The Austin Environmental Directory 2013 INSIDE THIS ISSUE...

The Austin Environmental Directory
The Water Edition
Water & the Environment........................ P. 4
Electric Vehicles....................................... P. 78
Water Conservation................................ P. 24
Locally-Grown Food............................... P. 86
The Edwards Aquifer............................. P. 43
Recycling and Zero Waste...................... P. 90
Clean Energy Programs......................... P. 49
Energy-Efficient Lighting....................... P. 98
Green Building........................................ P. 61
Environmental Groups......................... P. 104
Watershed Protection.............................. P. 74
Early History of Austin Water............. P. 126
Strand Brothers Service Experts is
now simply
The Austin Environmental Directory 2013
Edited and Produced by Paul Robbins
Water, Lighting, Environmental Group, & Food Sections by Paul Robbins
Gray Water story by Lauren Ross
Rainwater story by Paul Robbins and Austin Energy Green Building
Save Barton Creek Section by Hanna Morgan, with contributions from Laurie Dries,
Nico Hauwert, Brian Hunt, Steve Johnson, Sandy Kelso, and Gail McGlammery
Recycling and Reuse Section by Lauren Hammond and David Hogan
Green Building Section by Miki Cook, Matthew Crosby, Shems Duval, Molly Emerick, Jessica
Galloway, Patricia House, Liana Kallivoka, Heidi Kasper, Richard Morgan, Lisa Nutt,
Paul Robbins, Sarah Tober, and John Umphress
Clean Energy Section by Sarah Fusco, Jaime Gomez, Elizabeth Kasprowicz, Terry Moore,
Fred Yebra, and Austin Energy Marketing
Air Quality Page by Deanna Altenhoff
Cover Art Painting: © Glenda Green (, all rights reserved. Photo of painting
by Scott Van Osdol. Special Thanks to Gary Freborg.
Artists and Photographers: Art Anderson, Lydia Avila, Ave Bonar,
Margaret Campbell Bamberger, Jason Cato, Ron Cobb, Kimberly Davis, Wendy Hale Davis,
James Dee, John Dolley, Skeeter Hagler, Tim Jones, Kay Ledbetter, Tom Otterman, Paul Robbins,
Deanna Roy, Erdem Selek, Anne Woods
Computer Assistance by Bill Christensen, Mohan Rao, and Jeanine Sih
Proofreaders and Advisors: Janice Bezanson, Margot Clarke, Claire DeYoung,
David Foster, Toye Goodson, Chris Herbert, Kam Magor, Rick Lowerre,
Lauren Smitherman, Tony Switzer, Gail Vittori
Mail List Assistance: Jeff Smith, Opinion Analysts
Though great effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in the Austin Environmental
Directory, the publication assumes no responsibility and disclaims any injury, damage, or economic loss resulting from the use or effect of any product or information specified within the publication. Information in
the Austin Environmental Directory does not necessarily reflect the endorsement of the advertising sponsors.
While this publication is meant as a guide for environmental products and services, it cannot be a substitute
for product quality assurance by the manufacturers and providers of these products and services; it cannot
be a replacement for preferences of individual consumers; and it cannot be an alternative to common sense
employed by consumers who use the products and services discussed herein. It is recommended that consumers follow instructions in product and service manuals and on labels to ensure safe use.
The Austin Environmental Directory
P. O. Box 1374
Austin, TX 78767
Online at
© Paul Robbins 2013 - All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or
by any means, either electronic or mechanical, including recording, photocopying, or by any information
retrieval and storage system, without written permission of the copyright holder. Artwork and pictures were
produced specifically for the Directory, reprinted with permission, or believed to be in the public domain.
Curtis Jordan, BROKER, (512) 402-9300
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Fax: (512) 402-9423 • EMAIL: [email protected]
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Three Locations
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4300 S Interstate 35
DIRECTORY INTRODUCTION ......................................... 2
A Path to Net Zero Homes................................................ 70
Beyond the Green Building Rating.................................. 72
Multifamily Green Building............................................. 76
Electric Vehicle Update..................................................... 78
Electric Vehicle Programs Charge Ahead....................... 80
Social Equity in Green Building....................................... 83
I. Texas: Where the Water Runs Uphill
Introduction: Taking It Personally..................................... 4
The Supply System.............................................................. 7
The Texas Water Plan......................................................... 10
Struggles With People....................................................... 12
Struggles With Nature and Resources............................ 16
Struggles With Money....................................................... 20
The Fortune Teller.............................................................. 22
II. Water Conservation
Efficient Appliances........................................................... 24
Efficient Plumbing Fixtures.............................................. 27
Rainwater Harvesting....................................................... 31
Gray Water.......................................................................... 34
Reducing Water for Lawns............................................... 36
Watering Trees.................................................................... 40
Documentation................................................................... 41
III. The Edwards Aquifer (Save Barton Creek Assn.)..... 43
IV. Headwaters: An Early History of Austin's Water and
Electric Utilities................................................................ 126
WATERSHED PROTECTION ........................................... 74
LOCALLY-GROWN FOOD................................................ 86
Recycling AND REUSE
The Zero Waste Master Plan........................................................ 90
Recycling Drop-off Centers.............................................. 96
ENERGY-EFFICIENT HOME LIGHTING....................... 98
Environmental Groups
General............................................................................... 104
Building............................................................................. 105
Education.......................................................................... 106
Energy................................................................................ 107
Environmental Justice..................................................... 109
Food................................................................................... 109
Grassroots Organizing......................................................112
Special Purpose.................................................................117
Transportation.................................................................. 120
Trees & Plants................................................................... 121
Water.................................................................................. 123
Wildlife.............................................................................. 125
Introduction........................................................................ 49
Commercial Conservation Programs.............................. 50
Residential Conservation Programs................................ 52
Renewable Energy Programs........................................... 56
Multifamily Programs....................................................... 58
Introduction........................................................................ 61
Green Building Classes & Tours...................................... 63
Toxic Chemicals Contained in Building Materials........ 64
Energy and Water Saving Tools....................................... 65
Myth-Busting...................................................................... 66
The Deep Energy Retrofit.................................................. 68
Lee Allbright, Realtor
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(512) 326-9944
E-mail address: [email protected]
DOWNTOWN 525 North Lamar at Sixth St. 476-1206 • GATEWAY 9607 Research at Loop 360 345-5003
Individual and ENVIRONMENTAL Group Sponsors
Individual Contributors
Hill Abell
Heinz & Margaret Aeschbach
Ken Altes
Linda Anderson
Mary Arnold
Mark Ashworth
Lorraine Atherton & Mike Meier
Heather Ball
Norm Ballard & Cat Brown
Barton Creek Farmers' Market
Molly Bean
Steve Beers
Carl Betancourt
Nan Blake
Gayle Borst
Annie Borden & Ric Sternberg
Walt & Pat Bronstad
Liz Bruns
Pat & Dale Bulla
Bill Bunch & Sarah Fusco
Nancy Byrd & Bill Moore
Stephanie Carnes
Dale Chenoweth
Bill Christensen
Colin Clark
Jenny Clark & Tim Jones
Margot Clark
Andrew Clements
Jo Clifton & Roger Duncan
Mark Coates
Becky Cobos
Robin Cravey
Chris Crosby
Celeste Cromack
Ian Davis
Ron Davis
Claire DeYoung
Dave Dobbs
George Dollis & Ingrid Weigand
Andrew Donoho
Sarah Eckhardt
Charlotte Flynn
Don Gardner & Pam Murfin
Giant Printing
Linda Greene
Adam Gregory
Bob Gregory
Paul Gregory
Sam Griswold
Stacy Guidry
Karen Hadden
Sally Jo Hahn
Chip Harris
Dale Harris
Martha Harrison
Carol Harwell
Donna Hoffman
David Hogan
Jennifer Hok
Earl & Macee Holderness
Dudley Houghton
George Humphrey
Dick Kallerman
Paloma Kennedy
Michael Kleiman
Dick Lavine
Chris Lehman
Susan Lippman
Jere Locke
Charlotte Lovett
Jon & Diane Luden
Mark Lyon
David Mahler
Melanie Mahoney
Ken Manning
Ken Martin & Rebecca Melecon
Natalie Marquis
Mary Gay Maxwell
Ann McAfee
Melanie McAfee
Frank Meyer
Kirk Mitchell
Deborah Morin
Elliott Naishtat
Paul Norris
Mike Osborne
Rusty Osborne
Ken & Mary Jude Peterson
Rick Piltz
JD Porter
Beth Pratt
Jane Pulaski
Karl Rabago
Robin Rather
Ray Reece
Bill & Susan Reid
Marc Richmond
Joe Riddell
Chris Riley
Jimmy & Michelle Robertson
Brian Rodgers
Crispin Ruiz
Barbara Rush
Bob Russell
Diane Saltus
Nancy Scanlan
Maureen Scanlon
Robin Schneider
Randi Shade
Brigid Shea
Lanny Sinkin
Steve Smaha
Bill Smith
Tom Smitty Smith
Sue Snyder
Helen Spear
Steve Speir
Dana Sprute
Dave Sullivan
Tony Switzer
Phyllis Thomson
Kathy Tovo
Patrick Van Haren
Gail Vittori
Abbe Waldman
Jim Walker
Kunda Lee Wicce
Mark Wieland
Bruce Willenzik
LaVerne Williams
Mariann Wizard
Allan & Vivian Wolfe
Roger Wood
Chuck Wright
Ira Yates
Environmental Groups
Austin Cycling Association
Austin Neighborhoods Council
Austin Organic Gardeners
Austin Sierra Club
Austin Youth River Watch
Bat Conservation International
Camp Fire
Campus Environmental Center
Center for Maximum
Potential Building Systems
Clean Water Action
Ecology Action
Environment Texas
Environmental Defense
Environmental Health League
First Unitarian Church of Austin
Hill Country Foundation
Horned Lizard Society
Interfaith Environmental Network
Keep Austin Beautiful
LBJ Wildflower Center
National Wildlife Federation
Native Plant Society
Nature Conservancy
Physicians for Social Responsibility
Public Citizen
Save Barton Creek Association
Save Our Springs Alliance
Solar Austin
Sustainable Food Center
Texas Campaign for the Environment
Texas Conservation Corps
Texas Environmental Democrats
Texas Impact
Texas League of Conservation Voters
Texas Organic Farmers &
Growers Association
Texas SEED Coalition
Texas Solar Energy Society
U.S. Green Building Council
Useful Wild Plants
Vegetarian Network of Austin
Westcave Preserve
The Environmental Directory is entirely supported by Austin's environmental community. Contributions of any amount will assist in its production and printing. Checks can be mailed to:
The Austin Environmental Directory • P.O. Box 1374 • Austin, TX 78767
The first is about the water situation in Texas. Providing
supplies for the 21 million more people over the next 50
years is a daunting challenge. If there is a central message
to this article, it is that Texas can no longer provide for the
insatiable thirst of all who come here without either large
increases in costs or creating a water-efficient economy.
The Austin Environmental Directory is meant as a userfriendly guide to readers for learning about environmental issues, for identifying and purchasing environmental
products, and for becoming involved in environmental
organizations. The print version is distributed free to the
Austin area. The Directory is also on the Internet at www.
A second story discusses techniques and technologies to
save water. Some of these are fairly straight forward, such
as appliances that work more efficiently. Others require
rethinking why water is used to begin with. For instance,
water use for landscapes can be greatly reduced with proper
soil levels and plant nutrients. And it can be supplied by
gray water or rainwater instead of processed water.
The Directory is edited by Paul Robbins, a longtime environmental activist residing in Austin. He wrote about
60% of the issue, with government agencies and non-profit
organizations producing sections relevant to their programs.
These agencies and organizations received this space at
greatly reduced cost.
A third story is about the early history of Austin's water
and electric utilities. In relative terms, it has not been that
long since Austin was severely constrained by limited
water supplies. While Austin is not the only major city
with a story to tell, recounting this history is a compelling
example with which to view both human nature and the
growth of American cities in general.
Businesses in subjects that the book discusses and local
environmental groups are given free listings. However, the
book is supported through advertising and contributions
from individuals and environmental groups.
This Year’s Topics
Most of the information in these articles has never been
reported by any other Austin publication. The new edition
also includes a short section on the Edwards Aquifer by
the Save Barton Creek Association, and updated or new
sections on recycling, green building, clean energy, locally
grown food, and the region's environmental groups.
This is the eighth issue of the Directory since 1995. In
the shadow of the record drought of 2011, the theme of
this edition of the Directory is water. The urgency is keenly
fixed in the minds of many Texans. This theme includes
three stories.