TOPIC 4: GENETICS - Doctor Golub`s Living Environment

Living Environment Review—Dr. Golub
• Occurs when certain genetic mutations in
a cell can result in uncontrolled cell
• Cancer can be caused by heredity or
environmental factors like radiation or
• The passing of genetic information from
one generation to the next through
• The hereditary information (DNA) is
organized in the form of genes located in
the nucleus of each cell.
Living Environment Review—Dr. Golub
• Identical genetic copies
• Remember: Only two people in the world
with the same DNA = Identical Twins
– Identical twins (same DNA)
• One sperm, one egg > fertilization > zygote splits
– Fraternal twins (different DNA)
• Two sperm, two eggs > both fertilized > two
zygotes develop into embryos
Living Environment Review—Dr. Golub
• DNA is a double stranded helix polymer
of nucleotides that contains the genetic
code of the individual.
DNA Structure
• Backbone = the sides of the ladder,
consist of two things:
– A 5-carbon sugar
• deoxyribose
– A phosphate
– These two alternate
Living Environment Review—Dr. Golub
Rungs of the ladder are
Nitrogenous Bases
Base Pair Rule
• DNA bases are A, T, G, C
• The basic unit of DNA which is made of:
– a phosphate
– a sugar
– a base
• A is paired with T
• G is paired with C
Living Environment Review—Dr. Golub
• RNA is a single stranded polymer that is
produced by DNA.
– There are 3 types
• Messenger RNA (mRNA)
• Transfer RNA (tRNA)
• Ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
• Bases are A, U, G, C
– Notice there is no T in RNA base code rule
Protein Synthesis
• Synthesizing, or building proteins
• DNA is too big to exit the nucleus, so it
sends a messenger, mRNA (singlestranded) to the ribosome where the
ribosome reads the message and directs
the tRNA to bring it amino acids.
• The ribosome then assembles the amino
acids together in the correct order to make
a protein.
Living Environment Review—Dr. Golub
Living Environment Review—Dr. Golub
• Any alteration of the DNA sequence which
changes the normal message carried by the
– Substitution
• One base is put in place of another
– Deletion
• A base is left out
– Addition
• A base is added
– Inversion
• Bases are switched
Gene Expression
• An organism's environment can affect the
way that some genes are expressed.
– Example:
• Fur color of some rabbits is influenced by temperature.
Living Environment Review—Dr. Golub
Genetic Engineering
• Technology that humans use to alter the
genetic instructions in organisms
Gene Splicing
• Cutting DNA and placing it into another
– Example:
• Insulin
–Splice human insulin gene, put the gene
for insulin into bacteria, and the bacteria
produces insulin for humans.
Living Environment Review—Dr. Golub
Restriction Enzyme
• An enzyme that cuts DNA in specific
places and is an essential tool in gene
splicing as well as in gel-electrophoresis
Living Environment Review—Dr. Golub
DNA Fingerprinting
• From gel electrophoresis
– Similar to a bar code
– The more bars in common, the more common
heritage or ancestry
Selective Breeding
• A process of choosing parents with
favorable traits to produce those traits in
the offspring.
– Ex: domestic animals and hybridization of
• A group of closely related organisms that
share certain characteristics and can
produce offspring capable of reproduction
Living Environment Review—Dr. Golub
Brief Review: DNA
• Contains genetic
information (heredity)
• Regulates the cell’s
• Located in the nucleus
• Double Helix Model:
A, T, C and G (4 bases)
• Environment can
influence the
The instructions for the traits of an organism are coded
in the arrangement of:
1) glucose units in carbohydrate molecules
2) bases in DNA in the nucleus
3) fat molecules in the cell membrane
4) energy-rich bonds in starch molecules
A boy inherits genes for tallness, but his growth
is limited as a result of poor nutrition. This is an
example of:
(1) an inherited disorder
(2) environmental influence on gene expression
(3) expression of a hidden trait
(4) a characteristic controlled by more than one
pair of genes
Living Environment Review—Dr. Golub
The diagram shows a molecule of
DNA. What occurs in the process
of replication?
1) Structure 1 is hydrolyzed.
2) Chemical bonds are broken in
region 2.
3) Structure 3 is synthesized.
4) Proteins are formed in region 2.
Protein Synthesis
Living Environment Review—Dr. Golub
Brief Review: Protein Synthesis
• mRNA travels to the nucleus to transcribe the
information in the DNA
• mRNA travels through the cytoplasm to the
• Translation begins at the start codon
• tRNA brings the anticodon whose bases are
• Protein chain grows until the stop codon is
1) The diagram shows protein
synthesis that occurs within cells. The
process represented in the diagram
occurs on the cell organelle known as a:
1. vacuole 3. chloroplast
2. ribosome 4. mitochondrion
2) The diagram shows a joining of two
amino acids that occurs within cells.
The process represented in the diagram is:
1. lipid digestion
2. cell respiration
3. protein synthesis
4. protein hydrolysis
Living Environment Review—Dr. Golub
Base your answer on the diagram
which represents a biochemical
process that occurs in a cell and your
knowledge of biology. A change in the
region labeled Y from U-C-G to U-G-C
would most likely cause:
1) the synthesis of a different protein
2) polyploidy
3) the formation of recombinant DNA
4) crossing-over
Brief Review: Biotechnology
• Recombinant DNA
• Cloning
• DNA Electrophoresis
Living Environment Review—Dr. Golub
Which statement concerning Dolly
is correct?
1) Gametes from sheep A and sheep
B were united to produce Dolly.
2) The chromosome makeup of Dolly
is identical to that of sheep A.
3) Both Dolly and sheep C have
identical DNA.
4) Dolly contains genes from sheep B
and sheep C.
A product of genetic engineering
technology is represented below.
! The flounder is a species of fish that can
live in very cold water. The fish
produces an “antifreeze” protein that
prevents ice crystals from forming in its
blood. The DNA for this protein has
been identified. An enzyme is used to
cut and remove this section of flounder
DNA that is then spliced into the DNA of
a strawberry plant. As a result, the plant
can now produce a protein that makes it
more resistant to the damaging effects
of frost. This process is known as:
1) sorting of genes
2) genetic engineering
3) recombination of chromosomes
4) mutation by deletion of genetic