P.O. Box 27489, Albuquerque, NM 87125-7489 www.phs.org April 3, 2015 Dear Contracted Provider: NOTE: If you are not a Medicare Provider, STOP, you do not have to complete this form. Please contact the Contracting Department at 505-923-8376 and ask to be removed from the Medicare list. Presbyterian Health Plan, Inc. and Presbyterian Insurance Company, Inc. (Presbyterian) are required to oversee our contracted providers who provide services to our Medicare members to assure their compliance with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) requirements. Contracted providers are considered first-tier entities under CMS definitions. The compliance requirements for First Tier Entities may be found at 42 CFR § 422.503(b)(4)(vi), chapter nine of the CMS Prescription Drug Manual, and chapter 21 of the CMS Managed Care Manual. This letter is intended to provide Presbyterian contracted providers the information they need to ensure compliance with the CMS Medicare expectations. It includes the following sections: How to report a compliance concern Compliance training requirements Excluded Provider Checking How to Report a Compliance Concern: First Tier Entities must report compliance concerns and suspected or actual violations related to the Medicare program to Presbyterian. This reporting requirement applies to all violations known to the Provider whether or not Presbyterian is the only Medicare Plan sponsor that is affected by the compliance issue. All good faith reports of suspected misconduct, non-compliance, or fraud and abuse are protected by the Presbyterian non-retaliation policy. Retaliation, discrimination, harassment, or retribution against a reporter will not be tolerated by Presbyterian. Failure to report a violation may be considered a breach of contract and subject to contractual penalties up to and including contract termination. Report areas of concern to the Presbyterian Compliance Hotline at 1-888-435-4361, calls to the hotline are confidential and may be made anonymously, if desired. Correspondence may be forwarded to: Ann U. Greenberg, CHC, CCEP, CHP Director of Compliance Presbyterian Health Plan/Presbyterian Insurance Company P.O. Box 27489 Albuquerque, NM 87125-7489 PPC031516 Page 1 of 5 Presbyterian exists to improve the health of the patients, members, and communities we serve. www.phs.org Compliance Training Requirements: As a First Tier Entity, Presbyterian must ensure that your organization has a Code of Conduct, and trains workforce members on this Code upon hire and on an annual basis thereafter. If you do not currently have a Code of Conduct you may use Presbyterian code. Access Presbyterian’s training programs online at http://www.phs.org/providers, and click on “Training & Reference”. Or you may use the following link: https://www.phs.org/providers/training-reference. Additionally, if you have subcontractors who perform healthcare or administrative services within the scope of your contract with Presbyterian, you must ensure that they provide compliance training to their workforce. Monitoring and Auditing First Tier Entities: CMS requires plan sponsors to monitor and audit the services provided by First Tier Entities. As such, throughout the year, you may receive additional information requests from Presbyterian to ensure that the services being performed are in compliance with CMS requirements. Additionally, Presbyterian may audit the services provided by your organization to ensure compliance. Communicating Regulatory Changes: Your organization may ask regulatory and compliance questions at any time regarding the scope of services you provide to Presbyterian. If you have questions please contact your Presbyterian Network Contract Manager or the Director of Compliance. You are responsible for monitoring your business practices to ensure you are compliant with the most recent Medicare requirements. During the course of the year, Medicare requirements impacting the services you provide to Presbyterian may change. In the event of such change, Presbyterian staff may contact you to notify you of the change. ACTION REQUIRED: In order to meet the communication and oversight requirements, you are being asked to review the following materials and attest to your organization’s compliance with the CMS expectations by completing and returning the 2015 Medicare First Tier Oversight Attestation form below to Presbyterian by May 8, 2015 via fax at (505) 923-5440. We appreciate your timely assistance with these requirements and thank you for your commitment to compliance. If you have any questions about this letter or the Presbyterian Health Plan First Tier Oversight program, please contact us at (505) 923-8376. Sincerely, Valerie Marrujo Provider Reimbursement Page 2 of 5 Manager of Provider Network Development (505) 923-5412 [email protected] Page 3 of 5 Presbyterian Health Plan/Presbyterian Insurance Company, Inc. 2015 Medicare First Tier Oversight Attestation 1 2 Is your office Medicare-certified? A facility, practitioner or provider, or healthcare agency is Medicare-certified when it applies for a National Provider Identifier (NPI number), meets the federal regulations and is approved to provide care and be reimbursed under Medicare for services rendered. *If you answered No; you do not need to complete this form and need to contact Presbyterian at 505-923-8376 to ensure that you are not listed as a Medicare eligible provider. Does your office/organization have a Code of Conduct? (a) If yes, does your Code of Conduct or other relevant policy include language about non-retaliation for good faith reports about suspected conduct violations? Yes No (b) If yes, does your office have a conflict of interest reporting and review process? Yes No Yes No* Yes No* Yes No* Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No *If you answered No to any question in Section 2; do you agree to abide by the Presbyterian Code of Conduct located at https://www.phs.org/providers/trainingreference/Pages/education.aspx? 3 4 Does your office contract with other organizations or use affiliated entities to provide services to Presbyterian members? *If you answered No, please skip A and B and proceed to question four (a) If yes, do you have a system in place to monitor the affiliated entities’ compliance with Medicare program requirements? (b) Do you ensure that the related entities train their employees on Medicare compliance expectations? Does your office have a compliance program? Presbyterian reserves the right to request a description of your program or seek additional information about the program. (a) If yes, does your compliance program include a mechanism(s) for reporting compliance concerns or violations and investigating all reports received? (b) If yes, does your office perform compliance training for employees and governing body members upon hire and annually thereafter? Check one: ___ We provide our own internal compliance training which includes information Page 4 of 5 for employees about how to report a compliance concern or violation. ___ We distribute the compliance training information provided by Presbyterian. 5 6 (c) Does your office apply discipline, as appropriate, for compliance-related incidents (employees and down-stream contractors)? Yes No (d) Does your office implement a corrective action plan for any identified compliance-related deficiencies? Yes No (e) Does your compliance program include monitoring and auditing of your business practices to ensure compliance with applicable Federal and State regulations? Yes No (f) Do you assess your regulatory and compliance risks at least annually? Yes No Do you perform initial hire/contract and on-going monthly verifications to ensure employees, board members, and contractors are not sanctioned or excluded from Federal or State public programs? Yes No Yes No Presbyterian reserves the right to request documentation of these verifications. Do you acknowledge that your office will report any compliance-related or fraud and abuse-related concerns or violations that impact the contracted services we perform to PHP/PIC immediately? ___________________________________ Office/Organization Name ___________________________________ Tax ID ___________________________________ Authorized Representative Name (please print) ___________________________________ Authorized Representative Title ___________________________________ Authorized Representative Signature __________________ Date Page 5 of 5
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