Fall _bi_ Volume .1 Number 4 " Upda_e on a vicious d,sease . i • Notices ~ Catalog Produced by NRA The educational materials produced by the National Restaurant Association (NRA) are listed and described in a new catalog, available fromthe NRA. _ Books and training materials in managemen L personnel training, food service equipment and maintenance, and other categories are listed in the catalog. To order the cata!og, write: National Restaurant Association, One IBM Plaza, Suite 2600, Chicago, IL 60611. The NRA address after July 1 will be:311 First Street NW, Washington, DC 20001. .' Wanted _ Home for'the 1981 Conference.anywhere in Ontario preferredrequire location as soon as possible. . OFFERS .-opp0rtunity t0 meet public Health Inspectors from throughout Ont. .refiew old acquaintances -a learning experience -a chance to contribute to.your fellow inspectors. Send inquir!es, to the Branch Sec. Treasurer ot_ contact any Branch Committee Member. ,' "" Where is the new home for 1981? Oetolmr 19 - 23, 1980 . Scarborough? Etobicoke?, Halton Regional?, Durham Regional? The American Public HealthAssociation will be holding its Niagara? North York?, Perth District?, Huron?, Chatham?, your annual meeting in DetrOit, Michigan. Further fnformati0n.m'ay Health Agency? be obtained by writing The American Public Health Association, 1015 Fifteenth.Street, N.W. Washington, D.C.;20005, U.S.A. ' " " • ..... THE NEW EXECUTIVEwas announ_ed at the annual meeting October 20 - 21, 1980 : A seminar on occupational exposure to noise and vibration, organized jointly by the Division ofPhysics, National Research Council and 'the "Non-Ionizing Radiation Section. of National Health and Welfare will be held in Montreal._The fee for the conference will be $60.00 ($80.00 after August 15, 1980). For further information write to D. Benwell, Non-lonizing Radiation Section, Radiation Protection Bureau, Health and Welfare Canada, Environmental Health Centre, Room 233, Tunney's Pasture, Ottawa, Ontario K!A 012. _ _ of the Ontario Food Protection Association. The persons who will serve in leadet_ship positions for the coming year are: Ralph Abell, President; Gaff Holland, Past President; Brenda Cfiesly, Secretary-Treasurer; and Directors; John Sterns, David CollinsThompson, Sue Lymburner, Gary.Huber, Pat Dodsworth, and Reinhart Purfurst. WHY. ? ? ? are you NOT a- member of THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC HEALTH INSPECTORS ONTARIO BRANCH? - If you or any of your colleagues'are not members please tell us why. Send the editor a note or write to the Ontario Branch President, Brian Hatton,'1975 Caribou St., Sudbury. The BACHELOR OF APPLIED ARTS [ENVIRONMENTAL application for membership may befound in the publication you HEALTH]' ., are holding in your hands. Classes have started this Fall 1980 at Ryerson P01ytechnical / Institute. For more information on course offerings and advanced standing, please contact: THE PUBLIC HEALTH / v_\ x_ INSPECTION DEPARTMENT, A-622 'JORGENSON HALL, \ RYERSON POLYTECHNICAL INSTITUTE, 50 GOULD ST., TORONTO,ONT., M5B IE8 RENFREW COUNTYAND DISTRICTHEALTH UNIT _: invites _ _ APPLICATIONS for the position 'of Public Health Inspectol" for its Branch office located at Barry's Bay. The incumbent will be responsible for a generalized program in a scenic,resort setting. This position offers excellent working and fringe benefits. Salary $16,607.00 to $20,142.00. "_ " • Inquiries may be dlrecteff tot " . :. J.'M,Health Watt', Director, Environmental Division, : _i,..-.- Renfrew Country. 1217&PembrokeDistrict HealthstreetUnit, _ ...,1"_ , : East, ,, P.O. Box 940 ,J i : " K8A7M5 - '1 RYERSON ALUMNI ASSOCIATION . If you have any functions, articles, comments or criticisms you wish tothem express in the SIM, upcoming alumni RYERSON newsletters,ALUMNI please: direct to DEREK DIRECTOR, SUDDPV ASSOC., 50 GOULD STREET, TORONTO, ONT, M5B 1ES. :: a 7-_-_z_ "°' __a_x_ \. " _o._ ,' • . O.k_. - . ' ,_'i____: .. ._____:_.Aax'_" .... _ "=': Pembroke, Ontairo _ .... /-/_#___ 5 • lI _ ...... T/4/__ ' d_Ot¢_ _. "' +. , _C,C,--_K'_#_,4_ ._,4-_._/m_ d/4 _t G'/4T- i.tP i ,t ___2_ /.JILL Every year the Public Health Professionassembleto partakein an educationalconference. WELCOME TO THE \ in the Holiday Inn, Kingston,Ont. Hosted by: Kingston, Frontenac,Lennox and Addington Health Unit Enjoy,learn, andmeetnewfriends OTTAWA HEALTH UNIT -- Championsfor 1980.They wonthe tournamentand hosted a great weekend. (Photo by Seeger) ! Spa Brom keeps its coolin hottubs and spas Do you know another chemical that can say that? Of course not. Spa Brom .is bromine based. Hot tubs and spas are fast spreading across the country, indoors and outdoo_'s.The relaxing Soon everybody will be wanting a hot tub or spa. And when they do, they'll want the advantages of Spa Brom, automatically. effect of surging, soothing hot water has become a part of today's life style. Z_XJ/t,_/_,_ _.,,._,f;P/J_'-Rexdale, Ontario. 115CifyView Dr., (416) 249-7451 And Spa Brom is right there. Lonaon. Ootario, POBox2425 N6A4C-3,(519)686-9335 4 CANADIAN INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC HEALTH INSPECTORS ="_. "_4 L'INSTITUT CANADIEN DES INSPECTEUR_ EN HYGII_NE PUBLIQUE LEX t Ontario Branch News Fall Volume 1- Number mailed Lettersto: to The Editor are welcome and should b'e 4 , Edlt=r PublishedQuarterly BoxKLAUSSEEGER687 Clinton, Ont. N0M 11.0 Publishedby the CanadianInstitute of Public Inserton Deadlines Spring Feb. 15 Summer May 15 Fall August 15 HealthInspectors IOntarlo Branchl Inc. Winter Nov. 15 This issue 0t_wa tekes trophy ............. Glimpses of the Past.... ........ Gnest Edltedal FEATURE: A RABIES UPDATE Different Vaccines used ............ Rabies in Humans ......... ,..... A _tbld Rabbltyou say? .......... On the Lighter side ............. Walk Don't run ........ ; ....... Information exchange ' Running at both ends ............ Where areyou? .............. . P. P. .P. 3 S 7 P. 9 P. 10 P. 11 P. 12 P. 13 .P. 14 P. IS .P. IS - It has been reported, that most members received their Summer issue within ten days. We aren't really preoccupied with time, but sometimes we have dated material to print and the sooner you receive the ONTARIO BRANCH NEWS, the better. ******** RABIES: an update. An update on what vaccines are currently being used for post-exposure prophylaxis; A report on how the Ministry of Natural Resources is trying to reduce the incidence of rabies in wildlife, which in turn will help decrease PHI investigation; Some advice on what to do when confronted by a growling dog; * * * * *'* * * Regular departments include; ON THE LIGHTER SIDE, An experience with a skunk; RUNNING AT BOTH ENDS disusses the not so simple sample. ******** The GUEST EDITORIALby Herb Waters, is a primer for the Winter issue. Think about it, and if you agree or disagree, write US. *1.*1.* SubsCription$4. lyr. _" PrNit HATrON BRIAN S_*_lary-Trlrar MIKE GRAVEL 1975 Carlbon St.,Sudbury mmmlat,WRIGHT Pastarmldml WILLIAM 875Wonderland Road.,S. /_ot.. 803,London,Ont. RLR.11, Petarborough, Ont. ." THE COVER: A UFO? No it is a photomicrograph of a negatively stained rabies virus, and it is courtesy of Dr. P. Blaskovle, who is with the Virus Laboratory,of the,Ontario Ministry of Helath. Dr: Blaskovic says that "the particle is typically bulle_-shaped and the surface is covered with projections which form a fringe. The virus measures 200 x 90 nm and the magnifications of the photomicrographs are 300,000 x."We are grateful to Dr. Blaskovic for submitting this on such short notice. "****** CouncillOrs COUNCILLORS 1_/8-1980 P_IER FITZSIMONS 614 Wellington St.,E. Sault Ste.Marie PAUL MclNNIS P.O.Box34, lPTIFtU.1 JAMESCAVE 34 Stoney Creek Dr. Owen Sound, Ont. N4K 5P1. PATRICK (Bud) O'DONNELL b-15Summerhill Cres. Sudbury=Ont. Lonoon, unt. FREEMAN HUTCHINGS R.R.1, Bginburg, Ont. KOH 1MO FRED RUE JIM 1233STONE Donald Drive North .., Dot. 3H2 3355Carillion Ave. Mlsslssauga,.Ont. L5C i 2Ag West Hill, Ont.M1E3Lo HUGH GOODFELLOW 107Glonburnlng Cres.. The -CARTOON was drawn b_TdmSly, wffo not only is a fine writer, but also a talented artist. Hopefully, many of you will be or have attended(depends on when youreadthis), the annualconferencein Kingston.If it isn't possible, be sure to read the next issue. A lot of committee reportswill be presentedanda report of the speaker'stopicswill be given. ** ** ** ** * * Thanksto BobDussaultfor helpingwith this issue. Our president speaks " - t Membership increase Firstly I would like to thank th0se who returned their proxies to me for the National Conference in' Saskatoon. It was a very successful conference and congatulations are in order to the conference committee for a very educational and hospitable week. Next year the annual conference will be held in Winnipeg during the first week of July. Also we would like to extend our thanks and appreciation to Ron de Burger. Paul Stone, Larry S/omka, Jim Sandul, Fred Ruf_and Phil Barton for an excellent job they have done for the institute while in office. We are now looking forward to working with Tim Roark and his executive, As of this writing there have been no new de_,elopments with regards toLicencing and Registration. We are expecting to hear from our lawyer, in .the not too distant future, of any progress with the Attorney General. We will certainly keep you informed of these developments. This year I and the Branch Executive have been very encouraged with the substantial increase in our membership. For 1980,weare expectingan increase of approx. 25 percent over 1979. I think the contributing factors are mainly our communication with the membership in kbeping them better informed, our excellent newsletter and the efforts of Jim Cave's membership committee. It appeai's we are now reaching more P.H.I.'s and the Branch will now have to concentrate on those non members to find out why they don't belong. We would certainly like to hear from those Inspectors and their reasons for not being members. On behalf of the Branch COmmittee we hope to have the opportunity of meeting with you in Kingston in September. Executive meeting i The Ontario Branch-Executive during their last meeting on June 21 1980 decidcd to defer their final decision to the membership ht the animal meeting in Kingston regarding the question of advertising and renumeration for individuals.selling pai:d advertising for insertion in the newsletter. This decision , was made when a motion was defeated_which would provide individuals soliciting "and promoting a successful advertising campaign 10 percent of his accounts, upon written request, to cover their expenses. Mrs. A.S. O'Hara wrote the Ontario Branch expressing appreciation at Branch's sympathy in regards to the M,ajor'_ recent death. An acknowledgement of the Ontario Branch's donation in memory of the Major was received from the Hospital for Sick Children. A recommendation was made that the Calendar committee be discontinued due toincreased mailing costs. This question will be decided upon by the membership at the annual meeting. A letter from J Bakkei" expressed concern regarding escalating costs of application fees for Certificates of approval issued under Part VII of the E.P.A. The editor of the Ontario Branch News has been invited tO the'Annual Meeting in Kingston. with expenses paid. Through a tmanimous motion by the executive. ,Our Apolog los " if.you read most of the Summer issue of the Ontario Branch News, you would have noticed (how could • you have missed [hem) many errors and typing mistakes., The reader can be reassured that all errors are hunted down and corrected throughout the production process. At least Rhea and I try our _damnedes.t, t_ do this. However, when the typesetting " machine malfunctions, the time is one a.m., andthe printing deadline approaches, the inevitabM happened; errors, and dark pictures. Needless to say the Editor_svoice was the loudest when , _.the issue came off the press. _ The article WHIRLPOOLSby BOB DUSSAULT, incorrectly stated that 100 degree Water would be scalding. The original article stated that. " The Whirlpool water temperature usually is about 104-108 degrees Fahrenheit. Over 110 .degrees Fahrenheit can be scalding." " .Our apoligies also to Petar Moedo for consistently mispelling l_s name in the last issue, in the article T.4JNI_D MEAT: THE CONCLUSION, written byALVlNBERGIN, a fewseKtem_ces wereleftout.Following is a reprintofthe detailswhichshouldbe stressed whenrecording, informationin your daffyjournal. The details mentionedwill probably 6, be used in conjunction with any food item... DETAILS STRESSED Wh.en 1 mention about detailed information in your daily journal, remember that we Were being asked in 1980 to. give detailed information of a 1/)74 incident. Some of the questions asked by the defence were; 1. HOW many boxes were in the cooler? 2. Where were these.located? 3. Were there any other meats in cooler at time? • 4. Where and, when did you examine _the meat and who was present at the time? 5. Did you open and examine bach and every carton of meat? 6. What did the meat look like? - give details. , 7. Where was meat held? - and hog' was each box identified? 8. What was the weight of the cartons? 9. What was the size and colour of each carton? 10. Was storeinspection? manager present? Was thethe owner duringtheyour Did you advise owner present of the action you took at the time? ' 11. Did you take a sample of the meat? Ifyoudid - j a) What size sample? Ph_:a_eturn to page 5 ' • ONTARIO BRANCH NEWSlFALL 1980 PC. 5 Glimpsesof the past 1960 Montreal After 27 years of arguing, "hot letters streaming across the country", and committee activities buzzing, the national conference held in Montreal voted 103 to 20 (23 abstentions) to adopt THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC HEALTH INSPECTORS' as their new name. Seven final name choices Were voted upon by elimination. Some of the suggestions considered in the period 1958 to 1960 included: Canadian Association of Environmental Control Officers; 2. Canadian Association of Public Health Sanitarians; 3. Canadian Associa- Memphis was finally free tram yellow fever. This new status was probably achieved after thirty miles of sewer pipes were laid, and an equal number of miles of drain tile were laid. Cleaning and filling of vaults, the,demolition of old buildings, the cleaning up of cellars and the general renovation of stores and dwellings was also completed. WINTER ISSUE tion of Public Health Inspectors; 4. Canadian Association of Public Health Officers; 5. Canadian Sanitarian Association; 6. of Health Inspectors; 8. Canadian Association of Health Educators; 9. Association of Public Health Educators; 10. Association of Sanitary Science (ASS); Canadian Institute Association Canadian Institute of Sanitarians; 11.7.Canadian of Environmenta_ Health; 12. Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors. The Committee process began to get the legal work completed to officially change the charter. July 19 1880-YeHowFever IScientific American_ in 1880 reposed that "the' terrible visitation of yellow fever on the cities along the lower Mississippi has indicated clearly to the United States Medical Department the great need of a better system of quarantine regulation, inspection and disinfection and the want of swirl, properly appointed craft to relieve passing vessels of sick persons and to convey them to the quarantine stations along the river." During the same year it was reported in _Scientific American' that '• DEADLINE articles and information JS _ er A,_ more information on the proposed legislation which will enable LITIGATION is the Winter issue theme. We'll try and get some Pill's to write summons'. What is your op'm[onon the process o_ lit!gation? How often does your agency get involved in litigation? The main urban centres should be able to give the smaller areas some advice, since they inevitably will get more cases. • Do you have an opinion? The guest editorial is open to any member (or non-member, if you wish to discuss why you want to retain that status). A service for[ Homes-Farms" BusJno$$ forget to let your area correspondent/chairmen know theDon't answer to the question WHERE ARE YOU? so it can be included in that department. Look for our regular departments, such as RUNNING AT BOTH ENDS, and ON THE LIGHTER GLIMPSES OF THE PAST, INFORMATION EXCHANGE, AND GUEST EDITORIALare s_tSS_ requested. If you attended the conference and took pictures please sendi Serving: Londonand tlm FREE _,_ Next issue Kilpest surrounding c 4[. / o • atl_ ESTIMATE8 them to us for the next issue. • / Correction Continued from pa_gg2 OWNERIMANAQER ' HIII_Oy HackJand • 'Your Protection f. Against Pests'_ i i b) How did you carry same? i.e. how wrapped? c) How was sample identified? \ _ d) Where did you take sample to? _ e) Was the refrigerator locked and were there other items in refrigerator? 0person Whoand picked UP sample andare who released to thi_ on and on -- these but a few ofsample the questions,. ksked." "_ regret any inconvenience this may have caused. . L . PG. 6 ONTARIO BRANCH NEWS/ FALL 1980 ,Editorial ' ._. , I I ' The need for CIPHI M_my non-men_bers and even members of our institute for some reason do not feel that there rea!ly is a need for an organization Which a pubfic health inspector can belong to. Certainly, if in their own area there are no problems, and all the work is completed, without the usual periods of challenge, then they probably Would not need the information exchange, updating, c0mpani0nship_ recognition, a_d the sense of professionalism which belonging to the. Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspector attempts to provide. For those who are hesitant to join_or participate, the answer'to Why an Institute for Inspectors? follows. It is an excerpt from the historical publication "UP THE YEARS" written by THOMAS E. ELLIOTr, CPHI (C), documenting our Institt_te's history, "Public Health Services in Canada are provided by federal, provincial and local agencies. The major!tyof personnel are from disciplines such as medicine, nursing, engineering, veterinary, laboratory, dental, social, clerical or business. These professionals have adopted public health training and used both backgrounds to fit into the stream, The public "health inspector was trained and qualified specifically for public health. The profession was not borrowed or loaned from another field but created for the demand. It is an old 'profession, outdatii_g many of the Others as history records inspections of food, housing and unsanitary conditions long before the formal development of the other medical sciences, _e affmber of qualified inspectors is extremely small. There are fewer inspectors in all of Canada than nurses in a single large hospital complex. Often the inspectors must work in fields where they are miles from the nearest kindred worker, meeting with other inspectors on rare occasions to compare interests. The , inspectors,from early days, desired a means of communicating technical information and comparing techniques so they could serve the public with better environmental sanitation. They wanted regional and national association with their fellow inspectors for training and mutual sources of information. Some of the early inspectors had been trained in Europe, had enjoyed membership in various associations at home. Others simply felt lonely in their work. All desired recognition and support in the great complex of health service professions, a basic qualification training and certification, communication. The answer, from the beginning, was tOcreate a national body for the advancement of sanitary science, to raise the status of the inspector, provide training and qualification, permit representation by inspector's in the major health associations. A body which Could speak with authority in representing this profession. The Institute, was_ and is, necessary and desired." The goals mentioned above are being realized. However, our voice is ,not very vocal and with all the other more 'newsy" causes and groups confronting the media and the public,' the concerns' of the public 'health inspector are put on the back burner. "Through the work of our Institute we nowhave representation on the NSF standards-committee; we are being asked to, give lectures at community colleges, We are at the doorstep in the process of achieving licencing and registration, so:'that we can maintain bur professional.integrity; and many other items which only members can share with each other. Thomas E. Elliott was absolutely correct in stating that the Institute is necessary and desired, by our profesion. To the editor Tothe Editor: I would like to tell you what a splendid newsletter you have been publishing of late. Your next.challenge will be to search oat" the typos in the copy. I have some comments with respect to the report of the Role Expansion Committee's report in the Summer issue. It was quite informative until we reached the last two paragraphs. Perhaps we in deepest, darkest Durham Region could be enlightened as to the "new course" at George Brown College. Also, what did the news item in the London Free Press say about Public Health Inspectors? , I am enclosing a copy of an Oshawa Times item from May 28, 1980. Thank you for producing such a high quality magazine, Yours truly, : Robert Skelding, C.P.H.I.(C) ,_ Durham Regional Health Unit, Oshawa. Editors reply: There were far too many errors in the last issue andowe can only improve. The "new course" referred to in Hugh's report is one presented by the Hostelry Institute opening at the George Brown College in Toronto• Hugh was offering input by PHI's from our Institute in,the programme. The Chairmafi of theHospitality Division replied with enthusiasm and suggested that - PHI's could participate in a series of lectures to'be included in the 'Sanitation and Safety Program on Equipment and Maintenance and Safety, Food Microbiology and Litigation. The answer to your second question is a little bit depressing in that'it involves a District Health Council (Thames Valley), and their misunderstanding of the PHI role in Public Health. They felt that"health units provide such services as home care programs, INSPECTION OF PUBLIC WASHROOMS, schools, and homes and Offerfamily planning services." ,A detailed letter outlining the PHI Environmental Health Programme was sent to the Chairman of,the Thames Valley District Health Council from the Ontario Branch. It also stressed our concern about the council's impression that PHI's only inspect public washrooms. The Council felt that health imits should do more streamlining. The Chairman felt that theCouncil's ro!ewas not to examine day tO day operations, but only to set standards. If'other readers find that an article leaves questions in their mind due to lack of complete details, do not hesitate to write. Should you have a similar experience, don't hesitate to write. Dialogue is what makes us strong. ONTARIO BRANCH NEWS/FALL 1980 PG. 7 Guest editorial J IIII Educator or enforcer T. HERBERT WATEI_ CPHI (C) Classif};ing the Public Health Inspertor as an educator or as an enforcer is an interesting and thSughtprovokirig title, Few of us doubt the fact that we were hired basically as enforcers. We are also though of as .enforcers by those who suffer as a result of another's violation of a law. At the same time, the violator thinks of'us as •unreasonable oppressors if we enforce the law only for the sake of it being a law. That Public Health InspeCtors must not permit widespread disregard of Public"Health Laws can not he questioned. In this respect, they must he enforcers. However, there are two pathways to the public Health Inspector's utopia. One is named Cold Blooded Brute Force. The other is Knowledge and Guidence by Instruction and Examplb. PHI ROLES While our role may well be that of an enforcer and that of an educator, the enforcement role is over emphasized for the following two reasons: _ First. A very small percentage of the inspector's time is spent prosecuting those who disobey orders or break Public Health regulations. I believe this may even be said for thb larger municipalities that account for a great percentage of all court actions in a given period.. . Second. Whether it is realized 'or not, the Public Health In'spector is expected to teach sound Public Health practices wherever: he goes. He must seek knowledge continuously and must be prepared to impart knowledge to the public, and to share it with his colleagues, his subordinates, and using discretion, even with his supervisors, Some are convinced that they can't waste time reasoning to effect a change. I believe they are either uninformed, fooling themselves, power hungry, or are poorly directed. They are only aware of the people who jump as they approach, and fail to hear or be concerned about those who jump right back into' the old slot, as soonasthey pass. PATIENCE VALUABLE Compare this situation with one where the Inspector is well informed, not only on the law, _buton the reasons for which the law was passed. He takes time to explain when, why, and how a change in procedure should be made. I believe that most people are humanitarians. Basically, they do not want to cause others to suffer through their neglect or ignorance. Because this inspector is sympathetic, understanding, knowledgeable, and convincing, they begin to see the error of their ways, not as a breach of a laws, but as a direct or indirect threat to their ways, or comfort of' others. If they are properly sold on a new provedure, they adopt it with pride and will not revert to their old habits. The knowledge.that an Inspector has taken time to impart is like a new dollar that.is injected into the economy. The new dollar is earned, spent, invested, and saved by a succession of .people. New knowledge or convincing reasons for a desired action is acquired wisdom and a source of pride. It will be passed from one to another and will earn a little recognition and respect for each along the way. The person who is forced to obey a law Without reason does so but he is not convinced of the merits of the action. What are some of the advantages of enforcement? Exerting authority may be personally gratifying and thus attractive to some inspectors. Exercising discipline may be reassuring to those who need reassurance. Persons the inspector is trying to influence by force may behave respectfully and submissively, but only in hi s presence.. . In some cases restrictive authority is essential. The do-it-or-else order has the advantage of speed. However it the disadvantages of no lasting effect, of germinati_ resentment, and of encouraging passive obstructionism. The value of a Public Health Inspection Educator is withoutl limits. If through acquired knowledge, you are sold on the worth of a practice, action,, or measure and in turn can persuade another, he will change his habits to help himself or others, and in doing so will conform to your wishes. Further he will respect you-for your knowledge of the subject and for your sharing this knowledge with him. , PHI PRIORITY To conclude - Sure the Public Health Inspector is an enforcer but the effective Public Health inspector is first an educator. Pupils of the well informed, capable educator' become his disciples. They will implement his teachings and will spread his" message to others. My advice ,is to keep searching for new knowledge related to environmental health, human behaviour and teacliing methods. Share old and new ideas with others and keep the big stick concealed but at the ready. ..,.--------e W Icome "''''''''''" The following applications have been received for membership in the Ontario Branch: ACTIVE . Lorraine M. Brennen; Susan E. Brunet; Catherine A. Campbell; Rosemary M. Craig,; Marilyn Eriksen; Bernadette E. Etzler; Kenneth J. Gorman; Patil L. Cvuilbeault; John R.-Hall; Susan P. Henry; Danny Kartzalis; Eugene C. Kelly; Mary A. Kokelj; George R. Korzienicki. Diana R. Lazure; Jordan K.C. Lee; Barbara J. Marshall; Joan Mastromartino; Yvon L. Morrisette; Gerald J. Murray; Dale A. McCrae; Diane Nehrenheim; Michael N. Passarelli; Claude R. Patry; Jacques E. Perreautt; Andrew P. Roci_e; Wolfgang Saxler; Regina F.. Szava; Marco A. Vittiglio; Elizabeth T. Wood. STUDENTMEMBERS HI_ ...... Mark W. Bartlett; DavidM. Bennitz; Patricia Chamak; Teresa A. Chamot; Ruth M. Cole; John G. Haslam; Maureen P. Howes; Ma,rtha Hutchinson. Jessica Ip; Marilyn Lee; James J. Reiffle; Yvonne M. Schiller; Paul V. Sylvester; Joanne Young. WELCOME TO T]_ _0_0 .B-RAN_ OF CANADIAN INSTITUTE OF P1LIBI,lCHEALTH INSPII_I$. ' PG. 8 ONTARIO BRANCH NEWSIFALL i. 1980 _ "" The PHOTOZONE®process. e " ,. A Major Breakthrough in Clean Water • _ Why our purifying method is cleaner, more healthfuland much more economical to operate: A certain spectrum of sunlight automati-. cally produces the life-essential ozone layer that has constantlyacted for billions of years to naturally balance and purify the earth's atmosphere. Now, we've captured that invisibleray of lightin a unique ionization device. The result is a major breakthrough in economicalwater purification and treatment. _ Our Photozone process Water Purifier instantly cleans water on contact by oxydizing the pollutantsand killing the bacteria. The chemistryof the water rediains unchanged. The only thingaddedto your pool is more fresh, healthfuloxygen. The Photozone process eliminates from 50 to 90% of the chemical treatment costs and the unpleasan t eye-burning chemicals, smells and tastes traditionally associated with swimming pools.Operating costof the system is usually less than four dollarsa month. You save in both time and mainten ance costs. For complete details on the Photozone process, call, wire or write: ioai_li_a i¢_k,_ ..... • iaizli DEVELOPER OF PHOTOZONE -- GAMMAZONE -- MAGNAZONE PROCESSES Gals. _ _ c,,s,,. ,,,,_o,_ • • ;_ _'_;_ / INSTITUTE Sun Sense Solar Systems. Win. Falrhall Enterprises Ltd. P.O. Box 3472, Stn. "A" London, Ontario N6A 4K8 [S19] 438.5428 .11 Guardsman Rd. Thorn_iH, Ontario L3T 2AI ; _" Tele. 06-964672 : .. . ' ONTARIO BRANCH NEWS/FALL Va ccine u K.n. pd ate cPm(c) In 1546 the Italian physician Girolamo l-racastoro portrayed !" - vividly what it is like for a human being to be afflicted with rabies ,,- ,.':, i ' / 1980 PG. 9 " _ "Its incubation (following a bite by rabid animal) is so stealthy," .:_.. slow and gradual that the infection is very rarely manifest before ;" ,_ the 20th day, in most cases after the 30th, and in many cases not until four or six months have elapsed. There are cases recorded _' ; in which it became manifest a year after the bite." Once the disease takes hold "the patient can neither stand nor lie down; like a madman he flings himself hither and thither, tears his flesh with his hands, and feels intolerable thirst. This is the most distressing symptom, for he so shrinks from water and all liquids that he would rather die than drink or be brought near to water; it is then that they bite other persons, foam at the mouth, their eyes look twisted, andfinally they are exhausted and painfully "_'" breathe their last." : ',. Modern treatment i_ntails a painful series of from 14 to 21 !_ inoculations (DEV) of vaccine following an exposure to an animal ,that is known to or is suspected of being rabid. A vaccine using a series of four to six inoculation (HDCV) is rapidly replacing the longer series. This newer type of vaccine has been developed by . :, , Tadeusz J. Wiktor, Martin M. Kaplan, Hilary Koprowski and - " other workers at the Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology. Following is a series of articles which attempt to update the Public Health Inspector on RABIES. Topics include: A vaccine On very short notice, Tim Sly managed to update; The incidence of Human Rabies;-Public Health conjure up this vivid sketch. Inspectorsand Rabies Investigations;Dogs and the PHI; and Wildlife animal vaccination program, has, but the accumulation of experience with DEV suggests that Although rabies rare_ affect humans in North America, it is ei_fective. every year thousands of persons receive rabies prophylaxis. The Pre-Exposure rabies vaccine is available and is usally offered problem of treating persons, who have been bitten or scratched i only to high-risk groups such as veterinarians, animal handlers, by animals suspected of being infective, or who have otherwise certain laboratory workers, spelunkers, and forest rangers. been potentially exposed tO rabies, fortunately is not adecision Adverse Reactions we as l_ublic health inspectors have to make. However, it should Adverse reactions after vaccination does occur with some be of interest to know what kind of treatment is available and people. Local reactions such as pain, eruthema, swelling or currently being used. There is still a lot of unknowns on the topic itching at the injection site may orrur. Systemic reactions may of Rabies- In fact data on the effectiveness of active and passive vary from aheadache and nausea to rare cases of Ne.uroparalvt_j_c. immunization after rabies exposure have come principally from reactions. The recently developed Human Diploid Cell Vaccine studies with animals. Because rabies occasionally developed in which is usually five doses when administered for post-Exposure humans who had received postexposure antirabies prophylaxis, Prophylaxis has not had any serious anaphylactic, systemic, or research in the vaccine's effectiveness continues, neuroparalytic reactions reported from it to date. Pregnancy is Two types of immunizing products are available to physicians not considered a contraindication to post-exposure prophylaxis.. (usually Via the MOH): 1. vaccines that induce an active The limited data available indicated that fetal abnormalties have immune response that requires time to develop (about 7 to 10 not been associated with rabies vaccination. Persons who have a days for an anti:body response) but persists for as long as a year history of hypersensitivity would be given rabies vaccines with or more and; 2. globulins that provide rapid immune protectio.n caution. that persists for a short period of time (a half-life of about 21 As a note of interest: A man from Lindsay, Ont., in June of this days). Human Diploid Cell Vaccine [HDCV] is an inactivated year, was suing Connaught Laboratories and two doctor'son-the virus vaccine prepared from fixed rabies virus grown in human grounds that he has given rabies shots after coming in"contact ' diploid cell culture. The Canadian National Advisory Committee with a rabid cow. The patient helped his brother and his father on Immunization (NACI) advises that HDCV is the vaccine of lift a rabid cow. After rabies shots were administered he suffered choice whenever available and is usually administered in from permanent paralysis in his arms and legs. (2) conjunction with Rabies Immune Globulin (HUMAN) (RIG). HDCV has .been used with RIG (or ARS(Anti-Rabies SerunO (Equine)) to treat 45 persons bitten by rabid dogs or wolves in "Women are much fiercer than men. Nobody has ever given us Iran, 31 persons bitten by a variety of rabid animals in Germany, weapons for very long have they?" Margaret Mead and 77 persons bitten by a variety of rabid animals in the United States. In these studies no treated person contracted rabies.0:) DuekEmbryoVacclne [DEV] is only recommended if HDVC is "Be careful about reading health books. You might die of a unavailable. DEV is an inactivated virus vac_'ine prL;paredfrom misprint." Mark Twain embryonated duck eggs infected with a fixed virus. DEV has not been evaluated for it effectiveness in cl)nical , 'i ,:- ::!. HDCV \ PG. 10 ONTARIO BRANCH NEWS/FALL 1980. / , Human incidenceof rabies ' ' .... . The presence of the rabies virus and symptoms has been recorded in history for hundreds of years. Historians. philosophers, wisemen, etc, did not realize why the symptoms occurred. But they did realize there was a connection, when the same sequence of events repeated themselves, In ancient Babylonian times, it was part of the law that an owner, when informed by the local 'authority of those days that his dog was mad , had to keep it inside. If he did not and it bit someone he was liable to a fine which varied, being different amounts for slaves and free men:In those days, people thought that evil spirits caused the ammal to go wild and this Was the case until 322 BC when Aristotle came along and put things in order. He described the symptoms andstated that there was a connection between the disease in animals and the fear of water in man. Then he rec0mmended the painful treatment of cauterizing wounds cause by affected dogs. P_etro Martire d'Anghiera, the first bishop in the New World, recorded early in the 16th century that: "In several places'bats not much smaller than turtle doves used to fly at (men) in the early evening with brutal fury and with their venomous bites brought those injured to madness." Spanish colonists in_ the Mexican peninsula of Yucatan recorded_similarobservations of bat bites and deaths in man and animals. Very few people are known to have recovered from the disease after the clinical symptoms have appeared, This fact was recognized by many in later years, in 1836 Ferdinand Raimund, the great Austrian actor and playwright, shot himself a day after he was bitten On the hand by a (log that had also bitten other people and Waslater killed by a policeman, Louis Pasteur and his colleagues were the first to successfully develop a post-exposure against rabies in 1881. They found that the rabies virus Couldbe obtained in relatively pure form from the brain and spinal cord of an infected animal, VIRUS TO BRAIN It does not take long for the virus, once it has entered tile body, to begin the process leading to death. When a wound is caused by a bite, theviral particles penetrate the nerve endings and progress toward the spinal cord. The movement of the virus to the spinal cord is passive, at a speed of about three millimeters per hour:Once the virus enters the spinal nerves, the infection spreads progressively up the spinal cord and affects all areas alongside the cord. The course of the virus through the spinal cord leads rapidly to the brain, where the virus multiples. Theinfection then follows the nerve trunk: outward to all parts of the body, including the salivary glands, which are the crucial site for the transmission of the virus to another animal. The virus multiplies further in the sali_,ary glands. According to Kaplan and Koprowski, (3), "the cycle may take weeks or months. "It is not_=knownhow or where the virus remains in a latent and und_tectable form during prolonged incubation periods. Nor is it known what balance of factors determines•why rabies developsiin certain individuals, and not-in others, but from the symptoms and the cause of death (respiratory failure) it is evident that thi_function of the neurons must be seriously impaired. Als0 .not known is what arrests the disease in most naturally infected people, including those who The Canada Diseases Weekly Report (CDV_iR)states that 21 persons have died of rabies in Canada since 1925, when report,lug began. Two of these cases occurred in Ontario. In the United States. rabies in humans has decreased from an average of 22 cases per year in 1946-1950. Since 1966 (12 years) a total of 20 human cases have been reported in the U.S. The decrease would certainly be due to greater caution and the use and greater availability of post-exposure prophylax,i$. After an unprovoked biting incident, a physician should be consulted and rabies prophylax_is considered, unless rabies is known to be _ibsent from the animal population. The CDWR states that an animal fully immunized _ against rabies has litte chance of either developing or transmitting rabies." In the last two years there has been approximately six human rabies related deaths in the U.S. Some of thepatienfs' actual cause of death was not positively indentified until after they had died. In one case the patient had been treated symptomatically a few times and releasi_d, until he returned to the hospital exhibiting violent and bizarre bchaviour, became comatose the next day and died. Another patient had clinical symptoms which were not classic for rabies and he had no exposure history. However. the staff suspected the di_ignosis and took extra precautions to avoid contact with his respiratory secretions. ,The final diagnosis was determined after death as positive for rallies. In October 1978 and November 1979 two cases .of human-to-human transmission of rabies via a corneal transplant were documented. In the most recent case, a 36 year old man from eastern France died of rabies. 41 "days after receiving a corneal transplant. The donor was a 57 yea_ old woman Whohad died following a flaccid quadriplegia syndrome. The donor of the cornea was a long-time resident •in Egypt, who had lived m France for two months befor_ the onset Of illness. The CDC reported in the MMWR .(Vol 29/No3) that "upon discovery of rabies in .the recipient, histologic .and electron-microScopic examination of the donor's brain revealed diffuse encepha!omyelitis with the presence of numerous Negri bodies. The donor is known to have had exposure, while in Egypt, tOa dog who'died. Medical technology has been very successful in reducing the incidence of human rabies. HOwever. as in the above case new solutions can also create new problems. ' BIBLIOGRAPHYAND SUGGESTED READING 1. CANADA DISEASES WEEKLY REPORT. Vol. 6-26; June 28, 1980.. 2. GLOBE AND MAIL,June 10. 1980. 3. RABIES by Martin M. Kaplan and Hilary Koprowski, Scientific American, January 1980 Vol 242 No 1, pg 120-134. 4, RABIES by Alyn D. Thomson, Sheffield MDC; Environmental Health, August 1976, pg 200-204. 5, THE NATURAL HISTORYOF RABIES, Edited by George M. Baer, Academic Press 1975. 6. MORBIDITY AND MORTALITY WEEKLY REPORTS, Centre for D,isease Contr61,Atlanta Georgia, USA. Vol. 27 No. 30, Vo127No45, Vo128No10, Vo128No2S, Vo128 No 2?, Vo128 No 36, Vol 28 No 49, Vol 29 No 3, Vo! 29No 23. • .r .... have been vaccinated..Neutralizing antibodies, certian 'killer' •lymphocytes attacking rabies-infected cells and interferon may all be in_,olved in halting _infection. (Interferon is the protein manufactured by cells stimulated byWhat a variety infectious agen.ts, indluding the rabies.virus.) is not Of clear-is the taterrelafionof these factors." '"You either have science o_ you don't, and if you have it, you are obliged to accept the surprising and disturbing pieces of information, even the overv_helming and :upheaving ones, along with the neat and prompt!y useful.b_i_." Lewis Thomas •_ [ J ONTARIO BRANCH NEWS/FALL 1980 PG. 11 ' - A rabidrabbityou say? BY J.A. MACK[NNON (_PHI(C) It has been documented that all warm blooded animals are susceptible to the rabies virus. One does not usually consider a rabies investigation of a rabid pet rabbit with a straight face. However, chuckle though we may, it did happen. Rabbits under normal circumstances scratch and nip at the person handling it. A person operating a rabbit farm will therefore have numerous cuts and .scratches on their hands and arms.'. A lab worker in a hospital was asked nonchalantly by one of the doctors what had happened when he saw a bandage on her hand. When the worker explained her pet rabbit had bitten her, there was very little reaction. Eyebrows were raised, however, when the worker explained that the rabbit later died and was buried, The wheels started turning, and when the dust had all settled, it was found that the rabbit had indeed been rabid. Apparently the'lady had obtained the rabbit from a nearby farmer. The farm had been raided by a rabid skunk. Needless to say, when these facts wererevealed, the entire warron was quarantined. Eight people were given post-exposure prophylaxis. Numer-, ous contacts had to be found to determine how close they actually got to the creatures. One lady did not feel the situation was a serious one. Since her daughter had been a contact, she asked what symptoms she should look for. Not knowing whether the lady was being facetious or plain naive, she was quickly told to make funeral arrangements if her daughter developed any symptoms. This statement rapidly brought the situation back to . reality and the'humour disappeared. Foxes,skunks mayget vaccinated During the many rabies investigations performed, public health inspectors inevitably become involved in a number of cases where wild animals come in contact with domestic animals who have regular contact with humans. The majority of wildlife contacts are foxes and skunks. Foxes have a very low tolerance to the rabies virus and usually develop carriers. symptoms while skunks have a high tolerance and can become Normally a timid creature, the fox will usually try to avoid areas of human habitation. Once.infected by the rabies virus, the fox is not very particular where it wanders. On many occasions, a rabid fox will travel from one\farm to the next, flipping at the heels d anything that comes within reach, During one incident in Huron County, a rabid fox tangled with - a cat at one farm, an_lproceeded accross the road and nipped at the legs of several members in a flock of sheep (whose skin is easily punctured). The confused fox eventu'ally went through another neighbours herd of cattle and headed towards a nearby river, when the neighbouring farmers finally caught up with it, shot it, and sent the head away for analysis. Fortunately, extreme precautions were taken while handling the fox and no one •needed any post-exposure prophylaxis, .This type of interaction between wild animals, domestic animals and humans causes a lot of anxiety and can cost a considerable amount of money. The domestic animals must be quarantined, (sometimes-destroyed if symptoms develop), and when there .is human involvement, a costly vaccine must be, administered to protect the individual. • ' To help alleviate some of these problems, the Ministry of Natural Resources has been researching the possibility of vaccinating the more common wildlife vectors, that being the fox and skunk. Baiting experiments which began in 1972 are' nearing completion. When Connaught Laboratories perfect the vaccine to be used, the anxiety and some'of the costerable hopefui|3_ w_[ be .reduced. The domestic animals must be quarantined, (sometimes destroyed if symptoms develop), and when there is human involvement, a costly vaccine must be administered to protect the individual, MR. FRANK MATEJKA, a Resource Technician with the Ministry of Natural Resources ORVAC Program (Ore Rabies Vaccination)_ during a recent interview stated that S(}different types of bait were tried before it was concluded that' hamburger was the most acceptable and economical. The different bait tested included smoked sausage, and various types of cheeses. Please turn to page 13 _ CaSUal Quarantine Everyday hundreds of dogs are quarantined for a fourteen day period duewhen to aa provoked This situation canprimarily be initiated child tries biting to tak_incident. awa_ RO,_'_'_ food or pulls at the wrong part of his body. Many PHI's consider this type of quarantine procedure a nuisance call and a waste of time. Because of the this,procedure some public inspectors become very casual about and health overlook the potential hazard. Some would say there are very few cases of human rabies so why worry., Just one incident is necessary, where a dog (not vaccinated) has been in contact with a rabid skunk and later handled by a playful child, to bring back the seriousness of rabies. Dr. John Sterns, Ministry of Health, during a brief discussion, : stressed that a very important item to remember when quarantining an animal after a biting incident is that it must be isolated, ie. no contact with other persons or animals. ' Tying a dog or cat Up in a yard is not isolation. Contact could still be made and if the animal did develop . symptoms work and anxiety would be created in locating the contactsa iot'of and administering post-expOsure prophylaxis. A.dog tied outside could still become a contact of, a rabid . animal while quarantined. What then? The judgement decision is up to the P.H.I. on whether the animal should be quarantined at home Or the pound. The difficulty arises when the municipality does not have a pound, Dr. Sterns indicated. In some cases (provoked attacks or minor lacerations where the animal has been vaccinated) the owner may be allowed to walk the dog with a leash during a quiet part of the day. Of course allowing a seventy five pounddog to be walked by a small child could present itself with some problems. In all cases' sound judgement should be exercised. + PG. 12 ONTARIO BRANCH NEWS/FALL 1980 " '* • _, / .... ,....:........"+,=:........ . .........: ,., Riotous.rabies++ th= rurals,. On the lighter, side : It Was one of those detestable days when the whole world seems to be on one's back. The weather ,was lousy, my old woman was acting like a bitch - and our four-legged bitch was acting like a... yes, you guessed it--like a woman, But there was one bright spot on the 'fiorizon. _ • The New YorkYankees were playing the Los AngelesDodgers in the first game of the World Series and it was being televised that very evening. Just the thoughtof it sustained ,my,flagging spirits throughout that trying day. A couple of cold beers, maybe more if,l could keep the missis out of the way, a good steak for dinner, a big can of peanuts and the tired old hoofs tip on the / coffee table, with the kids and the better half banished to the nether regions of the house - and the CBC tuned right in on the dot. Lovely, lovely. , At the end, of the day my faltering heart rubbed its hands figuratively at the prospect, as my car Wended homeward its weary way. And it all• came true. Up to a point that is. The beer, the nuts, / the steak droner, the absent offspring along with both bitche s and the TV channel as clear as a Crosby budget! .• Then the clamour of the .'phone, shattering my utter concentration on a brilliant play in the first innings. One of the. sterling members of our stalwart nightwatch, the local OPP, .was on _,heothe_ end of the line. •..... His doleful stoi-ywas that some clown, (are wethe only:-0nes who are not?) had picked up a skunk which had been attacked by a porcupine - or vice versa as they used to say in the Roman • Forum. This comedian was now getting welled about rabies and fi_sanguished cries and hand-wringing were evidently pitiful_to see .... Ye Gods_ Where do .all these people with atrophied brains come from? One would think they existed just to • Create problems • _; ..... for the innocents of the world !ike ourselves. , . . ,, It is a ten .mile drive from my TV set to our beautiful downtown, which has been described as the hub of the universe by those whose perceptions have been somewhat clouded by extreme age or alcohol or both. Suffice to say tha "downtown" is big enough to spit across and that's exactly w_hat! felt like.doi0g after tearing myself away from the goggle .box in mid-evening. • The town square seemed to be teeming with idle layabouts ana uniformed officials, all Of whom wel"e obviously awaiting, • breathlessly, my grand entrance to take charge 9f the handling of • a potentially rabid animal. It looked like the crowed scene in "Dog Day Afternoon" and half-an-hour later I knew just how Al. Pacino felt in that movie., Two grim faced policemen, looking like rural versions of Dick _ Tracy, were brandishing shotguns menacingly, while the police car wailed its dying saraband in +the backgrofind, flashing _lood-red lights all over the place. The fire brigade was out in force too. No doubt to flush down. ' :he skund-polluted square, which was already redolent with the mmistakable odour Of the badly scared animal; . • And there in the centre of the stage stood our skunk lover, mjoying all the attentions of the mob, adorned with a wild ooking beard and draped all over with a girl friend. He was _racticallywearing her, whe was so entwined into him, gazing Ldoringlyinto her hero's eyes. I recognized her as the daughter _fone, of the local restaurateurs.. He, the hirsute one, looked like the poor man's version of )teen Welles as Falstaff and they both began mouthingoff at me vhile my. thoughts still dwelt on the second innings andr'my i ' , , + rapidly warming beer. ' The Story was that they had been driving along a country road. Ha! That was a hot one. I'll bet-they weren't driving at the time, not judging by .the way .she was. drooling over him right now. Apparetitly they'dseen the skunk come tottering down.the road , (when they came up for air no doubt) with its ass full of porcupine quills, _likesome giant mobile pincushion. Our bearded beefeater, urged on by his shrill-voiced harridan, picked up::theskunk, dumped it in the car, and took off for town "post-haste", as they Used to say in all the better and now defunct magazines, Arriving i_ the square, his wits deserted him. At lejast those. few scraps remaining to him in his otherwise empty cranium, and hedecided that maybe he'd done the wrong thing in pickin_ up a possibly rabid animal which was stinking to high heaven to boot. So lie began bell6wing for police and fire and Humane Society and,anyone else who might sooth his wounded spirit. , That's where your denizen of health came in, If you don't know What todo in, any given situation and the police can't handl e it, send for Sam_Sam the sanitary man.,He will always provide well counselled advice,.,calm the most ruffled ruffles and administer the "most's_thing unctions to the wounded soul. But_this :pair of: cretinous creatures would not be soothed espe_ally when I pointed out to El Beardo that since he had attempted tO sue€our the poor beastie, it was virtually his and he'dhave to. continue looking after it for another couple weeks., :That really put the cat among the pigeons. His beard quivered with anger, his eyes bugged out like organ stops and!his face took on the. hue of a cardinal's cloak. The lady friend's voice be+cameeven more strident and I made'a mental note to give her .ifather's restaurant a bad report on thenext CAPHIS. They both .spat .profanities +about the incompetence of idiotic government * Officialswho could not or would _ot do their job. I tried to explain about rabies procedure and the fact that there were no facilities for housing the skunk, but to no avail. There was no calming them down." , Finally I suggested We take a look at the skunk to try and assess its future career, and we all approached the car very gingerly_, the police with their shotguns at the ready, about to commit mayhem at the first false move of our striped friend wereeven less ginger than anyone 'else! It began to feel like l was playing in a 1925 gangster movie on the later-late show. But it was dead! Kaput! Morte! Finis! Moribund! The poor little sod must have had a coronary _it'the sight and sound of all thatmob, with the guns and the fire hoses. ,At least the situation was somewhat relieved. The courage0u_' health inspector could take action and no doubt earn a mention in the Guiness Book Of Records-or somesuch - by getting the skunk Off to Health of Animals for ex_imination. The, crowd began to disperse, obviously disappointed at the" lack Of a shoot-out. The Police stasfled away their guns for another ten years til, the next local crime wave, the firemen rolled up their hoses, hoping for a burning haystack or summat, and tile _rtain came down on our little town's most exciting evening for a decade. But the principal actors remained on stage fora few moments more while tempers cooled and pertinent details were noted down. The_ the trek home. The ball game was over and my favourite team fiad lost. My beer was warm enough to bath in, the kids were l0oseand creating havoc and the bitch had eaten all my ,, +_ ,..:.:. .. , please turn to page 13 1 • + ONTARIO BRANCH NEWS/FALL 1980 PG. 13 ,. Walk don't:run , It is quite probable that many of you reading thiS:have been in a situation where a dose call or an actual bite occurred while ' attempting to quarantine a dog from a reported bite. In most cases the reason for the bite was purely' from a sense of protection on the animal's part.. If a stranger startled you by rushing up and:raisittg the hand, in all likelihood defense would be top priority,There are several Do's and Don'ts we as Pill's should be aware of, to decrease the incidence of unwarranted and embarrassing bites. " • Ed Harrison, CIPHI(C) Director of the Huron_County Health Unit, offers several suggestions. Ed has trained Bouvier's in the past. ' DON'TS There are many actions a person must avoid when dealing with dogs. Ed suggests the following: 1)Neverstare directly into the eyes of any dog (or any animal). This action is a definite$i_ of agression. Look at any other part of the body. 2) Do not walk into a yard or building carrying a stick or package. The dog interprets this as a weapon and will usually • attack. This _s probably one reason why the postman is a victim, 3) Try not to surprise a dog or startle it from a deep sleep, Always make some kind of noise when approaching a building Or ' yard. (ie. whistling, humming) 4) Don't, make sudden moves. 5) Do not turn your back on a growling angry dog with teeth showing and hair standing up. Slowly walk backwards away from the animal, Turning your back away from the animal aIIbws'it .to: .... become aggresive. " .... " / Dogs and PHIs 6) Don't attempt to pet a skulking dog (ears down, head low). When a hand is extended suddenly, the dog feels you are being aggressive and is ready to defend itself, Do not bend or kneel until you know the dog is friendly. _ • DO'S. ::_- • 1) Watch a dog when approaching but look at any part of the bodyexceptthe eyes -whistle, hum or make some kind of noise to let the dog know someone is approaching. 2) Usecalm confident easy movements. A dog can sense fear. '_Infact whether you show fear externally or not, there is a " chemical change in the body which the animal will detect. ' 3; Always try to use a friendly cheerful voice, (ie. high tones) , while talking to as dog. Dark deep loud voices are a sign of aggression. 4) Slowly extend and open hand from the side of the body to allow the dog to smell. However, use extreme caution. 5) If a dog comes charging at you, stand perfectly still and don't run. When the dog starts to growl and shows teeth and Curled.lips, stay and 0bserve. Walk slowly backwards and away. Speak in high tones to the animal. Do not run. If the dog is wagging'its tail and hair isn't standing up, speak cheerfully to it and proceed on. 6) Try to phone ahead so the owner can tie up his dog and prepare for your arrival_ ' GenL_ral characteristics of small dogs is that they °won't hesitate to;nip at.the heels.. Larger dogs are fear biters, ie. they will not hesitate to protect themselves. All dogs should be approached Withcaution. "Mr. Harrisongives us one final note of wisdom - "Discretion is the better part of valour." Foxes, Skunks may get vaccinated Continued from p_a_ 11 "' • .Todetermine wl_etherthe animal ate the bait, a small amount of the antibiotic tetracycline was mixed in. With the cooperation of the trappers, the carcasses were returned to the research starff for examination. When an animal eats the bait, the teeth when examined under an ultra-violet microscope, show fluorescent yellow lines. The program to date appears to have been successful, with a large percentage of animals picking up the bait. Mr. Matejka pointed out that the research area of the bait drop covers 200 Square miles south of Goderich.: Approximately 3 percent of the carcasses brought in for analysis to dcrtermine the presence of tetracycline are positive for rabies. Most rabid animals a have little desire to eat and therefore less likely to be found in a baited trap. Very few trappers, Mr. Matejka said, get pre-exposure rabies_vaccine, Most are very particular in taking precautions when handling • animals found intheir trap lines. . A wildlife rabies epidemic this year (1980) is being experienced in Peel, Renfrew, Wellington, Simcoe, Bruce, Grey; if ' and Huron counties, Mr. Matejka said. Rabies epidemics ususally run in three year cycles. Mr. Matejka explained that when there is a rabies epidemic in : an area, the fox population is usually decimated due to their low tolerance of the virus. In some counties there is a high incidence of rabies in skunks. This is primarily due to the mild winter we had in 1979 which allowed easy mo_'ement from one area to another, resulting in a higher density of skunks in some counties. To further understand how the rabies virus can be dispersed from one area to another, collars containing radio transmitters were fitted on foxes, striped skunks, coyotes and raccoons., The results showed that one fox travelled from a point west of Barrie to Essa township near Wiarton in Bruce county. Another travelled from central Huron to the northern part of the Bruce peninsula. Understanding the movement of wild animals will help the research staff determine which areas to bait when the vaccine is ready to be used. The vaccination program, if everything goes_well, is scheduled to begin in 1981. Will we see the elimination 6f rabies in wildlife. in Ontario? Very unlikely, Mr. Matejka says. In order to eliminate rabies, 90 percent of the wildlife would have to be vaccinated. Since the program is primarily aimed at the fox and skunk population, vaccination of these two groups hopefully will reduce the severity and cost which many areas are presently experiencing. . , le h " side On the .i_ter Continued from rage 12 ..... peanuts (I'11 leave you to guess which bitch!) What a rotten, • rotten day, AI Pacino didn't know the half of it. -"But revenge is sweet. The skunk was proven to rabid and our bearded buggerlugs got twenty-one needles stuck into him poetic justice vis-a-vis the poor skunk. His belly looked like an over-used dartboard when the medico finished with him. " He who laughs last laughs loudest! WDV ' The above incident happened to my colleague inour-Health Unit sub,office, though it is written in the first person. It points up the hazards of the job to which we are all subjected to from time to time. , ! PG. 14 ONTARIO BRANCH NEWSI FALL 1980 Information exchange GASTRONINTESTINAL ILLNESS FROM SOY PROTEIN ' EXTENDER In the July 1980 (Vol 43, No. 7) issue of the JOurnal of Food Protection, an investigation reported by Gunn, Taylor, and Gangarosa, stated that in July and August 1976 "an outbreak of acute gastrointestinal illness occurred among :persons Who had ,consumed a commercially marketed.soy protein tunafi'sh salad extender." Three hundred and fifty households reported 508 persons ill within one hour after eating the salad extender, Principal symptoms were ','nausea (91 percent), abdomihal cramps (71 percent), diarrhea (53 percent), headache (42 percent), difficulty breathing (36 percent), and vomiting (22 percent)".' To determine the possible cause of illness. the manufacturer and volunteers eat the tunafish salad extender, • and then,the single ingredients thereof. The results implicated the texturized soy protein ingredient of the product. "The findings in this study demonstrated that consumption of textured soy protein may elicit an adverse gastrointestinfil reponse in a smfill but significant number of individuals, especially those with a history of 'allergy'. .... .diarrhoea. She noted that no unpleasant or' unusual taste had been associated with the lobster, but that the episode has effectively discouraged her from samplinff this delicacy-again. EXPLANATION The internal digestive organs of the lobster vary in colour and quantity in direct proportion to the quantity of food taken in by the animal during the previous few days. The colour can vary from a brown through a red to a deep green colour, the latter indicating that the lobster was feeding very recently. The material is contained in the ;cavity anterior to the tail, and underneath the single hard carapace. If this material is present; it might be released when the tail is detached, colouring the normally white or pinkish meat of that section'..In 'addition, in the ventral C'underside") portion of the tail the single intestinal tube ("vein") may also be a green colour and in thinsinstance may have added to the overall aesthetically unpleasant picttire. The judgement on such a Iobster'would be that this is not of public health significance, no pathogenic condition is present, and the lobster cannot be considered unfit for human consumption. The illness reported by the complainant is possibly STERILIZEDMILKIS ON THE SHELV_ES • ' " • A .revolutionary concept which was attempted in 1968 by Nelson's Dairy Ltd. of Toronto will again try to gain acceptance of the consumers. The buying public rejected sterilized milk in 1968, but Dominion Dairies Ltd. of Toronto is pretty sure that the consumer is ready for it this time. The milk will.appear under the Sealtest brand, but will be processed and packaged by Korman's Dair3 _ Ltdorof any.other Timmins, coUeagues'have an independent custom racker. If you Sterilized milk in their due to a common feeling of revulsion when it is realized that we have eaten an unfamiliar and unpleasant-looking material. EM PLOYM ENT OPPO RTU NITY BRUCECOUNTY HEALTH UNIT ,req uires a Qualified Public Health Inspector _: • Car is required area, let us knowof your experience wit:, it. ie. shelf life, transportation durability (leaks, and lab reports.) DONUTSTOO HOT - - [Appeared in the Oshawa times May 28 1980] ':_Failing to keep his ChoColateeclairs lc601ed properly meant a. $500 fine for a city doughnut store owner in Oshawa provincial court. . Speros Boutzis, 46, owner of Mama's_Donuts. 44 Bond St. W., pleaded guilty to the charge under the Public Health Act and was told to pay the fine or spend two months in jail. A public health inspector said he visited the shop on four occasions between SePt. 26, 1979 and March 27, 1980 and found the refrigerated display case, containing cream-filled pastries, was not working. was 70 degrees F., not 41_ the maximum allowedThe by temperature law. Editor's,Note: The PHI in question was,Jacq_ues PerreaulL Good Work! SUBMITTED BY ROBERT SKELDING CPH (C) Green lobster _ f BY TIM SLY CPHI (C) ._ -an unusual complaint .... _ _.... Last week, a1complaint was received fr0m a citizen'who" had ordered a whole lobster at a local-restaurant. She"detached the tail, arid began to eat it. After having takeh a t'e_iforkfulls of the meat, she noticed that iitstead of pinkishlwl_ite flesh, the meat on her plate Was coloured by a dai'k-green sticky fluid. At this point, she complained to the management, who claimed that this was not unusual, without giving her a' satisfactory explanation., The complainant seized what she could of the lobster (the carapace and head - leaving behind the tail), and left the restaurant. She contacted the.Health Unit with information that within ¾ of an hour of having eaten part Ofthe _lobster meat, she had experience nausea, some Vomiting'and, the next day, a little • Usual • ;'_ benefits , offered Salary un_ler review Send resume to Harold Rankin CPHI (C) Director of Public Health Inspectors Bruce County Health Unit BOX248, Walkorton, Ont. IqOG 2VO ,lilt spirit . = team Continued from page 4 , himself out by playing rover. He is the guy that literally roves around the field. John lost ten pounds. Jaok MacKinnon, pitch_er for the team. challenged other pitchers to follow his example of high arched balls and accuracy in covering the base. And then there was the first base man Klaus _Seeger. He dressed in torn denims and heavy work socks pulled up over his pant legs. With that get-up the other teams figured him for a non-player; but'.his action on first base kept the scores for the other teams down. Phil Paquette picked up a tidy habit of hitting home runs and Jim Moon, that fiesty little guy.gave regular lectures on how we blew the last tuning and a|most took on the umpire in a dispute over sliding into home. He wasn't the slider. The Huron team is already planninglfor next year's tourney and has made room in .their Goderich office for the trophy. If tb ere had been a trophy for the most congenial team or best spirited team Huron would have itsitting in their office this year. ON_rARIO BRANCH NEWS/FALL 1980 PG. 15 Running at both ends The not so simple sample A recent study conducted by Dr. J.H. Silliker, and colleagues, " publishe_l in the Journal of Food Protection (I) attempted to determine the effectiveness of three methods of coliform counting in food products. Fifteen laboratories using eight different types of inoculated food were involved and the results were evaluated using advanced statistical methods for determining the most probable number of coliform present did not differ appreciably. Significant variation, however, was noted between laboratories in the study. The data also revealed that with respect to variation within a given laboratory, variation between replicate aliquots (samples) is overwhelmingly the most important sorce of error, "The two problems of considerable magnitude confound. administration of microbiological specifications for foods. The flint rdates to the difficulty in obtaining a sample which is truly representative of the lot in question and thesecond relates to the lmeven distribution of micro-organisms within the sample unit lm_ented to the laboratory for analysis." In addition, it is unlikely that the precision observed in the study for (1) taking representative samples, and (2) homogenizing those samples to achieve uniformity, is ever actually achieved in routine analysis of food products. This study, it seems to me, emphasizes the need for careful consideration when taking a food sample of any sort. A batch or lump of food is MOST UNLIKELY TO HAVE ORGANISMS UNIFORMLYDISTRIBUTEDTHROUGHOUTITS VOLUME. In fact, unless the material has been well homogenized after o inoculation, the chances are that only a small portion of the surface area, or a small "zonewithin the total volume will actually have been incubating and supporting the growth of bacteria. An , excellent analog here is the blood-agar plate. The ,contamination of part of the surface of the medium is easily 'seen to support the growth of bacteria after incubation for 24 hours, but the remainder of that surface area remains virtually sterile unless specifically inoculated. In taking a representative sample of a food product, therefore, it is probably better to take large number of small samples from the surface and the center of the food in question. Chance alone may dictate whether any organisms at all were found, and that chance may be made mole favourable by .the taking of a mixed or multiple sample such as this. A further significance must be recognized: --that of the interpretation of the numbers of organisms recovered from any one sample. At best, a single result can be taken as a relative quantity and should not be the basis for definitive inference as to the number of organismstobe expected throughout the food being sampled. I. Silliker, J.H., "ICMSF Methods Studies. XI. Collaborative/ Comparative Studies on Dertcrmination of Coliforms using' the" Most Probably Number Procedure," Journal of Food Protection, August 1979, Volume 42, No. 8, Pages 638 to 644. Where-are you? Most of you reading this issue will be getting back to the old grind with the summer holidays ending. Hopefully everyone had a good summer. Let yourpublication,the Ontario BranchNews know wha_ new, exciting and unusual events, (personal or professional) happened during the last three months. Summer always brings unusual situations that have to be solved. Summer makes us want to forget deadlines and that is the prime reason why there is little new's about our colleagues. South Western Western KITCHENER WATERLOO REGIONALHEALTH UNIT Ledley Coates CPHI (C) had a shadow accompany him during imspections of two area restaurants. The shadow was a reporter form CKCO-TV in Kitchener. Chief Public Health Inspector George Stnblm also was interviewed during the program. JlolmCoutta has replaced Sid Hester as Chief Public Health Ontario Inspector with the Kent-Chatham Health Unit. Mr. Hester retired earlier this year. T.S. Johnson,Senior Public Health Inspector with the same agency, retiri_Oa_ter 43 years in public health, 20 of these in Kent-Chatham. Fourteen Health Unit teams from around b.ltario survived the Sixth Annual _Ball Tournament held in Ottawa. Survivors included members from: Peel Regional, Toronto, Hamilton. Wentworth Regional, Durham Regional, Nlagm Regional, Eastern Congratulations, Joe McNamee on your wedding. Joe took. the big step on June 21 at 2 p.m. and was married to Theresa Clancy. Everyone from the office wishes you the best in your new endeavour. The quarterly staff meeiting of the Ottawa--Carleton Health Unit was held on June 19, 1980. The meeting opened with a talk from Mr. H.:Tremblay of Emergency Measures Organization, at which time he showed a film on the Earthquake in California. It showed how emergency organizations were required to clean up the aftermath, and treat people that were hur_. Much discussion was generated. u,,m,, C/ounty, Sudbury, District, Leeds Grenville and Laaadk, Federal Medical Services, North York, Etobiocke, Slmeoe County, Ottawa-Cadeton Regional, and Muskoka Parry Sound. The Ottawa te_m emerged as the overall winners on the diamond and participation in the social events. Don't forget to - send your news tidbits to your area CORRESPONDENTCHAIRMEN: Northern Area Bud O'Donnell at the Sudbu_ryand District H.U.; Central _ Paul Mclnnis at the Grey-Owen Sound H.U.; Eutem Area, Tom Steward, at the Ottawa-Carleton H.U.; South-weStern Area, Hem,y _; at the Halton Regional H.U.; MetroToronto, Pamela Cook, at the Tar.o_o H.U.: Western Area, Tim Sly or Peter Reaburn at the London H.U. / PG. 16 ONTARIO BRANCH NEWS/FALL 1980_ Givethis application form to a fellow Pltl andask him to join today. APPLICATION FORM _ ., ./ CANADIAN INSTITUTEOF PUBLICHEALTHINSPECTORS Incorporated MI]KIBG]__..,I, . :. sl_aJg'r,tnY--rnlg_omm, '! ,_ _UROUGH, ONT/IJ_O. :',_ " • KgJ 61'3 R.R,#11, ' • .. HIJt,! Affi'_ ZAIlAI_ mmctmvESECa1_Anr'_ "" CAI,GAItY, _A . T2T OX7 1319 PROSPECTA_B. S.W. U ' !_ _ x I herebymake applicationfor ActiveMembership ( ), Student Membership( ) in the CanadianInstituteof PublicHealthInspectors.Thisapplicationimpliesthat membershipis to continueuntil resignationistendered,oruntil membershipisdiscontinuedunderthe conditionscontainedin the By-lawsof theInstitute. Name...... ............................................................................. Surname Christiannames ................................... ..................................................................................... (for correspondence) / Date of Application ................ . ...... :...... :............... Positions Hei d ................................. "... ,..... ,............. -............................................... Print namein full Address .......................... ,; ;: :.... Date of Birth ........................................................... :... ................................... . ...... ................. '........................... _;............ i. ' •-_ ,_ , , Present d_iploying agency Present Position .................. .......... ..................... ....... Oua)JhcalJons (Education, Diplomas and Certificates Held, etc.) (Give Dates and Certificate Numbers) t C.P.H.I. (C.)Certificaie Number .... .............................. Date " / • • , "_¢k-_. ...................... .......... . ....................... / , .............................................................................................. , ........ - ............................................................................................. •........... ...................................................................................................... , ..................... , ............... ! enclose $25.00 in payment of one year's Regular membership-fees. •................ , .......... , .... ,,..,.,." , .......... •.................. ,I"7 ! enclose $2.00 in paymentof one year'sSTUDENTmembershipfees. Ienclose$30.00in paymentof one year'sfeesas a new member.* [] [] Date of Application Signature .......................... • New Member - one who has never been a regular member. _........... .................... For Branch Use 1recommendthat the aboveapplicantbe acceptedlor membershipin the Institute. Date ...................................... Branch.......'.................... :.... Signature ............................. ......................... (BranchOfficer) For National Use t Date of Acceptance for Membership ....... '................ . , :' .. ................ Signature ....................... i................. :........... President CanadianInstituteof PublicHealthInspectors. - Certificateand LapelButton'ivlailed to ... ...................................................................................................... Recordcardfilecl- Date........................................................... t Spa Brom keeps its cool in hot tubs and spas Do you know another chemical that can say that? Of Course not. Spa Brom is bromine based. Hot tubs and spas are fast spreading across the country, : indoors and outdoors. The relaxing Soon everybody will be wanting a hot tub or spa. And when they do, they'll want the advantages of Spa Brom, automatically. • effect of surging, soothing hot water has become a part of today's lifestyle. And Spa Brom is right:there. Z&_,_/_l_t_,_ I Z_ Rexdale, Ontario, 115CifyViewDr.,(416)249-7451 London, Ontario, PO Box 2425, N6A 4G3, (519)686-9335 Every year the Public Health Profession assemble to partake in an educationalconference. ' J . WELCOME TO THE\ " in'e HolidayInn, Kingston,Ont. Hosted by: .Kingston_.Frontenac,Lennox and lddington Health Unit - Enioy, leorn, ond meet new friends iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_ii _ OTTAWA HEALTH UNIT --:Ch-ampionsfor1980.They won the tournamentand hosted , a greatweekend. (Photoby Seegero) • .
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