Circuit Writer February 2015 Our Journey Together We’re staying put! But that does not mean getting back to business as usual! The Church Council, at its January 20th meeting, strongly stated that we understand God wants to continue in ministry here, at the corner of LaGrange and Patrick. It is equally clear there is much work to be done as we move forward. Foremost, we need to clarify our understanding of the ministries that God is calling us to in 2015 and beyond, and determine how best our facilities can support such ministries. While it may seem painfully slow at times, we lay plans to move forward in the months ahead. Everyone’s prayers, best thoughts, and wise actions are needed. In addition to that very important decision, the council celebrated three joys as we enter the second month of 2015 and look forward to a new day. First, we rejoiced at the generosity of our people which enabled us to finish 2014 with a surplus of over $24,000 to be carried over into 2015. Second, thanks to the hard work and long hours put in by Lynn Fuller and the generosity of our people, the sanctuary has a wonderful new sound system. Third, Katie Stewart, our very special Day School Director, informed us that the school serves 94 children and has a substantial waiting list due to its well-deserved reputation for quality. I also want to remind you of two opportunities. First, we now subscribe to RightNow Media, a Christian Netflicks. If we have your email address, you can receive an invitation (check your junk mail file, you may already have one) to enjoy access to a wealth of video Bible studies, leadership training videos, Christian educational/entertainment videos, and presentations at major Christian conferences. It is free to you (the church has paid) and can be seen on your computer, smart phone, and TV. Second, the Upper Room has produced an excellent Lenten study, The God We Can Know: Exploring the “I Am” Sayings of Jesus. My sermons from February 22 through April 5 will be based on these passages. Some adult Sunday school classes will be using the video study along with the book. There will be a small group offered on Wednesday evening and Thursday afternoon beginning February 18 and 19. The youth and the children will be studying this. There is even an “elearning” option enabling persons to study online with others or by themselves. The Upper Room devotions during Lent will follow the study as well. What an opportunity to draw near to God as we prepare to celebrate the Crucifixion-Resurrection event. It is an exciting time to be a part of the University UMC family! Don’t miss out on it! In Christ, Charlie 2 First Friday Friends Friday, February 6 @ 6:30 p.m. Dan & Sally Ellender Hosting 5729 Birch (Off Ham Reid Rd.) Phone 562-1060 for directions. Invite a friend so the group can grow! Bring a snack of your choice to share. Social Lights Pujo St. Cafe' 901 Ryan St. Monday, Feb. 16 11:30 a.m. All ladies and gentlemen are invited. Primetimers (A group for anyone age 55 and older.) February 4 @ 11:00 Safe Harbor GriefShare on Wednesdays GriefShare, a support group for those who lost a loved one to death (no matter how recent or distant the loss has been), meets each Wednesday (except the first Wednesday of the month) at 10:00. You are invited to join the group. February Topics are: Lessons of Grief (Part 1) (Feb. 11) Lessons of Grief (Part 2) (Feb. 18) Heaven (Feb. 25) Come share a great meal and great fellowship with your friends! John Scott will give a presentation on his recent Grand Canyon hike. United Methodist Women Hosting District Study “The Church & People with Disabilities” For more information, contact Marj Saturday, February 28 In Memory 8:30 am — 2:00 pm (Lunch Served) Lucy Day Michael Butler Glenda Pelletier Barbara Burrough William Ovid Anderson Safe Harbor Millie Moore from Homer, LA, with a background in physical therapy, will be the guest speaker. All Ladies are Invited! 3 Bethlehem 7,000 miles Help us “Walk to Bethlehem”! Collectively as a church in 2015, we will walk, swim, bike or jog 7,000 miles (the distance between Lake Charles and Bethlehem). We will have three organized walks throughout the year through different parts of our neighborhood, beginning and ending at the church or a local park. Participants will also keep track of miles completed on their own. Mileage can be turned in weekly on paper or online. Any mile completed walking, swimming, biking, running or jogging counts! Get active, invite a friend to join you, and report your miles! Any contribution, no matter how small, will help us reach our goal as a church! Forms are available in the church office, or call the church office for one to be e-mailed to you. Stephen Ministry A new class of Stephen Ministry will begin February 23 and continue through mid-May. Classes will be held at 6:30 pm on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. There will also be two Saturday trainings. If you are interested in becoming a Stephen Minister, please contact Marj Robinson in the church office at 477-2003. You will be provided an application and a schedule of training sessions. UUMC Youth Feb 12 & 19 No youth Thursday, February 12 6:00 pm Safe Harbor Dinner & Meeting March 6—8 Youth retreat: weekend of prayer, service and worship. Weekend will end at Safe Harbor service. Chaperones needed for youth retreat. Please contact Amber, 930-0947, for volunteer information. 4 University United Methodist Church 3501 Patrick Street Lake Charles, LA 70605 NON PROFIT U.S. Postage PAID (337) 477-2003 (337) 478-8106 fax Lake Charles, LA Permit #356 CHURCH STAFF Pastor Address Correction Requested Rev. Charlie Langford Congregational Care Ministries Coordinator Missions & Outreach Coordinator Brenda Romero Youth Ministry Coordinator Chancel Choir Director Amber Oxley Dr. Darryl Jones Safe Harbor Music Leader Organist Marj Robinson Jahn Saucier Mark Henry Business Manager Randy Morgan Day School Director Katie Stewart Staff Assistant Glynetta Phenice Church Sexton Jerry Jackson Ladies Save the Date & Bring a Friend! Saturday, March 14 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Grace Esteemed: Understanding Our True Value and Worth Rev. Frances Hooten, Speaker (Safe Harbor/Catered Lunch/Nursery Provided))
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