A GENDA REGULA R MEETING Monday, September 27, 2010

Monday, September 27, 2010
Call Meeting to Order at 8:00 p.m.
Pledge of A llegiance to the Flag
Roll Call: A ndreski, Bruce, Hogan, Nichols, Ranger, Toner, & President Murawski
A dditions/ Deletions/ Revisions to A genda
1. V isitors Center Furniture Bill
A pprove:
September 13 th, 2010 Council Minutes
A cknowledge Receipt O f:
A ugust 19 th, 2010 DDA Minutes
A ugust 19 th, 2010 Planning Commission Minutes
A ugust 2010 Police Report
PA YMENT OF BILLS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 1,276.96
Bob Horetski:
Dale Hartsell:
Clerk Report:
MML, ZBA , Internet, Meetings
Treasures Report:
September 27, 2010 8:00 p.m.
President Murawski is a member of all Committees
Finance, Grants & Insurance -------------------------------------------------------------- Chair Ranger & Nichols
1. Boat Slip Improvements
Labor, Personnel & Police ----------------------------------------------------------------- Chair Nichols & Ranger
Motor Pool & Operations --------------------------------------------------------------------- Chair Bruce & Toner
Ordinance -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chair Bruce & A ndreski
1. Dog Issues
2. ORV ’ s
Parks & Recreation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chair Toner & Bruce
1. V illage property Rental A greement
Special Events & Press Management ---------------------------------------------------- Chair Nichols & Ranger
1. V illage property Rental A greement
Public Buildings & Grounds -------------------------------------------------------------- Chair A ndreski & Hogan
2. V illage property Rental A greement
Streets, Sidewalk, Drains & Lighting --------------------------------------------------- Chair Hogan & A ndreski
1. Easements
2. Storm Drain (Center St. to V ine St.)
Waste Management ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chair Hogan & Toner
1. Dumpster
Water Questions (temp) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ranger & Toner
1. PA A SWA Resolution
A djourn:
Monday, September 27, 2010
17 West State Street, Port Austin, MI 48467
MEMBERS PRESENT: Andreski, Bruce, Nichols, Ranger, Toner & President Murawski
MEMBERS ABSENT: Hogan arrived at 8:10pm
EMPLOYEES PRESENT: Thomas Rapson, Bob Horetski, Dale Hartsell
GUESTS PRESENT: Jim Grant, Ray Braun, Aaron Miller, Darcie Finan, Joyce Stanek, Mary Clancy
President Murawski called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance to the flag led by president Murawski.
Roll Call was taken.
Murawski added Lou Schillinger as #2 to the Agenda. He also moved PAASWA resolution from the
committee reports to #3.
Discussion was had on who is responsible for paying for the reminder of the Visitors Center Furniture bill.
The DDA would like the Village to cover it as they are waiting on money right now from the grants and
taxes. Many options were discussed. Ranger commented that there is money in the capital expenditures
account that can be used for this.
Moved Ranger, support Bruce to pay Office Furniture & Design Concepts $3,380.12, paying off invoice
Roll call vote:
Ayes: Andreski, Bruce, Hogan, Murawski, Nichols, Ranger, and Toner Nays: 0
Lou Schillinger was present and talked about what the Port Austin Reef Light Association is attempting to
do. They are trying to generate more interest in the Light House so they can possibly start tours and such.
Bill Craig from Pte Aux Barques has built a model of the light house and Lou would like to display it at the
Visitors Center for the winter. The model is approximately 4 feet across. Discussion was had on what
would be a good location in the building. Council thought the south window would be a good spot.
Moved Nichols, support Hogan to give permission to the Port Austin Reef Light Association to display the
model lighthouse at the Visitors Center for the winter months. Ayes: All
Much discussion was had on the PAASWA resolution. Everyone was given a packet from Darcie Finan that
had information answering some of the questions that had come up. Ranger is still not happy with the
connection charges being as high as they are. He feels it is discouraging to businesses. Discussion was had
on how it is better than what it was and how it compares to other communities.
Moved Nichols, support Andreski to accept the Port Austin Sewer and Water readiness to serve and
connection charge schedule resolution as presented.
Roll call vote; Ayes: Andreski, Bruce, Hogan, Murawski, Nichols, Toner
Nays: Ranger
Correspondence: NA
Public Comment: NA
Moved Bruce, support Hogan to approve the consent agenda.
Ayes: All
Monday, September 27, 2010
Moved Bruce, support Ranger to pay the bills in the amount of $1,276.96
Ayes: All
Attorney: Murawski has been in contact with the attorney so that he is up to speed on what is happening
with the Visitors Center and Harbor project, in case there is any legal action that needs to be taken. Right
now it is only in the stage of exchanging formal letters to notify Majestic of issues we want fixed.
Department head report/requests:
Bob: Horetski would like to know what is to happen with the storm drain between Center St. and Vine St.?
Andreski priced the material around $2,000. The DPW could do the work as long as they did not have to go
deeper into the rock. Bob was instructed to work with Andreski to get the project done.
Dale: Nothing new, everything is going good.
Clerk: Rapson gave several updates. Judy Binkley has written a very nice article in the most recent MML
magazine. He reminded council of the ZBA meeting after the next council meeting. He also reminded
council that this is the last night meeting that will be at 8pm. Next month starts the 6:30pm schedule.
Rapson explained that he was able to secure funding from Centurylink to provide free internet for the
Visitors Center. At this time there is no wireless in the building, just in the plugs in the Chamber office and
meeting room.
Planning: Andreski explained that the commission is still working on the excavation permit and definitions.
They will be scheduling some workshops during the winter months so that they can continue to work on it
for the spring.
At the meeting last Thursday they approved the permit for Thomas Rapson’s new house.
Also Steve Rehn plans to rebuild the house that burnt but will have to go to ZBA first.
DDA: Had a meeting last Thursday and discussed the lack of money right now and the project delays.
Committee Reports:
Parks and Rec: Still waiting on the park to be finished so they can tell how big of a tent would be able to be
used for events. Toner noted that the wedding next year would only require the road to be closed during
the ceremony.
Special Events: Nichols has three event request forms to present.
The Port Austin knitting group would like to use the Visitors Center every Tuesday from 1 to 3pm to meet
and do their knitting. It was suggested we do it on a calendar year basis so they reapply in January for the
next year.
Moved Bruce, support Toner to allow the Port Austin Knitting Group to use the Visitors Center every
Tuesday from 1 to 3pm on a calendar year basis, and to waive the rental fee. Ayes: All
The Port Austin School Reunion would like to hold their reunion in the new Pavilion in Waterfront Park on
July 22 and 23 , 2011. Moved Ranger, support Bruce to allow the Port Austin School Reunion to be held in
the Pavilion in Waterfront Park as presented at no cost. Ayes: All
Monday, September 27, 2010
The Friends Promoting Port Austin would like to use the Visitors Center meeting room for their monthly
meetings on the 4th Thursday of each month at 7pm (occasionally at 5:30pm).
Moved Bruce, support Hogan to approve the FPPA to have their monthly meeting at the Visitors Center as
presented, on a calendar year basis, and to waive the rental fee.
Ayes: All
Streets: The committee will meet with the attorney and come up with a plan of action on what to do with
the easements.
Waste: Hogan commented that the curb that was poured in front of the Beachcomber dumpster prevents
the doors from opening.
Murawski commented that the reason Nichols had asked it to be left on the agenda is to discuss the
removal of that dumpster.
Toner offered to talk with Amy Ruth about the other options she would have.
Council Member Comments:
Nichols: Commented that it has been a wonderful September.
With no further business; Moved Bruce; meeting adjourned, 9:25 p.m.
Clerk Certification
I the undersigned, Thomas Rapson, the duly qualified and appointed Clerk for the Village of Port Austin, Huron County Michigan,
DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the forgoing is a true and complete copy of certain proceedings taken by the Village of Port Austin,
At a regular board meeting conducted on the _______ day of _________________ 2010.
________________________________________ Thomas Rapson, Village Clerk