En tr BREED CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW 2015 y. ie Schedule of ho w Under Licence of the Irish Kennel Club Issued to W Cameron, I Devoy, P Page, A Boyle . (Guarantors for the Irish Kennel Club Ltd.) To be held on og S Saturday, 16th of May 2015 in the National Show Centre, Cloghran, Co. Dublin (Beside Dublin Airport) Judge: Mrs. Hayley Seal w w .D (Judging will commence at approximately 1.30pm, when a ring becomes available) Entries Close with the Show Secretary on 1ST May 2015 w Enter on line at www.dogshowentry.ie Online closes at midnight on the 8th May 2015 Show Secretary: Mrs P Page, 31 New Road, Carrowdore, BT22 2HB Tel: 048 9186 1393 E-mail: [email protected] THE BULLDOG CLUB OF IRELAND COMMITTEE FOR 2013/2014 Chairperson: ......................Mr. W. Cameron Secretary: ...........................Mrs. P. Page Treasurer: ..........................Mr I Devoy Committee Members: Ms. A. Boyle, Miss. R. Collie, Ms. J. Collie, Mr. M. Graham Our Judge –Mrs. Hayley Seal ho w En tr y. ie Hayley has been involved in Bulldogs since buying her first pedigree dog in 1992. Hayley didn't show straight away because she was waiting for a special Bulldog that she bred herself. A couple of years later she got her first show dog, named Sealaville kinky boots who was always placed when shown. Hayley bred her and showed her daughter Sealaville the Temptress who was a beautiful bitch and won a RCC, this inspired Hayley to carry on with this beautiful breed. Hayley and her husband have now shown or bred 10 UK Champions, won BOY 2006, reserve & BOS 2008 & 2012, Crufts BOB 2010, and BOS Crufts 2011. They are very proud of what they have achieved in the breed. They Judge at Ch show level in the UK & all over the world. We hope Hayley enjoys her first judging appointment in Ireland. og S The Committee wish to thank the following: “HIBERNIAN ALL BREED DOG CLUB” w w w .D for their continued support & kind use of their venue for the day, Pet Solutions for their generous sponsorship of our Show BULLDOG OF THE YEAR 2015 This show is a qualifier for our Bulldog of the year. All Green Star winners this year will be invited to attend the finals at our Open show in January 2016 Show Rules, Regulations and Instructions to Exhibitors ho w En tr y. ie 1. The Show will be held under the Rules of the Irish Kennel Club Ltd. 2. Venue - The Show will be held at The Irish Kennel Club, National Show Centre, Cloghran. (by kind permission of The Hibernian All Breed Dog Club) on Saturday, 16th May 2015 3. Entry Fee - 1st Dog €21.00 Euro or £20.00 Sterling, N.B. A Dog or Bitch may be entered in ONE BREED CLASS ONLY (No double entries), and €7.00 (£6.00Stg) for each additional dog in the same ownership. Baby Puppy if only dog entered €7.00 (£6.00 Stg) Catalogue : €3.00 4. Entries - will be received up to 1st May 2015 (Postmark). Enter online at www.dogshowentry.ie. Entries online close at midnight on the 8th May 2015 5. Entry Forms: Mistakes - The Catalogue will be compiled from the entry forms submitted by the Exhibitors, and while every endeavour will be made to have the forms correctly interpreted, The Bulldog Club of Ireland cannot accept any responsibility for mistakes which may bring Exhibitors within the purview of The Irish Kennel Club Ltd. Rule 15, Sect. 1, or clerical mistakes that may occur during the compilation. 6. Rejection of Entries: The committee reserve the right to reject any entry, advertisement or other insertion in the Catalogue. 7. Ineligible Entries: A transfer of an incorrect entry as to sex or breed may be allowed by the Secretary prior to the commencement of judging but in no other respects. w w w .D og S 8. Registrations: All dogs entered for competition at this Show must be registered with The Irish Kennel Club Ltd. 9. Prizes - The Bulldog Club of Ireland, Club Trophies are available to fully paid up members (No trophies are permitted to leave Ireland). 10. Prizes Withheld: A Judge shall be empowered to withhold any prize, prizes or Green Stars if in his or her opinion, the exhibits are not of sufficient merit. 11. During the exhibition of dogs, the judge officiating will not allow under any circumstances any form of distraction by ringsiders and will disqualify any exhibit which is being assisted in its performance by any person other than the handler. 12. Exhibits Not Sent: Persons entering an exhibit or exhibits and failing to send them for exhibition or should their exhibit be rejected by the Veterinary Surgeon, will forfeit the entrance fees paid. 13. While efforts will be made by Stewards to see that every eligible dog present at the Show will be brought into the Ring when required for judging, The Bulldog Club of Ireland cannot accept any responsibility for the absence of any dog when the judging of a Class or Group is about to commence. 14. Veterinary Examination: Any Veterinary Surgeon acting with the authority of the Show Committee may have any dog removed from the show if: (1) suspected cause of infection or contagious disease; (2) totally blind or deaf; (3) vicious or savage disposition. 1 ho w En tr y. ie 15. Judges: In the event of the appointed Judge failing to keep his/her engagement the Committee shall have the right to fill the vacancy thus caused. 16. Judging - will commence at approximately 1.30 p.m., when a ring becomes available, and no claim will be considered in the event of an exhibit being late. No persons will be allowed in the Judging Ring except the Judge, Show Officials, or an exhibitor taking in a dog for adjudication. The exhibition number of each dog must be displayed by his/her handler. 17. Interpretation: The Guarantors of The Bulldog Club of Ireland shall be the Show Committee within the meaning of the I.K.C. Ltd. Rules and all disputes, if any, shall be dealt with by the Committee. Parties to any disputes shall have the right to appeal to The I.K.C. Ltd. 18. The Show will be open to the public from 9.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. 19. Dogs must be keep on leads at all times. 20. Each Exhibitor shall, be responsible for keeping their exhibit under control at all times. No Dogs shall be left shut in cars; and if left in trailers or boxes must be kept under constant supervision. 21. All Exhibitors are required to bring a scooper and plastic bag etc., to remove any fouling made by their dogs and any other litter on any part of the show ground. 22. The Promoting body will not be responsible for any loss, damage or accident to any person, property or dog in the show or attending same. w .D og S Note Addition To I.K.C. Rule 131 Re: Registration of Dogs Entered Addition to the above Rule: Failure to comply with the above will result in: (A) The Dog being disqualified from the event and (B) The exhibitor being fined E130 Euro. The implementation of which shall be Normal (I.K.C.) Office routine. w w ———————————————————————————————— 2 THE BULLDOG CLUB OF IRELAND CHAMPIONSHIP BREED SHOW Saturday, 16th of May 2015 (UNDER LICENCE OF THE IRISH KENNEL CLUB). Entries Close with the Show Secretary on 1st May 2015 Online Entries Close 8th May 2015 Entry Fee: 1st Dog €21.00 Euro / £20.00 Sterling, y. ie (N.B. A Dog or Bitch may be entered in ONE BREED CLASS ONLY No double entries), tr Additional Dogs €7.00 or £6.00Stg (In Same Ownership), ho w En SEPARATE ENTRY FORM, OR ATTACHED SHEET MUST BE USED FOR DIFFERENT OWNERSHIP’S ALL DOGS MUST BE REGISTERED WITH THE IRISH KENNEL CLUB LTD., AND THEIR REGISTRATION NUMBER MUST BE ENTERED ON THE ENTRY FORM. og S IF THEIR OWNERSHIP HAS CHANGED SINCE REGISTRATION THE TRANSFER MUST BE REGISTERED WITH THE IRISH KENNEL CLUB LTD. .D PARTICULARS FURNISHED MUST BE EXACTLY AS REGISTERED WITH THE IRISH KENNEL CLUB LTD. w w w CORRECT FEES MUST ACCOMPANY THE ENTRY AND SHOULD BE PAID BY CROSSED CHEQUE, P.O. OR M.O. AND SENT TO: Show Secretary: Mrs P Page, 31 New Road, Carrowdore, BT22 2HB Tel: 048 9186 1393 E-mail: [email protected] THE BULLDOG CLUB OF IRELAND APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP I/WE (NAMES) ........................................................................................................................ Of ADDRESS ............................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................... Hereby make application to become member/s of The Bulldog Club of Ireland. tr Do you own a Bulldog? Yes/No y. ie PHONE NO: ……………………………….E-MAIL………………………………………… (Please supply your E-Mail address, as it will keep postal costs down, Thank You) En Pending this application being acceptable I/We hereby consent to abide by the rules of the Club as set out in the Club Rules. ho w I/We am/are aware that my/our application may be rejected without any reason given as the Decision of the Committee shall be final. Current Membership Fees (Payment will only be accepted in Euro)) * Single Membership: €13.50 euro ............ Single Membership: £12.00 sterling.................... * Joint Membership: €20.00 euro ............... Joint Membership: £18.00 sterling ...................... og S * Family Membership: €25.00 euro ........... Family Membership: £22.50 sterling .................. Please Note: All applications must be accompanied by the appropriate fee .D Signed: .................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................. (If Joint Membership both Signatures are required) w Date:………………………… w Proposed By............................................................................. w Second By................................................................................ Club Secretary: Mrs. P. Page 31 New Road, Carrowdore Co. Down BT22 2HB Email: [email protected] ho w En tr y. ie Could Any Members that have Club Perpetual Trophies, Cups or Plaques in there possession please return them to Stephen Doyle before the Show. Please make sure you have your engraving completed and your Trophy, Cup or Plaque is Clean and in Good Repair. og S Don't forget to enter the .D “HIBERNIAN ALL BREED DOG CLUB SHOW” w Judge for Bulldogs: Mr. G. Guffanti w w Two sets of Green Stars available on the same day! Schedule available from Show Secretary: Mrs. L. Matthews “Ventura”Glencormac, Bray, Co. Wicklow. Tel: (01) 2863298 or enter on line at www.dogshowentry.ie 3 Class Definitions:(The word 'Dog' includes both sexes) ho w 8. Veteran Bitch 9. Baby Puppy Bitch 10. Puppy Bitch 11. Junior Bitch 12. Intermediate Bitch 13. Open Bitch 14. Champion Bitch og S Veteran Dog Baby Puppy Dog Puppy Dog Junior Dog Intermediate Dog Open Dog Champion Dog .D Classes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. En tr y. ie Veteran is for dogs over eight years of age on the day of the Show computed from and inclusive of the date of its birth. Baby Puppy is confined to dogs over 4 and under 6 calendar months of age on the day of the Show. Dogs entered in this class are not eligible to challenge for the Green Star and may not take part in any further competition. Puppy is confined to dogs over 6 and under 12 calendar months of age on the day of the Show computed from and inclusive of the date of its birth. Junior is for dogs between 9 and 18 calendar months of age on the day of the Show computed from and inclusive of the date of its birth. Intermediate is for dogs between 15 and 24 calendar months of age on the day of the Show computed from and inclusive of the date of its birth. Open is for dogs over 15 months of age on the day of the Show computed from and inclusive of the date of its birth. Champion is for dogs who have gained the Title of Champion under Irish Kennel Club Rules or under a recognised Kennel Authority confirmed by the date of closing of entries.**** w w N.B. A Dog or Bitch may be entered in ONE BREED CLASS ONLY (No double entries). Please Note: A Veteran Dog/Bitch who is a Champion may enter in either Veteran or Champion but not both.** w NOTE: Dogs under the age of four months are not allowed into the show grounds. All dogs entered must be registered or transferred at the Irish Kennel Club in the name of the Exhibitor. 4 LIST OF TROPHIES AVAILABLE TO FULLY PAID UP MEMBERS THE EDSTRONG PERPETUAL PLAQUE & THE ANN VAN DEN HEUVEL TROPHY” for Best of Breed at the Club Show “THE BULLDOG CLUB OF IRELAND TROPHY” for Best Opposite Sex at the Club Show y. ie “THE OATFIELD No1 TROPHY” For Green Star Dog tr “THE OATFIELD No2 TROPHY” For Green Star Bitch En “THE THORNFORD PERPETUAL SHIELD” for Best Baby Puppy ho w “THE ALDANAT PLAQUE” for Best Puppy at the Club Show og S “THE RENVYLLE PERPETUAL PLAQUE” for Best Junior at the Club Show w w w .D “THE MILLENNIUM TROPHY &THE HARLEWOOD PLAQUE” for Best Intermediate at the Club Show “THE EMERALD CUP” for Best Open at the Club Show “THE SAMMEJON TROPHY” for Best Veteran at the Club Show ho w og S .D w w w y. ie tr En
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