dsiPDCXListener Integration Methods There are four different methods of integration to the dsiPDCXListener. To send a transaction via one of these methods, append the method to the URL after the port. For example if you would like to integrate to method1 and the listener is listening on port 9999 of the local computer, you would POST the transaction to: method1 • • POST Url = Content-Type: datacap/xml – Using this method you will send a Datacap XML fragment exactly as you would to any other Datacap control. The XML is then forwarded exactly as you sent it. In this method and content-type there is no reason to encode any of the data; it is sent as-is: <?xml version="1.0"?> <TStream> <Admin> <ComPort>0</ComPort> <SecureDevice>NONE</SecureDevice> <MerchantID>InStore</MerchantID> <OperatorID>50</OperatorID> <TranCode>ServerVersion</TranCode> </Admin> </TStream> • Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded – Using this method you will hardcode Xml_String= and then send an encoded version of the Datacap XML payload: Xml_String=%3C%3Fxml+version%3D%271.0%27%3F%3E++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++%09 %3CTStream%3E+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++%09%3CAdmin%3E+++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++%09%09%3CComPort%3E0%3C%2FComPort%3E++++++++++++++++++++++++%09%0 9%3CSecureDevice%3ENONE%3C%2FSecureDevice%3E+++%09%09%3CMerchantID%3EInStore%3C%2FMerchan tID%3E+++++++++++++%09%09%3COperatorID%3E50%3C%2FOperatorID%3E+++++++++++++++++%09%09%3CT ranCode%3EServerVersion%3C%2FTranCode%3E+++++++++++++++++%09%3C%2FAdmin%3E+++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++%3C%2FTStream%3E method2 • • • • POST Url = method2 is a SOAP option with Content-Type:text/xml Set SoapAction in the http headers to: http://soap.ws.dsiclient.dcap.com/SoapService/ProcessTransactionRequest/ The data inside <TransactionXmlString> is encoded: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><S:Envelope xmlns:S="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"><S:Body><ns2:ProcessTransaction xmlns:ns2="http://soap.ws.dsiclient.datacap.com/"><TransactionXmlString><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <TStream> <Admin> <MerchantID>595901</MerchantID> <ComPort>1</ComPort> <SecureDevice>NONE</SecureDevice> <OperatorID>100</OperatorID> <TranCode>ServerVersion</TranCode> </Admin> </TStream></TransactionXmlString><UserTrace>UT</UserTrace></ns2:ProcessTransaction> </S:Body></S:Envelope> dsipdcxlistener methods © 2015 Mercury Page 1 of 2 dsiPDCXListener Integration Methods method3 • • • • POST Url = Method3 is also a SOAP option with Content-Type:text/xml Set SoapAction in the http headers to: http://soap.ws.dsiclient.dcap.com/SoapService/ProcessTransactionRequest/ The data inside <ProcessTransaction> is not encoded but uses a different namespace: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <S:Envelope xmlns:S="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <S:Body> <ns2:ProcessTransaction xmlns:ns2="http://soap.ws.dsiclient.datacap.com/"> <Dsi:TStream xmlns:Dsi="http://schemas.dsi.tstream/"> <Dsi: Admin > <Dsi: ComPort>0</Dsi: ComPort> <Dsi: SecureDevice>NONE</Dsi: SecureDevice> <Dsi: MerchantID>InStore</Dsi: MerchantID> <Dsi:TranCode>ServerVersion</Dsi:TranCode> </Dsi:Admin> </Dsi:TStream> </ns2:ProcessTransaction> </S:Body> </S:Envelope> method4 • • • POST Url = Method4 sends name/value pairs and Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded The value in the name/value pair must be urlencoded: TranCode=ServerVersion&OperatorID=50&MerchantID=InStore&ComPort=0&TStream=Admin&SecureDev ice=NONE& What values to send There are examples for each method above, but basically the values sent correspond to the dsiPDCX specification. If you choose to use one of the XML methods, the XML string you send to the dsiPDCX control is exactly the same. What to do with the response Parse it, store it; basically do the same thing with the response that you would do with the dsiPDCX integration. Make sure to escape data when required As noted above some of the method/content-type combos require that you urlencode data. Not urlencoding data when it is required will create a very difficult troubleshooting scenario. Make sure to send the correct content-type in http header As the dsiPDCXListener is updated with new functionality, it is important to remember that it performs actions based on the content-type sent by the developer. If a developer sends an unknown (or incorrect) content-type there may be unexpected behavior. Timeouts (connect and response) Because the developer is not embedding a control within the POS application and calling out to a separate application, please consider the ramifications of “abnormal processing.” For example, how long will the POS wait for a response from the dsiPDCXListener? What will the POS do if a response was not received? dsipdcxlistener methods © 2015 Mercury Page 2 of 2
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