Dear Members and Friends of Desert Hills Lutheran, I was looking at the calendar for June and it is pretty wide open. There is a Grand Canyon Synod Assembly the second week but only a few attend it. I have to say that having a calendar that isn't packed is a blessing. We like to be busy but there is a season of the soul for kicking back and relaxing. Julie and I make a trip to NAU for a student orientation on a Monday and Tuesday at the start of June but other than that . . . .it will be time to enjoy the warm sunshine weather and wait for July and the monsoons. For everyone up north, I hope the weather and time back with family is full. For all of us here in Arizona, time to take a deep breath and find some shade. See you at worship. Blessings, Pastor Martin Abiding in God’s Eternal Care Dean Libner who died Friday, April 24, 2015 Hal Haddock who died Sunday, April 26, 2015 Keith Olsan who died Sunday, April 26, 2015 Ernie Rueter who died Saturday, May 9, 2015 In This Issue Grace Notes ............................... Disaster Fund for Nepal ............. Footloose Singles Group ............ Parish Nurse Notes .................... Women’s Ministries ................... Sewing Bee & Boutique Banter .. Men’s Ministries ........................ Handymen Get the Job Done ..... Stephen Ministry........................ Staff News .................................. Council Report ........................... Scholarship Announcement ....... Foundation Corner ..................... Estate Sales Team Report .......... New Bible Class Offered............. Page 2 Page 2 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 4 Page 5 Page 5 Page 6 Page 6 Page 7 Page 7 Page 7 Page 7 Page 8 Verse of the Month Sing to God, you kingdoms of the earth. Sing praises to the Lord. Sing to the one who rides across the ancient heavens, his mighty voice thundering from the sky. Tell everyone about God's power. His majesty shines down on Israel; his strength is mighty in the heavens. Psalm 68:32-34 Grace Notes by Director of Music, Judy Starr MELODY H A R M O N Y As we continue the music schedule for the summer months, we find the Sunday morning services continuing the pattern that was set in May. There will be small instrumental and vocal ensembles and soloists at the 8am and 11am services and Summer Singers choir singing during the 9:30am service. We want to thank Kathy Heilig for playing the organ during the month of May. She played both the organ and the piano for the congregations. To all of you hymn warriors out there, keep up the good work of showing visitors how well you sing. All the musicians and choir love to hear you sing your praises to God. ELCA Disaster Fund for Nepal We encourage our congregation to be a community of prayer, agents of compassion and voices for justice. If you seek to respond to the growing number of victims in Nepal, we encourage you to support the ELCA Disaster Response which allows 100% of our gifts to be directed to relief and development partners on the ground. You can go to and click on the Disaster Response link that directs you how to give. Footloose Singles Group 2150 S. Camino del Sol Green Valley, AZ 85622-8352 520-648-1633 Worship Times Saturday — 3:30 & 5:00pm Sunday — 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00am Holy Communion is celebrated the 1st & 3rd weekend of each month at all services. Sunday School Classes are at 9:30am September-May Office Hours Monday-Friday — 8:30am to 4:00pm Pastoral Staff Rev. Dr. Martin N. Overson, Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. Richard Lind, Associate Pastor Quail Notes newsletter is published monthly. Email articles for consideration for the July issue by June 15 to [email protected]. Limit articles to 300 words or less. The editor reserves the right to edit submissions. The Lunch Bunch will be going out to eat at San Ignacio Coyote Grill on Sunday, June 7. Meet at the church at noon to carpool or drive separately. Please sign up by June 5, so we can make reservations. Sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board in the fellowship hall. Beat the heat and join us for fellowship on Sunday, June 28, for an in-house lunch at noon. After lunch we will be showing a movie in the fellowship hall. Future summer activities with dates to be announced are: July—Lunch Bunch after church at the Italian Peasant in Tubac and an outing to Kitt Peak with lunch. August—Trip to Apple Annie's for the Peach Festival and peach pancakes. On the way home we will stop at the Amerind museum. Lunch Bunch after church at Red Lobster. Sign-up sheets with dates will be available after each previous month’s outing. Check your weekly church bulletin and Quail Notes for updates and e-mails from Norm Dolin. If you are a single and would like to get emails about our activities and our outings, and are not on the e-mail list, send your e-mail address to Norm Dolin at [email protected]. The next planning meeting will be Wednesday, June 3, at 1pm in the patio room at the church. Come join us with any ideas or outings you would like to go on. 2 Notes Incorporating spiritual values into health education “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.” John 14:27 A common complaint among many Americans is the struggle with getting a good night’s sleep. As with diet and exercise, sleep is crucial to your physical, emotional and mental health. The long-term effects of sleep deprivation can lead to irritability, risk of falls or accidents, high blood pressure, increased stress hormone levels, increased risk of diabetes, obesity, heart disease and more. It may be true that some adults need less sleep than others, but older adults still need at least 7 to 9 hours of restful sleep. Older people tend to go to sleep earlier and wake up earlier. Studies show that older people spend less time in a deep sleep and are often light sleepers. They may also take naps during the day. Naps should be 30 minutes and not more than 2 hours. There are many causes that can interfere with a good night’s rest besides feeling sick or being in pain. Whenever you are having sleep problems that continue for more than two weeks, discuss with your physician. Can’t sleep, try these holistic approaches: Your body loves regularity, so establish a nightly routine. Try going to bed and waking up at the same time each day, even on weekends. Preparing for a good sleep means eating relaxing food after dark. Stay away from large meals close to bedtime. A light snack 45 minutes with foods that contain tryptophan, magnesium, calcium, vitamins B3 and B6, low carbs or protein will help you drift off to dreamland. Take a warm bath or shower. Turn off technology, especially the computer, and dim the lights in your house at least two hours before bedtime. This means computer, phone and related work activities. Give your brain a chance to slow down before going to bed. Your bedroom should be reserved for light reading and sleeping. Even TVs can stimulate your brain instead of calming it. Clear your mind of the day’s activities and stresses. Write out your lists or worries for tomorrow. Listen to soft music and/or do some light reading. Read from an actual book and not a brightly lit device, such as an e-reader or smartphone. Your eyes and your brain will thank you! Exercise early in the day. Don’t exercise in the late evening hours. Exercise is a stimulant and raises your body temperature. Ease into a restful mode by having something warm and soothing to drink and avoid drinks containing caffeine or alcohol. Create a clean/decluttered, cool, healthy environment for a good night’s sleep. If the weather isn’t conducive for open windows, ensure that your sleeping room is not too hot or stuffy nor so cold it keeps you awake. Evaluate your mattress, pillows and window coverings. If you can’t sleep and are tossing and turning for more than fifteen minutes, get up and do something relaxing, but avoid screens (TV, phone and computers). Resources: NIH Sleep and Aging “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30 So, when you can’t sleep, don’t count sheep, read Scripture… Anna Tometczak, RN, Parish Nurse 3 Women's Ministries at DHLC Women’s Bible Study will begin again on Monday, Women's Ministries May 4 Board Meeting Report October 5, with a study from Gather magazine (subscription forms can be found on the Women's Ministries information board in the fellowship hall). Spend your summer in the Word and devotions that will enrich your summer. $600 from Bible study giving will be sent to Primavera to help with meals. There are 15 women joining as new members who have been invited to the women's luncheon. Heidi Gerrish, U of A student, has been accepted in the ELCA Youth in Global Mission program and will spend a year in either Argentina or Uruguay. She needs $4,000 to meet her obligation. Women’s Ministries Monthly Luncheon Monday, June 8, at 11:30am — Salad Potluck Marilyn Forstot, local author of a delightful read, "More Precious than Rubies" (copies will be available at the luncheon or you can order from Amazon), will be our featured speaker. If your last name begins with A-K, bring a salad to share for 10-12 others. The WELCA Grand Canyon Synod has been busy: Canyon Echoes, published six times a year, is being emailed to over 500 women in the Synod! If you would like to receive a copy, contact [email protected]. Spirit in the Desert Lutheran Retreat Center will be the location for the WELCA Synod Retreat on October 22-23 (replacing the Convention). "Garden Getaway," Ecclesiastes 3:1, is the theme. Watch for registration and info at and in the Canyon Echoes. Alexis Park Resort and Hotel in Las Vegas, NV has been signed for the WELCA Grand Canyon Synod Convention on November 10-13, 2016. Plan ahead, as you won't want to miss this one! We have GOALS and YOU can HELP! 200 square (empty) Kleenex boxes by January 1, 2016. We are collecting in the donation closet found in the fellowship hall. Kits, quilts and blankets for Lutheran World Relief: our immediate goal for February 16-17, 2016, is 100 school kits. More would be even better. Go to to learn how to assemble these items to help us meet our goal. Fill those lazy, hazy, hot, rainy days of summer with a worthwhile project and 'make a difference' around the world! Buzzings from the Bee & Boutique Banter Remember our Boutique Sale coming on Saturday, November 14. This is our annual fundraiser for selected nearby charities. There will be a bake sale with a few restrictions this year. We are no longer allowed to sell any home-canned items, no refrigerated foods and no cosmetic preparations. This is in keeping with state and county health laws. Watch for more about this in upcoming newsletters. Of course, the arts, crafts and quilts plus café will be spectacular with all of your donations. Mary Braswell has been working with teenage sewing students at Flowing Wells High School in creating 20 quilt tops. They will visit us to help stuff and tie the finished products for our charities. In May we presented ten quilts to Our Family Services in Tucson. Kudos to Cindy Taylor for her artistic boutique creations as well as the multitude of boy’s shorts she has sewn for Haiti. Sewing Bee will be continuing all summer from 9am-noon Wednesdays in the fellowship hall. Stop in to see what we are doing and join us whenever you can. 4 Men's Ministries at DHLC Men’s Bible Study Handymen Services They just finished their review of the two books of Kings. The group will be taking the summer off as many of the men have or are heading north. The men will gather again to study the Gospel of Luke beginning on Thursday, September 10. More information will be provided in the August and September Quail Notes. This service is here to provide help to members and friends of Desert Hills Lutheran Church. If you would like to request services from this group, please let us know. The contact person during the summer will be Ruben Heeszel at 903-7188 or [email protected]. Please see the article in this publication noting the assistance provided by these men this past year. Men’s Fellowship Breakfast Scheduled for Thursday, June 25, at 8:30am in the fellowship hall. During the summer these gatherings will be more casual than they have been. There may or may not be speakers. If there is a speaker it will most likely be staff informing the men of changes, etc. In June we will have the new church administrator, Ray Weisgarber, speaking to us. We will not have outside speakers in the summer because we have so few men for breakfast. We will, though, be working to schedule outside speakers beginning in September. One who we have already scheduled in October is Cal Judson who has a program on military casualties and their families. All men are welcome, so please set aside time to join us this summer for “breakfast with the boys.” We would also like to note that Larry Kempton has volunteered to lead the Men’s Ministry beginning in July when he has completed his leadership role with the Rotary. Larry can be contacted at [email protected] or 4038766. Men@Work The group meets on the first and third Tuesday of the month at 7pm in the patio room of the church. In June the dates are the 2nd and 16th. In May the men and their wives celebrated Cinco de Mayo at Los Agaves Restaurant. If you have any questions or would just like to learn more about the group, please contact Tim Warlick at [email protected] or call/ text him at 336-7567. Men’s Health Group This group meets on the 3rd Monday of the month from October thru May. Meetings will resume on Monday, October 19, at 9am. The contact person for this gathering is Larry Kempton, [email protected] or 403-8766. We are a Stephen Ministry Church To receive care from a Stephen Minister contact Faye & Wally Mohr at 625-2682. To become a Stephen Minister call Katharine Baker at 398-6767 or Betty Behm at 648-0271. God’s love in action! Handymen Get the Job Done This article is in appreciation for all the work the Handymen have done on a volunteer basis over the past year. In preparation for writing this article we reviewed the handymen projects for the past year. The group has completed just over three work requests per month over that same time frame. This was all accomplished by a group of eight men including Marv Berke, Larry Bloomquist, Richard English, Ruben Heeszel, Joe Hunt, Bill Miller and Mike Staples. Projects have consisted of painting, caulking, replacing filters, installing garage shelving and lights, replacing light bulbs that are hard to reach, installing a security door, repairing multiple items including cabinet hinges, light fixtures, faucets, walls, door hinges, electrical outlets, reinstalling toilet tissue holders and changing batteries in smoke detectors as well as moving furniture so carpets can be cleaned and many more projects. Please join us and thank these men for their volunteer services. 5 The Blessings of Serving as a Stephen Minister Since 1975, more than 600,000 Christian men and women from all walks of life have trained and served as Stephen Ministers. Most became a Stephen Minister as a way to help others who were hurting—but they quickly discovered that God blesses them in amazing ways in return. “Stephen Minister training has helped me grow—personally, spiritually, and professionally. I use my Stephen Ministry skills all the time with patients, peers, and physicians. Stephen Ministry has made a big difference in my own life and in my congregation.” Anna, Registered Nurse Hendersonville, Tennessee “Stephen Minister training taught me not just how to be a caregiver, but how to live life in a new way—being Christ to other people. It’s an awesome blessing to be used by God to bring hope and healing to someone else. I am humbled.” Mike, Carpenter Kennesaw, Georgia “Stephen Ministry has enhanced every relationship I have. Now I can listen and be there without feeling like I must rush in and try to fix things. (My 15-year-old finds this a great blessing!) I’m much more at peace in difficult situations because I realize that it’s not me—but Christ within me—who does the work.” Susan, Licensed Massage Therapist Saint Petersburg, Florida “The assertiveness skills I learned through Stephen Ministry gave me the courage and confidence I needed to be a more effective supervisor in my secular job—and to be more assertive in my personal relationships. Thank you for helping me develop these vital skills.” Elizabeth, Rehabilitation Counselor Madison, Wisconsin “Being a Stephen Minister has taught me to rely on God instead of always trying to fix things myself. I’ve learned what to say, how to listen, and what to do during a crisis. It’s a great feeling to provide people with the spiritual care and support they need.” John, Physician Greenwood, South Carolina “Since becoming a Stephen Minister, I’ve experienced a richness of God’s grace beyond anything I could have imagined. To truly listen with the ears of Christ, to see others through his eyes, to know his heart, to see Jesus working through you to touch the life of someone else is a window into heaven.” William, Business Owner Katy, Texas Copyright © 2013 by Stephen Ministries St. Louis. All rights reserved. Representatives of a congregation have permission to photocopy this document for use within their congregation to build support for Stephen Ministry. Staff News We said farewell to Ed Sandin, one of our custodians, with a staff party on April 28. Ed may have retired but he has already volunteered to help with ushering and in other areas of the church. Thank you Ed for your time and help in keeping our facility looking well taken care of and inviting. We welcomed Don Champagne who began his duties as custodian on May 1. He will be working Tuesday and Thursday mornings, as well as filling in for special events and vacations. Don is also a motorcyclist so he will fit in quite well. Verna Rogge’s last day was May 20. As you are reading this newsletter, Verna is traveling in Europe for a well-deserved vacation. We will miss her bright smile and the many things she did in making a difference here at DHLC. 6 Congregation Council Meeting Highlights May 19, 2015 The council approved a donation to the Southern Arizona Lutheran Camp Association for camp scholarships for children in our area. Funds were also allocated to complete a sound system repair for San Juan Bautista. Our Cub Scout Pack presented the options they researched to ensure our charter and EIN is handled properly. The council reviewed options and voted to adopt the one most workable for DHLC and the Cub Scouts. Mike Osborne is beginning an Eagle Scout project at the church. Council approved his presentation to the congregation in the future. The finance committee recommended the staff continue to review financial package options and update the council with recommendations, the council agreed and voted to move ahead. Dick Gardner gave a presentation on Young Adults in Global Mission and the council voted to allow them to move forward with their plans for supporting this program. Updates included the start of a new technology committee, chaired by Brian Bell. DHLC will be supporting a seminary student with a scholarship this coming year, through ELCA’s Future Leaders in Ministry program. Upcoming dates: The Grand Canyon Synod Assembly is June 12-13 in Mesa, AZ, next council meeting is June 21. Announcing Luther Seminary Presidential Award Scholarship Foundation Corner The Gift That Gives Back When you make a gift to your church, you don’t expect to receive anything in return. However, when you set up a Charitable Gift Annuity through the ELCA Foundation, you receive favorable income from that gift for the rest of your life. The amount of income you receive is based on your age. The older you are, the more you receive. An individual gift annuity begins at 4.4% at age 60, and goes to 9% at age 90. A portion of the income you receive is tax free. You also receive a tax deduction at the time you set up the gift. Upon your death, the remainder of that gift then goes to the Lutheran entity of your choice. A minimum of $10,000 is needed to set up a charitable gift annuity. For further information, contact our congregation’s ELCA gift planner: Greg Shepherd [email protected] 909-910-6823. The Foundation has voted to commit monies from its current endowment funds to a scholarship with Luther Seminary for the fall semester. This $16,000 gift will pay the tuition for one second-year student on the ordination track. We are looking forward to developing a lasting relationship with this recipient and having this student visit us to tell the congregation what a difference this scholarship means. What a blessing for a new Christian leader to begin serving without the stress of repaying a large college debt. We have established this fund with the hope and knowledge that it will help students who feel God's call to ministry access a theological education. They will be able to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with generations to come. The Foundation is grateful to all who have made contributions and ask for your prayerful consideration when you are doing your estate plans. This is a wonderful opportunity to leave a lasting legacy and encourage students to pursue a career in Christian leadership. Estate Sales Team Report There were 22 sales during the season of October, 2014 through April, 2015. (That is 22 sales in approximately 25 weekends!) The total sales were $112,955 with the profits for the church of $31,580 ($28,422 was allocated to the church debt retirement and $3,158 was set aside for Benevolence). The Estate Sale group’s support of Benevolence enabled the church to give funds to: Southern Arizona Food Banks San Juan Bautista Church Hands of a Friend Funds for Leaders in Ministry Valley Assistance Services ELCA Worldwide Missionaries 7 Jesus’ Vision of His Mission by Ken Bailey A new summer study will be starting on Thursday, June 4, in the mornings at 9:30am and evenings at 6:30pm. Claude Chatterton will be presenting a video by Ken Bailey, a distinguished Middle Eastern theologian. Dr. Bailey spent 40 years teaching the New Testament in seminaries and research institutes in Egypt, Lebanon, Jerusalem and Cyprus. He is an ordained Presbyterian academic. In this eight-session study by Dr. Bailey, we will come to better understand Jesus’ mission beginning with the prophecy from Isaiah and the Great Commission. We will also spend time in the Gospels of Luke and Matthew. In addition, we will learn about the “sent out” and “call in” of mission. At the end of each 30-minute session we will spend approximately 30 minutes discussing the lecture and our thoughts about its impact. Please plan on joining us for an in-depth look at Jesus’ mission and our commission via one of the best Middle Eastern scholars of our time. Please indicate your desire to attend by making a note on the back of a CONNECTION CARD, by calling the office at 648-1633 or by emailing Claude at [email protected]. CELEBRATING Grace, Making Disciples, Making a Difference Non Profit Org. US Postage Paid Permit #16 2150 S. Camino del Sol Green Valley, AZ 85622-8352 Postmaster: Time Sensitive Material Please Deliver Promptly Please notify the church office of any address changes. 8 Green Valley, AZ
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