Hudson Taylor on Tithing and the Second Coming

Vol 41, No. 49
Sydney, Monday, December 6, 1937
Registered at the General Post
Office, Sydney, for transmission
by Post as a Newspaper
Hudson Taylor on Tithing and the Second Coming
resting in the Sydney SanitarW HILE
ium during my illness, I have had a
wonderful opportunity of studying God's
Word and other inspiring literature. I
have recently read the following remark-'
able statements regarding tithing and the
second coming of Jesus written by Dr.
Hudson Taylor, the founder of the China
Inland Mission :
"An event took place that I must not
omit to mention. Before leaving home my
attention was drawn to the subject of setting apart the first-fruits of all one's increase and a proportionate part of one's
possessions to the Lord's service. I was
thus led to the determination to set apart
not less than one-tenth of whatever
moneys I might earn or become possessed
of for the Lord's service. The salary I
received as medical assistant in Hull
would have allowed me with ease to do
this. But owing to changes in the family,
comfortable quarters were secured for me
with a relative, and in addition to the sum
determined as remuneration for my services I received the exact amount I had
to pay for board and lodging.
"Now arose in my mind the question,
Ought not this sum also to be tithed ? It
was surely a part of my income, and I felt
that if it had been a question of Government income tax it certainly would not
have been excluded. On the other hand,
to take a tithe from the whole would not
leave me sufficient for other purposes, and
for some little time I was much embarrassed to know what to do. After much
thought and prayer, I was led to leave the
,comfortable quarters and happy circle in
(which I was then residing, and to engage
a little lodging in the suburbs — a sitting
room and bedroom in one — undertaking
to board myself. In this way I was able
without difficulty to tithe the whole of
my income; and while I felt the change
a good deal, it was attended with no small
"More time was given in my solitude
to the study of the Word of God, to visiting the poor, and to evangelistic work on
summer evenings than would otherwise
have been the case. Brought into contact
in this way with many who were in distress,
I soon saw the privilege of still, further
"About this time a friend drew my at-
tention to the question of the personal and
pre-millennial coming of our Lord Jesus
Christ, and gave me a list of passages
bearing upon it, without note or comment,
advising me to ponder the subject. For a
while I gave much time to studying the
Scriptures about it, with the result that
was led to see that this same Jesus who
left our earth in His resurrection body
was to come again. I saw further, that
all through the New Testament, the coming of the Lord was the great hope of His
people, and was always appealed to as the
strongest motive for consecration and service, and as the greatest comfort in trial
and affliction.
"The effect of this blessed hope was a
thoroughly practical one. It led me to
look carefully through my little library to
see if there were any books there that
were not needed or likely to be of further
service, and to examine my.; small ward-,
robe. The result was that.,; the library
was considerably diminshed, to the benefit
of some poor neighbours, and to the
greater benefit of my own soul, and that
found I had articles of clothing also which
might be. put to better advantage in other
"It has been very helpful to me from
time to time through life, as occasion has
served, to act again in a similar way; anq
I have never gone through my house, from
basement to attic, with this object in
view, without receiving a great accession
of spiritual joy and blessing. I believe
we are all in danger of accumulating —
it may be from thoughtfulness, or from
pressure of occupation — things which
would be useful to others, while not
" If thou forbear to deliver them
that are drawn unto death, and
those that are ready to be slain ; if
thou sayest, Behold, we knew it
not ; doth not He that pondereth
the heart consider it ? and He
that keepeth thy soul, doth not He
know it ? and shall not He render
to every man according to his
works ? Prov. 24: 11, 12.
needed by ourselves, and the retention of
which entails loss of blessing. If the
whole resources of the church of God were
well utilised, how much more might be
accomplished ! How many poor might be
fed and naked clothed, and to how many
of those as yet unreached the gospel might
be carriedl Let me advise this as a constant habit of mind, and a profitable
course - to be practically adopted whenever
circumstances permit."
Brethren and sisters of the Advent
faith, what shall our response be to such
an inspiring message ? You will not only
find these thoughts in the writings of
Hudson Taylor, but you will also read
them in that most helpful book, "Ministry of Healing." Notice this statement
on page 206:
"Upon the walls of our homes, the pictures, the furnishings, we are to read,
`Bring the poor that are cast out to thy
house.' On our wardrobes we are to see
written, as with the finger of God, 'Clothe
the naked.' In the dining room, on the
table laden with abundant food, we should
see traced, 'Is it not to deal thy bread
to the hungry? ' "
Shall we not pray earnestly that
this message may burn deeply in our
hearts until it becomes a consuming passion in our lives ? Shall we not literally
do just what Hudson Taylor and the servant of God have invited us to do, go
through our homes, and through our wardrobes and ask o u r selves the question,
"What would Jesus do?" Face the cross
of Calvary and the world's great need,
and let us not simply read about such an
experience, but, oh, may God fire our
hearts to literally do what the servant of
God, inspired by the Holy Spirit, requests
us to do. What a wonderful Thirteenth
Sabbath school offering we would have if
this were really done !
Again we read from the servant of God:
"My soul is stirred within me as the
Macedonian cry comes from every direction, from the cities and villages of our
own land, from across the Atlantic and
the broad Pacific and the islands of the
seas, 'Come over and help us!' Brethren
and sisters, will you answer this cry saying, 'We will do our best both in sending you missionaries and money. We will
deny ourselves in the embellishment of
our houses, in the adornment of our per-
sons, and in the gratification of appetite.
We will give the means entrusted to us into the cause of God, and we will devote
ourselves also unreservedly to His work."'
—"Testimonies for the Church," Vol. 5,
p. 732.
Thirty-one years ago that passage
burned deeply into my young heart before
I went to China, and it was used by me
at the graduating address given in the
dear old college at Avondale. We
are now doWli to the close of time; we are
trembling on the verge of eternity. The
scenes that are taking place in the Far
East tell us in clarion tones that Armageddon battle is soon to be fought, and
the seven last plagues will soon be poured
upon our defenceless world. While time
still lingers, while the voice of mercy still
pleads, may God stir our hearts to sacrifice everything for Jesus who gave His
precious blood for us. If this be the response- of those in the homeland, our missionaries' attitude will be expressed in the
following stirring sentiments :
"My soul is not at rest; there comes a
And secret whisper to my spirit, like
A dream at night. Why live I here ?
The vows of God are on me, and I must
not stop
To play- with shadows, or pluck earthly
Till I my work have done, and render up
Account. The voice of my departed Lord,
'Go, teach all nations,' from the Eastern
Comes on the night breeze, and awakes
my ear,
And I will go.... Henceforth, then,
It matters not if storm or sunshine be
My earthly lot, bitter or sweet my cup.
I only pray, God fit me for the work;
God make me holy, and my- spirit nerve
For the fierce hour of strife. Let me but
There is an arm unseen that holds me up,
An eye that kindly watches all my path
Till I my weary pilgrimage have done."
South New Zealand Conference
The .twenty-second annual session and
camp meeting of the South New Zealand
Conference will convene from January 5
to 16, 1938, on the Show Grounds, Addington, Christchurch.
We are advised that a strong delegation from the Union Conference will be
in attendance, and will comprise Pastors
E. B. Budge, A. H. Piper, S. V. Stratford,
Brother T. A. Mitchell, and Dr. C. W. Harrison of the Sydney Sanitarium.
All churches are advised to give early
attention to appointing delegates and furnishing lists of names to the conference
office. Make a definite point of being
present on this occasion, and enjoy the
blessings that such a gathering affords.
God invites us to trust in Him with a
trust deeper and stronger than that of a
child in his earthly father. — "Christ's
Object Lessons," p. 142.
When One Expected to Die
at Sea
(From a Personal Letter)
Thank you for all the cheery letters
some time ago. It was wonderful to get
them, and I am sorry that I cannot spend
time to write much this time.
Three days later. — Oh, dear, the boat
has gone, with no letters from me. After
writing the foregoing few lines I was
called away. The reason- for being able
to write now is that we are stranded on
an island away down south of the Lau
In the past few months I have covered
over 3,000 miles of ocean travel in the
"Loloma." Before the general meeting
Pastor Lane and I took a trip around the
whole field and very much enjoyed visiting the people. How delighted many of
them were to see us! When "bole" time
came, the "Loloma" was again sent
around the field to collect the people, and
later to return them to their homes. When
we heard Pastor Fulton speak to these
people in their own language, it seemed
as if Moses or one of the prophets had
been raised up. It was thrilling to listen
to his beautiful language, as well as the
message he had to present.
Pastor Fulton spoke over the air from
Suva one Sunday evening, and the following Sunday night Pastor Stewart gave an
address. On both occasions a male quartette of white workers sang, and the reception was good.
It will be great to get home again to
become acquainted with my wife and little
son. I saw them a month ago for two
hours, and then again a fortnight ago for
about five hours, and here we are with
an eight-day blow between us and home.
We are now on our way to Buca Bay
from Suva. My companions in afflication
are Miis Shakespear, who was our good
preceptress of bygone days at the A.M.
College, and Brother Baird, senior. We ran
into a very rough sea all Thursday night,
and Miss Shakespear was terribly sick.
We pulled into a near-by island after
travelling 100 miles south-east, and planned to anchor to give the lady an hour's
rest to get breakfast.
While at breakfast we were surprised
to have a furious squall break on us, and
the anchor chain dragged until we were
just a foot from the rocks. The engine
saved us, and we plugged into the seas,
and, all drenched, crawled into a big bay
where we dropped anchor, thinking we were
in a safe place. But the wind came over
the hills, and again the anchor dragged, so
we were soon under power again, seeking
a fresh anchorage. We dropped two
anchors, and they held, but the dinghy
sank and timbers were lost from inside.
We got ashore before Sabbath opened, and
took possession of a retired native doctor's house.
Miss Shakespear is thrilled to be
ashore, but everything is rather impro-
vised, having to live in the one house with
all the boat boys sleeping on the floor.
The white travellers have camp stretchers;
so we are right for a few days. The
teacher we are taking home is suffering
with filaria, and is very ill.
We have travelling with us on board
the King of Lau, and the people are all
doing obeisance whenever he is in sight.
Quite a regal party we have. The wind
is a little better tonight. We have been
asked to show lantern slides in the village, so there is no knowing what good we
may do while marooned here.
LATER. —The Sabbath on that island
of Moala was a good change after the seaweary time we had with winds and sick
people and kings and dragging anchors.
Sabbath school was held in the n
building in which we all lived, and i
afternoon a walk helped to keep us a
We showed pictures on the life of Christ
in the evening. Sunday the sun shone and
we decided to go. It was midday when
all were aboard and we started on the
100-mile trip to Lakemba.
After some two or three hours of travel
over a fairly choppy sea, I noticed a stir
by the bedside of the sick teacher. He
was doubtless seriously ill and did not expect to see his beloved native land again.
Sadly he bade farewell to his wife and
children, who were all so seasick that illness, sadness, and tragedy seemed pathetically united. The captain called me
to the scene and gravely suggested that
we return to land in order that, should the
worst take place, Paul might at least be
given an ordinary burial.
The sick man intervened, and said to
go right on. It was distracting to imagine
what was before us, for he seemed determined that the worst was about to happen,
and it seemed hopeless to try to do anything for him. I suggested a drink. He
brightened up and asked, "Of what ?" 1
said, "Cold water." In disgust he said,
"What good will that do me?" Well, I
did not know, so went below and opened
a tin of peaches, and a plateful was
quickly consumed by the dying man. "I
am not going to die now," he suggested,
and, no! he never did.
We reached Lakemba about 2 a.m., and
had to keep going around in a circle until
daylight, when we were able to go inside
the reef. We were sorry to learn on landing that two of our good people had passed
away since last we had called there.
From Lakemba we sailed home 200 miles
with a beautiful following wind. We got
off our course some fifty miles, but managed to get home with Miss Shakespear,
An Eventful Trip to Rabaul
Recently we made a somewhat eventful
trip to Rabaul. For a week prior to our
departure from Mussau there had been
strong winds, frequent squalls, heavy seas,
and occasional water-spouts. We did wonder whether it would be wise to go, but
as the day before our departure was comparatively quiet we decided to venture out.
And except for a big storm while on the
way to Emira, we had good weather all
the way.
We called in at Kavieng, New Ireland,
for the week-end, and my husband visited
a group of fifty of our Mussau boys who
are working on a plantation down the
Kavieng Road. Their master permits them
to have the Sabbath free, and on Sundays
they make gardens for themselves. He
was very pleased with everything in connection with his visit. The boys are doing good work, and their master is very
pleased with them. He was anxious to
know more of our doctrines and ways, so
that he could more intelligently deal with
the boys, and avoid doing anything contrary to our beliefs. He and his family
entertained my husband royally, and extended a hearty invitation for me to accompany him on his next visit. In conversation, this man said that many persons had told him that he was foolish to
give the boys the Sabbath off, but he said
elt that the boys were good, faithful
ers, and he was not sorry for what he
ihgii done.
On Monday we continued our journey.
As another group of our Mussau boys is
working on an island between Kavieng
and Rabaul, we planned to visit them en
route. And it was sundown Monday night
when our little ship dropped anchor in the
peaceful harbour at Mait Island. Most oi.
the boys were not in from work then,
but it was not long before they learned
of our arrival. That morning we all went
up the hill to have worship in the neat little church which these boys had built.
When we reached the summit, there was a
line of sixty boys and two girls, all in
clean white lap-laps, waiting to shake
hands with us. The girls are the wives of
two of the boys. The girls were especially pleased to see me, and clung to me as if
they would never allow me to go again.
Mr. Atkins had brought a blackboard and
chalk and Sabbath school lessons for them,
all of which they were glad to receive.
After worshipping with this company of
isolated believers, the following morning
we weighed anchor and proceeded on our
way. At daylight the next morning we
were in sight of Rabaul, and by eight
o'clock were at Matupi, enjoying breakfast ashore.
That afternoon Brother and Sister Maxwell came up on the "Veilomani" from
Put Put. They had not received our radio
message, and were much surprised to find
us in town. That night we sat up late
talking, but eventually went to bed and
were all sound asleep when Ames, our
cook boy, came running up to awaken us.
His voice was hoarse with fear and
anxiety, as he bade us get up and go down
to the ship. He said, "Master, master !
Get up quick ! You get up and come along
hip, big feller fire he come up."
In a few moments we were all out, and
0he sight which met our gaze as we went
to investigate was awe-inspiring. The
whole sky in the vicinity of Rabaul was
a red glow, and a column of smoke was
rising in the centre of the glare. Naturally, our first thought was, ''A volcano
has broken out in Rabaul." However, by
the time we reached the boats the glare
had died down somewhat, and we decided
it must be one of the big buildings alight.
Boarding the boats, we went to investigate. It proved to be Burns Philp's store,
which was burnt to the ground. The
roosters were crowing when eventually we
returned home to bed.
On Thursday Mr. Atkins and Geoff and
I went down in the "Malalagi" to Put
Put, where we, spent the Sabbath with
Brother and Sister Steed. Sunday found
us back at Matupi. Pastor Peacock and
Brethren White and Harrison had arrived
in Rabaul the previous day by the "Macdhui." We were pleased to see Pastor
Peacock again, and to welcome the other
brethren to New Guinea.
On Monday we left Rabaul for Kavieng,
and are now once more settled down in
our little island home.
.••• Colporteur Workii••
Colporteur Experiences
(Related at the South New South Wales
MRS. D. D. SMITH : This message
came to us when we were living on the
island of Bougainville, New Guinea, where
my husband owned a plantation, and I
would like to tell you how we were guided
to take up the wonderful work of canvassing.
We lived in a very beautiful spot,
though very isolated, where we saw white
people only once in six weeks. This isolation proved a blessing; for when Brother
and Sister David Gray brought us into the
message, and lent us all Sister White's
books and other standard volumes, we devoted at least three hours every evening
to study. The time spent in studying our
literature gave us a thorough knowledge
of the message, and has proved a great
help to us in the colporteur work,
We held services on Sabbath mornings
for as many natives as we could persuade
to come. Kaupa, a boy we had with us
for six years, and who could speak eight
dialects, is now at our training school. We
did quite a lot of medical work, too. Sometimes my husband and Brother Gray would
give forty injections a day to men, women,
and children who had walked many miles
from the mountains behind our home.
Then we lost our little son, and we realised very clearly that the things of this
world do not count. So our one though
was, What can we do to hasten the coming of Jesus to this troubled old world ?
Our whole energy was bent on giving the
message. We had studies with groups of
natives in our home; we walked miles in
the sweltering heat to talk to them in
their villages, and began the translation
of Genesis into their own tongue.
Every white person who came to our
home was told of the truth, but we were
often reminded that in the last days shall
come scoffers, and we felt that our scope
for witnessing was not wide enough. Then
we read what Sister White had written
about the colporteur work. That decided
us. We communicated with the Union
Conference Field Missionary Secretary,
sold out on Bougainville, and came to Australia for the purpose of taking up the
book work.
We have been in New South Wales
since February, just' eight months simply
teeming with interesting experiences and
the joy of soul-winning. My husband will
tell you some of our experiences.
D. D. SMITH: On coming to Australia
to work we started right here in this town
of Parramatta. We spent two months
here and were used to win at least two
persons to the message in this place. Next
we spent six weeks at Windsor, and one
person at least is keeping the Sabbath
there as a result. Then we went out west,
and followed Brother E. B. Murray's footsteps. We had rather good success.
especially with the set, "Home Guide."
These books every home should have. They
certainly contain the message; one vol.
rune of the set of four especially makes
the truth plain, both to our own people
and to those who do not understand our
We have been used in definitely interesting at least fifteen to twenty people in
the message. One lady on whom I called
on a Friday afternoon was very busy; she
and her daughter had been washing and
were hanging out the clothes. She did not
seem to have time to talk to me. I said,
"Can I call later, about four o'clock,
when you have finished?" I felt impressed also to say, "Would you mind asking your husband to be there?" When I
called back the husband and wife were
waiting for me on the verandah. I brought
out first of all "Home Physician," and
then switched onto "Home Guide." Very
little was said, and then I went on to
a Biblical work. I wanted to quote a text,
and I turned to the gentleman and said,
"Is your Bible handy?" He brought it,
and as I turned it over I noticed written
over the top of the book of Revelation
the words, "Don't understand." I gave
them a study there and then, and sold
them "Home Guide."
I called back on the Saturday, and had
another Bible study. Mr. M
if I would call again on the Sunday. I
went, and answered numerous thoughtful
questions, one of which was regarding baptism. He listened attentively, then turned
to his wife and said, "That decides that.
We must be baptised."
The following week I met a lady whom
I canvassed, and she said, "What, is this
you have been saying to Mr. M—?"
"Why?" I asked. "Because I am a Roman Catholic, and he has been telling me
some long story about the seventh chapter of Daniel. What does it all mean?"
"Well," I said, "you had better come
along to Mr. M—'s and hear what I
have to say."
It seems that duting the week this man
had gathered a company together and had
gone through with them all that I had told
him. I found that Mr. M— and his
wife had been much interested in Spiritualism. I went down on the Saturday,
and as we talked I gradually turned the
discussion to the state of the dead. I
told them of my experiences in the islands
with the natives and Spiritualism, or evil
spirits. Of course, I did not tell him that
I knew he had been studying Spiritualism.
That week-end he bought from me "Daniel and Revelation," and "Bible Readings
for the Home Circle," and my wife sold
our own personal volume of "Ministry of
Healing" to Mrs. M
The stations we have visited are right
out west, between Broken Hill and Cobar.
As the World's Redeemer, Christ was
constantly confronted with apparent failure. — "Desire of Ages," p. 678.
Office Address: 84 Jervois Rd..
Auckland, N.Z.
Telephone: 26-259
Golden Jubilee of Our First
Church in Auckland, N.Z.
(Concluded from last week)
Sister Edward Hare was the next to
speak. She is nearly as old as her husband, and is a smart little lady, with an
erect figure and a brisk, firm step. She
has given many years of faithful service
to the cause of God. She was Sabbath
school superintendent for ten years, church
clerk for fifteen years, and organiser of
the Dorcas Society for eighteen years. This
record we feel sure has no equal throughout the Union.
Sister Hare spoke of the sacrifices made
in connection with the building of this
first Adventist church in Auckland. It
was during a period of depression. There
was a great deal of unemployment, and
no money with which to carry on the work.
Like the pioneers of the movement in 1844,
the Advent people in 1887 determined to
sacrifice in order to build this house unto
the Lord. But in what way could they
sacrifice ? Some were out of work, others
had only the bare necessities of life, and
most of them had young children. Still
they found ways and means to do this.
The greatest self-denial was exercised.
Brother Metcalfe Hare, Edward's
brother, sacrificed a great deal for this
cause. He was earning eleven shillings a
day in the shipyard at Kaeo. This was an
excellent wage in those days, but he gave
it up, and with his wife and two young
children came to Auckland for a year to
help with the mission. These pews, which
are so unlike the seats of any other church,
would grace a cathedral. They are solidly
built and are the most comfortable pews
in Auckland. They are a continual reminder of the sacrifice and labour of love
of Brother Metcalfe Hare.
Sister Stilwell was the next to speak.
On October 15, 1887, Mr. Stilwell said to
his wife, "I think I will go down to the
wharf today." She said, "Well, don't be
too long away, father; the children will be
wanting their dinner." But he was long
away and when he artived home, in answer to his wife's inquiries he said,
"You'll never guess where I've been; you
know those funny people who preach in
that tent. I've been there. They are
dedicating their church today, If Pastor
Daniells, as they call him, thinks he is
going to convert the whole of Auckland to
his funny ways, then all I can say is he's
got a hard job."
"Well, anyway," answered his wife,
"he's not going to convert me."
Taking a paper out of his pocket, he
handed it to Mrs. Stilwell saying, "Read
this, mother." It was the "Bible Echo,"
and Mrs. Stilwell read it and was astonished. She handed it back to Mr. Stilwell saying, "You read it." They did,
and little by little Mrs. Stilwell saw the
light. One night she decided to go to
hear Pastor Daniells in the tent, and it
was then that she decided to keep the
Sabbath. "That is fifty years ago," said
Sister Stilwell. "All through the years I
have been a member of the Ponsonby
church, and may the Lord keep me faithful till His return." When Mrs. Stilwell
was baptised she did not expect her
daughters would grow up before the Lord
came, but she now looks upon her grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Miss Edith Brebner, another charter
member, next expressed her gratitude to
her heavenly Father for His loving kindness to her through the years.
Pastor F. L. Sharp, one of the early
believers in Australia, spoke a few words
on the real meaning of the word "jubilee"
and referred to the glad Jubilee when
Christ will come.
Pastor R. E. Hare asked Pastor N. C.
Burns to say a few words. This young
pastor cannot claim the honour of being
among the "ancients," but to emphasise
the importance of the literature work,
Pastor Burns told of a most remarkable
and interesting experience.
About thirty-five years ago, his mother,
who was not a Christian, was smitten
with a sickness unto death. She prayed
earnestly to the Lord for healing, promising to dedicate her little bay to the ministry, as a thank offering. The Lord answered her prayers, and one Sunday morning, shortly afterward, a tract was put
under the door. The same thing happened
the two following Sundays, and then Mrs.
Burns determined to watch for the intruder. As the tract was being pushed
under the door the next Sunday, she
opened the door saying, "Now I've caught
you. Why don't you go and teach a class
of children in the Sunday school? You'd
be doing some good there." The answer surprised her, "I do teach a class in
Sabbath school, and I taught it yesterday." "Yesterday!" said Mrs. Burns,
"Why, yesterday was Saturday, and you
don't teach Sunday school on Saturday!"
The good sister explained the position and
Mrs. Burns stepped out in obedience.
The next Sabbath she told her husband
she was going to Sabbath school. "Well,
I do think you've gone mad. I'm off to
the races." And to the races he went,
while his wife took her little ones to Sabbath school. But Mrs. Burns could not
keep the good news to herself. She told
the children's Aunt Clara and the result
was that she too stepped out. This lady
likewise told her neighbour, who also stepped out, and she in her turn told somebody else; and so it went on; more and
more links were added to the chain and
the establishment of the South Melbourne
church was the outcome.
But this was not all. The little child
who was dedicated to the gospel work by
a sick mother is now in the city of Auckland, preaching this message' to 1,200
people every Sunday night, — more and
more links are being forged into the chain
whose end will be in eternity, and whose
first links, small but strong, were welded
by that faithful sister who spent her Sunday mornings giving out literature. Oh,
the power of the printed page ! Again
"God moves in a mysterious way."
Time has wrought wondrous changes in
the mother church of Auckland. The sons
and daughters of another generation occupy its pews; strange names are in its
register. Everything is changed — no,
not every thing. The great threefold
message, the cause for which the church
was built, is the same as it was half a
century ago. It has never changed. The
same admonitions, warnings, and rebukes
have been given through the intervening
years to the waiting congregation. Whereas half a century ago there was one small
church, there are now seven of our
churches in this city of Auckland.
Today we give the message with comparative ease, for we simply take the trail
that was blazed for us in the face of
hardship and poverty by that noble band
of Advent pioneers.
May we emulate their enthusiasm, and
labour with the same zeal and singleness
of purpose for the finishing of the work,
so that we shall be able to pray, "Even
so, Come Lord Jesus."
Office Address: 84 The Boulevarde
Strathfield, N.S.W.
Telephone: UJ 5371
Annual Conference, South
New South Wales
The forty-second annual conference session in New South Wales was held again
in the beautiful grounds of Parramatta
Park, October 5-17, 1937. The weather
was very favourable, and the camp meeting was a great success. A wonderfully
good spirit prevailed, and all the meetings
were well attended. Fifteen conference
meetings were held, and the business was
disposed of in an expeditious manner, The
Union Conference was represented by a
strong delegation. General workers present were Brethren Jr. E. Fulton, A, H.
Piper, A. G. Stewart, E, E. Roenfelt, A.
W. Anderson, T. A. Mitchell, and Miss H.
K. Lewin, Pastor Fulton received a very
warm welcome from his many friends in
this conference, and his studies were
greatly appreciated. Pastor C. H. Watson
gave an inspiring address on the first Sunday of the camp at the ten o'clock meeting.
The year has been a busy one, and much
has been accomplished. Baptisms for the
year 1936 numbered 118, and for the six
months ended June 30, 1937, 65. At June
30 the number of Sabbath schools was 64,
with a membership of 3.251. The church
membership at June 30 was 2,749. The
offerings for the Sabbath school for the
year were £3261, while for the six month
ended June 30, 1937, the amount wa
The Missionary Volunteer Department
has shown steady growth. At June 30 the
number of societies was 43, with a membership of 1,024. Offerings for last year
amounted to £400, while for the first six
months of this year the amount was £196.
The report of the Home Missions Department revealed progress. The Appeal
for Missions for 1936 amounted to £2205,
while for 1937 the amount was £2353. The
"Interpreter" campaign was well supported by the churches.
The treasurer's report was full of interesting figures which showed how wonderfully the Lord had blessed the finances
of the conference. It was a year of records.
The tithe for last year was £16,992, while
for the first six months of this year the
amount was £9,355, both figures being
records. The total tithe received for the
eight and a half years was £131,044. May
the Lord bless His faithful people. As
we review the past we can surely say,
Hitherto has the Lord led us.
The loss in the running of the Tract Society for the year was £150. However,
the work of the Tract Society cannot be
measured in terms of pounds, shillings,
and pence. Through this agency truthfilled literature is going into the homes of
the people and only eternity will show the
true results of the work.
We have four church schools at present,
with an average enrolment of 181, and a
of 12 teachers. This year action was
in the establishment of a Central
Sc ool situated in Park Road, Burwood.
We believe that this will fill an important
place in the education of our children as
they leave the church schools to take up
High School work. The school has been
supplied with up-to-date equipment, and is
ideally situated.
President : IL E. Piper.
Secretary-Treasurer: W. H. Hopkin.
Tract Society Secretary: F. L. Taylor.
Sabbath School and Home Mission Secretary : A. J. Dyason.
Assistant Sabbath School Secretary :
Miss C. M. Piper,
Missionary Volunteer Secretary : H. W.
Assistant M.V. Secretary: Miss D.
Educational and Religious Liberty Secretary : H. E. Piper.
Field Missionary Secretary : E. A.
Executive Committee : H. E. Piper, G.
G. Stewart, W. E. Battye, W. H. Bagnall,
E. A. Turner, J. Coombs, K. E. Thomson.
Ministerial Credentials : W. E, Battye,
E. Behrens, R. Brandstater, G. Branster,
Robert Hare, H. A. Hill, H. Mitchell, W.
Morris, E. H. Parsons, H. E. Piper, R. H.
Powrie, C. J. Reynolds, A. Smart, J. E.
Steed, G. G. Stewart, J. Thompson, A. H.
White, E. R. Whitehead.
Ministerial Licences: T. S. Brash, R Bullas, W. R. Carswell, A. J. Dyason, J. Hindson, H. W. Hollingsworth, W. H. Hopkin,
E. B. Ibbott, H. W. Kingston, G. J.
Parker, A. Parker, C. H. Pretyman.
Missionary Licences : Mrs. H. Bridgett,
Mrs. G. E. Chapman, J. E. Cormack, Miss
Hoy, Miss E. M. Moran, Martin Pascoe,
iss A. E. Pearce, Miss D. Phillips, Miss
IIP. M. Piper, Miss S. Read, W. Stewart
Renn, Mrs. M. E. Tank, F. L. Taylor, Miss
E. Westerman, D. H. Wyborn, S. L. Branford.
Teachers' Licences : Miss B. J. Bartell,
G. A. Currow, J. S. M. Donald, E. 3.
Felsch, Miss A. A. Hardy, V, B. Herbert,
H. A. Hockley, Miss L. Hungerford, Miss
S. E. Kent, Miss L. G. McMahon, H. V.
Pascoe, Miss N. H. Pratt, S. C. Pennington, Miss C. B. Walmsley.
Colporteurs' Credentials : A. B. Broadfoot, E. B. Murray, V. P. Murray, Mrs.
V. P. Murray.
Colporteurs' Licences: Mrs. L. A. Hammond, Miss G. Campbell, A. R. Fraser, W.
Gill, F. Fleming, A. Hick, W. Johnson, G.
A. Leighton, R. H. Matthews, J. Newman,
K. C. Piper, D. D. Smith, Mrs. D. D.
Smith, P. Winch.
The camp meeting was one of the best
gatherings ever held in this conference.
Our people were greatly encouraged as a
result of the studies given by our leading
brethren. The spirit of unity was very
much in evidence, and God richly blessed
His people.
We are thankful to God for His guidance, and as we face the future we do so
with much confidence in our divine Leader.
There will be trials to meet, but as one
writer expressed it, "Trials are God's vote
of confidence in us." May we all be
loyal in our relationship to God and His
11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111nuillimultilrIZIIIIIIIII ,111111111111t1111111
Office Address: 8 Yarra Street,
Hawthorn, Vic.
Telephone: Hawthorn 3425
Notes from Victoria
The paralysis epidemic has made mission work in Melbourne difficult. Pastor
Sibley was conducting a mission in Camberwell, but as the attendance fell away,
the Sunday night services have been transferred to the Auburn church.
The Coburg tent mission, under the
leadership of Brother J. A. Lawson, has
also transferred its meetings to the Coburg church, There is to be a baptism
soon, as a result of the work done in the
last two locations.
At Kyneton Brother R. C. Tudor and
his staff are consolidating their work, and
have a good company, although some of
the new believers will be removing from
the district shortly. There is to be a baptism here also in the near future. Among
the new converts are some who are eagerly
reading our truth-filled books. They will
find these a sure source of strength.
Since last camp Pastor 3. R. James has
been doing a good work among the
churches and companies in the north-east
part of the State. Assisted by Brother
and Sister T. Austin, Pastor James opened
a tent mission in Benalla on November 9.
Pastor E. G. Whittaker is busy at Gardenvale, and has the only mission which
has maintained its audience. Perhaps the
fact that they are already in the affected
area has made the people less apprehensive. Miss Hopgood is assisting.
Ballarat and Dalyesford give Brother
Eggins little spare time. This is a large
Brother M. C. Ball, who was conducting a mission at Geelong, has responded
to a call to labour in North Queensland,
and is now stationed at Mareeba, on the
tableland above Monamona. Brother
Oliver Knight and Miss Creelman are continuing the work in Geelong.
Pastor Grolimund, who now has the assistance a Brother Ward Nolan, is holding public services at Drouin, Gippsland,
on Sunday evenings, and in the Moe
church on a week night. The attendance
is not large, and it will take persistent effort to produce results.
Pastor Foster, who recently underwent
a painful operation, has returned to Camperdown, in the south-west, where he is
waiting more or less patiently for the
time when he can resume his labours.
Brother C. J. Boulting finds his hands
more than full with the interests in the
Mildura district and occasional visits to
the Mallee.
The work of tnis association is already
bearing fruit in some of the city churches.
At Preston each Sunday evening an encouraging audience faces the speaker, and
there is every reason to be hopeful. Also
at Mont Albert much interest is being
shown in the Sunday night services. In
each of these efforts, while some help from
conference workers is occasionally given,
the burden of the mission is being carried
by the local officers and members. The
Home Missions Department exercises a
paternal interest, of course.
Twice a month the association meets
and the meetings are helpful, instructive,
and entertaining. Young and old enter
whole-heartedly into the business of the
hour, learning how to present the word of
truth in an acceptable manner.
During the past four months the work
of the Sabbath school has been seriously
affected by the restrictions imposed because of the epidemic. In some of our
churches, the young children have been
kept at home, which means that one of
the parents has felt that he or she should
stay with them. This has caused a drop
in membership and attendance, and the
children have been missed. Some are now
returning. The Kyneton school increased
its membership from nine to forty-two in
the June quarter, and with the exception
of the mission staff, these are all new
Sabbath-keepers. An active branch school
is also being operated.
During the September quarter the M.V.
reports revealed 1,000 more units of work
than for the first quarter, and over 13,000
more than for the corresponding quarter
of 1936. Doctrinal text examination
papers submitted show a very large increase. We are pleased to see this, because it means that more of our young
people are studying the Word, which is
able to make them wise unto salvation.
The offerings for the quarter were £108,
while the Leper Day offering was £45, in
addition to gifts to the value of £21. A
large consignment of very useful articles
has been sent to the new hospital on
Kulambangara, Solomon Islands.
At the new camp ground secured by the
conference near The Basin, the first camps
are to be held in December. This year,
for obvious reasons, the attendance is to
be restricted to young people over fifteen
years of age. The girls' camp will be
held from December 21-28, and the boys'
camp from December 28-January 4. Pastor E. L. Minchin, Union Conference
Young People's Secretary, and Pastor A.
F. J. Kranz, Bible teacher of the A.M.
College, will be present, in addition to the
local workers.
The tithe for the nine months ended
September 30 was £1,602 better than for
the corresponding period of last year. This
evidence of the Lord's blessing upon His
people, and their faithfulness in returning
to Him His own, is very encouraging.
Home Mission News Notes
South New South Wales
Three years ago a young man called
upon a family in a country town and introduced the Appeal for Missions magazine. The family became interested, and
began to study the message.
During this year's "Interpreter" effort,
literature found its way into a large State
Penitentiary. An inmate became interested, and wrote for more information. He
has been supplied and also visited.
During the visit we learned that a young
official on the staff had married one of
the members of the family mentioned
above. Consequently the writer was welcomed to his home, where he proved that
the message has firm friends. Thus the
interest has been re-awakened.
Recently a letter reached our office from
a gentleman who had received the "Interpreter" and the tracts that followed.
After expressing appreciation of the matter that had come to his notice, he asked
some pertinent questions and requested
more literature.
From our country centres we learn of
people beginning to take hold of the message of the hour. One family that had
been visited during the previous Appeals,
and whose interest had been fostered by
workers and laymen, decided, during the
last Week of Prayer, to take the great
forward step and connect with the church
which keeps the commandments of God
and the faith of Jesus. This family has
been welcomed by the church at Bathurst.
As a result of visits during the Week
of Prayer, meetings have been carried on
in other places. Thus the laymen come
into their own and enjoy their work for
the Master.
A rally was held in Temora some little
time ago, and lovers of the Lord who keep
His commandments came from the north,
south, east, and west, some families
travelling sixty miles each way, in order
to enjoy the privilege of uniting in. worship. Fifty-five were present and on time
at the Sabbath school. Pastor Thompson
is now the shepherd of these scattered
but loyal sheep.
The work in South New South Wales is
onward. Last quarter 74,000 units of work
were reported — a figure 16,000 units
higher than that of our previous best
quarter. There is "a going in the tops
of the mulberry trees," for "the King's
business requires haste."
At present we are encouraged by the
excellent reports which are reaching us in
regard to the Big Week literature sales.
We take courage and press on.
A member of a country church and
his wife became interested in a family
living at a distance, and greatly desired
to study with them. This was the bur-
den of their prayers for quite a while.
The Lord answered their supplications in
a remarkable manner, for on opening his
mail one morning recently, our brother was
delighted to receive an invitation from
these dear people to come and stay in
their home for a few days and study the
everlasting gospel. This invitation has
been accepted, and the truth is filling their
hearts with joy.
One of our youngest churches has entered heartily into the work of distributing literature, and two of the brethren
are busy giving Bible studies to their fellow workmen during the lunch hour. The
sisters have enjoyed many visits with
neighbours during Big Week.
Seeing a young lady reading her Bible
in the tram on Sunday afternoon, one of
our brethren opened a conversation with
her, and found that she was looking for
some one to explain a lesson to her that
she had been appointed to teach to a class
of children. To her the Bible has since
become a new book, and her interest instead of being casual is real. To many the
question, "Understandest thou what thou
readest?" brings forth the reply, "How
can I, except some man should guide me?"
We are glad to say that Laymen's Bible
Classes are steadily being established, and
very soon we hope to have an army of
laymen well trained, ready to answer the
calls that are becoming more insistent as
the message of a soon-coming Saviour is
heralded at home and abroad.
Support the Mission Tent!
"Good morning! You are just the person
I wish to see. Your name has been mentioned to me in connection with the care
of our mission tent at camp. Will you
superintend it for me ?"
"It is rather a responsibility, and I
might not be able to manage it."
"Yes, you will, I am quite sure of that.
How about it ?"
Later while travelling to the city or
Brisbane, I pondered over my promise, and
wished that Miss Hadfield, the conference
M.V. leader, had not put the request to
me. However, I considered it my duty to
act in whatever capacity I was asked, and
the words of Luke 9 : 62 were uppermost
in my mind.
Tuesday came, and the mission tent had
to be arranged. Miss Hadfield mentioned
that there was not much for it, but told
me to fix it up and Sister B— would
assist. So we set to work.
Where should we display the dolls ? —
On a table where the children could see
them. Another stand held all the articles
not priced above sixpence. We were
pleased with this assortment, only that
there was nothing there for father or the
boys except Sabbath school lesson pamphlet covers. Shall we not see that there
are more things for them next time ?
The baby clothes were very dainty and
attractive, but they were nearly all woollies, and therefore difficult to sell as the
summer was approaching. Might it be
suggested that our good sisters make silk
garments instead of woollen?
Talk about pretty aprons! They vied
with each other in beauty and were greatly
appreciated. Some of our purchasers, however, desired some big dark aprons which
would not become soiled quite so easily.
Another suggestion for next camp.
One brother had two cases of pineapples
packed for Melbourne, but forwarded
them to the mission tent instead. These
realised £1. A sister sent in two cases
of gooseberry jam, which sold very quickly
and considerably augmented the takings.
A leather bridle, reins, and straps which
came from a brother brought about £1.
These gifts were all very gratefully received.
When camp concluded, what a surprise
the mission tent gave Miss Hadfield, —
£31 ! Everybody will know what this
means for the mission fields — the support
of two or three native workers for a year.
So it pays to help the mission tent. How
is it in your conference ?
_THE HOMEET4,„„,„„,„„,„„,„„„,„„,„„„,„„,„,„„„„„„„„„„,„,„,„„,„„„„„„„„„„„"
Forgotten Advice
A writer in the Woman's Supplement
of the "Sydney Morning Herald" some
weeks ago drew attention to a treasured
little volume which had been picked up in
a London second-hand book store. The
book was published in 1843 under the title
of "The English Wife — Manual of Home
Duties." A chapter headed "Family Arrangements" contains some advice on the
right use of leisure, and the question is
"What would the golfing, bridge-playing, picture-going wives of 1937 think of
" 'The leisure of two afternoons and
evenings could be devoted to religious and
benevolent objects, such as religious meetings, charitable associations, Sundayschool visiting, and attention to the sick
and poor. The leisure of two other days
might be devoted to intellectual improvement and the pursuits of taste. The
leisure of another day might be devoted
to social enjoyments, in making or receiving visits; and that of another to miscellaneous domestic pursuits. . . "
The author has this to say of dancing,
cards, and the theatre :
"Let every English wife remember that
a dance, as generally conducted, is of no
benefit, but rather injurious to those who
engage in it; that cards are a senseless
mode of killing time, and only calculated
to destroy the better feelings of our n
ture; and that the exciting and fascin
ing amusements of the theatre shoul
never be permitted to young persons until
their minds have become well instructed
in those fundamental principles so needful to secure strict propriety of conduct
and the happiness of a refined and cultivated mind."
From the article in the "Herald" we
quote these concluding paragraphs:
"Only slightly less noxious than dancing as a pursuit was novel-reading to the
early Victorian mind. My author is adamant on the point that `no fictitious
writings which tend to throw the allurements of taste and genius around vice and
crime should ever be tolerated; and all
that tends to give false views of life and
duty should also be banished.' That would
rule out the most popular type of fiction
'Then,' says the author of 'The English Wife,' another very elevating and
delightful recreation for the young is to
be found in music, ... for this is an amusement which children can enjoy both in the
dark weather at home and in fields and
visits abroad.
'Another resource for domestic amusement is the collection of shells, plants, and
specimens in geology and mineralogy for
the formation of cabinets.' Let those who
bemoan their distance from the cinema
take to this and see if they feel uplifted
and amused."
What Is Wrong with Dancing?
"Will you please explain what is wrong
with dancing ? I think I have read somewhere in the Bible that there is a time
to dance."—Jonnie Belle.
Yes, Jonnie Bell, the Bible does say
there is a time to dance. I will refresh
your memory. If you read the whole book
of Proverbs, and then the whole book of
Ecclesiastes, 'you will find it. And don't
stop after you have read Beet. 3 : 4. Keep
right on for another verse at least. The
Preacher is saying: "To everything there
is a season, and a time to every purpose
under the heaven: . . . a time to weep, and
a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a
time to dance." So there you are ! But
no, you are not. Read on: "A time to
cast away stones, and a time to gather
stones together; a time to embrace, and
a time to refrain from embracing."
Yes, you have reached the conclusion
now: the time to dance is the time to
refrain from embracing ! And that's
what is wrong with the dance: men and
women embracing. The only man ana
woman who should embrace are husband
and wife, or those who are about to be,
come husband and wife. In the time and
the society in which the Preacher was
preaching, they were used to dancing
singly or in groups of the same sex. They
were not used to a man dancing in close
embrace with a woman; and the Preacher
had no such thing in mind.
But nowadays that is the only kind of
ial dancing people mean by the term.
dance is so bound up with this promuity that to learn to dance is to subject
oneself to the temptation to dance as
every one does. It keys to high tension,
fosters eroticism, frequently results in illicit relations. It breeds a familiarity
inimical to the high standards of virtue
and self-respect. To the sincere Christian
that is enough to condemn it. And there
are some others who, though not Christians, hold social ideals too high to permit
the familiarity of the modern dance. But
unless one keeps these ideals in all the
relations of life, he is not likely to be
proof against the lure of the popular
"Impure thoughts are sin's seed that
develop into sin's deed."
MAXWELL-MERCER. — John William Alexander Maxwell, son of Brother
and Sister Maxwell of Victoria Park, W.
A., and Olive Ray Mercer, daughter of
Brother and Sister Mercer of the South
Perth church, were united in marriage in
the new church in South Perth. This was
the first wedding to be solemnised in this
church, and a large gathering of relatives
and friends assembled to wish the bride
and bridegroom God's blessing. Their
future home will be at Gosnells.
25 at the Lakemba church, Sydney, W.
Austin Townend, eldest son of Brother and
Sister Townend, Lower Hutt, Wellington,
was united in marriage with Irene Barbara
Maberly, whose parents reside in Auckland. After the service a happy company
gathered at the Sydney Health Food Cafe,
at which the bridegroom is employed as
a salesman, to express their wishes for the
future happiness of these two who had
now become united in truth and affection.
Both of these young people were formerly
students of the New Zealand Missionary
College, and friends on each side of the
water join in expressing their sincere desire that they will be used in ble:,g; and
usefulness in their service for ,,e Master.
BURKE. — At the home of her daughter in Lakemba, Sister Mary Burke, aged
92 years, fell asleep in Jesus on October
17. She accepted present truth under the
labours of Pastor R. E. Burke and was
baptised by him in 1912. When what is
now known as the Lakemba church was
organised at Campsie in 1922, our late sister became one of the charter members.
Having been a great sufferer for years,
death came as a happy release. We lai
her to rest in the Rookwood cemetery to
await the call of the great Life-giver. T
comforting promises of God's Word were
presented to the sorrowing relatives by
the writer.
SEDGER. — It will be learned with
regret that John Sedger, aged 72 years,
fell asleep in Jesus on October 30, and
was laid to rest in the Lithgow cemetery.
Three 'sons are left to mourn their loss,
Bertie, Wilcus, and Roy. During the closing weeks of his life, our late brother
made his "calling and election sure." He
will share with the redeemed the life immortal at the coming of Christ.
MORRIS. — Brother John Morris was
born in Renfrewshire, Scotland, in 1859,
and died at his daughter's home in Warpukurau, N.Z., on Nov. 2, 1937. He came
to Australia some fifty-six years ago, later
moving to New Zealand, and thirty-two
years ago settled in Eketahuna. Two years
afterwards Pastor C. A. Paap and Brother
C. D. Baron brought this message to his
home, where it was gladly welcomed. For
thirty years Brother Morris and his family
have been stalwart and firm in the truth.
We laid him to rest in the sure and certain
hope of the resurrection morning when all
tears will be wiped away. He leaves his
wife, five daughters, and two sons to
mourn the loss of a loving husband and
father. To them we extend our deepest
DUNSTAN. — Sister Eva Elizabeth
Dunstan passed away at the Perth Hospital on November 5, and was buried in
the Karrakatta cemetery, Perth. She was
operated on for facial nerve trouble, but
did not survive the operation. The message was given to her by Brother L. G.
Maxwell two years ago. She loved the
Saviour and this truth. She leaves a son
and two daughters in the message and two
other sons to mourn. We are confident
that she will come forth at the resurrection of the just. Our sympathies are for
those who mourn the loss of a mother.
MORTON. — Sister Morton of Midland
Junction, Perth, was laid to rest in the
Karrakatta cemetery, on November 12.
Mrs. Morton was a sister to the late Mrs.
A. G. Minchin. Three years ago she was
stricken down with a paralytic stroke, and
was an invalid up to the time of her death.
She leaves her sorrowing husband, a
brother, and two sisters. Pastor Thrift
assisted the writer at the graveside, where
we laid her to wait the glorious resurrection of those who sleep in Jesus. Our
sympathies go out to the bereaved ones.
We express our sincere thanks to all
kind friends and fellow workers, for their
expressions of sympathy it nur recent sad
bereavement. We thank you for the
many prayers that have been offered on
our behalf, which have truly helped us
in our hour of trial. Our trust is in God,
who has given us many precious promises,
and who alone lights up the portals of the
tomb. H. B. P. WICKS and FAMILY.
A Valuable New Book on Diet
By Dr. Belle Wood-Comstock, M.D.
The latest from one of our best dietitians. The author shows the advantages
and disadvantages of a "civilised" diet;
points out the foods that build the body;
explains the value of vitamins and tells
what foods contain them; and gives information which will save doctors' bills,
and which is worth many times the modest
price of 1/-.
This is not a "doctor's book," but a book
written by a doctor for everyday people,
and written in everyday language. Here
is information to help you get well, and
keep well.
Obtainable from your local Tract Society, or from Signs Publishing Co., Warburton, Vic. 96 pages, well illustrated.
Price is., 2d. postage,
A church worker is anxious to hear of
some good sister who would share a comfortable home with an elderly couple, and
give light services for a small wage. The
husband is away at work by day. It is
believed that some one could do a good
work spiritually and be happy here. Nort
Shore line. Please write to the Editor,
"Mizpah," Wahroonga. 'Phone, Wah. 461.
cikustrniabiatt Prorb
Editor: Viola M. Rogers
Single Subscription, per year, post paid . 5/Order through your conference office, or
send direct to the Avondale Press,
Cooranbong, N.S.W.
Printed weekly for the Conference by the
With more than 100 patients for some
time, the Sydney Sanitarium and Hospital
has been very busy, The number is 106
at the time of writing.
A call to go to India to labour has come
through the General Conference to Brother
Hilton Kent, the field missionary secretary
of the North New Zealand Conference.
On the last lap of their journey home
from the General Conference, Brother and
Sister R. H. Matthews sailed from Sydney
for Auckland. on November 25 by the
"Aorangi." They visited their Mother
Country on the way home, and have also
spent some months in New South Wales,
detained by Sister Matthews' illness at
the Sanitarium.
"You may have heard that I am broadcasting each Sunday at 11 a.m. from
3MA," Brother C. J. Boulting wrote from
Mildura, Victoria, on November 22, "and
results are beginning to appear. One family, father and mother and six children,
kept their first Sabbath last week, anu
others are taking studies who first heard
the message on the air. I think the radio
will be the means that the Lord will use to
finish the work."
In a letter accompanying his note of
appreciation given on another page, Pastor H. B. P. Wicks wrote from Rarotonga
on November 11 that he will not be returning to the home field until about the
May steamer, or perhaps later. He writes
regarding his motherless little daughter:
"I will not send Ethel up, as I had intended; she cannot travel direct to Wellington as we formerly could, and it is
too much for a girl of twelve to go around
Tonga, Samoa, Fiji, and then from Auckland to Christchurch, all by herself. So I
will just keep her here and do the best
I can with her, and we will go down together."
It is with much sorrow that we record
the death of Pastor H. R. Martin at the
Sydney Sanitarium on November 22.
After many years of service in Fiji, Pastor
Martin returned to the homeland crippled
with rheumatoid arthritis, from which he
suffered much for about seven years. For
some months he has been a patient at th:
Sanitarium and made excellent progress.
He rejoiced that as a result of the treatment his pains were all gone, he had
gained a stone in weight, and his general
health was much improved. However, he
was unable to straighten his knees, and
gladly consented to have these operated
upon. One knee had been successfully
dealt with, and a few weeks later the sec
and operation was also successfully carried
through; but a few hours later he most
unexpectedly passed away. The autopsy
revealed that his untimely death was
brought about by a blood clot having
lodged in a vital spot. Pastor Martin was
always brave and cheerful, and was looking forward to returning to his home
State, West Australia, in a few short
weeks, and taking his place in the pulpit
again; therefore his death came as a shock
to his large circle of friends. Much sympathy is felt for his wife, his son in Fiji,
and his two daughters. The obituary wi
be given later.
Pastor G. L. Sterling wrote from Tahiti
on November 8: "Steamers are especially
few and far between here of late. It is
seven weeks since we had a vessel from
Sydney bringing supplies. Most of the
food supplies, and all the flour consumed
here, comes from Sydney now. There is
absolutely no flour to be had here at present. For some time all that remained
was in the hands of the bakers, who tried
to make it spin out as far as possible.
There is another full week before the
cargo steamer will arrive from Sydney,
and probably we shall all have to go a few
days without bread." "Later. — Our
baker came to tell us that his flour supply
ls exhausted."
A map of the Pacific Ocean reveals in
the Austral Group the island of Tubuai,
about 400 miles directly south of Tahiti.
This is the most southerly island in the
eastern Pacific where Advent believers are
found. Last August Brother Doom, a Government school teacher and nurse who accepted present truth on Rurutu not long
ago, went with his wife to pioneer the
work on Tubuai. Now an urgent plea
has come from that island to Pastor Sterling, who writes : "Brother and Sister
Doom report an interest, and that already
a few are keeping the Sabbath. They feel
their inexperience, and urge us to come
and stay with them for two or three
months, to help bring a goodly number
over the line. They plead so hard that
we wish we could go to their aid, but this
seems to be impossible."
How many of our "Record" readers
will make Tubuai their field of labour by
definitely and daily praying for the work
there ? By the sickles of prayer the harvest will be gathered. Think of this young
couple, just beginning their work for God,
with an interest on their hands in that
isolated post, feeling their need of ha_T
"He who prays most helps most."
A request for prayer comes to us from
Pitcairn Island. Sister, Ada Christian
writes that her daughter Hilda, who sustained spinal injuries through a fall from
a very high tree, has been advised to go
to New Zealand for an operation that will
mean one of three things : death, invalidism for life, or improvement. Naturally
her parents dread to send her so far
from home with this risk; but as delay is
dangerous, and a good offer has been made
to them regarding transit and the operation,
it is planned for her to go during December.
Just after giving his report at the camp
meeting (found on another page) of fifteen to twenty persons definitely interested in the message and some keeping the
Sabbath as a result of his work this year,
Colporteur D. D. Smith had a happy surprise. The number was understated. He
writes : "Before returning to my territory after camp, I secured. the 'Conflict of
the Ages' series and `Bible Readings for
the Home Circle,' I called on an interested
man at
, and let him see them, and
he bought these six large books at once.
They should keep him going until I see
him again. Our next call was on another
interested person at
. Here we found
that Mrs. It
had been keeping the Sabbath ever since my first call and Bible
study, and now she and her husband and
son and daughter all desire instruction for
The Man They Want
They want another missionary out in the
Group of islands, and the following
is their description of the man they desire to receive:
"I do hope and pray that we g he
right man for our new missionary,
much depends upon a good choice
beginning, as can be easily seen by reviewing past history. It seems to me personally, within reason of course, that it
matters less what a man knows than
what he is capable of learning, under the
teaching of the good Spirit of God. A
good missionary must be teachable and
ever learning, from his own observations
and from the suggestions of others, better methods of dealing with the work in
hand. Not only must he be teachable, but
he should also be 'apt to teach,' finding
delight in imparting any helpful knowledge to those who are in need of being
taught. He should combine the sterner
qualities with the milder ones in one balanced whole, and be a leader to the people, dividing responsibility with others
and not attempting to do all the work himself. His 'righteous soul' will be 'vexed
from day to day' with what he often sees
and hears, but he will 'have compassion
on the ignorant, and on them that are out
of the way.' He should himself know
how to do a good day's work, mentally
and physically. Preachers, teachers, and
nurses are very necessary, but any and all
of these qualifications alone are not sufficient to make a good missionary. I am
very glad to say that we have some real
good missionaries here in
, and we
shall gladly welcome another to our
midst. As for myself, 'I count ,tnot myself to have apprehended: but this one
thing I do, forgetting those things which
are behind, and reaching forth unto those
things which are before, I press toward
the mark for the prize of the high calling
of God in Christ Jesus.' " A. H. PIPER.
Baptism at Mildura
Famous for its fruit growing indus.
Mildura, the most northern city of
toria, was the centre of attraction to believers in this part of the Lord's vineyard at the time of the visit of Pastors
E. H. Guilliard and H, J. Meyers to the
churches of this district. Sunday, November 14, a large number of members and
friends met to witness the baptism and
public confession of five new believers. In
the beautiful setting of shady trees where
the waters from the river Murray flowed
gently into a billabong, the service was
conducted by Pastor Guilliard.
As they have stepped out from the
world and surrendered their lives to God,
may His blessing be with them continually. In a few weeks' time others will
be ready to go forward in this sacred ordinance.