The Songs of the 1715 Jacobite Rising

The Songs of the 1715 Jacobite Rising
The Loyal Highland Lass
This is a rare example of a Scottish, pro-Hanoverian song and one not recorded by James
Hogg (1770-1835) in his collection of Jacobite Relics. In the manner of Robert Burns and
Sir Walter Scott who also collected traditional Scottish songs, Hogg brought together
many songs of the Jacobite risings for publication in 1819 and 1821.
To Hannover from Edinburg,
I trudg’d it with my bearn:
& thence to London town did go,
Some news of my Love to learn;
& thence to London town did go,
Some news of my Love to learn,
Some news of my Love to learn.
And now the bonny Lad is come,
with Royal Georgy here:
So Ise ean gang contented home,
Sin I ha’ found my dear.
I for my Sawney wove a Plad,
No Laird can better wear:
Ise knitt a Bonnet for the Lad,
And other goodly gear.
Our canny Loons & Lasses toe,
Mun aw be blyth & sing:
For Sawny he did only goe,
To fetch home George our King.
(Whom God bless and prosper)