Volume 27 issue 4 April 2015 Dolphin Chapter of FMCA Chartered: 3-9-89 Newsletter for the Dolphin Motorhome Club THE PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE The first quarter of 2015 is almost over but before we turn the calendar page to April and start the second quarter, some significant events are worth noting one more time. The year started with the majority of our members submitting their dues for 2015, several new members, and numerous members attending and a large percentage of our membership volunteering at the FMCA Western Area Rally held at Indio, CA. Following this event Marilyn and TJ Hewlett held a pre-rally at East Shores RV Park prior to the FMCA 1st Family Reunion being held at Pomona CA. There was also a Workhorse Rally held at Pahrump, NV prior to the Pomona Rally which created a dilemma for a lot of members who could only attend one due to other commitments. Anne and I were able to attend Pahrump and had a great time and feel bad that we were not able to participate at Pomona. Dolphin Club members made up almost 50 % of attendees. Lee Haeberlein was able to attend both and reported that the pre –rally was great and that members were able to drive in to Pomona together, and that several members of the club came out for the day. There are a few things to be enjoyed in April : April Fool’s Day, Easter, Passover, Earth Day, and Alcohol Awareness Month to name a few. I did not include April 15 Federal Income Tax date. Hopefully you have all submitted your documentation. April 16-19 the club is heading to Yuma AZ. PJ Giammaria and Marilyn Ryding are busy finalizing the agenda. This should be an outstanding event. If you can attend please contact PJ. Following Yuma is another fun event. Pismo Beach RV Resort is scheduled for the month of May. History is very important to the club. Please take pictures at our outings and submit them to Dave and Sandy Smith for the Splash and to Pat Cohen our historian. Also, when you come across an article or technical tip worth sharing, send it to Dave. Health is something that is precious. Now that the weather is warmer take the time to enjoy your family and plan trips in your RV while you still can. Too often we hear I can do it next year. Unfortunately some of us wait too long to do things that are on our “bucket list” until it is too late. We have several members who are experiencing health problems. On behalf of the club we wish you a speedy recovery. Remember your Dolphin Family is only a message or phone call away. We are here to help each other. Respectfully Submitted, Leon The Dolphin Club...26 years and still going strong! THE VICE-PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Hello Fellow Dolphin Club Members I recently had my Dolphin in the shop for some needed repairs and maintenance. While it was there I happened to pick up a flyer that detailed the various systems in an RV that needed regular maintenance. Imagine my shock when I read that the Allison Transmission should be serviced every four years. Yes, my friends, I was a little late on that, so I had it done. Owning a motorhome can be quite rewarding, however, there are certain responsibilities that go along with that ownership. Like having a pet, it has needs and cannot satisfy them itself. It depends on us. So, this month we will review the basic needs for the chassis. Gas coaches need a minor service (basic oil and lube) every 3,000 to 6,000 miles and they require a major service every 6,000 miles. The difference is that in the major service the technician will also change the fuel and air filters and inspect the brakes. They will also pressure check the radiator cap. A basic brake service should be performed annually to keep the brakes in good working order and to identify problems before they become a major headache. As I mentioned before, the transmission should be serviced roughly every four years. To keep your coach running cool you should also flush your radiator every five years. To wrap up the basic items, wheel alignments should be done anytime you find that your coach pulls to one side or the other. Next month we will take a look at the basic maintenance items involved with a diesel coach. As we move through the spring and into the summer we will also look at the less basic maintenance items as well as the systems in the coach itself. See you somewhere on the road. Your VP Steve Justice DOLPHIN CLUB MEMBERS ON THE MEND George and I would like to thank everyone for their thoughts, prayers, and well wishes. George is getting stronger every day. He walks around the block with a walker and goes to PT once a week. He can’t wait to get that motorhome out on the road again! George & Sherry Phil Statham is also doing much better after having a mild stroke. He and Judy were at the East Shore Rally and the FMCA Rally in Pomona this past week. Dick Callister is now home from the hospital after 3 1/2 months and is walking. He still needs physical therapy. The doctors are weaning him off the strong drugs he was taking. Get well soon! Dolphins Club Web Site - http://www.dolphinclub.com The Dolphin Splash—Page 2 MEMBERSHIP NEW MEMBER SHERYLL MC MANUS 65656 E STONEY RIDGE DR TUCSON, AZ 85739-1642 PHONE 520-333-4018 HOME PHONE 765-244-0094 CELL 02 DOLPHIN ROSTER CORRECTIONS—NONE OFFICERS & BOARD President Vice President Secretary Treasurer National Dir. DROPPED MEMBERS—NONE REINSTATED MEMBERS—NONE TOTAL MEMBERSHIP COACHES AS OF 4/1/2015 - 105 Alt. Director Leon Schwartz (760)751-0163 [email protected] Steve Justice (909)822-2823 [email protected] Lynn Mayer (760)739-8564 [email protected] David Smith (562)863-7325 [email protected] Dave Barr (714)528-2275 [email protected] Ken Korhonen (760)788-4609 [email protected] Area Representatives No. California Central Coast Arizona Area Bob Bos (408)268-1562 [email protected] Brian Forstmaier (805)527-6461 [email protected] Sally White (951)452-8427 [email protected] Appointed Membership No California Representatives Bob & Thais Bos came south for Workhorse Rally in Pahrump, NV. East Shore Pre rally and FMCA Rally at Pomona, CA. They are planning a Rally next year for the San Jose area sometime in April. (Photo at Norm’s Hanger old phone booth) Christie Cozart (951)735-6361 3070 Bronco Ln Norco, CA 92860-1813 [email protected] Hospitality Dave Barr (714)528-2275 [email protected] Splash Editor Dave & Sandy Smith (562)863-7325 [email protected] Wagonmaster Syd Byford (818)899-1085 [email protected] Historian Pat Cohen (714)964-9173 [email protected] Webmaster Steve Justice (909)822-2823 [email protected] Photographer Paul Speaker (909)946-4836 [email protected] Parliamentarian Nancy Speaker (909)472-1060 [email protected] The Dolphin Splash Newsletter is the official publication of the Dolphin Motorhome Club. It is published monthly and meticulously formatted and edited by Dave & Sandy Smith, Editors. If you have any comments, suggestions, complaints or compliments please direct them to the editor at [email protected]. The Dolphin Splash—Page 3 PISMO BEACH RALLY May 7 thru 10, 2015 Pismo Coast Village RV 165 S Dolliver St. Pismo Beach, Ca. 93449 (888) 782-3224 Thursday 5/7 Check-in 5:00 PM After 2:00 PM San Luis Obispo Street Fair – Meet at Trail Boss Site to carpool. Friday 5/8 TBA 8:00 AM 4:30 PM 5:00 PM Golf meet at the Club House Donuts & Coffee Rally Host Rig Happy Hour wine provided Dinner at Clubhouse - Splash Café Clam Chowder, Chili, Salad and Bread Provided Games in the Club House bring your favorite games Potluck Breakfast – Bring you favorite dish to share. Dinner on your own Ice Cream Social in Clubhouse Games, etc. Club House Coffee, muffins, bagles, etc. Club House Check Out – Have a safe drive Saturday 5/9 Sunday 5/10 7:30 PM 9:00 AM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM 8:00 AM 12 Noon Get your reservations in early. There are only 35 spaces available. Reservation/Cancellation Deadline: April 10, 2015 Trail Bosses: Lynn & Sandy Mayer [email protected] (760) 715-0756 Sandy & Dave Smith [email protected] (562) 884-3839 Three night minimum, Thursday, Friday, Saturday $190.00 Golf if interested mark below. Additonal nights (Wed or Sun) $50.00/night Make checks payable and mail to: Dave Smith, 10641 Foix Ave., Norwalk, CA 90650-7428 Wed __ Thur X Fri X Sat X Sun DOG (s $2.00/nite each)____ (562) 863-7325 Golf # People _____ First Name __________________ & _____________ Last Name _________________ 1 st time Dolphin Rally?___ Address ____________________________________ City _________________ St ___ Zip _________ House Phone __________________ Cell Phone _________________ E-Mail ___________________ FMCA# ________________ Exp. Date ________ Coach Length ________ft Cost per Coach: $190.00 + additional nights $_____________ Total = $______________ The Dolphin Splash—Page 4 RALLY’S IN MARCH Many Dolphin Club Members attended the Workhorse Rally held at Pahrump, Nevada.. Three couples started at Peggy Sue’s Diner in Barstow, CA where we had dinner, then spent the night in their parking lot, had breakfast the next morning and then on to Pahrump, Nevada. We enjoyed two dinners and three breakfast provided by the Workhorse Club. Dolphin Club members Ray and Teri Loud (West Region Vice-President of Workhorse) was the commander in chief of the Rally and he and Terri did a great job. Some club members who had never been to Death Valley took a one day trip visiting Furnace Creek, Artist Point, Twenty Mule Team Canyon, Zabriskie Point and Badwater Basin (Elevation minus 282 ft). A Seminar was given by Ultra RV products and they also provided some hands on tune ups to many Dolphin Club Members. At the Club Nugget Casino Many Dolphin Club Members participated in the slots tournament with Bob Bos being the 1st place winner with almost 18000 points and Anne Schwartz close behind in 2nd place. Dolphin Club Members L-R Leon & Anne Schwartz, Lee & Joan Haeberlein, Ronald & Betsy Morgan, Roger & Drennen Parsons, Ed & Judi Hessemer, Dave & Sandy Smith, Loren & Diana Pettis, Bob & Thais Bos, and Ray & Terri Loud. Badwater Basin Death Valley The Dolphin Splash—Page 5 At the Pahrump rally Bob Bos was having water heater failure. Ed Hessemer and Lee Haeberlein were helping to diagnose the problem. After removing the gas assembly a spider web was discovered solving the problem. Artist palette in background at Death Valley Lee & Joan Haeberlein, Dave & Sandy Smith in photo The Dolphin Splash—Page 6 EAST SHORE RV PARK RALLY There were 14 Dolphin Club Members at the East Shore Rally. TJ & Marilyn Hewlett trailbossed the rally and everyone started with dinner at Pinnacle Peak’s Steak house in San Dimas on Monday followed by breakfast at Norms Hanger on Tuesday morning. Tuesday evening we had Hors d’oeuvres behind the Hewlett’s rig and what a beautiful view all of us had overlooking Puddingstone Lake. We were fortunate to have our club photographer at this rally so we got to sit back and let Paul Speaker take pictures. After Dinner at Pinnacle Peak’s L-R Justice, Haeberlein, Korhonen, Smith, McGaughy, Hewlett, Statham, Forstmaier, Stuart, Nancy Speaker, Hessemer, Calvert, Snavely, Paul Speaker Making plans for Wednesday and evening hors d’oeuveres The Dolphin Splash—Page 7 Linda Calvert Drives her Motorhome to many Dolphin Club Rallys. Here at East Shore and FMCA Rallys. Breakfast at Norms Hanger Ed and Judi Hessemer celebrated their 43rd Wedding Anniversary at Pinnacle Peaks. Sunset on Puddingstone Lake below East Shore RV Park The Dolphin Splash—Page 8 FMCA RALLY At the FMCA Pomona Rally there were 14 Dolphin Club Rigs who caravanned down the hill from East Shore RV Park on Wednesday morning to the Pomona FMCA holding area to be parked for the rally. We were led in by TJ Hewlett with Ken Kornhonen bringing up the rear coach. The FMCA Crew parked all 14 rigs together staggering two rows. Everyone gathered at Adrian and Brians coach as they seemed to be centrally located with plenty of room. On Thursday night most everyone joined Steve and Suzanne Justice at La Paloma’s Mexican Restaurant in La Verne for dinner. During the day everyone was busy attending seminars with a ladies social on Friday. Also on Friday the Supplier and Motorhome exhibits opened at 9:00 AM with a lot of members attending after morning coffee and doughnuts. Several Dolphin Club Members attended the show and exhibits on Saturday and our FMCA Director Dave Barr was busy doing security. Ladies Social Event L-R Joan Haeberlein, Sandy Smith, Judi Hessemer, Edda Barr, Thais Bos, Judy Stathum, Judy Stuart < Dinner at La Paloma’s > Brian Forstmaier with Marilyn Hewlett’s dog Buffy The Dolphin Splash—Page 9 olphin Marketplace Do you have something to sell, give away, donate? If so, put your ad here. Word of mouth is one of the best ways to advertise and that may start right here. Send your ad, with pictures, to the editor and see your listing for 3-months, FREE. [email protected] Dolphin Clothing Items: Just a reminder that Embroidery in Motion, the company that provides the clothing items with the Dolphins logo, is still in business and has our logo items available. We placed an order and received it with no problems. So, if you want to order Dolphin logo items, the order form is on the website. Notice to Trail Bosses NON CLUB MEMBERS CAN NOW ADVERTISE A NATIONAL RV MOTORHOME IN THE SPLASH. COST IS $25.00 FOR 3 MONTHS. Be sure to mail or email your Rally Flyers to the Wagon Master: Syd Byford THIS WAS APPROVED BY BOARD OF DIRECTORS AT OCTOBER BOARD MEETING. 9432 Sandusky Ave. Arleta, CA 91331-5532 Email: [email protected] Tech Tidbits Last month issue of The Splash we had an article on Back up Cameras and Monitors. After attending a Good Sam Rally and FMCA Rally I didn’t find any other system that would replace our system using existing wiring.. However Brian Forstmaier purchased a new system for his coach at the Good Sam Rally very reasonably priced which comes with all new wiring and equipment but would require you to rewire your coach. It also came with side Cameras. Anyone interested can contact Brian. Dave Smith - editor Any member who has Tech Tidbits to share or a problem to share about your coach send me an email about it and we will put it out to our Members as! Do you know the answer? The Dolphin Splash—Page 10 Dolphin Club Calendar Date Location Trail Bosses Telephone E-Mail 2015 Shangri-LA RV Resort April 16-19 Yuma, AZ May 7-10 PJ Giammaria, Marilyn Ryding Tom & Dorry Valdez 760-200-1891 [email protected] 707-745-0129 [email protected] Pismo Coast RV Resort Dave & Sandy Smith 562-863-7325 [email protected] Pismo, CA Sandy & Lynn Mayer 760-739-8564 [email protected] July 29 thru FMCA 92nd Family August 1 Reunion - Madison, Wisc. October 14-18 Chula Vista RV Gary & Christie Cozart 951-735-6361 [email protected] Chula Vista, CA Ed & Judi Hessemer 626-793-6506 [email protected] 2016 October 12-16 Chula Vista RV Gary & Christie Cozart 951-735-6361 [email protected] Chula Vista, CA Ed & Judi Hessemer 626-793-6506 [email protected] Deadline date for Items for the May issue of the Splash: April 27th - 4 P.M. The Dolphin Splash—Page 11 The Splash Dave & Sandy Smith 10641 Foix Ave. Norwalk, Ca. 90650 PRINT THIS PAGE FOR MAILING ONLY The Dolphin Splash—Page 12
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