User Manual of Process Management Software for IWMP Acknowledgement We are happy place on record our appreciation and acknowledge the support given by all in developing a Process Management Software for Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP) for Neeranchal National Watershed Project, Project to restore the ecological balance by harnessing, conserving and developing degraded natural resources such as soil, vegetative cover and water We gratefully acknowledge Dr. Dave Joint Sectary DoLR, on whose initiative this software has been developed. This is the brain child of Dr. Dave and this is initiated because of him Development of the PMS was possible with the leadership and support from the part of Ms. Preeti Kumar, Lead Watershed at the World Bank. We would like to put on record our appreciation of Mr. Pradeep Valsangkar, who continuously supported our efforts and helped us with his domain experience. We gratefully acknowledge the support received from DoLR, Government of India especially from Mr Amit Kumar Director –IWMP and Mr K.L Meena form WCDC Alwar, Rajasthan in making this happen. Cloud based PMS for IWMP enables the stakeholders in monitoring of all project activities during planning, implementation and consolidation stages of IWMP. We sincerely hope that this system is used by State teams of IWMP for providing result-oriented, transparent and credible services. We put on record our sincere appreciation and gratitude to the team which participated in the testing of the PMS tool comprised of members from the field called from four different states MP (Ms Shilpi Adholiya, Mr Anwar Husain, Mr Sharad Jain), Orissa (Mr Niranjan Sahu, Mr Rajib Kumar Nag), J&K (Ms Rehana Farooq, Ms Zahida Rafiq) and Rajasthan (Mr K.L Meena, Mr Navin Vashisth, Mr Rajendra Prasad) for providing us with the necessary information and inputs after going through the PMS tool We also thank the software development team for having worked very sincerely in the development of the software. We acknowledge the support of Mr Mukul Mahajan (Project Director) Ms. Deepa Kapil (Consultant), Mr. Ankur Pratap (Project Manager), Mr. Rama Shankar Tiwari (Technical Head), Mr Prateek Yadav (Web Developer), Mr. Rakesh Kumar Dubey, (Database Specialist) and Mr. Mohan Pal (PHP Developer) in the development of the software. Department of Land Resources Ministry of Rural Development New Delhi, India IWMP PMS Manual Contents 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 4 1.1 Facilities provided to PIA in IWMP-PMS ..................................................................................... 6 2. IWMP Project Phases .............................................................................................................................. 7 2.1 Activities for PIA in Preparatory Phase ............................................................................................. 7 2.2 Activities for PIA in Work Phase........................................................................................................ 9 2.3 Activities for PIA in Consolidation Phase ........................................................................................ 10 2.4 Milestones ...................................................................................................................................... 11 3. Color Schemes Used in IWMP-PMS: ..................................................................................................... 12 3.1 Color scheme used in PMS for Phase/task Status: ......................................................................... 12 3.2 Color scheme used in PMS for Activity/Task Status in Dashboard and Reports ............................ 12 4. Network Diagram: ................................................................................................................................. 13 4.1 Preparatory Phase: ......................................................................................................................... 13 4.2 Work Phase: .................................................................................................................................... 14 4.3 Consolidation Phase: ...................................................................................................................... 14 5. Using Web Module ............................................................................................................................... 15 5.1 Login Screen .................................................................................................................................... 15 5.2 Home Screen Menu ........................................................................................................................ 16 5.2.1 Using Location option –using which user can add/edit/delete GP ......................................... 18 5.2.2 Using ‘Projects’ option –user can view Project status and update project tasks .................... 18 5.2.3 Using Dashboard option – user can view Project status ......................................................... 23 5.2.4 Using Report option ................................................................................................................. 24 5.2.5 Alert: ........................................................................................................................................ 26 6. Support ................................................................................................................................................. 27 7. Conclusion............................................................................................................................................. 28 3|Page IWMP PMS Manual 1. Introduction The Process Management System (PMS) developed for the Integrated Watershed Management Program of the government of India, attempts to bring in to focus all the activities undertaken to implement a successful watershed management project. All the states across the country are implementing over 8000 watershed management projects. These projects are at different stages of development. Some are at the conceptual stage, some at the preparatory phase, some in the works phase and some in the post implementation phase. The IWMP program expects these projects to be implemented in a specific manner following a defined project implementation methodology. However, due to its mammoth size, extremely large geographical spread and different degrees of usefulness to the end user community, the IWMP projects tend to deviate from the defined process of a typical IWMP project implementation methodology. It is indeed very difficult to maintain a standard of project implementation across the length and breadth of the country for the implementation of an IWMP project. This is where the PMS software developed to implement the IWMP projects comes in to being. The PMS software standardizes the process of IWMP project implementation. It captures the process flow of a standard IWMP project. The PMS software has the following modules: 1.1 Information available for DoLR in IWMP-PMS Dashboard to view status of the project, Sate wise like Total no of project running Phase wise listing of all projects No of projects in time and no of projects delayed This information can be further drill down till project level Activity listing of specific project with their task completion status Task Competed in time Task delayed Task in process Milestone report of specific project with the expected date of completion of the milestone the status of the achievement of the milestones Milestone achieved color will turn green Upcoming milestones color will be blue 1.2 Information available for SLNA in IWMP-PMS Dashboard to view status of the project, Districts wise like 4|Page IWMP PMS Manual Total no of project running Phase wise listing of all projects No of projects in time and no of projects delayed This information can be further drill down till project level Activity listing of specific project with their task completion status Task Competed in time Task delayed Task in process Milestone report of specific project with the expected date of completion of the milestone the status of the achievement of the milestones Milestone achieved color will turn green Upcoming milestones color will be blue Alerts at specific time period For upcoming activities Delayed activates 1.3 Information available for WCDC in IWMP-PMS Dashboard to view status of the project, projects wise and area wise like Total no of project running Phase wise listing of all projects No of projects in time and no of projects delayed Activity listing of specific project with their task completion status Task Competed in time Task delayed Task in process Milestone report of specific project with the expected date of completion of the milestone the status of the achievement of the milestones Milestone achieved color will turn green Upcoming milestones color will be blue Alerts at specific time period 5|Page IWMP PMS Manual For upcoming activities Delayed activates 1.4 Facilities provided to PIA in IWMP-PMS Following are the list of activities PIA can do after login to the PMS: Add Geo coordinates and GPs of the project Entry of Project related data of various phases (Preparatory, Work and Consolidation) Following are the list of reports PIA can view after login to the PMS: Dashboard to view status of the project Total no. of project running Phase wise listing of all projects No. of projects conducted in time and no. of projects delayed Activity listing of specific project with their task completion status Tasks competed in time Tasks delayed Tasks in process/ progress Milestone report of specific project with the expected date of completion of the milestone and the status of the achievement of the milestones Milestone achieved color will turn green Upcoming milestones color will be blue Alerts at specific time period For upcoming activities For delayed activities 6|Page IWMP PMS Manual 2. IWMP Project Phases Software has been built up for 5 year project 2.1 Activities for PIA in Preparatory Phase Following are the list of activities of PIA that PMS tool is monitoring in preparatory phase:S. No Activity List 1 Formation of Watershed Development Team 2 Annual action plan for next financial year (This will be yearly and will be prepared on the last month of every financial year (March)) 3 Orientation, Awareness Generation and Capacity Building 3.1 Orientation on IWMP, Baseline, EPA and Participatory Planning Processes to watershed functionaries from community completed 3.2 Social Awareness program conducted 4 Community Organization 4.1 Formation of groups SHG 4.2 Formation of groups UG 4.3 Watershed Committee Constitution 7|Page IWMP PMS Manual 4.4 Registration of Watershed Committee as a Society under Society Registration Act 1860 completed/committee approved by GP- make this non mandatory 4.5 Two Bank Accounts opened for Project Fund and for Watershed Development Fund (WDF) 5 Entry Point Activity (EPA) 5.1 EPA activities Selected/Identified 5.2 EPAs completed 6 Baseline Survey and Report Preparation 6.1 Personnel identified and selected for the data collection 6.2 Training conducted regarding Baseline Survey 6.3 Household, village/ watershed level survey completed as per the Baseline Format 7 Capacity building exercise regarding DPR preparation for :- a CBOs b SHG/UG/WC 8 Detailed Project Report (DPR) Preparation and Approval 8.1 Preparatory work for DPR completed (Formation of a planning group completed, Secondary data collected, Revenue records collected, Maps collected) 8.2 Physical delineation of micro-watershed completed 8.3 Participatory Rural Appraisal for planning exercises and net planning done 8.4 Transact walk done 8.5 Documentation of DPR Completed (Including Annual action Plan) 8.6 Submission of DPRs 8.7 Preparatory phase evaluation done 8|Page IWMP PMS Manual 2.2 Activities for PIA in Work Phase Following are the list of activities of PIA that PMS tool is monitoring in work phase 1 Annual action plan for next financial year [This will be yearly and will be prepared on the last month of every financial year (March)] 2 Promotion and strengthening of Institutions 2.1 Trainings imparted to key persons on different aspects of NRM and related activities (Finance Management , Book Keeping Measurement, Supervision, Technology, Design, Estimation, Record keeping, Muster roll, Measurement Book preparation, Utilization Certificate etc) 2.2 Promotion and trainings of CBOs as per Annual Plans completed 2.3 Training inputs given to UG, SHG, WC and community volunteers on implementation of DPR 3 Gram Sabha meetings for review of IWMP 4 Implementation of Watershed interventions 4.1 Exposure and orientation done of UG, SHG, WC and volunteers on related NRM and livelihood themes 4.2 Identification of the Beneficiaries for livelihood enhancement 4.3 Training of Beneficiaries for livelihood enhancement a EDP (Entrepreneurship Development Plan) b EAP (Entrepreneurship Action Plan ) c Skill Based 4.4 Preparation of IGA plan 4.5 Implementation of Business Plan 4.6 Procured Inputs, equipments, materials etc. for productivity enhancement and livelihood promotion a Identification of the Beneficiaries for productivity enhancement b Identification of the activity for productivity enhancement c Implementation of the activity for productivity enhancement 4.7 Implementation of NRM 9|Page IWMP PMS Manual 4.8 Mid-Term evaluation of implementation 4.9 Documentation of activities and processes completed 4.10 Convergence with other programs completed 4.11 Work phase evaluation done at end of 4th year 2.3 Activities for PIA in Consolidation Phase Following are the list of activities of PIA that PMS tool is monitoring in consolidation phase :1 Annual action plan for next financial year [This will be yearly and will be prepared on the last month of every financial year (March)] 2 Assessment and stock keeping of assets created 3 Assessment of capacities of institutions to manage natural resources independently and providing necessary capacity building support completed 4 Action plan for maintenance of assets created 5 Forward linkages with the market established. Systems created for continued support from banks, financial institutions, resource organizations, line departments/schemes etc. 6 Systems developed for engagement of local volunteers, community resource persons, SHG leaders, animators, WC members, trainers in the post project period 7 Social audit of the project completed 8 Financial audit of the project completed 9 Project Completion Report prepared 10 Final project evaluation and Third Party Impact Assessment done 11 Handing over the charge to the community organizations and withdrawal of WDT and PIA 12 Project Completed in consolidation phase 10 | P a g e IWMP PMS Manual 2.4 Milestones: Following are the list of key milestones of each phase which PIA has to achieve in a specific time period defined for each 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Key Milestones Formation of WCDC Formation of PIA Appointment of Technical Expert Formation of Watershed Development Team Formation of groups SHG Formation of groups UG Watershed Committee Constituted EPAs completed Household, village/ watershed level survey completed as per the Baseline Format Submission of DPRs Preparatory phase evaluation done Training of Beneficiaries for livelihood enhancement Preparation of IGA plan Implementation of business plan Implementation of the activity for productivity enhancement Phase Preparatory phase Preparatory phase Preparatory phase Preparatory phase Preparatory phase Preparatory phase Preparatory phase Preparatory phase Preparatory phase 16 a) Implementation of NRM (For first quarter after 12 months of Implementation Phase) Work Phase b) Implementation of NRM (For second quarter after 12 months of Implementation Phase) Work Phase c Implementation of NRM (For third quarter after 12 months of Implementation Phase) Work Phase d Implementation of NRM (For fourth quarter after 12 months of Implementation Phase) Work Phase e Implementation of NRM (For Fifth quarter after 12 months of Implementation Phase) Work Phase f Implementation of NRM (For Sixth quarter after 12 months of Implementation Phase) Work Phase g Implementation of NRM (For Seventh quarter after 12 months of Implementation Phase) Work Phase h Work Phase 17 18 Implementation of NRM (For Eighth quarter after 12 months of Implementation Phase) Implementation of NRM (For Ninth quarter after 12 months of Implementation Phase) Documentation of activities and processes completed Action plan for maintenance of assets created 19 Social audit of the project completed Consolidation and Withdrawal Phase 10 11 12 13 14 15 i Preparatory phase Preparatory phase Work Phase Work Phase Work Phase Work Phase Work Phase Work Phase Consolidation and Withdrawal Phase 11 | P a g e IWMP PMS Manual 20 Financial audit of the project completed Consolidation and Withdrawal Phase 21 Project Completion Report prepared 22 Final project evaluation and Third Party Impact Assessment done Consolidation and Withdrawal Phase Consolidation and Withdrawal Phase 23 Handing over the charge to the community organizations and withdrawal of WDT and PIA Consolidation and Withdrawal Phase 3. Color Schemes Used in IWMP-PMS: 3.1 Color scheme used in PMS for Phase/task Status: • Competed phase/task color will be Green • Processing phase/task color will be Blue • Upcoming phase/task color will be grey 3.2 Color scheme used in PMS for Activity/Task Status in Dashboard and Reports 12 | P a g e IWMP PMS Manual 4. Network Diagram: 4.1 Preparatory Phase: To explain the whole architecture and dependencies of the activities of the preparatory phase 13 | P a g e IWMP PMS Manual 4.2 Work Phase: To explain the whole architecture and dependencies of the activities of the Work Phase 4.3 Consolidation Phase: To explain the whole architecture and dependencies of the activities of the consolidation phase 14 | P a g e IWMP PMS Manual 5. Using Web Module 5.1 Login Screen Login screen is the first screen which will appear on the web after opening the IWMP-PMS web link .From this screen, a user can login to IWMP-PMS tool. The Web module is designed to be used by authorized users only For login to the system, first PIA has to do the self registration by clicking the PIA registration link on the Login Screen. On clicking the link PIA registration page will open, from where PIA can create his account by filling up and submitting basic details like: Name, User name, Mobile no, Email Id, Address, State, District and Projects PIA registration page Note: PIA has to select the project names in which he/she is working for the dropdown list of projects Also PIA login details will come to the Mail id filled by him during registration after his/her account gets approved by WCDC After first time login, PIA has to change the password after which PIA can use the PMS Tool Also if user forgets his old password, the user can click on FORGET PASSWORD option and enter his registered email id and then new password will be sent on his/her registered email id 15 | P a g e IWMP PMS Manual 5.2 Home Screen Menu After you have successfully logged into the web module, the home screen menu with various options will be displayed on your screen. The sections below describe the purpose of each of the functions and the instructions to use them:- a. Notification b. Logout c. Settings d. Edit Profile a. Notification: PIA will get regular notifications on the pending and upcoming tasks 16 | P a g e IWMP PMS Manual b. Logout: Logout option to logout from the system c. Setting: Setting option to change the password To change the password user have to first enter the current password and then new password d. Edit Profile: Option to change the user information 17 | P a g e IWMP PMS Manual 5.2.1 Using Location option –using which user can add/edit/delete GP Here searching is free search To add GP name, users have to first select Block name and then have to enter the GP name Clicking on edit/delete option, user can edit the name of GP or can delete a GP 5.2.2 Using ‘Projects’ option –user can view Project status and update project tasks Clicking on the projects option, project listing page will open having list of all project under PIA Searching option for PIA using which they can search for specific project. State name and district name are fixed for PIA After clicking on the edit option, PIA can add Geo coordinates and GPs of the project 18 | P a g e IWMP PMS Manual Clicking on the project name, a screen will open with the project phases details showing view of all the phases Note: • Competed phase color will be Green • Processing phase color will be Blue • Upcoming phase color will be grey Click on this option to open internal form to fill the project task level information of Preparatory phase Web Interface for PIA to do the entry of Preparatory phase activities • Completed task color will be Green 19 | P a g e IWMP PMS Manual • Processing task color will be Blue • Upcoming task color will be grey • Against each task will be shown an expected completion date of that particular task which is auto generated as per the project start date and actual completion date that user have to fill when task has been completed • User will have to tick the check box and also enter the project completion date before submitting the task • Task ‘Save as Draft ’ can be edited after reopening the screen multiple times but once clicked on ‘completed’, task details can’t be edited • Against each task there is a help text available, on mouse over on the help icon it will give the details of dependency of that activity and the details of time period for the completion of that activity Click on Work Phase to open internal form to do the task level entry of implementation phase. Entry in Implementation Phase is possible only after the completion of all the activities of the Preparatory Phase Procedure for task entry in Implementation Phase is same as in Preparatory Phase Click on ‘Consolidation Phase’ to open the internal form to do the task level entry of the Consolidation Phase. Entry in consolidation phase is possible only after the completion of all the activities of implementation phase Procedure for task entry in Consolidation Phase is same as in Preparatory Phase 20 | P a g e IWMP PMS Manual Clicking on ‘View Dashboard’ option of the project will give user the full phase wise overview of the project like, how many activities are completed in time, how many activities completed but delayed, how many activities are in progress but delayed and how many activities are in progress within time All the activities which are having sub-activities are highlighted in blue color and clicking on any such activity will give user the details of their sub activities along with their status 21 | P a g e IWMP PMS Manual Activities and process of a particular phase can also be visualized along with their status through the Network Diagram by clicking on the ‘view network diagram’ option on the dashboard Network Diagram to give the overview of the activities of preparatory phase, detailed view of the Network Diagram is available on the link: 22 | P a g e IWMP PMS Manual 5.2.3 Using Dashboard option – user can view Project status Clicking on dashboard option will open a page giving an overview of all the current running projects along with their status like, currently in which phase project is running, whether project is delayed or conducted in time Web Interface for PIA to view progress of project assigned to PIA 23 | P a g e IWMP PMS Manual 5.2.4 Using Report option a. Activity Report: Clicking on a project under the activity report will give the listing of all the activities with their current status b. Milestone: Clicking on a project under the ‘Milestone’ option will give the details of key milestones along with the details of their expected completion date 24 | P a g e IWMP PMS Manual c. Schedule Task: Clicking on a project under the ‘Schedule Task’ option will give the details of upcoming activities, user can see the details of activities for upcoming 3 months, 6 months and 1 year by selecting the specific time period from the filter 25 | P a g e IWMP PMS Manual 5.2.5 Alert: System generates alerts on periodic basis to inform the user about the current updates of the project, clicking on any project will give the details of all the alerts of that project Alert for the upcoming task will come 1 month prior to the completion date of the task, then second alert will come 15 days prior to the completion date of the task Alert for delayed task will come 15 days after the completion date of the task 26 | P a g e IWMP PMS Manual 5.2.6 Helpdesk: Clicking on the Helpdesk option will open the listing of all the queries raised by PIA regarding the usage of the PMS tool Option to view the response of the query posted If PIA faces any problem at any point of time while using the PMS tool, then PIA can click on the ‘Make a Query ’ option to post the issue 6. Support For any feedback or support related query regarding the IWMP-PMS user can reach us at a. Helpdesk ID: [email protected] b. Helpdex No: 01141003068 Support on Helpdex ID and Helpdex No will taken up during office hours (Mon-Sat, 9.30 a.m. to 6 p.m.) 27 | P a g e IWMP PMS Manual 7. Conclusion Process Management Software (PMS) attempts to standardize the processes to be followed while implementing an IWMP project. Given that it captures the entire workflow for the IWMP project implementation, the software binds the users to follow activities of an IWMP project in a chronological way. Timely inputs by the end user community of PIAs will help the states as well as the department of Land reforms in effective monitoring of the whole program giving insight in to the successful and not so successful implementation of the IWMP projects. Such a computerized management is likely to streamline the IWMP program and help deliver it at much higher levels of efficiency. IWMP-PMS system provides the following features to its users: I. Online forms along with facility to check boxes and input forms for the officers at national, state, district and village level to directly update the data as per the requirements of the project team II. Rights based access to all project related information and guidelines and to the information repository separately hosted on the web portal. III. Customized dashboards for project directors, managers and other officers indicating the project progress based upon the data entered by field professionals. IV. User Management Module for adding users, assigning roles and rights and tagging the users with state, district, village etc. for data updation and review. V. Reports on project status at various levels VI. Activity report which gives the listing of all the activities with their current status weather it is on time or delayed or in progrees. Alto it gives the information of expected comletion dated and actual completion date of a task VII. Milestone report gives the details of key milestones along with the details of their expected completion date and actual completion date. It also give the information of milestones achieved and upcoming milestones VIII. Schedule Task option gives the details of upcoming activities, user can see the details of activities for upcoming 3 months, 6 months and 1 year by selecting the specific time period IX. System generates alerts on periodic basis to inform the user about the current updates of the project, clicking on any project will give the details of all the alerts of that project X. Network diagrams to various stake holed to give the IWMP process understanding XI. Project level specifications of milestones and project monitoring on the basis of milestones achieved 28 | P a g e IWMP PMS Manual 29 | P a g e
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