AGENDA Board of Selectmen Town of Pelham, NH

Phone: 603-635-8233
Board of Selectmen
Town of Pelham, NH
Fax: 603-632-8274
July 8, 2014
Sherburne Hall
6 Village Green, Pelham, NH 03076
6:00 PM: Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance:
Meeting Minutes Review:
June 10, 2014
June 24, 2014
Non Public Meeting Minutes Approval:
- In compliance with NH RSA 231:133 the Pelham Board of Selectmen will hold two public hearings, the
first on July 8, 2014 at 7PM, and the second on July 22, 2014 at 7PM to discuss and potentially approve
new suggested road and shared driveway names to replace sound-alike or confusing names as identified
by the Pelham Highway Safety Committee and the NH E-911 Bureau.
- July 3 Fireworks have been postponed to Saturday, July 12 .
Open Forum:
Junkyard Renewal Applications:
Jean-Guy’s Used Cars & Parts
180 Marsh Road, Pelham, NH 03076
License Holder: Jean-Guy Bergeron
Coombs Used Auto Parts
1183 Mammoth Road, Pelham, NH 03076
License Holder: Norman Coombs & Sons
Jack Mansur’s Auto, LLC
76 Dutton Road, Pelham, NH 03076
License Holder: Jack Mansur
Don Foss, Highway Agent and Pat Colburn, Keach Nordstrom
- Regarding Culvert Replacement Bids for Bowley Drive and Hinds Lane
Public Hearing: In compliance with NH RSA 231:133 the Pelham Board of Selectmen First of two public hearings,
to discuss and potentially approve new suggested road and shared driveway names to replace sound-alike or
confusing names as identified by the Pelham Highway Safety Committee and the NH E-911 Bureau.
Other Business:
2014 Budget Revenue & Expenses Review as of 5/31/14
Selectmen & Town Administrator Reports:
Non-Public Session RSA 91-A: 3, II (
If requested, Non-public session per RSA 91-A: 3, II (a) Personnel (b) Hiring of any person as an employee (c) Matters which, if discussed publicly, would affect adversely the reputation of any person (d) Consideration of
acquisition, sale or lease of property (e) Consideration or negotiation of pending claims or litigation .
Most Meetings are Video Taped. The Town of Pelham makes every effort to accommodate those who have special requirements to access public meetings. Please call 635-8233 with your request.
Town of Pelham, NH
6 Village Green, Pelham, NH
email: [email protected]