NOTICE OF WORKSHOP AND REGULAR MEETING ALPENA COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES 665 JOHNSON STREET, ALPENA, MICHIGAN, 49707 DATE OF NOTICE: April 10, 2015 The Alpena Community College Board of Trustees will convene at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 16, 2015, for a workshop session on the fiscal year 2016 budget and tuition rate. At approximately 7:00 p.m. the regular April meeting will begin. Both meetings will be held in the Roger C. Bauer Board Room, Room 400 of the Charles R. Donnelly Natural Resources Center, 665 Johnson Street, on the Alpena Campus. Alpena Community College provides access for individuals with disabilities to both the Roger C. Bauer Board Room and the Charles R. Donnelly Natural Resources Center. All official proceedings and agendas are kept in the Office of the Board of Trustees, 125-C Besser Technical Center, on the Alpena campus, and can be viewed upon request between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Jay Walterreit Secretary of the Board of Trustees (989) 358-7215 REGULAR MEETING AGENDA ALPENA COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Thursday, April 16, 2015, 7:00 p.m. Roger C. Bauer Board Room, Room 400, Charles R. Donnelly Natural Resources Center 665 Johnson Street, Alpena, MI 49707 1) Call to Order 2) Pledge of Allegiance 3) Approval of Agenda 4) Approval of the Minutes from the March 19, 2015, Regular Meeting 5) Introduction of Guests and Public Comment 6) Communication(s) 7) Board Member and Subcommittee Reports 8) Faculty Report 9) Student Report 10) President’s Report 11) Action Items 2.622 Resolutions of Congratulations for PTK All-Michigan Academic Team Members 2.623 Choice Act Policy for VA Educational Benefit Recipients (Second Reading) 2.624 FY16 Tuition Rate 12) Information Items 3.825 Financial Report 3.826 Personnel Report 3.827 Gifts and Grants Report 13) Board Discussion 14) New Business 15) Suggested Future Agenda Items 16) Next Regular Meeting: May 21, 2015, 7:00 p.m. 17) Adjournment April 16, 2015, ACC Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda, pg. 1 2.622 Resolutions of Congratulations for PTK All-Michigan Academic Team Members Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society, headquartered in Jackson, Mississippi, is the largest honor society in American higher education with 1,250 chapters on two-year and community college campuses in all 50 of the United States and throughout the world. More than two million students have been inducted since its founding in 1918, with approximately 100,000 students inducted annually. Each year Phi Theta Kappa recognizes the achievements of Michigan community college students through the Phi Theta Kappa All-Michigan Academic Team. Students are selected based on academic achievement, community service involvement and leadership accomplishment. Phi Theta Kappa’s AllState recognition programs are conducted in 32 states. All-state team members have the opportunity to be named to the All-USA Team, and may receive stipends. This year, two ACC students were named to the 2015 All-Michigan Academic Team. Those students are Brennan Casler and LeAnn White. Therefore, the following resolution is proposed: The Board of Trustees adopts the following resolutions of congratulations for Brennan Casler and LeAnn White, and congratulates them on their distinguished academic successes. April 16, 2015, ACC Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda, pg. 2 RESOLUTIONOFCONGRATULATIONS Brennan J. Casler WHEREAS,theencouragementofscholarlyachievementisamajorpurposeofAlpena CommunityCollege; WHEREAS,scholarlyachievementmanifestsitselfinapersonwhoexcelsintheclassroom, whohastheintellectualcuriositytopursueacademic,career,andculturalenrichmentoutsidethe traditionalclassroom,whoshowsevidenceofsubstantialdevelopmentoftalentsinacademic and/ortechnicaleducation,andwhohasdemonstratedanabilitytosharethisdevelopmentwith others; WHEREAS,BrennanJ.Caslerhasaptlydemonstratedsuchnotablescholarlyachievements throughouthisacademiccareeratAlpenaCommunityCollegeandwasappropriatelyrecognized asamemberofthePhiThetaKappa2015All‐MichiganAcademicTeam; NOW,THEREFORE,BEITRESOLVED,thattheBoardofTrusteesofAlpenaCommunity CollegeunanimouslyextendsitssincerestcongratulationtoBrennanJ.Caslerforhisnumerous contributionstoincreasingthequalityoflifeattheCollegeandforhisoutstandingscholarly accomplishmentsthroughouthisenrollmentattheCollege. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ JohnE.Briggs,ChairmanOlinH.Joynton,President AlpenaCommunityCollegeBoardofTrusteesAlpenaCommunityCollege Date:April16,2015 April 16, 2015, ACC Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda, pg. 3 RESOLUTIONOFCONGRATULATIONS LeAnn White WHEREAS,theencouragementofscholarlyachievementisamajorpurposeofAlpena CommunityCollege; WHEREAS,scholarlyachievementmanifestsitselfinapersonwhoexcelsintheclassroom, whohastheintellectualcuriositytopursueacademic,career,andculturalenrichmentoutsidethe traditionalclassroom,whoshowsevidenceofsubstantialdevelopmentoftalentsinacademic and/ortechnicaleducation,andwhohasdemonstratedanabilitytosharethisdevelopmentwith others; WHEREAS,LeAnnWhitehasaptlydemonstratedsuchnotablescholarlyachievements throughoutheracademiccareeratAlpenaCommunityCollegeandwasappropriatelyrecognized asamemberofthePhiThetaKappa2015All‐MichiganAcademicTeam; NOW,THEREFORE,BEITRESOLVED,thattheBoardofTrusteesofAlpenaCommunity CollegeunanimouslyextendsitssincerestcongratulationtoLeAnnWhiteforhernumerous contributionstoincreasingthequalityoflifeattheCollegeandforheroutstandingscholarly accomplishmentsthroughoutherenrollmentattheCollege. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ JohnE.Briggs,ChairmanOlinH.Joynton,President AlpenaCommunityCollegeBoardofTrusteesAlpenaCommunityCollege Date:April16,2015 April 16, 2015, ACC Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda, pg. 4 2.623 Choice Act Policy for VA Educational Benefit Recipients (Second Reading) Along with all other institutions of higher learning in the state, Alpena Community College has been notified by the Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency of a Board policy requirement to continue administering financial aid to veterans under the federal Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014 (commonly known as the Choice Act). The policy requirement amounts to a Board-level commitment to charge eligible veterans no more than in-state tuition. In effect this practice has been in place since April 16, 2014, Board meeting when the Trustees simplified tuition rates for the current year by eliminating the out-of-state category. At present, therefore, only the in-district and out-of-district rates exist, and no one is being charged more for having legal residence outside of Michigan. Without doubt, however, ACC places top priority on continued access to VA educational benefits by veterans who participate in our educational programs. Therefore, the following resolution is proposed: In conformity with the Choice Act, the Alpena Community College Board of Trustees approves on second reading the following policy addition to the Business Services Section of the ACC Policies & Procedures Manual: 5024 In-State Tuition for Veterans Educational Benefit Recipients Any individual using educational assistance under either Chapter 30 (Montgomery GI Bill® -Active Duty Program), Chapter 33 (Post-9/11 GI Bill®) of Title 38, United States Code, and/or the Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship (38 U.S.C. §3311(b)(9)) who lives in the State of Michigan while attending Alpena Community College (regardless of his/her formal state of residence) shall be charged no more than in-state tuition. April 16, 2015, ACC Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda, pg. 5 2.624 FY16 Tuition Rate In order to continue balancing the budget after four years of falling enrollments, limited state revenues, and stagnant property tax receipts, Alpena Community College looks first to cutting expenses wherever feasible. In addition, it must bring in additional revenue to maintain high standards of service to students and community members. The proposed increases in tuition rates for FY16 are $5.00 per contact hour for in-district students and an out-of-district tuition increase $8.00 per contact hour. Students have access to a wealth of well-administered scholarships and grants that continue to make ACC highly affordable, vis-à-vis not only universities but also similar community colleges. Therefore, the following resolution is proposed: The Alpena Community College Board of Trustees authorizes an increase of tuition effective with the 2015 Fall Semester. TUITION AND FEES In-District Tuition (per contact hour) Out-of-District Tuition (per contact hour, applicable to students from the rest of Michigan, all other states, and foreign countries, with the exception of dually-enrolled students, whose high schools are all charged In-District Tuition) FROM $115.00 $181.00 TO $120.00 $189.00 April 16, 2015, ACC Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda, pg. 6 3.825 Financial Report Monthly General Fund Revenue and Expense through March 2015 (Year to Year Actual Comparison) The property tax receipts of $2,436,745 are $11,568 greater than a year ago and a little more than expected, most likely due to timing of the payment. Tuition/fee receipts of $5,403,277 are $448,164 less than last year because of lower than anticipated enrollments through March. Accumulated state aid for the current year amounts to $2,969,834, which is $76,120 ahead of last year due to an increase in state appropriations. Instruction costs are lower by $209,466 due primarily to timing of faculty overload pay and a reduction of the number of full-time faculty. Also relevant is the wage freeze in the faculty contract and the cap of health insurance costs. MIS costs are still down because of timing of purchases, the cap on health insurance, and the elimination of a technical position. Instruction support expense is up due primarily to addition of nursing program director to administrative staff and increases for several administrators. Institutional administration expense rose compared with last March due to pay and associated fringe benefit increases for seven administrators. Implementation of Clery Act changes also contributed to the rise. Physical plant costs are lower by $44,499 primarily because of the cap on health insurance and lower utility costs. Net income through the ninth month shows us $869,450 in revenue over expense. More than anything else, lower enrollments account for the $195,169 decline from last year. Monthly General Fund Revenue and Expense through March 2015 (Budget to Actual Comparison) The outside services category is down because contract negotiations were completed last year. Supply and postage costs are being tightly monitored. Insurance costs are over budget due to higher than expected workers compensation and unemployment charges. Travel costs are lower as a result of limiting travel since September. Library books and equipment expense is lower due to timing of purchases. All other categories are in acceptable ranges for this stage of the year. General Fund Month to Month Comparison through March 2015 The Month to Month comparisons are tracking as expected. Consolidated Income Statement through March 2015 All funds are lined up as expected. April 16, 2015, ACC Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda, pg. 7 Alpena Community College General Fund Year to Year Actual Comparison For the Nine Months Ending March 31, 2015 YTD Actual FY 2015 YTD Actual FY 2014 Variance Revenue Property Tax Tuition/Fees Sales, Services, and Rent State Aid Federal Donations Interest Other Revenue 2,436,745 5,403,277 6,628 2,969,834 95,944 0 578 1,444 10,914,450 2,425,177 5,851,441 6,263 2,893,714 132,770 1,000 711 1,227 11,312,303 11,568 (448,164) 365 76,120 (36,826) (1,000) (133) 217 (397,853) 5,154,461 580,467 837,858 806,107 1,512,377 1,152,208 1,522 10,045,000 5,363,927 625,942 772,887 806,880 1,468,794 1,196,707 12,547 10,247,684 (209,466) (45,475) 64,971 (773) 43,583 (44,499) (11,025) (202,684) 869,450 1,064,619 (195,169) 1,110,371 1,979,821 1,105,301 2,169,920 5,070 (190,099) Expense Instruction MIS Instruction Support Student Services Institutional Administration Physical Plant Transfers Expenses Income Net Assets - Beginning of Year Net Assets - End of Year April 16, 2015, ACC Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda, pg. 8 Alpena Community College Comparative Income Statement General Fund For the Nine Months Ending March 31, 2015 Budget FY 2015 YTD Actual Variance Complete FY 2014 Complete 96.29% 91.98% 33.14% 54.90% 86.34% 0.00% 23.12% 6.04% 77.83% 95.45% 98.40% 44.73% 55.05% 70.57% 1.98% 28.43% 1.68% 80.39% 2,075,913 73.19% 1,011,066 72.90% 158,993 74.62% 27,224 84.59% 154,317 49.66% 1,125 62.50% 120,651 73.64% 9,377 82.31% 23,786 50.45% (11,134) 106.96% 47,793 48.28% (3,564) 101.67% 67,955 18.26% 116,442 22.63% 177,711 0.85% 3,977,655 71.63% 73.89% 72.23% 80.34% 78.99% 57.82% 52.06% 78.63% 89.10% 67.71% 105.39% 62.40% 101.14% 44.25% 22.60% 7.54% 72.82% Revenue Property Tax Tuition/Fees Sales, Services, and Rent State Aid Federal Donations Interest Other Revenue 2,530,658 5,874,680 20,000 5,409,289 111,129 50,500 2,500 23,899 14,022,655 2,436,745 5,403,277 6,628 2,969,834 95,944 0 578 1,444 10,914,450 7,741,725 3,731,354 626,411 176,630 306,548 3,000 457,714 53,000 48,000 160,000 92,400 213,000 83,140 150,500 179,233 14,022,655 5,665,812 2,720,288 467,418 149,406 152,231 1,875 337,063 43,623 24,214 171,134 44,607 216,564 15,185 34,058 1,522 10,045,000 0 1,110,371 1,110,371 869,450 1,110,371 1,979,821 (93,913) (471,403) (13,372) (2,439,455) (15,185) (50,500) (1,922) (22,455) (3,108,205) Expense Salaries Fringe Benefits Outside Services Advertising Supplies Rental Utilities Telephone Postage Insurance Travel & Mileage Tuition Waivers Library Books & Equipment Other Transfers Expense Income Net Assets - Beginning of Year Net Assets - End of Year Percent of Year Complete 75.00% April 16, 2015, ACC Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda, pg. 9 Alpena Community College General Fund Month to Month Tracking For the Nine Months Ending March 31, 2015 July August September October November December January February March 2,962 631,163 662 490,062 13,543 0 101 80 1,138,573 2,168 973,174 437 511,301 8,544 0 95 20 1,495,739 April May June YTD Budget 321,950 88,100 429 490,063 8,872 0 45 30 909,489 622,440 732,197 417 490,063 7,799 0 54 95 1,853,065 651,017 (1,143) 2,837 490,064 9,290 0 66 130 1,152,261 291,578 33,246 537 490,064 16,135 0 90 871 832,521 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,436,744 2,530,658 0 5,403,277 5,874,680 0 6,630 20,000 0 2,969,834 5,409,289 0 95,944 111,129 0 0 50,500 0 578 2,500 0 1,444 23,899 0 10,914,451 14,022,655 599,911 291,655 37,279 8,901 15,352 0 30,555 4,984 5,773 2,000 3,796 1,850 2,196 1,394 0 1,005,646 597,007 296,364 64,917 14,574 26,416 0 54,128 4,913 3,490 26,470 12,508 29,193 276 1,169 0 1,131,425 550,134 271,126 26,444 32,114 18,459 0 48,748 8,761 6,647 18,892 5,793 56,205 3,204 6,329 0 1,052,856 576,357 285,105 34,206 15,404 13,217 0 55,573 915 241 0 3,099 21,033 571 6,203 0 1,011,924 730,846 327,419 40,879 5,492 20,982 750 64,954 9,092 195 0 1,780 (4,344) (126) 3,837 0 1,201,756 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,665,814 7,741,725 0 2,721,810 3,731,354 0 467,418 626,411 0 149,406 176,630 0 152,232 306,548 0 1,875 3,000 0 337,062 445,714 0 43,623 53,000 0 24,214 48,000 0 171,134 160,000 0 44,621 92,400 0 216,565 213,000 0 15,185 83,140 0 34,058 150,500 0 0 191,233 0 10,045,017 14,022,655 490,093 (221,936) 800,209 140,337 (369,235) 0 0 0 Revenue Property Tax Tuition/Fees Sales, Services, and Rent State Aid Federal Donations Interest Other Revenue 113,177 2,479,449 297 0 8,771 0 0 0 2,601,694 421,382 462,198 627 0 8,340 0 63 0 892,610 10,070 4,893 387 8,217 14,650 0 64 218 38,499 Salaries 551,461 Fringe Benefits 288,778 Outside Services 146,254 Advertising 17,962 Supplies 5,880 Rental 0 Utilities 93 Telephone 4,398 Postage 487 Insurance 71,832 Travel & Mileage 2,388 Tuition Waivers 26,285 Library Books & Equipment 5,555 Other 611 Transfers 0 Expense 1,121,984 515,822 266,123 29,003 2,967 17,156 0 24,089 4,816 309 26,470 5,608 84,899 883 2,740 0 980,885 568,711 975,565 278,308 416,932 41,144 47,292 44,689 7,303 18,357 16,413 0 1,125 28,846 30,076 4,848 896 1,898 5,174 2,917 22,553 2,724 6,925 (621) 2,065 2,626 0 4,215 7,560 0 0 998,662 1,539,879 (88,275) (960,163) Expense Income 1,479,710 (401,306) April 16, 2015, ACC Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda, pg. 10 869,434 0 Alpena Community College Consolidated Income Statement For the Nine Months Ending March 31, 2015 General Revenue Property Tax Tuition/Fees Sales, Services, and Rent State aid Local State Federal Donations Interest Other Total Revenue Current Designated Auxiliary Unrestricted Restricted Endow. & S'ship Loan Plant Agency Total 2,436,745 5,403,277 6,628 2,969,834 0 0 95,944 0 578 1,444 10,914,450 0 417,245 38,240 0 0 0 0 1,917 0 0 457,402 0 2,436,745 70,039 5,890,561 937,939 982,807 0 2,969,834 0 0 0 0 0 95,944 0 1,917 0 578 (46,789) (45,345) 961,189 12,333,041 0 0 (84,244) 0 32,250 0 172,086 4,238,435 37,492 0 4,396,019 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,381,880 0 0 80,464 2,462,344 0 0 0 0 0 44,287 0 78,368 0 0 122,655 0 216,005 0 0 0 1,515,157 0 1,553,434 80 5,234 3,289,910 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 650 0 8,907 9,557 2,436,745 6,106,566 898,563 2,969,834 32,250 1,559,444 2,649,910 5,872,804 38,150 49,260 22,613,526 Expenditures Instruction 5,154,461 MIS 580,467 Public Service 0 Instruction Support 837,858 Student Services 806,107 Institutional Administration 1,512,377 Physical Plant 1,152,208 Transfers 1,522 Total Expenditures 10,045,000 28,426 22,144 56,693 3,376 218,385 8,863 1,136 0 339,023 74 5,182,961 63,658 666,269 24,899 81,592 0 841,234 819,676 1,844,168 0 1,521,240 6,245 1,159,589 0 1,522 914,552 11,298,575 6,000 0 602,559 61,280 3,745,931 0 0 0 4,415,770 0 0 0 0 2,462,344 0 0 0 2,462,344 0 0 0 0 127,755 0 0 0 127,755 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,365,114 80,524 3,445,638 0 0 0 0 5,208 2,972 0 0 8,180 5,188,961 666,269 684,151 902,514 8,185,406 1,524,212 4,524,703 82,046 21,758,262 Net Revenue (Expense) 869,450 118,379 46,637 1,034,466 (19,751) 0 (5,100) (155,728) 1,377 855,264 Beginning Year Net Assets 1,110,371 440 106,692 1,217,503 21,401 4,242 3,938 14,663,244 7,736 15,918,064 Period Ending Net Assets 1,979,821 118,819 153,329 2,251,969 1,650 4,242 (1,162) 14,507,516 9,113 16,773,328 April 16, 2015, ACC Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda, pg. 11 3.826 Personnel Report New hires, terminations, and status changes for March 2015. New Hires: None. Terminations: None. Status Changes: None. April 16, 2015, ACC Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda, pg. 12 3.827 Gifts and Grants Report This report reflects the following activity for pledges and gifts received by the College and its Foundation between March 11 and April 7, 2015. TOTAL GIFTS & PLEDGES: $6,878.00 TOTAL DONORS: 27 April 16, 2015, ACC Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda, pg. 13
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