The yesteryears m I m by Viw> MPaddamp inspiring WOOMBYE'S E A R L Y HISTORY Nestling among its salad b o w l o f enfolding hills, upon which orchards have painted a massive pattern off soft colours, life within t h e restful township off W o o m b y e seems t o flow almost as tranquil as w h e n , m o r e than 100 y e a r s ago, it made its important entry into t h e history off early Queensland. First known as Cobb's ough to Brisbane In 1871. Camp whoa. In 1868. Cobb m his book- "Australia de cCo. inaugurated a coach and New Zealand", giving o s s o ^ to accoimt of the Journey •.&mn Gympie end Mary he wrote;'' borough. I t was also call ed Middle Camp. FLEAS I I was koto the coach "We slept the night be -j&ssengers brake their tween Gympie and Bris dusty and tiring journey bane at a place called for a night's rest in the Cobb's Camp, at which the camp's lodging house, pleasant manners of the situated en the rising pretty German hostess al ground alongside whet most atoned for the is now the entrance to miraculous profusion of Woombye from the fleas". Brace Highway. Relating this to Mrs. It received special men Charlotte Kuskopf at tion, * and a somewhat Woombye, she was quick back-handed compliment to tell me this was be from Anthony Trollope, fore her" grandparents. celebrated Bngjteh writer, Karl and Mary Stumpf, when he experienced the were host and hostess at Journey «from Marybor- Middle Camp. A* Geoffrey R. ftaph OPTOMETRIST Scott's Building I HOWARD ST.. NAMBOUR PHONE 41 2525 PHONE 41 2525 MALENY — 1st Wednesday of each month. MALENY SCHOOL OF ARTS, 9 a.m.-12 noon MAROOCHYDORE — 1* Thursday etch month. C.W.A. Rooms, 9.30 a.m.-12.30 p.m. COOROY — 2nd Thursday each month. COOROY C W A , 9 a.m.-12 noon. CALOUNDRA—Last Wed. each month. "Jewel Box", Bulcock St., 9 a.m.-12 noon. | See VIC. CORDWELL & GO. off YANDINA, for READY-MIX CONCRETE m Two Agitators Working — Order, taken, large or 9 small, anywhere, anytime -— Free Quote. — — Batches mixed to own 8 Qnantiliai Estimated specifications. See VIC. CORDWELL TO meet Charlotte Kuskopf was Indeed a pleasure. This little old lady, radiating vitality and good • humour, dis dains gales when visiting her next-door neighbour and nimbly climbs through the three-wire dividing fence. The awe of Woombye is profound. Bern there fa 1884. nuui led to Her man Kuskopf in Woom bye and lived there all her Ufa. She states she has no intention of ever leafing the place where her har vest of Tf"f*fi«» |ng memor ies has been gathered. Talking of the far-off yesteryears, we looked from the front door of her comfortable cottage over the well-kept lawn and flower beds filled with blooms to the northern route taken by the coach es from the old camp. First the run down to and over Paynter's Creek, the pun over Currie's Knob (later named Kelk's Hill), then along to Petrie's dock where Namhour was eventually foun ded in 1892. Coming in- from the south, sweating horses with their load clattered past where the Woombye cemetery is now and with the welcome smell of the camp ahead pulled over the hill near the school grounds and in to the camp. l RISKY PLACES Mrs. Kuskopf speaks of the risky places she heard of as the coaches ran through Mooloolah, Eudlo and Palmwoods. One sec tion cursed was "the sandy pinch". Charlotte Kuskopf, whose husband Herman died some time ago, must feel a glow of pride in the knowledge that her forebears, both paternal and JBwBratt UnMlafrd the pioneering of the rich Woombye district — the Stumpfs and Airds. Coming from Denmark, Karl and Mary Stumpf visited several areas in south Queensland, among them Gympie and Laidley. Christina (Teenie) who became the mother of Charlotte was born in Laidley. Whether they had any intention of remaining permanently at what was to become . Woom bye when they moved into Cobb and Co.'s camp as caretakers Is net known, bat stay they dht Season's Greetings to all from... PORTER'S ENGINEERING ANN STREET — PHONE 41 2267 Distributors of - - BALL AND ROLLER BEARINGS IMMEDIATE DELIVERY HYDRAULIC SEALS A N D FITTINGS HYDRAULIC HOSE A N D USABLE COUPLINGS. RE HYDRAULIC CYLINDERS F/LUMMER BLOCKS OIL SEALS iSSl BRIGGS & S T R A T T O N ENGINES BRIGGS 6 STRATTON STEEL A N D SHAFTING ARC WELDERS A N D ELECTRODES BI-LOC PULLEYS BLACK A N D HIGH BOLTS A N D NUTS cycle, ^ gasoline' TENSILE E N G I N E S They arrived in 1877 with four children, Chris tina, 'John, Mary and Regina. Mrs. Stumpf took charge of the meals and ^'•^"Off. while her hus band attended to the needs of the coach horses. A • Methodist Church stands where the hones were stabled. Nearby was the small police station with its two tiny Jail houses. The district boasted no other build ings. Sergeant Gidney, the upholder of law and order for a time, was only one of a succession of ser geants who came to ensure the peace was kept, but "scaped the overpowerlng peace of Isolation as quickly as possible. Sergeant Bodett came, then Chalmers, followed by Sutton and Brett. MAIL O F F I C E wagon to the site and cut into building timber by pit saw. Some split slabs smoothed by the adse were used, with a shingle roof overall. About yds time Ar chie A M struck out on his own, taking up 160 acres a little south of Karl Stumpfs boarding house. To the little hut be built among the trees he brought his young wife tennis (Christina) Stumpf. Here to 1888 their son Charles was born, the first white boy born in the district Charlotte (Mrs. Herman Kuskopf) was born In October of the following year, but denied the distinction earned by her brother, as two girls were born earlier to Mrs. Bodett, the policeman's wife. Archie and Teenie had a family of nine children. Illness took one at the a 'e of five. There is little need . mention that Aird Is a name still importantly prominent In the Marcochy district The station doubled as post office until about 1890 when a small office for mail was established near Paynters Creek,- a mile or so towards Namhour. An inviting rest area for motorists Is' not far STILL THERE from the spot now. To the district In 1880 Some of the family con came a lady of admirable tinue living on the old courage and fortitude. property that overlooks Mrs. Charlotte Aird ar the highway, about a mile rived from ninth ml She south of the Woombye was a widow and had townshipMiss "LET Aird Uvea with her sons Tom and Archie and daughter there. Charlotte Kuskopf, her stater, explained that Davida. Lil was christened Elinor. A population explosion As child people thought was experienced with the her aasas a lily, arrival a Kttle later of so Lil it pretty always has been. Henry August Kiel with wife Mary (nee A M ) , ac Archie Aird's mother, companied by a nephew the venturesome widow and niece, Louis and his who came with three sister Augusta Willers- children undaunted by dorf. what the future might Louis s e t u p the fust hold in a new, rough bakery In 1900. - A - more world, eventually came to with Archie and modem bakery now stands live on the site, in Woombye. Teenie. and died there In Pioneering of the 1880. waiting Woombye She was buried under the protective shade of lands begin, the fig tree that stands in Karl and Mary Stumpf handed over Cobb & Cols camp to people named Schubert and took up 200 acres of land near the! camp — the Bruce High-, way cute through portion' of it, where until recently George. Godfrey was an orchardist. The Kiels took up a selection in the solitude of the mountain -that per petuates their name. The widow Charlotte Aird and her two sons Joined the Kiels. Davida Aird was placed in Brisbane and at the grand age of 87 years she pannrcl away, as Mrs. Red Leftwich. JVoon*btj& Pretty Utile Woombye, rich with colourful yes teryears. Here poetess Mohtl Fetveol could have written her beautiful verse: Gather ye memories! Tea will net Had their Joy too gnat a lead. These threads of scarlet on a web of gold. laid them about your heart. When you are old their colour wEE light up the dull grey read. dignity near the house and to be seen t*pm the highway guarding this fit ting resting place for one who through nine hard years lived so close to "this homely, gracious, green, familiar earth". j "Mrs. Kiel, Charlotte Kuskopf's Aunt Mary (nee Aird), had been laid to her final rest from life's heavy burdens In the bosom of the hind she and her husband pioneer ed on Kiels Mountain. 1 (To he reiilhiaedj 1 N E V KANE g R E M ESTATE AGENT V YANDINA — Phone 126 A/Hrs. 70. owed Nomboajr 41 1398 Sales Rep.: ALLAN CATHCART. BARGAIN BUT. Solid 3-bedrm. home set on I acre, also sound 40' z 20' shed. New bath and H.WJEL. town water, BJRA. Excellent value at only. 88800 and only 81200 dep. GRAZING BLOCK. 400 acs. F.H.. 80 per cent cleared, lrHW' ** sweet feed, substantial 3-bedrm. home, handy to highway. Mainly spring water, fences good. Priced to sell at a low $17500. GRAZING. 800 acs. scrub soil, nearly all cleared; some equip., subdiv., slacks of water, bails, stock yards, main road pest, two houses, handy to town. Only $35,000 bare. MAROOCHYDORE FLATS. Two brand new flats in Ideal posn., concrete block constr.; each flat has two bedrms., elec. stove, carpets, etc. Return 800 per week. Approx. to build two more flats. Price $17,000. EX-DAIRY — SUIT STUD. 180 acs. F.H., mostly creek flats, perm, creek, 100 head quality mixed stock, tractor and all nee plant, extensive irrig. equip. Large newly painted home. Price only $26,000, WJ.-W.O. SMALLCROPS, GINGER FARM. 99 acs. FJBL, almost half red volcanic soil, ginger contract, good plant, extensive irrig. plant, spring-fed dam, roach. shed, borne, excelL highway posn.; small crops in season. Price $20,000. SUIT VEALERS. 188 acs. F.H., approx. 100 acs. pastures, huge area of fertile creek flats; perm, creek; 6-room home, S K A . , ph. Price bare Off stock and equip., only $13,500. NAMBOUR HOME. On only $1800 dep. Large 3-bedrm. home on good allot., dose and handy to schools and shops, etc Fun price only $7500. FARMLET — 88880 DEP. 27 acs. FJL, nearly all (hairrt. creek, two-bedrm. cottage, bit. road front age, SJLA. Handy posn. Price $8600. CANE A CATTLE. 160 acs. FJL, 240 ton SP.. 97 acs. assigned, cane grown on mostly creek flats, easily worked, lend list of mod. natch.; 55 acs. cattle ground with perm, fresh creek. Large conf. home. H.W5., sep., ph. Price $58,000. CANE FARM. 84 acs. F A , 88 ton BP. 42 acs. assigned, 12 acs, excell. smallcrop ground, tractor and all nee plant. Fully fum. 4-bedrm. home, sep., H.W5., 'phone. All town services and school bus. Price 830000. THE CANE FARM SPECIALISTS" ot, 11 HOLDEN SHORT MOTORS Sump AWAKENING The bushlands were awakening to the sharp ringing of axes, whining of saws and crashing of forest giants as the newly Installed adventurers be gan the task of clearing their holdings and living on earnings from timber sold. Beautiful beech, cedar and pine logs from the slopes of the Blackall •Range were hauled on bullock wagons over the unpredictable Eudlo Fiats to the rafting depot near the mouth of Eudlo Creek for rafting down the river to Pettigrew's saw mill at Maroochydore. With the help of young Archie Aird, Karl Stumpf built a boarding house on his selection, opposite Cobb's Camp.. It contain ed no less than 10 rooms. Into - its construction went mainly beech wood hauled In logs by bullock complete with & Reconditioned Oil • AVAILABLE Pump FROM SWANS GARAGE HOWARD ST., NAMBOUR - PHONES 41 1422 or 41 1355 ENQUIRE ABOUT OUR A.C.L CREDIT NO DEPOSIT - EASY TERMS Hew does the A.C.L. Credit Flea work? How do I apply for Credit? How long do I have to wait -for Credit? No Deposit ead Weekly Pay ments What work can i have dona to ray cor, under this plan? The Complete Ash. Insurance. Who can apply? Don't Forge' Call in at Swan's Ga.age for Enquiries. CHRONICLE, Thursday, January 7, 1971 Vaga t FRIENDLY i . TOWN I PROMOTION ; A large number of Nambour shap assistants are now wearl"f their "Nambour the friendly town" badges and shop windows ate displaying the colourful transfers with the same slogan. "The badges and transfen were distributed ' to the business houses who have so far contributed towards the promotion," Mr. Ken Overell. president^ of the Retail Traders' As sociation, said yesterday. He said that, although the promotion was being arranged by the retailers, its objective was to make all of Nambour wellknown as a friendly town. Retailers wishing to take part in the promo tion can do so by con tacting Ike association president. Beaches have changed g|iiiiininiiiiiiin!iRniiKtiiiiiHmiiiiiiiiiiiimiiniiiiiiiiii!itiiiiitiiiiiiitiniiuiiiiitiinii|S piiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiimiimiiiiimiiiiiiM 1 § 'Top only! Taste" Save on Safe until the weekend SWISS ROLLS 3 Assorted 3c Save 53c min wt ea 21b 2oz Ne.4CHICKENS9 "Tiriip" Cook. Margarinepound r 28c I Delicatessen Specials Perishables on Sale until the weekend only. i FRUIT AND VEG. SPECIALS §{ § Plums I Ik 16c I { Apricots I lb. 22c | 2 far V f Save 4c Pack 8oz Peaches Garrots I 6 for 32c | [ COTTAGE PIE 2I lb. 36c 19c 1 I1I SHORT FRANKS . = HiiiiiiuumniniiiiiiiiiiiimmiiNiiiHiiimmimiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHii 33c • s 'Supafry' pound COOKING k l 17c D s Jg lf 48c ivlILK ICE aiiiiiiiiiiuiiiimiiiiiimuiiiiiiM Every Day — Every Week L O W SHELF PRICES '^ X 3AssM — there are 100's I CREAM " N O W I GREEN PEAS INSTANT C O F F E E ' l s t t " - ^ 42c I MILD CHEESE 10c ICOON CHEESE REDUCED CREAM 15c E GREEN BEANS I FRUIT CAKE C.S.R. SUGAR 39c White Refined 41b "Heinz" 4ioz 2 for 9c GOLDEN NECTAR HONEY » - 40c -WORC. SAUCE "P.M.U." lOoz bottle 30 fl.oi pack. 20 fl.oz. 20c 'Gourmette" 12oz 42c "Kraft" 8oz 33c "Meadow Lea" lb 54c "Websters" Genoa/Sultana or Rich lb 43c rEi'S" FRUIT SALT Large Size Sanitary Napkins 12's 25c 22c 65c 26c 37c 12oz can siiimiimiJiimMJimiiiiiiimiiiimiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiMimim g . . . Extra Savings for the Budget-conscious I C A K E M I X E S . "Puffin" 12oz Assorted " F O U N T A I N " S A U C E S 8ozSpicySteakRedor Housewife'... j Save 3c 17C MORTEIN*PLUS I T O O T H PASTfoV 16 fl.ozs Save 4c Save 3c 39c 27c I "^Macleans" Icon. Plain Spearmint 20c I P S ER u n l ican g h f ' Packet of 6 Save %? 39c PS AO M N A L S O A P " S7oz 42c I 16c 3c 1 S.R- F L O U R "Defiance" 21b packet Save Save I2oz can 4c 63c § 5c I S.R. FLOUR "Defiance" 51b packet 31c 1 " PS EPEAKMF"R E A N S " B I S C U I T S W** Save "COTTEES" SPREADS .%* 2 1 c varieties t o 4c , reraiiiramiraipmiiiinmniiiiiiHiui]miifflimiiiiiiii!liramimniiiiiHiiiiiin 21c LIVE BETTER FOR LESS AT YOUR B C C FOOD STORE Save = it = if BBW CHEOSWLE, Thursday, January 7, 1971 Sir.— I for. one re- . sent the statement at tributed to Dr. Harold. "Rural Interests which have no concern for our beaches control the local authorities." Undoubtedly, Dr. Harold did not know our beaches 50 years ago, when it was a real de light to spend a day of quiet relaxation, under lovely shade trees al most to the water's edge. It certainly was not the local -rural popula tion who turned our beaches into the blazing • treeless . wilderness which' we have today. P. BENFER, North Arm. What's in a name 26c 27c 24 Plastic Strips 33c more "Pick-o-the-Crop" I6oz "Golden Circle" -15|oz 24C 23c Thick Mix Carton "Tongala" 8oz can 4oz Assorted 4 for I ^ 55c I Save 2c ^ 1 Sir.— I was Interested to read that the Maroochy Shire Ooundl has changed the name of our area from Paruna to Crete. The purpose of this was to avoid con fusion with Paruna in. South Australia. I feel sure that I I would be taxing the credibility of our coun cillors to tell them that there Is another Crete hi Europe, but this Is an Indisputable fact as some of our returned soldiers will regretfully recall. I Investigated the pos sibility of confusion with Paruna in South Aus tralia and found (as councillors also will) that In the written word. South Australia has* no resemblance to Queensland. I was utter ly amazed at this, hutmore staggeringly I also discovered that post cedes for the varying areas further " narrowed the Held. This exercise in the_ power - of positive" thought (by our coun cillors applied to our other shire problems Is probably the reason our rates consistently rise yearly. Councillors never tire of telling the ratepayers that they are short off money to do works. Iff this is so they bear their poverty with sur prising dignity, as we have •never had so many Vouncil employees driving around In new .vehicles. I suggest to the other residents of this area that they carry on as' before 1968, the time we Initiated a move to have the area named. A. R. ASTON. Maroochydore C h r i s t m a s H P O L I C E a t T h e wedding o f Y v o n n e - Gail, youngest daughter of M r . and Mrs. P. Cronholm, o f N d m b o u r , to G l e r v y o u n g e s t son of M r . W . J . W i l l i a m s o n a n d the late Mrs. F. M . Williamson, took place at St. A n d r e w ' s Presbyterian Church, N a m b o u r , on December !26. The bride entered the an Ivory Bible and a red I At the reception which church under/ the cover rose. was held at the Midway of umbrellas to- protect] Misses Kay and Susan I Motel, the bride's mother her from the heavy rain. Hcgarty attended the j received the guests. She blue sheath frock and wore frocks o4 ' mimmed r e a with lace, and a long sheer train which ed on the princess line | carried white accessories, fell from the shoulders. with short sleeves. Their v\ The train and the floating hea'dpleces were made o f f , ^ newly-weds travelfront panel was edged the same material as the south for their honey"with lace. xne The sieeves sleeves were were ig o w n T h Yvonne chose a b feed^wlth^'fltC J»one stack suit as her gocuff of lac* and. wore white acces-1 nig away outfit Y O U T H N E X T I C L U B M O N D A Y O P E N S N I G H T For m a n y y o u n g people of N a m b o u r and district, next Monday night will b e a special occasion, for it will mark t h e official opening of the Nambour Police Y o u t h Club. Det. Snr. Const. T. A. after taking Tame, publicity officer for assist in the instruction of .sport, will be assisted by [certificate, Mr. Bill Appleby, ol part in a five-day. course the club, said the opening this sport. Mr. John Strano win be Palmwoods, In the in at Tallebudgera National night would be used to get of boxing on Fitness camp, has offered an indication of the ac | the Instructor for the judo struction classes. Well-known as an club nights. his assistance to any of tivities to be provided for instructor with the NamMr. Appleby is the the dub instructors. future nights. bom* Judo Club and the father of the well-known 'The club will not set a Palmwoods Police Youth A number of instructors programme of activities Club, he is a holder of the Appleby' boxing twins and, from the Palmwoods club as well as being on the will be In attendance at until the number of in judo black belt. committee of the Nam the opening of the Nam structors who will be Constable Bay Gilles bour club, is an active bour club to help with the available has been' deter pie, of the traffic branch member of the Palmwoods various activities. mined", he said. at Nambour, sad Mr. : club. The committee expects On the opening night, . Ross Jones of Nambour, . Mr.' Bob Nicoll was "the. The future home of the The jazz ballet instruc ! a large number of young will give a demonstra tion will be given by Mrs. people to be In attest-, bsst man, and Mr. Helmet young couple will be in general activities, such as tumbling, boxing, Mellner was groomsman. I Paddlngton, Brisbane: tion wrestling match .on Marie Niven, who is dance for the opening judo, table tennis, wrestthe opening night. studying advanced danc and members will be lign and ballet, will available to complete Both these men have of ing. be conducted. fered their services as in If there is sufficient in- j enrolment forms. structors for the club. terest in art, Mrs. John INSTRUCTORS "The suggested dress Chief instructor for the Mr. Alan Eichmanri, of Strano has offered het for participants in club club will be air. Bob Nambour, who received services as a teacher. activities is. white shirt Henderson. He has a wide high credit ratings in the! Mr. Wilf Pitcher, who or tee shirt, white shorts range of sporting interests, boxing field during his was recently awarded an white gym boots or sand but his main' one is active participation in the advanced soccer coaching man for the club. weight-lifting. Senior Constable DowFOR SALE of Nambour police, traffic hazards of the holiday period, travel rick, has indicated that he will « J « teSr l e d V » «ce.. " JJL, " moon. Se^o^^^iuo^ f i t t m g Her long veil had an attractive headpiece of flowers, and she carried W a y s jazz o f f i g h t i n g ; t r a v e l s i c k n e s s ! Apart from the sickness also can get holidays off to a bad start, or else finish them an a wrong note. Like sea-sickness, car, rail and air sickness are all due to motion upsetting the labyrinth of the internal ear, which is concerned with balance. iother emotional factors i The best of these are paration that he thinks associated with travel,• hyocine and the anti best for you and at the such as excitement and histamines— main in same time give you some nervous tension, also com gredients in preparation general advice on how to bine to produce physical j for travel sickness which make your stomach an upsets. have met with some suc agreeable travelling com panion. But there are ways of i cess. fighting travel sickness ( Before yon start stock Children are quite often and, thanks to research on ing op on pills and pow servicemen during the ders though, it is wise to afflicted by car sickness, so if it should happen to war, some drugs, effective j consult your doctor. you, try allowing the child . against travel sickness, I to sit in the front Instead have been found. He will suggest the pre- of the back. Keep the • j windows open and give _ ^ youngster a' glucose drink or some barley ! sugar to suck. HUNGERFORD'S You will not cure car sickness" by dangling a metal-braided strap * from [the rear of your car. This | method is supposed to re duce the static electricity content of a car by formins; an "earth" with the road surface. ELECTRICAL SERVICE ' 20 ANN ST., NAMBOUR — PH. 411570 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Refrigeration, Wash. Machine Servicing Authorised Agents for - • HOOVER • MALLEYS • SIMPSON • • • WILKINS SERVIS LIGHTBURN POPE Whether it does or not is unimportant, because static electricity ' has nothing to do with car sickness. SPARE P A R T S RENO'S J NATUROPATHIC CLINIC NOW OPERATim A T ! 52 PRICE S T . , NAMBOUR . •Naturopath, Chiropractor, Osteopath, Health Food*. TEWANTIN I B U S SERVICE PHONE 47 1443 — A=HRS. 47 1377, 471224, 47 1244 . KDOSA HEADS T O MAMBOUR BUS TIME-TABLE AND PARCEL DELIVERY ) DEPARTING NAMBOUR DEPARTING NOOSA a.m. p.m. p.m. Mon. - Fri. St. Mon. - Fri. Sat ' * • a.m. Nambour .... . .. 11.30 JJBB 12.00 Noosa Heads .. . _6.30 1.30 4.30 Ysndins .. 11.40 3.40 12.10 Tewantin ..... .. 4.40 1.40 4.40 North Arm ... 11.45 5.45 12.15 Cooroy .. 6.55 1.55 6.55 Eumundl .. 11.50 5.50 12.20 Beasjail . . . . . . 7.20 2-30 7.20 Cooroy .. 12.00 6.00 12.-30 Nortkv Arm .. • 7.30 2.30 p.m. Yandina . . . . . . . 7.40 2.40' 7.40 TewanHn . .. 12.15 6.15 12.43 Nambour . . . . . . . 7.50 2.50 7.50 Noosa Hoods . .12.30 6.30 1.00 BUSES AVAIL. CHARTER PROM NOOSA AND NAMBOUR AREA ANYTIME a p.m. inii| m # FOR ALL THE FAMILY NEWS OF S. R. KNIGHT & GO. (QLD) PTY. LTD. 1st FLOOR, 104 CURRHE STREET, NAMBOUR. QLD. 4560 — PHONE 41 1288 A/Hrs. Alan Carrott 41 2738 or Tim Ishoy, Yandina 40 National Managing Agents for the owner are: S. R. KNIGHT ft CO. PTY. LTD., Reg. Office: 120 Collins Street, Melbourne, Vic THE LAND E v e r y day o f the week . . . irs BUYERS ARE LOOKING FDR SELLERS THE through the S. R. KNIGHT Real Estate Organisations LOCAL, INTERSTATE AND OVERSEAS BUYERS Whatever type of property or business you are wanting to sell, list it with: S. R. KNIGHT & CO. (QLD) PTY. LTD. CHRONICLE situated on the first floor of 104 Currie Street, Nambour — Phone 41 1288 • if in Melbourne telephone Mr. KNIGHT on 337 6846 ' - [.Vfrp W H Y . 1 . PUT OFF BUYING T H A T N E W OR U S E D CARAVAN "r*p g To prevent sickness among children when flying, it is a good idea to give a baby a feed while the aircraft is descending and to make sure the children suck the sweets d they are given. a ; Elderly people in nor mal health travel well I Evening visits by appointment only — Clinic open • by air, but as a precau o for remedies usual times. 5 tion those over 65 should have a medical examina tion before going on a long flight for Use first • * H NOT MEDICAtJf^RACTITIONER . g time. Phone Nambour 41 f776 FOOTWEAR FOR m RIVER An URGENT safe is required for an attractive new, double storey block of Hats of brick construction, containing 1 large 3 bedroom unit of 12 squares, and the other of 2 bedrooms with an area of 8 squares. A covered drive through leads to a large three-car carport. Further, a permanently let cottage drawing additional income, is included in the sale. The units, situated only 2 to 3 minutes from the main Maroochydore shopping centre, present a peaceful scenic view of the river and beyond. Asking price reduced to $23,000. For personal inspection consult:— For Sitting with the back to the engine can sometimes help to relieve nausea when travelling by train. In contrast with the con stant, dizzy on-rush of landscape towards you, Che back-to-the-engine position allows a view ofn a r more slowly scene — quite often with soothing effects.. 0 Registered with the National Association of ~j Naturr.patht and Chiropractors 1 CLINIC WILL BE OPEN: S MONDAY 7.30 p.m. till 9.30 p.m. • TUESDAY/ 9 a.m. till 5 p.m. 5 WEDNESDAY, 9 a.m. till 12 o'clock 5 FRIDAY, 9 a.m. till S p.m. D SATURDAY, 9 a.m. till 12 o'clock H AIRD BROS. BLOCK OF FLATS FRONTING MAROOCHY SOOTHING Member of The Blackmore Naturopathic Org. Pry. Ltd. • NEW W H Y I p f C A L L IN AND SEE O U RFULL RANGE N E W VANS A T BETTER THAN METROPOLITAN PRICES U S E D A T LAST YEAR'S PRICES | | f | Finance can be arranged at Low Deposit with Easy ConMaiBal Repay ments to suit yon. Call and see the Caravan Specialists '— Neil and Joy Bonner — Mwne f t I9lt, A.H.4I 1575 1/ALTON'S CARAVANS PTY. LTD. BRUCE HIGHWAY, NnMBOUR, 0. Fall Range Accessories — S p a n s — Hire V a t s — ill Service a r t Repairs CHRONICLE, Thursday. January T, M l Page * Fantastic value! Nylon overlay short nights with lace frill trimming; assorted pastel shades. Also pretty printed Par rnn nights with lace and nylon pleated frill. Asstd. shades. Both in assorted sizes. WERE $3.99, $49 .9 ; COTTON SHIFTS CLEAR! KIDDIES T SHIRTS A terrific scoop purchase cuts the price of cotton shifts to the lowest possible level. Cool, .easy care styles, ideal for the nolidays, around the house, etc. Four attractive designs in assorted smart prints . . . shades of pink, lemon, navy, red, brown, blue, grey, green or orange. Sixes SW, W , XW, SOS, OS. Sale. Special M w wsjl rllTM I M H ^ h v . I stpa? I | l ^&3r | 4 REELS OF SEWING COTTON, NOW ONLY _ 29c 80 yard reels of sheen cotton in assorted discontinued shades. ASSTD. COLOURED PLASTIC COATHANGERS _.. 15c i g 6 YD. HANKS OF t " ELASTIC 1 12c LADIES ASSORTED NYLON GUSSiES, ONLY 39c A very famous maker's mediums with imperfec tions so slight it would take an expert to tell. Assorted sleeveless and short sleeve styles hi popular plain shades and smart stripes. Sizes 2034. Hurry for these! Quality nylon with lace trimming. Asstd. shades. Sizes SSWrOS. LADIES NYLON BIKINI GUSSiES, NOW 59c Dainty'bikini style in quality nylon. Assorted sizes and colours. SCHREINER NYLON {SUPS BERLEI STYLE 185 CONVERTIBLE BRA BERLEI STYLE 220 CONVERTIBLE BRA ROOMY PLASTIC COTTON TIDY PATONS DISCON TINUED WOOLS SALE "FOCUS" PANTYHOSE SALE SPECIAL Normally $3.99. N O W Normally $5.95. N O W SALE SPECIAL WERE 29c, 33c, 35c, 36c SALE SPECIAL $|*99 .Quality Schreiner nylon with motif and lace trimming. White end assorted pastel shades. Sixes SSW-W. Discontinued style. 5-wey con vertible bra with contoured lace cup. PopulSr white. Sizes A, 3236; B, 32-36. ^ § Discontinued style. 5-way con vertible bra with lace cups, Lycra beck and stretch straps. Meek in A 33-36; B & C 32-30. Attractive shell shaped tidy; holds 28 reels of cotton. Has compsilment for n e e d I e s, thimfalei, etc. Pink, blue, green. e Assorted Patons discontinued wools, perfect & branded. 4, 5, 8, 10 and 12-pfy wools; moth proof, shrinhproof, piliproof. 4 c S Non-run stretch panty hose. Every pair perfect, branded, and f u l l y guaranteed. Assorted popular shades. Barry & Roberts, 65 Currie Street, Nambour Phone 411674 Page 10 CHRONICLE, Thursday, January 7, 1971
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