•D- Sawannah News-Press • Saturday, September 7,1991 No** Of Si* Help Wanted General 169 025 IM ftklfMMV *" viw**wr Nattceef Sato Under STATION OtOROIA COUNTY Of* CHATHAM By virtue of the power of tata prevision contained ki that CALLiW-TOtt oarfata Deed la Secure Debt HfLEN LOADHOLT LEQAL NOTICES from WOODS and Clifford Woods (Grantors) to Aetna Finance Remodeling A Horn* Company, now known as ITT Financial Services (Grantee), CMM Care dated March 21,1904, and re- New Const* jetton, Remodeling. Needed corded March 27, 1904. in Deed Additions,, Shaft Rock 4 Decks. Book m-E. Folk) 300. In the OfLive-In Nanny. Room 4 Board. flca of the Clark of Superior MULL Construction, 9M-9JS3 Monthly tal. negotiable. Plaate Fremlna 4 Outside Trim Court, saM Deed to Secure Debt tend raauma 4 raft to P.O. Box Decks 4 Addition hevina been alvan to secure a ToiU a1in,iav.6a~3HiH193. Call l-eSt-2493 March 11, 1904. In BABY SITTER for Infant, 2-3 principal awn of days par week. Transportation lay thoutand Eight CC No. 1134* required. 331-3951. Twartv^lajht and Roofing Services Sealed btdt will be received un19/tOOfht (SMja.lt) Dollars, nt ll:ei Noon an Saaasmaar fHi, aMDticfy eeenad in there will be soM at puMk out- A Repairs County PvrcfietJne cry *o the Mfhatt Mddar for Mtafax* A SOUTHSIDE ROOFING I, Suite m "OkT caah. by the undersigned, at AtCONTRACTOR SPECIALIZING in cutting Chatham County Courthouse. torney-Intact for Grantor, beLeak Specialist-All Types lawns, cleaning yards, cutting 12* Bull Street, Savannah, GA fore the courthouse door of Owner-JL Chumley 92S-OS40 Chatham County, Georgia, with back shrubbery. John, 233-7035 far: M No.: fl-t-4 For Planting the taoal hours of sale on the Tree aim Treat along Johnny Mer- first Tuesday in October 1991, Job Publications Services cer Blvd. and North and South that being October 1, 1991, the o> Information tide of the "Old" Chatham following described real properEVERGREEN TREE 4 TURF County Courthouse, 124 Bull ty and Improvements thereon, A JOB WINNING! Complete tree 4 ttump removal to wit: ^ ___m Fully Ins'd. Free Estimate* Alt that certain lot, tract, or PrabM conference." 10:09 A.M., 354-1005 September 4 1991, Suite 310, parcel of land situate, lying and Entry Laval "Old" Chatham County Cowrt- being In the city of Savannah. Cutting, Trimming, Tree Reto Executive Pratantatk houte. 124 Bull St., Purchasing and the County and State known moval, 12yrt, exp. No lob to big - Type • Edit- Print upon a map or plan of the Subdi- or small. FREE Ett. Fully InConference Room $F 1 TVs/Military Conversion SpecKkahont are available In vision of Millan Farm Lot Num- sured. 925-1459,1414.2131. Nationwide/1958. VISA7MC/AX the office of the Chatham Coun- ber Eight (0), at the Eastern ty Purchasing Department, at Tan Faat(lO') of Lot Number Thirty (30) Schwarx Ward, all the above address. Chatham County reserves the of which will be more fully ap927-2200 8400-A Abarcorn Sto 105 right to reject any/and or all pear by reference to a map or bids and to waive all formali- plan of a Subdivision of Millan SAVANNAH Farm Lot Number Eight (0), ASSEMBLERS NEEDED "Chatham County is an equal said map or plan being recordImmediate openings. No experied In Map Books of Chatham opportunity employer, M/F/H, ence needed. Full or part time. all bidders are to be equal op- County, Georgia, page 141, to Call toll free, 1-800-743-5921, which a special reference is portunity employers" 8am-10pm, 7 days, Said Eastern Tan ANNOUNCEMENTS Marvin D. Veale Purchasing Agent Feat (10/) of Lot Number (30); CONSTRUCTION being bounded at toitowt: On International positions. Exc. sal the North by 33rd Street; On the 4 benefits. Serious applicants East by Lot Number Thirty One 305-940-8413, M-F 9-9. Sun 9-3. Legal Notice (31), said Subdivision and CC 11342 ^AUSTRALIA WANTS YOU* Ward; On the South by a sixteen Sealed bids will be received unExcellent Pay. Benefits, Foot (•»') lane; and on the Watt Happy til 10am on September 9, 1991 Transportation. 407-292-4747, axt by the remaining Twenty Feet and publicly opened in Chatham 1208.9anv10pm Toll refunds. (20*) of Lot Number Thirty (30), Ada County Purchasing DepartJOB OPPORTUNITIES IN SchwarzWard. Nifty Nifty, Look Who's Fifty ment, Suite 320, "OM" Chatham AUSTRALIA. Opening* availThe debt secured by said Birthday County Courthouse, 124 Bull St., In several areas; will train. Deed to Secure Debt hat bean Wyck Jenkins * IHappy Love You, PJ. able Savannah, Ga. for: For into; 700-742-0620 ext. 422. and It hereby declared due beBid No: 9144 for one Burster cause of, among other possible Assemble products at (detacher) with Imprinter and events of default, non-payment Lost* TOP pay. amazing recorded one decollator for Chatham of the monthly installments on Found detail* mattaga reveals County Finance Department. said Note and Daad to Secure 1-800-873-3577 ext 192 _ PreWd Conference: 10:30am LOST: Small female cat, on Debt whan due. The debt, acSeptember 4, 1991, Suite 320. cording to the term* of the Note 8/20, smoke gray w/spotted JOBS IN Kuwait. Exc. pay, ben"OM" Chatham County Courtand Daad to Secure Debt, re- stomach. Vicinity of Marsh efits* trantp 407-295-7400 ext house, 124 Bull St., Purchasing maining In default, thit tale will Creak Plantation, Wilmington 3028 9anvlOpm toll refunded. Conference Room It. REWARD 897-5451 be made, and the proceeds apSpecmcationt are available in plied, for the purpose of paying LOST: Friendly Golden Re- Help Wanted the office of the Chatham Counsaid debt, pkit all expense* of triever w/orange collar, no tag. General ty Purchasing Department, at this tale, Including attorney's "BEAR" Vicinity of White Bluff me above address. feat, according to the terms of 4 Windsor Rd. 927-3036 HELZBERG Chatham County reserves the said Dead to Secure Debt, and Lost: Sept. 4th at Oglethorpe right to reject any/and or all DIAMONDS the applicable law* of the State bMt and to waive formalities. Mall. A sat of keys. REWARD ofGaorgia. MANAGEMENT "Chatham County is an equal Said property will ba told «* for return. Call 236-6308. .opportunity employer, M/F/H, LOST: Female German Shepthe Property of Helen Loadholt OPPORTUNITIES all bidders are to be equal opWoods and Clifford Woods, and herd PUP, red collar. Silk Hope Helzberg Diamonds It looking portunity employers" Please call 2334321. shall ba told subject to the folfor you! Due to our rapid Marvin D. Veale growth nationally we are offerlowing: all taxes, assessments, FOUND BROWN Purchasing Agent Ing an excellent opportunity. or charges which may be due, PART CHOW DOG We have bean a leader In the subiect to all prior conveyCall to identify 233-1575 Jewelry industry for 75 years ances, righhvof-wayt. easeand thit it you chance to beInvitation to Bid mentSf restrictive covenants, Personal come a member of this vary Sealed bMt will be received unzoning requirements, superior successful company. liens or encumbrances, all other Ads til 2pm on September 12, 1991 If you have a strong backand publicly opened in the City matter* of public record, or Administrator's Office, City of ground in Retail Sales or Retail matters which would be disManagement, Helzberg DiaPort Wantworth, 305 South closed by an accurate survey or monds hat an opportunity for Coastal Highway, Port WantInspection of the property. you. We currently have Manworth, Ga. for PAVING, GRADAetna Finance Co., now known agement positions available. ING and DRAINAGE on: as ITT FINANCIAL SERVICES • Call 234-1403 e Our compensation package As Attorney-in-Fact for •Pregnancy testing: S2 Blrkenhaad Street from Appieleads the retail Industry, come Helen Loadholt Woods •(Results in 5 minutes) by Rd. to Dead End (1,000 LF); explore the possibilities with us. and Clifford Woods •Abortions up to 14 weeks Rusted Drive from Grange We offer excellent salary + Road to Dead End (900 LF); DarylJ. Walker •Anesthesia available commission, bonuses, great Pleasant Drive from Highway Attorney at Law •Birth Control/Pap Smears 21 to Dead End (2,100 LF) benefits. 307 W. Congress St. •Licenses OB/GYN Doctors Apply in perton Mon-Thu 10amWork to be performed to D.O.T. Savannah. Georgia 31401 Sav'h Medical Clinic 6pm Specification*. The City of Port at: (912) 232-0232 120 E. 34th St. GA. »24Q08 Helzberg Diamonds Wantworth reserves the right to reject any/or all bMs. EOE. In Savh Mall ABERCORN Don Fields Manager Stan Freeman, City Administrator ADMINISTRATIVE EOE Invitation For Bid SERVICES 1991 Refrigerators, SALE V Agreements $ 45. Sealed bids will be received by Separation * *Authority ** Housing $7»-$99. Divorces the Housing Authority of Savan$89. (7) Bankruptcy Ch. Of Savannah nah, 200 East Broad Street, P.O. $25. Box 1179, Savannah, Georgia Wills $45. Incorporations Notices 31402, until 10:00 a.m. on SepHousing Manager $45 Name Changes tember 10, 1991, for the follow$15 Resumes Special Notice surplus equipment: SALARY: $20,747.75 Same Day Service By Appt. Savannah, Ga., 9-5-91 ing 1 Lot of 52 used white RefrigeraResponsible for all Phases of 4203 Abercom St., Suite 103-G Notice is hereby given to all ot various manufacturers, neighborhood management by »12-354-5500 persons that I will no longer be the majority of which are 14 cuexplaining rules of occupancy, responsible for any debts con- bic feet Whirlpool and Glbton. counseling prospective and curtracted by any perton Equipment may be Inspected at rent residents, preparing recthan myself. 1415 East Henry Street in Saords and reports, performing Edward Howard Williams WORRIED? vannah, Georgia, between the site inspections and supervising 26Greenbrfar Dr. Free Walk-In Pregnancy Test hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 staff. College graduate with exSavannah, Georgia 31419 Results In 30 Minutes p.m., Monday thru Friday. perience in large scale housing All Services Free Please call Mr. C.D. Robinson management is desired. Ability COASTAL CRISIS at (912) 235-5810 to make inspecto obtain a certificate as a PubPREGNANCY CENTER tion arrangements. All equiplic Housing Manager is re(The Clinic That Cares) ment is offered for sale on an quired. Excellent benefit proNotice 9:30-3:30 Mon.-Fri. Closed Wed "At-ls" Basis. No warranty is gram. Apply to: 815 E. 46th St. 3554295 Of Sale expressed or implied. Housing Authority of Savannah Between Memorial 4 Candler Form of bid may be obtained Human Resources Office Notice of Sale from the undersigned at the Post Off ice Box 1179 MATCHMAKER above address or by calling Savannah, Georgia 31402 Under and by virtue of the same at (912) 235-5800. INTERNATIONAL EOE M/F Power of Sale contained in a Sealed bids should be clearly Personal Introduction Service Deed to Secure Debt, Assign- marked "1991 Used RefrigeraWhy Wait For Romance? ment of Rents, and Security tors, Sale V". Meet Someone Special *** * Agreement given by WILLIAM The Housing Authority of SaVehicle Service Successful, Confidential HERNANDEZ and Karen B. vannah reserves the right to reAnd It Works! & Hernandez, dated May 25, 1909, ject any and/or all bids and to 352-0022 filed for record and recorded on waive formalities. Customer Service (As Seen On TV) June 7,1909, in the Office of the The Housing Authority of SaRepresentatives Clerk of the Superior Court of vannah is an equal opportunity Single white male age 24 seeks Chatham county, Georgia, in employer, M/F/H. All bidders woman age 19-24 who is sensi& Supervisors Daad Record Book 142-G, Folio are to be equal opportunity em- tive, honest 4 caring for a rela755, conveying the following de- ployers. tionship and possibly more in Budget Car & Truck Rental scribed property to secure the Joanna Martin time. If interested write Russ. repayment of a Promissory Purchasing and Asset Suite 112, 147 South Broadway, Is seeking several energetic deNote in the original principal Control Off leer Salem N.H. 03079. pendable people for its Operaamount of One Hundred Fifty- Housing Authority of Savannah Must be willing s> able to About Your Future? tions. three Thousand and No/OOOths work days, nights & weekends Naf lly known Psy($153*000.00) Dollars, and any I chic/Attrotoaer answers your and all other Indebtedness I EXCELLENT - starting pay, ?'s on love/money/personal dethereafter owingtothe Grantee, | strong Incentive plan, great corcisiont. 24hrs., 1-000-233^510. however incurred, with Interest porate benefits. Health, dental, as set forth mere In, life insurance. Tuition reimSMALL LOANS will be sold at public outbursement. Excellent opportuOur Specialty cry to the highest bidder for Call233-OOM nities for advancement. cash before the Courthouse door Quick Loans, confidential serof Chatham county, Georgia, Come work for the best in the vice to employed men & womwithin the legal hours of sate, on industry. Apply at The Budget en. STAR FI NANCE, 233-1121. the first Tuesday in October, Service facility one mile south 1991, the following described of the Airport. E.O.E. property: Schools* ** WANTED! ** All that certain lot, tract, or Instruction parcel of land situate, tying and Owner Operators being In Chatham county, GeorJOSEPH LAND & COMPANY, SERVICES gia, known and designated as INC., a nationally known con/L*AJtMTOPftfVC Lot Number Four Hundred tainer operation, it looking for Thirty-two (432), Dutch Island Owner Operators. We have Subdivision, Phata 4-B, on a openings for both City and subdivision map which is dated Over-tha-Road routes. Company NO EXnUlNCE NUDH> May 25, 1W1, prepared by Wyrequirements include: att L. Wilson, Georgia Ragls•Must be at least 23yrs of age. CleaninglJanitorial tered Land-surveyor No. 1943, •H»va a minimum of 3 yrt TRACTOR TIUUBH 7WNNO OEMTfRS and recorded in the Office of the Services verifiable over-the-road exp. Clerk of the Superior Court of •Pass company physical and Star Cleaning Service Chatham County, Georgia in drug screening. Professional service, free esti1-800-334-120 3X •Have a good Motor Vehicle Subdivision Map Book 2-S, Page lOtrsaid map being made a part mates, affordable rates, bonded Record. hereof to determine the metes, & insured, residential, new conJOSEPH LAND bounds, course*, and distances struction, commercial. We'll Ticket & COMPANY, INC. of ttie subiect property which is put * sparkle in your home or Information 4S01 LOUISVILLE ROAD shown therein to be bounded as office. Call now, 36t~U«0. GARDEN CITY, GA 31401 ONE WAY TICKET TO NEW follows: on the North by Koib COASTAL PRESSURE WASH (912) 94*-1900 or (100) 53S-201S YORK, Sept. 5th. Morning Herald Wood or Jim Parsons Drive; on the East by Radfck MILDEW REMOVAL Flight. 175.00. 3S4-4WO. Drive; on the South by Lot Small Home le*. 7M-5122 Four Hundred Thlrty(431) of said Subdivision Dirt Fill Materiel Travel A Owner/Operators and Phata; and on the Watt by Services Urgently needed to handle new Vacation Phase 3 of said Subdivision. business for container opera• The debt secured by the LONDON-RT Air plut first TOP Soil, Pill Dirt. Crane & tion. Plenty of above-mentioned Daad to SeBackhoe Rental with Operator class hotel w/cont. break. Nov. Over the road & cure Debt, Assignment of eth-Nov. 13th. from Savannah. CaMO4-7et2 Rants, and Security Agreement SS50 approx. total inc. S.C. s, Port to port moves BUCK'S GREENHOUSE hat been and It hereby declared Call before seats are Must have class 5 or CDL, Ivr TOP Soil, 7 yrdt; Cypress Mulch taxes. of, gone. 352-991 •. leave message. OTR driving exp. Good MVR, Pine Bark. 927-Z7I4, «an>4pm eventt of default, or 233-6717. drug screen required. Alt parfailure to pay the mitt turn, weakly settlements 4 Time Share For Sal*. Port-OElectric A Ga* »nd In fuet advances. Catt in SMp Yard, Hilton Head, in Lanport, Inc. Slaaat 4. Free Gotf * Ttnni*. 124 Prosperity Dr. Avail weak of Sept. 14th. Mams? ana seourrry ELECTRICAL WORK Garden City, GA State Licenced. New or Existing 964-0547 (3) 1 way airline ttdcett, Sav., will be RatMantlal/Commarclal. Ait Sam Smith or Dudley New Chicago, Denver, Eugene. Buy Rat. avail. made far the purpcee of paying I or all. SlJOaa. O6O thit saJa, at pravldad In Escort to Secure D* School & of Rants, and Security aVio wf ww* vnctuQ" Instruction artorneirs teat \ EMPLOYMENT 300 010 315 S 194 317 RESUME CAREER PRO Resume Service 200 230 320 240 Are You Pregnant? ois Pregnant? 025 245 100 TRACTOR-TRAILERS 720 ALLIANCE MCDOHOUOH.QA 250 126 732 H^u^^ dMh^ tt^M^^vlAu 134 ^Jfc*^^^^^^^_J^ *--. — - f Escort Service 352-1960 ESCORT SERVICE 352-3878 ESCORT SERVfCE 157 Low Down Paymen AUTO INSURANCE TOM'S LAW* MAftfT Uc, 4 I Great Opportunity Par antnusiatffC, vice oriented perton. Tne Lenav Ines Harbor/Lendlne Marina service It recruiting far two part-time positions within our marine operation. Approxlfridt*>»v ' he- f • «-r week. Mutt oe .o ,.-..;» OT 1 .,*<•; & havt valid dlnvw:', license Apply In Parson To Branigar Personnel Tna Landing* on Skktaway itland. South on Wafars fa Skidaway Island, Tuaaday - Thursday, l^tpm. EOE M/F SECRETARY RECEPTIONIST Local Oanaral Contractor has, opening for Individual to act at Secretary/Receptionist. Individual mutt ba paopla orlantad and hav« axp. utlng a multi-Una phone syttam. Considerable amount of typing & filing will ba required, use of Word Perfect a big Plut. Mutt ba able to work well under pretaure. Salary starting at S1&000 and commensurate with exp. Send resume s> salary raoulramantt to D-750 c/o Savannah New Pratt, P.O. Box ion. Savannah Ga. 314M ROUTE SALES/ BOTTLED WATER Commission A bate 120400. OM established firm seeks responsible contclantiout Individual to tall bottled water & off ice coffee service to potential customers and deliver to established ones. Qoalrftcattont Include: Exc. driving record, drug screen 4 physical. Benefits include health plan, profit sharing 4 paid vacation. CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER W-1S40 HELZBERG DIAMONDS Now hiring Full-time 4 Parttime, temporary Sales People. Need motivated, mature Individuals with people skills. Jewelry axp. not required. Salary + commission. Flexible hours. Spend the next three months making great money 4 working with great people. Apply in person only! Savannah Mall 4 Qglathorpe Mall. 6OE Degree and noadt Draw. Wanted: for local Residential Cleaning Call 5W-8240 and laava Construction undid. Exp. In residential const, necessary. Ability to undertake multiple lob starts top priority. Sand raauma to P. O. Box 13S11, Sav., QA 31416. company. Must have own transportation and brake equipment. Call itoomaao between HAM-2PMonly. Sandblast Person Somaone w/exp. sandblattlna monumantt or wood signs. Apply in parson to DePua Monument Co., 412 Bonaventure Rd. PLOOF TRUCKLINES Accepting applications for experienced T/T_drlvart for local operation. Minimum sea 21. Apply in parson MO Pine Meadow Rd. immediate Opening for parttime Dietary Aide 4 a full-rime Cook. Pleat call Nablla Sabry at 927-9414, Heritage Park of Savannah, 12025 White Bluff Rd. Savannah Ga. 31419. ^ Wanted: 1 exp'd automatic 4 standard transmission builder; 4 1 exp'd R/R mechanic. Only tertout naad to apply Raauma to Box R-741, Savannah N-P, POB 1000. SaVh. Ga. 31402. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS For experienced Dry Cleaning Pretaars Apply: CURRY DRY CLEANERS 1310 E. Derenot 355-2930 HAIR INC. Wanted: Exp'd Hair Stylltt 4 Shampoo Specialist both exp'd only. Call 927-1777 or 92S-M4B. LABORERS Dally work, Dally pay. Bonus paid to those with cart. Report 5:30am to 20 E. Qglethorpe Ave. Owner Operators TRCTRL DRIVERS We need permanent drivers who are 23 or older with current GA CDL or class 5 lie. 4 good MVR 4 able to pass DOT physical 4 drug screen. We offer iob security, good med. plan, exc. work availability, if you would like a permanent iob with a fast growing co. Apply in person only. CBTS, 4919 Old Louisville Rd. No phone calls EOE M/F Police Officer The City of Garden City is now accepting applications for the position of Police Officer. Ga. State Peace Officers Certification is required. Starting salary is $18,000 annually with excellent fringe benefit package. Applications may be obtained at the Garden City Police Dept. 9« Main St. Mon-Fri, Sam-Spm, untll Friday, Sept. 6th 1991. In maun ajuettty feed Localh/ awnad and operated cabinet Manufacturing facility naad exp'd and dependable paopla with cabinet construction call Supervisor/ Grader Operator Apply in parson. Mutt have exp. » Tatfair Place. Savannah Ga. Groundt/Maintenance needed for t'tMa apt. complex. Mutt be energetic. F/T pot. Apply In person to Lakeside Apt., 10714 Abarcorn. OWNER OPERATORS for container division. Settlement is 75% paM weekly with cash advances. Call Trans Car riert9t>aSS2. OWNER OPERATORS with or without flatbed or vans, settlement it 75% paM weakly with cash advances. Call Trent Carriers 9444552. Exp'd Auto Glass Installer In the Savannah/Hilton Head Area. Mobile exp. preContact Danny Johnson at 1-000-2I24394. ^___ Are you an A+ Homemaker? We need mature, responsible people like you. Great Mon.-Fri day hours only. Uniforms, paid mileage. Marry MaMs 356-5323 5 Carpet Cleaners needed. Paid training. $3004500 per wee Must have truck or van. Call Mr. Green 234-2442. _____ Drywall subcontractors for hanging 4 finishing for large apt. protect in Hilton Head. Savannah Drywall 927-4495 Part-time Help needed for retired person, glngf maw/toe 4V lawn malnlan•oca. Call W-UK anar 7pm. NURSERY WORKER (Ma of Hope tastftst Church. Call office far details. Rafar. Phone 1S5-H15. *—* AAiia* WOTVlVB. IVW»I Danny, tH-3MD. Custom Cabinets now hiring experienced only Painter, Statler, Cabinet Assemble Parson. Call fat-tug ,___ Local Delivery Drivers, must have class 4 or CDL. MVR's checked, drug fast given. Apply in parson 1435 W. Gwlnnett St. Exp. Cashier fc Counter Help. Must ba neat I good w/pubtic. l-7pm. Garrett Cleaners, 11434 Abarcorn Ext., 925-4H1 Typesetter, fully experienced on a Power-view S. Compugrai •aphic wanted P/T. Apply SMC JMlOeaschatRoad Elect helper, 7:30-4:30 some overtime. UP to 16 hr -I- full bane. Parachute 3S2-3S70. Tired of that tame old iob? Call Parachute today over 240 lobs avail now. 352-3570. * Mgr trainee for sales and merchandising, S15K - S27K + btnefIts. Parachute 352-3570 Resident care ass't 7-3 or 3-11 Sitt wk to start. Call Parachute today 352-3570. Route sale* drivers needed for mkttown co. avg S290-S450 wk. Call Parachute now 352-3570. $$ Answer Avon $$ Sail Now! MANAGEMENT S*euart Petroleum Company it a diversified Independent East Coatt petroleum marketer batad in Washington, D.C. We are currently seeking a qualified STORE MANAGER for our Happy Store located at: 3618 Ogaachaa Road. Tna Waal candidate wHI ba dapandabla, assertive, detail-oriented and have at laaat one year management experience Our management team enjoys competitive salaries and full benefits. Pleaaa tendresumesto: Happy Storat Mr. Jim Poppall 16M Fradartca Road St Slmont Mand, OA 31522 EOE Video Store Mgmt we will train you if you are: •Good with Figures • Personable • Dependable • Well groomed • Quick to Leam • Type 50 wpm The morning news needs independent distributors to deliver the morning paper. A car and telephone are required. Call 236-0271 and ask for a morning news manager. * * * * Superintend** Estimator/Project ent for a clearing & grading business. Bonding capacity but needs contact with DOT engineering firms etc. Reply to Box L-757 c/o Savannah NewsPress, P.O. Box loss, sav. Ga. 31402. Spanish Language Instructor. Part-time. Hunter Army Air Field. Degree and/or teaching experience depending on native speaking ability. Send resume to RMHS, M. Boyett, P.O Box •62. Ft. Campbell Kentucky 42223 or phone 615-431-4352. Service Manager Auto service canter needs Service Manager with experience. 5 day week, excellent working conditions and employee benefits. Send resume P.O. Box 22116, Sav., Ga. 31403. Local convenient store, truckstop chain now hiring for Cashiers & Maintenance positions. F&P/T hours.. Company benefits available. For further information, please call 1-SOO-654-6466, ext. 2263. 725-4694 Tetemarketars: flexible hours, hourly wages plus commission. Mr. Lucas. 236-2442 aftar 10am. Salesperson needed, potential earnings to 125,000 first year. Must have sales exp. 23S-1351. MANAGER TRAINEE Fast growing chain of super stores ft expanding into the Savannah area. Looking for career minded individuals with retail or restaurant experience. Send resume to Personnel Dept. 411 Industrial #105, Richardson TX, 75081. Attn: J. Orlando or fax 714-437-4061 MatchMaker International, America's #1 introduction service has a rare opening for a proven Telemarketer. Inquiries provided. Must be experienced w/references. Must be able to book 4 route a Field Representative. Days, eves., wknds. Exc. base incentive 4 benefits. Call 354-9935. ask for Lou, noon-9pm. Carver State Bank 701 MLK Jr. Blvd. Tues., 10 am-12 noon EOE WE WANT YOU! I If you have 3 years dealership experience inl these areas: inventory control, parts counter sales, shipping, receiving and computer! parts ordering Career opportunity forl qualified individual. Pay plan commensurate! with experience and excellent benefit Contact JoAnn Price 927-0700 Southern Motors Southside Part Time Computer Operator We are looking for someone who is dependable, quick to team, intelligent, follows instructions & can type 40 wpm. Apply at: Carver State Bank 701 MLK Jr. Blvd. Tues., 10 am-12 Noon E.O.E. $125 WEEKLY Church Pianist needed. Must read music S> improvise well. Sunday Morning. Sunday Evaning & Wednesday evening. Call Bobby at 236-7226. __ KELLY MOTORS Naadt a GOOD "LOT MAN" to wash and maintain our used car inventory. Apply In parson to Kelly Motors, Abarcorn and White Bluff, bstwasn 10-12 a.m. HAPPINESS IS AN EXTRA $ 400-$600 A MONTH! Memorial Installer Exp. parson tatting monuments or will train. We are saalc|ng^ settled parson w/good record. Apply In parson DaPua Monument Co.* 412 Bonaventure Rd. EXP. Produce Mar. for Weh volume produce dapt. Apply Tn per ~ Max EitenhowerDr Nail Technician Graatar/racapt F/T, $170 wjc + comm to start. Call 4 start tpday Parachute 381-3570. . . WANTED, r Fully experienced Silk Screanar t Artist wanted P/T. SMD, 3*9 Fumime/Perttime. Custodian and housekeepers needed. Phone 4 auto required. 3SS-1 100. DrywaM-Fremers, hangers, finishers. Local work. Call 404-42703*9 Toe. or Thu. 9-4 KEX Savannah Bawd Airline * Now AccaptinQ ratumat toe tha teliowlnj poaMons: niWT ATTENDANTS * Mutt be at Let* 21 Years of Domestic Help Wanted to Travel * ViMnQ to Relocate * U.S. Citizen * Personable with Good Communication Skills INVENTORY SUPERVISOR * MMmum 2 Yvars Aircraft Seat Inventory Control * Coaage Degree Preferred RESERVATION MANAGER * Knowledge of AHne CRS, ACD Telephone Systems * Some College Preferred * Knowledge of AWne CRS * Experience Required * Cotege Pretenwd Programs: iMOmiNGMEWS RAMP SUPERVISOR Ramp Experience Required RAMP BAG6A6E & GROUND EQUIPMENT HANDLERS - PART-TIME * AWne Ramp & Baggage Experience Preferred Please send resumes and salary history to: Key Airlines, Inc. P.O.Box 7709 Savannah, GA 31418-7709 Equal Opportunity Employer 803-525-4200 or 1-800-763-1875 EOE Accountinglltookk99ping HtipWantad Industrial Help Wanted Accounting Ass't/Data Entry MAINTENANCE PERSON Local General Contractor has Needed 3rd shift (11pmopening for individual with 7:20am). for Must have at least strong construction accounting exp In troubleshooting & background. Individual must Syrs repairing both electrical 4 hyhave exp. in accounts payable, draulic on computer payroll, general ledger, sub operatedsystems injection & blow moldcontractor applications, full ing machines. Need some weldpayment, and be able to assist ing experience 4 must be ale to in month-end reconciliations, read electrical & hydraulic Ind. must be aggressive and Will be responsible for work well under pressure. Use prints. his own repairs. Apply in of Lotus 123 and Word perfect a person atshifts Savannah Plastics, 10 plus. Salary starting at $18,000 Artley Rd., Industrial and commensurate with abili- Park. Needs toPooler have own tools & ties. Please send resume 4 sala- meter. ry requirements to: E-751 c/o Savannah News Press, P.O. Medical A Dental BOX IQBfJ, Savh Ga 31402 EOE ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CLERK Position requires 2 to 3 year experience in the accounts receivable function. Data processing skills are required. Need knowledge on IBM 34 4 38 or IBM 400. Send resume to: P.O. Box 2214, Savannah GA 31402, Attn: Personnel. _ Full charge, Bookkeeper needed tor physicians office with multi plan experience. Send resume to Box P-741 c/o Savannah News-Press, P.O. Box 1088, Sav., Ga. 31402. Administrative Help Wanted 330 Personnel Manager Challenging opportunity with a fast-paced innovative non-profit organization. A degree in business administration or human resource management is preferred or equivalent in work experience. Responsible for planning 4 administrating policies relating to all phases of personnel activities for a staff of 95. Duties include recruitment, candidate screening, new employment orientation, benefits administration, wage surveys 4 maintenance of policy 4 procedures. Competitive salary 4 benefit package. Contact the Personnel Manager, Mon-Fri, 9-5pm, 230-2777 for appointment. EOE M/F/H/V World Finance Corp. of Sav. is accepting applications for Manager Trainee. No exp. necessary. Sal. commensurate w/exp. Bene: auto allowance, bonus 4 other fringe benefits. Must be willing to relocate after training, if you want a good solid future without fear of layoff 4 unlimited oppty for advancement, apply in perton to John Wilson. 34 W. Broughton St Sav New Macon, GA. 25400 watt radio station is looking for GM 4 GSM and exp. sales people. Salaries negotiable. Call 9-5, 1-825-5547, ask for Melinda. Clerical! Secretarial Help Wanted 335 Sales Assistant/ Trainee Seeking personable, energetic, articulate, wall organized person to assist station's sale staff. Mutt have demonstrable typing and computer skills. Mutt ba able to interact affectively with national rep and local agency representatives as well at with station personnel. Mutt have the ability and desire to aventually move into a sales training program while continuing the assisting duties. BA degree preferred. Thit It an immediate opemng. aena cover tenor ano resume to: Randy Pettier, General Sales Mgr, WTOC TV, P. O. Box MM, Savannah, GA. 31412. _ E.O.E. _ ft^M^4 4MM£^^V l^^fcg^B^P &tfu4 IEVEMNG PRESS 236-0271 Ext 325 Maria Can] 799 Matt 651- 360 Help Wanted RN's WENEEDYOUl We Are Expanding Our Staff Due To Greatly Increased Growth! CANDLER AFFILIATED/HOME HEALTH SERVICES OF GREATER SAVANNAH HAS IMMEDIATE OPENINGS FOR INTERMITTENT NURSING, HI-TECH IV NURSING AND MED-SURG NURSING. We offer CANDLER BENEFITS AND EXCELLENT SALARY AND MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT. MONDAYFRIDAY, 8-4:30 PM; MOST WEEKENDS AND HOLIDAYS OFF! DON'T DELAY 3544271 FOR INFORMATION ATTENTION RN's! Talk About Busy! We Are Growing By "Leaps . 4 Bounds"! Full time RNs 4 P.RN RN's ARE NEEDED IMMEDIATELY FOR CANDLER AFFILIATED/HOME HEALTH SERVICE OF GREATER SAVANNAH. Adjusted Salary, Exeel lent Candler Benefits and Greet mileage Reimbursement. MONDAY-FRIDAY, S-4:30PM, MOST WEEKENDS AND HOLIDAYS OFF! 354-6271 FOR INFORMATION ATTENTION Nursing Assistants HOME HEALTH SERVICES Of Greater SavannatVCandler affiliate offering competitive salary, excellent benefits & mileage reimbursement. Work Monday Friday, tam-4:30pm. Must have certification or at least 1 year experience. Must have dependable insured automobile for information call after 9am 3544271. MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST Opening for ASCP or equivalent Medical Technologists on day and P.M. shifts. Apply Laboratory, St. Joseph's Hospital, 1170$ Mercy Blvd., Savannah, Ga. 31419,912-927-5442. Immediate opening for Insurance Coordinator for busy medical practice. Must have a minimum of 1 year exp. filing Medicare 4 MadlcaM claims. Good starting salary based on exp. Exc. benefits package avail. Send resume w/satary history to Box 14471, Sav. Ga. 31416. RN needed in OR due to expanding services in community hospital. Very good benefit* j, salary. Sand resume to Effingham County Hospital, P.O. Box 394, Springfield, GA 31329 or caH Joyce Alderman, 912-754-4451 for Interview. COMMUNITY HOSPITAL* in need of RN for the 11*7 shift. Great salary with shift differential. Send resume to Efffngham County Hospital, P.O. Box 3SA Springfield. GA. 3132* or call Joyce Alderman 912-754*451 for interview. Looking for cheerful,, dapandabte, highly motivated for full time Chairsida Position in Orthodontic Practice. Experience preferred but not essential, win train the right perton. Sand resume to: 3910 Paulson St., Savannah Ge. 31405. dwrat. Chatham Furniture, 19* E. Victory Dr., In Victory Sq. tt^A^MtA^hM 4*AMe^M^i /^hMA*A e^* ^»— — . j Dental Assistant strapping cenrer, inexT TO rooo Man). _ For Later Dentistry. Htejh tech Off Ice Manager Office pmatfor RECEPT/SECTY tar D/lawn Law Firm. 236-0271 Ext 353 latftdaty) 350 TEACHING VACANCIES Beaufort County Schools STRINGS MUSIC-Full-time or part-time. To teach Strings In middle schools and upper elementary grades in the Beaufort area. Candidates must have SC music certification. HOME ECONOMICS-Battery Creek High School. Must have SC certificate in Home Economics. SPECIAL EDUCATION (Emotionally Handicapped >-The Learning Center. Mutt have SC certificate in EH. SOCIAL STUDIES (Interim Position)Beaufort Hlgh-To teach social studies. Temporary position to cover classes for teacher on long term leave. Must have SC certificate in Social Studies. GIFTED/TALENTED (parttime)-Mo$t have SC Elementary certificate. TO APPLY CONTACT: Personnel Department, Beaufort County Schools, P.O. Drawer 309, Beaufort, SC 29901 •VfwwvoHWvJaWIV Of UVIHJaf PTOCor IThat's the kind of profit many News-Press carriers are I taking home! As a News-Press carrier you're an indepentdent contractor, running your own small business. We (have hundreds of carriers delivering me Morning News land Evening Press every day. Right now there are routes open in several areas of Savannah and Chatham County. Most routes take approximately 2 hours to deliver. You'll need a dependable car and a deIpendabte attitude. A modest cash bond, usually less man |$1«, is required to get your "smaM business" started. For I more info. c*H me numbers below: 345 ROOM ATTENDANTS Experienca preferred, but will train well groomed, responsible person. Apply at Quality Inn Airport between 10am 4 2pm Housekeeper needed, 3-5 days, own transportation 4 ref's. Love Kids 4 cleaning. Must be Call 590-1320. Emma Collins, the position you applied for Is available. PMase call after 7PM any night. Housekeeper needed, Mondays 4 Fridays. Must have references. 353-7834. Educational Help Wanted RESERVAHONISTS Ing far exTd Dental Atat. Ing w/dentaJ laeer Infra-oral {meaine. Equipment 4 exc. banafNt, Sal., $1448*, Contact Mn. Cooler. 234-82*3 vscurrantty have poalQuiu avattaMe far *Nt 4 LI»Ht.>/T 4 F/T. fxcettant HaiMin tjMary 4 benefits. Far mar* Mbr- to: Office Manager, P.O. tax , Sav. Ga, a, IMK. i am Han. thru PH., 4 a*>4 am tat 1 Sun.) teaaiMw nt, c/o P.O. jk •^akavaaalBBai f^PfiwT V •^a^HPgWVWt Call DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE COMPUTER SERVICES A 4yr Private Liberal Arts Col lea* it seeking an individual to direct the Administrative Computer System. Qualifications Include a working knowledge bf UNIX operating systems with additional familiarity with PICK programs preferred. College degree preferred but not absolutely necessary if candidate has demonstrated UNrx skill*. Salary commensurate with Qualifications. Send resume to: Brewton Parker Cdltege, Personnel office, Hwy. 2*0 Mt. Vernon Ga., 30445. Secretary /CatMar. Apptv bat. the hours of I0:3fr-I2noon. Computer helpful. af ^u^^^^^Matf^^MA^i^h ^tM A^e^A*. ^^^^_^^_^ ScftoofcA Instruction Busmen Administration • Office Adminislraiion • Nursing Assistant Administrative Assistant • Medical Assistant • Medical Tnuttcriptionist Hotel/Restaurant Management • Microcomputer Operator • Accounting Computerized Accounting • Paralegal • Legal Secretarial Computer Information Systems • Teaching Paraprofetsaonal PtautciaJ Aid AntOftMt To Carttr Data Processing Help Wanted With varied dutlet, MUST have experience with dictating equipment, memory typewriter or word processing. Exceptional spelling It language skills required. S/Side office. Call Ms. vetemarketers to sat appointments for representatives. Salary + comm. & bonus. Call Ms, Davis, 3S4-JSSO,9am-12 Noon. —-»--.— -^_ piafarred. Sand raauma to BOM G-734 c/o Savannah NewsPress. Box 1080, Sav.. Ga. 31402. SECRETARY Telemarketing Immediately, exp, v* »•»•" - CAB DRIVERS JMIMtMtiBtlM Siw l a f a " Front desk clerk for all shifts, co will train, UP to $510 hr to start.. Parachute 352-3570 have valid drivers license. Must Part Time Teller WANTED Entry level position for an individual looking to start a new career. Involves inside and outside collections. Must have transportation 4 High School diploma. Apply in person at Century Finance Co., 5500 White Bluff Rd. Sulte-G. •»'. *"•««£J»%-•*« Chef Y 747 c/a Sett News Prai aax lam P.O. aax l 4tvh Oa. M4M. 320 far muHi $ AVON $ URGENTLY NEEDED! MCO Transport is currently accepting applications for Owner Operators. We offer first In first out dispatch, safety bonus program and terminal fuel. All permits and fuel taxes paid by co. if you have 3 years verifiable tractor trailer exp, a good driving record and would like to work with a stable growing co contact Dabble Simmons at •03-5S2-OS20. __ South College 5859 Abercorn 320 320 QertcaHSecretariet Help Wanted attmtaafefer Staxfeati- Day A RN office. A*f*y f* Eaat DowBtowa Campus SEE WHAT'S IN IT FOR YOUI imsatkitfs ManorTue. S/lce fVT S1SK A ua> to start DOE. CaM Parachute «M0a, /Recaatieniti far sur- gicat practice. Muet haw 1-2 office ex*. Sand 0~7S3.c/et«aSa~ P. O Box GA.
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