0u;ii.:rl-. , .. ,:-:$S_*B-00293lEciiir:g'i 31i21_l'lA.T 1r@ 1505! i Oir , :r+rr Ali.lR KILAT KEDUTAAN BESAR REPUBLIK INDONESIA BEIJING Beijing 100600, Chaoyang Dstrict, no.4 Dong*timen WaiStreet Phone : 86-1 0-65325486-89 Facsimile : 86-1 0-65325368 Email : [email protected] BERITA BIASA AllVia Kemlu Dubes Rl LBBP Nomor Kepada Yth. u.P. Yth. lnfo Yth. Dari Jumlah Perihal B-0293/BEtJ NG/1 5052 1 Menteri Luar Negeri, Menie'1i,'B!$ei Teknotogi dan Pendidikan Tinggi, Menteri BUMN, Gubernur Jakarta, Gubernur,Jawa Tengah, Gubernur Sulawesi Utara, Gubernur Jawa Barat, Walfkota Bandling, I Dirjen Aspasaf, Dirjen IDP Wamenlu, Dir. Astimpas, Dir..Kerja Sama Teknik Dubes Rl Beijing 9 (sembilan) Halaman Penyampaian Undangan'Berpartisipasi Dalam "Zhongguancun lntemational Training Workshop on lnnovation and Entrepreneurship", 21-25 September 2015 di Beiiins Merujuk perihal pada pokok berita, bersama ini dengan hormat disampaikan hal-hal sebagai berikut 1. KBRI Beijing telah menerima surat dari Zhongguancun Science Park terkait undangan untuk berpartisipasi dalam a@ta " Zhongguancun lntemational Training Workshop on lnnovation and Entrepreneurship", yang akan diselenggarakan di Beijing pada tanggal2l-25 September 2015. 2. Workshop tersebut diselenggarakan atas kerja sama Administrative Committe of Zhongguan Science Park, Feople's Government of Be'rjing Municipality, dan Beijing International Business Incubator. 3. Workshop internasional tersebut dilaksanakan dalam rangka memberikan kesempatan kepada pejabat pemerintahan, para ahli, manajer perusahaan yang bergerak di science-technology park dan busrness incubator untuk saling tukar pengalaman dan untuk mengeksplorasi kerja sama internasional yang saling menguntungkan. 4. Panitia penyelenggara juga menyampaikan informasi bahwa workshop akan diisi dengan kuliah umum dari beberapa ahli science-technology pa* dan busrness incubator Tiongkok. Selain itu, juga akan ada field visit, case sfudres dan seminar mengenai bagaimana mendirikan merencanakan dan mengelola science park dan incubators. 5. Kualifikasi peserta workshop adalah sebagai berikut: 5.a. Pendidikan akhir minimum 51 5.b. Memiliki pengalaman kerja di bidang minimum 3 (tiga) tahun 5.c. Mampu berkomunikasi lisan dan tertulis dalam Bahasa lnggris 1/9 5.d. Usia di bawah 55 tahun 5.e. Sehat fisik 5.f. Pekerjaan terkait dengan sains and technology administration, science park dan incubator. 6. Kepada pihak-pihak terkait yang tertarik untuk berpartisipasi dalam workshop tersebut dan sesuai dengan kualifikasi, diharapkan dapat rnenyampaikan konfirmasi keikutsertaan kepada panitia sebelum tanggal 1 Juli2015. Panitia akan memfasilitasiakomodasidan tnansporhsi lokalselama di Beijing seluruh peserta, termasuk juga menanggung biaya workshop. 7. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan pendaftaran, pihak-pihak yang tertarik dapat menghubungi panitia penyelenggara, Ms. Cecilia Zhu dan Ms. Romi Xu di nomortelepon/fax: +861063729939 atau ema il: zjino3l 5@ 1 26.com dan xjpibi@ 1 26.com. 8. KBRI Beijing dapat dihubungi melalui Fungsi Sosial dan Budaya di nomor telepon: di telepon +8610-65325371, fax +86-10€5325386 dan email: [email protected]. Demikian disampaikan, atas perhatiannya kami ucapkan terima kasih. Beijing, 18 Mei2015 2t9 Zhongguancun lnternational Training Workshop on lnnovation a nd [ntrepreneu rship Sept. 21-25, 201 5 ;- -. . Heurng, Lntna Sponspre,J by : .. l' :;.r:l:i:i i . gtie{iUp.{?qlmittee of Zhongguancun Science Fark of the People's Government of ,.','t nr.Phithe rsh i p,with Committee of Zhongguancun Fengtai Science Parlq Ch!na :: Ad.mirlistlalive !i. . : -:.. ..^.1 !-r,^.i ' .. '[Jroanrzecl : .rr'r' .. i4',,." .: hv .l: Btrsiness Incubator, Chirra 3t9 -1..;'.11 L i Dear Sir or Madam, Mandated by Administrative Committee of Zhongguancun Science Park of the People's Government of Beijing Municipality, Beijing lnternational Business lncubator will conduct Zhongguancun lnternational Tr:aining Wor:kshop on lnnovation and Entrepreneurship. With the aim of sharing successful experiences and exploring future cooperation with colleagues from other countries, the training workshop will provide opportunities for government officials, experts and managers in the filed of S&T parks and business incubators to develop beneficial relaiionships and to exchange knowledge and ideas. The training workshop includes LECTURES given by Chinese experts on science parks & incubators management, FIELDS VISIT to local science parks and incubators, CASE STUDIES and SEMINARS on howto build, plan and manage science parks and incubators in order to promote internationat cooperation in the field of science & technologYl, We'd like to invite you to participate in this training workshop which will be held Beijing on September 21-25,2015. The Chinese government will cover in the expenditure of acconrmoclation and local transportation during the workshop for the participants. lnternational travel expenses will be borne by the participants themselves. Welcome to joirr us. We are looking forward to your l<ind application. Your application is due l:y July 1 , 2015. Truly yorrrs, n^/ T ltttt {\_J,4funq ,-l f,/ls. Cherrg Jun Director General of Beijing lttternatiotral Business lncubaior 4t9 Zhongguancun Science Park (Z-Park) is the first naiional hi-tech development zone which rnas established in 1988. tt is the habitat for Chinese hitech human resources and the front line of hi-tech industry focused on independent innovation. The park aphical layout as one park of sub-parks and industrial bases. The Administrative Committee of Zhongguancun Science iark is a government department affiliated to Beijing municipal government, guiding and supervising the construction and development of the parl<. lts majorfunctions include the followings: to study out the policies for the managemeht and development of the pg.rk; to take part in the geographical planning as well as the industrial planning of the,park; to coorclinate ihe relevant institutions and provicle services for the development of international cooperation a nd international trade of 'the companies. Zhongguancun Fengtai Science Park was established under the approval in 1991 ancl was formally developed ancl built in 1992, which is one of the earliest "One-district and Three-parl<" of ZhongguancLrn Science Park, with the overall planrred area of 8.18 square kilometers. ln 2A12, it was approved to adjrrst space scale and layout and its overall p lanned area was changed to '17:63 square kitometers. ZhongguancLrn Fengtai Science Park is the first one in China to aclvocate cleveloping the "heaclquaders econonly", which is a cole functionalzone of Beijing Fengtai District as well as an impodant base to develop lri-tech industries in 519 i ; 'l',i WORKSHOP DESCRIPTION 1. Olrjectives The objectives of the workshop are as follows: To introduce the successful experiences of technological innovation and entrepreneurship in Z- Park: To exchange experiences between participants; To help other countries in establishing and managing their $TPs; To fa c i litate :netwo rkifl g,€ nd kn owledge tra nsfe r; To strengthen and promote the international cooperation in:this field as well as the internationalscienceandtechnologycooperation. 2. Duration Sept. 21-25, 2015(5 days) 3. Location Beijing lnternational Business lncubator 9 Kexing Road, Fengtai District, Beijing 100070, China 4. Language English 5. Teaching Format Classroom instruction, case studies, field visits, seminars etc. 5. Certificate Participants'who have cornpleled study in the train'ing workshop will be auErded a certificate jointly,'issued by Administrative Committee of Zhonggua.ncun Science Fark and Beijing lnternational Business lncubator. Q UAI- IFICATION Applicants should 1. Have a Bachelor's Degree or above 2. Have a minimum of 3 years'working experiences 3. Be capable of spealiing and writing in Engllsh 4. Be no older than 55 5. Be in good health 6. Bc in the related fields of scierrce and technology administration, science parl<s and inclrbators etc. 6/9 Notes; Please submit the attached Application Form with your resume and organization introduction by July 1 , 2015. EXPEhISES 1. lnternationaltravel expenses wlll be borne by the participants themselves (round trip tickets between his/her home country and Beijing). 2. Registration fee is not nece$sary. , ' 3.Chinese government will cover the expenditure of accommodation, l,ocal transportation and training expenses during the training workshop (Sept. 21-25, 2015) in China forthe participants. However, participants are advised to have some pocket money for personal purposes such as distance calls or daily necessities and so on. IN FORMATIO N ABOUT BEIJI NG I NTERNATIO NAL B USI N ESS INCU BATO R Beijing lnternational Business lncubator is a comprehensive scientific and technological veniure service institution at the national level. lt provides S&T venture services for small and medium-.qi4ed enterpriSes frorn China and foreign'countries in the following aspects: 1. Marketing analysis ancl research. 2. Policy and legal consulting. 3; Venture training. ' 4. lnfornration seruice. 5. Office building. 6. Other agency services. FOR MORE INFORIiIATIOI!, PLEASE CONTACT Ms. Cecilia ZHU & Ms. Romi XU I Kexing Roacl, Fengtaj District, Beijing, 100070, China Tel/Fax: BO -10 - 63729939 E-Ma il : zjing3l 5@1 26.com, xjpii:i@1 26.com 7t9 TENT&T3VH SffiffiEDULffi Opening Ceremony ': t, ecture:- "lnhocluc ti on to Z hongguancuu S .,r ..:. cience l?irk (Z.Park)" Sepl.22 I-ecture: "China Torch Progru** ,, ,,, PN,I Visiting Zhonggu"ncun f"gnfta irSclein.g:g+art< ,:,, V is i ting Zhongguurc i\ N'l [r] rtrt Lr n ExhiLrition Lle,n u,ir\, ter aricl Zhr:nguttancit tl ,', i-lt:1-:I.3.1 Pi\4 ScFt.l-5 \\ilt':lc I-Jly (.irirdnetiou (-ieremon-v & l)inner Pitrt1, L,tavit-tg l-lciiing B/9 APPLISATION FORM Zhonggn4ncnn Inter naiional Training Workshop on Innovation ancl Entlepreneurship Name: Family n&me Givennamel : Male Female please rielete Sex: aopropriate) as Date and place of birth Religiou Nationality Orcupation Postal plroto rital Status aclch'ess ZIP Code Telephone Health ,'. E-MaiL, up to' Passport Number----Valicl ' : : t':. Language ability: fn4istr (F,xcellerrt good, fair, poor) Reidr.,' 'o),Writb Sueak Coaimunieate Eclucation (name of university or equiv:rlen! deg'ee obtained and major study) Wolking experiences (sJrort summarry of professional rvork) Present status Narne and addiess 0I tlte cuttent enrployer; ;\ny requiternei*s sr slrggestions to the haining worltshqp Signaturr of applieant Date ller n ;i r'1i : P1 ea se rvr:ite in starrch rci typrl g r':rp hy. 9/9
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