Document 11171

'SffiHYJ AfoiiYmwvxa
s: i a JSL a: d a: v
{Professor Irving.)
ARNOLD, Greek Prose Composition.
Anabasis, IV. V. VI.
\_N.B.—The principal parts of a verb are the first
persons of its present f u t u r e a n d perfect active
its perfect passive and second aorist active: or i f
these tenses are not in use, then of whatever perf e c t future and aorist it employs: I n parsing a
verb give its teme mood voice a n d principal •
parts. I n parsing a 7ioun or an adjective give
its gender number case nominative a n d genitive
singular. JVo abbreviations of any hind are to
be used. You need not accentuate.]
1. Decline throughout
nopua e\dutv -n-Xijdoc /.ulfav
eyoi oi/roc.
{Two a t least must be done without mistake.)
Give the principal parts of Xdino I'orntu yiyyofiat
re\ih> «07rd£w y s u •na.a\o>.
a 2
3. Write down throughout the 2nd aorist indicative
active of jSmVw the 1st aorist optative active of
(pab'io the past imperfect indicative active of vucau>
the perfect indicative passive of arptyw.
4. Put into Greek (1) The Chaldeans were said to be.
free and brave. (2) Whomsoever he saw, he injured. (3) Cyrus evidently wished to depart.
(4) Would that the Greeks had conquered.
(5) It is possible to buy food for a drachma.
(6) They went through the greater part of the
5. W h a t is t h e ellipse i n atzexupovv TI)V rax'Vrr/*' ?
Compare the adjective ra-^ie.
translate Sutfiaiveiv on ra^iara ?
How do you
6. What case is put in Greek after {a) verbs of
asking {b) adjectives in -IKO'Q (C) 6 airde {d)
comparatives ?
7. Give the equivalent Greek forms for—If I have
anything I will give it—If I had had anything
I would have given it.
8.-Give the English of (1) ixeTeiicoaav aXXrjXoiQ <5v
ei\ov traoroi ( 2 ) (ppaZt KO\ TTEirpa^erai ( 3 ) iiye r o v
avepa \£ipdc ( 4 ) TO cWd rovte (ptvyoj/iei' TO. aitrxpa.
9. Translate literally putting in parentheses all words
you supply—
Xeipltroipog fikv ovv KO\ OO-OI kcwrjOnaav rov
mpa.Tevfia.roc, evravOa karpaTOTreZevaavTO, TOJV . h"
iiXXuiv erTpariuiTwv ol fxrj Swafievoi otareXeaai ri)v
ofov ivvKriptvaav ixairoi KaX aviv Trupdc" rai ivTavOa.
TlVtS ClTTwXoVTO T&V (TTpartOlrtSv.
noXtjxliDv cruveiXeyfiivoi TIVEQ « u r a fi>) CvvafiEva TCIV
v-rrosvyiuv tjpira£ov Kcd aXXj/Xoic ifta\o'vTo irepi
avT&v. 'EXein-ovTO 2t iced rwv crrpariwruiv o'i re
ButpOapfievoi inrd rijg X^OVOQ TOVQ dajOaX/xovc o'l re vtrb
Toil ibvxovQ TOVQ daniTvXovc. rSiv iroiiov anoaEcrn-KOTiQ.
10. In the preceding parse according to directions—
EOvvi]d>]crav cnrwXovTO iieipdapfxh'oi ifxaxovro arpaTEVfiaToc aXXi'iXoiQ x l ° v °S 0<p6a\fJ.0VQ.
11. In the preceding why is o-rpaTLbiT&v genitive ?
aXXijXoiQ dative ? daKriXovg accusative ? What is
irregular in the formtyd-n-ovTo? What perfect is
aTroiTEiTJjTrdrec ?
12. Give the meanings and the derivations of dvrpiiSnc
aa(j)aX7]Q aaraxjiis evCtovoQ oiipayog anevotpopOQ w'2q
LATIN. . .
{Professor Irving.)
Gallic War, III. IV. ARNOLD, Latin Prose
[JV.13.—In parsing a verb give its tense mood voice
and principal parts. The principal parts of a
verb are the first person present and perfect indicative (active if in use) the supine in -urn and
the present infinitive (active' if in use). In
parsing a substantive or an adjective give its
nominative and genitive and its gender number
and case. No abbreviations of any kind are to
be used.]
1. Decline throughout ager dies hostis ille natio quis.
{Four at least must be done correctly.)
2. Give the principal parts of abdo concido facio
gaudeo hasreo jungo perspicio pono relinquo
{Six at least must be done correctly.)
3. Write down throughout
the pluperfect subjunctive active of pello
the imperative of sequor
the perfect indicative active of mitto
the future perfect indicative of utor
the future indicative active of no
the future perfect indicative active of sustineo.
{Four at least must be done correctly.)
4. Mention five Latin words the declension of which
you consider irregular and explain what the irregularity is.
5. Give the meaning of aliquis fruor licet nubere
utrum venire. Construct a brief Latin sentence
to shew the use or government of each and give
a translation.
6. What do you mean by a relative pronoun ? Give
the pairs of relative and the corresponding demonstrative pronouns as given by Arnold.
7. Name with their meaning six verbs which take a
double dative and shew ,tho meanings of the two
datives with each verb.
8. Give the Latin for (1) Nature shews one path to
one man another to another. (2) You with your
usual kindness promised to finish the business.
(3) It is the part of a judge to be mindful of his
duty. (4) Every tenth man was put to death by
the general. (5) Ho says that three things only
can fall under discussion, what is happening, has
happened or will happen.
9. Translate literally—
Disjectis, ut diximus, antemnis, cum singulas
binae ac ternae naves circumsteterant, milites
summa vi transcendere in hostium naves contendebant. Quod postquam barbari fieri animadverterunt, expugnatis compluribus navibus, cum
ei rei nullum repcriretur auxilium, fuga salutem
petere contenderunt. Ac jam .conversis in earn
partem navibus, quo ventus ferebat, tanta subito
malacia ac tranquillitas exstitit, ut se ex loco
commovcre non possent.
Quae quidem res ad
negotium' conficiendum maxime fuit opportuna :
nam singulas nostri consectati expugnaverunt, ut
perpauca? ex omni numero noctis interventu ad
terrain pervenerint, cum ab hora fere quarta usque
ad solis occasum pugnaretur.
10. I n . the preceding parse circumsteterant navibus
nullum salutem contenderunt commovere consectati pugnaretur.
11. In the' foregoing what kind of word do you call
singulas? .What is the construction of disjectis
antemnis ? Why does he say aniinadvorterunt,
not animadvertissent ? What, part of speech is
siibito and what was it originally ? What is the
difference between the adverbs quo and qua ?
12. Give the meanings and the full derivations of
commilitones deliberare dignitas essedarius
exercitus frumentum nuntius obses tormentum
vindicare. - •
{Professor Irving.)
Grammar and Analysis.
[ The first three questions must be satisfactorily
1. Parse strictly according to Morell's scheme every
word in
Know'st thou the land where the cypress and myrtle
Are emblems of deeds that are done in their clime ?
2. Why does Crombie condemn the following ?—
(a.) I received a letter to-day from our mutual friend
{b.) I do not like these kind of men
• (c.) Was man like his creator, T should J)e for
allowing this great model
{d.) Who instead of being useful to society they are
pests to mankind.
M A T R I C U L A T I O N , O.T. 1866.
3. Analyse according to Morell's Second and Third
If he be now returned,
As checking at his voyage, and that he means •
No more to undertake it, I will work him
To an exploit now ripe in my device,
Under the which he shall not choose but fall;
And for his death no wind of blame shall breathe.
4. Point out and correct whatever faults of grammar
and spelling occur in the following, and write
each sentence in its proper form—
{a.) What he aledged as the reisons of his conduct
were not to be sleighted
(&.) It is curious to observe the various substitutes
which before the discovery of paper has been employed for it
(c.) Make haste and gather me all you can, or I will
and shall do without it
{d.) How far each of the three great Epick poets
have distinguished themselves in this part.
5. Crombie says that it is erroneous to suppose that
conjunctions couple sentences only and not words.
How does he prove this ?
6. Name the six forms of sentence in which the
nominative in English follows the verb.
7. What is the difference according to Crombie between " a kinsman of the traitor's" and " the
traitor's kinsman " ?
. .
8. What are the three conditions for writing with
grammatical purity, and what name is given to
the violation of each ?
a 3
9. " The merchants who dwelt there were wealthier
than those of the neighbouring cities."—How
many sentences are there in the foregoing ? Name
them and their mutual relations.
10. Give Morell's Table of Nouns, and place under
their proper classes therein—Clay Demosthenes
Drinking Etna Excellence Fright Gallon Ganges
Gold Hardness Herd Impostor Misery Regiment
Running Sword Table Victor Wellington Yard.
11. Give the three classes of Irregular Verbs in English
with two examples of each.
12. In what ways are secondary derivative adverbs
formed in English ? Give examples.
{Professor Irving.)
Translate literally—
Le vainqueur <stait toujours dans le grand
chemin de la capitale de la Moscovie; II y a de
Smolensko, aupres duquel se donna ce combat,
jusqu'a Moscou, environ cent de nos lieues franchises : 1'armee n'avait presque plus de vivres.
On pria fortement le roi d'attendre que le general
Levenhaupt, qui devait lui en amener avec un
. M A T R I C U L A T I O N , O.T. 1866.
renfort de quinze mille hommes, vmt le joindre.
Non-seulement le roi, qui raremcnt prenait conseil, n'ocouta point cet avis judicieux, niais, au
grand ctonnement de toute Pumice, il quitta le
chemin de Moscou, et fit marcher au midi vers
1'Ukraine, pays des Cosaques,.situe entre la petite
Tartarie, la Pologne, et la Moscovie. Ce pays a
environ cent de noa lieues du raidi au septentrion,
et presque autant de 1'orient au couchant; il est
partage en deux parties a pcu pres egales par le
Borysthcne, qui le traverse en coulant du nordouest au sud-est; la principale ville est Bathurin,
sur la petite riviere de Scm. La partie la plus
septentrionale de 1'Ukraine est cultivee et richcj
la plus meridionale, situee pres du quarantehuiticme degrc, est un des pays les plus fertiles
du monde et les plus deserts; le mauvais gouvernement y etouffait le bien que la nature
s'errbrce do faire aux hommes. Les habitants de ues
cantons voisins de la petite Tartarie ne semaient ni
ne plantaicnt, parcc que les Tartares de Budziac,
coux de Precop, les Moldaves, tons peuples brigands, auraient ravage leurs moissons.
o Translate {a) On amassa ainsi de quoi jouer la
brillaute comedie {b) Le czar 1'appela traitre et le
menaga de le faire empaler (c) Je consens de
donner la paix aux conditions suivantes auxquelles
il ne faut pas s'attendre que je change rien
{d) Cotte grande armee se gouverne mal: la
difSculte du vivies ct des iburrages la met dans
1'empuissance de subsister longtemps assemblee.
3. Give the English of aigrir cave congedier delabre
enfouir foule garnison opiniatrete peloton ramas
secouer trajet.
4. Write down throughout
(1.) the imperative of se rendre
(3.) the present indicative of s'affaiblir
(3.) the present subjunctive of pouvoir
(4.) the past definite of arracher
(o.) the past definite of avoir.
( Tfiree at least must be done without mistake.)
5. Give the first person past imperfect indicative, and
the present, and the past participle of s'asseoir
bouillir conclure dire envoyer hair pourvoir prendre rire taire.
{Six at least must be done witliout mistake.)
G. Give the meaning and the feminine of absous beau long norabreux tardif: and the meaning and the
plural of bctail cheval ceil travail.
7. Distinguish between soi, soie, soit: mur mur
meurs mceurs: prie, pris, prix : prct, pre : plait,
plaie: toi, toit.
8. Put into French,
(1.) How many sons has your uncle at home ?
(2.) Have you seen the Exhibition yet ? No, but I
hope to be there to-morrow morning.
(3.) The title of King is given in different countries
to very different powers.
(4.) The two caused to be seized in one day ninety• four senators and had them killed.
(5.) He who is content with what he has, has no
need of more.
(6.) I was looking for some one who might translate for me this German letter which I have
just received.
M A T R I C U L A T I O N , O.T. 1866.'
{Professor Wilson)
Five questions must be answered correctly to entitle
a Candidate to pass.
The answer to every question must be worked out at
full length and the working sent in as part of the
answer. Every result must be reduced to its
simplest form.
1. Write' down in words the quotient and the remainder obtained by dividing twenty billions three
millions and seventeen by five hundred thousand
millions and seven.
2. How much will 98765 ounces of gold be worth at
£3 17s. IQid. an ounce?
3. One person bought three elevenths of one quarter
of a property and another bought two fifths of
one ninth of the same property: the two together
paid eleven hundred and fifteen pounds: what
should the property be worth ?
4. A certain quantity of meat costs £2 19s. 9fd.
when meat is 7 id. a pound: what will be the
- increase in the cost when meat is 7|d. ?
5. A clock is 7m. 3-9s. fast at noon on January 1st,
• 1866 : what will be its error at noon on January
1st, 1867, supposing it to lose uniformly 0-37s.
a day ?
6. The length of a piece of ground is 58 - 19 feet and
its breadth is 43*79 feet: what will it cost at
£ 1 19s. 9|d. a square foot ?
7. The length of the metre is 39-37079 inches : express one mile in metres.
8. Extract the square root of 151807041.
9. Extract the square root of 72-9 to four places of
10. One gramme weighs 15-434 grains: what will
be the value of 7 - 843 kilogrammes of gold at
£ 3 17s. IQid. an ounce?
{Professor Wilson.)
Six questions must be answered correctly to entitle
Candidate to pass.
The answer to every question that requires workingmust be worked out in full and the working sent
in as part of the answer. Every result must be
reduced to its simplest form.
The sum of the numbers a and b is divided by
twice the number by which a exceeds b and the
quotient so obtained is multiplied by itself:, write
down the algebraical expression of the result.
2. The following rule is sometimes given for finding
the area of a triangle : " From half the sum of
" the three sides subtract each side severally,
" multiply the half sum and the three remainders
" continually together and the square root of the
" product will be the area of the triangle " : if a,
b, c are the sides of the triangle and s is half
their sum write down the algebraical expression
for the area.
3. Add together 3x + 7 (y — 2z),5z — {x — 5y) and
7 (y-3z)-{7x-3z).
4. Add together
a + b a—b
a—b a + b
o. Divide 16a*x*—.81a*y* by 2ax-+3a i y.
6. Divide
{x*+y°-)*-{x*-y*y by { x + y Y - { x - y y .
7. Substitute 2a — 3b for x in the expression
2a (2a - x ) * - 3b {3b + x).
8. Substitute
— for x and
1 y+x
for y in the
-f- o -
• y+ x
9. A person after walking a miles an hour for b
hours towards a place c miles distant finds that
he has still d miles to walk before reaching i t :
write down the equation which expresses this.
10. A person starting at x minutes past four travelled
ten miles by half-past five: write down the expression for the number of miles an hour he
11. Solve the equation
3 ( a ; - 5 ) - 7 (8—ar) = 2x + l.
12. Solve the equation
ax — 3b — Sab — x.
{Professor Wilson.)
Three propositions from the First Book and Two from
the Second Book must be'written out correctly to
entitle a Candidate to pass.
Credit will not be given for any Proposition in which
Algebraical Symbols are used.
1. From a given point draw a straight line equal to a
given straight line.
2. Bisect .a given rectilineal angle.
M A T R I C U L A T I O N , O.T. 1866.
3. At a given point in a given straight line make a
rectilineal angle equal to a given rectilineal angle.
4. Equal triangles upon equal bases in the same
straight line and towards the same parts are
between the same parallels.
5. In any right angled triangle the square described
on the side subtending the right angle is equal to
the squares described on the sides containing that
6. If a straight line is divided into any two parts the
• rectangle contained by the whole and one of the
parts is equal to the square on that part together
with the rectangle contained by the two parts.
7. If a straight line is divided into two equal parts and
also, into two unequal parts the rectangle contained
by tho unequal parts together with the square on
the line between the points of section is equal to
the square on half the line.
8. In every triangle the square on the side subtending
either of the acute angles is less than the squares
on the sides containing that angle by twice the
rectangle contained by either of these sides and
the pari of it intercepted between tho perpendicular let fall upon it from the opposite angle and
the acute angle.
{Professor Hearn.)
Candidates may select any two of the following
I.—1. What is the northern boundary of Greece ?
2. What is meant by the Return of the Heracleidae,
and what is the supposed date of that event ?
3. Bv whom and on what occasion were the LongWalls of Athens built ?
4. By whom and on what occasions respectively were
the Long Walls destroyed and rebuilt ?
5. Where was Megalopolis ? When, by whom, and
with what object was it founded ?
6. What cities which still exist were founded by
Alexander ?
II.—1. What were the three attempts for the restoration of the Tarquins ?
2. State the nature of the league between the Romans',
the Latins, and the Hernici, and the person by
whom it was effected.
M A T R I C U L A T I O N , O.T. 1866.
3. What were the political results of the third secession ?
4. State the circumstances of the self sacrifices of the
5. What was the first Roman' Province, and when
was it founded ?
6. What was the date of the Galatian War, and who
was the Roman commander in it ? How was this
war remarkable ?
III.—1. When and in what circumstances was Normandy lost to the Crown of England ?
3. When and by whom was Printing introduced into
England ?
3. What was the event known as the Field of the
Cloth of Gold, and what was its date ?
4. In what reign was the Colonial Empire of England
founded ? Mention some of the colonies that were
then established.
5. Who was the Princess Sophia, and what was the
date of her death?
6. What was the date of the Seven Years' War, and
who were the combatants in it ?
{Professor McCoy.)
1. How do the ordinary Rotatory Storms of the
Southern Hemisphere differ from those of the
Northern Hemisphere ?
2. What are the boundaries of the principal " Rainless Regions " of the earth and to what physical
features of each district is the peculiarity due ?
3. Mention the principal localities through which the
Northern Isothermal'lino of 40° passes, and explain
the causes of the chief flexures.
4. How are the principal groups of active Volcanoes
distributed in the Northern Hemisphere ?
6. Describe approximately the boundaries of the basin
of the Amazon, with the Llanos and principal
6. Describe as fully, as you can all the marine currents
flowing into and out of the Arctic and Antarctic
Oceans, shewing the origin, extent, approximate
velocity and effect on neighbouring land of each.
7. Dove shows that there is an annual variation in
the aggregate mean temperature on the surface of
the earth, the maximum during the sun's northern
declination and-the minimum during the sun's
southern declination. How do you explain this ?
8. Explain the causes of the chief flexures of the
Isothermal lines.
9. What is approximately the quantity of water raised
annually from the sea by evaporation, and what influence has this on tho great marine currents ?
.10. Describe the mode of formation, motion, and
general character of Glaciers.
{Professor Irving.)
Odyssey, V. VI. VII. VIII. DEM'OSTHENES, Speeches against Philip, and on the Peace. JELF,
Greek Grammar.
[In parsing a verb state its tense mood and voice,
and give the f r s t person present future perfect
and second aorist active and perfect passive. I f
these tenses are not in use, then give the first
person of the present future perfect and aorist
in use.]
1. Translate literally—
( a . ) ' Opceo C>) vvv, %E1I'E, TrvXivo" ifiEv, iippa BE TTE/JUJ/OI
TlarpoQ Efiov irpoc owtta .Saiippovoc, e v d a a i <pn/xi
H a v T U f $>ao'iKU)v EiSnaEfiEV oatroi a p i a r o t .
AXXa p a X ' <L3' ipceiv' COKEELQ OE' fioi OVK a r n v v a a t i v .
0(f>p a v filv K' aypovQ 'iofiEV m t t o y ' avOpwiruv,
Toippa a w afitynroXoiai JXE& i]U.iovovQ KaX iifiafav
Kap-!raXifiti>( EpxEaOai' iyiii h lioov r]yEfiovEvau>.
A v r i i p iir)]v TTOXIOQ ivi/ido/iEV, jjc Trspt irvpyog
AETTT)) h* EiVifycj - vijtQ ?' 6Sdv a/KpUXiaaat
J L i p v a r a i ' Traatv y a p ETTIOTLOV ECTIV EKaarto.
{ b . ) "QIQ E<par' 'AXKIVOOQ SEOEIKEXOQ, (5pro SE KijpvS,
O'tmav (popfiiyya yXaipvpfjv So/iov EK fiaatXfjoQ. .
AiavfiviJTni SE icptroi i v v i a •KO.VTEQ a v i a r a v
Ai'lfiwi, ol Kar a y u / v a g EV Trpi]aaEaKov EKaara,
A t i n v a v Ce x ° P u v > KaXbv 2' Evpvvav a y i b v a .
. Kyjpv£ 0 iyyvde.v ?)X0E (pepwv ipop/ityya XlyEiav
AI]/.WS6KO>' 6 8' ETmra Kt EQ fiiaov' a/.i<pl hi kovpoi
Tlpu)6ijftai ' l a r a v r o , haiifiovEQ vpxv^f 1 " 1 0 )
UeTrXriyoy SE x ° P o v OEIOV v o a l v a v r a p OdvaaEVQ
MapfiapvyaQ QIJETTO TTOSUIV, davfiafa SE 0vfi£.
" A filv ovi' xpV"ETai, c a t Trdrt, rij hvvafiei,
. TOV KUlpOV 6 TOVTWV KliptOQ KaTdCTClQ V(p' VflWV fSovXtV-
a i T a i ' a o' v ~ a p ^ ( u CEI Trap' vfiwv, r a O r ' i t r n v a iyib
' yiypa<pa. a v r a v r a , iS avlpEQ 'AdijvaToi, Tropiar/TE r a
Xpi//uara, ivpo>~ov d Xiyoi, Etra icai rdXXa TrapairictvdaavTEQ, TOVQ (rrpartdirap, TCIQ rpn'jpEiQ, TOVQ liririac,
ivreXij r r a a a v Tt)v Svvafiiv vojxtp KaraK\ciVi}T-c irri rif
TTOXE/XM fiEVEtv, TUIV filv xpT/Lcdrwv a i r o i r a f i l a i n a l
i r o p i a r a l yiyvdfiEVOt, TS>V SE irpa^twv i r a p a TOV o r p a r n y o v TOV Xoyov ^T/TOVVTEQ, navo-EaS* UEI itEpl TUIV
a v r w v (iovXEvdfievoi, icai TTXEOV OVOEV ITOIOVI'TEQ.
{ d . ) 'AXX' Ifiuto-^n >•») A l a {TOVTO y a p EaS? vTroXotnov)
Kai i r a p a yvwfinv, TUIV G t r r a X w r tTtiriuv m i TOIV Q r j fiaiMV OTrXirCiv EV fXEaui Xi](p$EiQ, avvExo>pn"E r a v r a .
fcaXwc. OVKOVV (pact JUEV [IEXXEIV irpoQ TOVQ 0>)/3a<ovc
a i r d ^ i/TrdTrrfaic EXEIV, KaX Xoyowoiovai TtepuovrEQ TIVEC,
tie 'EKaTeiav rEt^tst -
d SE r a v T a
filXXEt, c a t
fiEXXijcEi y s , aic l y i o Kpivio, TOIQ MECTO-TJWOIE SI Kal TO'IQ
'ApyEioig lirl TOVQ AaKESaifioviovQ avfifiaXXEiv ov
fieXXei, dXXd Kal £IVOVQ EiairlfiwEi, Kal xpVf&r' a i r o OTEXXEI, Kai Svvafiiv fiEyaXi]v t'^aiv a i r d c l o r i
P a r s e t h e s e v e r b s — E ^ t r a i totpXnKOTEQ Kpidivra a v v o l a e i
avvlaraTaL TEraxOai 'Idave i)KOvae airl/jri i r E i r r a r a i
{Six at least must be done correctly according to
3. Give Jelf's explanations of the following passages,
and translate them—
( a . ) IK TOV firiSlv tppovTifctv S>v ixpi)v
{ b . ) ETnTEiX'"fiaTa riJQ axirov x^pa-Q
{ d . ) arpdTEVofiEvoi I K StaSoxVQ dXX»;Xoic
{e.) TCIQ livo TOV /3»;tiaroc IXiriSaQ EKirl/nreTE
( f . ) r a Seqvra iaofiEOa lyvioKOTEQ
KEKpmBE y a p finSEvoQ a v KEpSovQ TO. KOIVCL irpoi&dai
{ h . ) rvpavvOQ iiiraQ IxOpOQ IXEvBepla Kal vofioiQ IvavTWQ
o c a a v ov Tpoi'ac I t y p a T 'OSVCCEVQ
Siv Eirloix iKErnv TaXairEtpwv a v T i a a a v r a
{k.) S>Q SI yvvalKEQ "larov TEXvijaaai
{I.) KpivaaQtov xovpia K a r a Sijfiov,
.{Six at least must be translated and explained
4. Write down—
the 3rd person plural 1st aorist optative middle of
. CEXEcdai
the 2nd person plural 2nd perfect indicative active
of iraaxEtv
the 3rd person singular perfect indicative passive
of \l/n<pl%Etv
the 2nd person singular 1st aorist imperative
middle of aVpEtv
the 3rd person singular pluperfect indicative passive of TEIVELV
the 2nd person singular 2nd aorist imperative
passive of (palvEtv.
5. Give fully the meaning and the derivation of
appnKTOQ SEpfiartvOQ SnjinyopE~tv l^ETa^Eiv EiravopOovv
rifiiovoQ dvfitiysplwv fiEXadp6<piv irXEOVc£,ia TroXvoto'fiOQ
ayvdi'iKt] (piXoTrpayfioavvj).
6. Explain the meaning of these words as employed by
Demosthenes tVtoroXi/uaToc ^opnyta airnpeawv iropoQ
Spaxpv irpo/idXXEadai,
7. Where are these places—:Byzantium Corinth Cos
Euboua Haliartus Lemnos 'Marathon Ogygia
Olynthus Rhodes. 8. Translate the following rdc irpotroSovQ XapEXv'
i//iwv roaovrov' TIQ O" av EKO>V TOUUOVSE StaSpa/ioi
i)S<i>p; -EfaaKOv Oijireiv udavarov fifiara irrivra' filyav
vpKov ofioaaai' ado LTni'EXdTTEia EISOQ aKiSvorlpv.
In each explain the precise force of every accusative, and name, its relation.
{Professor Irving.)
CICERO,. Speeches for Archias, Milo, and Muraena.
V I R G I L , Bucolics and portions of the Georgics.
MADVIO, Latin Grammar.
1. Translate literally—
{a.) Quemquamne existimas Catone, proavo tuo,
commodiorem, communiorem,moderatiorem fuisse,
ad omnem rationem humanitatis ? de cujus praestanti viituto quum vere" graviterque diceres,
domesticum te habere dixisti exemplum ad imitandum. Est illud quidem exemplum tibi propositum domi: sed tamen naturae similitude Alius
ad te magis, qui ah illo ortus es, quam ad unum
quemque nostrum pervenire potuit: ad imitandum
vero tammihi propositum exemplar illud est, quam
tibi. Sed, si illins comitatcm et- facilitatem tuae
gravitati severitatique asperscris: non ista quidem
erunt meliora, quae nunc sunt optima, sed certe
condita jucundius.
{b.) Etsi persapienter et quodam modo tacite dat
ipsa lex potestatem defendendi, quae non modo
hominem occidi, sed esse cum telo hominis Decidendi
caussa votat, ut, quum caussa, non telum quaereretur, qui sui defendendi caussa tclo esset usus,
non hominis occidendi caussa habuisse telum j u d i caretur. Quapropter hoc maneat in caussa, judicesj
non enim dubito, quin probaturus sim vobis defensionem meam, si id memineritis, quod oblivisci
non potestis, insidiatorem jure interfici posse.
2. Translate literally—
(a.) De grege non ausim quidquam deponere tecum;
Est mihi namquc domi pater, est injusta noverca;
Bisque.die numerant ambo pecus, alter et liajdos.
Vefum, id quod multo tnte ipse fatebere majus,
Insanire libet quoniam tibi, pocula ponam
Fagina, caelatum divini opus Alcimedontis,
Lenta quibus torno facili supeiaddita vitis
Diffusos hedera vestit pallente corymbos.
In medio duo signa, Conon, et quis fuit alter,
Descripsit radio totum qui gentibus orbem,
Tempora quae messor, quaj curvus arator liaberet?
Necdum illis labra admovi, sed condita servo.
{b.) Me vero primnm dulces ante omnia Musae,
Quarum sacra fei-o ingenti percussus amore,
Accipiant, coclique vins et sidera monstrent;
Delectus solis varios, lunasque labores;
Unde tremor ten-is; qua vi niaria alta tumescant,
Objicibus ruptis, rursusque in se ipsa residant;
Quid tantum oceano properent se tingere soles
Hiberni, vel quae tardis mora noctibus obstet.
Sin, has ne possim naturae accedero partes,
Frigidus obstiterit cii-cum prascordia sanguis:
Rui-a mihi et rigui placeant in vallibus amnes;
Flumina amem silvas'que inglorius.
3. Write down the first person perfect indicative the
supine and the infinitive of cingo coerceo emo
fingo jubeo mulgeo nescio pango quacro serpo
tondeo volvo.
4. Write down
tlie 3rd plur. plup. subj. act. of lollo
the 2nd plur, perf. ind. pass, of constringo
the 2nd sing. fut. subj. act. of implico
fut. inf. pass, of demitto.
ORDINARY E X A M I N A T I O N S , O.T. 1866.
6. Give fully the meanings ond the /derivations of
oequiparo chelydius fbimosus funcla'mcn ignoscere
labellum munusculum peculium piacssepia ultimus.
6. Also of assidims commentitius credere cxcubiae
integritas interficere judicaro nef'arius penetrare
7. Translate and explain fully
(3 )
Scena ut versis discedat frontibus
Ixionii vento rota constitit orbis
Sponte sua sandyx pascentes vestiet agnos
Hinc lapides Pyi-rlias jactos, Saturnia regna,
(5.) Sola Sopliocleo tua carmina digna cothorno
(6.) Hostis est enim non apud Aniencm sed in urbe
(7.) Nisi eo mors atrocior erit P . Clodii quod is in
monumentis suoium sit intcrfectus
( 8 ) Reus enim Milonis lege Plotia fuit Clodius
quoad vixit.
8. What and where are the following—Alsium Ascra
Benacns Clitumnns Cyzicus Epidaurus Mitylene
Nijihatcs Paithenopo Pontus Tienariis Thule.
9. How manj r and what are the moods of aLatin Verb?
Explain clearly the meaning of the name given to
10. Name and give instances of the principal anomalies.,
in the declension of substantives in Latin.
b 2
11. Mention with examples the principal uses of the
Latin Dative, and shew how all are deducible from
one original relation denoted by that case.
12. Give two examples of each of the following formations and shew what modification of the original
root takes place in them—
(1.) Adverbs in -itus
' (2.) Verbs in -urio
(3.) Adjectives in -atus
(4.) Nouns in -etum.
{Professor Irving.)
1. Whence are the following words derived—Army
Basket Bishop .Esquire Mutton Twenty ? Explain and illustrate the form each has assumed in
becoming English.
2. Explain the meaning of the names Langue d'oc
and Langue d'oil.
At- what dates and under
what circumstances did either or both of these
languages influence English ?
3. What is meant by calling English (1) an Aryan,
(2) a Gothic (3) a Low German and (4) a
composite language ?
4. Give the meaning of the termination in the follow- ing—Brighton Elsternwick Healesville Kilmore
Melbourne Sandhurst Taradale, and indicate the
source whence each is derived.
6. On what grammatical principles of combination are
the pronouns with -self formed in English ?
6. Certain verbs now used as presents are said by
Latham to be really past. Name these and explain the evidence on which the assertion is made.
7. Give Latham's account of those words: Aught Each
Frore Mannikin Rookery She Then Uttermost.
8. What are the three processes of Thought with
which according to -Whately Logic is mainly
9. What is the most general definition of Language?
How by further determinants do you obtain the
, more restricted sense of the word ?
10. Between Building and Tho Exhibition Building:
(or between Book and the Exhibition Catalogue)
insert two subaltern Genera and an Infima Species.
11. Distinguish clearly between a Concept and an Intuition. How is each obtained ?
12. Distinguish between Tautologous Explicative and
Ampliative Judgments.
13. Write down the four fo»ms of Judgment given by
Whately and the six given by Thomson, and exhibit one converse of each.
.14. What is the use of Division and what are its rules ?
{Professor Irving.)
S H A K E S P E R E , Julius Caesar. W H A T E L Y , Logic and
Rhetoric. THOMSON, Laws of Thought.
1. Write notes on tho construction and meaning of
the following—
(a.) The cruel issue of these bloody men
(Z>.) To see great Pompey pass the streets of Rome
(c.) 0 name him not: let us not break with him
{d.) The posture of your blows are yet unknown
(c.) Ay, if Messala will prefer me to you.
2. Give the etymology of the following words-as explained in Craik's notes—companion dent gore
knave nice rascal several suit yearn.
3. Give the substance of Craik's notes on
( l . ) . B u t not with such familiar instances ••
(2.) Shall it not grieve thee dearer than thy death.
4. Quote from the play constructions or words (other
than those given in this p:iper) employed by Shakespere which would not now be used.
5. What rhetorical figures have you in the following?
Explain fully their import and value—
(1.) These growing feathers plnckt from Caesar's wing
Will make him fly an ordinary pitch
(2.) Thoughts of great value, worthy cogitations
(3.) 0 pardon me, thou bleeding piece of earth,
That I am meek and gentle with these butchers
(4.) But if my name were liable to fear.
6. What was the ancient view of the Art of Rhetoric?
What was the prevalent error among the ancients
in treating it? Why was it really of more importance then than it is now ?
7. What particular variety of the Probable is according to Whately denoted by the name Plausible ?
8. What is the distinction drawn by Whately between
Matters of Fact and Matters of Opinion 1
9. This ground is rich because the crops are gOod.
The crops are good because the ground is rich.
Explain the difference of connection between
antecedent and consequent in these two cases.
10. What is meant in Logic by a Conversion ? When
is it.said to be illative ? To what does the doctrine,
of the Proposition as taught by Sir W. Hamilton
' reduce all conversion ?
11. Construct an example of a Dilemma, and explain
what it logically is.
12. What is the fallacy called ignoratio elenchi ?
Give an example of it.
13.. State the four criteria of Truth given by Thomson
in Applied- Logic.
14. Shew from first principles that a universal conclusion is in the third figure impossible.
15. When may any one common name stand to another
in the relation of genus to species ? What do you
mean by cognate genera, by subaltern genera, and
by a summum genus ?
16. Put into strict logical form and examine—
(1.) No question affirms or denies, therefore no
question is a judgment.
(2.) Of two evils the less must be preferred: occasional turbulence therefore is preferable to rigid
(3.) He who is content with what he has is truly
rich: no covetous man is content with what he
has, therefore no covetous man is truly rich.
(4.) If Aristotle is infallible Logic deserves to be
studied ; but as he is not Logic does not deserve
to be studied.
(5.) What happens every day is not improbable;
some things the chances against which are thousands to one happen every day, therefore some
things against which the chances are thousands
to one are not improbable.
{Professor Irving.)
1. Translate carefully with brief explanatory
where you deem them necessary—
{ a . ) oiiK a v Tror', dVSpEc, aV2pa Oav/iaaaifi i n ,
oc finclv wv yovaliriv E W afiapravEi,
d'6' 01 OOKOUVTCQ EuyEi'fTc -REIpVKEVai
TOiavff a f i a p r d v o v a i v I v Xdyoic tVjj,
a y , E'ITT' UTT' dpxVQ avtiiQ, i\ av (pI'/Q d y f i v
TOV avSp' Axmo'iQ CEvpo rruftfiaxov Xa/3a»v;
OVK avroQ ELfETrXEvaev, uic a v r o v u p a r u v j
irov a v ( r r p a r n y t t g rovCc; irov SI aol XEWV
d v a a a E i v Siv So' )'iyay' IHKOQEV;
Sn-dprqc d v d a a o j v I'IXOEQ, OVX yfiiiv Kparwv.
ovS 'laif dVou aol rdi'OE Koafiijirai irXlov
apxiJQ EKEiro OEaficiQ Jj KUI rijidc a l .
virapxOQ dXXwc S l i p ETrXevaaQ, o v x oXoiv
a r p a r n y o c , &ITT A i a v r o Q i i y e l a d a i VOTE,
dXX' WI'TTEp tipXEKJ apX*! Kal TO. BtflV ETTT)
cdXa£' EKEIVOVQ' TOVSC S', EITE fit] av
E'id &TEpoQ i r r p a r n y d e , EC ratjtixQ i y i )
6i]tru> Sicai'wc, ov TO GOV S t i a a c arofia.
{ b . ) ij itov TraXaia" filv ivrpoijioc iifilpa,
XEVKU) SI ylipa fianjp viv b r a v v o a o v v r a
<j>pEvofiopuiQ iiKOvan,
a'lXivov U'IXIVOV
ovS' oticrpdc ydoy bpvidoc. anoovQ
ifuEi Sva/iopoQ, uXX' 6£,VT6VOVQ filv wSdc
6pnv7]a€i, ^EpdirXnicroi S'
i v a r l p v o i a i TTEaOVVTai
Sovirot Kal TroXidf afivyfia ^ a f r a e .
KpEiaaiiiv i r a p ' " A i S a KEVBOJV 6 vocr&v fiaraV)
UQ EK irarpuiaQ iJKiov y e v i a c apiarOQ
iroXvwovwv ' A x a i u i v , •
ovx i n rrvvTpofoiQ
o p y a i r EfiireSoi;, dXX' EKTOQ OJUXEJ.
& rXCifiov i r d n p , o'lav a s fiivei w v d i a d a t
iraiSoQ Suafopov i i r a v ,
aiiov AlaKiSav iiTEpdE TOVSE.
{ c . ) EI SI Si) liirirEp X e y o v r a i tXdoiev, t K a v w r l p a v ifyovfiai 2iKcXiuv JISXOTTOVVI'IITOV SiairoXEfti}aai oau> Kara
i r a v r a U/IEIVOV lEi'iprvrat, ri)v d l yfiETEpav iriiXiv
a v n ) v riJQ vuv a T p a n u Q ale (fiairiv ImovagQ Kal EI SIQ
roaal/Tij iXdoi iroXv Kpeiaan) e i v a i .
O'IQ y Erriarafiai
o'vO' ITTTTOVC aKiiXovMjo-oi'TaQ ovS' a v r o d e v v n p i a Bi]fTOfilvovQ EI fii/ oXtyovc Tivdc irap RyEirrativv, ovd
(nrXiraQ iaoTtXijBdc TOIQ t/fiETEpoiQ ETTI VEWV y e
TUQ. f i l y a y a p TO Kal avra'iQ r a l i j v a v a l KolxfiaiQ
Toaovrov irXovv Stvpo KOfiio-di}vai, TI\V TE iiXXrjv i r a p a CKEvifV o m \ v
oXiygv o v a a v . OJITTE, irapa TOITOVTOV yiyvwCKO), fioXiQ
« c fioi SoKovair, ei TrdXii' ETipav TOiravrnv v a a i "ZvpdKovaat Etcriv EXOOIEJ' E^OITEC, KOI Sfiopov oiKi'icraVTEg
r b v iroXefiov iroiolvro, oi/K a v iravTUTrairi SiaipOapijvai,
i)irov y e St) I v irdarj iroXf.fila EiKeXia, {^vartjaErat
ydp") arparOTrtSo) TE EK VEUIV 'iCpvBlvn Kal EK OKnviSiwv Kal a v a y K a i a Q irapaaKivrjc. OVK EJTI iroXv IITTO TUV
{ d . ) K a t r y vnrEpala ol filv ITEIXIKOVTOIV 'ABifvaiiov TO
irpoQ BopEav TOV KVKXOV TE1X°C, ol SI XiBovc Kal £,iXa
£vfi<popovvTeij iraptfiaXXov iirl TOV 1'putyiXov KnXovfiEvov d t l , T/Trep ftpaxvrarov lyiyt'ETO avro'iQ EK TOV
fiEyaXov Xi/ilvoQ ETTI TI)V Eripav O d X a a a a v TO aitorEi-
ol Se 'SivpaKoaioi o v x V^iara 'Ep/jovpdrouc
T&V a r p a r n y u i v EanyrjaafiEvov f i n x a i g filv iravSrjfiel
V K O T E I X I ^ I V SI ufieivov ESOKEI Eivai, T; EKE'IVOI ifiEXXov
a £ n v TO TE'IXOQ, Kal el ipBdattav, u7rocX»/<rfic yiyvEirBat,
Kal cifta Kal I v TOVTIO EI tirtjjonBo'iEV, filpoQ dvTiTTEflTTElV
KOI (pBl'tt'ElV
O.V To'lQ
SI a v iravofiivovQ r o v tpynv irnvraQ a v irpor; aipae
iroXiwQ api,UfiEvoi, KUTWBEV TOV KVKXOV TOIV ' A B n v a l w v
iyKt'ipaiov TE'IXOQ ayovTEQ, r d c TE EXdac EKKOIT'TOVTEQ TOV
TE/IEVOVQ Kal irvpyovQ ^vXivovQKaBiaravTEQ. a i SI vijtQ
Twv 'AOrivaiu>v OVTTOI EK riJQ Qu\l/ov irepiEirEirXEVKiaav
EQ TOV f i l y a v Xifilvd, dXX ETI 01 yZvpaKoaioi EKparovv
TWV Trfpi n ) v B d X a a a a v , Kara yiiv S' EC rijc Qdtpov ol
'ABnvaloi r d tTrjn'yStia iiri\yovTO.
2. Name the principal Greek Towns in Sicily, the approximate dates of their settlement, and their
parent states.
3. How does Horace describe the duties of a Greek
chorus ? How far does the chorus in the Ajax .
come up to his notion ?
4. Translate, explain and if necessary refer to the
{ a . ) o a a I v rjj T^OXEI ^ o p n y / a t c f; ixXXio Tip Xafiitpvvofiai,
TOIQ d a r o l c (JiBovElTai tpvtTEi
{b.) i/ Nin'ou TUIV Xoyutv dirpayfioavvn
Kal S i a a r d a t e
{c.) ^tXioi EK KaraXoyov, EirraKoaioi SI Bij-EQ, t i r i p a r a t
{ d . ) ISiutraQ u>Q E m d v ^EiporE^i'atf;
{e.) ov Spairirrjv rov KXijpov EQ filaov TIBEIQ
{ f . ) Efiol TTlKpOQ TEdvnKEV fj KEIV01Q yXvKl/Q
{ff.) TTOV TEVKpOQ', ilQ aKflOlOQ Et /3ai7J, floXot
{h.) Epirovri (fttavclQ, J) XtXEififiEvoi Xoyov;
5. Give the meaning and derivation of XEnXar-EU',
SIITCOQ, airowTOQ, iravrovpyoQ, aXiirXayKroc, evSoiaaTSIQ, vavKpdTbip, dXftdc, aravpuifia, irrjXwSvQ,
{Professor Wilson.)
• Eight questions must be answered correctly to entitle
a Candidate to pass. Credit will not be given for any Proposition from
Euclid in which Algebraical Symbols are used.
1. If two triangles have two angles of the one equal
to two angles of the other each to each and one
side equal to one side viz. either tho sides adjacent
to the equal angles in each or the sides opposite to
equal angles in each the triangles are equal in
all respects.
2. If a straight line is divided into two equal parts
and also into two unequal parts the squares on
the two unequal parts are together equal to twice
the square on half the line together with twice the
square on the part between the points of section.
3.- If a straight line drawn .through the center of a
circle bisects a straight line in it which does not
pass through the center it also cuts it at light
angles and conversely if it cuts it at right angles
it also bisects it.
4. The opposite angles of -any quadrilateral figure
inscribed in a circle are together equal to two
right angles.'
5. Show how to describe a circle about a given equilateral and equiangular pentagon.
6. If the base of a triangle is divided into two parts
which have the same ratio as the sides of the triangle adjacent to ^lem the line joining the vertex
to the point of section will bisect the vertical angle.
7. If the sides of two triangles about each of their
angles are proportionals tho triangles will be
equiangular and those angles will be equal which
are opposite to the homologous sides.
'8.' Draw a straight line perpendicular to a given
plane from a given point above it.
9. If any point is taken within a circle and from it
straight lines are drawn to the circumference and
each such line produced till the part produced is
equal to the part between the point and the circumference the extremities of these lines will all
be on the circumference of a circle.
10. If from the angle of a square a straight line is
drawn perpendicular to the plane of the square
and equal in length to the diagonal of the square
the'line which joins its extremity to the most
distant angle of the square will be twice the side
of the square.
11. Define the cosine of an angle and shew that it is
positive or negative according as the angle is
acute or obtuse.
12. Find the sine the cosine and the tangent of 30°.
13. Prove the formula
cos {A— li) = cos A cos 13 + sin A sin B
14. Shew that in any triangle
, A - B a-b . A + B
tan —-— =
. tan —-—
a+ b
15. A man six feet high noticed that the shadow of the
top of his head coincided with the shadow of the
top of a steeple ; he was then twenty yards from
the steeple and the length of his shadow was
four feet; find the height of the steeple.
16. Find the radius of the circle circumscribed about
an equilateral triangle.
{Professor Wilson.)
Eight questions roust bo answered correctly to entitle
a Candidate to pass.
All results must be reduced to their simplest forms.
1. Find the highest common factor of
4«3 + 97,3 _ Qai r a + ^ + 5 c (ortc _ 3£c) a n ( ]
Gb3 + 15c 3 *- be {10b + 9c) + 2a (3c3 — 2b"-)
2. Find the square root of
a* , b*
a /„
3. Find the value of
{a + bx) — {b + ax)
a —b
r when x = -—;—/
(a — bx) — {b — ax)
a + o
4. Find the value of the recurring decimal
5. Find the square
root of - — / —
C v''3
6. Find the value of
\/a + x + ^/a—x
,-• — — .
when x = ;-„-—~r
. xl
7. Find x from the equation
14 N
31a: 4 1 /
14 /
17 V - J ) +153 = 13 V * - 4 ; + J V ~ vr)
8. Find x from the equation
1 + ax
1 + bx
a + x
b + x
9. Find x from the equation
2 + x {x - 10) = 1 - 20 (11 - x)
10. Find x and y from the equations
x — y_2
x + y
3* + 7y — 40 = 2 (4# -
11. A person walks halfway to a certain place and
then rides'the remaining- half at three times his
walking pace: the first half of the journey
occupies three hours longer than the second half:
how long did the whole journey occupy ?
12. Define Geometrical Progression and find an ex-.
pression for the limit of the sum of a series of
quantities which form a decreasing geometrical
. series.
13. How many terms of the series 1 + 4 + 7 -\
amount to 425 ?
14. The sum of n terms of a series is 3n° + i n : find
the n"" term.
* xli
15.. Find an expression for the number of Combinations of n things r together.
16. There are sixty things : find how many must be
taken together that the number of Combinations
may be the greatest possible.
{Professor Wilson.)
1. Define the term "Differential Coefficient" and
from your definition investigate the differential
coefficient of sin a:.
1 '
2. Differentiate (a; 3 + — ) > log
i a x + ^)
, ax + b
• S
s i n " 1 5 — ^ , (cos x) .
bx + c
3. State and prove. Maclaurin's theorem and apply it
to expand tan - 1 x i n a series of powers of x.
4. Shew how the differential calculus may be used to
aid in finding the limiting value of a function
which takes the form -.
Find the value of
6 (sin x — x) + x 3
3 (tan - 1 x — x) + x 3
6. Find the smallest isosceles triangle that can be
circumscribed about a given circle.
6. Investigate the condition that the two lines
A x + B y + C = 0 and A x + B y + C = 0
may be at right angles to one another.
7. Investigate the polar equation to a circle, a given
external point being the pole.
8. Investigate the condition that the equation
A x - + B r y + Cy- = F may represent an ellipse
and find an expression for its area.
9. Find an expression for the subnormal at any point
of a curve and apply it to show that in the
parabola the subnormal is equal to the semi-latus
10. Explain what is meant by conjugate diameters in
an ellipse and investigate the relation between the
angles which any pair of conjugate diameters in
an ellipse make with the axis major.
11. Shew that any tangent to an hyperbola terminated by the asymptotes is bisected in the point of
Integrate the following functions
x"e" cos mx , x V l + x"- > x* + 1 ,
(sin x)
13. Find the volume of the solid generated by the
revolution of an ellipse round a tangent at the
extremity of the axis minor.
ORDINARY E X A M I N A T I O N S , O.T. 1866.
{Professor Wilson.)
Eight questions must be answered correctly to entitle
a Candidate to pass.
1. A weight of three tons hangs by a chain sixtyone feet long calculate what force acting horizontally will be requisite-to draw it aside eleven feet
out of the vertical line.
2. The arms of a bent lever are three feet and five
" feet long and are inclined at an angle of 120°; a
weight of ten pounds hangs from the end of the
shorter arm ; find what weight must hang from
the end of the longer arm to maintain the shorter
arm in a horizontal position,
3. A uniform rod whose length is twenty feet and
weight ten pounds is laid over two rails in the
same horizontal plane six feet apart; wreights of twelve and eighteen pounds hang at its extremities; find its position that the pressures on the
two rails may be equal.
4. 'A weight rests on a plane inclined to the horizontal at an angle of 45°; shew that the force requisite to draw it up the plane is three times as
great as the force that will support it, the coefficient of friction being - 5 and the force acting
in a direction parallel to the plane.
5. Explain in what manner the quantities designated
" Work expended " and " Work done " are to be
estimated numerically when it is stated that in a
perfect machine the work expended is equal to the
work done.
6. Shew that the statement referred to in question 5 is
true in the case of the system of pulleys in which
the same string passes round all tho pulleys.
7. Shew that tho true weight of a body is a mean
proportional between its. apparent weights as
shewn by a balance whose arms are unequal.
8. State the second law of motion.
9. Assuming the equation Mo = P t prove the equation 2 Ms = F t 2 .
10. Calculate the height through which a body must
fall from rest to acquire a velocity of thirty miles
an hour.
11. Assuming the expression for the time of oscillation
of a pendulum whose length^ is I calculate the
length of a pendulum which would "make thirty
oscillations in a minute."
12. A ball whose weight is twelve pounds is attached
to a fixed point by a string thirteen feet long and
swing's in a horizontal circle whose radius is fU'e
feet; find the time of one revolution and the
tension of the string.
13. Find the. magnitude and line of action of the
resultant pressure of a fluid on the surface of a
solid wholly immersed in it.
14. A cube whose edge is one foot is half immersed in
water so that two faces are horizontal find the
resultant pressure of the water upon it taking
account 01 the atmospheric pressure.
15. If the specific gravity of the cube in the preceding question is 8-0 find the force requisite to support it in that position.
16. A heavy cylinder open at the top is inverted and
placed in water : it is found that a pressure downwards of fifty pounds is requisite to immerse it
completely : when it reaches a depth of thirty-four
feet a force upwards of twelve pounds and a half
is requisite to support i t : calculate approximately
the. quantity of air contained by the cylinder.
17. Calculate the depression of the mercury in the
barometer which will result from raising it a
hundred feet the specific gravity of mercury being
13-596 and one hundred cubic inches of air being
taken as weighing 31 grains.
18. The closed branch of a bent tube contains air
saturated with vapour of water, and mercury in
the bend of the tube stands at the same level in
both branches, the height of the barometer being
30 inches; mercury is poured into the open branch
and it is found that after the original temperature
is resumed a column of 59 inches of mercury
reduces the volume of the air to one-third ; find
the pressure of the vapour.
"J9. Describe an experiment by which it is shewn that
glass is perviuus in different degrees to radiant
heat proceeding from different sources.
20. Explain the meaning of the expression " mechanical equivalent of heat" : taking the specific heat
of lead to be 03 calculate the increase of temperature in a" bullet which should result from the
conversion into heat of a velocity of one hundred
feet a second.
{Professor Wilson.)
1. Shew that two couples will maintain equilibrium /
in a rigid body if their planes are parallel their
moments equal and their twists opposite.
2. Enunciate the principle of virtual velocities giving
fully all requisite definitions and explanations.
3. Apply the principle of virtual velocities to shew
that when a system is in equilibrium under the
action of gravity the height of its center of
gravity must be a maximum or a minimum.
What difference in the nature of the equilibrium
will correspond to the case of a maximum and a
minimum respectively ?
4. A heavy elastic string which is uniform in its
natural state is suspended by one end; find the
length to which it will be stretched.
5. Shew that a hollow spherical shell every particle
of which attracts according to tho natural law
exercises no resultant attraction on a particle
within it.
6. Shew that when a body moves under the action of
a force whose direction always passes through a
fixed point the motion will be in one plane and
the areas in that piano round the fixed point will
be proportional to the times.
7. Shew that when a body moves round a center of
force varying- inversely as the square of the distance the path will be a conic section and deduce
equations connecting the Intus rectum the excentricity and the angular distance from the apse
with the circumstances of the motion at any time.
8. A cylinder of given dimensions is placed with its
axis vertical on the highest point of a rough
sphere of given radius; supposing it to be slightly
displaced calculate the time of a small oscillation.
9. A uniform square disk which can move about
hinges at the ends of one side which is horizontal
is held with its plane horizontal by a vertical
string fastened to another angle; the string is
cut; determine the instantaneous change in the
pressures on the hinges.
10. A conical vessel whose vertical angle is a right
angle and axis a foot long- contains water and
revolves uniformly about its axis which is vertical: determine the angular velocity that the
surface of the water may touch the cone at the
edge of the vessel.
11. Shew that when a fluid is in equilibrium under
the action of any forces the resultant force at any
point is normal to the surface of equal pressure
passing through that point.
12. Assuming a sphere to be a form of equilibrium for
a mass of fluid of uniform density attracting
according to the natural law ; find the pressure
at any depth in such a sphere.
{Professor Wilson.)
1. Investigate the relation between the cosines of the
angles which a line makes with three rectangular
2. Shew that the equation A x + By + Cz = B
'represents a surface such that if any two points
in it are takon the straight line joining them lies
wholly in that surface.
3. Find the equation to the surface generated by the
motion of an ellipse whose plane is parallel to the
plane of xy and whose axes are in the planes of
xz and yz and which passes through two ellipses
in those planes having a common axis coincident
with the axis of z.
4. iDefine the helix and find the equation to its osculating plane at any point.
5. A solid is made up of a hemisphere.and a paraboloid of revolution joined at their bases which
are equal: Find the condition that the center of
gravity of the compound body may coincide with
the center of the hemisphere.
6. Find the general equation to a surface of revolution whose axis is x = y = z,
7. Explain what is meant by the moment of inertia
of a body and by the radius of gyration : Find
the moment of inertia of the solia in question 6
about a tangent line at the vertex of the paraboloid.
j dydx
to polar coor-
• dinates and determine the limits of integration.
9. Define the metacentor and shew how to find the
metacenter of a solid of revolution floating with
its axis vertical.
10. Shew that when a rigid body moves under the
action of any forces whatever the motion relatively
to the center of gravity will be the same as if the
center of gravity were fixed and the same forces
acted on the body.
{Professor McCoy.)
1. How may each of the five best known oxides of
Nitrogen be prepared and what are the characteristic properties of each ?
2. The empyrical formula for the residue after passingsteam over red hot iron is F e 3 0 4 . . What is the
rational formula and what native mineral does it
agree with in constitution ?
3. Describe accurately the method of determining the
amount of " hardness " of certain waters used for
domestic purposes.
4. How do you calculate -the combining volumes of
elements the equivalent weights" and specific
weights of which, are known ?
Give a few
5. Define all the systems of crystallisation, and the
fundamental forms of each.
6. In minerals crystallising in the tesseral or monometric system, by what angles would you recognise
each of the fundamental forms ?
7. Explain the following technical terms and give
examples of each—(1.) Pseudomorphism; (2.)Plesiomorphism ; (3.) Dimorphism; (4.) Pleochromatisin.
8. Give the symbols, both according to the notations
of Miller and of Naumann, of all the faces of a
square prism" of tinstone having all the edges
replaced each by one plane.
9. Of what plant-tissue is linen made, what is the
appearance which such tissue presents when first
formed in the plant, what are the changes produced
successively by age, and how does it differ from
other tissues of plants ?
10. Describe the special' peculiarities of each of the
kinds of vessels occurring in vascular vegetable
11. Describe the peculiar modes of origination of roots
characteristic of plants having two, one, and no
cotyledons respectively.
12. Explain clearly tho difference between Rhizomes,
Soboles, Turios, Suckers, Tubers, and Corms of
{Professor McCoy.)
1. Enumerate and describe all the parts of a typical
vertebral segment of the Endoskeleton.
c 2
2. What other kinds of bones besides those of the
Neuroskeleton enter into the composition of the
skull ? Give examples of each.
3. What are the bones forming parts of the occipital
segment in Fish, the Crocodile, and Mammalia'!
' 4. By what anatomical characters do the Hamatocrya
agree amongst themselves but differ from the
BTcemafotherma ?
5. How do you establish the relation of the swim
bladder of many Fish to the homologous part in
6. Describe all the early changes in a vertebrate
embryo before the characters of classes appear,
7. Give distinctive characters of all the Classes of
Vertebrata and point out the principal exceptions
to each.
8. In what groups of Fish do you find a muscular
" bulbus arteriosus " with valves to the heart, and
a spiral valve in the intestines ?
9. Define all the Orders of the Class Pisces.
10. What are the most important structural peculiarities
of the Ophidia?
11. Describe the bones of the wing, shoulder, and
breastbone of a Bird, showing the homologies
with parts of the foreleg of a tiger.
12. Define all the Orders of Aves.
{Professor McCoy.)
1. What are the chief reasons for assuming the original
igneous fluidity of the Earth ?
2. Describe the chief kinds of Volcanic rocks, with
the modes of occurrence of each.
3. Describe all the geological actions of Ice, and the
characteristic marks of each.
4. How do the " Schaalsteins" differ from
" T r a p - a s h s " beds?
6. What are the "Laurentian beds," and why have
they been separated from other Gneissose rocks ?
6. Enumerate in order of superposition all the fossiliferous formations of the Earth, giving a few palaeontological characters of each.
7. State all the reasons for and against the classification
of the Permian rocks with the Palaeozoic Series.
8. Give the genera of fossil plants which by their
presence and absence enable you to discriminate
the coal deposits of the Mesozoic from those of
the Palaeozoic period. •
9. In what formations are {a) Pterosauria, {b) Fenestella, {c) Orthis, {d) Spirifer, {e) Placodus, and
( f ) Ammonites found ?
10. By what fossils could you identify (a) Gault,
(b) London Clay, (c) Tipper Lias, {d) Permian
"Marl Slate," {e) Wenlock Shale, and ( f ) Trias ?
{Professor Hearn.)
1. Describe the sources of Roman Revenue known as
Decumae and Scriptura.
2. Explain and distinguish the legal consequences of
Inf'amia and of Ignominia.
3. What was the nature and object of the Comitia
Calata ?
4. Enumerate the honorary distinctions enjoyed by
5. -What were the laws which conferred special commands upon Pompeius ?
6. What were the laws which conferred special commands upon Caesar ?
7. What was the particular .charge on which Caesar
was threatened with prosecution at the expiration
of his command ?
8. What were the events with which the second period
of the Roman Civil War opened ?
9. What were the boundaries of the Roman Empire
at the death of Augustus ? What provinces were
subsequently acquired, and in what reigns ?
10, Enumerate the cities whichat different times were
severally regarded as the capital of Italy.
11, State the dates and the circumstances of the rise
and the fall of the Gothic Kingdom in Italy.
12, State the dates and the circumstances of the rise
and the fall of the Lombard Kingdom in Italy.
{Professor S e a r n . )
1. State the modern names of the countries from
which issued, according to the old accounts, the
several tribes that invaded Britain upon the fall of
the Roman Empire.
2. Explain the terms hoc-land and folc-land, and state
. the name by which after the conquest the latter
was known.
3. State the subject of the quarrel of the King with
4. State the subject of the quarrel of the King with
5. State the subject of the quarrel of the King with
6. I t has been said that the reign of Richard I I . is
one of the most interesting in our annals. Why ?
7. Describe the state of continental politics at the
time when Henry V I I I . sought for his divorce
from Queen Katharine of Arragon.
8. On what occasion was the Bull of Deposition prepared against Henry V I I I . ?
How long and for what reasons was its publication
delayed ?
On what occasion was it promulgated ?
9. What was the last pitched battle between the
English and the Scottish nations, and what were
its consequences ?
10. What w-ero the leading objects of the English
policy towards Scotland during the reign of
Elizabeth ?
I L What was the statute under which Mary Queen
of Scots was executed, and what was the immediate
cause of her trial ?
12. Explain the defect in the title of James the First
to the English Crown, and shew the influence of
that defect upon the history of political opinions.
{Professor Heamf)
1. State generally the means by which the limitation
of the power of the Crown is effected.
2. State the Councils of the Crown which are recognized by the law.
3. State the Seals of the Crown which are recognized
by the law.
4. State instances in which the Sovereign has interfered in cases of disputes between the two Houses
of Parliament.
6. State the points in which the modern Cabinet
differs from earlier Administrations.
6. What was the first occasion on which servants of
the Crown who had seats in Parliament were
required to support the policy of the Prime
Minister ?
7. W7hen Parliament asks for a change of Ministry
is it bound to state reasons for its disapproval of
the existing Ministers ? On what occasion was
this subject discussed in Parliament ?
8. How do you explain the cessation of the differences
between the Crown and the House of Commons
respecting supplies ?
c 3
9. State the circumstances in which the principle of
the appropriation of supplies was established.
10. What was the Ancient Demesne of the Crown,
and how is it connected with our Constitutional
History ?
11. Explain the phrase " t h e three estates of the
12. When did the word " Parliament" come into use"?
By what name was the Legislature previously
described ?
{Professor Hearn.)
Explain and comment on the following passages:—
1. Personal interest is the great mainspring of human
nature.—BASTIAT, Harmonics, p. 39.
2. Value is proportional to the service rendered, and
not at all to the absolute utility of the thing.—
l b . 63.
3. I t {i.e. exchange effected by means of an intermediate commodity) is a barter of two factors.—
l b . 83.
O.T. 1866.
4.. The limit of wealth is never deficiency of consumers, but of producers and productive power.—
M I L L , Pol. Econ., I. 84.
5. A considerable part of the saving of labour
effected by substituting the large system of production for the small is the saving- in the labour of
the capitalists themselves.—lb. 167.
6. High general profits cannot any more than high
general wages be a cause.of high values.—BJ. 958.
7. The test of an ex'cess in the number of co-operators
in any business is very simple.—Plutology, 225.
8. The importance of this access to a market is shown
by two admitted facts.—lb. 264.
9. I t is in fact impossible that a wealthy population
should increase without restraint.—lb. 393.
10. There are some sorts of industry, even of the lowest
kind, which can be carried on nowhere but in a
great town.— Wealth of Nations, B. I. c. 3.
11. I t seems absurd at first sight that we should despise their persons, and yet reward their talents
with tho most profuse liberality.—lb. c. x.
12. In order to put industry into motion three things
are requisite.—lb. B. I I . c. 2.
{Professor Halford.)
1. Describe the ^Ethmoid, Mastoid process of the Temporal and the Trapezium.
2. Describe the ligaments which connect the Tibia
and Fibula and these bones with the Foot.
3. Describe the following muscles—Levator palpebrae,
Platysma myoides, Sterno-thyroideus, Subclavius,
Rhoraboideus major, Flexor profundus digitorum,
Gluteus minimus, and Flexor accessorius.
1. Describe the following bones—Sphenoid, Lower
Maxillary, Sternum, 2nd Cervical, 6th and
11th Dorsal and 5th Lumbar Vertebrae, Fibulaand
'2. Describe the Ligaments which connect the Scapula
with the Clavicle and Humerus.
3. Describe the following muscles—Superior and Inferior oblique of the Eye-ball, Genio-hyo-glossus,
Subclavius, Supinator brevis, Obturator interuus,
and Extensor proprius pollicis pedis.
{Professor Salford.)
1. Give the origin, course, relations, branches, and
anastomoses of the Vertebral, Subscapular, Inferior Mesenteric and Internal Pudic Arteries.
2. Give the relations of the Axillary, Femoral, Internal
Jugular, and Portal Veins, and state from what
minor vessels they result.
3.. Describe the lateral and third Ventricles of the Brain.
4. Contrast minutely the Cervical and Lumbar portions'
of theCerebro-spinal Axis including the Meninges.
5. Mention of Nerves to the various structures
of the Foot.
1. Describe the conditions of the sphenoid, occipital,
palate bone and sternum at the 4th and 9th months
of foetal life.
2. Give a general description of all the forms of joints;
select an example of each and describe it fully.
3. Describe the method of dissecting the pharynx and
enumerate all the muscles, nerves, vessels, and
ligaments in its immediate neighbourhood.
{Professor Ilalford.)
1. What are the functions of the Blood-vessels, as
deduced from experiment and microscopic observation ?
2. Contrast the foetal and adult Livers, briefly as regards their anatomy, particularly as to their
3. Give the various views of the mechanism by which
the eye is accommodated to near and, distant
objects. If you select one view as probably correct, state your objections to tho others.
4. What is the extreme minuteness of a perceptible
picture upon the Retina ? How is such an image
seen as erect, and what does pathology teach of
the correspondence of tho different parts of the
two retinas ?
5. What are the microscopic appearances of Scirrhus,
Medullary, Melanoid, and Room-ring Fibroid Tumours ; what dependence would you put in such
for diagnosis; with what healthy tissues might
you confound them ?
{John Brummond Kirkland.)
1. What are the constituents of atmospheric air, and
their several uses therein ?
3. Give a list of the principal elements found in soils.
3. Give the preparation (with equations) and principal
properties of the,following substances, viz. :—
(1.) Oxygen
(2.) Hydrofluoric Acid
(3.) Hydrogen
(4.) Sulphuric Acid.
4. W'hat is the difference between an " Empirical"
and a " Rational" formula (with an example) ?
5. What are the principal chemical differences between
monohydrated and terhydrated P 0 5 ?
6. How would you perform the proximate chemical
analysis of a fluid containing Casein, Albumen,
Sugar, and f a t t y matter?
7. Write in full the chemical names of the following
organic compounds, viz.:—
(1.) MeO, IIO
(2.) AcO, IIO
(3.) Fo 0 3
(4.) Kd, Cy.
8. What are the principal elementary substances found
in organic compounds whether of animal or vegetable origin ?
9. How would you detect Sulphur in an organic substance ?
{John Brummond Kirkland.)
1. Take the specific gravity of any one of the substances marked respectively A, B, C (with calculations). <°)
2. Ascertain by means of the blowpipe in which of the
powders marked respectively I. II. III. A1 2 0 3 is
present. W"
3. Qualitatively analyze any one of the substances
marked respectively a, b, and c. ^
4. By means of the 1000 gr. bottle determine the
specific gravity of the fluid marked K. w>
5. In the sample of Urine on the table what abnormal
constituent is present ? <*)
(a) Gloss. Cork. MuO^.
(6) Su CI. AI.,0,,. EaO,00„.
(c) Hg CI. Mil 01. SfHaO.JUO.POj.
(it) Spirits of Wine -960.
(e) Varied for each Student. Sugar, Albumen, &c, &c.
ORDINARY E X A M I N A T I O N S , O.T. 1866.
{Br. Fades.)
1. Describe the family of the Umbelliferae.
2. Describe the Scrophularinaceae. Compare the family
with the Labiatae.
3. Compare the points of similarity and of dissimilarity in the action of tobacco and digitalis on the
4. Describe the action of a nauseating emetic on the
5. Write in Latin, without abbreviations, a Haustus
Rhei to be taken in the morning, and a Haustus
Opii to be taken at bedtime.
6. Write a tonic mixture, to be taken in a state of
effervescence three times a day.
7. Give the proofs whether prussic acid does, or does
not, exist in the cake which is left after the ex-'
pression of the oil from bitter almonds.
8. Write a diaphoretic mixture in ordinary fever, and
an antiphlogistic diaphoretic mixture in an acute
attack of pleuritis.
9. Describe the Iridiaceae.
the Liliacese.
Compare the family with
{Br. Barker.)
1. Describe the distinctive characters of Phlegmonous
Erysipelas, Diffuse Cellular, Membranous, and
Carbuncular Inflammation, their results and
2. What is an Ulcer ? Describe the various classes
of Ulcers, local and constitutional. Give a detail
of the appearances, symptoms, and treatment both
constitutionally and locally of tho different kinds.
3. What is Delirium Tremens Traumaticum ? Under
what circumstances is it likely to occur ? Describe the symptoms, and how they.are to be
distinguished from those of inflammation of the
brain; and mention the proper treatment of the
mildest and most aggravated forms. .
4. Enumerate and describe the different kinds of
Cancer which affect the external parts of the body.
Mention the regions in which each is chiefly found,
and the circumstances in which you would consider it judicious to employ the knife or escharotics
in the treatment.
- 5. In the case of Stone in the Bladder of an adult
male, what circumstances would guide you in the
selection of the operation (1) of lateral lithotomy,
(2) .of mesial lithotomy, (3) of litho'trity ?
6. Detail minutely the method of amputating the upper
arm near the shoulder joint, and the fore arm near
the wrist, with the management of the stumps
until they are healed.
.{Itichd. Thos. Tracy, M.B., L.It.CS.I.)
1. What variety of deformed pelvis is most frequently
met with inpractice ? you would proceed to ascertain the capacity of the brim of the
pelvis during life.
2. Describe the gravid uterus, its structure and contents, at full period of utero-gestation.
3. State how you would diagnose a breech presentation,
and the treatment you would adopt!in the management of the case from .beginning to end of the
4. Describe the different forms of Puerperal Convulsions, and the treatment suitable to each.
5. What are the varieties of Menorrhagia ? Contrast
the different causes that may give rise to a similar
train of symptoms in this disease. Describe the
treatment you would adopt in each variety.
6. Describe the symptoms of both Uterine and Vaginal
•Leucorrhcea. How would' you diagnose between
the two ? Give the local and general treatment
suitable for each.
{James Robertson, M.A., M . B . )
[ I n detailing treatment, prescriptions to be written,
and directions given as to diet and general regimen.]
1. What is Meningitis ? ' Describe the symptoms
characteristic of its different stages and the treatment to be adopted.
"2. What is Insolatio? Describe the post mortem appearances most commonly observed and the treatment to be pursued.
3. State the distinctive symptoms and physical signs
of the different stages of Pneumonia, and the
mode of treatment found to be attended with most
4. From what causes may consolidation of lung-tissue
arise ? Diagnose between Pleurisy .with effusion
and the consolidation of Pneumonia.
5. Describe the symptoms and physical signs that
denote Hypertrophy with dilatation of the heart,
and detail the treatment and general regimen to
be pursued.
6. How may Functional endo-cardial murmurs be
distinguished from Organic; and how may
murmurs arising from recent endo-cardial disease
' be distinguished from those accompanying disease
of long standing ?
7. What are the symptoms indicative of "Gastric
Ulcer"? Describe the treatment.
8. Enumerate the diseases to which the Liver is liable.
What are the symptoms of abscess of that organ ?
9. Describe the different morbid conditions that give
rise to Ascites, and detail the treatment.
1. Examine and report on the case of R
in No. 12 ward; giving a brief history of the
case, noting present symptoms and physical signs,
probable course and termination of the disease.
Prescribe, and indicate the course of treatment to
be pursued, having reference also to diet and
general regimen.
L A W . — P A B T I.
{Mr. Bobson.)
Refer to any cases you may remember in support of
your Answers.
1. Define a contract.
Into what three classes are
contracts divided, with reference to the evidence
required to prove them in Courts of Law ? Give
an example of each class.
2. What is meant by the term " m e r g e r " ? Give an
illustration. To which of the three classes of
contracts is it an incident ?
8. Mention some of the principal cases in which a
contract must be by deed.
4. Write out the fourth section of the Statute of
Frauds. At what date was it passed ?
5. Give an illustration of each of the classes of contracts into which this section is subdivided.
6. What interpretation was put by the Court of
King's Bench in Wain v. Warlters upon the term
" agreement" which occurs in the fourth section ?
W h a t facts are necessary to be stated in the
" agreement," or " note or memorandum thereof,"
as the case may be ?
7. A agreed verbally to sell a horse to B for 200
guineas. At the trial, in order to take the case
out of the Statute of Frauds, A put in evidence
the following letter:—" B- begs to inform A that,
if the-horse can be proved to- be five years old, of
course he will be most happy to take him." Was
this a sufficient, " n o t e or memorandum" of the
agreement ? Elmore v. Kingscote, 5 B . & C. 583.
8. What are the consequences of non-compliance with
the' terras of the fourth section, and do the same
consequences result from non-compliance with the
terms of the seventeenth section ?
9. A goes into a shop and says to the shopkeeper—
^i.) " Let B have what goods he pleases to order,
and if he do not pay you I will." (ii.) " Let B
have goods on my account." (iii.) " Let B have
goods and charge me with them." In which, if
in any, of these cases must there be a writing
under the fourth section ?
10. A says to B " Go into that shop and get what you
like up to fifty pounds and I will pay for it." Is
this a promise to answer for the " debt, default,
or miscarriage of another" within the fourth
section ?
11. Define a consideration, as required to support a
simple contract. Is there any exception to the
rule that a simple contract must be based upon a
consideration ?
12. In the case of a contract under seal, is the law the
same where the consideration- upon which it is
founded is illegal, and where there is no consideration at all ?
13. Explain the doctrine of " nudum pactum." The
captain of a ship, which was in extraordinary
danger, promised one of his seamen an extra sum
of money as an inducement to extra exertion.
Can this promise be enforced ? Give reasons for
your answer.
14. What is the difference between executed and
executory considerations ? Give an instance of
15. "An executed consideration must be founded on a
previous request." In what cases is this previous
request implied ?
16. How far can an infant bind himself by simple
17. Who is liable for the debts of a wife contracted by
her (i.) before, (ii.) after her marriage ? Upon
what principle is a wife enabled to render her
husband liable on contracts ?
18. What is the effect of marriage at common law with
reference to the wife's rights and liabilities ?
19. Into what three classes does Mr. Broom divide the
subject of torts ? Give an example of each.
20. Define libel, slander, assault, battery, trover,
(Mr. Billing.)
1. A man has the following rights, viz.:'—
(1.) A right of way over land.
(2.) A right to dig gravel out of the same land.
(3.) A right to water running through the same
Under what heads are these rights to be classified ?
2. What is the present law as to the leasing of settled
estates ?
3. I n what cases may the Court authorize the sale of
the lands of infants ? Give the course of procedure to be adopted, and state the mode in which
the purchase money is disposed of.
4. What is the present law in Victoria as to real
estate in case of Intestacy ? What branches of
property law have been principally affected by the
change ?
5. What is the law in Victoria as to aliens taking
and holding property ? Give the provisions of
the Act fully.
6. Suppose money were to be limited in the form of
an estate tail, what would bo the consequence ?
Would there be any difference in the case of a
chattel real ?
7. What do you mean by the expression " interesse termini" ? Describe fully when it arises.
8. What is the law as to the disposition of estates
tail to which an.insolvent is entitled? Give the
answer fully, and state the Colonial Act by which
the case is-provided for.
9. Enumerate the principal instances in which a
deed will be deemed fraudulent under the Statute
13 Elizabeth c. 5. Mention the loading differences between that Statute and the Statute 27
Elizabeth c. 4.
10. A vendor sells an estate and takes a bill of exchange for the purchase money. He sells another
estate and takes a bond for it. He sells a third
and takes _a mortgage on another property for it.
What becomes of his lien in each case ?
11.- Enumerate the several ways in which a will may
be revoked? What is the law as to the reviving
of a will.which has been revoked?
12, Suppose an estate has passed by a deed, and the
deed is afterwards cancelled, does the cancellation
divest the estate out of the person' in whom it
was vested by the deed ? Give the leading cases
on cancellation and alteration of instruments.
13, How does a general devise operate on a general
power of appointment?
14, Executors have been greatly, relieved by modern
legislation in regard to covenants in leases, and
rent reserved thereby. Give the law on the subject, and refer to the Statute.
' 15. A tenant for life in a settlement "without impeachment of waste," commences to cut down an
avenue of ornamental timber. Would there be
any redress ? What is the doctrine in this case
called, and mention the leading cases ?
16. Enumerate some of the principal torts in connection with real property, and give definitions of
each respectively. '•
17. What different remedies has the law given to redress the injury of nuisance ? What to redress
the injury of waste ?
18. What is the mode of recovering the possession of
real property wrongfully withheld, and what is
• the mode of recovering its value during such
period ?
19. What is • the rule as to production of deeds by
• mortgagees ? Is there any- distinction between
the case of the mortgage deed and the title deeds ?
Give the answer fully, and the leading cases.
20. Suppose a mortgagee were to go into possession
of the premises, and the mortgagor were afterwards to file a bill to redeem, is there anything
peculiar in the way the account would be taken
in such a case ?
{Mr. Billing.)
1. Where there is a general averment in a declaration
of the performance and happening of all things
necessary to the plaintiff's right of action, does it
import a sufficient statement of his being ready
and willing to do all things necessary to be done
on his part in the future 1
2 . Can counts charging a defendant as executor or
administrator be joined with counts charging him
personally in his own right ?
3. Suppose in an action brought on promises made
to the wife before marriage the wife were to sue
alone, what is the only mode of objecting to it?
4. Suppose a mortgage deed should contain no covenant for the repayment of the money, in what way
should you frame the declaration to recover it ?
5. In what cases can a partner sue his copartner at
law? Give illustrations, and state the general
rule and why the present cases are exceptions.
6. The old action of Trover is now known as Conversion. How does an act of conversion- differ
from a more trespass ? Give examples of each.
7. Does an action lie against a corporation for a libel?
Can such an action be maintained by a corporation ?
'8. What is the distinction between Champerty and
Maintenance? Give examples of each. Give the
derivation of Champerty.'
9. W h a t . is the offence termed Misprision ? .Give
illustrations of it..
10. Suppose certiorari is taken away by a Statute, in
what cases will the Crown be affected by it ?
11. In what case may mesne profit's be recovered on
the trial of an Ejectment,?. What Colonial Statute
provides for the case?
.' . ,'
12. Give examples of certain eases where the assignee
of a chose in action may sue in his own name'
Refer to the Colonial Statutes, bearing on the
13. In what leading particulars do pleas in abatement
differ from pleas in bar ? Give the answer fully,
together with the practice as to pleas in abatement.
14. Suppose a deed is not produced at a trial under a
Subpoena duces tecum, can you give secondary
evidence of it ? Is there any difference between
' this case and notice'to produce? • .
l o . If a married woman should be sued alone, how
should she appear, and in what way is she to take
advantage of her coverture ?
T .r
16. How does an infant sue ? Is there any difference
where he defends ? Give the answer fully.
17. A builder builds a' house for an employer, and
during 'its progress supplies materials ' for the
work; can he recover the materials as goods sold
and delivered ?
18. Does the common count for work and labor include
mental skill and labor, such for example as the
contrivance of a machine ?
19. A customer deposits money with his banker; in
•what form of action does he sue to recover it ? In
what- form does he sue if he seeks to recover
damages for the dishonor of his cheque?- Give the
cases on each head.
20. Where an action is brought against a carrier for
the loss of goods, who as a general rule is to be
the plaintiff?
(Mr. Bobson.)
Refer to any cases which you may remember in
support of your answers.
1. Explain and illustrate the maxim "Equity follows
the law."
2. What is atrust,- and how may it be created ?
3, A promises' B , who" has married ;the daugh ter of
A, that he will convey a house" occupied by him
' -to B . The promise' is-not in writing. : ' B , in
reliance on the promise, sells his1 own house at a
loss, and requires A to convey. A refuses% Has
B any remedy in equity'against A ? : JGive the
reasons for your answer.
-•4. A agrees to sell his land to S . The agreement
is not in writing. B in pursuance' of' the agreement enters into possession of the land and
builds' upon it. A repudiates tlie agreement, and
threatens B with an action of ejectment. Has B
any remedy in equity against A ? Give the
reasons for your answer.
• 5. Real estate is granted by deed to A and his heirs
in- trust for B and his heirs. What estate does
A take by this limitation?
6. Can a constructive trust of real estate be created
without writing ?
7. -An agreement in writing is entered into^for the
sale of a flock of sheep'. The vendor refuses to
perform it. Can the vendee enforce specific performance of the agreement f Give your reasons.
8. On what principle is a mortgagor permitted to
redeem after the time fixed for redemption by tKe
mortgage ?
. . - . • ' .
9. What is a resulting trust?
10. A agrees in writing to sell'his land to B , who
pays the price, but does not obtain a conveyance
. . .
or go into possession. A afterwards sells to . C,
who obtains a conveyance and goes into possession
without any notice of B's interest. What is B ' s
remedy in equity against A and C respectively ?
11. What is an equitable mortgage, and how may it
bo created ?
12. Will equity enforce the performance of a. voluntary trust ?
13. Trusts of real estate being created by a voluntary
settlement, the settlor sells the land to a purchaser who has notice of the settlement. How
can its trusts be enforced against him ?
14. Will'a court of equity prevent a bond fide purchaser, without notice, from protecting himself
against a person claiming'urider a prior equitable
title, by getting in the outstanding legal estate?
15. Explain the nature of an equity of redemption ?
16. A , a feme sole, seised in fee of a freehold estate,'
mortgages it, and afterwards intermarries with
B . ' A dies, and the mortgage is not redeemed
during the coverture. Has the widower any, and
if so, what, interest in the land ?
17. Explain the term tenant by the curtesy. What
facts must be shewn to enable a man to establish
this right ?
18. Upon what terms will the court set aside a transaction with an' expectant heir on the ground of
the inadequacy of the price ?
19. Give- an outline of the' classification by--Lord
Hardwick, in his judgment in Chesterfield v.
Janssen, of frauds against which" the court will
grant relief. :What was the -principal point decided in that case ?
20. What is the distinction between trusts executed
arid executory ? State briefly the consequences
which result from this distinction with reference
to the limitation of estates.
{Professor Irving.) •
1. T r a n s l a t o r s apa (piovijaaa airEpn yXavKwiriQ 'Adiivn '
Rovrov lit arpiiyETOV, Xiwe SI ^XEplnv ipaTEivffv,
• 'IKETO S' EC %/lapaBuiva Kal evpvayvtdv 'ABfivnv,
AVVE 6' 'RpExBijoQ.irvKivdv S6fiov\ avrap 'QSvaaEVQ
AXKIVOOV irpoQ Sotfiar 'U krXurd" TroXXd SE ol Kijp
"Clpjxati' larafiEvq) irplv X&XKEOV ovodv iKEaBai.
SIQ TE-yap J/EXI'OU aiyXn TTEXEV r)i O-EXT/V'/C •
Aw/ia KaB' v\l/Epe<plc fiEyaXi}TopoQ 'AXKIVOOIO.
XOXKEOI filv yap TO'IX01 EXnXlSaT' ivBa Kal ivBdj
'Ec fivxov E£ OVSOV, TTEpl ol BpiyKOQ KVO.VOIO'
XpvaEiai SI Bvpai TVVKIVOV Sofiov EVTOQ EEpyov' .'
d 3
.: !:i
UraBftohS' apyvpEOi EV ^ O A K E ^ e a r a a a v ovSio,
ApyvpEov S' tip inrEpBvpiov, xptxrf q 2e x o p i i v n .
• X p v a t i o i S' EKarepBt Kal apyvpEot KIIVEC ficrav, , .
ODc"Il0atoToc,Er£vi;£>' iouiijo-t irpairiSEO-mv .
Aaifia ipvXaaaifiEvai fieyaXJiropoQ, AXKIVOOIO,
ABavarovQ i v r a Q t.'ai aytipiot; iifiara i r a v r a ,
' E v SI Bpovoi -rrepl TO'IXOV EprjpiSar i v B a Kal t v 6 a r
' E c flVXOV E£ OvSlilO SiaflKEplQ, 'ivB' Evl iriirXoi
AEITTOI ivvvnTOi /3f/3Xr;aro, Epya y v v a m & v . •
F,vBa SI <baii]Ko>v fiyi'iropEQ ESpioiovro
XHVOVTEQ Kal iSovrEQ' iirnETavov y a p EXEOKOV.
XpilTElOt S ' a p a KOVpOl EvSflllTlOV ETTI f i w f i S i v
" E a r a a a v alBofiivag Sa'tSag fiETa x e p a ' v EXOVTEQ,
QfaivovTEQ VVKTUQ Kara. Sojfiara SaiTVfiovEaaiv.
2. Translate—
8 Kal f i i y i a r o v I a n KaB' vfiSv lyK&fiiov, (5 dySpEC
' A B n v a l o i ' KEKpiTOs y a p EK' TOVTIOV TWV Ipytov ftovoi
. T U V iravnov. finSsveQ a v .KEpSove TO. Koiva SiKaia TWV
'EXXI/VIOV i r p o i c S a i , ftrjS' avraXXaHaaBat finSEfitdg
• ^ d p i r o c fii]S' W^EXEKIC TI}V EIQ TOVQ "EXXi/vag e v v o i a v .
Kal r a v r ' EIKVTWQ Kai irEpl vfiStv OVTUIQ v7TEiXi]<pE Kat
Kar 'ApyEtiov Kal Qt)/3aiiov o>s IripioQ, ov fiovov EIQ TO.
i r a p o v r a opiov, dXXd Kai - a Trpc TOVTIOV Xoyi£6fiEV0Q.
EvpiaKEi y a p , oifiai, Kai UKOVEI,. TOVQ fiEv vfiETEpovc
•irpoyovoyQ, EH6V a v r o l c TUIV XoiirStv iipxEiv V.XXijviov,
& a r aWovQ viraKovEiv fiaaiXElj o v fiovov OVK a v a a x o . fiivovQ TOV Xoyov TOVTOV, ifviK TIXBEV 'AXl^avSpOQ, 6
TOVTIOV. irpoyovoQ, irEpl TOVTIOV Kijpv^, dXXd Kal rrfv
Xutpav. EKXITTEIV npoEXofiivovQ, Kal; iraBElv i n o i v
virofiEivavTac, K a i f i E T a r a v r a Trpdijai'raj r a v B ' , a
iravTEQ fiEv a£< y X i x o v r a i XiyEiv, a^iiOQ S' OVSEIQ
EITTEIV SESivr)Tai' SioirEp c d y w irapaXEi}pitt, SiKalb>Q,
{ t a n y a p fiEiCio TUKEIVIOV t p y a , Ti IOQ TIJ> Xdyw r i g a v
EiTrot), r o u e SE Qripaliov Kal 'ApyEiiov irpoyovovQ,
TOVQ fiiv &voTpdTtvaa.'vTdQ T U ' (iap(3apw, TOVQ S'OVK
IvavnioBEVTag. OJSEV OVV afuftoripovQ iSiq. r b X v a t r t Xovv dyairtjaovTaQ, o v x « n a v v o i a d koivfj' TOIQ
'EXXniri sKEi^iofiivovQ. tyyEcr' ovv, EI f i l v vjiaQ EXOITO
iplXovQ, liri TOIQ'SiKatdiQ alpfiaiaBiti,: EI -,S'-, EKEIVOIC
irpoaBEiTO, av'vEpyovQ'EZEIV TX}Q avT'bv-irXEOVE^ia^
S; Translate into Greek Prose— • • . - - '
Certainly the miseries of war.are never so bitter
and many,aswhena whole nation, or great part'of
it, forsaking their own- seats,' labour' to root 'out the
•established possessours-'of-another land'j nia'king
roocae- for' themselves,- their1 wives, and children.
They that'fight for'the rhastery^are pacified with
tribute, or with some other services and acknowledgements; which- had they b'eehe yeelded at the
first,-all had been quiet)' and • no sword blouded.
But in these migrations, the assailants bring so
little with them, that they, need all which-the
defendants have, their lands, and «attell, -.their
houses and .their goods, even to the cradlesof the
sucking • infants.•" The tennes of this
contr'oversie ai-me botli sides with desperate resolution; seeing the one part must either winne,
. or perish by famine; the other defend their goods,
or lose -their lives without redemption. . Most of
the countries in Europe have felt examples thereof;
and the mighty empire of Rome was overthrowne
by such invasions.
4. Mention the principal terms used by Homer in
reference to ship-building and navigation.
What is the Digamma ? How is its use partial
or other in Homer's time inferred ? Mention
the chief digammated words in Homer and illustrate them by cognate forms. in other Aryan
6. Give a brief sketch of the life of Demosthenes,
mainly in reference to Greek politics.
7: Translate, explain, and illustrate the construction in
Kai TOTE Srf ylyvioo-Knv o r ' OVKETI <pvKra iriXovro.
( 2 . ) OVK a x p i riJQ 'iatfQ EKaaroQ EOTIV EVVOVQ pvB' fffiiv
OVTE Qi)/3aio*c I3OT£ e i v a t Kal Kpars'tv TWV aXXiov,
dXXd aHiQ filv e i v a i T r d i r t c a v /JOVXOIVTO EVEX a v r u i v ,
KparfiaavTaQ SI TOVQ EripovQ SEanoraQ xnrapxEiv ovSl
E u p u a X o c SE E UVTOV apEaaaaBio ETTEECOX
Kal COipii) £7T£I OVTl E7TOC KUTU flo'lpttV EE11TEV.
8. Discuss fully the etymology and the formation of
and the roots severally involved in them.
9. Explain and if you can give examples of the
idiomatic uses of the following—ovx. OTIOQ—ov fii)
rifiiraXavTOV—Iv TO'IQ.
TO)V VEEQ fcTKEiai, <5<T£t TTTEpOV, )}E VOVflO,
Illustrate the comparison from
HONOUR E X A M I N A T I O N S , O.T. 1866.
{Professor Irving.)
Translate carefully—
At cantu commotae Erebi de sedibus imis
Umbrae ibant tenues, simulacraque luce carentum:
Quam multa in' foliis avium se millia condunt,
Vesper ubi aut hibernus agit de montibus imber:
'Matres atque viri, defunctaque corpora vita
Magnariimum heroum, pueri, innuptaeque puellae,
Impositique rogis juvenes ante ora parentum;
Quos circum limus niger et deformis amndo'
Cocyti tardaque palus inamabilis unda
Alligat, et novies Styx interfusa coiircet.
Quin ipsae stupuere domus atque intima leti
Tartara, caeruleosque implexas crinibus angues
Eumenides, tenuitque innians tria Cerberus ora,
. Atque Ixionii vento rota constitit orbis.
Jamque pedem referens casus evaserat omnes,
Redditaque Eurydice s'uperas veniebat ad auras,
Pone sequens; namque banc dederat Proserpina
Quum subita incautum dementia cepit amantem,
Ignoscenda quidem, scirent si ignoscere manes:
Restitit, Eurydicenque suam jam luce sub ipsa Immemorheu! victusqueanimirespexit. Ibiomnis
Effusus labor, atque immitis rupta tyranni
Foedera, terque fragor stagnis auditus Avernis.
Ilia, 'Quis et me,' inquit, 'miseram, ette perdidit,
Orpheu ?
Quis tantus furor ? en iterum crudelia retro
Fata vocant, conriitque natantja lumina somnus.
Jamque vale: feror ingenti circumdata nocte,
Invalidasque tibi tendens, heu non tua, palmas!'
2. Translate—
Certe, si nihil animus praesentiret in posterum,
et si, quibus regionibus vitae, spatiura circumscriptum est, eisdem omnes cogitationes terminaret
suas, nee tantis se laboribus- frangeret, neque'tot
curis vigiliisque angeretur, neque toties de vita
ipsa dimicaret. Nunc insidet quaedam in Optimo
quoque,virtus, quae^nocfes et dies animum gloriae
' stimulis.concitat, atque adnionet,-non cum-vitae
tempore esse diraittendam commemorationem nominis nostri, sed cum omni posteritate adaequan.dam. An vero tarn- parvi animi videamur esse
omnes, qui in republica atque in his vitae periculis laboribusque versamur, ut, quum usque
ad extremum spatium nullum tranquillum atque
otiosum spiritu'm duxerimus, nobiscum simul mo'ritura omnia arbitremur ? An, quum statuas et
imagines,>non.animorum simulacra, sedcorporum,
stuaiose multi summi homines • reliquerint,- consiliorum relinquere ac virtutum nostrarum effigiem
non multo malle debemus, summis ingeniis ex• pressam et politam ? Ego .vero omnia, quae
• gerebam, jam turn in gerendo spargere me ac
disseminare arbitrabar in orbis terrae memoriam
. sempiternam. -Haec-vero sive a meo sensu post
mortem abfutura est, sive, ut sapientissimi homines
putaverunt, ad aliquam mei partem pertinebit,
nunc quidem certe cogitatione quad am speque
3. Translate into Latin Prose—
I t was a sad and solemn sight to see this train
of noble ladies, and the very Volscian soldiers
stood in silence as they passed by, and pitied
them and honoured them. They found Caius
sitting on the general's seat in the midst of the
camp, and the Volscians' chiefs were-standing
round him. When he. first saw them he wondered
what it could b e ; .but presently he knew his
mother, who was walking at the head of the
train ; and then he could not contain-himself,' but
leapt down : from his,seat, and ran,
and was, going'to kiss her.. But she stopped him
and said, " E r e thou kiss me, let me know
whether I am speaking • to an enemy or to- my
son; • whether I stand in thy camp as thy prisoner
.. or, as thy mother." Caius could, not answer.her,
and then she went on, and said, " Must it be
then, that had I never borne a son, Rome never
should have seen the camp.of an enemy,? ..that
had I remained childless, I shoujd- have, died a
free woman in a free city ? But 1 am too old to
bear much longer either thy shame or my misery.
Rather look to thywife and children, whom'if
thou persistest thou art.dooming to an untimely
death, or a long life of bondage."
4., Discuss the following- passages and the various
interpretations of them—r(1.) En unquam patrios longo post tempore fines
Pauperis et tuguri congestum caespite culmen
Post aliquot mea regna videns mirabor- aristas
(2.) Talia saecla suis dixerunt currite fusis
Damnabis tu quoque votis
(4.) Sub ipsum
Arcturum tenui sat erit suspendere sulco
(5.) Ut cymbae instabiles fluctu jactante suburram
(6.) Gemina auratus taurino cornua voltu Eridanus.
0. Explain the historical or legendary allusions in the
(1.) Turn Phaethontiadas musco circumdat amaro
(2.) Populus Alcidos gratissima
(3.) Dionei processit Caesaris astrum
(4.) Pro purpureo pcenas dat Scylla capillo
(5.) Romanas acies iterum videre Philippi
Portus Lucrinoque addita claustra
(7.) Data est civitas Silvani lege et Carbonis
(8.) Magni interest judices esse Kalendis Januariis
in republica duo consules.
6. Indicate generally the line of defence adopted for
Milo by Cicero.
7. Give some account of the lives and writings of
Ennius and Virgil. Mention any lines borrowed
by the latter from the earlier poet.
8. Draw an' outline map' of Ancient Italy marking
the principal places mentioned in your Virgil and
9. Discuss the etymology of these words—calamitas
consilium dum juger momentum officium persona
sollicitus villa. Illustrate the formation of each.
10. Trace so far as you can in Latin itself and in its
cognate languages these roots—teg- fe- gen- ud-.
{Professor Irving.)
1. "Plente me may in Engelond of alle gode se
" Bute folc yt for gulte other yeres the worse be."
Of what date is this extract ? Put it into modern
English and comment generally on every word in it.
2. " Soo thirlid with the poynte of remembraunce,
•The swerde of sorwe, whette with fals plesaunce,
Myn herte, bare of blisse, and blake of hewe,
That torned is to quakyng alle my daunce,
My.suerte in a whaped countenance,
Sith it avayleth noughte to ben trewe :
For who soo trewest is, it shall her riwe,
• That serveth love, and doth hir observaunce
• Alwey to oon, and chaungith for noon newe." ;
Put this into modern English. . Comment upon
the spelling generally and upon the forms of any
words in it derived from Latin.
3. How is it that local names give evidence as to the earliest inhabitants of acountry? Indicate briefly what
.evidence -of this kind exists for a Celtic occupation
(1) of England, (2) of Western Europe generally.
4. Discuss the Etymology of these words—advance
bliss boune chronicle country garter mile parley
porch .sword traitor worth.
- / i
5. Explain fully the two modes in which the past
tense has been formed in English. Is there any
. ' trace !of &'. third mode either in English, or in
kindred Gothic languages ? .
6, State the law known as Grimm's (or Rask's). Give
examples of'it in familiar roots, and explain any
exceptions which occur to you in Latin.
7. Analyse f u l l y ^ .
• In . this - controversy Ambrose condescends, to
speak the language of a philosopher, and to ask
with some contempt why it should be thought
necessary to introduce an imaginary and'invisible
power as the cause of these victories which were
'sufficiently explained by the valour and discipline
of the legions.
8. .Explain and contrast' ,the view's respecting the
office of Logic held by Mill and by Thomson
; . . . ' . '
9. Give Mill's system of Categories, or "Classification of Things' denoted- by names'." : ''
10. What is meant by Whewell's saying that our-conceptions must be clear and appropriate ?
11. On what various -! grounds ; has Logic-been styled
Architectonic, O'rgahon, 'Heuristic)' Dialectic ?
12. Is a verbal description or even a painting of a
scene to be-considered as representing an Intuition'? -•
• • • • < • '••
• i .''..'
. ' ' ' • •
i - 1
. -
• •
' •
13. State briefly the various views which have been
taken of'the iinport'of arPropdsitioh.'
1 4 . Define' ; Exhibition, 1 > -Library; 1 ''Exercise,. Ship,
Anchor, Injury. \
--r-. .;• •,•'•"•) >• •..•••'••[
{Professor Irving.)
1. In what senses now unusiial are the following words
employed by- Spenser—eeke fray hurtle incontinent
sad sit ? Quote passages in which they occur.
2. What is the meaning' and the' etymology -of
ambitious chaunticlere disdain empyrean girland
hearse hue muchell parbreake pensive shrine
slander stoure. sword wrarrayd ?- 3. Criticise the following from the rhetorical point of
• v i e w — •
(1.) The lady when she saw her champion fall,Like the old ruines of a broken towre.
(2.) Glad of such luck, the .lucklesse lucky maid.5'
(3.) As when far off at sea a fleet descried
Hangs in the clouds, by equinoctial winds
Close sailing from Bengala, or the isles
Of Ternate and Tidore, whence merchants bring
Their spicy drugs ; they on the trading flood
Through the wide Ethiopian to the Cape,
Ply stemming nightly toward the pole: So seemed
Far off the flying fiend.
(4.) I could be well moved, if-I were as you;
If I could pray to move, prayers would move me :
But I am constant as the northern star,.
Of whose true fixt and resting quality, . •
There is no fellow in the firmament.
•The skies are. painted with unnumbered sparks,.
' They are all fire, and every, one doth shine;
But there's but one in-all doth hold;his place:
So, in the world; 'tis furnished well with men,
And men are flesh and blood, and apprehensive;
Yet, in the number, I do know but one
That unassailable holds on his rank,
Unshaked of motion : and, that I am he,
Let me a little show it, even in this;
That I was constant, Cimber should be banished,
.- And constant do remain to keep him so..
4. What is the meter generally employed by
Shakespere ? What licenses are allowed in it ?
Quote lines to illustrate your answer.
. 5. Write a brief comparison between the styles of
, Milton and of Spenser.
6. Explain and illustrate by examples the principal kinds
of Rhetorical. Arguments as given by Whately.
7. What are the views as to the origin of Language
given by Thomson in his introduction ?
8. Explain and illustrate the " Fallacy of objections."
9. Shew how the processes of Division and Definition
assist one another. Discuss the meaning of the
term Poet and frame a definition of it. Give a
division of Science, and explain the principle on
which you make it.
10. Explain-clearly Mill's doctrine as to Differentia.
11. What" is meant in Induction by the "Indirect
Method -of Difference" ? . ' - . ' ' •
12. What is meant by an Axiom?. What are the views
of Mill and Whewell-respectively as to the ground
:of our holding axioms ?•
' .-'
' ' , • '{Professor Wilson.)
1. Of two unequal magnitudes- the greater-has a
greater ratio to any other magnitude than the less
has. In proving this state the reason for every
condition introduced in your construction.
2. In a line A B and in A B produced points P and
Q are taken such that A P : P B :: A Q : Q B
and on F Q as diameter a circle is described,;
shew that if C is any point on the circumference
of this circle P C bisects the angle A C B .
3. Investigate a general expression for all angles
which have a given sine: Find the general value
of sin" 1 - 5
A'4. Find an expression for sin -^ in terms of sin A.
If sin A = - 5 calculate to three places of decimals
the four values of sin -^ and write down the values
of A and of -^ to which they severally correspond.
5; Describe the observations and calculations requisite for finding the distance between two inaccessible points in a horizontal plane.
. A base A B five hundred yards long is measured and the following readings of the horizontal
circle of a theodolite are taken at A and B
. C
calculate the length of B C .
6. Assuming the truth of De Moivre's theorem in
the case when the index is a positive whole
number prove it in the case of a fractional index.
7. -Apply De Moivre's theorem to find the twelve
values of (l) 1 ^
• •8. Express (sin 9) 11 in a series of sines of multiples
of 6. •
9. Calculate a series for expressing tan -1 x in ascending powers of av
10. Shew that in the parabola the tangent makes
equal angles with the focal distance aud the axis.
11. Shew how to draw a pair of tangents to a parabola from a given external point.
12. Shew that the distances of any point in an ellipse
from the two foci are together equal to a-constant
I ALGEBRA... -, .
{Professor Wilson.)
1. Explain'wh'at is meant when one quantity is said
to vary as another. -In- what-class- of equations
can the notion' of a'_ varying .quantity occur?
Shew that if one quantity varies directly as each
of two others when the other of the two- is constant it will vary as their product when both vary.
2. A messenger passes • through a -place travelling a
miles an hour;- after b hours a second passes
through the same place travelling c miles an
hour; after how many hours and at what distance
from the place will the second overtake, the first?
Give modified statements of the question adapted
to the cases 1st whore, a \ s greater than c 2nd
where a is greater thah'c and b is negative.
3. Solve the. equation
• x* + y * = 97 ).
x + y = 5 ]
4. If it is known that two equations have one root
in common shew how it may be found. The
x 3 — x"- - 3x — 9 = 0 •
and x 3 — 6x — 9 = 0 have one root
common; find it.
6. Define harmonic progression; find the n th term of
a series in harmonic progression whose first and
second terms are a and b.
6. Shew that when the index of a binomial is a
whole number either positive or negative all the
coefficients formed from the index will be whole
7. Shew that if x is small compared with a
Va + x — Va — x
5a; g \
Va"+2^ - .ya~=2la ~ 2 V ~ 9a"-)
8. Investigate the expansion of (1 + x) n in a series
of powers of n : deduce the expansion of k' in a
series of powers .of z and write down the numerical value of E to seven places of decimals.
1 4~ - x•)\
when x
increases without limit.
10. Find an expression for the present value of an.
annual payment of £p for n years the first payment to be made one year hence, reckoning compound interest at the rate of £r for each pound
for a year.
11. Resolve J
into two partial fractions.
x 3 — Qx — 9
12. A cricket club consists of sixteen players of whom
six are bowlers : how many elevens can be made
up containing at least two bowlers ? .
{Professor Wilson.)
1. Investigate an expression for the n th differential
coefficient of t' cos x and reduce the result to its
simplest form when n = 8m.
2. State and prove Taylor's theorem.
3. Investigate an expression for -j— 3 in terms of differential coefficients where y is the independent
4. If u is a function of r only when r- = x s + y^ + z i
transform -r-g- + -j-j + -T-J to an equivalent expression where r is the independent variable.
5. Eliminate - j - from the equation
. dy
x - j - — J v = sin -ydx
6. Explain and illustrate by an example the nature
of the maximum or minimum of a function of
two variables when the two equations are both
satisfied by the vanishing of the same factor.
7. What is meant by the polar subtangent of a curve ?
Find an expression for it and explain fully its use
in determining the existence and position of an
asymptote. Find all the asymptotes of the curve
r = a tan 30
8. Find the equation to the parabola which has the
x~ y^
closest possible contact with the ellipse -5+1-5 = 1
at the extremity of the latus rectum.
9. Define the equiangular spiral: find its equation
and the equation to its evolute.
10. Shew that the locus of the ultimate intersections of
a series of curves described according to a given
law touches every curve of the system'.
11. Investigate a formula of reduction for
\ / 2 a x — x* dx and find the value of
^2ax — x- dx
12. Expand / udx in a series of positive integral
powers of x.
HONOUR E X A M I N A T I O N S , O.T. 1866.
1. Prove the proposition usually referred to as " T h e
Parallelogram of forces."
2. What is meant by the moment of a force about a
point ? Shew that the moments of two forces
about any point in the line of their resultant are
equal and opposite.
3. Enunciate and explain the principal experimental
laws of friction. A cube is placed on an inclined
plane so as to have four edges horizontal and the
inclination of the plane is then gradually increased : find the coefficient of friction in order
that the cube may begin to slide just as it is on
the point of toppling over.
4. Describe the screw and investigate the conditions
of equilibrium on a smooth screw taking account,
of all the forces which act.
5. A cylinder whose center of gravity is at a point
half way between the axis and the surface is
placed with its axis horizontal on a rough inclined plane : find the greatest inclination of thu
plane consistent with equilibrium.
6. Investigate an expression for the magnitude of the
force under the action of which a body will move
in a circle with uniform velocity. Explain the
nature of the calculations and reasoning by which
Newton proved that the force which retains the
moon in her orbit is the same as that which constitutes the weight of terrestrial bodies.
7. Shew that when a body moves down any smooth
curve under the action of gravity the change of
velocity depends only on the vertical height •
through which it descends.
8. Describe Captain Kater's pendulum and explain
the nature of the determinations for which it is
9. A vessel containing air and water at 32° F. wrhen
the barometer is at 30 inches is closed and its
temperature raised to 212° P .
Calculate the
pressure inside it. Explain why the temperature
will rise more rapidly when the vessel is closed
than when it is open the source of heat being the
10. Explain the nature of the diurnal heat wrave as
' shewn by the barometer.
11. Explain what is really the temperature shewn by
a thermometer exposed to the air. What precautions are necessary in order that the temperature indicated may be that of the air ?
12. Describe the wet bulb thermometer. Explain how
the hygrometric state of the atmosphere may be
deduced from it. Describe some other hygrometer..
{Professor McCoy.)
1. Write down as many Elementary Bodies as you can
in the order of their electro-chemical power, with
the combining weight of each.
2. Define all the fundamental forms of crystals, grouping them under their proper systems.
3. A secondary form of the cubic or tesseral system
often found in Iron Pyrites has the first index
greater than the second and the third equal to
zero (HKO) ; how many faces would such a crystal
have, and what would be the symbol for each of
the faces according to the notation of Miller ?
4. Describe all the mineralogical- characters of water.
5. Describe as many of the non-nitrogenous contents
of plant-cells as you can, giving some plant as an
example of those affording each, aud stating in
what part of the plant the cells referred to occur
in each case.'
{Professor McCoy.)
1. Define all the orders of Pisces according to the
system of Prof. Mtiller.
2. Describe the organs of Respiration and Circulation
in each of the classes of the Vertebrata.
3. What bones form the Hoemal arches in each of- the
four vertebral segments of the skull of bony Fishes?
4. Define each of the Families of the Batrachia.
5. Define as many of the Families of the Seansores
and Gallium as you can.
{Professor McCoy.)
1. Enumerate in' correct order of superposition all the
fossiliferous formations known.
2. What are the Palaaontological characteristics of the
Cretaceous, Wealden, Triassic, and Devonian
Formations ?
3. State the compass-bearing and relative ages of all
the recognised groups of Lodes and Cross-courses
in the Cornish Mining Districts.
4. What are the mineral constituents of „each of the
Igneous and Metamorphic rocks ?
5. What is the geological position or range in time of
each of the following Genera, viz.:—(a) Ogygia,
(b) Nummulites, (c) Leptwna, (d) Rhynchonella,
(e) Teleosaurus, (f) Plesiosaurus, and (g) Nautilus?
{Professor Hearn.)
1. What is Dr. Moramsen's view as to the original
object of the Comitia Centuriata ?
2. What was the Jus Imaginum, and what is Dr.
Mommsen's explanation of the importance of the
distinction ?
3. What analogies in favour of Dr. Mommsen's opinions on the abovementioned subjects, or either
of them, may be found in English History ?
4. State the leading reforms made by Sulla in the
Roman Judicial System.
5. When and in what circumstances was the Roman
duty on Successions imposed ? What was the
political use of this tax ?
6. Describe some of the changes made by Tiberius in
the administration of the Provinces.
7. Trace the development of Imperial Prerogative
from the Tribunitia Potestas.
8. Trace the various historical changes implied in the
history of the word " Municipium".
9. Trace the various historical changes implied in the
history of the word " Tributum".
10. Trace the history of the Roman " Sacramentum".
11. Trace the evolution of the legal conceptions expressed by the term " Manus".
12. Trace the evolution of the legal conceptions expressed by the term " Nexum".
{Professor Hearn.)
1. What according to M. Guizot are the elements of
the Civilization of Modern Europe ?
2. Shew the modifications of these elements that are
peculiar to England.
HONOUR E X A M I N A T I O N S , O.T. 1866.
3. What were the leading characteristics of the early
English Church?
4. Give some account of the institution of the Coraitatus. What were the appropriate Saxon names
for the Comites ?
5. State the period at which the amalgamation of the
Normans with the English was completed and the
evidence respecting that amalgamation.
6. State the principal legal changes effected in the
reign of Henry I I .
7. State Mr. Pearson's estimate of Richard I. in
what respects did Richard's reign promote the
well-being- of the country ?
8. State some of the economic consequences that have
been supposed to follow from "the Black Death."
9. What were tho three great limitary Statutes which
form " the Magna Charta of English liberties
against the Church " ?
10. State the causes of the reaction in the later years
of Henry V I I I . against the movement of the
11. Explain the objects of the Court of Spain in seeking
an alliance with Elizabeth during the early part of
her reign.
12. What are the limits of the history of tho Puritan
movement and what are the events which mark
these limits ?
e 3
{Professor Hearn.)
1. What English counties were excluded from representation after the formation of the House of
Commons ? What was the reason of the exclusion, and when was it taken away ? .
2. M. Guizot in effect observes that the introduction
into Parliament of County Deputies was associated
with a right, while that of Town Deputies was
not.—(Rep. Govt'., p. 365.) State your reasons for
agreeing with this opinion or for differing from it.
i. Mr. Hallam says, " What can one who adopts this
opinion of Dr. Brady say to the following record ?
Rex militibus liberis hominibus, et toti communitati comitatus Wygorniae tarn intra libertates quam
extra salutem."—(Middle Ages, I I I . 18, note.)
What is the opinion to which reference is here
made ? What answer (if any) can Mr. Hallam's
question receive ?
1. Mr. Hallam notices the "very remarkable anomaly
in the case of Lord Berkley, who, though undoubtedly a baron, put himself on his trial in Parliament by twelve Knights of the county of Gloucester." Of what explanation (if any) does this
case admit ?
). Mr. Hallam states three cases in the reign of
Charles II., prior to the case of Bushell, in which
cases fines upon juries had been declared illegal.
What is the real value of these precedents ? .
6. Mr. Maurice contends that the word " Commons "
is a most felicitous translation of the Roman
Plebes. State your reasons for agreeing with this
opinion or for dissenting from it.
7. Mr. May observes that the personal interference of
William IV. in inducing the House of Lords to
pass the Reform Act of 1832 was a more unconstitutional act than a creation of Peers. State
your reasons for agreeing with this opinion or for
dissenting from it.
8. Mr. May contends that a creation of Peers, such as
that contemplated in 1832, is equivalent to a dissolution, and that such a measure, should the
emergency be such as to demand it, cannot bo
pronounced unconstitutional. State your reasons
for agreeing with this opinion or for dissenting
from it.
9. Mention some examples of privileges surrendered
by Parliament.
10. Why was the jurisdiction of the House of Lords
over Equity Appeals more doubtful than over
Appeals from the Common Law Courts ?
11. What was the real ground of Lord Coke's objection
to what he called the auricular taking of judicial
12. How does the tenure of office of the Judges of tho
Supreme Court of the United States differ from
that of the Judges at Westminster ? What is the
reason of the distinction ?
{Professor Hearn.)
1. State Mr. Mill's classification of motives.
2. Explain what is meant by Mental Chemistry.
3. What is an Empirical Law ?
4. How does Mr. Mill state Bentham's principle that
men's actions arc always determined by their
interest ?
5. What is the ground of confidence in any concrete
deductive science ?
6. What does Mr. Mill describe as the aim of practical
politics ?
7. What is the lowest rate of profit which can permanently exist ?
8. Explain the phrases International Values, Necessary Value, Natural Value.
9. State the features indicated by Mr. Mill as characterizing the progressive economical movement of
civilized nations.
10. State Mr. Spencer's explanation of the character of
national progress.
11. What does Mr. Mill assign as the ground of justification common to all the admitted functions of
Government ? What other principle may be suggested ?
12. State the principal economic injuries that may be
produced by taxation.
{John Brummond Xirkland.)
1. Give the theory of the formation of the following
organic compounds, viz.:—
i. Oxide of Ethyle.
I I . Hydratod Oxide of Ethyle.
i n . Acetic Acid (from Spirituous Liquids).
2. Give the general process for the detection of poison,
whether mineral or vegetable, in the contents of
the stomach, with the object of each step in the
3. Give the preparation (with theory) and principal
properties of the following substances, viz.:—
i. Hydrocyanic Acid,
n . Grape Sugar (from Starch).
i n . Urea (from Ferrocyanide of Potassium),
iv. Oxalic Acid (from Starch or Sugar).
4. What precautions have to bo taken in Marsh's and
in Reinsch's process for the detection of Arsenic,
and in what form would you expect to find As in
decomposing animal matter?
5. How would you distinguish (chemically) stains of
blood from all other stains resembling them in
appearance ?
6. Give the characteristic reactions which are used in
the discrimination of the following alkaloids, viz.:
i. Morphia.
ii. Strychnine.
i n . Quinine.
• {John Brummond Kirkland.)
1. Qualitatively analyze the substances marked respectively A, B, and C, writing out the method
you pursued to obtain the several results.(c0
3. Take the specific gravities of the substances marked
respectively L and N, and write out the calculations necessary. <*)
3. In the fluid marked M what poison (organic) is
present ? (c)
4. Ascertain by means of the blowpipe the chemical
composition of the powder marked R, and the metallic oxide present in the substance marked S. (''-1
CuO, A s 0 3 , IlgOl.
Cork, lilack Sand.
Oxalic Acid.
PbS. ZiiO, A
{Professor Halford.)
1. Describe the osseous and muscular parts of the
Palate and Nasal fossae.
2. Describe the muscles and ligaments of the Palm of
the Hand.
3. Describe the muscles and fascia? in the region
bounded above by a horizontal line drawn from
the anterior superior spinous process of the ilium
to the linea alba, below by the pubes, internally
by the linea alha, and externally by the ilium.
4. Describe the muscles and fasciae of the Perineum
and Isohio-rectal fossa.
{Br. Fades.)
1. Define the division of Cathartics, and describe the
action of Elaterium on the system.
2. Describe the family Leguminosae; select a purgative
from it, and write a prescription (in Latin without
abbreviations) containing that purgative.
3. Define the division of Tonics. Give an example of
each division, and enumerate those which may be
combined with the salts of Iron.
{Dr. Mild.)
1. What are Hypostases ? Describe their nature, and
variety, and the mode in which they are to be
distinguished from Ecchvmoses.
2. Describe the phenomena of putrefaction, from their
earliest manifestation to the colliquative stage.
Enumerate the conditions which modify putrefaction. State what is meant by saponification and
mummification. Give, in chronological order, the
various organs as they yield to the putrefactive
3. State the extent to which you would be warranted
in giving a positive opinion in the examination of
blood stains.
4." How would you distinguish between a burn received
before death and one produced on the dead body ?
5. Enumerate the various kinds of death by suffocation, and describe the post mortem, appearances in
cases of death by hanging, drowning, and from the
inhalation of irrespirable gases. What are the
specific post mortem appearances externally in
hanging, strangling, and throttling ?
6. Enumerate all the reasons which would induce you
to believe that a child had been born alive, describing minutely in doing so the Docimasia Pulmonaris.
7. What are the appearances which would favour the
supposition of a female having been violated, and
what are the circumstances which in a young
female child would induce you to give a guarded
opinion in a case of alleged violation 1
8. In a case of death by firearms, what are the circumstances which would influence your decision on
the respective -possibilities of homicide or suicide ?
9. What are the symptoms and post mortem appearances in poisoning by Sulphuric Acid ? Give in
detail all the tests, both direct and corroborative,
for Sulphuric Acid.
10. What are the sj'mptoms and post mortem appearances in poisoning by Phosphorus ? What is the
smallest poisonous dose of Phosphorus, and what
are the tests for it ?
{Mr. Dobson.)
Refer to any cases you may remember in support of
your answers.
1. Write out the 17th section of the Statute of Frauds.
2. " D . Spooner agrees to buy the whole of the lots
of marble purchased by J. Vandenbergh, and now
lying at Lyme Cobb, at one shilling per foot.
D. Spooner."
Is this a sufficient memorandum in writing within
the 17th section ? Vandenbergh v. Spooner, 35
L. J. Ex. 201.
3. In what two respects do the contracts arising out
of Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes differ
from other simple contracts ?
4. Write out the ordinary form of a Bill of Exchange.
5. Investigate the legal positions of the drawer, drawee,
acceptor, indorser, and indorsee respectively.
6. Describe the nature and effect of a Charter-party.
What is meant by a "generalship"?
7. A petition having been presented to the Legislative
Assembly against the return of a Member on the
ground of bribery, the petitioner entered into an
HONOUR E X A M I N A T I O N S , O.T. 1866.
agreement in consideration of a sum of money to
proceed no further with the petition. Can this
agreement be enforced ? Give vour reasons.
8. " The general rule of the law of England is, that
no man can acquire a title to a. chattel personal
from any one who has himself no title to it except
only by sale in market overt." Are there any
exceptions to this rule ?
9. Explain the term Stoppage in Transitu.
10. The consignee of goods assigns the bills of lading
• to a third person for a valuable consideration.
Before the goods arrive at their destination, and
after the assignment, the consignee becomes insolvent. What is the legal position of the vendor
with reference to the assignee ?
11. The date of a bill of exchange, payable on the 1st
January, 1867, is altered after acceptance so as
to accelerate the payment. Subsequently the bill
comes into the hands of an innocent holder for a
valuable consideration. What is the position of
this last with reference to the acceptor ?
] 2. Define libel and malice. When is a communication
said to be privileged ?
13. What elements are necessary to give a man a right
of action ex delicto ? Are there any cases in which
the same state of facts gives rise to an action
ex contractu as well as ex delicto ?
14. Explain the terms general and particular average,
general and particular agent, and in this latter
case state the principal legal consequences which
result from a third person dealing writh an agent
of either kind. What is a del credere agent ?
15. Explain fully the circumstances under which a
husband may be made liable on contracts entered
into by his wife.
16. A, about to leave Melbourne for a long time, tells
various tradesmen to furnish his wife with supplies
for the house, &c. A, having been away for some
time, dies. Four months afterwards the news of
his death reaches Melbourne.
The tradesmen
have supplied goods every week from the date of
A's going away, but have not been paid anything.
Explain fully their legal position.
17. State briefly the usual contents of a policy of
marine insurance. Explain the "Memorandum."
18. A is driving along a road on his proper side; he
sees a carriage coming- towards him with the
horses running away, and on the same side of the
road with himself. A collision takes place whereby
both vehicles are damaged. Is there any case in
which A would be unable to recover damages from
the owner of the other carriage ?
19. (i.) A's servant drives his master's cart' negligently.
(ii.) A's servant drives his master's cart wilfully
against another cart.
(iii.) A hires a pair of horses from a livery-stable
to draw his- carriage for the day. The liverystable keeper, sends B to drive the horses. B
drives negligently.
HONOUR E X A M I N A T I O N S , O.T. 1866.
Damage ensues in each of the above cases.
Against whom does the remedy lie in each case ?
Give reasons for }'Our answer.
20. (i.) A lends B a sum,of money to enable him to
enter into an illegal contract,
(ii.) A gives B a sum of money to hand over to C
for a similar purpose.
Can A recover back the money in either case ?
Give reasons for your answer. What is the leading case as to contribution between wrong-doers ?
21. A crane was placed on the premises of a railway
company for the purpose of enabling the owners
of goods to unload them: a consignee of goods,
having been required by the company to remove
them, proceeded to raise the goods with the crane,
assisted by his servants and the servants of the
company. B , who was the servant neither of the
consignee nor the company, was also asked by the
consignee to assist in raising the goods: he did
so, and during the operation the crane, which was
defective to the knowledge of the company, broke
and B was killed. Has B's widow a right of
action against the company ? State your reasons
{Mr. Billing.)
1. A man has a right of way over another's land, and
ho purchases the land : is the right of way extinguished in all cases ? State the law fully.
2. Give a summary of the present law as to the apportionment of rent and other periodical payments.
3. A bequest is made to A on the precedent condition
of the legatee paying a sum of money within a
certain time, and there is no limitation over upon
non-compliance. In the same will a bequest is
made to B on the precedent condition of his executing a release of all demands within a certain
time, and there is a limitation over on noncompliance. What is the difference between the
two cases ?
4. Suppose a precedent condition require the consent
of three trustees to the marriage of a legatee, and
one of them dies, what will be the consequence ?
5. If an estate be given to A and B his wife in fee,
how do they take ?
6. In order to
a private
there any
create by deed a fee simple in favour of
individual as distinguished from a corthe word " heirs " is necessary. Are
and what exceptions ?
7. Three persons purchase a fee simple estate and
advance the money in equal shares, and take a
conveyance to them and their heirs. What estate
have they ?
8. What is the distinction between powers appendant
or appurtenant and powers collateral or in gross ?.
Give examples.
9. In what cases does a power of sale include a power
to mortgage ? Give examples.
HONOUR E X A M I N A T I O N S , O.T. 1866.
10. A solicitor takes a mortgage, from his client for
costs already due. He takes a mortgage on
another property for costs to become due. Is
there any difference between the two cases ?
11. A mortgagee cancels a mortgage, and it is so
found in his desk at his death. What is the result as to the money and what as to the land ?
12. What is the rule as to the liability of the issue in
tail to the debts or incumbrances of his ancestor?
State the law fully.
13. Suppose tenant in tail in remainder were to pay
off an incumbrance, what is the presumption ?
14. If tenant in tail is an infant, what is the rule as to
keeping down the interest ? Give the reason for
the answer.
15. A debtor appoints his creditor one of the executors
of his will, and the creditor proves it. What will
be the consequence ?
16. Give instances of statutory exemption from escheat. •
17. Give a short summary of the recent Act to facilitate
the drainage of land.
18. Point out the distinction between an estate conditionally limited and one which depends on a con• dition subsequent.
19. An estate is granted to A for 99 years, provided
B or C, or the survivor of them, shall so long
live. Is the estate of A a chattel or a freehold
interest ?
20. How may a nuisance be committed in respect of an
incorporeal hereditament ?
{Mr. B i l l i n g )
1. In an action on an award, what matters of defence
may be given in evidence under the common plea,
denying the making of the award ?
2. In some cases it is doubtful whether the declaration
is in contract or tort. State fully the provision
of the Common Law Procedure Statute as to
pleading in such cases.'
3. In some actions on Bills of Exchange the drawing
cannot be traversed. Give the instances.
4. State fully what is put in evidence by the plea
traversing the indorsement of a Bill.
5. An action is brought on a Bill which was given
for goods sold. The goods turned out to be of
bad quality, which the purchaser wishes to take
advantage of; what is his course ?
6. In certain cases where the rights of the litigant
parties are such that the defendant would be
entitled' to recover back from the plaintiff the
same sum which the plaintiff seeks to recover, the
defendant may plead the facts which constitute
such right as a defence in order to avoid circuity
of action. Give examples fully.
7. Give a summary of the new practice as to Writs
of Mandamus and Injunction in actions, which
has been introduced by the Common Law Procedure Statute 1865.
8. In some cases it happens that persons who are
required to make affidavits which are necessary in
the course of an action, refuse to do so. State
fully the practice and course of proceeding in
such cases.
9. Under what circumstances may an attorney give
an order for the discharge of a party arrested
under a Capias ad Satisfaciendum ? W'hat is the
effect and force of such an order if rightfully
given ?
10. When a person is already in prison, what is the
course of procedure to charge him in execution ?
11. When a new trial is granted, what is flie law as
to costs ? Distinguish between cases when it is
granted on the ground that the verdict was
against evidence, and other cases.
12. What is the law as to executing writs of Capias
ad Respondendum and Capias ad Satisfaciendum
on Sunday ?
13. What is the present rule as to the alleging or
proving the materiality of evidence in cases Of
perjury ?
14. Where an offence is committed respecting the property of partners, joint-tenants, & c , what is the
law as to laying the ownership of the property in
the information ?
16. When in an information it is necessary to make
an averment as to money, or a bank note, or a
valuable security, what is the present law' as to
describing them ?
16. In some cases the jury, although they may acquit
of a crime charged, have power to convict of
another offence.
What other offence can they
'convict of when the offence charged was—
(1.) Feloniously wounding,
(2.) Poisoning,
(3.) Child Murder,
(4.) Robbery,
(5.) Stealing Cattle,.
(6.) Embezzlement?
THE F E B R U A R Y TERM, 1867.
{Professor Irving.)
A R N O L D , Greek Prose Composition.
Anabasis, IV. V. VI.
[ N . B . — T h e pnncipal p a r t s of a verb are the first
persons of its present f u t u r e and perfect active
its perfect passive and second aorist active: or i f
these tenses are not in use, then of whatever perf e c t f u t u r e a n d aorist it employs. I n parsing a
verb give its tense mood voice and principal
parts. I n parsing a noun or a n adjective give
its gender number case nominative and genitive
singular. N o abbreviations of any hind are to
be used. You need not accentuate.]
1. Decline throughout oirXm'iQ Xaftitv irXijBoQ (neuter)
avroc o Ovyurnp.
{Two at least must be done without mistake.)
/ 3
2. Give the principal parts of paXXEiv EvpiaKEiv 'EXEIV
XEITTEIV ITTEXXEIV n B l v a i ipvXaTTEiv xpV<r6di-
{Three at least must be done without^mistake.)
3. Write down throughout—
the imperfect indicative middle of iroiiw
the 1st aorist indicative active of KXEVT-W
the present optative active of EifU
the perfect indicative passive of dyylXXio.
4. Put into Greek (1) Three times a day. (2) The
Greeks said that they must obey Xenophon.
(3) If he has crossed the river, he has also gone
into the city. (4) Life is full of cares. (5) Cyrus
• sent men forward to see the roads. (6) For thus
we shall have done what we ought.
5. Translate and explain the peculiarity of construction in—
S6L,UV SI r a v r a EK^pv^av ovno TTOIE'IV.
6. What case is put in Greek after verbs of the senses,
and with what exception ? What case is used in
Greek as the absolute case, and what do you mean
by an absolute case ?
7. What sorts of accusatives do intransitive verbs take
after them ? Give examples.
8. Give the English of (1) rd aird TOVQ filv XVTE'I,
roue SE TtpirEi.
( 2 ) ETparTEV d S6£,EIEV avrio.
( 3 ) fiEi^io i) c a r d SiiKpva EirEirovBEnay.
( 4 ) wv
EXIO ayaBCov airoXavio,
P . T . 1867.
9. Translate literally, putting into parentheses till
words you supply—
Tjj SI voTEpaia d-K-geaav ol ' EXXT/VEC, EXOVTEQ TO.
EiririiSeia. 'ETTEI SI TI)V K a r a f i a a i v iqjofiovvTO T))v EIQ
TpaiTE^ovvra, irpavflQ y a p i)v Kal arevi), ipevSEvlSpav
iiron'iaai'To. K a l avijp, Mv<rdc TO y i v o c Kal rovvofia
TOVTO i x w y > ™ v Kpijriov X a p w v SEKU, ifiEVEV EV Xaalai
Xiop'iio Kal irpoaEiroiE~iTO TOVQ iroXifiiovQ WEipdaBat X a v BdvEiv' a l ol TTEXTUI aitTwv iiXXorE Kal dXXorf S I E <j>aivovTO ^ a X m t o v a a i .
O l fiEv ovv iroXlfitoi r a v r a
CiopwvTEQ lij>nj3ovvTO utQ I v i S p a v o i a a v ' if SI UTpana.
EV TOVTIO KaTEpaivEV. 'ETTEJ SI EOOKEl i]Sl] IKUVOV VTTEXrfXvBEvai r ^ Mvo-^J, lai]fir)VE <j>EvyEiv d v d KparOQ' Kal
!>S E^avaaraQ ipEvyfi Kal ol a w avrio.
K a i 01 filv
uXXoi KpijrEg, uXiaKtaBai y a p tifiaaav T £ Opofito, EKTTEOOVTEQ EK TJJQ boov EIQ VXTJV, K a r a TCIQ vairaQ KaXivSovfiEvoi iai)Br}aav.
10. In the preceding parse according to directions—
K a r a p a a i v , irpavi'jQ, E/IEVEV, izpoaEnoidTO, irEipdaBai,
XaXKa'i, LaioBnaav, Kpij"£C.
11. In the foregoing why is there an iota subscriptum
in d?r jjfff«v ? What is the construction of TO yivoc ?
What sort of genitive is Kpqriov ? Why is dXtVKEoBai present and not aorist ? What sort of augment have you in iipopovvro and in vTZEX-nXyBivai ?
12. Give fully the meanings and the derivations of
aBpoi£io aaOevilQ fiovXifitcno
arparajyoQ ovaKnvoQ vwalBpiOQ.
{Professor Irving.)
CiESAR, Gallic War, I I I . IV. ARNOLD, Latin Prose
[ N . B . — I n parsing a verb give its tense mood voice
and principal parts. The principal parts of a
verb are the first person present and perfect indicative (active i f in use) the supine in -vm and
the present infinitive (active i f in use).
parsing a substantive or an adjective give its
nominative and genitive and its gender number
and case. N o abbreviations of any kind are to
be used.]
1. Decline throughout certior eruptio fluctus integer
iste opus.
('Four at least must be done correctly.)
2. Give the principal parts of cogo confido extrudo gero
intelligo noceo persuadeo reprimo retineo vendo.
{Six at least must be done correctly.)
3. Write down throughout—
the future indicative passive of intercludere
the pluperfect subjunctive active of diducere
• the pluperfect indicative active of praebere
the future perfect indicative passive of mittere
the imperfect subjunctive active of ferre
the imperative active (all) of daro.
{Four at least must be done correctly.)
4. Translate literally—
Quod ubi Caesar animadvertit, naves longas,
quarum et species erat liarbaris inusitatior et
motus ad usura expeditior, paulum removeri ab
oncrariis navibus, et remis incitari, et ad latus
apertum hostium constitui, atque inde fundis, sagittis, tormentis hostes propelli ac sumraoveri
. jussit; quae res magno usui nostris fuit. Nam et
navium figura, et rcmorum motu, et inusitato
genero tormentorum permoti, barbari constiterunt,
ac paulum modo pedem retulerunt. Atque nostris
militibus cunctantibus, maxime propter altitudinem maris, qui decimna legionis aquilam ferebat,
contestatus deos, ut ea res logioni feliciter eveniret, " Desilite," inquit, " commilitones, nisi vultis
aquilam hostibus prodore: ego certe meum rei
publicae atquo imperatori officium praestitero."
Hoc cum voce magna dixisset, se ex navi projecit,
atque in hostes aquilam forre ccepit. Turn nostri
cohortati inter se, ne tantum dedecus admitteretur,
universi ex navi desiluerunt.
5. In the preceding parse tormentis usui retulerunt
vultis praestitero projecit dedecus navi.
6. What does the prefix in- in the word inusitatior
mean? Give three other words in which it has
the same meaning. What is the antecedent to
quae res ? Why is paulum accusative ?
7. Give fully the meanings and the derivations of
agger difficultas tiumen impetus navigare obses
quotannis redintegratus speculatorius ulterior.
8. How is the want of a past participle active got over
in Latin? E.g. how would you put into Latin,
The boy having thrown the stone ran away ?
9. Mention six verbs which in English take the objective case without a preposition, but require the
dative in Latin.
10. What do you mean by a dependent or indirect
question ? What is their peculiarity in Latin ?
11. Give the meaning of idem memor obstare quivis
rogare uter. Construct a brief Latin sentence to
shew the peculiar use or government of each and
give a translation.
12. Give the Latin for (1) Don't do it. (2) He said
that he valued friends more every day. (3) Pericles gave his lands as a gift to the state. (4) The
happier a time is, the shorter it seems. (5) We
are carried one one way, one another. (6) The
horse is scarcely equal to bearing the burden.
{Professor Irving.)
Grammar and Analysis.
[The first four questions must be satisfactorily
1. Parse according to Morell's Scheme every word in
the following—
The stag at eve had drunk his fill
Where danced the moon on Monan's rill.
2. What sort of sentence is the foregoing called ? Of
how many sentences does it consist, and what do
you call them in relation to each other ?
3. On what grounds are the following condemned by
Crombie ?—
(1.) Whether he will or no
(2.) His conduct argued the most extreme vanity
(3.) Thus each legion to whom auxiliaries were
allotted contained within itself every species of
lighter troops
(4.) I t is probable that neither of these are the
.meaning of the text
Give in every case the proper name of the fault
4. Analyse the following according to Morell's Second
The proposal of a visit from the Emperor, when
made known at Paris, was met with a warm and
instant assent: and many were the speculations
to which an affair so unexpected gave occasion in
5. Construct examples of (a) a simple sentence,
(b) an adjective sentenfle, {c) an adversative
6. How does Morell distinguish Roots, Primary Derivatives, Secondary Derivatives ? Give two examples of each.
7. Give Morell's classification of Adverbs.
- ,
8. Under which general head and which special class
of Nouns would you place Twilight—Rowing—
Pungency—Quart—Quartz—Sphinx ?
9. What peculiar forms does the subjunctive mood of
an English verb possess independent of auxiliaries ? When is this form to be employed ?
10. What are the exceptional circumstances under
which in English the adjective follows the noun ?
11. Crombie states that we may say in English either
"Great liberty was allowed me" or " I was allowed great liberty." On what grounds does he
, maintain this ?
12. Certain errors of spelling and of grammar have
been introduced into the following extract from
Crombie. Write it out in a correct form:—
A solisism is reguarded by gramarians as a
much grater offense than each of the others: by
cause it betraies a grater ignorence of the principals of the language. Retorickally considerd it
is denied a lesser trespas, for the retorishian and
gramarian estimates tho magnitude of erors by
difrent standards, the first enquiring onely how
far any.error millitaits against the grate purpose
of his art, perswasron, the last how far it betraies
an ignorence of .the principals of gramer. Hence
with the first obscurity is the gratost trespas, with
the last solisism and that specious of barbarity
which vilates the rewlcs of etimollogy.
M A T R I C U L A T I O N , F.T.
{Professor Irving.)
1. Translate literally—
Charles voulait braver les saisons comme il faisait ses cnnemis ; il osait faire de longues marches
de troupes pendant ce froid mortel: ce fut dans
une de ces marches que deux mille hommes tomberent morts de froid sous ses yeux. Les cavaliers
n'avaient plus de bottes, les fantassins etaient sans
souliers et presque sans habits : ils 6taient reduits
h se faire des chaiissures de peaux de b6tes, comme
ils pouvaient; souvent ils manquaient de pain.
On avait 6t6 reduit a jeter presque tous les canons
dans des marais et dans des rivieres, faute de
chevaux pour les trainer. Cette armee, auparavant si norissante, etait reduite a vingt-quatro
mille hommes prets a mourir de faim. On ne
recevait plus de nouvelles de la Suede, et on ne
pouvait y en faire tenir. Dans cet etat un seul
officier se plaignit: " He" quoi! lui dit le roi, vous
ennuyez-vous d'etre loin de votre femme ? Si vous
etes un vrai soldat, je vous mer.erai si loin que
vous pourrez a peine recevoir des nouvelles de
Suede une fois en trois ans."
2. In the preceding why have you " de longues
marches" not " d e s " ?
Why " de pain" not
3. Translate—
(1.) Le Cosaque fut fidiile a son nouvel .alli6, soit
que le supplicc affreux de la roue dont avaient
peri ses amis le. fit craindre pour lui-meme, soit
qu'il voulut les venger
(2.) C'est une chose singuliere que la langue des
Remains ne se parle adjourd'hui communement
qu'en Pologno : tout y parle Latin jtisqu'aux domestiques
(3.) II fit proposer aux creanciers de le suivre avec
1'assurance d'etre pay£s de leurs frais et de leurs
4. Give the English of accabler brancard drapeau
faubourg genou m£che mensongc 6tagc parcil
5. Give the French for any, to-morrow, least, money,
town, thanks, river, war, to walk, to hinder.
6. What are the two words by which " who" may be
translated in French ? Explain the difference in
using them. When is it rig-ht to use " mon"
with a feminine noun ?
7. Write down the Cardinal numbers in French from
eleven to twenty and the Ordinals from one to ten
both inclusive.
8. Write down throughout—
the future of fltre (I shall be, &c.)
the present indicative negative and interrogative
of avoir (Have I not? &c.)
the perfect indicative of s'apercevoir (I have perceived, &c.)
M A T R I C U L A T I O N , F . T . 1867.
the past imperfect indicative of agir (I was acting,
the conditional of conduire (I should conduct, &c)
{TJtree a t least must be done correctly.)
9. Write down the first person present indicative the
first person past imperfect indicative and the past
participle of allor appeler battrc comprendre
coudre dire hair mourir rompre suffire.
.{Six a t least must be done correctly)
10. Mention any singular personal pronoun which is
both conjunctive and disjunctive. Construct an
instance of its use in each capacity.
11. Put into French— '
(1.) The windows of the house look on to the street
(2.) If you have more money than you want, pray
give me some
(3.) They began to fight again in the midst of ice
and snow
(4.) My father met your uncle the day before yesterday
(5.) Whatever his fortune may be, the miser never
has enough
(6.) Here are the same things I saw this morning
{Professor Wilson.)
Five questions must be answered correctly to entitle
a Candidate to pass.
The answer to every question must be worked out at
full length and the working sent in as part of the
answer. Every result must be reduced to -its
simplest form.
1. Write down in words the quotient and the remainder obtained by dividing one hundred and
seventy billions fifty millions and twelve by two'
hundred and ninety thousand millions twelve
thousand and seven.
2. How much will 66789 ounces of gold cost at
£3 17s. 10^d. an ounce ?
3. The value of nineteen twentieths of a property
exceeds the value of eighteen nineteenths of' the
same property by £17 lis. 2d.; find the value of
the whole property.
4. Two persons set out from two distant places to.
meet one another; when one had travelled five
elevenths of the distance and the other seven
thirteenths of it they were still a mile apart; find
the distance between the two places.
5. The bricks used in building a house cost
£708 2s. 6d. at £2 lus. a. thousand ; what will
be the increase in the cost when they are
£3 2s. 6d. a thousand ?
0. A clock is 1m. 13s. slow at noon on January 1st
1867; how much must it gain daily that it may
he 17 - 5s. fast at noon on July 1st ?
7. One litre contains 0-220090 gallons and a dozen
bottles contain two gallons; express the contents
of one bottle in litres as nearly as possible with
.four places of decimals.
8. Extract the square root of 9999800001.
9. Extract the square root of 372-153 to four places
of decimals.
10. Find the vulgar fraction equal to the circulating
decimal -125125
{Professor Wilson)
Six questions must be answered correctly to entitle
a Candidate to pass.
The answer to every question that requires working
must be worked out in full and the working sent
in as part of the answer. Every result must. be
reduced to its simplest form.
1. The number a is multiplied by itself; the number
h is also multiplied by itself; and the two
products are added together; write down the
algebraical expression for a number which when
multiplied by itself will produce this sum.
2. The simple interest "of a sum of money for any
number of years is found by multipl3'ing the sum
of money by the rate per cent, and by the
number of years and dividing the product by a
hundred; the quotient is the interest required;
write down the algebraical expression for the
interest of P pounds for n years at r pe,r cent,
per annum.
3. A person has a — 2x pounds in hand; he owes
2a — 3x pounds; and has to receive 3a —. x
pounds; how much will he have when tho debts
due to him and by him are paid ?
4. Add together
a —x
a + x
— a*
5. Divide 9a 3 b - lla°-b- + Gab3 —2a 4 by 3ab — a 3
6. Divide {x3 + y 3 ) 2 + {x3 — y 3 ) 2
by (a: + y ) 2 + {x - y ) 2 .
7. Arrange the expression
x 2 — Sax + a 2 — 2x 3 — ax 2 + x - 1
according to ascending powers of x so that the
coefficients of the several powers of x shall be in
8. Substitute a — b for x in the expression
x"- + (a + b ) x + a 2 + b 2
9. Substitute - for x and — for y in the expression
-y + x-1
10. A clock is x minutes fast at noon and gains uniformly at the rate of y minutes in 24 hours; how
much will it be fast at five o'clock in the evening ?
11. Solve the equation
(*-|)-|(*-' 7 ) = 3(5
+ I1
12. Solve the equation
2ax + U = a v( U - x S \
{Professor Wilson.)
Three propositions from the First Book and Two from
the Second Book must be written out correctly
to entitle a Candidate to pass.
Credit will not be given for any proposition in which
Algebraical Symbols are used.
1. The angles at the base of an isosceles triangle are
equal to one another and if the equal sides are
produced the angles upon the other side of the
base are equal to one another.
2. Draw a straight line at right angles to a given
straight line from a given point in it.
3. If from the ends of the side of a triangle two
straight lines are drawn to a point within the
triangle these lines shall bo together less than
the other two sides of the triangle but shall contain a greater angle.
4. Describe a parallelogram which shall be equal to a
given triangle and have one of its angles equal to
a given rectilineal angle.
5. If the square described upon one of the sides of a
triangle is equal to the squares described upon
the other two sides of it the angle contained by
these two sides is a right angle.
0. If a straight line is divided into any two parts the
square on the whole line is equal to the rectangle
contained by the whole and one of the parts together with the rectangle contained by the whole
and the other part.
7. If a straight line is bisected and produced to any
point the rectangle contained by the whole line
thus produced and the part of it produced together
with the square on half the lino bisected is equal
to the square on the straight line which is made
up of the half and the part produced.
8. Describe a square that shall be equal to a given
rectilineal figure.
{Professor Hearn.)
Candidates may select any two of the following
I.—1. What were the limits of the Heroic Age, and
what was its supposed duration ?
2. What-was the date and what were the circumstances of the Conspiracy of Cylon ?
3. What was the date and what was the occasion of
the Third Messenian War ?
4. Give some account of Jason of Pherae and his
5. What was the date and what were the circumstances of the destruction of Platoaa??.
6. What was the date and what were the circumstances of the destruction of Thebes ?
II.—1. What were.the boundaries of Italy at the time
of the Punic Wars, and what were the names of
the adjacent parts of the Peninsula ?
2. State the three important acts usually ascribed to
Servius Tullius.
3. When and in what circumstances was pay first
given to a Roman army ?
4. When and in what circumstances was the full
number of Roman tribes completed ?
5. What events marked the limits of the administration of Fabius Cunctator?
6. State the public services of the elder Tiberius
III.—1. Who was the only Englishman that has been
Pope ? With what English King was he contemporary, and what transactions had he with
that King ?
2. Who were the principal European Sovereigns at
the time of the discovery of America ?
3. What was the Solemn League and Covenant, and
what was its date ?
4. What was tho Massacre of Glencoe, and what
was its date ?
5. What was the affair of "Wood's halfpence"?
What celebrated author is connected with that
affair ?
6. When was the title of King of France assumed,
and when was it abandoned, as part of the title
of the King of England ?
{Professor McCoy.)
1. In what parts of the atmosphere is the polarization
greatest, and where are the points situated in the
atmosphere in which the light of the sun is not
polarized ?
2. Describe all the great currents of the.Atlantic
Ocean, giving approximately the extent, origin,
termination, and velocity of each.
3. Through what places would the line of mean winter
temperature of 30° pass in the Northern Hemisphere, and how do you account for the chief
flexures of the line ?
4. A rainfall of 30 inches has been measured in four
hours and 500 inches in seven months; where was
this, and what are the physical peculiarities accounting for this amount of precipitation ?
5. How many inches of rain fall in a year at the
equator, and in about how many days does the fall
usually take place ?
6. What is the annual movement of the equatorial
belt of calms, and what produces it ? and in what
countries are there two wet and two dry seasons,
and when do they occur ?
7. What are the principal characteristics of the lunar
diurnal variations of the magnetism of the earth,
"and how do they differ from the solar ones ?
8. Describe clearly Elie de Beaumont's theory of contemporaneous mountain chains, shewing the exact
method of recognising the different periods in the
field, and giving some European examples.
9. How are each of the kinds of moraines formed, and
how are certain of them used to prove changes of
climate in various localities ?
10. Describe as many of the Islands of the Columbian
Archipelago as you can, distinguishing the Volcanic and the Coral Islands from the others.
{Professor Irving.)
1. Translate into idiomatic English—
{ a ) ETT£1 SI OVX VIplEVTO ol "EXXljVEC, &XX' OflllOE
Ex^ipovv, iipvyov ol fldpfiapoi Kal IVTEVBEV iiiravTEQ
XtlTOVTEQ TO x"°pL o v ' o ^E ftaaiXEVQ avTwv 6 EV rip fioaa v v i rip Eir uKpov ipKoSofinfiEvip, ov Tplifiovai iravTEQ
Koivy a v r o v f t i v o v r a Kal (pyXdrroi'Ta, OVK I)BEXEV E£EXBEIV, ovSl ol i v rip irporepov . a l p E B l v n x ^ P ^ ' t dXX'
a i r o u a w TO'IQ fioaavvoiQ KarEKavBnaav.
O l SI
' EXXEVEI; diapirci£ovTEQ r a x w P'<* fvpicKOv OgaavpovQ
EK ralQ oikiaiQ apriov vevn/iEviov irarpiovQ, £)Q E<jta-
M A T R I C U L A T I O N — E X H I B I T I O N S , F . T . 1867.
' iray ol MoaavvoiKOi, r o v SE VEOV a l r o v Evv rfj KaXdfin
airoKEifiEvov' i \ a a v SI fatal a l i r X d a r a i .
K a l SEXIjllVblV TEfldxV EV dfllpOpEvaiV
TUJV SEXipiviov, oj E^pwvro
MoaavvoiKOi KaBairEp ot EX-XJIVEC TIO IXaiio' Kapva SE
ETTI riov dvioyaioiv TJV TroXXd r d i r X a r e a , OVK k x o v r a
Siaipvijv ovStfiiav' TOVTIO Kal irXElano atrip Ixpiovro
aKparOQ filv 6£,VQ lipaivETO e t v a i VTTO TIJQ a v a r n p o r n r o Q ,
KEpaaBEiQ SI EvioSnc TE Kal ffSvQ.
Tt ipi]Qj T I V E'ITTOQ TOVSE fivBov, <S y i p o v ;
T E . airEp irlipvKE, r a v r a KavdyKr) (7E SpClV.
K P . ,<5 TroXXd X i ^ a s EV ftpaxEi XP° V V K a K a T E . aoi y , dXXd irarpiSi fiEyciXa Kal a w r y p i a .
OVK EKXVOV, OVK iJKOvaa' x a i P ^ T 0 > TOXIQ.
dr»;p So' OVKEB' UVTOQ, EK^EUEI TrdXiv.
x a ' P w v '"' "
aTrdXaiXfj' 7; dX>;9ft', ETTEI a v SVQTVXEIQ
(3 vrpdc (T£ y o v d n o v Kal y c p a a / i l o v rpixOQ,
r i npoQiriTVEiQ fie ; SvQtpvXaKr' U'ITE'I KaKa.
7 a P oiov fiE CET fiavTEVfianov,
aCtKElv KEXEVEIQ fi ; ov aiwin'iaaifiEv a v .
r i Si'i fiE Spdaeie ; i r a t ^ d fiov KaraKTEVElQ;
dXXots fiEXrjcEi r a v r , kfiol S' EipifOETai.
EK roii S' ifiol r o S ' J)X9E Kai TEKVIO KaKi'tv;
d S' i v Sofiowi irpeafivQ d/iuaroorEpr/c
oVr/cas ofioirripov, r a g a i t o CvyEiaaQ Sdfiiov,
TToBov ClfUplSciKpvTOV
a £ l KaTEX<OV
drp^E filv Ziipovc
E V avTOXEipa TE aipayixv,
viTEp TEpEfivd T ' d y ^ d r a t
a w a X a X a l a i S' n l l v a i a y / m T i o v
2. Translate into Greek, in the style of Xenophon —
This being done, and order set downe for disburdening the armie of all superfluous impediments, they easily comforted themselves for the
losse of Tissaphcrnes his assistance, hoping to take
victualls by force better cheape than, he had been
wont to sell them; to which purpose they intended to take up their lodging two or three
miles further, among some plentifull villages, and
so to proceed, marching towards the heads of
those great rivers which lay in their way, and to
passe them where they were fordable.
3. What is the technical name for the dialogue in
Extract b? If iprJQ were perispomenon and if
aiya (1. 11) were properispomenon what difference
would be made in their meanings ? How do you
account for the accusative fie in 1. 10 ? Explain
the ellipse in line 11. Point out in the foregoingtwo instances of Crasis, of Elision, and of Contraction. Scan fully lines 4, 8 and 10.
P a r s e dvlpaioQ ULVEKEKOIVIOVTO dantS>](ji6povQ IXdrrovc
IvnSpEvaafiEV BEaipdnov KaBaifiarCtaai Kaaiyvi)rnv
Xovrpd fiEXafif3aBi']Q
a(pEvSovi]TaQ virnpETEi ipavio xP v t T 0 7 r 'l^V l c a Give a
full account of the formation or composition of
each, and mention other words illustrating either.
5. In what dialect are the choruses of Greek plays
generally written ? and what are the principal
differences between it and the dialect of the
dialogue ?
6. How would you classify the declensions of Greek
nouns ? Give examples to illustrate and explain
vour classification.
M A T R I C U L A T I O N — E X H I B I T I O N S , F . T . 1867.
(2.) LATIN.
Translate into idiomatic English—
(«.) In eadem causa fuerunt Usipetes et Tencteri,
quos supra diximus, qui complures annos Suevorum
vim sustinuerunt; ad extremum tamen agris expulsi et multis locis Germaniae triennium vagati
ad Rhenum pervenerunt; quas regiones Menapii
incolebant, et ad utramque ripam fluminis agros,
aedificia, vicosque habebant ; sed tantas multitudinis aditu perterriti ex his sedificiis, qua? trans
flumen habuerant, demigraverunt, et cis Rhenum
dispositis praesidiis Germanos transire prohibebant.
Illi, omnia experti, cum neque vi contendere
propter inopiam navium, neque clam transire
propter custodias Menapiorum possent, reverti se
in suas sedes regionesque simulaverunt, et tridui
viam progress! rursus roverterunt; atque omni
hoc itinere una nocte equitatu confecto, inscios
inopinantesque Menapios oppresserunt, qui de
Germanorum discessu per exploratores certiores
facti sine metu trans Rhenum in suos vicos remigraverant.
Hue ubi delati portus intravimus, ecce
Laeta bourn passim campis armenta videmus
Caprigenumque pecus, nullo custode, per berbas.
Irruimus ferro, et divos ipsumque vocamus
In partem praedamque Jovem. Turn litore curvo
Exstruimusque toros, dapibusque epulamur opimis.
At subitae horrifico lapsu de montibus adsunt
Harpyiae, et magnis quatiunt clangoribus alas,
Diripiuntque dapes, contactuque omnia foedant
Immundo ; turn vox tctrum dim inter odorem.
Rursum in secessu longo sub rupe cavata,
Arboribus clausi circum atque horrentibus umbris,
Instruimus mensas, arisque reponimus ignem.
Turn vero ^Eneas subitis exterritus umbris
Corripit e somno corpus, sociosque fatigat:
"Praecipites vigilate, viri, etconsidite transtris;
Solvite vela citi. Deus aethere missus ab alto,
Festinare fugam, tortosque incidere funes,
Ecce iterum stimulat. Sequimur te, sancte deorum,
Quisquis es,imperioque iterum paremus ovantes.
Adsis o, placidusque juves, et sidera ccelo
Dextra feras." Dixit; vaginaque eripit ensem
Fulmineum, strictoque ferit retinacula fcrro.
Idem omnis simul ardor habet; rapiuntque
Litora deseruere; latet sub classibus aeqiior;
Annixi torquent spumas, et cosrula verrunt.
2. Translate into Latin Prose—
The ancients had no other method of regulating
their course than by observing the sun and stars.
Their navigation was of consequence uncertain
and timid. They durst seldom quit sight of land,
but crept along the coast, exposed to all the
dangers and retarded by all the obstructions
unavoidable in holding such an awkward course.
An incredible length of time was requisite for
performing voyages which are now finished in a
short space. Even in the mildest climates and
in seas the least tempestuous, it was only during
the summer months that the ancients ventured out
of their harbours. The remainder of the year was
M A T R I C U L A T I O N — E X H I B I T I O N S , F.T. 1867. Cxlvii
lost in inactivity. I t would have been deemed
most inconsiderate rashness to have braved the
fury of the winds and waves during winter.—
ROBERTSON, History of America.
3. In extract (a), explain fully the derivation and the
formation of these words—aedificia copia rursus
triduum triennium uterque. Explain clearly why
annos is accusative, locis ablative, Germanos
accusative, possent subjunctive.
4. Explain fully the meaning the derivation and the
formation of the following words—anceps ancora
audax exiguus extinxem nialo maximus inonumentu.m nuntius paullum prtesertim stella.
5. What are the legends referred to in these lines?—
(1.) Eumenidum demens videt agmina Pentheus
(2.) Agamemnomus scenis agitatus Orestes .
(3.) Quam pius arcitenens Gyaro Myconoque
6. Scan and note any peculiarity in—
(1.) Lamentis gemituque et.femineo ulalatu
(2.) Liminaque, laurusque Dei: totusque movcri
(3.) Armatumque auro circumspicit Oriona
(4.) Connubio jungam stabili propriamque dicabo.
7. Give fully from Arnold the Roman system of money
8. Give the Latin for—
(1.) He cried out* that so far as he could, he
would follow the example of so great a leader.
. ?2
(2.) Under favour, it would have been better not to
have called the tribes together. (3.) That the
conqueror was not able to spare the conquered was
their own fault. (4.) If you have let out anything to be done, and wish it to be well done, look
to it yourself.
{Professor WilsoJi.)
(1.) EUCLID.
If two triangles have two sides of the one equal to
two sides of the other each to each and an angle
opposite one of these sides in the one equal to the
angle opposite to the side equal to it in the other
the angles opposite to the other equal sides will bo
either equal to one another or together equal to
two right angles.
From the second and the third propositions of the
second book deduce the fourth proposition without
One circumference of a circle cannot cut another
in more than two points.
From a given point without a circle draw a
straight line which shall touch the circle.
F . T . 1867. c x l i x
5. The angle in a semicircle is a right angle; the
angle in a segment greater than a semicircle is
less than a right angle; and the angle in a
segment less than a semicircle is greater than a
right angle.
G. If from a point without a circle two straight lines
are drawn one of which cuts the circle and the
. other touches it the rectangle contained by the
whole line which cuts the circle and the part of
it without the circle is equal to the square -on the
line which touches it.
7. Inscribe a circle in a given triangle.
8. Inscribe an equilateral and equiangular pentagon
in a given circle.
9. Show that the lino joining the middle points of
two sides of a triangle is parallel to the third
10. If two circles touch each other externally any
straight line drawn through the point of contact
.will cut off similar segments.
IT. If the opposite angles of a quadrilateral figure are
together equal to two right angles shew that a
circle may be described about it.
1. What is meant by the greatest common
of two numbers ? If d is the greatest
measure of a and b and e the greatest
measure of d and c show that e is the
common measure of a and b and c.
2. Shew how to find the value of a recurring decimal.
Find the value of -12345
3. Shew that the square root of a whole - number
cannot be expressed by either a terminating or a
recurring decimal.
4. Find the highest common factor of
6 { a 3 + b 3 ) + 3(a 2 + Z>2) - 2ab(a + b + 2ab + 5)
and 6 { a 3 - ¥ ) + 3 {d'-V) + 2ab{a + b + 2ab-4)
5. Investigate in what cases xm + ym is divisible by
x + y
6. If a,' h, c, d are continued proportionals, shew that
/ a3b + b3d _
bc + cb
j effb + b2a
v' c"-d + d 2 c
7. Investigate in what cases the fraction — ^ - is
b+ x
greater or less than — .
8. Solve the equation
*Jx + a
x + a + */x—a
' _ -i
Vx + a — \/x—a
F . T . 1867.
9. Solve the equation
6 {x* + 1) - 35a; {x2 + 1) + 62x« = 0
10, Solve the equations
a; + y = 5
x* + y* = 97
{Professor Hearn.)
I.—1. What is the first certain date in Athenian
history ?
2. Describe the reforms of Cleisthenes.
3. Describe the reforms of. Pericles.
4. What was the date and what were the terras of
the (so-called) Peace of Cimon ?
5. What was the date and what were the terms of
the Peace of Antalcidas ?
0. What was the date and what wore the terms of
the Peace of Callias ?
II.—1. What evidence as to the extent at that time
of the Roman-power is furnished by the early
- treaty of Rome with. Carthage ?
2. Who was Polybius and when did he live ? State
tho circumstances of his connection with Rome.
3. Where was the Colony of Aquileia? In what
circumstances was it founded, and what was
its fate ?
4. Where was the Colony of Fregellae ? In what
circumstances was it founded, and what was
its fate ?
5. When and in what circumstances was the Province of Sardinia formed ?
6. When and in what circumstances was the Province of Macedonia formed ?
III.—State the respective dates and terms of the
following Treaties and the circumstances in
which they were made :—
1. The Peace of Bretigni.
2. The Treaty of Troyes.
3. The Treaty of Limerick.
4. Tho Peace of Utrecht.
5. The Peace of Versailles.
6. The Peace of Amiens.
{Professor McCoy.)
1. Enumerate as many places as you can through
which the line of probable equatorial limit of the
fall of snow in the North ana South hemispheres
•respectively passes, with the latitude and longitude
of each point of greatest North or South deflection.
2. Give the tracks, direction of revolution, and some
examples of the velocities of as many'of the air
currents in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans as
you can.
3. What are the approximate boundaries of the principal earthquake regions of the earth, and what
volcanoes do you find in each area?
4. Name and give the position of as many of the
rivers flowing into the Arctic Ocean as you can.
5. Where are the points of maximum magnetic intensity of the earth situated ? Give the latitude and
longitude of each, -and name as many places as
you can through which the dynamic equator
{Professor Irving.)
1. Give a concise account of— {a.) the self-devotion of the Burghers of Calais
or {b.) the career of Hannibal.
2. Mention the author of each of the following, and
name that work of his in which it occurs—
(I.) There is a tide in the affairs of men
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune
(2.) A favourite has no friend
. •
(3.) Lcould not love thee, Dear, so much
Loved I not honour more
' (4.) How fleet is a glance of the mind.
3. Explain the following, and state where they are to
be found—
(1.) The diapason closing full in man.
(2.) Wave, Munich, all the banners wave
And charge with all thy chivalry
(3.) Once did she hold tho gorgeous East in fee
And was the safeguard of the west
(4.) Every shepherd tells his tale
Under the hawthorn in the dale.
4. Who were the authors of the following—
(1.) The
(2.) The
(4.). The
Morte d'Arthur
Pilgrim's Progress
Essay on Man ?
Give some account of the works named, and state
about what date they were written.
5. Classify every word of the following under one or
other of the four heads—(a) Saxon, {b) Latin
directly 'derived.
(c) Latin through French.
(a7) Derived from some other source—
Awake, Aeolian lyre, awake,
And give to rapture all thy trembling strings.
From Helicon's harmonious springs
M A T R I C U L A T I O N — E X H I B I T I O N S , F.T. 1867.
A thousand rills their mazy progress take :
The laughing flowers that round them blow
Drink life and fragrance as they flow.
Now the rich stream of Music winds alongDeep, majestic, smooth, and strong,
Through verdant vales, and Ceres' golden reign;
Now rolling down the steep amain
Headlong, impetuous, see it pour :
The rocks and nodding groves re-bellow to the
6. How does Morell define an Auxiliary? Give.his
classification of the Auxiliary verbs employed in
English, and explain their uses.
7.-State what you know of the Etymology of the
following words — Cathedral Fairy Grammar
Monarchy Orange Paper Rule Square.
8. Examine the following phrases: state whether they
are correct or not, Shd give your reasons—
(1.) Let me see who do I know among them
(2.) The act of all others which most certainly leads
to its own punishment
(3.) He found himself at a loss to display his powers
. of criticism only by lavishing his praise
(4.) We shall therefore enumerate the .principal
figures of speech, and give them some explanation.
9.' Analyse, and give a full explanation of the. relation
of the clauses in the following—
Beneath the chilling airs, when I behold
Thee, lovely flower, recline thy languid head:
When I behold thee drooping, pale, and cold,
And sorrowing for thy vernal sisters dead; •
Methinks I mark the orphan child of woe,
Exposed to hardship from his earliest birth, •
Bending beneath the wintry storriis that blow,
His only portion a rude spot of earth;
Yet sure like thine, meek flow'r, his spring draws
And Heaven's sweet sunshine'shall inhale each tear.
10. Analyse—
Even if the particular conclusions, at which the
author has arrived, should prove erroneous, the
evil is comparatively unimportant, if he have at
the same time communicated to our minds such
powers of thought, as will enable us to detect his
errors and attain by our own efforts to a more
perfect knowledge of the truth.—COLERIDGE.
(4.) FRENCH.
{Professor Irving.)
. Translate into idiomatic English—
(a.) Ces malheureux furent disperses depuis dans
les etats du czar, mais particulierement en Siburie,,
vaste province de la grande Tartaric, qui, du c6te
de 1'orient, s'etend jusqu'aux frontieres de 1'em.. pire chinois. Dans ce pays barbare oil 1'usage du.
• pain n'etait pas meme connu, les Suedois, devenus
ingenieux par le besoin, y exercerent les metiers
et les arts dont ils pouvaient avoir-quelque tein• ture. Alors toutes les distinctions que la fortune
M A T R I C U L A T I O N — E X H I B I T I O N S , F . T . 1867. d v i i
met entre les hommes furent bannies: 1'officier
qui ne put exercer aucun metier fut rMuit a
fendre et a porter le hois du soldat devenu tailleur, drapier, nienuisier, ou magon, ou orfevre, et
qui gagnait do quoi subsister. Quelques officiers
devinrentpeintres, d'autres architectes : il y en eut
qui enseignSrent les langues, les mathematiques;
ils y etablirent meme des ccoles publiques, qui
avec le temps devinrent si utiles et si connues qu'on
y envoy ait des enfants de Moscou.
( J . ) - M O N S . J.—Par mafoi, i l y a plus de quarante
ans que je dis de la prose, sans que j'en susse rien;
et je vous suis le plus oblige du monde de m'avoir
appris cela. Je voudrois done lui mettre dans un
billet: Belle marquise, vos beaux yeux me f o n t
mourir d'amour; mais je voudrois que cela fut
mis d'une maniere galante, que cela fut tourne
L E MAITHE D E PHILOS.—Mettre quo les feux
de ses yeux reduiseut votre coaur en cendres; que
vous soufiroz nuit et jour pour elie les violences
MONS. J.—Non, non, non, jo ne veux point
tout cela. J e ne veux que ce que je vous ai d i t :
Belle marquise, vos beaux yeux me f o n t mourir
MAITRE D E P H I L O S . — I I faut bien etendre
un peu la chose.
. '
MONS. J.—Non, vous dis-je. Je ne veux que
ces seules paroles-la dans le billet, mais touruees
a la mode, bien arrangees comme il faut. J e .
vous prio de me dire un peu, pour voir, les
diverses manieres dont on les pent mettre.
MAITRE D E PHILOS.—On les pent mettre
premierement comme vous avez d i t : Belle marquise, vos beaux yeux me f o n t mourir d'amour.
Ou bien : D'amour mourir me font, belle marquise, vos beaux yeux. On bien: Vos yeux
beaux d'amour me font, belle marquise, tnourir,
Ou bien : Mourir vos beaux yeux, belle marquise,
d'amour mefont. Ou bien : Me font vos yeux
• beaux mourir, belle marquise, d'amour.
MONS. J.—Mais de toutes ces fagons-la, laquelle
est la meilleure ?"
L E MAITRE D E PHILOS.—Celle que vous avez
dite : Belle marquise, vos beaux yeux me font
mourir d'amour. •
MONS. J.—Cependant je n'ai point 6tudie, et
j'ai fait cela tout du premier coup. Je vous
remercie de tout mon coeur, et vous prie de venir
domain de bonne heure.
2. Give the meanings and the derivations of apaiser
approcher bocage dessein f'Acheux marquise outre
prisonnier rosier truchement.
3. From what Latin words are derived alors croire
ecouter etre gendre jeune oreille plaie ? Explain
the mode of formation of each, and give instances
of words similarly formed.
4. Explain the meaning of the French negatives
ne—pas, ne—point, ne—rien.
,5. Explain the peculiar form assumed in French by
the third persons singular of a verb used interrogatively.
M A T R I C U L A T I O N — E X H I B I T I O N S , F . T . 1867.
6. How are adverbs" formed in French?' State the
origin of the termination, and shew how that
origin may bo traced in the form of every adverb.
7. Translate and explain (a) L'ascendant de Charles
prevalut. {b) II aurait pu prendre son parti et
empecher qu'on ne fit cet affront aux rois Chretiens, (c) L'R se prononce en portant le bout
de la langue jusqu'au haut du palais, de sorte
qu'etant frolee par 1'air qui sort avec force, elie lui
cede, {d) Elie endort et je voudrais que vous la
pussiez un peu regaillardir par-ci par-lii. (e) Un
pain de rive a biseau dore, avec un carre de mouton gourmande de porsil. {f) Comment! mon
pere, comme vous voilil fait! est-ce une comedie
que vous jouez.
8. P u t into French—
William ordered a thousand horsemen to advance and to flee immediately. The sight of this
pretended rout caused the Saxons to lose their
coolness,: all ran to the pursuit, their axes hanging
from their necks. At a certain point, a body of
troops, designedly posted, joined the fugitives, who
turned, and the English surprised in their disorder
were assailed on all sides by blows of lance and
sword, from which they could hot defend themselves, having both hands occupied in wielding
their huge axes. When they had lost their ranks
the barriers of the redoubts were broken down :
horsemen and footmen made their way i n : but
the fight was still lively, pell-mell, body to body.
{Professor Irving.)
Speeches against Philip, and on the Peace.
Greek Grammar.
[In parsing a verb state its tense mood and voice,
and give the first person present future perfect
and second aorist active and perfect passive. I f
these tenses are not in use, then give the first
person of the present future perfect and aorist
in use.]
1. Translate literally—
S E ' I V , ETTEI OVK d x d p i a r a JIEB fifiiv r a v r
'AXX' EBEXEIQ ap£Ti)v aifv ijtaivEfiEv, ij TOI OTTIJSET,
\io6fi£VOQ OT£ a OVTOQ dvi)p EV dyiovi i r a p a a r a Q
"Oc. TIQ ETTiaraiTO i\ai ippEolv a p n a f i a f a i v '
'AXX' a y s vvv kfiiBEV Ipy'iEi 'EITOQ, iiippa Kal dXXw
E'tTDjc ijpitiov, OTE KEV aoiQ EV f u y d p o t a i v
A a i v v n i r a p d cry r dXd^w Kal ao'iai TEKEOCIV,
. 'llflETEpl/Q dpETtJQ flEflVnflivilQ,
o'ul K a l Iffl'lV
ZEVQ ETTI £py« riBnai SiafiwEpEQ li, i n irarpiov.
{ b ) "flc iipaB', a t S' dirdt'EvBEV ' i a a v , flirov S' a p a Kovpr).
A W d p d EK worafiov x P ° a v i & r o SftOQ 'OSvaavQ
"AXfinv, ij ol v w r a Kal EvpiaQ lifiirEXEv wfiovQ'
' E K Kf^aXjjc S' iafinxEv dXdc x v o o v d r p v y i r o i o .
A v r d p ETTEI St) i r d v r a X o l a a a t o c a t Xlir' aXEi\pEV,
'Afifl SI E'lftara i a a a B ' a ol iropE irapBlvoQ dSfi))c,
Tov fiEv 'ABrjvair) BTJKEV, Aide EKysyauTa,
M s i f o v d r EiaiSiEiv Kal i r d a a o v a , KaS SI KaprjTOQ
O u X a c tjKE KOfiaQ, VUKIVOIVIO IIVBEI ofioiaQ.
( c . ) 'Opai fiiv, & dvSpEQ ' A S t / v a l o i , r a i r a p o v r a i r p d y f i a r a iroXXifv SvQKoXiav i x o v r a Kal Tapax>iv, oil fiovov
rip TroXXd TrpoEio-^at, c a t firjSlv Eivai irpovpyov irEpl
avriov EV XEystv, dXXd Kal TU> itEpl riov imoXoliroiv
Kara r a v r d firjSl KaS' EV TO avfiipEpov irdvraQ i]yE~ia S a i , dXXd TO'IQ filv ioSi, TO'IQ SE kripioQ SOKE'IV SVQKOXov S' OVTOQ ipi/aEi Kal )(aX£Troj; rov flovXEVEaSai, ETI
iroXXio x a XEirijirEpov V/IEIQ aitro irEiroii]KaTE, (J dvSpiQ
'A3»/vaTot' ot filv y a p aXXoi irdvrEQ avSpioiroi, irpo TIOV
irpayfiaTwv EiwSaai x p V " ^ a t T V povXEVEaSai, V/IEIQ
SI fiETa r a i r p d y f i a r a .
EK SI rovrov av/i/iaivEi i r a p a
irdvTa TOV XP 0 V 0 V > ov olS' i y l o , TOV filv, O\Q a v dfidpTnrE, EiriTifiSvTa EvSoKifiE~tv Kal SoKtiv EV XiyEiv, r d tf£
i r p d y f i a r a Kal ITEPI S>v /SOUXEUEO-SE, EKipEvyEtv vfiaQ.
{ d ) "OTTOI S' a v a r p a r n y o v Kal \pt]ipiafta KEVOV Kal TUQ
uirb rov pt'ifiaTOQ IXiriSae EKirifii^nTE, ovSlv vfiiv TOIV
SEOVTIOV ylyvETai, dXX' ol filv i x ^ p o l KarayEXwaiv, ol
SI avfifiaxoi TE$vdai TIO SEEI TOVQ TOIOVTOVQ dirooTOXoiic. ov y a p i o n v , OVK EOTIV i v a a v S p a S w n S i j v a i
iroTE rav-&' vfiiv i r p d ^ a i i r d v S ' o a a (30VXEOBE' viroaXEaSai fiEvroi Kal ipijaai, Kal TOV S d v a a l n d a a a & a i , Kal
rdv SEICO, i a n v . r a SI i r p d y f i a r a EK TOVTIOV diroXioXEV
o r a v y a p ijyy'jrai filv 6. a r p a r n y o Q dSXtiov dirofilaSwv
£EVIOV, ol S' vrrlp Siv a v IKEIVOQ IKEI Trpd£j; irpoQ vfiaQ
\pEvS6fiEvoi paSihtQ IvSdS'- ioatv, iifiElQ S li, S>v av. CIKOUanrE, o n a v TVXVTt ^rjiplZna^E, r i Kal xp*l irpocSoKav;
P a r s e t h e s e v e r b s alniofiiviov dvayKaaBnaOfiEBa S i a a irif.v Ifiiyn kirripfiivov 'IKOITO ' i a r a v r o XEXVVTUI oXiaBai
irapiBnKE TETpafifiivai ipvXd^aadai.
{Six at least must be done correctly according to
3. Translate the following passages and give Jelf's
explanation of them—
{ a ) y v vfiiov aiiTiov IBEXiianrE y e v i t r d a i
{ b ) fiicE'i TIQ a i n o v Kal SESIEV
( c . ) EirEiSdv r i y i v - n r a i ;
(a 7 .) ovS' dfivr\fiov€i TOVQ Xdyouc
{ c ) &>Q irpiajiEiQ wEirofiipEV OJQ
{ J . ) ri) trap' v/iiov opyrj irEpiiTEaE'iv avfif3atVEi
{ g ) EtpiorqQ fi
( J l ) ohb" ETnfiainv, EI UOI fit) rXairfQ d f i u a a a i
{i.) TToXXdc y d p airo i r X w o i EWI iroXijoQ
J) fit] TTOV n v a SvafiEviojv (pdaB' EfifiEvai
{k.) v i j x 0 y iraXiv EIOQ EirijXBov
{I.) OVTI fioi a'lnoQ aXXoQ, dXXd TOKJ/E Svio.
{Six at least must be translated and explained
4. Write down—
the 3rd person singular 2nd aorist imperative
middle of alpElv
the 3rd person singular perfect indicative passive
o f dmyiyj'd/o-KEij'
the 3rd person singular 2nd aorist optative active
of (ialvEiv
the 1st person singular 1st aorist subjunctive passive of SipKEaBai
the 3rd person plural 1st future indicative passive of infitovv •
the 3rd person plural 1st future indicative middle
of ipaivEiv.
5. Give fully the.meaning and the derivation of dvSpairoSiariiQ SiorpEipiiQ EpiySoviroQ £ \ 0 p d c BEOEISI'IQ KaKovpyOQ KarnyopE'iv fiEyaXi]Tiop oivoirord£Eiv paaroivr)
TEpiTlKEpaWOQ IplXovElKElv.
C. Draw a rough map of the coast of the jEgean and
mark on it six places mentioned in your Homer
or Demosthenes.
7. Mention with their English meanings any names
you remember used by Homer for parts of a Greek
House. You need not give more than six.
8. Note anything peculiar in the following—filxP1 "Jc
Ti'ifiEpov ijfiEpaQ' irXEOVEKTT)jidTiov Svo'iv Kitptoi yEvioBai
I'IOI ipaivofiE-
{Professor Irving)
Speeches for Archias, Milo, and Murtena.
VIRGIL, Bucolics and portions of the Georgics.
• MADVIG, Latin Grammar.
1. Translate literally—
(a.) Videte, indices, quantae res his testimonies sint
confectae. Priraum certe liberatur Milo, non eo
consilio profectus esse, ut insidiaretur in via
Clodio : quippo; si il le obvius ei futurus omnino
non erat. Deindo (non enim video, cur non
meum qnoque agam negotium,) scitis, iudices,
fuisse, qui in hac rogationo suadenda dicerent,
Milouis raanu caedem esse factam, consilio vero
maioris alicuius. Mo videlicet latronem ac sicarium abiccti homines et perditi describebant.
lacent suis testibus ii, qui Clodium negant eo die
Romam, nisi de Cyro audisset, fuisse rediturum.
Respiravi, liberatus sum, non vereor, ne, quod ne
suspicari quidem potuerim, videar id cogitasse.
Nunc persequar cetera.
Nam occurrit illud:
igitur ne Clodius quidem de insidiis cogitavit,
quoniam fuit in Albano mansurus, siquidem
exiturus ad caedem e villa non fuisset. Video
enim, ilium, qui dicitur do Cyri morte riuntiasse,
non id nuntiasse, sed Milonem appropinquare.
Nam quid de Cyro nuntiaret, quem Clodius Roma
proficiscens reliquerat morientem ? Una fui, testamentum simul obsignavi cum Clodio: testamentum autem palam fecerat, et ilium heredem
et me scripserat. Quem pridie hora tertia animam
efHantem reliquisset, eum mortuum, postridie
hora decima denique ei nuntiabatur ? Age, sit
ita factum : quae caussa, cur Romam properaret ?
cur in noctem se coniiceret ? Quid afferebat
festinationis, quod heres erat ?
Primum erat
nihil, cur properato opus esset: deinde, si quid
esset, quid tandem erat, quod ea nocte consequi
posset, amitteret autem, si postridie mane Romam
venisset ?
{b) "Daphni, quid antiques signorum suspicis ortus?
Ecce Dionaei processit Caosaris astrum,
Astrum, quo segetos gaudercnt frugibus, et quo
Duceret apricis in collibus uva colorem.
F.T. 1867.
Insere, Daphni, piros;. carpent tua poma nepotes."
Omnia fert aetas, animum quoque : saepe ego longos
Cantando puerum memini me condere soles :
Nunc oblita mihi tot carmina; vox quoque Mcerin
Jam fugit ipsa; lupi Mcerin videre priores.
Sed taraen ista satis referet tibi saepe Menalcas.
(c.) Haud mora: continue matris praecepta facessit.
Ad delubra venit; monstratas excitat aras;
Quatuor eximios praestanti corpore tauros
Ducit, et intacta totidem cervice juvencas.
Post,ubi nona suos aurora induxerat ortus,
Inferias Orphei mittit, lucumque revisit.
Hie vero subitum ac dictu mirabile monstrum
Aspiciunt, liquefacta boum per viscera toto
Stridere apes utero, et ruptis effervcre costis;
Immensasque train nubes ; jamque arbore summa
Confluero, et lentis uvam demittere ramis.
Write down the first person perfect indicative the
supine and the infinitive active of allicio aspicio
capio desero eo frango intermisceo spargo spondeo
{Six at least must be done correctly)'
3. Write down—
the 2nd person plural future perfect active of cano
the 3rd person singular pluperfect subjunctive
active of teneo
the 2nd person singular imperative of labor
the 3rd person plural perfect indicative active of
4. Give fully the meanings and derivations of agellus
argutus amentum biponnis colonus dumetum
ignobilis novalia sollicitus upilio.
5. Also of confessio delictum imperitus invidia librarium malleolus misericordia obtestor porro sectari.
6. Translate and explain fully—
(1.) Parii lapides, spirantia signa
(2.) Jam redit et virgo, rcdeunt Saturnia Regna
(3.) Cui non dictus Hylas puer, et Latonia Delos ?
(4.) Teritur Sicyonia bacca trapetis
(5.) Rogatus est a Maximo ut triclinium sterneret
(6.) Si uno basilicae spatio honestainur
(7.) Appia ista monumentum sui nominis
(8.) Ille denique vivus mali nihil fecisset, qui mortuus curiam incenderit ?
7. What and where are Anio Armenia Bithynia Corinthus Cyzicus Epidaurus Garamantes Maenalus
Niphates Parthenope Permessus Timavus Tmaros
Umbria ?
8. Name the Latin prepositions constructed with ablative or accusative.
9. What verbal combinations are comprised under
the name conjugatio periphrastica ?
10. What meaning is attached to the plural of unus ?
11. Name the principal modes of forming adverbs in
12. How may the affirmative answer yes be expressed
in Latin ?
{Professor Irving.)
1. Trace fully the etymology of Bible Gentleman
Parliament Photograph Priest Tax.
2. Mention six familiar words derived from Celtic.
3. Give Craik's proof that the name "Anglo-Saxon"
-language cannot mean the language of the
Angles and of the Saxons.
4. What is the Ormulum ? To what period of
English does it belong ? Wrhat peculiarity of
English orthography is in it for the first time
presented ?
5. Latham gives three arguments to prove that the
final s of the English genitive did not come from
his. State them.
6. Give Latham's account of these words—Am
Chicken Children Every Own (verb) Physics
Rather Riches.
7. Explain clearly the relations between two clauses
denoted severally by Although, Than, Therefore,
and shew from its derivation how each conjunction is adapted to expressing such relation.
8. What does Whately mean by an Essential Definition, and by the subdivisions thereof Physical
and Logical Definition ?
9. Why is the division of Propositions into Categorical and Hypothetical called by Whately a division of them considered only as.sentences ?
10. What is meant by Contrary, Contradictory, and
Subcontrary Propositions ? What is the truth
or falsity of' each pair in contingent matter ?
11. Give Aristotle's division of words, with Thomson's
12. Explain with an illustration the formation of
Higher and Lower Concepts.
13. Insert four subaltern genera between the summum
genus Paper and tho infima species This day's
14. Explain with Examples the five forms of Hypothetical Judgments given by Thomson. What is
his mode of reduction, and to which of the five is
it applicable ?
{Professor Irving.)
S I I A K E S P E R E , Julius Caesar.
W H A T E L Y , Logic and
THOMSON, Laws of Thought.
1. Give the substance of Craik's notes on " o w e "
" d e a r " and "charm."
Explain the form and the etymology of blame
chance hazard liable purchase seal story yonder.
3. Give the dates of Shakespere's birth and death;
and of tho first publication of the Julius Caesar.
On what grounds does Craik give 1607 as the
latest date possible for the production of the
play ?
4. Note and explain any peculiarities in the following—
You'ought not walk
(2.) That same eye, whose bend doth awe the world,
Did lose his lustre
(3.) Thy honourable metal may be wrought
From that it is disposed
Thoy come down
With fearful bravery.
5. What rhetorical figures have you in the following ?
Explain fully their import and value—
Weep—till the lowest stream
Do kiss the most exalted shores of all
Why, man, he doth bestride the narrow
Like a Colossus; while we petty men
Walk under his huge legs, and peep about
To find ourselves dishonourable graves
(3.) Thou art the ruins of the noblest man
That ever lived in the tide of times
(4.) Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved
Rome more.
6. Explain the special value of testimony when the witness is unable to comprehend what he narrates.
7. Explain and contrast what are called the Exaggerating and the Extenuating Methods.
8. What is according to Whately the chief end of
Poetry; and how does he support his view ?
9. Shew from first principles that the first figure
must have a universal major premiss.
10. What does Whately mean by a Tree of Division ?
Construct one of the class Book—and show that
you have conformed to the Laws of Division.
11. Explain Wliately's Reduction of Hypotheticals.
12. What is the distinction drawn by Thomson between formal and material Truth ?
13. On what grounds does Thomson object to the 4th
figure ?
14. Explain this statement "Disjunctive judgments
may be referred to the head of substitutives."
G R E E K .
{Professor I r v i n g )
1. Translate carefully with brief explanatory
where you deem them necessary—
( a . ) apxovTEQ t i a i v , &aB VTTEIKTEOV. r l f i t ] ;
Kal y d p r d dsii'd Kai r d KaprEpairara
Tl/ialQ VTTEIKEI' TOVTO filv VlfyOOTlfiElQ
m t a r a T a i SI VVKTOQ aiaviJQ KVKXOQ
rjj XEVKOTTWXIJ iplyyoc Vfilpa ipXiyEiv'
SEIVUIV T ixnfia irvEvfidnov EKolfiiaE
a r l v o v T a TTOVTOV' EV S' 6 irayKparfjQ VTTVOQ
XVEI iTESijaaQ, ovo' a d Xajjiov E \ E I .
i}fiE~iQ SE TTCOQ oil yvioaofiEaBa awippovElv;
cyio ?', liriaTafiai y d p apriioQ o n
o T IxBpoQ flfilv i g TOaovS' IxBaprioQ,
itQ Kal tpiXiiGiov aitdiQ, i c TE TOV iplXov
r n a a v B ' vrrovpyiov UXJIEXE'IV (3ovXt]aofiui,
WQ a'lEv oh fiEvovvra. TO'IQ iroXXo'iai y d p
p p o r w v diriaroc kaB' EraipdaQ Xifiyv.
{ b . ) o'v TTOTE y d p ippEvoBEV y ' E'TT' dptoTEpd,
i r a l TEXU/XOJVOQ, i f l a g
ritaaov i v iroifivaiQ TTITVIOV'
TJKOI y d p
Kal ZEVQ KaKav Kal <J>o7/3oc 'ApyEitov i p d n v .
El ?' VTTOpaXXoflEVOl
KXETTTOVOI fivBovij ol fiEydXoi paaiXiJQ,
7) r d c daiorov HiavipiSdv yEvtdg,
fit} fit) f i , d v a i , i B ' (So' EipdXoiQ KXIOIOIQ
ofifi kx<ov KUKUV i p d n v d p v .
uXX iiva ii, i B p a r w v , oirov fiaKpaiiovt
a r n p i f c i ITOTI ra"o" dytoviio o^cXd;
a r a v . o v p a v l a v (pXiymv. IxBpiov S' vppiQ
aTap(it]TOQ dpfiaTai
EV EvavEfioiQ.jjdaaaic.,
dirdvTiov KaxaCdvnov
yXwaaaiQ fiapvaXyt'iTioQ'
Ifiol h' CLXOQ EaraKEV.
{cJ) O filv NiKfae r o i a v r a irapaKEXEVirdfiEVOQ EirijyE TO
arpaTOiTESov EVBVQ. ol SE ^nipaKoaioi dirpoaSoKnTiti filv
I v Tip Kaipio Tovnp t ) a a v wc ?'/0>; fiaxovfitvoi, Kai TIVEQ
avTo'tQ iyyvQ TIJQ TTOXEIOQ ovanQ Kal dirEXnXvBEaaV 01
SI Kal Sid aTTOvSiJQ irpoaponBovvrEQ Snofiip v a r i p i ( o v
filv, i>Q SI EKaaroQ TTTJ r o t e irXEtoai irpoafiii,EiE KaBiar a v r o ' oil y d p Si) irooBvfiia EXXITTEIQ t ) a a v ovSl ToXfin
OVT' EV Tavri] rij f l a x y U V T ' * v T a ' £ dXXaiQ, dXXd rjj
fiEv dvSpEta o v x iiaaovc, EC oaov ?'; ETriariifin d v r l x o i ,
rw SE EXXEITTOVTI avrijc Kal ritv ftovXnmv UKOVTEQ
TTpovSiSoaav' lifiioc SI oiiK a v oiifiEvoi aipiai TOVQ 'ABnvaiove irporlpovQ EizEXBtiv, Kal Sid rdxovQ d r a y K a f d fiEvoi dfiiivaaBai, dvaXafjovrEQ r d iiirXa EVBVQ d v r t TryEaav. Kal irpioTOV fiEv avriov EKaripior ol' TE XidopdXot Kai aipEvCovyrai Kal r o i o r a i irpoiifiaxovro, Kai
rpoTrdf o i a E'IKOQ \piXnvQ dXXijXiov ETTIHOVV 'iiTEiTa SI
fidvTEiQ TE aipdyia Trpov(f>Epov r d vofiilofiEva, Kal a a X iriyKral £vvoSov liri>Tpvvov TO'IQ oirXiraiQ' ol S' Ixoipovv,
SvpaKiiawi fiEv iTEpl TE irarpiooc fiaxoi/fiEvoi Kal rijc
iSiac EKaaroQ rd filv avrtKa a i o r y p i a r , TO SI fiiXXov
IXEvBEpiag, TWV SI l i a v r l i o v 'ABtjvaioi filv TTEO'I TE TT]Q
dXXoTplaQ oiKEiav a x d v Kal rijv oiKEiav fit) /3Xdi//ai
ifiaiofiEvoi, ' A p y d o i SI Kal riov ivfifidx<ov ol avrovouoi
i v y K r i ] a a a B a l TE IKEIVOIQ lip' a ijXBov, Kai TI)V virdpXovirav aipiai i r a r p i S a viKifaavTEQ irdXiv ETTISE'IV' TO
ii vm'iKOOv TWV i v f i f i d x " " ' f i i y i a r o v filv TTEOI Ttjc a v n K a
dvEXiriarov mornpiaQ, t/v fit) Kparioai, TO irpoBvfiov
O R D I N A R Y E X A M I N A T I O N S , F . ' T . 1867.
EIXOV, ETrfira OE I v irapipyio Kal E"I n iiXXo i,vyKaraaTOEipafiEvoiQ pijov a v r o i g viraKovaETai.
{ d ) Kal fiEftvrjaBai XP>) Vfidg o n VEWOTI diro voaov
fiEydXriQ Kai iroXlfiovj3paxv n XEXwipt'iKaftEV, &OTE KO.1
XP'Ifiaai Kal TO'IQ awfiaatv i]vi,T}aBai' Kal r a v r a xnrlp
tjfiiov CiKaiov IVBUSE Elvai d v a X o i v , Kal fit) iiirlp dvSpiov
cpvydSiov TWVSE ETTiKovpiag SEOfiiviov, olg TO TE \pEVa a a B a i KaXuie XP , 'l (rl l- l0y > K a ' ™ T 0 V TEXUQ KIVCVVW,
aiirovQ XoyovQ fiovov irapaaxofiEvovQ, tj KaTOpBwanvrac
X&piv fit) di,iav EiSlvai, i) TrratVacrde TTOU r o d e ipiXovg
i w a i r o X l a a i . E"I TE TIQ dpxEiv dafiEvoc alpcdcig i r a p a i vei vfiiv IKTTXE'IV, TO EUVTOV fiovov aKotrwv, dXXwc -£
Kai )'E<ir£poc i n aiv lg TII dp^Eti', oVaie BavfiaaBi) filv
UTTO rijg liTTTOTpoipiac., Sid SI TToXvrlXEiav Kal lotpEXriBf)
n £K riJQ iipx>JQ, / I I S E TOVTIO EfiirapdaxiTE rip rijc iroXE'IOQ'KivSvvip ISiu EXXafnrpvvEaBai, vofiiaarE SI TOVQ
TOIOVTOVQ r d fiEv Srjfioaia dSiKEiv, r d SE iSta d v a X o v v ,
Kal TO i r p d y f i a f i i y a Eivai Kal fit) O'IOV VEioTEpio fiovXEva a a B a i TE Kai oi,iwg fiEraxEipiaat.
2. Explain the topography of Syracuse, so far as it is
involved in the events of the Sixth Book of Thucydides.
3. Whose son was Ajax ? Explain the relationship
between Ajax Teucer and Hector.
4. Translate, explain, and if necessary refer to the
( a . ) virrfpEaiaQ r a t e v a v a l f a g K p a r i a r a g SiSvvnov TWV
Tpit]papxwv, ETTHpopag TE rip EK Snfioaiov fiiaBw
TO'IQ B p a v l r a i g riov v a v r w v Kal TII'IQ vmjpEakiiQ
{ b . ) Eial SI Kara rd lirixwpiov fi TErpdywvog I p y a a i u
( e . ) Kai rip filv NtKt'a TrpoaSEXOfilvw ijv r d Trapd TWV
' E y f o r a t W n i i v SI Erlpoiv Kal dXoywrEpa
{ d . ) Kal alpovai "YKKapa, SiKaviKOv filv iroXiofia, 'Eyfo-r a l o i g SI TToXifiiov, i)v SE i r a p a B a X a a a i S i o v .
5. Translate, explain, and if necessary refer to the
( a . ) Kai r d f i d TEVXV fi>)T d y w v d p x a i n v l g
Bt]aova' ' A x a i o i g /it'iB' 6 XvfiEwv Ifiog
E\SEQ wg xpovip
'ifiEXXi a "EKTwp Kal Bavlov diroipBiElv
{ c ) r i S y r a rovS' EirEyyEXioEV a v K a r a ;
Btoig TEBVVKEV oiiroQ, ov KEivoiaiv, ov
{ d . ) n o S' uvSpl iTOvwv rip i r a v r ' dyaBw
6. Give fully the meaning and the etymology of dXlKXvarog aKfialoe avroKpdrwp SiaiTEij)oif3daBai EKE^Etp/a
Ovfiiartipiov KaKoirivEararog vEOxdpaKTOQ ivfi/3ariKitg
iravStjfiEl oXiywpE'iv optpaviarijQ \jst]<pi£Eiv.
{Professor Irving.)
JUVENAL, Satires. TACITUS, Germania and Agricola.
1. Translate, with brief explanatory notes where you
deem them necessary—
(a.) Forsitan impensoa Virronem parcere credas.
Hoc agit, ut doleas : nam quae comcedia, mimus
Quis melior plorante gula ? Ergo omnia fiunt,
ORDINARY E X A M I N A T I O N S , F . T . 1867.
Si nescis, ut- per lacrimas effnndere bilem
Cogaris, pressoque diu stridere molari.
Tu tibi liber homo et regis conviva videris:
Captum te nidore suag putat ille culinae:
Nee male conjectat. Quis enim tarn nudus, ut ilium
Bis ferat, Etruscum puero si contigit aurum,
Vel nodus tantum et signum de paupere loro ? '
Spes bene coanandi vos decipit. " Ecce, dabit jam
Semesum leporem atque aliquid de clunibus apri:
Ad nos jam veniet minor altilis." Inde parato
Intactoque omnes et stricto pane tacetis.
Ille sapit, qui te sic utitur. Omnia ferre
Si potes, et debes. Pulsandum vertice raso
Prtebebis quandoque caput, nee dura timebis
Flagra pati, his epulis et tali dignus amico.
Sed quae praclara et prospera, tantum
Ut rebus laetis par sit mensura malorum ?
Hujus, qui trahitur, prtetextam sumero mavis,
An Fidenarum Gabiorumque esse potestas,
E t de mensura jus dicere, vasa minora
Frangere, pannosus vaouis iEdilis Ulubris ?
Ergo quid optandum foret, ignorasse fatcris
Sejanum : nam qui nimios optabat honores
Et niraias poscebat opes, numerosa parabat
Excelsaa turris tabulata, unde altior esset
Casus, et impulste prteceps immane ruinae.
Quid Grasses, quid Pompeios evertit ? et ilium, •
Ad sua qui domitos deduxit flagra Quirites ?
Summus nempe locus nulla non arte petitus,
Magnaque numinibus vota exaudita malignis.
Ad generum Cereris sine caede et vulnere pauci
Descendunt reges et sicca morte tyranni.
Nullas Germanorum populis urbes habitari satis
notuin est; ne pati quidem inter se junctas sedes.
Colunt discreti ac diversi, ut fons, ut campus, ut
nemus placuit. Vicos locant non in nostrum
morem, connexis et cohoarentibus aedificiis : suam
quisque domum spatio circumdat, sive adversus
casus ignis remedium, sive inscitia aedificandi.
Ne caementorum quidem apud illos aut tegularum
usus : materia ad omnia utuntiir informi, et citra
speciem aut dclectationem. Quasdam loca diligentius illinunt terra ita pura ac splendente, ut
picturam ac lineamenta colorum imitetur. Solent
et subterraneos specus aperire, eosque multo
insuper fimo oneraut, suffugium hiemi et receptaculum frugibus, quia rigorem frigorum ejusmodi
locis molliunt.
E t si quando hostis advenit,
aperta populatur, abdita autem et defossa aut
ignorantur, aut eo ipso fallunt quod quosrenda
(a7.) Et nox quidem gaudio prasdaque Irota victorious : Britanni palantes, mixtoque virorum mulierumque ploratu trahere vulneratos, vocare integros, deserere domos ac per iram ultro incendere,
eligere latebras, et statira relinquere; miscere
invicem consilia aliqua, dein separaro ; aliquando
frangi aspectu pignorum suorum, saepius concitari.
Satisquo constabat, soavisso quosdam in conjuges
ac liberos, tanquam misererentur. Proximus dies
faciem victorias latins aperuit: vastum ubique
silentium, secret! colles, fumantia procul tecta,
nemo exploratoribus obvius. Quibus in omnen
partem dimissis, ubi incerta fugas vestigia neque
usquam conglobari hostes compertum, et exacta
jam aestate spargi helium nequibat, in fines Borestorum exercitum deducit. Ibi acceptis obsidibus,
praafecto classis circumvehi Britanniam praecepit.
Datae ad id vires, et prascesserat terror. Ipse
peditem atque equites lento itinere, quo novarum
gentium animi ipsa transitiis mora terrercntur, in
hibernis locavit. Et simul classis secunda tempestate ac fama Trutulensem portum tenuit, unde
proximo Britanniae latere lecto omni redierat.
2. Translate, explain and refer to their context—
(1.) Quinque tabernse quadringenta parant
(2.) Meliora et plura reponit
Persicus orborum lautissimus
(3.) Dignus Aricinos qui mendicaret ad axes
(4.) Par Agaraemnonidae crimen; sed causa facitrem
( 5.) Pictores quis nescit ab Iside pasci ?
(6.) Nota mathematicis genesis tua.
3. Give the meaning and the derivation of altilis
caligatus circumscriptor figulus phaselus pollex
stamen supellex trechedipna vim'en.
4. Translate, explain and refer to the context—
(1.) Satis ferax, frugiferarum arborum impatiens,
peconim fecunda, sed plerum que improcera.
(2.) Pecuniam probant veterem diuque notam
serratos bigatosque
(3.) Nee corrumpere et corrumpi seculura vocatur
(4.) Ingenia studiaque oppresseris facilius quam
(5.) Mare non litore tenus accrescit aut resorbet, sed
influit penitus atque ambit, et jugis etiam at
montibus se inserit velut in suo
(6.) Spatium ejus si Britanniae
angustius, nostri maris insulas superat.
' ,
6. Give the meaning and derivation of antiquitus
. delenimentum dirimere excidium illecebras indago
negotiator penetrale praesagium roccptaculum.
6. Name the chief tribes of ancient Germany mentioned by Tacitus.
7. What do you know of the following persons mentioned by Juvenal — Decius Maecenas Seneca
Sejanus ?
{Professor Wilson.)
Eight Questions must be answered correctly to entitle
a Candidate to pass.
Credit will not be given for any proposition from Euclid
in which Algebraical Symbols are used.
1. If a straight line falls upon two parallel straight
lines it makes the alternate angles equal to one
another and the exterior angle equal to the interior
and opposite on the same side and likewise the two
interior angles.upon the same side together equal
to two right angles.
2. If a straight line is divided into any two parts the
square on the whole line is equal to the squares
on the two parts together with twice the rectangle
contained by the parts.
ORDINARY E X A M I N A T I O N S , F . T . 1867.
3. From a given point without a given circle draw a
straight line which shall touch the circle.
4. Upon a given straight line describe a segment of
a circle which shall contain an angle equal to a
given rectilineal angle.
5. In a given circle describe an equilateral and equiangular pentagon.
6. Similar triangles are to one another in the duplicate
ratio of their homologous sides.
7. The rectangles contained by the opposite sides of
any quadrilateral figure inscribed in a circle are
together equal to the rectangle contained by its
8. If two straight lines arc at right angles to the
same plane thoy are parallel to one another.
9. Shew how to describe a circle which shall touch
one side of a triangle and the other two sides
10. Define the cosine of an angle and shew that it is
positive or negative according as the angle is
acute or obtuse.
11. Shew that sec 2 J = 1 + tan'-M
12. Shew that versin A + vcrsin (180°—^1) = 2
13. Shew that sin { A — B ) = sin A cos B—cos A sin B
14. Shew that in any triangle
2ab cos C = a 2 + V- — c-
15. Shew that the area of a triangle is expressed by
the. formula
-</s {s—a) {s—b) {s—c)
16. Find an expression for the area of a polygon of
n sides inscribed in a circle whose radius is r.
{Professor Wilson)
Eight questions must be answered correctly to entitle
a Candidate to pass.
All results must be reduced to their simplest forms.
1. Find the highest common factor of
16aV + 36a*b'xy + 81 b y and 8 a V + 2 7 j y
2. Find the value of /— + 2xy + ?- when x = v
v y
and y = - .
3. Find the value of ( ^ - *) + (to - a)
{bx + a) — (ax + b)
_ 3a - 56
5a — 3&
4. Find the square root of
(2a2 - 5 a ; 2 ) 2 - 6aa;(2a2 + 5a;2) + {7ax)"
5. Find x from the equation
15 /
7 \ , 23a; _ 7 /
i9V'"8l/ + ¥ " S I V
24# + l l
6. Find x from the equation
1 — aa; a — x
1 — bx
b— x
7. Find a; from the equation
a; — 5
a; + 7
8. Find x and y from the equations
a ( t f - l ) = y{y + l)
x2 + y 2 = {?x-y)
9. A nugget composed of gold and quartz weighs
14 oz, and its weight is six times the weight of
an equal volume of quartz; supposing the weight
of any quantity of gold to be eight times the
weight of an equal volume of quartz find how
much gold there is in the nugget.
10. Investigate an expression for the sum of a series
of quantities in Arithmetical progression.
11. Find the sum of n terms of the series
na + b {n—l)a + 2b {n—2).a + 3b »
, C6C.
12. How many terms of the series 1 + — + - + &c.
amount to pjo ?
13. Investigate an expression for the number of permutations of n things taken r together.
14. A family consists of a father a mother and seven
daughters, in how many ways can a party of four
go out including at least one parent ?
" {Professor Wilson.)
Eight questions must be answered correctly to entitle
a Candidate to pass.
1. A weight of one ton hanging by a chain one
hundred and thirteen feet long is drawn aside by
a horizontal force of three hundred pounds; find
at what distance from the vertical line through
the point of support it will be in equilibrium. '
A lever moveable in a vertical plane has three
arms of equal length inclined to one another at
angles of 120° and weights of 2 lbs. 3 lbs. and
4 lbs. hang from the ends of these arms; shewthat it will-be in equilibrium when one of the
arms is horizontal.
3. A ladder wrhose weight is IF"and center of gravity
two fifths of its length from the bottom leans
against a vertical wall at an angle of 45°; supposing the wall and the ground to be perfectly
smooth what horizontal force at the foot of the
ladder would be necessary to keep it from slipping?
4. A weight rests on a plane inclined to the horizontal at an angle of 45°; find what must be the
coefficient of friction in order that the force
requisite to draw it up the plane may be double
the least force that will support it, the force acting
in a direction parallel to the plane.
5. A weight is raised by a cord wound round a
horizontal cylinder which is turned by an endless
screw working in a toothed wheel on the same
axis as the cylinder; if P is the force applied to
the handle, W the weight raised and n the number
of teeth in the wheel, find the equation correcting
P , W and n the radius of tho cylinder being the
same as the length of the handle.
6. Shew that a body resting on a horizontal plane
will stand or fall according as the vertical line
through its center of gravity falls within or without the base.
7. From a uniform square disk the equilateral triangle
described on one side is cut out find the center of
. gravity of the remainder.
8. State the first law of motion.
9. Explain what is meant by uniformly accelerated
10. A bullet is shot vertically upwards with a velocity
of 1000 feet a second; calculate the time that
will elapse before it returns to the ground, neglecting the resistance of the air.
11. Calculate the height to which tho bullet in the
preceding question will rise.
12. A weight of one pound attached to a fixed point
by a string swings in a vertical plane through 90°
on each side of the vertical, find the tension of the
string at the lowest point.
13. A hollow cone whose axis is vertical and vertex
upwards is filled with liquid; compare the fluid
pressure on the base of the cone with the weight
of the liquid and explain the difference.
14. Explain the method of finding the specific gravity
of a solid when it is less than that of water and
give the requisite formulae.
15. A cylinder whose specific gravity is - 9 floats with
its axis vertical in a vessel containing water and
above that oil whose specific gravity is "8 ; find
the position of equilibrium the cylinder being
totally immersed.
16. Calculate the depression of the mercury in the
barometer which will result from raising it a
hundred feet the specific gravity of mercury being
13 - 596 and one hundred cubic inches of air being
taken as weighing 31 grains.
17. Describe the common mercurial thermometer and
investigate a formula giving the temperature on
Fahrenheit's scale corresponding to t° centigrade.
18. Write down the equation which expresses the
connection between tho pressure the density and
the temperature of a permanent gas; state which
constant is peculiar to each gas and which is
common to all and give the numerical value of the
latter when the centigrade thermometer is used.
{Professor McCoy.)
1. Describe tho methods of obtaining both Iodine and
Bromine from sea-water, and write down in the
order of their electro-chemical powers the symbols
of all the elementary bodies referred to in your
2. If some scraps of Zn. and Fe. be put into a strong
warm solution of KO.IIO., what is the nature of
all the actions set up and wrhat are the results ?
3. Give a few examples of Catalysis and the chief
explanations which have been given of it.
4. Describe all the chemical and physical characters
of Oxygen, and the chief methods of preparing it
for economic purposes and in a pure state.
5. A crystal of the mineral Sulphate of Lime may be
bounded by the Pinacoids, the Macrodomes, and
the Brachydomes of Naumann. In this case how
many faces would there be, and what should be
the symbol for each of them according to the notation of Miller ?
6. Define all the fundamental forms of crystals having
two optic axes.
7. One of the commonest forms of Garnet has the
Indices = ' 0, 1, 1; how many faces are there, and
what is the interfacial angle, and what the characteristic angle between normals of adjacent faces ?
8. What is the relation of the Scalenohedron to the
Rhombohedron in Calcaneus Spar, and what are
the symbols for the faces on the supposition of
three axes ?
9. Describe the tissues, with their relative-positions
and order of development in the stem of plants
with heterorhizal descending axis.
10. Describe the peculiarities of Latex and Cinenchyma.
11 What are the chief chemical and physical characters of different kinds of Raphides, and what plants
afford examples of each ?
12. Describe the mode of development of the Radicle
in Endogenous, Exogenous, and Cryptogamic
{Professor McCoy.)
{Professor McCoy.)
{Professor H c a r n )
1. What was the origin of the proverb " t h e Gold of
2. What was the Lex Plautia Papiria, and what was
its date ?
3. How do you account for the contests in the later
Republic respecting the Judicia ?
4. When and in what circumstances was the first
permanent Theatre erected at Rome ? What was
its proper title ?
5. State the division of the characteristic rights of
Roman Citizens.
6. State the nature and the history of the
7. Explain the position of a Slave who was informally
manumitted, and mention some of the acts which
amounted to such a manumission.
8. What was the distinction of Provinces made by
Augustus? What precedent for such a distinction
existed under the Republic ?
9. " The Romans for the first time submitted to a
female reign." What was the date of this event
and what was the name of the Empress ?
10. What was the original seat of tho Franks, and
what was the date of the establishment of their
dominion in Gaul ?
11. State the date of tho suppression of the Schools of
Athens, and the circumstances connected with
that event,
12. What were the circumstances which led to the
restoration of the Empire of the West ?
{Professor H e a r n )
1. What are the reasons for supposing that the population of Britain in the third century was mixed ?
2. What parts of England were occupied by the
Saxons, the Angles, and the Jutes respectively ?
3. Explain the nature of the Frank-pledge.
was its true name ?
ORDINARY E X A M I N A T I O N S , F . T . 1867.
4; What emigration took place from England during
the reign of William the First, and what was its
probable cause ?
5. Explain the difference between an Interdict and
an Excommunication. What examples of these
punishments occur in English history ?
6. What was the date of the " Black Death," and
what political events appear to have been connected
with it?
7. It has been said that the crime of Queen Margaret
in causing the death of tho Duko of Gloucester
led to the destruction of the House of Lancaster.
How ?
8. Explain the meaning of the statement that the
Clergy in the reign of Henry V I I I . were in a
Praemunire. How had they become thus involved,
and how were they extricated ?
9. What changes in the Royal Style were made in
the reign of Henry VIII., and what were their
respective occasions ?
10. What was " t h e Association" in the reign of
Elizabeth ? What legislative recognition did it
obtain, and on what occasion was it imitated ?
11. What was the High Commission Court? Under
what authority was it established, when was it
abolished, and what attempt was made to revive it?
12. What was the Millenary Petition and what were
its results ?
{Professor B e a m )
1. In what reigns did Glanville, Bracton, and For'tescue respectively live ? What offices did they
severally hold, and what are their principal
writings ?'
2. What was the date of the Parliament of Acton
Burnell ? What was peculiar in its constitution,
and what laws did it enact ?
3. What was tho date of the Parliamcntum Indoctum,
and why was it so called ? What was the cause
of the prohibition to which its name is due ?
4. Wlien and in what manner was the legislative
. .'power of Convocation subordinated to that of
Parliament ?
5. Mr. Hallam notices a..certain period in the reign
of Henry VILE' as especially dangerous to
English liberty'. What were the circumstances to
which he refers ?-»
6. What is the first instance of the creation of an incapacity for sitting in Parliament in consequence of
the acceptance of office under the Crown ?
\ •'.
7. What is the firsf:instance of bribery at elections ?
8. What is the first instance of a permanent tax as
distinguished from the hereditary revenue or any
substitute for it ?
9. What is the first instance of a specific inquiry by
the House of Commons into the conduct of a
public officer holding a military command ?
10. What is the first instance of the grant of the
right to return Members to Parliament to a
Chartered Borough ?
11. What is the latest instance of the exercise of the
Prerogative to create Parliamentary Boroughs ?
12. When and in what circumstances was the Consolidated Fund formed ?
{Professor Heam)
1. What is Wealth ?
2. What is Value ?
3. What is Cost?
4. What is Price ?
5. What is a Pound ?
6. What is a Pound Note ?
7. What is Profit ?
8. What is Interest ?
9. What is Rent ?
10. What do you understand by the Mint Price of
Gold ? Why is the price of Victorian Gold often
in excess of the Mint Price ?
11. What do you understand by the Money Market ?
12. What do you understand by the par of Exchange ?
{Professor Halford)
1. Give the origin, course, relations, branches, and
anastomoses of the Vertebral, Subscapular, Inferior Mesenteric and Internal Pudic Arteries.
2. Give the relations of the Axillary, Femoral, Internal Jugular, and Portal Veins, and state from
what minor vessels they result.
3. Describe the lateral and third Ventricles of the
4. Contrast minutely the Cervical and Lumbar portions of the Cerebro-spinal Axis including the
Meninges. •
5. Mention the supply of Nerves to the various structures of the Foot.
{Professor Halford.)
1. Write a description of the objects beneath the
microscope marked A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H,
2. Describe the objects on the slide D very minutely,
stating their respective dimensions.
1. Give a description of the several forms of Cartilage
and of the process of ossification.
2. Contrast Blood Chyle and Lymph with each other.
3. Give an account of the Pacinian bodies.
4. Describe the situation, structure and functions of
the various glands of the skin.
6. What is the cause and character of the Pulse in
large and small arteries and veins ? State some
of the modifications to which it is liable from
age, disease, & c , and, as well as possible, account
for them.
6. State Draper's views of a capillary circulation in
plants and animals.
1. Describe the structure and functions of the Kidney.
2.. What are the abnormal conditions of the Urine ;
• how would you detect them, and to what causes
would }Tou ascribe them ?
3. What is the chemical composition of the Bile ; and
its sources and uses as deduced from experiments
and clinical observation ?
4. Give the various views of the mechanism by which
the Eye is accommodated for near and distant
objects. If you select one as probably correct,
state your objections to the others.
5. What are the microscopic appearances of Scirrhus,
Medullary, Mclanoid and Recurring Fibroid
Tumours; what dependence would you place on
such for diagnosis; with what healthy tissues
might you confound them ?
{Br. Neild)
1. Give in detail all the signs of death.
2. What are the post mortem appearances in a case of
death by starvation ?
3. W^hat are the evidences of recent birth ?
4. What is vagitus uterinus ?
0. You are requested to make an examination of a
woman supposed to have given birth to a child.
What are the indications which would lead 3rou to
such a conclusion ?
6. What is a poison ?
7. What are the evidences in the living subject of a
poison having been taken ?
8. What precautions should be observed in the examination of exhumed bodies?
9. How would you distinguish between perforation of
the stomach from disease and that from a corrosive
poison ?
10. Give the symptoms and post mortem appearances
in Oxalic Acid. Give also the tests
for Oxalic Acid.
i. y
{Br. Fades)
1. Describe the family Graminiaceae.
is there in this family ??
What poisonous
2. Describe the Euphorbiaceae. Write a prescription
in Latin without abbreviations of a Tonic in this
3. What purgatives have we in this family ? Describe the difference of action between them.
4. Describe the Labiatae. Compare the fruit of this
family with that of the Scrophulariaceae. Enumerate some of the plants in most ordinary use in
the Labiates.
5. What are the properties of Mg SO * and Tn SO* ?
What is their therapeutic action ? Describe the
chemical difference between them.
6. Describe the remedial and poisonous actions of Lead
on the system.
{John Brummond K i r k l a n d )
1. Give the "Laws of Chemical Combination by
weight" with an example of each.
2. What are the principal constituents of
i. Milk
I I . Urine ?
3. How would you distinguish chemically between
an " inorganic" and an " organic" substance
generally ?
4. What is the. difference between " direct" and
" inverse" substitution ? Give an example of
5. Give the preparation (with equations), principal
properties, and principal compounds of the following, viz.:
i. Chlorine
I I . Carbon
i n . Iodine
iv. Sulphur.
6. Distinguish between "Basic W a t e r " and " W a t e r
of Crystallization."
7. What metallic solutions are not precipitated under
any circumstances by HS ?
8. Define—Isomeric
Proximate Constituent
Organic Radicle
{John Brummond Kirkland)
1. Take the specific gravity of any of the substances
marked respectively I. II. III., and write out
the calculations necessary.
2. Analyze qualitatively any one of the solutions
marked respectively a. b. c, writing out the'
different steps of the process.
3. Ascertain the chemical composition of either of the
powders marked respectively D. E.
4. Take the specific gravity of the fluid marked II
(with calculations).
5. In which of the samples marked x. y. z. is grape
sugar present and in which albumen ?
I'bS. Antimony Ore. Caoutchouc.
NaCl. FcO,S03. AgO.NO..
PbO. CaO,C02.
Solution of Aminoniu.
ORDINARY E X A M I N A T I O N S , F . T . 1867.
{Edward Barker, M.D., F . R . C . S . Bug.)
What are the appearances and symptoms which
- would make you decide whether the inflammation
attendant on a recent wound would be of the
common, acute, or erysipelatous kind? Enumerate
those wounds caused by external violence in which
erysipelas is likely to come on.
What' are the symptoms and what the treatment
of Phlebitis occurring after operations ?
3. What is Pyaemia, its causes, symptoms and terminations ?
4. How would you perform excision of the Elbow
joint ? What nerve would you carefully protect
from injury during the operation, and describe in
detail the after treatment.
5. Give an account of the varieties of Lupus, and of the
local and constitutional treatment of the disease.
{Richard T. Tracy,
1. Describe exactly how you treat the third stage of an
ordinary case of labour. .
2. State'what the pains known by women as "after
pains" are caused by, in what cases they are most
severe, and how you would confidently diagnose
between this affection and the pain caused by an
attack of either metritis or peritonitis.
3. Describe how you would endeavour to restore animation to an apparently still-born child. State how
you would act with regard to the cutting of the
umbilical cord in different cases.
4. Describe exactly how you would perform the operation of Version. State the cases in which this
operation is required.
{James Robertson, M.A., M.D.)
\_tn detailing treatment, prescriptions to be written
and directions given as to diet and general regimen.]
1. Give a definition of Scorbutus, noting its characteristic symptoms. Notice also its causes and the
theories advanced in regard to its pathology.
State in detail the treatment to be pursued, and
prophylactic measures recommended.
2. What are the characteristic features of a wellmarked Epileptic Paroxysm, and how may feigned
Epilepsy be distinguished or detected ? Specify
the most common causes of Epilepsy and its appropriate treatment.
ORDINARY E X A M I N A T I O N S , F . T . 1867.
3. What are the symptoms and physical signs of
Acute Bronchitis, and the complications liable
to supervene during the course of that disease ?
Why is it most fatal in the case of children and
aged persons ? Detail the treatment.
4. Describe the pathological phenomena, and the
symptoms arid physical signs associated with the
different stages of Pleuritis, and indicate the
appropriate treatment. Under what circumstances
is the operation of Paracentesis thoracis considered
necessary ?
5. State the points of diagnosis between Pericarditis
in its early and advanced stages and Endocarditis,
the causes which induce these diseases, and the
treatment to bo adopted.
6. State what is known of the nature and pathology
of Biabetes Mellitus, noting its symptoms, progress, and different modes of termination. How
would you detect sugar in the urine ? Detail the
treatment to be pursued.
Examine and report on the case of J. McD., No. 4
ward, noting symptoms and physical signs. Is
there any difficulty in diagnosis?
From what
disease is the patient suffering ? State your opinion as to the probable course and mode of termination of the disease, and indicate the treatment.
' i 3
L A W . — P A E T I.
{Mr. Dobson.)
Cite any cases which you may remember as authorities
in support of your answers.
1. Define a Contract. Into what three classes are
contracts divided with reference to the evidence
required to support JJiem in a court of law ?
2. What is a Deed ? Mention the principal cases in
which contracts must be entered into by deed.
3. Define a consideration as sufficient to support a
simple contract. Is there any exception to the
rule that a simple contract must be founded upon
a consideration ?
4. Explain the terms merger and estoppel. To which
of the three classes of contracts are merger and
estoppel incident ?,
5. Is there any, and if so what, difference between
verbal and written contracts ?.
6. What were the objects of the Statute of Frauds ?
Write out the seventeenth section. What was the
date of this Statute ?
7. Mention the five subdivisions of the fourth section
of the Statute of Frauds.
8. What are the essentials of the note or memorandum .
in writing required by both sections ?
9. Illustrate and explain the maxim " ex nudo pacto
non oritur actio." State the reason of the rule.
10. Assuming that interest is, by mercantile usage,
payable upon balances; can an agreement, in
consideration of interest upon a balance, to give
an extended time for paying it, be supported ?
11. What is the law as to adequacy or inadequacy of
considerations ?
12. A stage coachman received a parcel to carry gratis,
and it was lost upon the road. What must be
proved in order to render the coachman liable to
make good its loss ?
13. What is a Bill of Exchange, a Promissory Note,
and an I. 0 . U. ?
14. Explain the terms acceptor, payee, maker, drawee,
15. Upon what principle is an indorser who has been
compelled to pay the amount of a bill of exchange
permitted to sue the acceptor ?
16. What is the effect of marriage upon the personal
property of the wife ? To what extent can a wife
bind her husband by contract ?
17. How far can an infant bind himself by contract ?
18. What is a Corporation ? Distinguish between a
corporation aggregate and a corporation sole. In
what manner can a corporation bind itself by
contract ?
CC1V ,
19. The plaintiff negligently-left his donkey in a public highway, with his feet tied. The defendant
carelessly drove over the animal and killed it with
his horses and waggon in broad daylight. Was
the defendant liable ?
{Mr. Billing.)
1. What liability does a tenant who holds over after
notice to quit subject himself to as regards rent ?
State the provisions of the' Landlord and Tenant
Statute 1864 fully on the subject.
2. What is the present law as to Emblements ?
3. How far are growing crops seized and sold under
execution liable to accruing rent ?
4. What is the present state of the law as to removal
by tenants of buildings and fixtures erected by
them on their farms ?
5. What recent provisions have been made by statute
as to the right of a married woman to dispose.of
a reversionary interest in personal estate ?
6. What is the law as to registering and re-registering
executions so as to bind land ? State it fully.
7. How far is a vendor or mortgagor of land liable
criminally for concealing deeds, &c, material to
the title ?
8. Under the present law of wills, how is a devise
without words of limitation to be construed ?
9. When an executor named in a will survives the
testator, and dies without taking probate, what is
the consequence ?
10. How far is a person liable criminally for concealing
a will ?
11. What is the law as to the necessity for writing in
the case of declarations of trust ? What exceptions are there ?
12. In what cases may a person who has only a
reversionary interest in land bring an action for
injury to his reversion ? Distinguish fully from
cases when the plaintiff is in actual possession.
13. What power have executors to distrain for rent
due in their testator's lifetime ?
14. What is the law as to distraining beasts of the
plough and sheep ?
{Professor Wilson.)
1. If sin"'y = m sin"'a; shew that
a-^^=(2n + l ) x ^ + { n 2 - m 2 ^
2. State Taylor's theorem and explain fully the different cases in which it is said to fail.
3. Shew that when a fraction takes the form |g the
value deduced by the ordinary rule is correct
whether that value is zero finite or infinite.
4. From the equations used in transforming expressions from rectangular coordinates to polar and
the converse we have
j - = cos B and also - r = .— •
dx -y^a _j_ ^3
Explain this apparent contradiction fully by a
o. Investigate the conditions that must be satisfied
in order that a function of two independent variables may be a maximum or a minimum and shew
how to distinguish between them.
If both the partial differential coefficients are
D E G R E E OF M.A., F . T . 1867.
made to vanish by the same factor becoming zero
explain the nature of the case and illustrate it by
an example.
0. Express the perpendicular from the focus on the
tangent to an ellipse in terms of the radius vector;
find its maximum and minimum values and explain the peculiarity of the class of cases to which
it belongs.
7. Eliminate the arbitrary functions from
8. Define the evolute of a curve and shew that the
difference of the radii of curvature at two points of
a curve is equal to tho corresponding arc of the
evolute. What limitations are necessary to the
generality of this statement ?
a + x
9. Trace the curve y 2 — x 2
and find its
a —x
whole area supposing it bounded on one side by
the asymptote.
10. Expand I udx in a series of ascending powers of
x. Applv
1 r 1 vour result to the case where u = =j
- "
1+ x
1. Integrate (a + bx — ex 2 )
3. Integrate
x* + 1
3. Find the volume of an ellipsoid; hence find the
mass of an ellipsoid whose density is uniform
throughout each ellipsoidal shell similar to the
external surface but in different shells is proportional to the major^axes of those shells.
4. Explain how it may be determined whether two
differential equations are derived from the same
primitive. Shew that the equations
T x
- a x = 0
and y 2 — xy - r = b arc derived from the same
6. Integrate the equation
6. If u and v are two functions of x and y which
satisfy the equation
du do
dv du
dx dy
dx dy
shew that each can be expressed as a function of
the other only.
7. Explain what is meant by the singular solution of
a differential equation: give an example and
geometrical illustration.
8. Integrate the equation
, d3y
„ d2y
DEGREE OF M.A., F.T. 1867.
9. Shew how to integrate a differential equation of
the form P p + Qq ~ R
Ex. Integrate the equation xzp + yzq = xy
10. Find the general equation to the system of curves
which cut at right angles all parabolas having a
common vertex and axis.
1. Shew that the shortest distance between two
straight lines which do not intersect is at right
angles to both of them.
2. Express the relation between the direction cosines
of one set of rectangular axes referred to another in
the form of which Zt = m„n 3 — m 3 n„ is the type.
3. Investigate the conditions which must be satisfied
in order that the general equation of the second
degree may represent two parallel planes.
4. Shew that the curve of intersection of a surface
with its tangent plane has generally a double
point at the point of contact.
5. Shew that the locus of the points of contact of all
tangent lines drawn to a central surface of the second order from an external point is a plane curve.
6. Explain what is meant by the line of greatest
slope : shew that the line of greatest slope on the
surface z = <p ( - , ) with reference to the plane of
x y is projected on that plane in a circle.
7. Find the general equation to surfaces of revolution : find also the differential equation of the
same surfaces.
8. Shew that rt = s2 is the general differential equation to developable surfaces.
9. Investigate a formula for expressing the radius of
curvature of any normal section of a surface at
any point in terms of its principal radii of curvature at that point.
{Professor McCoy)
" '
1. Write down in the order of their electro-chemical
powers as many of the elementary bodies as you
can with the combining equivalent of each.
2. Write down the combining volumes of as many
elementary bodies in the gaseous state as you can,
explaining the law of the relations of the combining volume to the combining weight and
specific gravity of each.
T H I R D HONOUR E X A M I N A T I O N , F . T . 1867.
3. Describe the physical and chemical characters
and modes of preparation of Phosphorus, Iodine,
Boron, and Bromine.
4. Describe the ordinary process for making and
purifying coal-gas, with the properties and probable sources of all the elements and compounds
5. How do "oxygen ratios" appear in connection
with the isomorphous substitutions of different
bases in compounds ? Give as many examples
as you can.
6. Define all the fundamental forms in each of the
systems of crystallography, and mention" some
mineral in which each is found.
7. Crystals of gold often present a combination of
the forms 0 . 1 . 0 , 1 . 1 . 1 , and 0 . 1 . 1 ; how many
faces would such a crystal present, and what
would be the value of the angles between normals
to each adjacent pair of faces ?
8. What are the characteristic angles of each of the
fundamental forms of the cubic system ?
9. Grey copper ore often occurs in the Hemitrisoctahedron. Of which group of hemihedral forms is
it an example, and if K . h . h . = 1 . 2 . 2 . what
would be the values of the two angles ?
10. What three mineral species have the composition
of Titanic Acid, and how do you distinguish
them ?•
11. What orders of Monocotyledonous Plants have
netted leaves ?
12. Describe fully the fructification of each of the
four great orders of Thallog-enous Plants.
13. Contrast the characters of the Cycadaceca, Coniferae, and Taxacece, and shew in what essential
characters they agree.
14. Describe all the parts of the flower and fruit of
any order of Thalamiflora.
15. Enumerate as many of the Nitrogenous, Nonnitrogenous, and inorganic constituents of plants
as you can, giving examples of the grouping of
the various constituents in different genera and
parts of plants.
1. Enumerate all the bones of the skull in a Crocodile,
grouping them as parts of each of the vertebral
segments which may be assumed in the skull.
2. Describe the general plan of the nervous system in
each of the classes of Animals.
3. Characterise all the Orders of Cold-blooded Animals
by their chief external and internal characters.
4. Describe the parts of the mouth in each of theOrders of Insecta.
5. Describe all the changes in a Vertebrate Ovum
from the earliest to the formation of the vertebral
6. Define all the Orders of Mollusca by their external
characters, and give the general plan of internal
structure of each.
7. What are the characters of the muscles, and organs
of circulation, generation, and digestion, of the
Brachiopoda ?
8. Enumerate all the parts of the exoskeleton of a
Brachyurus Crustacean according to the nomenclature of Milne Edwards, shewing what parts of
what ring each belongs to, and name the regions
of the Carapace.
9. Characterise all the Orders of Mammalia by their'
more important external and internal characters.
10. Describe the gradual changes in the tissues of
which bones and teeth respectively are composed
in Mammalia and Reptilia.
1. Describe all the igneous rocks which have received
distinct names, shewing how they may be classed,
their modes of occurrence and mineral constitution.
2. Describe in as full detail as you can the whole
series of beds with their characteristic fossils
intervening" between the Upper Chalk and the
Hempstead beds in the Isle of Wight.
3. What are the French, German, and English Oligocene beds, and what are the arguments used in
each section for separating them from the adjacent.
formations with which they were formerly classed ?
4. Define the characters of the genera of Cephalopoda
appearing first in the (a) Cambrian, {b) Devonian,
{c) Trias, {d) Lias, {e) Gault, ( J ) Lower Chalk.
5. Write down in order of superposition all the subdivisions of the English Mesozoic formations.
6. What genera of Fish are common to the Permian
and to. the Carboniferous formations, and what
ones are peculiar to each?
7. In what formations are the Ichthyodorulites, H y bodus, Ctenacanthus, Leptacanthus, Gyracanthus,
Onchus, Asteracantlms, and Platycanthus found,
and how do you distinguish them ?
8. Give the formations in which the following Brachiopod genera are found—(1) Megas, (2) Stringocephalus, (3) Lcptaina, (4) Orlhis, (5) Terebratula,
(6) Athyris; and give the distinguishing characters of each.
9. Explain clearly the character and origin of " cleavageplanes" and of all the kinds of "jointplanes"
in great rock masses.
10. Describe all the more important metamorphic rocks,
with the constituent minerals'of each.
{Professor Halford.)
1. Describe the following—
The ciliary muscle and cornea
The cochlea and semicircular canals, with the
distribution of the auditory nerve
The root of a hair
A lobule of the liver
A vesicle of the lung
The lining membrane of the trachea, aorta, ureter,
and urethra
Hydatid cysts and so-called hydatids of the uterus.
2. Describe the origin, development, eruption, and
structure of the temporary and permanent teeth.
3. How are the organic functions influenced by the
nervous system ?
1. Give an account of the changes occurring at the
heart and in the arteries, capillaries, and veins
from one pulse-beat to another..
2. Give the various causes which have been assigned
for the production of the heart's sounds. State
your own views on the subject, supported, if
possible, by reference to morbid states of the
heart and vessels.
3. What is meant by increased reflex excitability of
the nervous centres ? , Give some instances.
{Edw. Barker, M.B., F.R.C.S. Eng)
Give the treatment of a Compound Fracture of the
Leg under the following conditions: where the
bone has protruded; where the tibia is still protruding ; where it is much shattered; where there
is considerable hosmorrhage; where there is an
extensive laceration of the muscles, with contusion
of the surrounding parts. You will enter fully
into the management both local and general of
Fractures of the Leg according to the above classification, saying where you think the limb might
be saved and where not; with your reasons for
such opinion.
Describe the different kind of wounds which are
most commonly met with from attempts having
been made by persons intending to destroy themselves on any of the parts situated between the
lower jaw and the sternum. Give the treatment
both locally and generally to be adopted, either
immediately on the injury being inflicted, or subsequently through the different stages.
How would you detect a fracture of the neck of the
Os Femoris ? At what age and in what constitutions do these accidents commonly occur ?
Describe the dislocations or injuries of the thigh
bone with which it is sometimes confounded, and
state how these mistakes are' to be avoided.
Give the treatment in its various stages with the
probable result of practice.
Describe all the symptoms and the various forms of
Tetanus, its pathology and treatment.
{Richd. T. Tracy, M.B)
1. Mention the cases occurring in midwifery practice
in which the use of Ergot of Rye is safe and
useful. State the objections that have been made
to its administration even in apparently suitable
cases. State also in what form and in what doses
you would give this drug.
2. State fully the way in which you would proceed to
form a diagnosis in a case referred to you as
being either an ovarian tumour in an early stage,
or a fibrous tumour of the uterus, contrasting the
history, progress, and symptoms of those two
3. You are called to a case of haemorrhage occurring
at the outset of labour; state how you would
determine whether the haemorrhage is accidental
or unavoidable. Suppose it to be the latter, describe exactly how you would treat the case.
Give minutely the principles of treatment you
have in view, and how you would put them in
4. Describe the symptoms and progress of a case of
puerperal fever; mention the symptoms which
would lead you to give an unfavourable prognosis.
State the treatment you would recommend, and
give fully the post mortem appearances found in
fatal cases of this disease.
5. Describe the effects caused by the administration of
chloroform to a woman in labour. State the
cases in which its use is advisable in midwifery
practice, and the contrary.
6. Describe tho symptoms of Syphilis in the new-born
infant, and how you would treat such cases.
{Dr. Neild)
1. State what you know of the subject of Cadaveric
Rigidity, mentioning the several theories explanatory of its production, the conditions which
' ' modify it, tho time after death at which it appears,
and the various terms of its duration.
2. Give the legal definition of a wound; enumerate
the different kinds of wounds as they are usually
observed in medico-legal investigations; state the
reasons for and against the probability of a wound
having been accidentally produced.
3. What is your opinion on the supposed phenomenon
of spontaneous combustion ? Give in detail your
reasons for any conclusion at which you may have
arrived on this subject.
4. Mention some of the instances which have been
adduced in proof of the possibility of protracted
gestation, and state your own opinion, on physiological grounds, as to the credibility of these
5. Define impotency and sterility, and give in detail
all the reasons which would induce you to pronounce as to the existence of either' of these
6. What is Ploucquet's Test ? Do you regard it as
^possessing any value in determining w7hether the
act of respiration has taken place ? Give all the
reasons negative and affirmative leading to the
conclusions at which you may have arrived respecting the sufficiency or otherwise of this test.
Describe all the appearances in cases of drowning,
at the following periods after death, the temperature of the water being 60° Fahr., and the bodies
having been immersed all the time: 1 day, 1 week,
2 weeks, 1- month, 2 months, 6 months.
k 2
2. What is adipocire? Under what circumstances is
it formed, and what are the conditions which
favour its production ?
3. You are called to examine the body of a person who
has died, apparently from strangulation, the
question being is it murder by other means and
suspension - afterwards, or suicide? Enumerate
particularly the steps you would take in such an
investigation, and give the reasons for any decision
to which you might come.
4. What are petechial ecchymoses ? How are they
produced ? What is their value as a diagnostic
sign ? How are they caused in utero ?
5. Describe minutely the embryo and foetus at the
end of each month during the whole term of
6. In a case of suspected poisoning by arsenic, mention
all the steps you would take in its investigation,
beginning with the post mortem examination and
ending with the analysis of the contents of the
stomach, describing all the cadaveric phenomena
and all the chemical reactions.
{James Robertson, M.A., M.D.)
1. Describe the characteristic symptoms of the disease
known as Rubeola or Rotlicln, and show in what
respects or how far it resembles Scarlatina, and
how far Morbilli, diagnosing between the several
diseases. Indicate the sources of danger in this
disease and the treatment to be adopted.
2. In what particulars does Erysipelas .resemble the
Exanthemata, and wherein does it differ from
them ? What are the complications and sources of
danger to be apprehended in Erysipelas ? State
in detail the treatment.
3. Describe the different forms of Softening of the
Brain, the pathological conditions that give rise
to them, the symptoms indicative of ramollissement of the cerebrum and of the cerebellum; and
indicate the appropriate treatment.
4. Describe,a Paroxysm of Asthma, noticing the physical signs that accompany it. Notice also the secondary affections liable to complicate this disease,
and the different theories proposed in explanation
of the occurrence of Emphysema. Classify the
exciting causes of Asthma and indicate the appropriate treatment.
5. Describe the various ways in which lead may become absorbed into. the system, its effects as a
EXAM. P A P E R S : F I F T H HON. EX. F . T . 1867.
poison, the treatment applicable to Lead Colic,
and to promote the elimination of the poison from
the system, noticing the theory proposed in explanation of the mode of its elimination.
Write a full report of the case of J. D., No. 4 ward,
noticing past history, present symptoms and physical signs, and state of the functions and secretions. From what disease or diseases is the
patient suffering ? State what organ or organs
are chiefly implicated, and which has been primarily affected, and show their mutual influence
on each other. Indicate the probable course and
termination of the disease, the post mortem appearances likely to be met with, and the treatment to
be pursued.
Examine the fluid submitted for inspection by^the
microscope aud by other means or. tests in order
to discover its character.
By Authority: JOHN FHRRES, Gcrvefnmtut Printer, Melbourne.
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