael A., 208 Tuan,G., 335 T#{252}ttenberg, K. H., 166 Schwartz, Paalzow, Lennart K.. 108 Pakuts. A. P., 34 Palmer, R. F., 226 Pang, K. Sandy. 366 Papahadjopoulos. D.. I24 Parker, Robert J., 100 Patel. V. 0.. 241 Patterson, J. W., Pepper, Edward Perazzi, A., 81 S.. 393 335 Perez, Jorge, 383 Persson, Bengt A., 103 Pickett, R. D.. 420 Phillips, John C., 181 Pitrolo, David A.. 52 Pohl, Lance R., 296 Pope, Marlene R., 270 Postma, Edward J., 220 Powell, Mark L., 351 Radtke, Rapport, H. E., 194 Richard Reg#{225}rdh, Carl G., 103 Reinke, L. A., 49 Remberg, G., 145 Rice, Susan A., 260 Rickert, M., Tocco,D.J.,330 145 Morton A., Viateur, 220 24 Sekine, Kunio, 340 Sekine, Yutaka, 435 Shah, Nandkumar S., 241 Shapiro, B. H., 444 Shepard. E. R.. 356 Sherizer, Howard G., 263 Shimakawa, Keiko, 435 Shimokawa, Noriaki, 435 Shiverick, Kathleen T., 290 Siddik, Zahid H., 208 Sigel. C. W., 94 Sisenwine, Samuel F.. 1, 40 Sitar, Daniel S., 383 Smith. R. G., 138 Soliven, Eva, 247 Sonawane, B. R., 444 Sossi, Nunzio, 61 Rosazza,J.P.,2I1 H., 49 Rubin, Alan, 149 Ruelius, Hans W., 1, 40 Ruenitz, Peter C., 204 Rumbaugh, Richard C., 52, 270 Unchern, Utsui, Surachai, 411 Yuzo, 20, 435 VandenHeuvel, W. J. A., 330 Vanhaelen, Maurice. 449 Vanhaelen-Fastr#{233}, Ren#{233}e, 449 Viau, Andr#{233}, 24 Villeneuve, David C., 24 Vore, Mary, 247 Vose, C. W., 226 Wagner, Walker, Wanders, Heide, 301 S. J., 49 Strobl, Kristina, 366 Sullivan, Hugh R., 76 Sum, Check Y., 65 Sweeney, Wilson, A. G. Wolff, Thomas, Spenney, J. G.., 215 Sternson, Larry A., 204 Robert E., 270 Stohs, E. F., 280 Taber, Talbot, Douglass Kenrick Talcott, Ronald F., 346 C., 132 E., 260 14 Tanaka, Keiichi, Tang, B. K.. 3 15 Tannen, Robert H., 274 Taylor. Donald C., 393 Thithapandha, Amnuay, Thompson, Thonnart, R. M., Nadine, 138 449 Wang, P. J., 81 R. W., 330 1. H., 306 Waring, Rosemary H.. 399 Warner, Margaret, 188 Watson, J. Throck, 346 Weber, Wendell W., 194, 274 Welch, Richard M., 310 Wilensky, Alan J., 345 Williams, Thomas H., 220 D. E., 252 Ridolfo, A. S.. 356 Ripamonti. A., 335 Roerig. David L., 306 Roffey, Patrick, 76 Rosenberg, Secours, Stitzel, L., 345 INDEX E., 420 301 Woolley. J. L., Jr., Woosley, Raymond Wright, 411 Richard James 94 L., 346 M., 237 Yaffe, S. J.,444 Yamaguchi, Hisao, 3.40 Yamaguchi. Toshikazu. 435 Yoshida, Aichi, 44 Yoshida, Koji. 20, 435 Yoshimura, Hidetoshi, 162 SUBJECT Acebutolol-& metabolism Acetaminophen. in rat and pharmacokinetics 2-Acetylaminofluorene, Acetylator polymorphism, Acetylhydrazine dimer metabolite, rodent models, effect Acetylsalicylate hydrolase N-Acetyltransferase of gastric in baboons, epoxidation, genetics P-450 demethylase. Amitryptyline and Ammonium Aryl sulfate, effect hydrocarbon specificity. HPLC on drug hydroxylase, 330 determination, 181 stimulation by polybrominated metabolism, Azathioprine, in monkey, 373 genetics of N-acetylation in, 194 Benoxaprofen, stereochemical inversion, 356 Benzo(ajpyrene metabolism, effects of diabetes, N-demethylase Benzylhydrazines, in cytochrome metabolism, 49 P-450 44 adrenal, maturational fractions, changes, 188 52 and bioavailability, biphenyls, 81 anesthetics, metabolism, defluorination, effect of isoniazid, effect of pulmonary edema, 383 90 multiple solubilized, steroid Cytosine arabinoside, enzyme forms, 188 hydroxylation, 290 liposome-encapsulated. comparative metabolism, Deer mouse, acetylator polymorphism, 2’-Deoxycoformycin, pharmacokinetics N-Desethylation. Desmethylimipramine. chemical, Diazepam, on I-methadone effect 113 Isolated Ellipticine, Endosulfan Enterohepatic stimulation radioactivity. 350 glucuronide and sulfate metabolism and in perfused lung cells, lung. drug bioavailability. 416 conjugation in. 416 310 mirex effect, effect mice, disposition. I1 28 in, 70 search for in baboons, in rodents, 274 metabolism, 237 260 choline metabolism 194 and excretion on 2’-deoxycoformycin cytosine pharmacokinetics, arabinoside, distribution, Lung drug metabolism after unilateral pneumonectomy. isolated cells, drug metabolism in, 70 perfused, amine persistence in. 420 241 404 rat liver, 199 effects Liposome-encapsulated 241 metabolite, 280 perfused, disposition in, effect in man, Maturational morphine changes. disposition adrenal in, 425 drug metabolism, 52 of ammonium sulfate, absorption comparative 181 biphenyls, Mebanazine, and excretion, 129 biotransformation. metabolism, 132 388 Meperidme pharmacokinetics and analgesia, 108 Mephenytoin metabolism in man, 138 6-Mercaptopurine. pharmacokinetics in monkey. 373 252 459 II 124 208 Mazindol by polybrominated 296 420 metabolism Kidney, isolated perfused. ethanol on, I 13 Leukemia, disposition, sulfone 124 metabolism by Aspergilus aiiaceus, 21 1 isomers, pharmacokinetics, 7 circulation, pharmacokinetic model, 100 hydrase, hepatocytes. isolated, acetylation polymorphism, -acetylator polymorphism effect on acetyihydrazine effect on drug metabolism, by. 411 in leukemic in isolated perfused 1,2-Dihaloethanes, metabolism of ethylene, l-3-((Dimethylamino)-(m-dioxan-5-yl)methyljpyridine, 149 metabolism, of total persistence 274 metabolism Dimethylnitrosamine in isolated Isoniazid distribution, 346 on i-methadone Didesmethylchlorpromazine, Digitoxin regulation 335 Deflazacort, effect in baboons. 194 of phenobarbital. 315 lminium ion metabolism, 204 lmipramine first-pass kinetics, 34 metabolites, biliary excretion, P450 fractions, 260 N-Hydroxy-2-acetylaminofluorene. dimer formation during sulfation. 7-Hydroxychlorpromazine. activation of glucuronyltransferase. 61 N-Hydroxyphentermine. metabolism to nitro compound, 65 252 310 Current Literature, 57, 1 18, 196, 243, 347, 451 Cyproheptadine. induction of drug metabolism Cytochrome 340 34 disposition, Hydrocodone, Caffeine pharmacokinetics in dog. effect of inducers, 378 Canrenone, antimineralocorticoid effect, 103 Chlorphentermine, persistence in perfused lung. 420 Chlorpromazine, uptake in perfused lung. 442 Choline, renal metabolism and excretion, effect of ethanol, Clocoumarol, metabolism in vitro, 449 metabolism metabolites, imipramine, Fluorinated Furosemide Hepatocytes, Bernard B. Brodie Award Lecture, 121 Biphenyl hydroxylases, stimulation by polybrominated Bleomycin, pharmacokinetics and tissue disposition, Codeine, 188 388 by pancreas. hydroxylase, fractions. Flunisolide, Half-lives disposition 260 P450 (C)--Glucuronide of feprazone. 340 Glucuronyltransferase. activation by 7-hydroxychlorpromazine. 61 Glutathione transferase, stimulation by polybrominated biphenyls. 252 Glutethimide, stereochemistry of human metabolism, 319 Guinea pig strain differences in adrenal drug metabolism, 270 Benzpyrene Epoxide kinetics, Glucuronidation, Baboons, Benzphetamine of isoniazid. Genetics of N-acetylation N-Glucoside metabolite 204 pharmacokinetics 247 biphenyls, 252 Azapetine induction, 176 in cytochrome human First-pass 233 metabolism, effect Feprazone. 301 metabolism, of isoniazid, 260 effect in pregnancy. 0-de-ethylase, stimulation by polybrominated biphenyls. 252 Ethylmorphine demethylase. adrenal, maturational changes. 52 4’-Ethynyl-2-fluorobiphenyl, metabolism. 76 Extrahepatic benzpyrene metabolism, effect of diabetes, 49 phenol. metabolites, glucuronyltransferases reduction, 0-de-ethylase 270 cytochrome on nitro de-ethylase, 237 of, and estradiol Ethoxyresorufin 306 215 194 mucosa, 2-Aminomethyl-4-tert-butyl-6-iodo Aminopyrine. 366 phenacetin, 296 274 circulation, Adrenal drug metabolism guinea pigs, strain differences, maturational changes, 52 Aldrin from of isoniazid, enterohepatic Estrone Ethanol effect 360 man, of formation metabolism, l-a-Acetylmethadol, INDEX of 460 SUBJECT Metabolite Methadone, i-Methadone, pharmacokinetics, 366 persistence in perfused lung. 420 disposition, drug interactions, 241 Methoxsalen, metabolism in dogs, Polymorphonuclear shift in propranolol Nitrite, effect on drug Propylthiouracil, Oxazepam. diastereoisomeric disposition metabolism 351 glucuronides, hydroxylation, edema, effect Radioactivity. biological Reduction binding drug 247 dosage. 345 in polymorphonuclear metabolism NIH shift, of furosemide of benzpyrene, Solutes, 162 leukocytes. in, 444 351 metabolism, 383 disposition in rats, 24 bond. oxidative cleavage. Pivhydrazine. metabolism, 388 Pneum#{243}nectomy. effect on contralateral Polybrominated biphenyls, stimulation olism, 252 350 of nitro hydrocodone. compounds, effect effects on drug and metabolites, of ethanol, 310 176 241 61 metabolism, 181 Spironolactone effect on digitoxin metabolism 280 metabolites, antimineralocorticoid effect, 103 Stereochemical inversion ( R )-benoxaprofen, 356 Stereochemistry of metabolism of glutethimide in humans, 319 Stereoselective hydrolysis of oxazepam glucuronides, 40 Strain differences in adrenal drug metabolism in guinea pigs, 270 44 disposition, half-lives, of codeine, SKF 525-A effect on 1-methadone disposition, effects on glucuronyltransferase, 40 325 oxidative N-dealkylation, 448 Pethidine pharmacokinetics and analgesia, 108 Phenacetin, pharmacokinetics of metabolism, 366 Phenobarbital, N-glucoside metabolite, 315 Phenolphthalein enterohepatic circulation, 100 glucuronide. biliary excretion, mirex effect, 28 Phenothiazine, metabolism in guinea pig, 399 Phentermine, N-hydroxylation, 65 l-Phenyl-2-(o-chlorophenyl)-2-4-(p-methoxybenzyl)nol, metabolism, 435 Photomirex, Piperazinyl and rat, Propranolol Pulmonary Radioimmunoassay 429 and oxidation Pseudohermaphrodite Penfluridol comparative binding,, 263 N-Oxide formation from oxycodone in rabbits, Oxycodone. biotransformation in rabbits, 162 Pancreatic and 285 group formation from hydroxylamine. 65 reduction, effect of ethanol, 176 p-Nitroanisole demethylase. effect of isoniazid, 260 1-Nitrosoadamantane, microsomal reduction. 171 Norgestrel, metabolism in female rhesus monkeys, 1 A, pharmacokinetics. oxidation canrenoate, metabolites in man, 226 Pregnancy, estrogen glucuronidation, induction, Prenazone, human metabolites, 340 Primidone pharmacokinetics, acute and chronic Procainamide, metabolism in man, 346 Nitro Ochratoxin propylthiouracil Potassium 220 hydroxylation, metabolism, leukocytes. 285 Methoxyflurane defluorination, isotope effect, 446 Metiamide metabolism, comparative, 393 Metyrapone. N-oxidation. 166 Microbial metabolism of ellipticine. 21 1 Mirex effect on biliary excretion, 28 Morphine disposition in isolated perfused lung. 425 NIH INDEX Streptozotocin diabetes, effect on benzpyrene metabolism, Sulfadiazine, metabolism and disposition, 94 Sulfamethazine pharmacokinetics in baboons, 194 Sulfate conjugation, regulation in isolated hepatocytes, Sulfone metabolites of phenothiazines, 404 I-piperazinylletha- 435 Testosterone hydroxylases, multiplicity, 290 Tetrahydrocannabinol, carboxylic acid metabolites, Tolmetin disposition. 14 urinary metabolites, 20 Triton X-l00, effects on glucuronyltransferase. 61 lung drug metabolism, 208 of hepatic and renal drug metabVerapamil, metabolism in man, 145 49 416 155
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