Pa ape erle ess Tra T ansa actionss A quick sta art guide for real estate e pro ofessiona als using zzipLogix online prrograms Comple ete contracts quicckly and profe essionally Get seccure paperleess signaturres using eS Sign Continnue working g with and d storing form ms, do ocuments, annd arrchives onlinne Contents C Referen nce: Quick Too ols in zipForm® ® Plus .......... ............................................ 2 Starting g a transactionn file in zipForm m® Plus......... ............................................ 3 Adding g and completting contracts in zipForm® Pluus ......................................... 4 eSign: Sending for Signatures S ........................ ............................................ 5 S ........................ ............................................ 6 eSign: Sending for Signatures ® Storing g files using zip pVault ........................... ............................................ 7 zipVauult® Archiving and Storage.................... ............................................ 8 Tips: Pe ersonalize Youur Communica ation ............. ............................................ 9 Tips: Set up your acccount in zipForrm® Plus ....... .......................................... 10 www w.zipLogix.ccom Sign In: ww ww.zipForm m Paperle ess Transactions ww Page 1 erence: Quick ® Refe Q To ools in zipForm z Plus asy to understa and buttons. Here H are some tools to get yo ou started. Ho over your mousse over a tool The zzipForm® Quicck Tools are ea to ma agnify the tool and its descrip ption in zipForrm® Plus. Hom me Page Forms – Opens the forms editing. Shortcut S to open ning and filling out a form without starting a new transactio on file. New – Start a new fiile to store formms and documents. Clause es– Save or manage m text (Cla auses) so that the text (Clausees) can be inserrted into forms w when appropriate. Legal and brokerage mandate ed text are com mmonly added as a clauses. Usee a clause by cl icking on a fielld inside a form m, and then clicking th he Clauses buttton. Lookup p Manage er List Vie ew – Edit the teext that is used for the drop-doown Lookup Fieelds. – Switch to viewing a lisst of the transacction files, docuuments, or conttacts (zipForm® ® Plus will reme ember your preferencce. Form ms Page Fullscrreen – View the form full scrreen (removing the All Forms aand My Forms tabs, along with all zipForm® ® Plus menus, ex xcept the formss editor buttons)) – When in i full screen mode, this button n will return you u to your regula ar form view Save – Click to save your changes (Tip: ( the save button b is only bllue when you h have unsaved cchanges. It will be gray if all chang ges have saved)) Send – Fax or email forms and/or documents d to any fax number or email addreess Print – Print this form,, or select formss to print Apply y template Save as a PDF eSign – Download D a cop py of selected forms f from this file as a locked d PDF documen nt – Click to prep pare documentts to be sent forr signatures usinng zipLogix Dig gital Ink® or Do ocuSign® Fast Fill Paperle ess Transactions – Add a temp plate (a saved packet p of forms)) to this file – Click to see all of the forrm fields withinn the displayed form ww Page 2 ting a tra Start ansactio on file in n zipForrm® Plus A sea amless online transaction sttarts in zipForrm® Plus, you ur central loca ation for profeessional real e estate files and d contracts. Sign in at m e is a set of co ontracts (zipFo orm® forms, contracts c signned using zipLLogix Digital Ink®, and uploaded The transaction file Vault®) for a specific s client or property. Transaction T innformation, including Transsaction Partiess and Property y documents in zipV Inform mation, autom matically flowss from form to o form as each h contract is ccompleted or uupdated withiin zipForm®. 1 2 Start a Transacttion 3 1. Click the N New button on the TRANSACTIONS page 2. Enter the prroperty addre ess to name the file Tiip: You can la ater search for files by na ame, address,, client’s name e, and more ussing the “Enterr Keyword(s)” ffield on your Trransactions pa age 3. Select the a appropriate template (forms packket) to start the file Tiip: This templa ate will add ke ey required fo orms to the file. If you do nott see the Teemplates optio on, you do nott have any teemplates availa able. Create m master teemplates on the e TEMPLATES page. 4. Click Sa ave 4 Paperle ess Transactions ww Page 3 ding and Add d compleeting con ntracts in zipForm® Pluss zipForm® Forms 5 6 8 5. Click a fo orm name in the All Forms tab to add it 6. Click a fo orm to open it and fill it o out 7. Click and d type to fill out form field ds 8. Click Savve 9. Send contracts to participannts for signatures using the eSign button. Tip: Use the Ema ail, Print, Save as PDF Co llaborate or S ers butttons to share fforms with othe outsside of using e eSign, or share e youur screen with a client using the free e zipConsult™ ™ tool (the round gre een button at thhe top of the pag ge) at any time e 9 7 Paperle ess Transactions ww Page 4 eSign n: Sending for Signatur S res al Ink® makess it easy to creeate professionnal, accurate signing packetss Complete eSign inttegration with zipLogix Digita ny transaction file. for an 1 4 5 2 3 Select D Documents to Sign ocuments with zipLogix z Digita al Ink® create s a Signing do complete, verifiable v signed document which w cannot be altered afte er signing. With a fully integrated digital signing exp perience, it is easier e than evver to bring thee security and convenience e of digital signatures to the ble. closing tab Paperle ess Transactions ww 1. Click eSign w within the zipFForm® Plus Transaction file, or when filling out a zipForm® Pluus form. 2. (Optional) Ennter a name to o identify this packet of documents that iss being sent fo or signatures. 3. Click the che eck box for do ocuments and forms to add them to the lisst of Documen nts to sign. 4. (Optional) Click Browse to o add additional PDF documennts from your ccomputer. 5. Click Next. Page 5 gn: Send eSig ding for Signatures Sele ect Signers 6. Clickk to check the check box ne ext to signers 7. Enterr required info ormation for signers, such as email address or role (what signature fields pted to comple ete) they will be promp 8. Clickk Done 9. (Opttional) Click annd drag to cha ange the sign ing order. Dra ag one signer on top of e same time. anotther to have the em sign at the 10. (Opttional) Select ssigner options, such as the automatic CC to a automatically d deliver signed em once contrracts via email from the syste signiing is complete e. 11. Clickk Next 6 7 8 11 1 10 0 9 15 Add Ta asks 12. Signing tasks will allow ecute the signers to exe contract. Clickk and drag an n icon to add a signature or ed. task, if neede 13. The signaturess will show a preview of a sample h with sizing g signature, to help the signature areas. a 14. Review the tassks on all documents on n the Documen nt List. 15. Click Send Paperle ess Transactions 14 12 13 ww Page 6 ing files using zipVault ® Stori z zipVa ault® makes it easy to store documents and files securelyy online withinn your zipForm® Plus accounnt. With docum ment storage and o online file reten ntion built seam mlessly into zip pForm® Plus, using u zipVault® ® means savinng time and m money. Addinng a documen nt to zipVault® ® activates exte ended storage for the file, w with an expiration date that can be controlled, so agents and b brokerages can easily and securely s store files f online. 3 2 1 4 5 zipVault® Online Sto orage 1. Click Ad dd Document (1) to upload a file from your computer. A As soon as thee first documennt is added, zipVault® extended file storage is activated for the transactio on. 2. The transaction file will be available e on zipForm® ® Plus until it is deleted by yo ou, or until the Expiration Da ate (2) (whichevver comes firstt). Click the ca alendar button next to the exp piration date to o choose a different date. 3. Docume ents can also be b added using g the Email to o zipForm® orr Fax Covershheet features o on the File Me nu (3). 4. Unsigne ed forms can be b preserved as part of the file for sharing or documentation using the Save as PDF (4) button, and savving selected fo orms to the file e. ed automatica 5. Signed forms sent usin ng the e-Sign button, b or signe ed on a tablett with TouchSig gn®, are adde ally to a new Sig gned Folder (5 5), once signinng is complete ed by all partiees. Documents store ed online in zipForm® Plus using u zipVault® ® can be ema ailed, faxed, inncluded in eSig gn packets alo ongside orms, or shared d online using the Collabora ate button in zipForm® Plus. fo d you docume nts. Documentts can Send documents in to zipVault®, or ask someonne else to send mailed to a tra ansaction as em mail attachmennts using Emaiil to transactio on, or can be faxed be em from any fax machiine by followin ng the faxing instructions on the Fax coverr sheet. Both o options be found unde er the advanced File Menu (3). can b Paperle ess Transactions ww Page 7 Vault® Archivin zipV A ng and Storage S age and archive stored onlin ne transactionss using zipForm m® Plus and zzipVault®. Youur Mana TRAN NSACTIONS page p contains powerful toolss to sort files, track online sto orage, and quickly find the transaction you need. ed or inactive to continue sto oring that file online o without cluttering yourr list of Markk a file as close active e transactions. 1 1. Click the property p photo o to edit transa action details 2 2. Change th he transaction Status to Inacttive or Closed d 3 3. Click Save e Inactiive and closed d transactions will w not appea ar on your main TRANSACTI ONS page byy default. Search for Inactive e, Closed, or es by clicking the arrow on the search (Enter Keywords) field on the TRRANSACTION NS page, and selecting to se earch for All file Close ed, Inactive, or All files. 5 3 7 1 6 2 4 Transsaction Storage 1. Click the Ico on View/List View V Button (1) located nexxt to your sort o options to change your view wing preference e for this page and se ee more details using List View. zipForm® ® will remembeer this preferennce until you cchange it again. 2. List view ma akes it easy to see the Expira ation Date (2) for all files, to o know how lo ong your files w will be stored online. 3. Files can be e exported (3) to download all or part of the t file for offliine storage. Files stored offline can be imp ported back to zipForm® ® Plus when ne eeded. 4. Files with the e zipVault® iccon (4) contaiin documents stored s in zipVa ault®. 5. Click the zip pVault® product button (5) at the top of zipForm® z Pluss to sort by zip pVault® transactions. 6. Click the File Name (6) to o open the file e and view or change the exxpiration date for a file. 7. Manage mo ore than just acctive real estatte transactions. Search for Innactive, Closeed, or view Al l files using the e transaction search Filterr by Status (7) option. Paperle ess Transactions ww Page 8 s: Person Tips nalize Yo our Com mmunica ation pForm® Plus incclude your pho otograph and email signaturre, which can be added thro ough your profile, and a Emaills sent from zip prope erty photo, wh hich can be ad dded to the file e by clicking on o the photo onn the property folder. Y Your Picture and Signature A personal proffile image and email signa ature can be ad dded through the About M Me section of th he zipForm® Plus Profile. Ente er updates and click Save.. Profile e Add Prope erty Image A property ima age can be added when ccreating or modifying Transaction Details. Add Ph hoto Paperle ess Transactions ww perty image Click the prop placeholder to o open TTransaction De etails and add a Photo from your computer. Page 9 : Set up your ac Tips ccount in n zipForrm® Pluss There e are many wa ays to customizze your new zipForm® Plus account. a Heree are some tipss and tricks to make your life e easier. Tip 1 : Save clauses and use e them in te ext fields Comm mon paragraph hs, sentences or phrases ca an be saved and in serted into fo rm fields quicckly. Create a and save clausess by using thee Clauses buttton on the Tra ansactions page, and then inseert a clause ussing the Insertt Clause button within a text field on n a form. Inse ert Clause To rea ch the Insert C Clause button, click on a fo orm field. Click t he gray pencil button to op pen the insert clause and changee case buttons. Tip 2:: Enable 15 5 minute Au utosave While you are workking in your fo orms, zipForm m® Plus sa aves your file automatically a every time yo ou move tto a different form, f add a fo orm, remove a form, e email, print, or o send for signatures. Howevver, sometimess it helps to ha ave just a little e more p peace of mind d. Set Autosave from th he Settings section of your Profile to save files every e fifteen minutes m for added security. Profile e Au utosave Tip 3: Sort your form librariies Orrganize Use th e Libraries seection of your profile to organize, or rearra nge the orderr of form libra aries to reflect which library y appea ars by default and the order for libraries in your form librariees page. Tip 4: Create a Template T Templa ates are saved d packets of fo orms, contacts, and docum ments that yo ou can use wh hen starting yo our transaction file through the Apply Template option when crea ating or editin ng a zipForm® ® Plus tra ansaction file. Click TEMPLA ATES and then click New to create your own tem mplate. New Creatin ng a template e is similar to creating c a Tra ansaction. Na ame your te emplate, add forms, and fill out key inforrmation, such as your brokerage nam me and address. Save yourr template and d you can use it on future transactions by b using Apply Template. Paperle ess Transactions ww Page 10 0
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