O D DR SH A AV E DE BL YN O D DR B ER REM T DR AV E GL EN W O ST FO RE D TD DR R AV E FERNWOOD DR GL EN O B ER REM OC K D MR O PL 690 GL EN W O GL OD AV EN E W O O D AV E 920 Feet G LE NW O R DR 460 FAIRHIL L DR LL BAYMA GLEN FOREST DR DR FAIRHILL DR Zoning: CAC: Drainage Basin: Acreage: D O SH A AV G E LEN W O TANGLEWOOD DR 115 230 OO KW RE MB ER T D DR HOLLYRIDGE DR O W PA R DR FE RN GL EN W O W HI TE HA 0 O M GL EN W GL EN OO D W OO AV E D AV E KW DR PA R RO CK MU N FO RD RD DEBLYN AVE ENTERPRISE CAR SALES SP-55-2013 Number of Lots: SC Planner: Northwest Hare Snipe Creek Phone: Applicant Contact: Phone: 2.58 0 Justin Rametta (919) 996-2665 The Site Group (919) 835-4787 O D AV E ± Developm ent Serv ices Custome r Serv ice Center Planning & Dev lopment One Exchange Plaza 1 Exchange Plaza, Suite 400 Raleigh, North Carolin a 27601 Phone 919 -996-2495 Fax 919-51 6-268 5 Preliminary Development Plan Appl ication Wh en subm itting plan s, please check appropriate revi ew typ e and' d.u c!J t he Pia Preliminary Approvals 18 Site Plans for Planning Commission o Prel iminary Administrative Site Plans o Group Housing " o l' Multifamily (Infill) " " • ~t • May require Planning Commission or Oty Council Approval o o o o o o o Subdivision " Transaction Num ber 37B;2~/ Cluster Subdivision" Assigned Project Coord inator Infill Subdivision " ' 1-0c1qcS Expedited Subd ivision Review Assigned Team Leader Conventional Subdivision f2e-1Y7 e fk- Compact Development Conservation Subdivision .. Legacy Districts Only Has your project previously been through the Due Diligence process? If yes, provide the transaction # 365926 GENERAL INFORMATION Development Name Enterprise Car Sales Proposed Use Used Car Sales , Property Address(es) 5800/5808 Glenwood Avenue Wak e County Property Identification Number(s) for each parcel to wh ich these guidelines will apply: ./ P.I.N. Recorded Deed 0786-95-8462 Recorded Deed ... v P.I.N. 0786-95-8682 P.I.N . Recorded Deed P.I.N . Recorded Deed 0 Apar tm ent 0 Banks o Elderly Facilit ies o Hospitals o Hot els/M ot els o Ind ustr ial Buil ding o Mix ed Residen tial 0 Non-Reside ntia l Condo 0 Off ice 0 Religious Institutions 0 Resident ial Condo 00 Retail 0 Schoo l 0 o Single Family 0 Telecomm unication Tower 0 Tow nhou se o Other: If othe r, please describe: What is your project type? PRELIMINARY ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW PLANNING COMMISSION Per City Code Section 10-2132.2, summarize the reason( s) this plan can be rev iewed adm in istratively not requ iring Plann ing Comm ission or City Council approval. NtA Per City Code Section 10-2132 .2, sum mari ze the reason( s) this plan requires Planning Comm ission or City Council Prel im inary Approval. 10-2132.2(b)(2)b.: Retail sales as show n on 10-2071 within 400' of a lot line of a lot containing a dwelling. Company: Ente rpr ise Leasing Company Southeast, LLC ClIENT (Owner or Developer) I Name: Deborah Osborne-Moreno Address 8335 IBM Drive, Suit e 100 Charlotte, NC 28217 Phone (704) 414 6229 I Email: Debo rah.Osborne-Moreno@ehLcom I Company The Site Group, PLLC CONSULTANT (Contact Person for Plans) Sho ppi ng Center I Fax I Fax (919) 839-2255 Name (s) Ed Sconfienza, P.E. Address 1111 Oberlin Road, Raleigh, NC 27605 Phone (919) 835 -4787 I "';"""'\ Email [email protected] . lJrClJ r0~ - J0Y~~/11~ f1L.-PTlELIM liiI? RY DMLOPMENT PLAN APPLICATION 1 10.0 1.13 tV."' C)'Jerlay 1 · Zoning Informat on P' O ~' O'C U b u,l,III,g u .. (0.) Auto'i.•I,:'. - I~ " .lI ng fjUllrl",II,(" / )':I fl g'o" - __--i N/t. '-I OP ' ~ d Bu lldlllKbl \ 0 II fo'O) ) J. 00 ~ Tut Off -,t ( .. , P rkl' cot. ( l l! I l d l ~ <lt Rel1ulf 'd l H RI'qU" rJ P,ovI(J ·d of Appr opn t en .~ -l tiH ~b P,ov,r!p/ l II H'O·.\ (,·,"1"' ,: 0. orono ...d] I f A H flln m NEl/,'" " I, I I 'O DO,i:O h ,!~h r o f burl d rn bl "(1' . ' l oon SF I ll' (. (,oliO p f,,({'nt ~ I( ' ) j 7 1"' BOA {BOdf d of ACll u·,tmentl cas II A·N / ,'" CUll (Condlt lo n,11U .e [) I~ t"'l) n 1 N/ A ';]f, 5to rmw t r Information ' / ) 4u",," I ,It' P'ODlJ','/l I ", p , ' r v , o ~ , Surf"" , tlo'u ', • R,VI" Uu "'" - No .) (1 i '---.7 2, e 35 SF' \ /'ou ' " I I 58,\..(\.C\ Sf:' Io'c" Well.lnd '. No 11 ,11 rtl '" t luod ~y . ; No p~ pro~ , dl! AJluv1,'1 'io.l ~ f (MA M .JlI P.,,, III r111o \l Stull~ CONFORMITY WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (Appli cabl e to all d ev elopments] Provld. /llt '.r " pllol' o f how Y1HH pl.I" lunlo"m 10 til ' l d ~ lo n ,.s ,," hI I ompro-hrn tv .. Pl. " 20.:10 PH' fl.II,·1 h ulu, , l ."ll U ,~ /,1 II Ii .. " ,.." \ Ih " Hr,' for Communl t', M lr d Ut,u 1nd r '"CE II I U " . It ,1\ h lI lI l hl1t-r. d l~ \l " 'o p ,. d d ~ utu u pwnl U , liu p ~" n 111(' , Trw pfOn o ~ d II ,,. I'll , o n ..l \ t (,,,t , 11 \Q nl l wh ., ! I " ~ lUte mtr-n ..•. Wlltl ... ,\1,"" dpv lo pm -n l '" 111 Ifll m ' ,., v' C lnl! ~ t.'" r o l~1 II 0 1 ~ll1 lllp r ",,1'1LlJ! Tot. I " Uf 1\ rt,lnwrll 0 1 ( n" do ll ''''u,n I)"" I ~ TO l. I N III Moo ,I,- Hn" It' 101' b) To . ,11 cl TOldl "umb, ll \l r n lW f t 0 ' .,.,. I.· J .j m dy l llh at Grou p 11 0 , In I UIl II> d) 0 ,,' " II 101 .,111("\ , Dw.. fI,": I) "" II 2b, I; At" v I I i1lt, " I( f) Of rn O F' TOI." Numb,-, 0 1 Ph.,"" g) I) Ow r,l IIU n,t( \ I/ Acr Dl'" , 11l~ P I ZOJllll ll 0 1 I ,,( ( I hI ( -0 110 MIl'.1 p ro vid e ou n ' p." ,' " " 111 " 11 P" ' r I v / MIl' 10 .0/ 1 If" ~ '. I Iv!!\, 1Il~/oo r n ~ l r , _ ~.e Culnl\ . ~dll1rnl ~! ' ,to,'., '.Il( lOPO " j IIhd'vo" o n pi"",, ., p p , o~ . -d b~ Ih (.t~ _ In hll/l Ihl; p lJ " il~ Ih E' p ro p ert y own , ( I I/w p do h,>, -0 ,1 ~ r" t- .," \l Il(",I , I1ln I ;rnd ,vrr fly to ,on \lruc! ~ lI l m p , nv,'m" n l " net m ,l " .111 d ,.(i, ' ~1 1t n I tI,' rph-1 d'·" lt n II' Ed ~(onr, ·n ,·". P re vubmn pl.) " , on rny b~h .. 1f dn,lto I/w e ha v ~ Ign ~d .n, I th l) p'o/l"I ". con' ofln ,nll lo.1I ' Pl io , .\ ,Oll r -q lII"'" -7 \l IIMI',AP' l'fV< O PMEN ~I'-4...N __ - - lll \ dIJpl " ,.hlr ' _ wllh 1/". PfU.flU"·<td,.,, ,'1 pm " nl II'," O. I ' jI(J/J(J /,;)oJ/3 Ddl' S,gn'd ~P I !' LA nil a~" ft\ Joontlv Ih · ~ I h G' o u p . PHC IV I VI' ~ , tuv , , ~ . n t ,~ ~ .., rJ lI l. Ih ' ,' Ppl'C"I. ,," , 10 ' tOO IV" "nri " . ~ p ,,,l lo d, rll n"I' llv _ (o m '!., nt flIP m public rn "l, n ' , "g r O.n In" dp p lic. ' l lo n "'pr~ v' nt jJMd-- acknowled..g ~n d ~m , ~rl Ll~!......\ll'\ ,1\ \ " Or' API' Ir '" I JO el l 0 1011 0/ 2011 15 : 49 . " _~ . ",="" - -- - -- - - - - - - - _ . D I~.lij c l .. . ,. . !J ~ ;,; ~ M , H-_;" .. ", 03 • ',.. ------!~::; : ~ ::~; :, ':" ;' ;,:::;'---.._ ---.. Zoning Oi,triLt( ,) Shopping Center Overlav Pi'\GE SAI'IDS A I~DE RSO N PC 9197054 ' t N/ A I' ro po , ed lJulldin,ds) SQ . Ii . gross ] ,000 SF Tot . 1Sit e Acres l .SB Ac. Inside City limits : Yes Tota l sq 11 B'osS (~"'Stlnt: & prQnO<PO) 1.000 5 , :-'''' ~ 0 '' c ''; :,c:" i,l u; i,u ,:J;" g( ,) - 1---- - - ==1 I lS'-6" FAR [floor M e ~ ,~t1o ilerce ntag e) 3.77% CCA (Cer t ificate of Appropriate n ess) case If NB/A ' \ .' -- - - - - - - --- - - -- - CUD [Corid inonal Use District) case 11 Z-N/A .. . Flood Hazard A'e~: No '- , .. _.. " 1. Total It Of Townhouse lots , i : i ", ~ ,. ~ < Detached ._ -_..- - - --- - _.._ ..... _... ... . , ' ,. -" .. -- - .. ~ v S . Tot al II Of Mobile Home Lots I e y"t.,.1 l\o.l.'....... t-...... .. ".., IJ _ ' __ I - "; ~ -o _--- -- -. - ,. .. . ~ .-- ...... - ', . 7. Overall Total It 01 [»,'lelline UnlH (l -G Above) - 3br ~. " , , ~, _ . _ - - ~ -- 11_; , ':, 2b r 4b r or more .. ...,. "r,~ ..#·'·,·.i,·:.. " .., . ,.. .. .... v . " " .' ... II ~ • '- " '" ~'- ?' . . .Co ....,,' ,-I .:,,; IJ ~' t " ... r, ,. • ' . -i. ,\.i' ~ No 1 '. Il~. b) Tot al numb(! , 01 Si t1 ~ l e camllv Lot ~ c) rotal'1ur'1'Iber of Group Housing Unit> ,:! ,.. .- ' ,' e} Minimum Lot $Il (! f) Total Number of f'h ~se.s L. 9, G \"i l,.~ ' ~:: U fd~b' l l h... , ~ Of:Il:t;ti e~ ;' ~ I l v" ill ij 0;, Uicl(s) t~~~ ~. 1 _. If V~~, plu l .. a ni """ , the questlon s lIel\, w ; -- - 8. O"droom Unit s lbr I ' .: '. _ . - _ . _ - 3 . Tolal II Of Apart men t Or Condomin ium Units -- y" - 1,(, : ~ , ._ " " ... 1'1. Tot al number 01 atl Iots ....... _..__. .. ... .._ _....• Attached , ~ ''; IJ c --I 11) .1 '. I . L..o :,) , sp ace quo t ient per Clty Code 10 30n (5) Mu st provide o pen number' of Open Space (onl y) lots I., filing this f'I3n a s the prcpertv own e'(s). I/we do hereby agree ono tlrmly bind ourselve s, my/our Ileirs, executo rs, admini strato rs. successors and assigns joint IV and severally to c onstru c t all il1lnrn"p r1'"d~I1 ~~ ~nrJ m ;:::aKP ~ 11 ,{prllr'::ltll'lnc n c <- \11"'1 '" '' nn .. hie ny nn r'\ c l:ui ( . lh ri h slc!'WI ~11 ' ~", 'It' .... ,,"" .. ......... .. 4 h ,. • h ... r- ,. .. z i f'R ELl M 1 N A R ~ 11FVELOI'MENT PlA,Jlj APP U CATIO r-J 1 10.01 .13 1. Filing Fee fo r Plan Review - Paym ents may be made by cash, Visa, M aster Card or check made payab le to: City of Raleigh (No fee for Infill recombi nation) 2. Preliminary Development Plan Application compl eted and signed by the property own er o 3. Client must complet e and print page 1 and 2 of the Preliminary Development Plan Application to the plan cover sheet (not applicable for infill recombinat ion) 4.1 have referen ced the Prelim inary Development Plan Checklist and by using thi s as a guide, it w ill ensure t hat I receive a comp let e and t horo ugh fi rst review by the City of Raleigh 5. Provide t he fo llowi ng plan sheets: a) Cover sheet : includes general notes, owner' s name, contact's name, te lephone number, mailing addressand email address b) Existi ng Conditions Sheet c) Propo sed Site or Subdivisio n Plan d) Proposed Grading and Stormw at er Plan e) Propo sed Utility Plan, including Fire f) Propo sed Tree Conservatio n Plan ./ 0 ~ 0 0 o ~ g) Proposed Landscaping Plan (Landscape Plan not required for commercial subdivisions) 0 h) Building elevat ions t hat show maxim um height from nat ural and fin ished grade, build ings to be remo ved 0 i) Transportati o n Plan -: o ~ 6. Ten (10) sets of pro posed plans t o engineering scale (1" = 20',1" =100' , etc. ), and date of preparat io n. For re-submi t tal s on ly - include all revision date s 8. A vicinit y map no smaller/les s t han 1" =500' and no larger than 1" =1000' to t he inch, show ing th e posit io n of th e subdivisio n w it h it s relat ion to surrounding st reets and prop ert ies, and o rie nted in t he same dire ct io n as t he prelimin ary plan 9. Include sheet index and legend defin ing all symbols w it h t rue north arro w, wit h north being at t he top of t he map 10. Digital copy of o nly t he plan and elevati ons. Label the CD w it h the plan name, case file numb er, and indicat e how many t imes the plan has been resubmitted for review 11. Wake County School Form, if dwe lli ng units are proposed o o 12. Prelimi nary stormwater quant ity and quality summary and calculat io ns package 13. Fo r secondary tr ee conservation areas, include two (2) copies of t he t ree cover report comp leted by a cert if ied arbor ist, Nort h Carolina licensed landscape architect, o r North Carolin a register ed forester o PRELIMINARY DEVelOPMENT PLAN APPLICATION 1 10.01. 13 3
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