Essex County Council Free Early Education Entitlement for Two, Three and Four Year Olds Provider Handbook April 2015 1 Contents 1. Introduction 1.1 The updated Statutory Guidance 2. Eligibility 3 3 5 2.1 Eligibility for two year olds 5 2.2 Eligibility for three and four year olds 6 2.3 Provider eligibility 6 3. Flexibility 7 3.1 Parent/carer Agreement Form 7 3.2 Flexibility for two, three and four year olds 8 3.3 Flexibility and additional charges 8 3.4 Providers not delivering the full FEEE 9 3.5 Providers delivering the FEEE for two year olds 10 3.6 A free place for two, three and four year olds 10 4. Quality 11 4.1 Securing and improving quality 11 4.2 Exemption from the Early Years Foundation Stage 12 4.3 Providers with a ‘Requires Improvement’ or ‘Inadequate’ Ofsted judgment 13 5. Funding FEEE places 15 5.1 FEEE funding for two, three and four year olds 15 5.2 FEEE funding for two year olds 15 5.3 FEEE funding for three and four year olds 15 5.4 Funding children with special educational needs 16 5.5 Headcount 17 5.6 Changes in situation 18 6. Help with queries 19 Disclaimer: Whilst every care has been taken to ensure that the information contained within this handbook is correct at the time of publication, Essex County Council cannot be held liable for any loss, damage or expense incurred as a result of information contained in this handbook April 2015 2 1. Introduction This handbook is a working document that specifies how Essex County Council (ECC) funds free early education for all eligible two, three and four year olds in the maintained, private, voluntary and independent (PVI) sectors and children’s centres. This handbook builds on the Department for Education (DfE) Early Education and Childcare: Statutory Guidance for Local Authorities September 2014. Copies of the statutory guidance are currently available to download from the government’s website: The Free Early Education Entitlement (FEEE) Contract forms a binding agreement between childcare providers and ECC. The contract states that providers delivering free early education and childcare must abide by the conditions and requirements of the Early Education and Childcare: Statutory Guidance for Local Authorities September 2014 and the ‘Essex County Council Free Early Education Entitlement Contract’. By signing and dating the contract, the provider acknowledges that they understand the above mentioned documents and will meet the requirements therein. The FEEE is at the heart of the Government’s vision for all children to have access to high quality early years education. Evidence shows that regular good quality early education has long lasting benefits for all children. The FEEE for three and four year olds is a universal free provision for every child from the term following their third birthday up until they reach compulsory school age. However, only children that are eligible under certain criteria are able to access the FEEE for two year olds. This handbook explains; when children become eligible for the FEEE (two, three and four year olds) the process for claiming the FEEE funding for two year olds the process for claiming the FEEE funding for three and four year olds what may happen if providers are graded ‘Requires Improvement’ or ‘Inadequate’ at their Ofsted inspection ECC is committed to working in close partnership with providers across all sectors in order to achieve flexible, high quality provision which meets the needs of children and promotes parental choice, but balances this with supporting provider sustainability and a thriving childcare market. 1.1 The updated Statutory Guidance The revised statutory guidance includes guidance on eligibility for the entitlement to early education for around the 40% most disadvantaged two-year-olds. It also introduces new elements relating to: the introduction of childminder agencies; how local authorities discharge their duty to secure early education for two, three, and four year olds; the provision of information, advice and training to childcare providers; early education providers who do not actively promote fundamental British values or promote views or theories as fact which are contrary to established scientific or historical evidence and explanations. 3 The changed role for local authorities, making Ofsted the sole arbiter of quality, will enable local authorities to focus on ensuring that all eligible children are able to take up their early education place and that weaker providers take steps to improve the quality of their provision. The guidance seeks to assist local authorities, providers and parents by making clear: what outcomes different measures are seeking to achieve; what is a legal duty required by legislation; and what local authorities should do to fulfil their statutory responsibilities. The guidance does not provide instruction on how providers operate their private businesses, including charges for provision over and above a child’s early education place. The Local authority is not able to intervene in providers’ private businesses outside of a child’s early education place. 4 2. Eligibility Outcome: all children who meet the prescribed criteria are able to take up high quality early education, regardless of their parents’ ability to pay – benefiting their social, physical and mental development and helping to prepare them for school. Evidence shows that regular, high quality early education has lasting benefits for all children. 2.1 Eligibility for two year olds The FEEE for two year olds is not a universal offer, only eligible children may access this funding via an application process. Families can be referred by any of the following personnel: - early education and childcare providers - children’s centre support workers or outreach workers - health professionals or social workers Two year olds who meet any one of the following criteria are eligible for the FEEE: ☐ They meet the criteria used to determine eligibility for Free School Meals ☐ Their family receives Working Tax Credits and have annual gross earnings of no more than £16,190 ☐ They have a current statement of Special Educational Needs (SEN) or an Education, Health and Care plan ☐ They are entitled to Disability Living Allowance ☐ They are looked after by a local authority ☐ They are no longer looked after by the local authority as a result of an adoption order, a special guardianship order or a child arrangements order which specifies with whom the child lives. Local authorities must ensure that two-year-olds who have met the eligibility criteria set out above continue to receive a place once they have taken it up even if the child ceases to meet these criteria at a later date. Eligible children may access a FEEE funded place in the term following their second birthday, see table below A child born in the period Will become eligible for a free place 1 April to 31 August 1 September following a child’s second birthday 1 September to 31 December 1 January following a child’s second birthday 1 January to 31 March 1 April following a child’s second birthday Providers should request and check the child’s birth certificate to confirm their eligibility for the FEEE. ECC may ask to see evidence that the provider has checked birth certificates 5 therefore it is recommended that providers make a note of the number to confirm that this has been seen. 2.2 Eligibility for three and four year olds All children become eligible in the term after they turn three, see table below A child born in the period Will become eligible for a free place 1 April to 31 August 1 September following a child’s third birthday 1 September to 31 December 1 January following a child’s third birthday 1 January to 31 March 1 April following a child’s third birthday 2.3 Provider Eligibility ECC and the DfE stipulate that to offer the Free Entitlement all providers (including childminders registered with a childminder agency) must; be registered with Ofsted have an Ofsted judgement of Good, Outstanding or Requires Improvement to offer the FEEE to three and four year olds and Good or Outstanding to offer the FEEE to two year olds have a current bank account that they use for their business have a funding contract with ECC have access to the internet and an email account meet the independent school standard in relation to the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils actively promote fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs not promote as fact views or theories which are contrary to established scientific or historical evidence and explanations In addition newly registered providers are eligible to offer the FEEE before their first Ofsted inspection. However, the outcome of their Ofsted inspection will determine whether they can continue offering the FEEE and whether they can offer places to eligible two year olds. 6 3. Flexibility Outcome: Children are able to take up their full FEEE at times that best support their learning and at times which fit with the needs of the parents. The offer up to 15 hours a week over a minimum of two days (if the offer is stretched over more than 38 weeks the hours per week are reduced) Length of offer 38 weeks 1 or up to 52 weeks for a stretched offer (no more than 570 hours per annum) Minimum hours per day 2.5 hours Maximum hours per day 10 hours Number of providers Times 3.1 for 3 and 4 year olds, parents can use their 15 free hours over a maximum of two participating providers the FEEE for eligible two year olds may be accessed at one provider only not before 7.00am or after 7.00pm The Parent/Carer Agreement Form All providers must complete a Parent/Carer Agreement with all parents/carers. The agreement is retained by the provider and must be made available to officers from ECC to view if requested. Parents or carers must complete and sign a Parent/Carer Agreement Form each term for the following reasons: 1 Completing and signing the form confirms the contractual agreement between the provider and the parent for the duration of the term. The Parent/Carer Agreement Form records the number hours/weeks of FEEE for the duration of the term. It informs the parent that if they decide to move their child after headcount they may be liable to pay full fees at the new provider. For the FEEE for three and four year olds it records whether parents are accessing funding over one or two provisions to prevent double claims being made. It informs parents of how hours can be taken. It informs parents that additional charges can be made. It informs parents about the restrictions of increasing hours in a term. It informs parents what happens if their child starts school. A provider who is not open for 38 weeks must let parents know that they will not receive the full entitlement. 7 3.2 Flexibility for two, three and four year olds Flexibility is not about just offering longer hours, but also about offering different patterns or models of flexibility at the provision. A flexible offer should be meaningful and useful for parents, promote child development to improve the wellbeing of young children and be workable for providers. Providers delivering the FEEE flexibly must ensure that the entitlement is offered to parents in a way which meets their needs and gives them real choices about how they access a free place. It is really important to offer enough flexibility to meet the requirements of parents who work, particularly those that work part time. If it meets their needs parents accessing the FEEE for three and four year olds can split their 15 hours between two providers. If they decide to split their funding they must complete a Parent/Carer Agreement Form for each provision on a termly basis. Providers do have the option to operate a ‘sole provision policy’, provided they offer the full 15 hour entitlement, but should consider whether this would meet parental demand. If a provider does decide to implement a ‘sole provision policy’ they must inform parents that this is their policy, and that they must access their full entitlement at the setting, at the time they complete the Parent/Carer Agreement Form. Definition of flexibility for two, three and four year olds The FEEE can be taken up in a number of ways. ECC has a duty to ensure that, as a minimum, parents can access the FEEE in the following patterns: Either three hours a day over five days of the week, or Five hours a day over three days of the week. A provider who wishes to offer a ‘stretch’ FEEE place (taking fewer hours per week over more weeks of the year) should discuss this option with an Early Years and Childcare Business Consultant to ensure that there is provider capacity and sufficient parental demand. Providers may choose to deliver the FEEE places in line with the maintained schools term times but there is no requirement to do this. The examples below show how the FEEE can be delivered flexibly: Three hour morning sessions across five days Three hour afternoon sessions across five days Three hour sessions - a combination of mornings and afternoons Two full days Five hours per day across three days 3.3 Flexibility and additional charges Lunch The lunch time period can be included as part of the funded hours. 8 Any charge for the lunch must be agreed with parents in advance. Parents must be given the option of providing a packed lunch if this is more affordable for them. Fees and charges Information must be given to a parent that clearly shows that they have received their child’s full 15 hour funded place completely free, there should be no monetary value attached to the free 15 hours. Additional hours and services may be charged for, e.g. meals or hours in addition to the funded free hours. Any charges must be agreed in writing with the parent prior to placement start date and an opt out option available that does not impact on their free place The rates which a provider charges for additional hours outside of a child’s FEEE place are a private matter between the provider and the parent. These should, however, be in line with their non-funded sessional or hourly charges. Where a child is only accessing the 15 hours of FEEE it is not necessary to provide an invoice. However providers must inform parents that an application for funding has been made on their behalf and ensure they complete a Parent/Carer Agreement Form. Charges for any additional hours and/or services must be clearly recorded separately on an invoice. Invoicing All invoices to parents must be clear and transparent so they can clearly understand what has been charged for The invoice a provider sends to a parent should include the following: The relevant date. The provision details. Details of the parent/child. The period of time the invoice is for i.e. one week, two weeks, or a month. It should itemise what is free of charge i.e. FEEE funded hours, and what are chargeable items. FEEE hours cannot be represented as a monetary value or as a discounted item on the invoice. Chargeable hours that have been taken outside FEEE hours should be clearly itemised on the invoice. Snacks, meals and additional activities should also be clearly itemised on the invoice. The provider should indicate the time scale in which they expect payment to be made by. Please see appendix A for an example of a best practice invoice 3.4 Providers not delivering the full FEEE Some providers are not able to open for 15 hours a week or the full 38 weeks of the year. Parents may choose to access this provision, but must be told that ECC is under no obligation to offer the remainder of the child’s FEEE at a different provider. 9 A provider who is receiving funding to deliver a reduced entitlement cannot charge parents for additional hours of provision if their child is accessing 15 hours or fewer per week. Where a child attends two providers, the local authority will not fund five weeks’ difference if one provider offered 33 weeks and the other 38 weeks as the hours are not transferable. Parents/carers are asked to confirm that they are aware of this on the Parent/Carer Agreement Form. 3.5 Providers delivering the FEEE for two year olds Where a child is accessing the FEEE for two year olds, they may only attend one provider. The access and delivery of childcare for two year olds should be offered in exactly the same way as three and four year olds with the exception to split hours between two providers. Please note, the FEEE for two year olds is non-transferable. Funding may only be transferred where there are exceptional circumstances and a Transfer Form has been completed and approved by ECC. A transfer request MUST be completed and approved PRIOR to the child starting at the onward provision. If this process is not followed ECC will not pay the funding. 3.6 A free place for two, three and four year olds The entitlement is a free, part time place for each eligible two, three and four year old child. An early years provider must not; attach any conditions to the funded place which oblige parents to purchase additional hours or pay lunchtime charges in order to secure free early education charge for any part of the funded hours or ‘top up fees’ (the difference between what a provider would normally charge and what the provider receives from ECC) charge for any goods or services where such payment is conditional to access the free place - for example a registration fee or charges for a uniform It is the responsibility of the provider to explain to parents about the free early education entitlement and to inform parents that a claim has been made on their behalf. 10 4. Quality Outcome: all children are able to take up their entitlement to funded early education in a high quality setting. Evidence shows that higher quality provision has greater developmental benefits for children, particularly for the most disadvantaged children. The evidence also shows that high quality early education at age two brings benefits to children’s development. It is the Government’s intention that, as far as possible, early education for two year olds is delivered by providers who have achieved an overall rating of ‘outstanding’ or ‘good’ in their most recent Ofsted inspection report. ECC recognises that the provision of care and education for the youngest children is offered in a wide range of schools/provisions across the maintained, private, voluntary, independent sectors and childminders. ECC welcomes this diversity and will work in partnership with all providers to ensure that high quality inclusive provision is maintained and offered to all children and their families whichever provision they attend. 4.1 Securing and improving quality All early years providers who deliver the FEEE must; deliver the full Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) be registered with Ofsted as an early years provider, or are a school taking children aged three and over and therefore exempt from registration with Ofsted as early years providers, or are a childminder registered with a childminder agency which is registered with Ofsted submit to an inspection by Ofsted maintain records about children receiving the FEEE and make that information available to ECC, as the local authority, and Ofsted on request provide parents with clear written information about any fees or charges for additional hours and/or services actively promote fundamental British values and not promote views or theories as fact which are contrary to established scientific or historical evidence and explanations meet the needs of disabled children and children with special educational needs keep children safe ECC will; fund places for two, three and four year old children at any provider judged ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’ by Ofsted or at any childminder registered with a childminder agency judged ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’ by Ofsted if a parent wants their child to take up their early education place at that provider and the provider is willing to accept the local authority funding fund places for three and four year old children at any provider judged ‘satisfactory’ or ‘requires improvement’ by Ofsted or at any childminder registered with a childminder agency judged ‘requires improvement’ by Ofsted if a parent wants their child to take up their early education place at that provider and the provider is willing to accept the local authority funding 11 not undertake a local authority assessment of the quality of the provider, but rely solely on the Ofsted inspection judgement of the provider or the childminder agency as the benchmark of quality fund places for two, three and four year old children at new providers registered with Ofsted until the provider’s first full Ofsted inspection judgement is published or at a childminder registered with an agency until the agency’s first full Ofsted inspection judgement is published if a parent wants their child to take up their early education place at that provider and the provider is willing to accept the local authority funding fund providers with exemptions from the Early Years Foundation Stage if a parent wants their child to take up their early education place at an exempt provider and the provider is willing to accept the local authority funding may choose to fund places at providers who do not meet the quality standards set out above to ensure sufficiency of early education places not fund providers if they do not actively promote fundamental British values or if they promote views or theories as fact which are contrary to established scientific or historical evidence and explanations only fund places for two year old children in ‘satisfactory’ or ‘requires improvement’ providers or with childminders registered with childminder agencies judged ‘requires improvement’ where there is not sufficient, accessible ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’ provision fund providers with an Ofsted inspection judgement of ‘met’ until their Ofsted quality inspection judgement is published secure alternative provision and withdraw funding from a provider (other than a local authority maintained school), as soon as is practicable, when Ofsted publish an inspection judgement of the provider or childminder agency of ‘inadequate’ not withdraw funding from providers or from childminders registered with an agency until the provider’s or childminder agency’s Ofsted inspection judgement is published not fund childminders registered with a childminder agency where the agency has indicated to the local authority that the childminder is not of satisfactory quality unless it is necessary to do so to ensure sufficiency of accessible places take appropriate action to improve the quality of provision at a local authority maintained school which has been judged by Ofsted to require significant improvement or has been placed in special measures 4.2 Exemption from the Early Years Foundation Stage The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is mandatory for all early years providers, maintained, non-maintained and independent schools and all early years providers on the Early Years Register. The EYFS exemptions arrangements, introduces a new route for good quality independent schools, as well as maintaining a more streamlined 'established principles' route. The Childcare Act 2006 does not allow for any exemptions from the safeguarding and welfare requirements of the EYFS. 12 ECC will; fund providers who have exemptions from the EYFS Learning and Development requirements if a parent wants their child to attend that provider fund providers for children who have exemptions from the EYFS Learning and Development requirements The exemptions from the Learning and Development requirements can be downloaded from 4.3 Providers with a ‘Requires Improvement’ or ‘Inadequate’ Ofsted judgement Quality Improvement Following a ‘Requires Improvement’ or an ‘Inadequate’ judgement for a provider providing FEEE for two, three and four year olds, ECC will allocate an Early Years and Childcare Quality Improvement Team Officer to; work in collaboration with the provider to compile an intervention plan ensure key actions are clearly identified to raise the quality of provision establish clearly defined timescales for improvements to be made by the provider maintain regular liaison with the provider to ensure progress remains on track monitor the impact and effectiveness of improvements made to the provision within a clearly defined timescale co-ordinate any further support required such as in-house training, signpost to CPD opportunities report back to the Early Years and Childcare Management Team on the progress made at the end of intervention period Withdrawal of funding The Early Education and Childcare: Statutory Guidance for Local Authorities September 2014 states that the Local authority must ‘…secure alternative provision and withdraw funding from a provider (other than a local authority maintained school), as soon as is practicable, when Ofsted publish an inspection judgement of the provider or childminder agency of ‘inadequate’’. Therefore: following an ‘Inadequate’ Ofsted judgement, no further places for FEEE for two, three and four year olds will be allocated to the provider following a ‘Requires Improvement’ Ofsted judgement no further places for FEEE for eligible two year olds will be allocated to the provider decisions about the next steps for each individual early years provider, following an ‘Inadequate’ Ofsted judgement, including withdrawal of funding will be made on a case by case scenario by ECC Early Years and Childcare Management team ECC will issue a letter to the setting outlining any decision made about suspension of funding and any subsequent interventions/actions to be taken, including relevant timescales 13 applications for individual children who are eligible for the two year old FEEE, whose parents wish them to attend a ‘Requires Improvement’ provider, will be considered on a case by case basis by the ECC Early Years & Childcare leadership team 14 5. Funding FEEE places Outcome: fair and transparent funding which supports a diverse range of providers to deliver early education places and encourages existing providers to expand and new providers to enter the childcare market. This diversity enables parents to choose a provider that best meets the needs of their child and family. 5.1 FEEE funding for two, three and four year olds: Eligible children are entitled to up to 570 hours of FEEE over the year. The entitlement is divided into three terms ranging from eleven to fifteen weeks which mirror the school terms, 38 weeks in total. ECC will fund providers to offer any number of weeks between a minimum of 33 up to a maximum of 52 (reducing hours pro rata). If the provider is stretching the 570 hours over more than 38 weeks they will need to claim the maximum FEEE hours allowed for the term at each headcount, rather than the number of hours the child has attended during the FEEE funding period. For example, if stretching the offer over 52 weeks the child should receive FEEE for 11 hours per week for 50 weeks and 10 hours per week for the remaining 2 weeks, this would equal 570 hours over the year. The provider should divide the 52 weeks into 3 terms in order to show on the parent’s invoice the number of hours per week and number of weeks claimed during that term. See the table below for a breakdown of the maximum number of hours that can be claimed in this contractual year: Term Inclusive term dates Duration of FEEE Equivalent in hours Summer 2015 13/04/2015 to 22/07/2015 13 weeks 13 weeks x 15 hours = 195 hours Autumn 2015 03/09/2015 to 18/12/2015 14 weeks 14 weeks x 15 hours = 210 hours Spring 2016 04/01/2016 to 24/03/2016 11 weeks 11 weeks x 15 hours = 165 hours NB: If the offer is fewer than 38 weeks the provider must make it clear to parents in writing before they accept a place as to how many weeks are offered and that if the parent requires more weeks or hours then they should seek an alternative place. 5.2 FEEE funding for two year olds: All providers offering the FEEE for two year olds are paid a flat rate of £5 per hour per child for those two year olds in place. This does not attract a Social Deprivation Supplement as the funding is already focused on disadvantage. 5.3 FEEE funding for three and four year olds: The FEEE for three and four year olds is calculated using the Single Funding Formula (SFF which is composed of a number of base rates differentiated by type of provider according to unavoidable cost differences. The formula includes a deprivation supplement of an 15 additional 10p, 20p or 30p per hour for qualifying children based on their postcode, and is based on a headcount of children attending provision conducted each term. From April 2015 providers will receive an Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) of 53 pence per hour for every hour of FEEE taken up in respect of eligible three and four year old children. Children are eligible if they meet at least one of the following criteria: they meet the criteria used to determine eligibility for Free School Meals they have been looked after by their local authority for one day or more they have been adopted from care they have left care under a special guardianship order or residence order The Local authority is responsible for checking that individual children meet the eligibility criteria for EYPP. Therefore we need providers to let us know which of the children in their care meet one of the above criteria so we can check their eligibility. Please speak to parents of children receiving the FEEE and, in particular, parents of children who took up the early education entitlement for two year olds, as most of these children will attract EYPP when they turn three. Details of the SFF hourly base rates are as follows: Provider Type Definition Hourly Base Rate @ 1st April 2015 Pre-Schools A provision operating fewer than 45 weeks per year and with sessions no longer than 4 hours. £3.82 Day Nurseries A provision operating for; 3 or more hours per day; 5 or more days per week; and 45 weeks or more per year £4.01 Independent Schools A Registered Independent School in England, established under the Education Act 2002. £4.01 Childminders A childminder £4.61 Maintained Primary Schools with Designated Nursery Classes A primary school maintained by the local authority with one or more classes designated by the local authority as classes admitting nursery-aged children where the children are all on the main school roll. £4.27 Maintained Nursery Schools A nursery school maintained by the local authority for nursery-aged children where all children are on the school roll. £6.19 5.4 Funding children with special educational needs If a child with special educational needs is not accessing their full FEEE, ECC will consider providing funding equivalent to the child taking up a full place (up to the maximum hours), 16 enabling ‘surplus’ funding to be used to support the child, for example to increase staff ratios. The following conditions would apply: This would need to be agreed on a case by case basis, with confirmation of appropriate arrangements being agreed between the provider and the Special Educational Needs and Children with Additional Educational Needs (SEN/AEN) service. This arrangement should only be made if there is evidence that parents/carers wish their child to attend fewer hours than the maximum available. It would need to be made clear to the parent that the full entitlement (in terms of hours) is available, should they choose to take it. If the full hours were taken then for any additional support required the point below covers options on how to try and secure this. If parents/carers wish their child to access the full FEEE funded hours, any additional support may be funded through SEN/AEN and/or an Inclusion Grant (subject to available funding) as is the current procedure. Where an Inclusion Grant is being applied for, a Crisis Grant application may be submitted to cover the period up to receiving the Inclusion Grant. Providers must liaise with the SEN/AEN service to ensure the correct level of funding is applied. 5.5 Headcount The headcount date is set on specific dates in the school term to ensure that all providers are open. The FEEE can be used in any consecutive block within the term. We recommend that providers follow the school term when setting the dates for the FEEE timeframe. Childcare accessed outside of this grant funded period can be charged at any pre-agreed fees/rates unless the provider is stretching the FEEE. If this is the case then providers can only charge for hours accessed beyond the 570 yearly maximum. All headcount data must be submitted in hours by the headcount submission dates each term as follows: Summer 2015 term dates 13 April to 22 July Autumn 2015 term dates 3 Sept to 18 Dec Spring 2016 term dates 4 Jan to 24 March Headcount date Latest submission date Thursday 7 May 2015 Wednesday 13 May 2015 Thursday 17 Sept 2015 Wednesday 23 Sept 2015 Thursday 21 Jan 2016 Wednesday 27 Jan 2016 Data will only be accepted electronically via the Early Years and Childcare Provider Portal. Details of how this must be completed will be advised prior to each headcount. For the three and four year old FEEE, an interim payment of 50% is made at the beginning of each term, based on the total number of hours funded in the previous term for all children who are still eligible. The payment of the balance will be made within 6 weeks of the headcount submission deadline date by BACS or Journal transfer. 17 FEEE payments for two year olds are calculated on headcount data submitted for approved children. A single payment will be made within six weeks of the headcount submission deadline date, by BACS or journal transfer. NB: Completion of headcount data and the Early Years Census (or School Census in the case of Maintained Primary Schools with Designated Nursery Classes and Maintained Nursery Schools) is a statutory requirement that all providers must complete. For all purposes ECC will fund children from the first week (where there are three or more days in that week) following the start of the Essex maintained school term. Children in reception class will only be funded for a ’phase in‘ period providing they have been registered with the provider within the first 4 weeks of term. Once they are in reception class children will no longer be able to access the FEEE funding. FEEE funding will be payable to a provider if the following conditions are met: The children included in the headcount are registered at the provision on the day of the headcount. Any children included in the headcount who are ill or otherwise absent during that week, must be genuinely expected to take their place during that term. If a child joins after headcount date a late claim can be submitted provided the conditions in the contract are applied and they have NOT claimed FEEE at any other provision within Essex for that term. Where children access their place intermittently e.g. transient families such as Traveller children or refugee children, it is the local authority’s policy to fund for the duration of the term. Parents cannot increase the number of funded hours they wish their child to take after the headcount day. The parent agreement form that was signed at the beginning of the term between the provider and the parent clearly indicates this. Increased hours can only be made on a termly basis. Providers in contract with the local authority must offer at least one free place (i.e. entirely funded by the FEEE) of at least 2.5 hours and up to 10 hours per day up to the weekly maximum with no requirement for the parents to pay for additional hours such as extended provision or care. There is no requirement to ‘advertise’ or ‘keep free’ this one space but if the provider has a vacancy and were approached by a parent who only wanted their FEEE, the provider must offer this. Providers are required to add, amend and delete data on the Early Years and Childcare Provider Portal each term to ensure accuracy. This includes prompt notification of changes to the funding contact at the provision or any change to bank account details. Providers registered to deliver FEEE with ECC must agree to admit, at any reasonable time, authorised officers of ECC or their agents. Failure to admit staff or regularly cancelling pre-agreed appointments may also lead to the withdrawal of the FEEE contract. 18 5.6 Changes in situation If a provision has to close during a term the provider should inform Early Years and Childcare at ECC immediately to let them know the reason for the closure. In an emergency such as bad weather, temporary premises or health and safety issues where closure may be short term, such situations will be looked upon sympathetically and case by case. ECC will then make a decision as to whether any repayment will be required to be paid In circumstances where there is planned closure due to lack of sustainability, premises concerns/restraints or financial constraints, the provider should inform Early Years and Childcare ECC immediately to let them know of the reason for closure and the planned date. 6. Help with queries It is the responsibility of the provider to ensure that all supporting information and guidance is given and explained to parents/carers before committing to accessing a place. Parent/Carer Agreement Forms will be checked as part of any future audit checks. The local authority will give the appropriate help and support to providers where this is required. In all cases, the needs and best interests of the child should be paramount. Any queries relating to headcount, late claims and Early Years Census submissions should be directed to: Data Collection and Maintenance Team [email protected] Any queries relating to the updating of bank account and contact details should be directed to: Data Collection and Maintenance Team [email protected] Any queries relating to the registration of provisions or the return of Contract Declarations should be directed to: Early Years and Childcare [email protected] Any queries relating to FEEE applications and payments for 2 year olds should be directed to: Early Years and Childcare [email protected] Any queries relating to business management should be directed to: Early Years and Childcare Business Management Consultants [email protected] – for North and Mid Essex [email protected] – for South and West Essex 19 Appendix A 20
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