CHAPTER FOUR ATHENIAN IMPORTS IN THE PERSIAN PERIOD Ronald Marchese INTRODUCTION n recent years much attention has been paid to the Persian >eriod in Palestine. Passive politically but active culturally, he region formed part of a much larger area within the ~chaemenid administrative district of 'Beyond the River,' hat is today's Syria and Israel (Rainey 1969: 51-52; Rainey 988). Archaeologically, little is known of the region during he approximately two and a half centuries of Persian rule. [his is best illustrated by the development of a number of egional and sub-regional cultural zones which indicate rarying degrees of cultural uniformity and diversity (Singer\ vitz 1988). By far the best support for such a view appears n the local ceramic assemblages. Initially it was believed hat there was slight variation in form and shape, with the ocal ceramic tradition changing very little throughout the :hronological parameters of the Persian period (Amiran 1969). However, with an ever-increasing number of excarated sites yielding varying amounts of ceramic material 'rom the Persian period, subtle changes have become more ~vident (Stern 1978; Stern 1983; Singer-Avitz 1988). Overill, the study of the material remains of the period is still 1ampered by a lack of the large body of data necessary in )fder to construct an all-embracing relative chronology of >tylistic change. Since local typologies are not uniform and may cover a long chronological range, it is difficult to date >pecific architectural strata in the Persian period on the basis of the local ceramic tradition alone. This, however, can be partially rectified by the appearance of cross-cultural remains originating in the Greek world, which offer a framework for the relative dating of individual strata. Such material has proved very useful in establishing basic chronological divisions within the broader architectural strata of excavated sites of the Persian period (Marchese 1988). Cross-cultural references - primarily ceramic material originating in the East Greek, mainland Greek, and Cypriot worlds - are found throughout Palestine. Such references offer excellent chronological limits for the local ceramic tradition (Singer-Avitz 1988; Marchese 1988). Through the Phoenician cities to the north and the northern coastal centers of today's Israel, goods of high value were distributed along the entire Levan tine coast and further afield into the interior. Such items, rarely imitated by local potters, appear to have been highly prized for their own sake and have been found in quantity at a number of sites (Marchese 1988). This is evident in the occupational strata at Tel Dor, providing an excellent illustration of the volume of commercial activity in the eastern Mediterranean during the Persian period. It is this extensive use of imported wares, primarily Athenian, which provides the necessary reference material for locally developing ceramic types and the chronological horizons for individual architectural strata. The imported assemblage from the Greek world at Tel Dor can be divided into two categories: ( 1) East Greek pottery (see Chapter 3) and (2) pottery from the Greek mainland. The latter is exclusively represented by Athenian wares dating from the middle-late 6th to 4th centuries BCE. Though a vast assortment of shapes is evident, many imported for their own sake and not as containers of goods, the ceramic remains at Tel Dor are both fragmentary and difficult to identify. Their dating is complex, since many of the types have a long use in Athenian contexts (Agora XII). Given these limitations in the total assemblage from Dor, approximately 850 sherds from Areas A and C were studied. All are of Athenian manufacture and cover the full extent of Persian period occupation at the site, i.e. the mid-6th to 4th centuries BCE. The range of Athenian wares is impressive and features a complete repertoire of shapes and styles. This can be divided into three categories: (1) limited quantities of Black Figure; (2) excellent examples of Red Figure of high artistic quality; and (3) a vast assortment of plain Black Painted wares which comprise the bulk of the imported assemblage. First appearing before the end of the 6th century, Attic wares become commonplace by the middle of the 5th century, are abundant in the last quarter of the century, and continue almost without interruption to the end of the 4th century. Although Black and Red Figure are evident, the most common types are the totally Black Painted varieties, which will therefore be treated first; a separate section presents Attic material from Area Cl excavated in 1986-87. Black Painted Attic wares are represented by a variety of shapes and styles (see Tables 4.1-2). They include typical Athenian bowls with thickened incurving rims, the most common shape in the 4th century (Fig. 4.1; Photo 4.1 ); bowls with tapered projecting rims (Fig. 4.2:1-3); bowls with rounded projecting rims (Fig. 4.2:4-6); bowls with flat projecting rims, rare even in Athens and dated mostly to the end of the 5th century (Fig. 4.3:1 ); bowls with rounded and tapered rims (Fig. 4.3:2-3); and finally bowls with thickened in curving and projecting rims (Fig. 4.3: 5-15). Stacked on top of one another and easily transported in bulk, the assortment of bowls indicates an extensive trade in ceramic forms 127 Table 4.1. Black painted wares: distribution of types. Bmv! with incurving rim Thin rim/shallow bowl Thickened rim Total Askas 22 26 48 Shallow body Guttus type Total Rilled rim plate I 2 3 Impressed Total Rolled rim plate Salt cellar Bowl with projecting rim Rounded and tapered Flat and projecting Rounded and projecting, tight curl Slightly projecting/flaring Total 8 10 51 2 71 Concave wa!l Thick foot Total 2 3 5 Oil/amp Stopper/disk Spout Footed Total Total Concave/convex bmt·! Narrow foot Broad foot Total Lid!lekanis 15 8 23 Total 6 Total Stemmed cup 7 7 Mug Total Stemmed dish Foot Total 4 Amphoriskos 4 4 Total Elongated lekythos Stemless cup Rim Handle Body Base Total 15 20 2 15 52 Rim Broad disk base Narrow disk base Total I I 3 Bulbous black bodied lckythos Total 7 Balsa! Straight rim Projecting rim Base Handle Total 19 II 13 5 48 Kantharos/cup kantharos Molded body Handle Pedestaled foot Total 8 2 5 15 Skyphos Rim Handle Torus foot Body sherd Rim and handle Total 28 10 37 6 !9 !00 One-handler Thickened rim Total 128 II II Oinochoc Total 2 Fish plate Low ring base High molded base Rim and shoulder Total Plain Rouletted Body sherd Open vessel Closed vessel White banding Reserve banding Total 0/pe Foot Total Sma!l Large Total 7 2 15 24 18 I II 12 Table 4.2. Black painted wares: distribution of types. Body Sherd Lid/Lekanis lllilll6 Stopper I Oil Lamp iill!li!IB Oinochoe 2 Kantha:ros/Cup Kantharos Lekythos Amphoriskos I Mug iil4 Olpe 1 Salt Cellar iiiii7 Askos One Handler Skyphos Balsa! Stemless Cup Stemmed Dish/Cup Concave/Convex Bowl Bowl with Projecting Rim Bowl with lncurving Rim Rolled Rim Pia te Rilled Rim Plate Fish Plate 120 15 ~5 -11 -11 I100 48 52 23 I I 71 48 1 I 2 I 0 24 20 I 40 60 80 100 120 140 Sherds Frequency Bowls with thickened and incurving rims make up the majority of the impressed wares. Though rim profiles are not preserved for many vessels, ring bases and lower shoulder profiles also represent this class at Dor. Twenty-eight examples exist as bases with black undersides and central nipples. Impressed designs consist of rouletting and alternately linked palmettes. This is the most common shape in the 4th century. A variety of bowls are classified as bowls with projecting rim. Rims are rounded and tapered, flat and projecting, and rounded and projecting. The earliest examples form a tight curl and are attached to straight or angular shoulders. Bowls become popular at the end of the 5th century and are very common at Athens in the 4th century. The tightly curled rim and angular wall give way to a more projecting rim and a flaring wall, forming a double cnrve in profile. c )hoto 4.1. Bowls with incurving rim. a: surface; b: Reg. No. 10469/3, L4098; c: Reg. No. 46536/2, L4652. or their own sake and not as containers of goods. Additional arms include stemmed and stemless cups, bolsals (Fig. 1.4: 1-2; Photo 4.2:a-b), Attic Type A skyphoi (Fig. 4.4:3-7; 'hotos 4.2:d, 4.3), cup skyphoi, one-handlers, askoi (Photo L4), two types of salt cellar (concave walled and footed), lids md stoppers, lekane, olpe, jugs, mugs (Fig. 4.5:1; Photo 4.2:c), amphoriskoi, elongated and squat black bodied ekythoi, kantharoi/cup kantharoi (Fig. 4.5:2-3), oinochoe, trays, plates, stemmed dishes, fish plates (Fig. 4.5:4-6; Photos 4.5-4.6), rilled and rolled rim plates (Figs. 4.5:7-12, 4.6: I; Photo 4. 7), and finally four types of oil lamps Types 23 A, 24 A, 25 A and B (Howland 1958). c b II IIIII Photo 4.2. a: bo1sal, Reg. No. 11710/9, L1212; b: bo1sal, Reg. No. 43136/1, L43l8; c: mug, Reg. No. 46573/1, L4627; d: skyphos, Reg. No. 1190/5, L40. 129 b a c a Photo 4.5 Fish plates. a: Reg. No. 48073/2, L4804; b: Reg. 1\ 48008/4, L4803. b d e Photo 4.3. Bases of Attic Type A skyphoi. a: Reg. No. 1202/2, L40; b: Reg. No. 43387/10, L4367; c: Reg. No. 40612/4, L4150; d: Reg. No. 46640/13, L4672; e: Reg. No. 48165/1, L4828. Photo 4.6. Details as for Photo 4.5. Photo 4.4. Askos. Reg. No. 40446, L4113. Photo 4. 7. Rolled rim plates. a: Reg. No. 46 I 78, L4614; b: Rc. No. 45406/3, L4553. Concave/convex profiled bowls are common in Athenian contexts of the late 5th century. Earlier examples feature a broad resting surface and a reserve underside. Examples of the 4th century exhibit a groove with traces of rouletting in the interior of the vessel. One example from Doris in intentional red with impressed linked palmettes and ovules. The shape appears in the second quarter of the 5th century and disappears before the middle of the 4th century. The exan ples from Dor cluster around the late 5th century, at tr height of the bowl's popularity in Athens. The bolsal was a unique shape, appearing in the thir quarter of the 5th century and continuing well into the 4t century. Changes in vessel shape are seen in the vertic: placement of the wall and the rim. The upperpartofthe wa 130 IS a single curve in the 5th century, with the maximum idth at the rim. As with the skyphoi, the bolsal undergoes transformation in the 4th century: the rim becomes procling and helps create a double curve in the vessel wall. The oderside features a variety of motifs, from concentric cires to a totally painted underside with grooved resting sur.ce; the latter is usual by the mid-4th century. Handles are f a triangular shape and similar to those of skyphoi. The 1ape is very popular in late 5th-century Athens but rentually declines as kantharos vessels become common in 1e 4th century. A marked preference for the skyphos was shown at Dor. is one of the most common shapes found at the site, and ~rtainly one of the most easily transported. The skyphos ·as the most common drinking vessel at Athens from the th to the 4th centuries. The examples from Dor are all of 'ype A. The shape undergoes its major development in the th century, and changes occur in all aspects of the vessel. arly pieces exhibit a single curve until the middle of the cenIry, when a double curve becomes apparent; it is later ccentuated, by the close of the 5th century, by a projecting 1m with a contraction of the vessel wall. Handles shift from horseshoe to a triangular shape by the last quarter of the th century, and in the 4th century are attached to the lower houlder of the vessel. Surface treatment in the foot area hifts from reserving of the outer face of the foot to a painted urface by the second quarter of the 5th century. The earliest xamples have incurving upper shoulders with the widest rea of the vessel at the mid-section; later the profile of the esse\ wall develops to a straight wall, and finally a double urvature. Only rims and shoulders of one-handlers are preserved at )or. The shape is common in black ware and appears in both he 5th and 4th centuries. Rims are thickened, slightly ounded on top, but basically flat. Rims which are also ncurving and projecting on top may in fact belong to those :lasses of bowls. Two out of the three askoi from Dor are of the 'Guttus' ype, with a bulbous body on a low foot. The shape goes back o the late 5th and early 4th centuries. Fish plates are very common in black ware. Generally, hey feature a broad floor sloping to a central depression, a leep overhanging rim, and a stout foot. The earliest pieces late from about 400 and have an elaborate profile consisting Jf a neck above a wide ring foot which exhibits a molded 'xterior. The molding was soon abandoned for the wide ring 'oot which is a common element in the 4th century, as is the ;hift from a reserve underside to painted circles with a cen:ral dot, and finally to a totally painted underside with cen:ral nipple and deep interior depression. The Dor !Ssemblage is of the latter kind, though one early type with 1 painted central dot on the underside was also noted. Rilled rim plates are a product of the late 5th century. The jelicate quality is soon lost as the shape settles down in the 4th century; this is seen in the treatment of the rim, which loses its elaboration. Preference in the 4th century was for rolled rim plates. Only a few examples from Dorwere noted. In the earliest stages of the rolled rim plate two features are retained from the rilled rim variety: concave molding below the rim and rilling above. The rilled rim is soon replaced by a plain rolled rim which is rounded on top, sometimes incurving, or elongated. The development in the pro- file is confined to the 4th century, with a trend towards less elaboration. This is seen in the decline in the concave molding of the vessel, which is replaced by a simple groove on the shoulder. The foot also undergoes marked change: the inner face of the foot forms a single curve with the underside by the middle of the 4th century, and is usually associated with a totally painted underside and a central nipple. Basic interior decoration by the middle of the 4th century is alternately linked palmettes surrounded by a field of rouletting. The shape is common from the early part of the century. Most ofthe vessels were fully pain ted with varying degrees of quality and luster. A small percentage bore additional motifs, usually in the form oflimited painting and/or reserving, mostly undersides; a larger percentage featured incised and impressed decoration (Fig. 4.6:2-8; Photo 4.8). Typical impressed wares of the late 5th and 4th centuries include large bowls and bolsals with tight broad leafed palmettes surrounded by and surrounding bands of ovules, cup skyphoi with linked palmettes, small bowls and stemless cups with palmette and ovules, a variety of bowls and cups with palmette crosses, and bowls with thickened incurving rims and fish plates with rouletting and/or alternating palmettes, linked palmettes, floating palmettes, tight palmette crosses and ovules, and finally ovules and incised lines. Frequencies of the various types of incised and impressed decoration are shown in Table 4.3. Rouletting alone appears on 15 examples of bowls with incurving rim, flaring and grooved foot, and totally painted underside. Only one example is from a bowl with rounded and projecting rim. Seven are from much heavier bowls with totally painted underside and grooved and scraped resting surface. An additional example is from a bowl with flaring shoulder and a tapered projecting rim: One comes from a rilled rim plate which was totally painted. Finally, only one example is from a bowl with concave-convex profile. Table 4.3. Frequencies of impressed and incised decoration. Rouletting Rouletting and palmcttes 25 40 Incised lines. ovules. and palmcttcs 31 Palmcttcs 26 Rouletting and palmettes are associated with bowls with incurving rim, the majority of which belong to the larger variety of this class. The vessels are totally painted with a central nipple. Fifteen featured alternately linked palmettes, while 12 featured a floating palmette design. Of the 15 examples of alternately linked palmettes, one had ovules below a rouletted border. Ovules and incised lines with linked palmettes appeared in 17 examples. The most common type was bowls with vertical shoulders and rounded projecting rims, ring bases, and an underside with a series of concentric circles alternating with reserve areas, and a central dot. One example comes from a bolsal with small palmettes and ovules. An additional example featured an intentional coral red interior and underside. Three examples featured ovules and floating palmettes between rows of ovules; this appears to be confined to small bowl types. Eight examples of small bowls contained only ovules. Finally, an example of a thick footed 13l b d g e h Photo 4.8. Incised and impressed decoration. a: Reg. No. 48035/1, L4803; b: Reg. No.2, Locus AE; c: surface; d: Reg. No. 1063/5, LIS Reg. No. 1058/1, L17; f: Reg. No. 48122/6, L4818; g: Reg. No. 46385/9, L4628; h: Reg. No. 43287/2, L4321. c b d e g Photo 4.9. Bases. Details as for Photo 4.8. bowl with a concave-convex profile featured linked palmettes with ovules. Palmettes alone were usually fragmentary, and were probably combined with other motifs. They appear to be mainly associated with bowls with incurving rim. One appears on a large bowl with thickened straight rim, and another on a straight-shouldered bowl with rounded projecting rim. Five examples of a palmette cross were noted. Finally one example, again from a bowl, featured a horizontally placed palmette chain between rows of linked palmettes. A full range of Attic wares is thus evident, with all the major types represented. This is understandable given the brisk trade along the coast (Elgavish 1968: 42-46). Though some sites can be considered economically passive in the coastal trade, it is doubtful whether Doris to be viewed in this manner. The site contains an extensive collection of types and shapes from the Greek Archaic period, with a substantial quantity evident after 480 BCE and even more after 450, when Athenian domination of the eastern Mediterranean was assured by the outcome of the Persian wars. This is supported by similar findings at both major and minor coastal sites. At Akko and further south at Tel Michal (Avigad 1960; Rapp eta/. 1988), Athenian wares become abundant after 480/450 BCE and include the same basic typological categories. However, the frequency of open shapes such as Attic Type A skyphoi, cup skyphoi, stemless cups, bolsals, and kantharoi, and the large numbers ofbowls, 132 may reflect more than an easily transported shape. Since Do served as a major center of economic distribution for a mucl wider area, it is likely that a Greek enclave existed at the sit and therefore stimulated the importation of certain shape (Stern 1986). This offers a logical explanation for the higl number of cup shapes found at the site. Though the bulk of the Athenian imports are plain Blacl Painted wares, limited quantities ofboth Black and Red Fig ure are also evident at Dor, though again in highly fragmen tary state. Approximately 86 pieces were found in Areas P and C, all but one quite small. Almost all are from oper vessels, with only a few pieces from lekythoi (see also Chap ter 3, Nos 211-212, 225, 273) and perhaps one from ar oinochoe. Stemless cups, skyphoi, and kraters are the mos common shapes. Interestingly, most of the black-figured pieces are frorr stemless cups, most ranging in date from 520 to 475 BCE while only four red-figured pieces can be attributed to thi~ shape. Some of the designs are suggestive of dancers (e.g Nos. 2, 3, and 46). There are fewer skyphos fragments than stemless cups, bu1 some impressive figural designs are found in this shape. No. 28 shows a competently painted female figure with the face and eye in profile and a plain hairstyle; the drapery is finely drawn but not molded to the figure. The drapery and smoothly drawn floral motifs on Nos. 29-33 are probably from the same vessel. The best examples of red-figured painting come from 'aters, The profile of a male face (No, 50) is representative ·the types attributed to the workshop of Kleophon, since ,e fine drawing recalls the female face by Kleophon, The re is in true profile, with a drawn eyebrow as well as an Jper and lower lid. The man's forehead and nose are 'classitlly' straight. He wears a headband drawn with an elegant ne brown line. A later krater (No. 56) shows a female face L profile; the eyes are wide open and have long eyelashes, his fragment shows the abundant use of white paint comtonly associated with the late 5th century, and great care is <ident in its execution. Generally, the figured pottery ranges in date from the secnd half ofthe 6th to the middle of the 4th centuries BCE. [one of the earliest Attic black-figured styles appear to be ~presented at Dor. Kraters, with a few exceptions (Nos. 3-46), begin to turn up in large numbers around the middle f the 5th century; this occurs roughly at the time when the umbers of stemless cups diminish. Skyphoi appear 1roughout the 5th century, However, by the end of the 5th entury and certainly by the 4th century figured Attic wares ecline in importance (Bailey 1940: 60-70; Clairmont 954-55: 85-141; Clairmont 1956--57: 1-34; Pecirka 1976: -29; Elayi 1983: 227-32). The catalogue provides a general description of individual >ieces cross-referenced to the Athenian Agora, especially for lle plain Black Painted wares (Agora XU; Howland 1958). :olor designations are part of the description and refer to he interior and exterior surfaces. Though sherds in the bulk >fthe catalogue are described in traditional color terms (e.g. >lack, red/brown, gray/black), Munsell (1976) designations .re provided in Table 4.4. Table 4.4. Munsell designations for colors. Black Lustrous black Matt black Metallic black Gray/black Red Red/brown Light red/brown Red/yellow Brown Brown/black Brown/red Light brown Pink 7.5YR 210 IOYR 211 2.5YR 2.510 2.5YR 310 2.5YR 3/i IOR 418 and 2.5YR 5/6 2.5YR 312. 5YR 314. 5YR 4/4, and 7.5YR 312 5YR 614 5YR 616, 716. and 718 7.5YR 516 SYR 311 IOYR 313 7.5YR 614 and 714 SYR 713 and 714 Microscopic analysis of the clay on a random selection of sherds conducted at the Archaeometry Laboratory at the University of Minnesota at Duluth indicated a uniform structure of very fine grain. High-temperature firing resulted in a consistent clay color in thin section, which in a random selection of sherds was defined as light reddish yellow (7 .5YR 7/8) for the majority of the assemblage. Surface treatment varied between a uniform application of color, a pattern of striation caused by unevenly applied paint and 'stacking marks' from the multiple stacking of vessels during firing, and a mottled surface of red/black again caused by uneven application of paint and firing techniques. Chronological limits for individual sherds are generally given in quarter centuries, since shapes had a long sequence of use and subtle alterations of individual shapes occurred over prolonged periods . 133 CATALOGUE- PLAIN BLACK ATTIC Locus Type Description Uncatalogued Uncatalogued Tapered rim bowl Small thin walled bowl with incurving rim Uncatalogued Small bowl with projecting rim Uncatalogued Uncatalogued Bowl with thickened incurving rim Thin walled bowl with rounded and tapered projecting rim U ncatalogued Bowl with projecting rim UncatalogueU Small bowl with thickened incurving rim Uncatalogued Uncatalogued Base of bowl Base of bowl Uncatalogued Plain rim of thin walled balsa! Uncatalogued Bottom ofbolsal Uncatalogued Body sherd of thin walled balsa!? Uncatalogued Attic Type A skyphos Uncatalogued Uncatalogued Outturned and tapered rim of Attic Type A skyphos Disk base of mug? Uncatalogued Uncatalogued Molded foot Oval handles Uncatalogued Uncatalogued Uncatalogued Uncatalogued Uncatalogued Body sherds (13) Body sherd Body shcrd Body sherd Body sherd Surface Surface Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim Rim and shoulder of bowl Surface Surface Rim and shoulder ofbolsal Rim and shoulder of shallow bowl Surface Small bowl with broad base and in curving rim Surface Small bowl with in curving rim Surface Lower shoulder of plate Surface Surface Rim and shoulder of Attic Type A skyphos Rim of amphora Surface Handle and shoulder of stemless cup Surface Rilled rim plate Surface Rim of rolled rim plate Surface Bowl with in curving rim Surface Rim offish plate Int.!ext.lustrous black, three fragments from same bowl, ca. mid-5th century Int.!exL lustrous to matt black, groove at junction of wall and foot, reserved andJ scraped, reserved and grooved resting surface, underside totally glazed with contin ous curve to central nipple, underside inscribed with potter's mark, int. fo impressed palmettes forming loose cross in center of vessel, ca. 350 (Agora XII:83 Int./ ext. matt brown to black, mottled at rim, flat rim, low shallow bowl, ca. 375-3 (Agora XII:820) lnt./ext.lustrous black, shallow bowl type, ca. 375 (Agora XII:828) Int./ext. metallic black to gray, wide shallow bowl with sliglitly thickened projecti rim, vessel wall features a 'relaxed' profile, ca. 350-325 (towards the end of the qm ter) (Agora XII:805) Int./ext. high gloss lustrous black, slightly thickened and rounded tightly curled pr jecting rim, ca. 300-375 (Agora XII:802) Int./ext. metallic black to red, heavily striated and mottled, peeled in places, probab broad base, ca. 350-325 (Agora XII:887) Int./ext. matt black, light rouletting on int., deep ring base. ca. 325 Int./ext.lustrous black to gray, reserve underside with three painted bands and centr dot, ca. 425 Int. striated lustrous to matt black, ext. lustrous to matt black, handle attached bela straight rim, ca. 375-350 Int. slightly striated lustrous black, ext. lustrous black, impressed ovules surroundir palmettes, ca. 425 Int./ext. metallic to matt blade/gray, int. two incised lines surrounding tightly group{ broad-leafed palmettes, ca. 425 Int. lustrous to matt black, ext. high lustrous black slightly peeled, straight incurvir rim with widest diameter of vessel below rim and neck, ca. 475-450 (Agora XII:342) Int./ext. black to gray/black, slight double curve below rim; ca. 400-375 (AgOJ XII:349) Int. dull black, ext. duli black to red, flat bottom concave at base with reserve unde side thickened at center, ca. 400 (Agora XII:203) Top lustrous black with reserve underside, ca. mid-5th century (middle of quarter) Lustrous black, two handle fragments probably from same vessel, possibly balsa!, o 400? (Agora XII: 56!) lnt./ext. lustrous black, from same vessel, 5th century Int./ext.lustrous black, ca. 450-425 Int.! ext. lustrous black, from open vessel, ca. 450-425 Int./ext. matt black, from open vessel, ca. 350 Int.lext. lustrous black, ext. with thin white painted band, from open vessel, ct 450-425 Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, thickened rim rounded on top and projecting, tight! curled, groove at junction of wall and foot, angular wall, ca. 375 (Agora XII:885) Int./ext. lustrous black, thickened rim rounded on top and slightly incurving, thi walled, ca. 375 (Agora XII:876) Int.lext. lustrous black, plain rim, ca. 425-400 (Agora XII:54l) Int.! ext. matt black, thickened rim rounded on top, thin walled, ca. 375-350 (end o quarter) (Agora XII:882) Int./ext. striated matt brown/black, broad low ring base, reserve resting surface witl painted red/brown circle, underside red/brown with central nipple, int.loosely place( palmette cross, shallow bowl type, ca. 350-325 (Agora XII:887) Int./ext.lustrous to matt black, thickened rim, low ring foot with scraped and groove< resting surface, groove at junction of wall and foot, underside totally painted, int. spi raJ rouletting surrounding a palmette cross, ca. 350-325 (Agora XII:828) Int./ext. matt black, slightly striated, groove at junction of wall and resting surface resting surface scraped, underside totally painted, shallow ring foot, int. spira rouletting, thickened upper wall, ca. 350 Int.!ext. lustrous to matt black, plain straight rim, slight bulge below rim, ca. 450 Ext. lustrous black, int. matt black, slight ridge below rim with reserve band separatin! neck and shoulder, decoration of elongated leaf in reserve Int./ext.lustrous black, carinated shoulder, handle attached at shoulder, inner face a· handle and area between attachment in reserve, ca. 450-245 (middle of quarter) Int. lustrous to matt black, ext. lustrous black, groove under lip, grooved rim and lowe1 wall, ca. 400-375 (Agora XII: !037) Int./ ext. lustrous to matt black, groove on int. face of lip, groove below rim on ext face, ca. 350 (Agora Xll:l059) Int.!ext. lustrous to matt black, thickened rim, shallow bowl type, groove at junction of wall and foot, resting surface scraped and grooved, underside totally painted with small central nipple, int. spiral rouletting surrounding five linked thin-leafed palmettes around central circle, ca. 375-350 (Agora XII:830) Int./ext.lustrous black, vertically placed rim, slightly tapered, scraped groove at edge of rim, thin walled, ca. 375-350 (Agora Xli:I066) 134 :us Type face Handle of kantharos Description Int./ext.lustrous to matt black, flaring upper wall and rim, vertically placed strap handle, ca. 400 (Agora XII:646) ·face Small bowl with projecting rim -face Ring foot of stemless cup rface Rim and shoulder of stemless cup Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, rim rounded on top and slightly tapered, thin walled, ca. 375-350 (Agora XII:803) Int. coral/intentional red, ext. lustrous black, underside reserve with three thick to thin red concentric circles and central dot, int. linked palmettes surrounding incised lines with ovules which surround palmettes on a central incised circle, ca. 440-430 (Agora XII:476) Int.!ext. lustrous black, slightly peeled, concave outer edge, carinated shoulder with groove on int. surface, ca. 450-425 (Agora Xll:47l) Reg. No. Area Type Description 2 A Base of stemless cup - 18.11 A Bowl with projecting rim F 11/9 A Rolled rim plate F 31.4 A Bowl with projecting rim F 32 A Rim and shoulder of fish plate F 319 A Rim and shoulder of fish plate G 57116 A Salt cellar, footed type H 27.8 A Bowl with projecting rim Int./ext. lustrous black, high ring foot, tapered inner face painted black, junction of vessel wall and foot in reserve, reserve underside with three thick to thin concentric circles with central dot, reused as strainer with pierced hole at location of central dot, int. thin incised lines with ovules haphazardly placed within line surrounding five linked palmettes which surround haphazardly placed ovules around an incised central circle, ca. 400 (Agora XII:476) Int./ext. lustrous to metallic black, rim slightly rounded at top, tapered and projecting, ca. 375 (Agora XII:803). Int./ext. matt black, heavily peeled, groove below rim, ring foot, underside totally painted, ca. 350 lnt.lext. lustrous to matt black, ext. lustrous black, rim rounded on top, tightly curled and slightly projecting, ca. 375 (Agora XII:803) Int./ext. semi-lustrous to metallic black, groove on outer edge within reserve band, low angle of wall profile, ca. 375 Int./ext. lustrous black, reserve at junction of lip and top of vessel wall, groove within reserve band at edge, short overhanging lip, ca. 400-375 lnt./ext.lustrous to semi-matt black, ring foot with broad resting surface, scraped groove at junction of foot and vessel wall, resting surface reserve, underside painted, ca. 375-350 (Agora XII:o44) Int./ext. matt black, shallow wall, rouletting, projecting and flaring rim, ca. 425 ocus Reg. No. Area Phase Type Description 0 10 13/J AO 3 or later High ring foot of bowl with incurving rim 0 1013/3 AO 3 or later Ring foot of bowl 0 I 026/2 AO 3 or later 0 1026/3 AO 3 or later 0 I 026/4 AO 3 or later Deep bowl with projectingrim Oval strap handle of olpe? Low ring foot Int./ext.lustrous black, groove at junction of vessel wall and foot, scraped and grooved resting surface, underside totally painted, int. rouletting surrounding palmettes, ca. 375-350 Int./ext.lustrous black, scraped and grooved resting surface, underside totally painted, ca. 375-350 lnt.lext. lustrous to matt black, rim slightly rounded on top with tight projecting curl, reserve band below rim, ca. 400 Int./ext. matt black, ca. 375-350 4 1007/3 AO 4a Ring base of bowl 4 1007/17 AD 4a 4 I 017/3 AO 4a Salt cellar. footed type/ small bowl with incurving rim Molded wallofkan tharos i4 10231 AO 4a Ring base of bowl 17 1025/i AD 4 High ring foot and base of bowl with incurving rim )CUS Int.!ext. lustrous to matt black, reserve at junction of vessel wall with slight groove at resting surface, underside totally painted, int. incised lines with ovules, ca. 400 Int./ext.lustrous black. groove at junction of foot and vessel wall, high ring base, scraped resting su1face, underside totally painted, int. spiral rouletting, ca. 375-350 Int.lext. lustrous black, thickened rim with shallow flaring ring foot, reserve/scraped resting surface, underside reserve, ca. 400-375 (Agora Xll:942 base, 949 vessel profile) Int./ext. matt black, deeply ribbed wall, groove at junction of vessel wall and foot, ca. 350-325 (middle to end of quarter) (Agora XII:704) Int./ext. striated matt black, scraped and grooved resting surface, underside totally painted with central nipple, ca. 350 (Agora Xll:828) Int./ext. lustrous black, striated outer face of foot, reserved and grooved at junction of vessel wall and foot, resting surface scraped and grooved, underside totally painted with central nipple, int. alternately linked broad leafed palmettcs around incised circle, ca. 375-350 (Agora XJI:832) 135 Locus Reg. No. Area Phase Type Description 17 1025/2 AO 4 17 102512? AO 4 Int./ext. lustrous black, slightly peeled, underside totally ·painted witt central nipple, int. alternately linked palmettes, ca. 375-350 Inl.!ext. matt black, int. linked palmette cross, ca. 350 17 10581 AO 4 Ring foot and base of bowl with incurving rim Central nipple of base of bowl Base of bowl 17 I 058/5 AO 4 17 17 18 1058/7 1058/8 I 030/4 AO AO AO 4 5 High ring foot of stemless cup Body sherd of bowl Body sherd Base ofbolsal 18 1051/3 AO 5 Bowl with projecting rim 18 I 051/5 AO 5 Base and ring foot offish plate 18 1051/9 AO 5 Base and ring foot of bowl with incurving rim 18 1059 AO 5 Body sherd of open vessel 18 I 063/1 AO 5 Ring foot and base of bowl 18 I 063/2 AO 5 18 1063/5 AO 5 Base and ring foot of amphora? Base of large bowl 18 19 1065/2 !057 AO AO 5 4 Body sherd of bowl Bowl with projecting rim 19 1057/2 AO 4 19 1057/7 AO 4 Small bowl with concave/convex wall and narrow fool Base of bowl (bolsal?) 19 1057/8 1057/10 AO AO 4 !9 19 27 I 057111 I 072/3 AO AO 4 5(b'') 27 27 1072/5 1071/13 AO AO 5(b?) 5(b?) 27 1072/33 AO 5(b?) 27 I 075/1 AO 5(b?) 27 27 27 1075/2 108711 1091/1 AO AO AO 5(b?) 5(b?) 5(b?) 27 I 09l/5 AO 5(b?) 27 1092/3 AO 5(b?) 4 Int./ext. lustrous black, underside reserve with two bands (thick and thin) of black and brown red paint and central circle with dot, int. se' linked palmettes above double incised lines of ovules, ca. 400. Int./ext. lustrous black, inner face of foot partially reserve, ca. 425-4( (Agora XII:476) Int./ext. lustrous blade, int. thin leafed palmette, ca. 400-375 Int./ext. matt black, heavily peeled, ca. 350? Int./ext.lustrous black, reserve at junction of vessel wall and foot, int linked palmettes, ca. 425-400 Int.!ext. lustrous to matt black, slightly peeled, thickened and rounde1 rim with tight curl, projecting, ca. 400-375 (Agora XII:779) Jnt./ext. striated lustrous black, slightly peeled, reserve resting surface with slight groove, underside totally painted, slight groove around cer tral depression, ca. 350 (Agora XII: I 071) Int./ext. striated lustrous to matt black, underside totally painted (stri ated red to brown-black) with central nipple, int. rouletting surroundi badly worn alternately linked palmettes, reserve at junction of vessel wall and foot, ca. 350 Int./ext.lustrous black, reserve at junction of foot and vessel wall, ca. 425-400 !nt./ext. lustrous to matt black, reserve at junction of vessel wall and foot, resting surface scraped, underside totally painted with central ni pie, int. spiral rouletting surrounding broad leafed alternately linked palmettes, ca. 350 (Agora XII:829) Ext. lustrous black, reserve at junction of vessel wall and foot, resting surface and underside reserve, ca. 450 Int./ext.l ustrous black, underside two wide concentric circles of brow red matt paint and thin central circle with dot on reserve underside, ir two incised lines with ovules surrounding six linked palmettes around two incised lines with ovules at center of bowl, ca. 400 (Agora XII:587 Int./cxt.lustrous intentional red, ca. 475-450 Int./ext. lustrous black, bowl with deep ring base, slightly grooved and scraped at junction of vessel wall and foot, underside painted on foot with reserve band at junction of foot and base, alternating black paint1 bands and reserve on bottom of vessel, int. five tightly alternately linked palmettes surrounding thin circle of rouletting, vertical profile 1 vessel wall, ca. 390-375 (Agora Xl1:803) 4 Body sherd of bowl Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim Bowl with incurving rim Base of bowl (bolsal?) Handle of stemless cup Rim and handle of Attic Type A skyphos Shallow wall of concave/ convex bowl, broad foot type Rim offish plate Base of bowl Body sherd ofopen vessel Lower wall of Attic Type A skyphos Torus foot and lower wall of Attic Type A skyphos Base of small bowl Int./ext.lustrous black, underside reserve, ca. 400 (Agora XII:821) Int./ext.lustrous to matt black, reserve at junction of vessel wall and foot, int. broad leafed linked palmeltes above two incised lines with ovules, ca. 400 (Agora XII:826) Jnt./cxt. lustrous black, ca. 425-400 Int./ext.lustrous black, rim rounded on top, tightly curled, and slight!) projecting, straight wall profile, ca. 375 (Agora XII:803) Int./ext lustrous black, peeled, thickened rim, ca. 375 (Agora XII:828) ~nt./ext. lustrous black, junction of foot and vessel wall reserve, int. linked palmettes around incised line, ca. 400 Ext. lustrous black, totally painted, ca. 425 (Agora XI1:427) Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, projecting rim, handle on lower shoulder, ca. 400-375 (Agora Xll:352) Ext. lustrous to matt black, resting surface reserve, broad foot, underside mottled red to lustrous black with central ridge, int. intentional re with linked palmettes surrounding ovules, ca. 430-425 (Agora XII:818 Int./ext. lustrous black, lip section groove at edge, pronounced over~ hang, ca. 3 75 Int./ext. lustrous black, underside reserve with black band, ca. 400 Int./ext.lustrous black, ca. 450-425 Int./ext.lustrous black, partially striated red, ca. 425 Int./ext.lustrous black, grooved at junction of vessel wall and foot, reserve resting surface, inner face of foot red/brown, reserve underside ca. 450-425 Int./ext. fired lustrous intentional red, reserve at junction of vessel wall and foot, flaring foot with concave molding, reserve resting surface, concave molding on underside with central ridge, center reserve, ca. 430 (Agora Xll:870) 136 locus Reg. No. Arm Phase Type Description n 1096/3 AO 5(b'') Base of bowl 18 1108/4 AO 5 (+6?) (disturbed) Rim and shoulder of small bowl Int. lustrous black with palmette on incised central circle, underside reserve with thin and thick black bands around central circle with dot, ca. 425 Int./ext. lustrous black, rim rounded on top and slightly thickened and incurving, reserve at junction of vessel wall and foot, ca. 400 (Agora 5 (+6') Ring base of one-handler XII:876) 18 II 08/5 AO 18 1129 AO (disturbed) 5 ( +6?) (disturbed) 18 113111 AO 5(+6?) (disturbed) 18 1136 AO 5 ( +67) (disturbed) Handle and rim of Attic Type A skyphos Body sherd of open vessel (bowl) Bowl with projecting rim (possibly one-handler) Body sherd of closed vessel Uug?) Base of balsa! Base of bowl Handle ofbolsal 19 I 079/2 AO 4b 19 29 32 1079/3 I 07915 115019 AO AO AO 4b 4b 6 (a?lb') 33a 110914 AO 6a 33a 116/2 AO 6a lla llb 1116/3 1117/5 AO AO 6a 6b 33b 111718 AO 6b J]b J]b 111719 1117110 AO AO 6b 6b J]b 112611 AO 6b 3Jb 1126/5 AO 6b 33b 1134 AO 6b Bowl with flat projecting nm 33b 115211 AO 6b 3Jb 115314 AO 6b Sha!low wa!l of concave/convex bowl Flaring foot of Attic Type A skyphos? 33b 33b 1155/5 11573 AO AO 6b 6b 33b 1163 AO 6b 33b 1164/1 AO 6b 3Jb 1164/3 AO 6b 33b 1173110 AO Gb 33b 117311 AO 6b 33b 117413 AO 6b 33b 117414 AO 6b 34 118 AO 5? 40b 1190/5 AO 7+8 40b 119312 AO 7+8 Body sherd of open vessel (bowl) Handle, rim, and upper shoulder of Attic Type A skyphos Handle of stemless cup Molded foot of stemmed dish Bowl with concave/convex profile, shallow wall type Handle ofbolsal Horseshoe handle of Attic Type A skyphos Torus foot and base of Attic Type A skyphos Handle and rim ofbolsal Straight rim of skyphos Torus foot and base of Attic Type A skyphos Base of balsa! Disk base of elongated lekythos Cushioned pedestaled foot of stemmed cup Torus foot of Attic Type A skyphos Body sherd of open vessel (bowl) Disk base of stemmed cup (acrocup) Torus foot of Attic Type A skyphos Handle and rim of Attic Type A skyphos Rim, shoulder, and handle of Attic Type A skyphos Small olpe lnt./ext. lustrous black, torus foot, resting surface reserve, inner face of foot painted black, underside reserve, ca. 475-450 (Agora XII:731) Int. striated black/brown, ext. lustrous black, straight rim and horseshoe handle, ca. 440-425 Int./ext. lustrous black, ca. 424-400 Int./ext. lustrous black, thickened rim rounded on top band projecting both outwards and inwards, ca. 425 (Agora XII:778) Ext. lustrous black, int. reserve, neck fragment, ca. 425-400 Int./ext. lustrous black, int. thin leafed linked palmettes, ca. 400 Int./ext. matt black, int. spiral rouletting, ca. 350-325 Totally painted lustrous black, thin walled delicate class, horseshoe handle attached below straight rim at angle, ca. 425-400 Int. lustrous intentional red, ext. lustrous striated black, ca. 450-430 lnt./ext.lustrous to matt black slightly peeled, horseshoe handle attached slightly below rim, ca. 450-425 (Agora XII:359) Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, inner face of handle reserve, ca. 425 Ext. lustrous black to gray, molded outer face with groove below flat upper section of foot, underside reserve with black concentric band, slight raised ridge on underside, ca. 450? Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, groove below rim with pronounced ridge, reserve resting surface, underside painted black, ca. 425-400 (Agora XII:821-22) Int./ext.lustrous black to brown, oval handle totally painted, ca. 425-400 Horizontally placed, totally painted lustrous black, ca. 450-425 (Agora XII:534) Int./ext. striated red to black lustrous to matt, inner face of torus foot red, underside reserve, ca. 475-450 Int.!ext. lustrous to matt black, horseshoe handle and slightly projecting rim, handle attached below lip of rim, ca. 425-400 (Agora XII:558) lnt./ext. striated matt black/red, small shallow bowl, rim flat and projecting, slightly incurving, wide ring foot with groove, underside with central nipple, ca. 375-350 (Agora XII:880) Int./ext. lustrous black, groove below lip and upper shoulder, slight in curving oflip and rim, ca. 425-400 Int./ext.lustrous intentional red, groove and reserve at junction of vessel wa!l and foot, foot red, underside red on reserve, resting surface reserve, ca. 475-450 (Agora XII:335) lnt./ext.lustrous black, interior oflip fired red, ca. 450....425 lnt./ext.lustrous black, reserve at junction of vessel wall and foot, resting surface reserve, inner face of foot painted red/brown, ca. 450-425 Int./cxt. lustrous red with traces of black, underside red with central area reserve, foot missing, ca. 450 Top lustrous black, side reserve, underside reserve with recessed center, ca. 450 Int./ext. lustrous intentional red, underside intentional red, reserve resting surface, ca. 475-450 (Agora XII:442) Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, reserve resting surface, ca. 450-425 Int.!ext. lustrous black, slightly peeled, ca. 450? Underside reserve with central recess in red, top of base fired red/brown and striated, ca. 450(?) (Agora XII:432) Int./ext. lustrous black, lustrous to matt black interior, resting surface reserve with inner face of foot painted black, underside reserve, ca. 450 Int./ext. lustrous black, horseshoe handle attached at straight rim, upper section of vessel incurving, widest diameter of vessel at center, ca. 450 Int./ext. lustrous red to mottled black, horseshoe shaped handle attached at straight rim, widest diameter of vessel below handles, ca. 475 (Agora XII:342) Ext. mottled matt black, underside reserve, trace of black paint on outer edge of base, concave wall, ca. 350-325 (Agora Xll:275) 137 Locus RC'g.No. Area Phase Type Description 40b 1201 AD 7+8 40b 1201/2 AD 7+8 Handle ofkrater or lekanis Rim, shoulder, foot, and base of Attic Type A skyphos 45 1200/4 AO 7+8 (+6b??) 46 406 1222/1 4187/10 co AO 7+8 Mixed Rim of Attic Type A skyphos Handle of stemless cup? Foot and base ofkrater? 413 4128/3 co I (disturbed) Bowl with projecting rim 437 4331 II co Mixed Bowl with projecting rim 437 4331/11 co Mixed Base and foot offish plate 446a 4272/2 co 3 454 4346/1 co Later than 4 457 4420/17 co Later than 4 Rim and shoulder of fish plate Rim and shoulder of balsa! Rim and lip offish plate Horizontally placed handle with ext. striated lustrous black, inner face reserve, ca. 450-425 Int./ext. red to matt black, tapered rim, groove at junction of vessel wa and torus foot, widest diameter at central point of vessel with uppper section slightly incurving, resting surface reserve, underside reserve with inner face of foot painted red/brown, ca. 4 75 (Agora XII:342) Int. lustrous to matt black, ext. lustrous black, slightly projecting rim, ca. 425 (Agora XII:354) Ext. lustrous black, inner face reserve, ca. 425? Int./ext.lustrous to matt black, reserve band at junction of vessel wall and foot, inner surface of foot painted, resting surface scraped, reserve underside, int. of vessel with potter's mark, deep ring and flaring foot type, ca. 450-425 Int./ext. matt black, thin walled with single curve, tapered and projecting rim, ca. 350 (Agora XII:803) Int./cxt. lustrous to matt black, thin walled with single curve, tapered and projecting rim, ca. 375 (Agora XII:803) Int./ext. mottled matt black, resting surface painted, underside totally painted with central nipple, int. deep groove surrounding central depression, thickened wall with stout ring foot, ca. 325 Int./ext. matt black, concave/convex, rim down turned, ca. 325 468 4539/6 co 3?/4a?? Rolled rim plate 485 5124/7 co 4a (unsealed) 496 4501 co 3 (unsealed) Rim of Attic Type A skyphos Shallow ring foot of bowl 497 497 4778/17 4778/18 Cl Cl 2?1 ?? 2?11 ?? Rim of stmless cup Rim of stemless cup 497 497 4778/19 4778/20 Cl Cl 2?11 '?'? 2?/J?? Same vessel as 4 778118 Base of small bowl 503 5444/10 co 3 Base and foot of bowl 508 4717 co 4 (disturbed?) Rim and shoulderofbowl 523 4660/2 Cl 2 524 4873 Cl 3 (disturbed) Oval strap handle of oinochoe? Rim and lip offish plate 524 4873/5 Cl 3 (disturbed) Bowl with incurving rim 524 48/J/6 Cl 3 (disturbed) 534 4679/3 Cl Later than 2 551 5006/8 co 4b Molded shoulder of cup kantharos/kantharos Stout ring foot and base of bowl Bowl with incurving rim 574 4906/3 co 4?(b??) Shallow ring base of small bowl 574 4906/5 Cl 4(b'>?) Rim of cup kantharos 602 501214 Cl 3(b?) Ring foot, base, 138 Int./ ext. lustrous black, projecting rim, ca. 375 (Agora XII:558) Int./ext.lustrous to matt black, lip placed vertically on vessel, ca. 400-375 (Agora XII: 1061) Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, thickerned rim with groove below rim and slightly concave wall, ring foot, scraped resting surface, underside totally painted, int. spiral rouletting, ca. 350-325 (Agora XII: 1060) Int./ext. lustrous black, flaring and tapered projecting rim, double curv (convex/concave) profile, ca. 400-375 (Agora XII:352) Jnt./ext. matt black to brown, junction offoot and vessel wall slightly grooved, scraped resting surface, underside totally painted with central nipple, int. spiral rouletting surrounding haphazardly placed floating palmettes, ca. 325 Int./ext.lustrous black, tapered and flaring, ca. 375-350 Int./ ext. lustrous to matt black, articulate carination, rounded and flaring rim, ca. 425-400 (Agora XII:494) Int./ext.lustrous black, ring base,junction of vessel wall and foot grooved and scraped, resting surface scraped, underside totally painted concave/convex foot, int. thin dot rouletting surrounding linked palmettes, thin walled vessel, ca. 350 Int./ext.lustrous to matt black, junction of vessel wall and foot scraped resting surface scraped, totally painted underside with central nipple, int. double row of spiral rouletting with thin incised line between and surrounding four scattered palmettes at center, ring foot, ca. 350-325 Int./ext. lustrous black, broad flat projecting rim, inner edge of rim scraped, thin groove on int. below rim at junction of vessel shoulder, ca 400-375 (Agora XII:880-81) Totally painted lustrous black, central ridge, ca. 450-425 Int./ext.lustrous black, slight groove at junction of lip and shoulder of vessel, shallow angular profile, ca. 3 75 (Agora XII: I 066) Int./cxt.lustrous to matt black, junction of wall and foot reserve, restinJ surface of ring foot grooved and reserved, underside totally painted, int spiral rouletting, long stitch, ca. 350 Int./ext. matt black, ribbing below lip, ribbing not painted, probably peeled, ca. 350-325 (Agora XII: Pl. 28:673-74) Int./cxt. lustrous red/black, int. spiral rouletting, underside totally painted, ca. 350 Jnt./ext. lustrous to matt black, ring base with groove at junction of vessel wall and shoulder, int. spiral rouletting, ca. 350 (Agora XII; Pl. 33:850) Int./ext. matt black, thin walled, grooved atjunetion of vessel wall and foot, scraped resting surface, underside totally painted, spiral rouletting surrounding free floating palmettes, ca. 350-325 (early part of quarter) Int./ext. matt black, concave lip thickened, rounded, and projecting, ca. 350 (Agora XII:707) Ext. lustrous black to brown, int. totally peeled, underside totally Locus Reg. No. Area Phase Type Description shoulder, and rim of plate painted black/red, resting surface reserve, tapered rim, concave molding below rim with groove on face, ca. 350 (Agora XII: 1055-56) Int./ext. lustrous black, carinated shoulder with rounded and projecting rim, ca. 425-400 (Agora XII:494) Int./ext.lustrous to matt black, groove at junction of vessel wall and ring foot, underside totally painted and with central nipple, int. rouletting, ca. 350 Int./ext.lustrous black, reserve at junction of vessel wall and foot, resting surface scraped and grooved, underside totally painted continuous curve to foot, spiral rouletting, some trace of incising, ca. 375-350 (earlier part of quarter) lnt./ext. lustrous to matt black, underside black band in large reserve area with small concentric circle and dot, groove around central depression ofint., probably early fish plate, ca. 400-375 (Agora XII: I 066-67) Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, reserve at junction of vessel wall and foot, convex/concave foot, reserve resting surface, underside two black bands on reserve, int. spiral rouletting surrounding alternately linked broad leafed pahnettes, ca. 375 Int./ext.lustrous black, slight ridge below rim and concave lower shoulder, underside totally painted, int. spiral rouletting surrounding dot~outlined palmette, ca. 350 (early part of quarter) (Agora XII: I 057) Int./ext.lustrous black, reserve band at junction of vessel wall and foot, resting surface scraped and grooved, int. haphazardly placed small broad leafed palmettes below dot rouletting, ca. 375-350 Int./ ext. lustrous to matt black, convex/concave ring foot, resting surface scraped, underside totally painted, int. spiral rouletting surrounding badly worn thin leafed palmettes, ca. 350 Int./ext.lustrous black, stepped stem with flat top, wide knob with ridge and raised edge on top of knob, sunken center, reversible lid, ca. 375 (Agora XII: 1239-41) Int./ext.lustrous black, reserve and grooved resting surface, shallow concave/convex ring foot, ca. 375-350 Int./ ext. matt black, reserve and grooved resting surface, underside painted with central nipple, int. spiral rouletting surrounding alternately linked palmettes, heavily worn, ca. 350 (Agora Xll:805) Int./ext. matt black, projecting rim with horizontal handle below rim at upper shoulder, handle at slight angle set high on shoulder, double curve to vessel profile, ca. 375 (Agora XII:349) lnt./ext.lustrous black, thickened rim, ca. 375-350 (early part of quarter) (Agora Xll:828) Int./ext.lustrous to matt black, groove at junction of vessel wall and foot, resting surface scraped and grooved, underside totally painted, int. spiral rouletting, ca. 350 Int./ext. lustrous black, underside reserve with black painted band, ca. 425 Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, foot and underside totally painted, int. spiral rouletting surrounding alternately linked palmettes, concave molding beneath rim with slight groove, shallow ring foot, ca. 350 (Agora XII: 1058) lnt./cxt. lustrous black, shal!ow bowl type, rim rounded on top and slightly projecting as tight curl, ca. 375 (Agora Xll:803) Totally painted lustrous black, slightly peeled, raised central section with angular wall, ca. 450-425 (Agora XII: Pl. 1330) Int./ext. matt black, underside reserve with black painted band, int. groove around central depression, ca. 375 (Agora XII:1069) lnt./cxt. lustrous black paint, lipped foot, concave molding with central groove on outer face, concave/convex with ridge on upper surface, broad substantial foot, ca. 450 (Agora XII:958) lnt./ext. lustrous black, deep ring foot with concave outer face, ca. 400 (Agora X11:561) lnt./ext. matt black, molded shoulder, thin walled, ca. 350 (Agora X11:707-708) Int./ext.lustrous black, scraped and grooved resting surface, underside and foot form single curve, underside totally painted black, int. spiral rouletting surrounding a series ofpalmettes, ca. 37 5-350 (Agora XII:822) Int.!ext. matt black, scraped groove at edge of plate, overhanging lip, ca. 350 (Agora XII: 1076) Int./ext.lustrous black, reserve band on vessel wall, grooved at junction of vessel waH and foot, resting surface scraped and grooved, underside totally painted with central nipple, int. spiral rouletting surrounding a 508 5064/2 Cl 3a 508 5197/3,6 Cl 3a Rim and shoulder of stemless cup Bowl with in curving rim 515 5152/5 Cl 4a High ring foot of bowl 515 5152/14 Cl 4a Base of bowl 615 5152/15 Cl 4a High ring foot of bowl 615 5193/10 Cl 4a Rim and shoulder of rolled rim plate 615 5193/15 Cl 4a Low ring base of small bowl 615 5357/19 Cl 4a High ring base of bowl 625 5429/7 co 4?15? (disturbed?) Handle oflid from lekanis 655 5365/5 co 6? Bowl with incurving rim 663 5443/6 co 6/5?? Ring foot and base of bowl 663 5443/9 co 6/5?? Rim and handle of Attic Type A skyphos 1009 I 008215 AO 5? 1032 10201/3 A2 3+4 (+5'') (unsealed) Rim of bowl with incurving rim High ring foot of bowl 1032 10201/6 A2 1040 I021612 A2 3+4 (+5?) (unsealed) 3+4(+5') Flaring ring foot and base ofbolsal Rim of rolled rim plate 1040 10216/3 A2 3+4 (+5') Bowl with projecting rim 1044 10240/5 A2 (3+4)?/5?/6? Stopper 1060 10410/2 A2 3+4 Base offish plate 1060 10457/3 A2 3+4 I3ase ofstcmmcd dish? 1060 10535/6 A2 3+4 Base of balsa! 1061 10401/1 A2 Mixed 1061 10401/4 A2 Mixed 1075 10463 AI 2 (disturbed) 1091 10512/12, 13 AI Shoulder of kantharos or cup kantharos Foot and base of shallow bowl with concave/convex profile Rim and shoulder of fish plate Base and foot of bowl 4?/5? 139 Locus Reg. No. Area Phase Type 1091 10513/21 AI 4?/5? High ring foot and base of bowl 1091 10513/2 AI 4?15? Base of bowl 1104 IOS78/l AI Sa (+4??) High ring foot and base of bowl 1104 I 0578/2 AI Sa {+4??) Ring foot and base of small bowl 1115 10583/6 AI 4-5 (disturbed) Base, tOot missing IllS I OS83/7 AI 4-5 {disturbed) 1122 1060711 AI Sa Rim and shoulder of stemless cup Rim, shoulder, foot, and base of rolled rim plate IIS4 IIS31/26 AI Sa Salt cellar, concave wall IIS6 IIS25/7 AI Sa Molded foot ofkantharos 1170 IIS46/l AI Sb Rim and shoulderofbowl 1170 IIS46/8 AI 5b Rim and shoulder of sma!l bowl 1170 I I S46/9 AI Sb 1170 IIS46JIO AI Sb 1170 IIS46/ll AI 5b Rim and shoulder of smal! bowl Heavy ring foot and base of fish plate Ring foot and base of bowl 1171 11549/9 AI Sa 1171 IIS52/4 AI Sa 1171 IIS60/3 AI Sa 1173 115S4/3 AI 5b 1173 11554/11 AI Sb 1174 IIS89/5 AI Sa Rim and shoulderofbowl 1175 IIS63/3 AI Sb Base of bowl 1177 11562/2 AI Sb 1179 11603 AI Sa 1182 IIS78/4 AI 5b (+5c??/6a?) Rim and foot of bowl with concave/convex profile Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim Ring foot and base of bowl 1183 11696/7 AI 5b? (+5c??/6a?) 1193 11623/S AI Sb?/6?? 1193 11645 AI 5b?6?? 1193 1164S/6 AI 5b?/6?? 119S 1162811 AI 5b (+5c??/6a?) Description series of alternately linked broad leafed palmettes, ca. 37S-3SO (early part of quarter) (Agora XII:828) Int./ext.lustrous black, groove at junction of vessel wall and foot, underside totally painted, resting surface scraped and grooved, int. spiral rouletting surrounding alternately linked palmettes, ca. 3 75-35( (early part of quarter) (Agora XII:832) Int.!ext. matt black, underside totally painted with central nipple, int. rouletting surrounding alternately linked palmettes, ca. 350 Int./ext.lustrous black paint, groove at junction of foot and shoulder o vessel, totally painted underside, scraped and grooved resting surface, int. spiral rouletting surrounding palmettes, ca. 3 75-350 (earlier part c quarter) Int./ext.lustrous to matt black, reserve band at junction of vessel wall and foot, resting surface reserve, underside reserve with ridge and two black concentric circles and central dot, ca. 425-400 (Agora XII:870) Int./ext. matt black, groove at junction of foot and vessel wall, underside painted with shallow nipple, ca. 375-350 (towards end of quarter) Int. lustrous black, ext. below shoulder reserve, rim tapered and projecting, ca. 450-425 (early part of quarter) Int./ext. lustrous black, thickened rim, groove below rim on ext., totall: painted foot, underside totally painted, ca. 350-325 (Agora Xll:IOS7-S9) Int./ext. lustrous black, foot and underside totally painted, rim rounde1 and projecting, ca. 400-375 (Agora XI1:937) Int./ext. matt black to brown, pedestaled type, ridged and grooved molding, resting surface grooved, ca. 350-325 (Agora XII:704) Int./ext. matt black, heavily peeled, rim slightly projecting (balsa!?), ca. 375-3SO (Agora Xll:88S) Torus foot and lower wall of Attic Type A skyphos Base of bowl Rim and lower shoulder of bowl Upper body and oval handle of stemless cup Spout of oil lamp, Type 24A Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, slightly projecting rim rounded on top, reserve at junction of vessel wall and foot, int. rouletting, slightly angular wall, ca. 375-350 (Agora XII:885) Int./ext. matt black, slightly projecting rim rounded on top, angular vessel wall, ca. 375-350 (Agora XII:806) Int./ext. matt black, scraped and grooved resting surface, underside totally painted, ca. 350 (Agora XII: 1175) Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, reserve band at junction of vessel wall and foot, reserve resting surface, underside totally painted, int. spiral rouletting over incised line, ca. 375-350 Int./ext.lustrous black, reserve at junction of vessel wall and foot, reserve resting surface and underside, ca. 450-425 Int./ext.lustrous black, reserve underside with concentric circles, int. linked palmettes above incised lines and ovules, ca. 425 Int.lext.lustrous to matt black, rim flat on top and projecting, ca. 375 (Agora Xll:803) Int.!ext. lustrous to matt black, thin walled, handle attached below projecting rim, ca. 375-350 Int./ext. lustrous black, peeled, elongated spout, large hole, ridge and groove at junction of spout and body, nozzle flat on top, ca. 425-400? Int./ext. matt black, rim rounded on top, projecting, ca. 350-325 (Agar Xll:806) 140 Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim Lower shoulder of stemless cup Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim Rim and shoulder of bowl with incurving rim Rim and shoulder of Attic Type A skyphos Underside reserve with concentric circles and central dot, int.lustrous black with incised line surrounding palmette cross, ca. 400 Int./ext. lustrous black, deep groove above shoulder, resting surface reserve, underside totally painted, narrow foot type, ca. 425-400 (Agar; Xll:821) Int./ext. lustrous black, rim rounded on top and projecting, ca. 400-37: (Agora Xll:802) Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, groove at junction of vessel wall and foot, reserve resting surface, underside totally painted, int. incised lines with double ovules, low ring foot, ca. 400 Int./ext. lustrous black, rim rounded on top, thickened, and projecting, groove below lip of rim, ca. 425-400 (Agora XII:779) Int./ext. lustrous black, int. series ofpalmettes, ca. 430 Int./ext. lustrous black, rim rounded on top, projecting, forming tight curl, angular wall, ca. 400-375 (end of quarter) (Agora XII:803) Int./ext. lustrous black, heavily peeled, thickened rim and upper wall, ca. 375-350 (end of quarter) (Agora XII:828) Int./ext.lustrous to matt black, metallic, projecting rim and double curve at lower wall, ca. 375-350 (Agora XII:352) ~OCliS Reg. No. Area Phase Type Description 195 11628/2 AI 5b (+5c??/6a?) Base of bowl 195 11628/3 AI 5b (+5c??/6a?) 195 11629/1 AI 5b (+5c??/6a?) Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim Shallow base askos 195 11629/3 AI 5b (+5c??/6a?) Molded foot and lower base offish plate 195 11629/4 AI 5b (+5c??/6a?) Rim and shoulder of Attic Type A skyphos 195 11629/6 AI 5b (+5c??/6a?) 195 11639/5 AI 5b (+5c??/6a?) 196a 11637/3 AI 6a?/5c?? (disturbed) Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim 196a 11637/5 AI 197 11642/3 AI 6a?/5c?? (disturbed) 6a?/5c?'? Underside thick concentric circles of lustrous black on reserve, int. lustrous black, series oflinked palmettes surrounding incised lines with a palmette chain surrounding central palmettes, ca. 425-400 Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, rim rounded on top and projecting, ca. 375 (Agora XII:803) Ext. lustrous black with reserve band on lower shoulder, flat projecting base, underside reserve, ca. 425-400 (Agora XII:1172-74) Int.!ext. lustrous black, reserve resting surface, reserve band at junction of vessel wall and foot, underside reserve with wide lustrous black band, int. shallow depression, ca. 400 (Agora XII: 1062) Int.lext. lustrous to matt black, projecting rim, double curved wall, triangular handles attached below rim flaring to level of rim, ca. 350 (Agora XII:352) lnt./ext. lustrous black, rim rounded on top and projecting with tight curl, angular wall, ca. 400-375 lnt./ext. lustrous black, heavily peeled, rim rounded on top and projecting with tight curl, angular wall, ca. 400-3 75 Int./ext. lustrous black, peeled, ext. rim rounded on top, slightly projecting with tight curl, single curve to vessel wall, ca. 400 (Agora XII:779) Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, ca. 425 197 11649/8 AI 6a?/5c?? 197 11651/13 AI 6a?/5c?? 199 11652/2 AI 6a?/5c?? 199 11652/5 AI 6a?/5c?? 206 11706/5 AI 6(b?/c?) 211 11709 AI 6(b') .211 11709/6 AI 6(b?) Rim and shoulder of bowl with in curving rim l211 11714/9 AI 6(b') 1211 11714111 AI 6(b') 1211 11720 AI 6(b') Rim and handle of one-handler Rim, shoulder, and handle of Attic Type A skyphos Handle of stemless cup 1211 1172011 AI 6(b?) 1212 11710/9 AI 6c 1213 11719/4 AI 6(c?/b??) Rim and handle of one-handler 1218 11804/3 AI 6b Molded foot of stemmed cup 1221 1221 11826/2 11908/5 AI AI 6c 6c 1224 1227 11807/7 2282/33 AI AI 7 (+8'1'1) 7 Body sherd of open vessel Molded foot of stemmed dish/cup Straight rim of bolsal Body sherd of open vessel 1237a 11897/8 AI 8 (disturbed) Body sherd of open vessel Rim and shoulder of bowl with in curving rim Rim and shoulder of bowl with in curving rim Body sherd of open vessel (stemless cup?) Foot and base of stemless cup Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim Handle of Attic Type A skyphos Ring foot of bowl Oval handle of one-handler/Attic Type A skyphos Ring foot and base of bolsal Body sherd of open vessel/bowl Int.!ext. lustrous black, thickened incurving rim, light type, ca. 400-375 (Agora XII:876) Int. red/brown to lustrous black, ext. fired red with rim lustrous black, thickened rim rounded on top and incurving, light type, ca. 400-375 (Agora XII:876) Int./ext. lustrous black, ca. 450-425? Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, reserve at junction of foot and vessel at junction of foot and vessel wall, inner face of foot partially reserve, underside reserve with series of black and red concentric circles, int. linked palmettes surrounding incised bands with ovules which surrounds linked palmcttes, ca. 425-400 lnt./ext. lustrous black, rim rounded on top and slightly projecting with tight curl, slightly thickened, in curving, ca. 400 (Agora XII:885) Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, totally painted, handle attached slightly below straight rim, triangular handle, ca. 400 (Agora XII:342) Ext. matt black, reserve at junction of vessel wall and foot, reserve resting surface, inner face of foot black, ca. 400? Int./ext. lustrous black, slightly thickened rim, rounded on top, small bowl, later and light type, ca. 400-375 (last part of quarter) (Agora Xll:876) Int.!ext. lustrous black, horizontal loop handle attached at rim with flat top, ca. 400-375 (Agora Xll:759) Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, slightly peeled, horseshoe handle attached below straight rim, ca. 450-425 Ext. lustrous black, heavily peeled, inner face of handle reserve, ca. 450-425 (last part of quarter) Totally painted lustrous black, ca. 425-400? Int./ext. high lustrous black, resting surface reserve with slightly flaring foot, underside reserve with two black concentric circles with central dot, int. finely placed series oflinked palmettes surrounding ovules in incised lines, ovule cross at center of vessel, ca. 430 (Agora XII:538) Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, totally painted, flat rim with handle attached at rim, rim slightly thickened and incurving, ca. 425 (Agora XI1:749) Molded foot, concave top of outer face of foot with lower part lustrous black, resting surface reserve with groove, underside lustrous black with reserve central section, ca. 450-425 (Agora XII:437) Int./ext. high lustrous black, ca. 450-425 Ext. top lustrous black, concave outer face of foot, reserve resting surface, lustrous black inner face of foot, reserve underside, ca. 4 75-450 Int./ext. matt black, plain rim, ca. 400 (Agora XII:539) lnt.lext. lustrous black, ext. red band and reserve section on lower shoulder, ca. 475-450 Int./ext. matt striated red/brown, ca. 325 141 7~vpe Locus Reg. No. Area Phase 1237a 1189719 AI 8 (disturbed) Torus foot and base of Attic Type A skyphos 1237a 11897110 AI 8 (disturbed) 1237a 1189813 AI 8 (disturbed) Torus foot and base of Allie Type A skyphos Handle of stemless cup !237a 1190513 AI 8 (disturbed) 1237a 1190515 AI 8 (disturbed) 1237a 1237a 1237a 1190516 1190517 11905112 AI AI AI 8 (disturbed) 8 (disturbed) 8 (disturbed) 1237a 11905113 AI 8 (disturbed) 1241 1241 11959112 11959113 AI AI 7 7 1241 11959114 AI 7 1242a 11919 AI 7 or later 1242a 11921 AI 7 or later 4056 4014117 Cl 2+3 (14??) (unsealed) 4060 4104411 C! 3 {disturbed) Torus foot and base of Attic Type A skyphos 4082 40367/1 Cl Sa High ring foot and base of bowl with incurving rim 4082 4036712 Cl Sa High ring foot and base of bowl with incurving nm 4090 40409/6 co 4 Rim of rolled rim plate 4098 40467111 co 5b+6 4098 40469/3 co 5b+6 Plain rim and shoulder ofbolsa! Rim, shoulder, foot, and base of bowl with incurving rim 4098 40469/11 co 5b+6 4098 4098 40469114 40582 co co 5b+6 5b-6 4113 40446 co 5 {disturbed 4121b 4056217 Cl 6(a??) High ring foot and base of bowl 4128 4040911 co 4a (+b') (disturbed) Foot and base of stemless cup 4150 4061214 co 6(a'''') Torus foot and base of Attic Type A skyphos 142 Torus foot and base of Attic Type A skyphos Oval handle of Attic Type A skyphos Body sherd of open vessel Body sherd of open vessel Torus foot and base of Attic Type A skyphos Horseshoe handle of Attic Type A skyphos Body sherd of open vessel Torus foot and base of Attic Type A skyphos Body sherd (upper shoulder of skyphos?) Thick disk base and foot oflekythos Rim, shoulder, and oval handle of Attic Type A skyphos Torus foot and base of Attic Type A skyphos Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim Body sherd of open vessel Rim and shoulder of bowl with incurving rim Askos, Guttus type Description Ext. lustrous to matt black, int. mottled matt red/black, torus foot, reserve resting surface, inner face of foot black, underside concentric circle, ca. 450-425 (last part of quarter) lnt./ext. lustrous black, resting surface reserve, inner face of foot painted black, underside reserve, ca. 450-425 (last part of quarter) Int.lext. lustrous black, slightly striated and fired red in places, reserve on inner face of handle, handle flaring, ca. 425-400 (Agora XII:487) Int./extlustrous to matt black, reserve resting surface, inner face of foe painted black, underside reserve, ca. 450-425 Totally painted lustrous to matt black, heavily peeled, ca. 425 Int.! ext. matt black, ca. 350-325 Int./ext.lustrous black, ca. 425-400 Jnt./ext.lustrous to matt red, resting surface reserve, inner face of foot red, underside reserve, junction of vessel wall and foot reserve, ca. 460 Totally painted black, oval, ca. 450-425 Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, ca. 400? Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, resting surface reserve, inner face offo( painted black, underside reserve, lower vessel wall slightly concave, ca. 425-400 Int.!ext. lustrous to matt black, ca. 425-400 Reserve underside, side of foot also reserve, top lustrous black, central depression on underside, ca. 450 (Agora XII: 1119) Int./ext.lustrous black, totally painted, horizontally placed oval handle attached at tapered plain rim, horseshoe shaped handle, ca. 450 Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, resting surface scraped, underside reserve with two concentric circles and central dot, lower shoulder concave wall, ca. 425-400 (last part of quarteer) Int./cxt.lustrous to matt black, groove at junction of vessel wall and foot, resting surface scraped, underside reserve, lower vessel shoulder concave wall, ca. 400-375 (last part of quarter) (Agora XII:349) Int./cxt.lustrous to matt black, reserve at junction of vessel wall and foot, resting surface painted and grooved, underside totally painted, in1 spiral rouletting surrounding dot type alternately linked palmette, ca. 375-350 (Agora XII:835 lnt./ext. lustrous to matt black, groove at junction of vessel wall and foot, underside totally painted with central nipple, int. spiral rouletting surrounding series of alternately linked palmettes above two incised circles in middle of bowl, ca. 375-350 (early part of quarter) (Agora XII:806) lnt./ext. lustrous black, rounded rim, concave shoulder, groove below rim, ca. 375-350 (Agora X11:!057) Int./ext.lustrous black, slight ridge at junction of vessel wall and foot, thin walled, ca. 425-400 (Agora XII: 54!) lnt./ext.lustrous to matt black, resting surface scraped and grooved, underside totally painted with central nipple, rim slightly thickened an( in curving, int. spiral rouletting surrounding alternately linked thin leafed palmettes, ca. 375-350 (Agora XII:828) Int./ext.lustrous black, rim tapered and projecting, ca. 375 (Agora X!l:803) Int./ext. lustrous black, thin walled, ca. 450? Int./ext. lustrous black, thickened incurving rim, shallow bowl, int. diamond shaped rouletting, ca. 375 (Agora XII:828) Totally painted lustrous black, squat bulbous body with vertical neck and resting on low ring foot, ridged ring handle, neck offset from burly by ridge, flaring mouth, ca. 3 75 (Agora XII: 1194, Pl. 39: 1192) Int./ext.lustrous to matt black, resting surface scraped and grooved, underside totally painted, groove at junction of vessel wall and foot, int fragment of broad leaf palmette, ca. 350 (Agora XII:830) Outer face of foot lustrous black, reserve at junction of vessel wall and foot, inner face of foot red/black, underside reserve with two circles of red/black and central dot, int.lustrous black, incised lines with ovules surrounding linked palmettes around central circle, ca. 430 (Agora XII:476) Int./ext. matt black, grooved at junction of vessel wall and foot, resting surface scraped, inner face of foot painted, underside reserve with three concentric circles with central dot, sharply concave wall in lower section, ca. 425-400 (Agora XII:349, 352) f___ocus Reg. No. Area Phase Type Description 4226 41018/7 co 4b?/5? Int./ ext. lustrous to matt black, ca. 350 (Agora XI!: 1194) 4229 40944/4 co 6(b??) 4229 4229 40965/2 40965111 co co 6(b??) 6(b??) 4252 43055 C1 4 4252 43096/1, 13 C1 4 4252 43096/6 C1 4 Rim and neck of Guttus type askos Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim Body sherd of open vessel Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim Rim, shoulder, and handle of Attic Type A skyphos Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim Rim, shoulder, ring foot, and base of bowl with incurving rim 4252 43096/5 C1 4 Heavy foot offish plate 4252 43096/13 C1 4 Rim and shoulder of bolsal 4252 43096116 C1 4 4252 43096117 C1 4 4300a 43029 C1 4c (unsealed) 4300a 43029/3 C1 4c (unsealed) Rim and shoulder of cup skyphos? Rim and shoulder of Attic Type A skyphos Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim Foot and base of small bowl 4300a 43036 Cl 4c (unsealed) 4300a 4305311 Cl 4c (unsealed) 4301 43019/6 Cl 5 +topsoil 4301 43026/4 Cl 5 +topsoil Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim 4301 43026/5 Cl 5 +topsoil Foot and base ofbolsal 4301 43037 Cl 5 +topsoil Foot and base of bowl 4301 43056/1 Cl 5 +topsoil Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim 4301 43056/2 Cl 5 +topsoil 4301 43056/3 Cl 5 +topsoil Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim Foot and base ofbolsal 4301 43056/4 Cl 5 +topsoil Torus foot and base of bowl 4301 43056/5 Cl 5 +topsoil 4301 43056/6 C1 5 +topsoil 4301 43065/2 Cl 5 +topsoil 4301 43065/5 Cl 5 +topsoil 4301 4309111 Cl 5 +topsoil 4301 43091/2 Cl 5 +topsoil; Rim and shoulder of stemless cup Rim and shoulder of bowl with incurving rim Ribbed section of open vessel (cup kantharos) Rim and shoulder of Attic Type A skyphos Rim and shoulder of cup skyphos Body sherd of thin walled bowl/cup Rim and shoulder of bowl with incurving rim Foot and base of stemmed dish Foot and base of bowl lnt./ext. lustrous black, metallic, tightly curled rim slightly tapered, steep upper wall, ca. 400-3 75 (last part of quarter) (Agora XII:803) Int./ext.lustrous to matt black, slightly thickened wall, ca. 375? Int./ ext. lustrous black, rim tapered and projecting, steep upper wall, ca. 400-375 (Agora XII:803) Int./ ext. lustrous to matt black, handle attached below projecting rim, triangular handle, ca. 375 (Agora XII:349) lnt./ext.lustrous to matt black, rim rounded on top, underside of rim flat, thin walled, tight curl of rim evident, ca. 375 (Agora XII:802) Int./ ext. lustrous to matt black to mottled red, shallow bowl with incurving rim, concave molding offoot, resting surface reserve, underside totally painted, slight ridge on underside, ca. 375 (Agora XII:882) Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, stout foot totally painted including resting surface, resting surface grooved, underside totally painted, deep central depression with ridge and groove, ca. 350 (Agora XII: 1972) Int./ ext. lustrous to matt black, tapered projecting rim, vessel wall indicates double curve, ca. 375-350 (early part of quarter) (Agora XII:558) Int./ ext. lustrous to matt black, tapered projecting rim, light wall, ca. 400-375 (end of quarter) (Agora XII: 60S) Int./ext.lustrous to matt black, metallic, projecting rim, double curve profile, light wall, ca, 400-375 (end of quarter) (Agora XII:349) Int./ext. matt black, rim flat on top and projecting at right angle to vessel wall, ca. 350-325 (end of quarter) (Agora XII:880-81) Int./ext. striated matt black and mottled red, underside painted red/black mottled with central nipple, int. palmette cross, broad foot type of bowl, resting surface reserve with groove, ca. 350-325 (end of quarter) (Agora XII:8887) lnt./ext.lustrous black, thickened rim, ca. 375-350 (early part of quarter) (Agora XII:835) Fired red, tall stem, outer face reserve, underside fired red with central area in reserve, convex underside, ca. 475 (Agora XII:983) lnt./ext. matt black, groove at junction of vessel wall and foot, concave/convex ring foot, resting surface scraped and grooved, underside totally painted, int. spiral rouletting surrounding alternately linked palmettes, ca. 350 Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, mottled, thickened rim rounded on top, in curving and projecting rim, groove below rim, added red on rim, ca. 450-425 (end of quarter) (Agora XII:847) Int./ext. lustrous black, resting surface painted, underside reserve with concentric circle and central dot in black, groove at junction of vessel wall and fool, ca, 425 (Agora XII:554) Int./ext. matt black, reserve and grooved at junction of vessel wall and foot, resting surface scraped, underside totally painted with central nipple, int. spiral rouletting surrounding alternately linked broad leafed palmettes, ca. 350 Int./ ext. lustrous black, rim rounded on top with slight swell, in curving, thickened, and projecting, slight groove below lip on upper shoulder, ca. 425 (Agora XII:847) Int./ext. peeled matt black to gray, mottled, shallow bowl type, ca. 350-325 (end of quarter) (Agora XII:885) Int./ext.lustrous to matt black, foot totally painted, underside reserve with concentric circles painted black, ca. 425-400 Int./ext. lustrous matt black, heavily worn, resting surface scraped, underside partially painted, int. two incised circles, shallow ring foot, ca. 400 Int./ext. lustrous red, heavily striated and worn, sharp carination at shoulder, rim tapered and projecting over shoulder, ca. 450? Int./ext. lustrous black, heavily peeled and worn, thickened rim rounded on top, ca. 375 (Agora XII:876) Int.!ext. matt black, striated, certical ribbing/molding, ca. 325 Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, tapered and projecting rim, double curved wall, ca. 400-375 Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, striated, slight walled type, plain rim with slight offset, ca, 400-375 (early part of quarter) (Agora XII:595) Int./ext. lustrous black to red int. broad leaf palmette, ca. 425-400 143 Locus Reg. No. Area Phase Type Description 4301 4309113 Cl 5 +topsoil 4304 43244 CI 1 +topsoil Rim and shoulder offish plate High ring foot and base of bowl 4304 4324712 Cl l +topsoil 4304 4324717 CI I +topsoil 4305 43039/6 CI 4 (disturbed) 4305 4303917 CI 4 (disturbed) 4306 4322112 Cl 5 4306 4322113 CI 5 4310 4308417 Cl Int.!ext. lustrous to matt black, reserve band and groove at junction of rim and overhanging lip, ca. 380 (Agora XII: 1066) Int.!ext. matt black to brown, reserve groove at junction of vessel wall and high ring foot, underside totally painted, int. spiral rouletting surrounding alternately linked palmettes, ca. 350 Int./ext. matt black, groove at junction of vessel wall and foot, resting surface scraped, ca. 375 (Agora XII:l093) Int.!ext. matt black striated red, thickened rim grooved on outer face, rounded on top, and slightly incurving due to thickening, ca. 400 (Agar Xll:749, 847) Int./ext. matt black, thickened rim and wall, groove at junction ofvesst wall and foot, ca. 375-350 (end of quarter) (Agora XII:I047) Int.!ext. lustrous black, slightly projecting rim with curvature below rim, ca. 400-375 (end of quarter) (Agora XII:349) Int.!ext. 1us1rous black, reserve inner face of handle, ca. 450 (Agora Xll:487) Molded foot with foot and outer face lustrous black, underside reserve, ca. 425-400 (Agora Xll:483) Int.!ext. matt black, long nozzle flat on top, groove on body, ca. 375-350 4311 43123/2 CI 3a 4311 4314811 Cl 3a 4312 43064 CI 5 4312 4308111 CI 5 4312 4311014 CI 5 4317 4320911 CI 4 4317 4321614 CI 4 4317 4321617 CI 4 4317 4318 43216/8 4309711 Cl CI 4 5b (disturbed) 4318 4313611 Cl 5b (disturbed) 4321 43113/11 CI 4?/5a? Ring foot and base of lekanis 4321 43113112 CI 4?/5a? 4321 43113115 Cl 4?/5a? Body sherd of open vessel, probably Attic Type A skyphos Handle of stemless cup? 4321 4321 43113116 43113117 CI CI 4?/5a? 4?/5a? 4321 43113118 Cl 4?/5a? 4321 43113/44 CI 4?/5a? 4321 43113145 Cl 4?/5a? 4321 43127 Cl 4?/5a? 4321 43127144 CI 4?/5a? 4321 43143/6 CI 4?/5a? 4321 4314511 CI 4?/5a? 144 Ring foot and base of bowl Rim and shoulder of one-handler Rim and shoulder of rolled rim plate Rim and lower shoulder of Attic Type A skyphos Oval handle of stemless cup Molded foot and base of stemless cup Spout of oil lamp, Type 25A Pedestaled foot of cup kantharos Rim, shoulder, foot, and base of rolled rim plate Rim and shoulder of bowl with incurving rim Foot and base of bowl Rim and shoulder of bowl with incurving rim Foot and base of bowl Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim Body sherd of open vessel/bowl Body sherd of open vessel Rim, shoulder, foot, and base of concave/convex bowl Foot and base ofbolsal Plain rim of stemless cup Handle of Attic Type A skyphos Foot and base ofbolsal Rim and shoulder of stemless cup Rim, shoulder, and handle ofbolsal Rim, shoulder, and foot of bowl with projecting rim Rim, shoulder, and handle of Attic Type A skyphos Rim and shoulder of shallow bowl Rim of bowl with in curving rim Molded foot heavily worn, exterior lustrous to matt black, underside matt black, ca. 350? Int.!ext. lustrous to matt black, deep groove below rim, resting surface scraped, underside totally painted, ca. 350-325 (Agora XII: l 059) Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, thin walled, ca. 375-350 (early part of quarter) (Agora XII:830) Int./ext.lustrous to matt black, groove at junction of vessel wall and foot, reserved resting surface, underside reserve with thin concentric circles and central dot, ca. 425-400 Int.! ext. lustrous to matt black, steep angular curve on shoulder below thickened rim, ca. 350 (Agora XII:830) Int.!ext. lustrous to matt black, high ring foot, scraped and grooved resting surface, underside totally painted, ca. 350 (Agora XII:835) Int./ext. mottled red matt/black, rim flat on top, tapered, and projecting, ca. 325 Int./ext. lustrous black, int. evenly spaced rouletting, ca. 375 Int./ ext. lustrous black, ca. 450-425? Int./ext.lustrous black, groove below rim and under shoulder of vessel, underside totally painted, broad resting surface, ca. 425 (Agora XII:817-18) Int./ext. lustrous black, groove at junction of vessel wall and foot, underside totally painted except for central zone in reserve with circle and central dot, int. incised line with small palmettes, ca. 430 (Agora XII:541) Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, angular foot, reserve resting surface, grooved and reserve inner face of foot and vessel wall, ca. 425 (Agora XII:475) Int.! ext. striated matt black, double curve profile, ca. 3 75 Int.!ext.lustrous to matt black, ridge on inner face of vessel at junction of handle and wall, ca. 400-375 Int./ext. lustrous metallic black, ca. 425 (Agora XII:47l) Totally painted lustrous black heavily peeled, horseshoe handle, ca. 425 Int.!ext. lustrous to matt black, resting surface reserve, underside totall) painted, ca. 375-350 (Agora XII:561) Int.!ext. matt black, reserve area on inner face a flip, ca. 400 (Agora XII:513) Int.!ext. lustrous to matt black, handle attached at rim, slightly incurving plain rim, ca. 425-400 (Agora XII:538) Int.!ext.lustrous black, projecting rim flat on top, ring foot, resting surface reserve, underside reserve with concentric circles and central dot, ca. 425 (Agora XII:785) Int.!ext. lustrous to matt black heavily peeled, rim slightly projecting, thick oval handle attached slightly below rim, ca. 450-425 (end of quarter) (Agora XII:342) Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, thickened rim, thin walled, rim rounded on top and slightly incurving, ca. 375 (Agora XII:882) Int./ext. matt black, thickened rim rounded on top and slightly incurving, ca. 375 (Agora XII:876) '--oats Reg. No. Area Phase Type Description Rim, shoulder, and handle ofbolsal Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim Base of plate Concave/convex foot and base of bowl Rim, shoulder, and handle of Attic Type A skyphos Base of bowl Int./ ext. lustrous to matt black, thin walled, plain rim, handle attached below rim, ca. 400-375 (Agora XII:557) Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, thickened rim tightly curled and projecting, straight upper shoulder, ca. 400-375 (Agora XII:803) Int. lustrous striated red/black, underside reserve with ridge, ca. 400-375 Ext. lustrous black, reserve resting surface, inner face of ring foot painted black, ca. 400 Int./ext. lustrous to to matt gray/black, plain rim, handle attached below rim, ca. 425-400 (Agora XII:561) 1321 43145/2 Cl 4?/5a? 1321 43145/3 C1 4?/5a? 1321 1321 43145/4 43145/5 C1 C1 4?/5a? 4?/5a? 1321 43154/2 C1 4?/5a? 1321 43154/4 C1 4?/5a? \321 43234 C1 4?/5a? \321 43285/1 C1 4?/5a? 1321 43287/2 C1 4?/5a? Foot and base of concave/convex bowl Handle and shoulder of stemless cup Foot and base ofbolsal \323 43150 Cl 7 Foot and base of bowl \324 43143/5 C1 4c (floor) 1325 4311611 Cl 4 Body sherd of open vessel/bowl Base of large bowl 1325 43116/2 C1 4 Shoulder, foot, and base of bowl 4325 43144/2 C1 4 4327 43147/6 C1 3a 4328 43170/1 Cl 4c (floor) Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim Rim and shoulder offish plate Foot and base of plate 4328 43187/6 C1 4c (floor) 4333 43213/1 Cl 3a? (disturbed) 4333 43213/6 C1 3a? (disturbed) 4335 43215 C1 4b +topsoil 4336 43119/2 C1 5 (disturbed) 4336 4336 43219/3 43219/4 C1 C1 5 (disturbed) 5 (disturbed) 4336 4336 43219/5 43219/30 C1 Cl 5 (disturbed) 5 (disturbed) Rim and shoulderofbowl Oval handle of stemless cup 4336 43267/3 C1 5 (disturbed) Rim, shoulder, foot, and base of bowl 4336 43248/9 C1 5 (disturbed) Rim and neck oflekythos 4336 4336 4336 4336 43248/10 43248/11 43248/12 43248/14 C1 Cl Cl C1 5 (disturbed) 5 (disturbed) 5 (disturbed) 5 (disturbed) Body sherd of open vessel Body sherd of open vessel Body sherd of open vessel Lid 4336 43248/15 C1 5 (disturbed) Body sherd of open vessel Rim and shoulder of bowl with projectng rim (cup skyphos?) Rim and shoulder of bowl with incurving rim Oval handle of stemless cup Rim, shoulder, and oval handle of Attic Type A skyphos Oval handle of stemless cup Body sherd of open vessel Body sherd of open vessel lnt./ext. matt black, underside painted black with central ridge, center of base in reserve, ca. 375? Int./ext.lustrous black, reserve resting surface, broad base, ca. 450-425 (middle to end of qua1ier) (Agora XII:817) Int./ext. lustrous black, oval handle inner face reserve, handle attached at deeply carinated shoulder, ca. 450-425 (Agora XII:454) Int./ext.lustrous black, groove at junction of vessel wall and foot, flaring foot, reserve underside with concentric circles and central dot, int. tight-leaf palmettes surrounding two incised circles, ca. 425-400 (Agora XII: 554). Photo 4. 7-8:h. Int.! ext. lustrous to matt black, underside totally painted with central nipple, scraped and grooved resting surface, int. spiral rouletting surrounding alternately linked palmettes, high ring foot oflarge bowl, ca. 375-350 (end of quarter) Int./ext.lustrous black, thickened toward base, ca. 375 Int./ext. matt black, no foot, int. alternately linked palmettes heavily worn, ca. 350 Int.!ext. lustrous black, grooved and scraped resting surface on ring foot, underside totally painted with central nipple, groove at junction of vessel wall and foot, int. palmettes, ca. 3 75-350 (early part of quarter) (Agora XII:828) Int./ext. lustrous metallic black, thin walled, rounded thickened rim, tight curl, projecting, ca. 375 (Agora XII:803) Int./ext. lustrous black, reserve and grooved on upper surface of rim, overhanging rim, ca. 375-350 (Agora XII:l065) Int./ ext. matt black, elaborately carved low rilled ring foot, underside painted black with central area in reserve, int. double incised lines with ovules surrounding haphazardly placed linked palmettes, ca. 400 (Agora XII: I 002) Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, tapered and rounded rim with slight groove below lip, ca. 375 (Agora XII:605) Int./ext. mottled matt black/brown, rim thickened, rounded on top, and incurving, ca. 325 (Agora XII:84l) Totally painted lustrous black, slightly flaring handle, ca. 425-400 (Agora XII:499) Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, heavily peeled, horseshoe handle attached below rim, ca. 450-425 Ext. lustrous to matt black, inner face reserve, ca. 450-425 (middle of quarter) Int./ext. striated matt black/brown, ca. 375-350? Int./ext. mottled matt red/black, two white bands applied on outer surface, ca. 375? Int./ext. matt red/black, thickened flat rim, ca. 350 (Agora XII:849) Int.!ext. lustrous black, inner face reserve, heavily worn, upturned handle with reserve panel in region of body between handle attachments, ca. 450 Int./ext. lustrous black, striated, plain rounded rim, slightly thickened, reserve resting surface, underside partially painted with central area in reserve with central dot, slight ridge on lower shoulder, int. two incised lines as border for palmette chain horizontally placed which surrounds linked palmettes, low ring foot, ca. 420 (Agora XII:782) Int.!ext. lustrous black, flat rim, probably from a squat black bodied lekythos, ca. 425-400 (Agora XII: 1123) lnt./ext. lustrous black, thin walled, ca. 450-425 Int./ext. lustrous black, thin walled, ca. 450-425? Int./ext. matt black, thickened base, ca. 350? Int./ext. matt black/brown, ext. reserve band on top, thin walled, ca. 375-350 (Agora XII:1230) Int./ext.lustrous to matt black, thin walled, ca. 400-375 145 Locus Reg. No. Area Phase T._vpc Description 4336 43248/17 C1 5 (disturbed) Body sherd of open vessel 4336 43248120 C1 5 (disturbed) 4336 4336 43248130 4324915 C1 C! 5 (disturbed) 5 (disturbed) 4336 4324917 C1 5 (disturbed) 4336 4326712 C! 5 (disturbed) 4336 4336 43289 43289/1 C1 C1 5 (disturbed) 5 (disturbed) 4336 43289/6 C1 5 (disturbed) 4336 4336 43289/10 433!6 C1 C1 5 (disturbed) 5 (disturbed) 4336 43316/1 C1 5 (disturbed) 4336 43219/9 C1 5 (disturbed) Oval handle of stemless cup Round loop handle Rim, shoulder, and handle of Attic Type A skyphos Rim and shoulder of cup skyphos? Rim, shoulder, foot, and base of concave/convex bowl Oval handle ofbolsal Rim, shoulder, foot, and base of concave/convex bowl Rim, shoulder, foot, and base of concave/convex bowl Body sherd of open vessel Rim, shoulder, and oval handle of Attic Type A skyphos Handle and lower shoulder of stemless cup Rim and shoulder of concave/convex bowl Int./ ext. lustrous red, ext. mottled and striated matt red/black, thin walled, ca. 450? Totally painted lustrous to matt black, ca. 400-375 (end of quarter) 4338 43232 C1 3b (13a''?) Rim, shoulder, foot, and base of rolled rim plate 4340 4322216, 7 C1 3a? Foot and base of bowl 4340 43222111 C1 3a? Handle ofkantharos 4346 4330114 CI 3b +later Foot and base of bowl 4353b 4329618 C1 3c?/4a? Foot and base of bowl 4356 43305/1 C! 5b?/6? (unsealed) Foot and base of stemless cup 4359 4330512 C1 3b Foot and base of stemless cup 4362 4334219 C1 3b?l(3c?/4a?) Foot and base of bowl 4367 43387/10 C1 2+3 Torus foot and base of Attic Type A skyphos 4367 43387112 C1 2+3 Ring foot 4367 4370 43387/13 48018/1 C1 C1 2+3 Later than 4b Body sherd of open vessel Lower shoulder, foot, and base of bowl 4370 48021/4 C1 Later than 4b 4370 4802116 C1 Laterthan 4b 4436 4521312 CI Topsoil Lip and mouth of lekythos Rim and shoulder of bolsal Foot and base of bowl 146 Totally painted lustrous to matt black, from mug or bolsal?, ca. 375-350 Int. lustrous red, ext. striated lustrous red/black, heavily peeled, plain straight rim, handle attached at rim, horseshoe shaped, widest part of vessel below rim, ca. 450 Int.!ext. matt black, plain rim with two incised grooves below lip, lighl walled type, ca. 400-375 (Agora XII:4588) Int./ext. lustrous black, heavily grooved above shoulder, reserve restin surface, underside totally painted, broad resting surface, ca. 425 (Agar Xll:818-19) Totally painted lustrous black, ca. 400-375 InLiext. matt black, thickened rim slightly incurving, deep groove below rim, flat ring foot, reserve resting surface, ca. 425-400 (early pa of quarter) (Agora XII:821) Int./ext. matt black, thickened rim slightly in curving, deep groove below rim, foot slightly rippled, resting surface reserve, underside totally painted, ca. 400-375 (early part of quarter) (Agora XII:821) Int.!ext. lustrous black, thickened section, ca. 450-425 Int./ext. mottled lustrous to matt red/black, heavily peeled, slightly projecting rim, double curve in lower wall, triangular handles, ca. 425-400 Int./ext.lustrous black, heavily peeled, ca. 425 (Agora XII:487) Int./ext. lustrous black to brown and striated, thickened rim slightly incurving, deep groove on shoulder below rim, shallow wall type, ca. 400 (Agora XII:82!) Int./ext. lustrous black, thickened rim with groove below rim, ring foot resting surface reserve, int. spiral rouletting surrounding alternately linked palmettes, ca. 375-350 (early part of quarter) (Agora XII: 104 7) Int./ext.lustrous black, groove at junction of vessel wall and foot, resting surface scraped and grooved, underside totally painted, int. spiral rouletting below incised line, low ring foot, ca. 375 Handle only totally painted matt black, handle spur even with rim, ca. 350 (Agom XII:700) Int.!ext. lustrous to matt black, underside totally painted, reserve resting surface, central nipple, int. spiral rouletting, ca. 340 Int./ ext. matt black, scraped groove at junction of vessel wall and foot, resting surface scraped and grooved, underside totally painted, ca. 350 (Agora XII:880) Int./ext. matt black, reserve band at junction of convex foot and vessel wall, inner face of foot painted black and partially reserve, underside reserve with trace of circle, int. tight leaf palmette, thin walled, ca. 400 (Agora Xll:482) Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, thick body, reserve band at junction of convex foot and vessel wall, foot partially painted and reserve on inner face, underside reserve, int.linked broad leaf palmettes, ca. 400 Int./ ext. lustrous to matt black, resting surface scraped, groove at junction of vessel wall and foot, underside painted black, thick foot, ca. 375-350 (Agora XII:829) Int.!ext. lustrous to matt black, torus foot partially painted and scraped underside reserve with red/brown concentric circles, int. coral red at base, narrow base type with slight concave wall, ca. 450-425 (middle ol quarter) Totally painted matt black, peeled, scraped and grooved resting surface high ring foot, ca. 350 Int./ext.lustrous black, thin walled, ca. 400-375? lnt./ext. striated matt red/black, reserve band at junction of vessel wall and foot, resting surface partially painted, inner face of foot partially painted and reserve, underside reserve with concentric circles in black, int. two incised lines with ovules surrounding palmettcs, ca. 425-400 (end of quarter) (Agora XII:782) Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, heavily peeled, tall neck, probably from squat black bodied lekythos, ca. 400-375 (end of quarter?) Int./ext. lustrous black, peeled, tapered and slightly projecting rim, ca. 400-375 (end of quarter) (Agora XII:558) Int./ext. matt gray/black, deep central nipple, totally painted underside. scraped resting surface, int. light rouletting, four concave impressions, ca. 325 (Agora XII:841) ~ocus Reg. No. Area Phase Type Description 439 48388/4 Cl 2+3 442 48245/5 Cl 446 48222/2 Cl (2+4?)/4a' (unsealed) Topsoil Lower wall and foot of stemmed dish? Rim and shoulderofbowl 446 48222/22 Cl Topsoil 1468 4660911 Cl 7 (disturbed) 1468 46662 Cl 7 (disturbed) 1506 45513 co 4a 1510 45102 C2 2 +topsoil 1519 45060 C2 2 (disturbed) 1519 45060/30 C2 2 (disturbed) Lustrous black on outer face of concave wall of pedestal, heavily worn, reserve underside, ca. 475-450 (Agora XII:991) Int./ext. lustrous black, straight rounded thickened rim, ca. 400 (Agora Xll:782) lnt./ext. lustrous to matt black, resting surface reserve, underside reserve, convex wall, ca. 450-425 Int./ext. matt black, pedestaled foot grooved on outer face, grooved resting surface, underside reserve, ca. 350-325 (end of quarter) (Agora Xll:690) Int./ext. lustrous black, thickened rim, flat on top and slightly incurving, ca. 425-400 (Agora XII:784) lnt./ext.lustrous black, inner face of handle reserve, slight carination at handle, ca. 450-425 (end of quarter) Int.!ext. lustrous to metallic black, projecting rim rounded on top, tight curl, ca. 375 (Agora Xll:803) Int.! ext. lustrous to matt black, scraped and grooved resting surface, underside painted with slight central nipple, thickened rim, ca. 375-350 (Agora XII:946) Int./ext. matt black, concave/convex foot, resting surface scraped and grooved, underside totally painted with central nipple, int. spiral rouletting surrounding alternately linked palmettes, ca. 350 (Agora XII:828) Int./ext. lustrous metallic gray/black, thickened rim, ca. 350 1533 45187118 C2 2d Torus foot and base of Attic Type A skyphos Molded footofkantharos Rim and shoulder of one-handler Handle and shoulder of stemless cup Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim Rim, shoulder, foot, and base of salt cellar, footed type Foot and base of bowl Rim and shoulder of bowl with in curving rim Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim Foot and base of stemless cup 1535 45165 C2 3(b?) 1536 45226 C2 3(a??) (disturbed) 1553 45406/3 C2 3' Rim, shoulder, foot, and base of rolled rim plate 4553 45406/4 C2 37 Lower shoulder, foot, and base of bowl 4553 45406/5 C2 3? 4553 45439111 C2 3' 4553 45439113 C2 3? 4554 ? C2 3(a?) 4554 ? C2 3(a?) 4554 ? C2 3(a?) 4554 ? C2 3(a?) Molded foot of cup kantharos Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim Rim and shoulder of rolled rim plate Rim and shoulder of bowl with incurving rim Base of bowl 4557 451RO C2 3(b?)+4 4558 4542011 C2 3(b') 4558 45443113 C2 3(b?) Foot and base of bowl 4559 45431/4 C2 3(b?) 4559 45431113 C2 3(b') 4559 45431114 C2 3(b?) Balk 45446/7 C2 Rim and shoulder of cup skyphos? Rim and lower shoulder of rolled rim plate From same vessel as 45431/13 Rim and shoulder of Rim and shoulder of rolled rim plate Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim Int.! ext. lustrous black, rim projecting, rounded on top with tight curl, ca. 400-375 (Agora Xll:779) Int./ext. matt black, rim rounded on top and projecting, ca. 350-325 (Agora XII:802) Int./ext. lustrous black, grooved and reserve junction at vessel wall and foot, convex foot with inner face painted and reserve, underside reserve with concentric circle in black, int. incised line through linked palmettes surrounding two incised lines with ovules, ca. 425 (Agora Xll:482) lnt./ext. matt black, thickened rounded rim, concave shoulder, concave/convex foot, resting surface painted, underside totally painted, int. spiral rouletting surrounding palmette cross?, ca. 350 (Agora XII: 1047) Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, heavily peeled, groove at junction of vessel wall and foot, scraped and grooved resting surface, underside totally painted, int. spiral rouletting, ca. 350 (Agora XII:806) Int./ext. matt black, heavily worn and peeled, ca. 350-325 Jnt./ext. black, pronounced projecting rim, ca. 325 (Agora XII:808) Int./ext. lustrous metallic black, rim thickened, rounded on top, and slightly projecting, ca. 375 (Agora XII:779) Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, heavily peeled, rim rounded on top and slightly projecting, tight curl, ca. 375 (Agora XII:779) Int./ext. lustrous black, rounded elongated rim, concave shoulder with slight ridge above concave wall, ca. 375-350 (Agora XII:1056) Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, thickened rim, ca. 350 Int./ext. lustrous black, groove at junction of vessel wall and foot (missing), underside totally painted, int. spiral rouletting, ca. 375-350 (middle to end of quarter) Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, thickened rim, ridge/fillet below rtim, concave lower shoulder, ca. 375-350 (Agora XII: 1056) Int./ext.lustrous to matt black, reserve at junction of vessel wall and foot, angular lower shoulder indicates double curve, rim rounded on top and projecting, int.long stitch rouletting, ca. 350-325 (early part of quarter) (Agora XII:808) lnt./ext. lustrous to matt black, foot and resting surface painted, underside totally painted with central nipple, ring base, int. spiral nipple, ring base, int. spiral rouletting surrounding palmettes, ca. 350 Int./ext.lustrous to matt black, reserve band on exterior, ca. 475? Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, thickened rounded rim, groove below rim, slightly concave wall, ca. 350 (Agora XII: 1058) Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, thickened rim rounded on top and 147 Locus Reg. No. K46/47 Balk 45446/20 K46/47 45448/6 Balk K46/47 4565 45518/8 Area Phase C2 C2 C2 3 1)!pe Description bowl with in curving rim Foot and base of bowl slightly in curving, ca. 3 75-350 (middle of quarter) Int.lext. lustrous black, thick walled, concave/convex foot, ca. 400-375 Spout of oil lamp, Type 23A Rim and shoulder offish plate Foot and base of rolled rim plate Int./ ext. lustrous black, long nozzle flat on top, ca. 400? 4566 45496 C2 Sa (+57) 4566 46080 C2 5a (+4c?) 4566 ? C2 5a (+47) 4566 ? C2 5a (+4?) 4571 45456113 C2 3? 4577 46081 C2 5a (+4?) 4577 46081/25 C2 5a (-4'?) 4577 46166/6 C2 5a (+4?) 4577 46166/8 C2 5a (+4?) Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim 4614 46141110 C2 5 4614 46156/7 C2 5 Molded body sherd of kantharos Foot and base of bowl 4614 46156111 C2 5 4614 46178 C2 5 4614 4622115 C2 s Foot and base of stemless cup? 4614 46230/5 C2 5 4614 46241/1 C2 s 4616 4620411 Cl Later than 2 Rim, shoulder, foot, and base of rolled rim plate From same vessel as 46141110 Shoulder ofkantharos 4617 462Sl/4 C2 Sa 4617 4625115 C2 5a 4617 46251/30 C2 Sa 4617 4625113S C2 Sa 4622 462S6/2 C2 Sb 4622 46256/4 C2 5b 4622 46277/2 C2 Sb 4622 46297/6 C2 Sb 4622 46297/32 C2 Sb 4622 46304/2 C2 5b 4623 46293/2 C2 5(b?) )+6'7) (disturbed?) 148 Rim and shoulder of bowl with incurving rim Rim and shoulder of bolsal Oval handle of stemless cup Foot and base of bowl Rim, shoulder, foot, and base of concave/convex bowl Foot and base of oil lamp, footed style Rim, shoulder, foot, and base of rolled rim plate Spout of oil lamp, Type 2SB Rim, shoulder, foot, and base of rolled rim plate Thick body sherd of open vessel Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim Spout of of oil lamp, Type 23A Rim and shoulder of Attic Type A skyphos Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim Rim of fish plate Body sherd of open vessel/bowl Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim Square rim and neck of neck amphora Int.!ext. lustrous to matt black, groove at reserve band at junction of rim and shoulder, lip downturned, ca. 375-350 Int.lext. lustrous to metallic black, scraped resting surface, low concave/convex ring foot, underside totally painted, angular and thickened wall, ca. 350 Int.!ext. lustrous to matt black, rim slightly thickened, ca. 350 Int.!ext. lustrous to matt black, rim rounded on top and slightly projecting, ca. 375 (Agora XII:558) Totally painted lustrous to matt black, ca. 400? Int./ext.lustrous black, scraped at junction of vessel wall and foot, scraped and painted foot, resting surface scraped, underside painted, high ring foot, int. dot rouletting, ca. 375 Int./ext. lustrous black with some mottling, groove below rim, reserve foot and resting surface, shallow wall and narrow foot, slightly incurving rim, ca. 400 (Agora XII:821) Totally painted lustrous to matt black, heavily peeled, underside painted, late 5th cent.? Int.!ext. matt black, thickened rounded rim, groove below rim, low ring foot, resting surface scraped, underside totally painted, int. rouletting surrounding alternately linked palmettes, ca. 350-325 (middle of quarter) (Agora Xi!: 1058). Fig. 4.5:8. Int./ ext. lustrous metallic gray/black to matt black, thickened rim rounded on top, tight curl with slight projection, straight wall, ca. 3 75-350 (early part of quarter) (Agora Xll:885) Int./ext. matt black, deep incised shoulder, ca. 325 lnt./ext. lustrous black, resting surface grooved and painted, underside totally painted, ca. 375 Int./ext. gray/black, small opening, grooved on top, long, narrow nozzle Oalontop,ca. 350 Int.!ext. lustrous to matt black, plain rolled rim, concave wall grooved on outer edge, slight groove on resting surface, underside totally painted, int. spiral rouletting, ca. 350 (Agora XII: 1056) Int.!ext. lustrous black, low ring foot, grooved and reserve at junction oJ vessel wall and foot, underside reserve with thick to thin concentric circles, ca. 400 Int.!ext. lustrous black, elongated rounded rim, deep broad groove below rim, ca. 37S-350 (Agora XII:10S8) Int.!ext. matt black, articulated wall with deep rib molding, ca. 3S0-325 (Agora XII:704) Int.!ext. lustrous black, ca. 450? Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, thickened rim, grooved concave wall below rounded slightly projecting rim, ca. 425-400 (Agora XII:779) Int./ext.lustrous black, rim rounded on top and slightly projecting, tight curl, ca. 37S (Agora XII:803) Int.!ext. lustrous black, rim rounded and slightly projecting, double curve to wall, ca. 400-375 (Agora XII:779) Traces of black, fired red on top, short flat nozzle, ca. 400-375? Int.!ext. lustrous to matt black, tapered and projecting rim, double curved wall, ca. 375 (Agora XII:349) Jnt./ext. mottled matt red/black flat projecting rim, ca. 375-350 (Agora Xll:803) Int.!ext.lustrous black, reserve outer edge with groove, ca. 375 (Agora XII: 1062) lnt./ext. lustrous gray/black, int. spiral dot rouletting, thin walled, ca. 375-3SO Int.lext. lustrous to matt black, thin walled, rim rounded on top and slightly projecting, ca. 400-375 (Agora XII:803) Ext. lustrous black, int. reserve, ca. 450 ~OCUS Reg. No. Area Phase Type Description 1623 46293/3 C2 5(b?) (+6??) (disturbed?) Rim, shoulder, foot, and base of bowl with incurving rim 1623 46293/4 C2 5(b?) (+6??) (disturbed?) Foot and base of bowl 1623 46345/3 C2 5(b?) (+6??) (disturbed?) Foot and base offish plate 1624 4633311 C2 5(a?/b?) Foot and base of bowl 1624 46333/2 C2 5(a?/b?) Foot and base of bowl 1624 46333/3 C2 5(a?/b?) 1624 ? C2 5?a?/b?) 1626b 46339/6 C2 5b?/6a? 1626b 46344/5 C2 5b?/6a? !626b 46344/6 C2 5b?/6a? !626b 46344/8 !626b 46344/28 C2 C2 5b?/6a? 5b?/6a? Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim Body sherd of open vessel (Attic Type A skyphos) Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim Rim and shoulder of concave/convex bowl Rim and shoulder of mug Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim Foot and base of Attic Type A skyphos Int./ext. lustrous black, reserve at junction of vessel wall and ring foot, grooved resting surface totally painted, underside totally painted with central nipple, thickened rim, int. spiral rouletting, ca. 350 (Agora Xll:828) Int./ext. matt black, reserve at junction of vessel wall and foot, resting surface scraped and grooved, underside totally painted with central nipple, int. rouletting surrounding alternately linked palmettes and lotus badly worn, ca. 375-350 (early part of quarter) Int./ext. lustrous black, thickened body and foot, ring foot, resting surface grooved and painted, underside totally painted with central nipple, int. groove around central depression, incised line above depression, ca. 375-350 (middle of quarter) (Agora XII: 1069) Int./ ext. lustrous to matt black, ring foot, concave molding, underside ridge or fillet and reserve, thin circle and central dot on nipple, resting surface reserve, ca. 425-400 (Agora XII:870) Int./ ext. matt black, thin ring foot, underside totally painted, central nipple, int. spiral rouletting, haphazard palmette cross, ca. 350-325 (end of quarter) Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, thickened rim rounded on top and projecting, tight curl, ca. 400-375 (Agora XII:779) Int./ext. matt black, rim rounded on top and projecting, ca. 350 !626c 46521/3 C2 6 !626c 4652114 C2 6 !626c !626c 46522/3 46522/4 C2 C2 6 6 !626c !626c 46537/8 46547/2 C2 C2 6 6 !626c !626c 1627 46547/6 46571/2 4640511 C2 C2 C2 6 6 5+6a 1627 46406/8 C2 5+6a Foot and base of small bowl Body sherd ofopen vessel Foot and base of black bodied lekythos Oval handle of mug? Rim and shoulder of bolsal Body sherd of open vessel Body sherd of open vessel Rim, shoulder, foot, and base of concave/convex bowl Rim and shoulderoftray 1627 46406/9 C2 5+6a Foot and base of bowl 1627 46406110 C2 5+6a 1627 4640611! C2 5+6a Rim and shoulder of balsa! Foot and base of bowl 1627 46424/9 C2 5+6a 1627 46526/8 C2 5+6a 1627 4654311 C2 5+6a 4627 4657311 C2 5+6a Rim and shoulder of bowl with in curving rim Rim and shoulder of bolsal Rim, handle, and shoulder of Attic Type A skyphos Rim and shoulder of mug Int./ext. lustrous black, double curve to thickened wall, ca. 400 Int.!ext. lustrous to matt black, reserve band below projecting rim flat on top, ca. 400-375 (Agora XII:803) Int./ ext. lustrous black, deep groove and reserve below slightly incurving rim and above pronounced ridge, ca. 425-400 Int./ext.lustrous black, flaring tapered rim, ca. 450-425 (Agora XII:223) Int./ ext. lustrous to matt black, rim rounded on top and projecting, straight wall, ca. 375 (Agora Xll:803) lnt./ext. lustrous black, groove at junction of vessel wall and foot, resting surface partially reserve with black outer face, underside reserve, ca. 450 Int./ext. mottled matt black/brown, dipped, flaring ring base, underside and resting surface reserve, ca. 325-300 Int./ext.lustrous to matt black, thin walled, ca. 400-375? Ext. lustrous black, flaring foot, underside reserve, ca. 425-400 Totally painted lustrous to matt black, ca. 400-375? Ext. matt black, inL intentional red, straight plain rim, ca. 450-425 (middle of quarter) lnt./ext. lustrous black, ca. 425 lnt./ext. striated lustrous black, ca. 450-425 Int./ext. lustrous black, incurving rim, groove below rim and above ridge/fillet, concave wall, light groove on outer face of foot, ca. 425-400 (Agora XII:821) Ext. lustrous black, rim rounded on top, lower wall of vessel grooved, outer edge of flat base reserve, underside painted, int. reserve, ca. 450-425 Int./ext. lustrous black, scraped and grooved resting surface, underside totally painted, junction of vessel wall and foot reserve, int.light rouletting surrounding incised lines with ovules surrounding a series of palmettes, ca. 375 Int./ ext. lustrous black, straight plain rim, ca. 425-400 (Agora XII:541) Int./ ext. lustrous to matt black, scraped and grooved junction of vessel wall and foot, low concave/convex ring foot, resting surface scraped, underside totally painted, int. spiral rouletting surrounding palmette cross badly worn, ca. 350 Int./ext. intentional red, striated black, rim lustrous black, rounded thickened slightly incurving rim, ca. 425? (Agora XII:882) lnt./ext. lustrous to matt black, slight double curve and projecting rim, ca. 375 (Agora XII:558) Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, handle attached below projecting rim, ca. 400-375 (Agora XII:349) Int./ext. lustrous black, concave projecting rim, ribbed wall joined by arcs at the top, grooved above arcs, 'Pheidias' type, ca. 430 (Agora XII:217) 149 Locus Reg. No. Area Phase Type Description Rim and shoulder of Attic Type A skyphos Body sherd of open vessel/ Attic Type A skyphos Rim and shoulder of bowl with incurving rim Torus foot and base of Attic Type A skyphos Body sherd of open vessel Foot and base of bowl Int.! ext. lustrous to matt black, slightly projecting rim, ca. 400 4627 46573/2 C2 5+6a 4628 41046 C2 5b 4628 46351/5 C2 5b 4628 46351/25 C2 5b 4628 4628 46351/6 46351/7 C2 C2 5b 5b 4628 46365/5 C2 5b Upper shoulder of amphoriskos 4628 C2 5b 4628 46365/6 & 46351116 46365/9 C2 5b 4628 46384111 C2 5b Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim Rim, shoulder, foot, and base of rilled rim plate 4628 4628 4628 46384/13 46384114 46384115 C2 C2 C2 5b 5b 5b 4628 46384/18 C2 5b 4628 46385/9 C2 5b 4628 46409/8 C2 5b 4629 46352/3 C2 5?16? 4630a 4639011 C1 6a (disturbed?) 4630a 46390/2 C2 6a (disturbed?) 4630a 4652311 C2 6a (disturbed?) 4631 46512/2 C2 6 4631 46524/5 C2 6 4631 4653311 C2 6 4631 46576/1 C2 6 4631 ? C2 6 4632 4653511 C2 5 4651a 46538112 C2 6a 4651a 46538116 C2 6a 4651a 4651a 46539/2 46560/3 C2 C2 6a 6a 150 Body sherd ofopen vessel Body sherd ofopen vessel Rim and shoulder of bowl with in curving rim Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim Base of bowl Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim Rim and shoulder of bowl with incurving rim Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim Torus foot and base of Attic Type A skyphos Straight rim and shoulder of Attic Type A skyphos Shoulder and handle of stemless cup Torus foot and base of Attic Type A skyphos Rim and shoulderofbowl Rim and shoulder of bowl with incurving rim Rim, shoulder, and handle of Attic Type A skyphos Handle of Attic Type A skyphos Base ofbolsal Ova! strap handle of jug Rim, shoulder, foot, and base of bowl with projecting rim Int./ ext. matt black, thin walled, double curve, ca. 350 (Agora XII:348-50) Int.!ext. lustrous to matt black, peeled, thickened rim, ca. 350 (Agora X!I:826) Int./ext. lustrous black, torus foot, underside reserve, slightly concave lower wall, ca. 425 Int./ext. mottled metallic gray/black, thickened body, ca. 375-350 Int.!ext. matt black, resting surface grooved and reserve, underside totally painted, int. spiral rouletting, ca. 375-350 (end of quarter) Ext. lustrous to mottled red/brown, upper shoulder stamped with palmette (upside down), lower shoulder normally placed palmette, rid! at junction of neck and upper vessel wall, ca. 400(Agora XII: 1159, Pl. 48 Int./ext.lustrous black, rim rounded on top and projecting, ca. 375 (Agora XII:803) Int.!ext. lustrous black, rim rounded on top and projecting, ca. 375 (Agora XI1:803) Int./ ext. lustrous to matt black, rilled rim heavily grooved, concave shoulder, reserve resting surface, underside totally painted, int. spiral rouletting, ca. 375-350 (early part of quarter) (Agora XII: l 046) Int./ext.lustrous to matt black, ca. 375-350 Int./ext.lustrous to matt black, ca. 375-350 Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, thickened incurving rim, ca. 375-350 (Agora XII:828) Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, rim flat on top and projecting, ca. 400-375 (early part of quarter) Int.! ext. lustrous black, underside reserve with thick to thin black concentric circles with central dot, int. linked palmettes above incised lines with ovules which surround additional linked palmettes, ovules a center of vessel, ca. 400 Int./ext.lustrous to matt black, rounded projecting rim, tight curl, ca. 425-400 (Agora XII:802) Int.!ext. lustrous to matt black, peeled, rim rounded on top and projecting, double curve to wall, ca. 375-350 (Agora XII:803) Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, heavily thickened rim, ca. 3 75-350 (early part of quarter) (Agora XII:828) Int./ext. matt red/gray-black, mottled, angular wall, rim rounded on to1 and projecting, int. spiral rouletting, ca. 350-325 (Agora XII:806) Int./ext. intentional red, groove at junction of vessel wall and foot, resting surface and underside reserve. ca. 475-450 Int.!ext. lustrous black, straight plain rim incurving, reserve area belov. rim, widest area of vessel below rim at lower shoulder, ca. 450 Int./ext.lustrous to matt black, carinated shoulder, inner face ofhandll reserve, ca. 450-425 (end of quarter) Int.!ext. lustrous to matt black, torus foot, resting surface and undersid reserve, reserve at junction of vessel wall and foot, ca. 450 Int./ext. lustrous black, and thickened rim slightly projecting and rounded on top, groove on outer face of vessel below rim, ca. 425-400 (Agora Xl1:785) Int./ext. mottled lustrous red/black to matt black, plain rounded rim incurving, broad base, small bowl type, ca. 375 (Agora XII:882) Int.!ext. lustrous to matt black, horseshoe handle, straight rim with handle attached at rim, ca. 425 Totally painted lustrous to matt black, horseshoe handle, ca. 450-425 Int./ext.lustrous black, reserve band at junction of vessel wall and foot underside concentric circles on reserve, int.linked broad leaf palmette~ surrounding linked broad leaf palmettes, ca. 420 Totally painted lustrous black, ca. 425-400 Int./ext. lustrous black, rim thickened, tapered, rounded, and projecting, angular wall, foot totally painted, resting surface of concave/convex foot reserve, reserve at junction of vessel wall and foot underside thick concentric circles on reserve with potter's mark, int. 12 linked palmettes attached to incised line with ovules above four palmettes on a circle at the center of the bowl, ca. 425-400 (end of quarter) (Agora Xl1:803) Description ,ocus Reg. No. Area Phase Type 65Ia 46560/6 C2 6a 65la C2 6a 65la 46560 & 46569/l 46564/3 C2 6a 65la 65la 65la 46569/2 46631/3 46631/7 C2 C2 C2 6a 6a 6a 652 46536/2 C2 5+6 653 4655615 C2 6b 653 465561!3 C2 6b 653 46579 C2 6b 653 46594/6 C2 6b 653 46594/ll C2 6b 657 46577/3 C2 6(+7?) 657 46595/l C2 6 (+7?) .657 4659515 C2 6 (+7?) .657 46595/9 C2 6(+7?) ·657 46595/10 C2 6 (+ 7') ·657 46606/4 C2 6 (+ 7?) ·659 46570/l C2 6a 1659 46586/6 C2 6a 1660 46593/2 C2 6a 1660 1660 466!6/7 46616/9 C2 C2 6a 6a 1660 1661 46637/l 46581/4 C2 C2 6a 6a 1661 46585/l C2 6a 1661 46589/l C2 6a 1661 46589/3 C2 6a 1661 46589/7 C2 6a 1661 46589/9 C2 6a Int./ext. lustrous black, reserve at junction of vessel wall and high ring foot, resting surface reserve, inner face of foot painted, underside reserve, int. rouletting surrounding palmettes, ca. 375 (Agora XII:803) Rim and shoulder of Int./ ext. lustrous black, thickened projecting rim, tight curl, rounded on top, ca. 425-400 (Agora XII:779) bowl with projecting rim lnt./ext.lustrous black, reserve band at junction of vessel wall and foot, Foot and base ofbolsal foot mostly reserve with partial black band, underside reserve with series of concentric circles, int. series of linked broad leaf palmettes surrounding two incised lines with inverted ovules, ca. 430 (Agora XII: Pl. 53, 546) Body sherd of open vessel Int./ ext. lustrous to matt black, thin walled, ca. 400 Body sherdofopen vessel Int./ ext. lustrous black, ca. 450-425 Straight rim of Attic Int./ ext. lustrous black, slight double curve to lower vessel wall, ca. Type A skyphos 450-425 Rim, shoulder, foot and Int./ext.lustrous to matt black, grooved at junction of vessel wall and foot, resting surface scraped and grooved, underside totally painted base of bowl with in curving rim with central nipple, int. rouletting with blunt instrument, ca. 350 (Agora Xll:832) lnt./ext. mottled lustrous black/red to matt black, rim rounded on top Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim and projecting, ridge/fillet and groove below rim on shoulder, ca. 425-400 (Agora XII:785) Int./ext. lustrous black, rim rounded on top and projecting, tight curl, Rim and shoulder of ca. 400-375 (Agora XII:802) bowl with projecting rim Int./ext. lustrous black, rim rounded on top and projecting, groove Rim and shoulder of below rim, ca. 375 (Agora XII:802) bowl with projecting rim Int.!ext. lustrous black, rim rounded on top and slightly projecting, tight Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim curl, groove below rim, thin wall, gentle curve, int. two incised lines near center of vessel with ovules, ca. 400 (Agora XII:779) lnt./ext. lustrous to matt black, thick walled, int. two incised lines with Base ofbolsal ovules at shoulder, ca. 400 Rim and shoulder of bowl Int.! ext. lustrous black, peeled, rim flat and angled inwards, ca. 400-375 (Agora XII:783) Torus foot and base of Int./ ext. lustrous to matt black, reserve resting surface, reserve Attic Type A skyphos underside, ca. 450-425 Int./ext. mottled matt red/black, outer face of foot reserve, reserve Foot and base of resting surface, underside reserve, low foot, ca. 450? (Agora XII:973) stemmed dish Int./ext. matt black, rim rounded on top and incurving, ca. 350-325 Rim and shoulder of bowl with in curving rim (Agora XII:887) Int.!ext. lustrous brown/black, underside totally painted, reserve band Rim and shoulder offish along outer edge of rim, ca. 37 5 plate Ext. mottled lustrous red/black, reserve band on lower shoulder, flaring Foot and base of squat black bodied lekythos foot with concave underside in reserve, ridge in middle of underside, ca. 425-400 Int./ext. lustrous black, reserve band at junction of vessel wall and foot, Foot and base of bowl high ring foot, grooved resting surface, underside totally painted, int. spiral rouletting surrounding palmettes, ca. 375-350 (early part of quarter) Int./ext. mottled matt red/black, heavily peeled, ring foot, reserve Foot and base of bowl resting surface, underside reserve, int. two incised lines with ovules, ca. 400 (Agora XII:782) Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, groove below in curving rim and above Rim and shoulder of fillet/ridge, thin walled, ca. 400-375 (early part of quarter) concave/convex bowl Body sherd of open vessel Int.!ext. lustrous black, ca. 425-400? Int./ext. lustrous black, peeled, rim offset, ca. 425-400 (Agora XII:588) Rim of cup skyphos/stemless cup Totally painted lustrous black, ca. 425 Handle of stemless cup lnt./ext. lustrous black, torus foot, resting surface reserve, underside Torus foot and base of reserve, double curve wall, concave lower wall, ca. 400-375 (early part Attic Type A skyphos of quarter) Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, rim rounded on top and projecting, ca. Rim and shoulder of 375 (Agora XII:882) bowl with projecting rim Int./ext. lustrous mottled red/black, broad foot, reserve resting surface, Foot and base of reserve band at junction of vessel wall and foot, underside reserve with concave/convex bowl concentric circles in lustrous black, broad foot type, ca. 450-425 (Agora XII:818) Int./ext. lustrous black, thin walled, probably Attic Type A skyphos, ca. Body sherd of open vessel 450 Int./ext.lustrous black, reserve band at junction of vessel wall and foot, Body sherd of open ridge on lower shoulder, int. incised lines with ovules on shoulder, ca. vessel/bolsal 425-400 (Agora XII:535) Int.! ext. lustrous gray/black, slight ridge on lower shoulder, int. thin Base ofbolsal Ring foot and base of bowl 151 Locus Reg. No. Area Phase Type 4661 4666 4659112 46607/13 C2 C2 6a 6b Body sherd of open vessel Foot and base ofbolsal 4666 46607/14 C2 6b Torus foot and base of Attic Type A skyphos 4666 46610/1 C2 6b 4666 46617 C2 6b 4666 46617/17 C2 6b 4666 46629/1 C2 6b 4666 46629/2 C2 6b Rim and shoulder of balsa! Torus foot and base of Attic Type A skyphos Rim and shoulder of balsa! Rim and shoulder of stemless cup Rim and shoulderofbowl 4666 46636/7 C2 6b 4666 4668 46643/8 46609/2 C2 C2 6b 6b 4668 46609/3 C2 6b 4668 46609/5 C2 6b 4668 46614/18 C2 6b 4668 46627/1 C2 6b 4668 46632/1 C2 6b 4668 4668 46632/2 46632/3 C2 C2 6b 6b Rim and shoulder of Attic Type A skyphos Rim and shoulder of Attic Type A skyphos Body sherd ofopen vessel Rody sherd of open vessel 4668 46632/4 C2 6b Bodysherd of open vessel 4668 46652!15 C2 6b Rim, shoulder, and handle of stemless cup 4668 46662 C2 6b Foot of Type C stemless cup 4668 46680/9 C2 6b 4668 4668 46693 46693 C2 C2 6b 6b 4668 46693 C2 6b 4668 4668 46702 46706 C2 C2 6b 6b 4672 46638 C2 6b Torus foot and base of Attic Type A skyphos Body sherd ofopen vessel Rim and shoulder of Attic Type A skyphos Rim and shoulder of stemless cup Lip and rim oflekythos Rim and shoulder of stemless cup Rim, shoulder, and handle of one-handler 4672 46638/6 C2 6b 4672 46640/13 C2 6b 4672 46650/4 C2 6b Foot and base of stemmed dish 4672 4668711 C2 6b Torus foot and base of Attic Type A skyphos !52 Rim and shoulder of balsa! Body sherd of open vessel Rim, shoulder, and handle of Attic Type A skyphos Foot and base of bowl Rim, shoulder, and handle of Attic Type A skyphos Body sherd of open vessel Rim and handle of one-handler Torus foot and base of Attic Type A skyphos Description leafed linked palmettes surrounding incised lines with ovules, ca. 430 (Agora Xll:534) Int./ext. matt gray/black, thin walled, ca. 350-325? Int./ext.lustrous to matt black, face of foot grooved, resting surface reserve, underside painted, ca. 400 (Agora XII:557) Int./ext. lustrous black, torus foot, resting surface reserve, reserve underside, groove at junction of vessel wall and foot, slightly concave lower wall, ca. 425 Int./ ext. lustrous black, heavily peeled, plain straight rim with slight tapering, ca. 425 Int./ext.lustrous black, resting surface reserve, underside reserve, ca. 4i Int./ ext. mottled and striated matt black, thickened rim, slight taperir of rim, ca. 400-375 (early part of quarter) (Agora XII:54I) Int./ext.lustrous black, carinated shoulder, groove on int., ca. 450-42 (end of quarter) (Agora XII:460) Int./ext. lustrous black, thickened rim rounded on top, slight incurvin ca. 400-375 (early part of quarter) (Agora Xll:876) Int.!ext. lustrous to matt black, straight rim with slight tapering, ca. 425-400 (Agora XII:541) Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, mottled red, ca. 425 Int.!ext. lustrous black, totally painted, oval handle attached at rim, straight rim, horseshoe shaped handle, ca. 450-425 (end of quarter) Int.! ext. lustrous black, ring foot, resting surface reserve, inner face of foot painted black, concentric circles on reserve underside, ca. 425-4( Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, straight rim with oval handle attached below rim, ca. 425 Int./ext.lustrous to matt black, widest area at mid-section of vessel, possibly Attic Type A skyphos, ca. 450 Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, thickened straight plain rim, slight double curve to lower wall, ca. 450-425 (Agora XII:342) Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, straight plain rim slightly tapered, ca. 450-425 (end of quarter) Int./ext.lustrous black, thin walled, ca. 450-425 (early part of quarter: Int./ext.lustrous to matt black, thick walled, probably from Attic Typt A skyphos, ca. 450-425 Int.! ext. fired lustrous red and striated red/black, thick walled, probab from Attic Type A skyphos, ca. 450-425 Int./ext. lustrous black, thickened wall, carinated shoulder, groove on int. of vessel, rim tapered, slightly concave outer face, ca. 450-425 (Agora Xll:471) Ext. striated matt black, grooved outer face of foot, concave underside lustrous to matt black, reserve center, groove at junction of vessel wall and foot, ca. 450 (Agora X11:413) Int./ext.lustrous black, resting surface reserve, reserve underside, ca. 45~ Int./ext. lustrous black, thick walled, ca. 450-425 Int./ext. lustrous black, thickened rim incurving, widest area at mid-section of vessel, ca. 450 Int./ ext. lustrous black, rim rounded on top, convex/concave wall, ca. 450-425 (middle of quarter) (Agora Xll:475) Int./ext.lustrous black, broad top reserve, red figure variety, ca. 475-45( Int./ext. lustrous black, slightly incurving rim, ca. 425 (Agora XII:481) Int./ ext. lustrous black, totally painted, flat angular rim thickened, ova handle attached at angle below rim, ca. 450-425 (end of quarter) (Ag01 Xll:759) Int./ext. lustrous black, rim incurving, flat on top, handle at rim, ca. 42 (Agora Xll:749) Int./ext.lustrous to matt black, reserve at junction of foot and wall of vessel, reserve resting surface, inner face of wall painted black, underside reserve with two thin circles and central dot, ca. 475-450 (Agora Xll:342) Molded foot, lustrous black upper surface, grooved upper surface, oute face reserve and grooved, underside partially painted, resting surface reserve, convex underside, stem short and thick, convex type dish, ca. 4 75-450 (early part of quarter) (Agora XIL965) Int./ ext. lustrous black, reserve resting surface and underside, inner fac of foot painted, vessel wall slightly curved, concave lower wall, ca. 450-425 (middle to end of quarter) ~OCUS Reg. No. Area Phase T_vpc Description 672 46695117 C2 6b Int./ext. lustrous black, thickened wall, ca. 450-425 (Agora XII:817) 672 46703/1 C2 6b 672 46705/1 C2 6b 672 46705/11 C2 6b Shoulder of concave/convex bowl Foot and base of concave/convex bowl Rim and shoulder of one-handler Oval handle 672 46708/9 C2 6b 672 46708/14 C2 6b 672 46719/6 C2 6b Rim, shoulder, and handle of Attic Type A skyphos ·672 46721/3 C2 6b 672 46722/8 C2 6b Rim and shoulder of stemless cup Body sherd ofopen vessel .672 46722/9 C2 6b ·672 .672 46722110 46722/12 C2 C2 6b 6b .672 46722/14 C2 6b 1672 46722/16 C2 6b 1672 46723 C2 6b Rim, shoulder, and handle of Attic Type A skyphos Body sherd ofopen vessel 1672 46723/8 C2 6b Body sherd of open vessel 1672 46729/5 C2 6b Rim and shoulder of Attic Type A skyphos 1672 46729/6 C2 6b Body sherd of open vessel 1674 1674 46672 ? C2 C2 6b 6b 1675 46674 C2 6b Collar rim of amphora Rim and shoulder offish plate Body sherd of open vessel 1675 46685/6 C2 6b 1675 46685/7 C2 6b 1675 46685/8 C2 6b 1675 46685/9 C2 6b 1675 46685/10 C2 6b 1675 46711/2 C2 6b 1675 ? C2 6b 1676 46712 C2 6b 1679 1679 46725/9 46726/10 C2 C2 6?17? 6?17? 1801 48003/3 Cl 4b !801 48003/5 C1 4b 1801 !801 48003/7 48003/8 C1 Cl 4b 4b Lower shoulder of stemless cup Foot and base of stemless cup Rim and handle of Attic Type A skyphos Body sherd of open vessel Rim, shoulder, and handle of Attic Type A skyphos Rim and shoulder of Attic Type A skyphos Rim and shoulder of concave/convex bowl Rim, shoulder, and oval handle ofbolsal Body sherd of open vessel/bolsal Rim and shoulder of Attic Type A skyphos Handle and body sherd ufbulsal Handle and shoulder of Attic Type A skyphos Handle and shoulder of stemless cup Body sherd of open vessel Body sherd of open vessel Rim and shoulder of stemless cup Rim and shoulder of bolsal Triangular handle of balsa! Body sherd of open vessel Body sherd of open vessel Int./ext. lustrous black, broad foot, resting surface reserve, broad foot type, ca. 425 (Agora XII:817) Int./ext. lustrous black, thickened angular rim flat on top and incurving, ca. 450-425 (Agora XII:754) Totally painted lustrous to matt gray/black, twisted, possibly from a bolsal, ca. 400-375? Int./ext.lustrous black, carinated shoulder, ca. 450-425 (early part of quarter) (Agora XII:471) Int./ ext. lustrous to matt red, reserve and grooved at junction of vessel wall and ring foot, resting surface reserve, underside reserve with concentric circles, ca. 475-460 (Agora XII:474) Int./ ext. lustrous to matt black, horseshoe handle totally painted attached below rim, rim rounded on top, upper section of shoulder incurving with widest area at mid-section of vessel, ca. 450-425 (middle to end of quarter) Int./ext. lustrous gray/black, reserve band on inner face of rim, slight concave curvature in vessel wall, ca. 425 (Agora XII:460) Int./ext. striated lustrous to matt black, widest area at mid-section of vessel, probably Attic Type A skyphos, ca. 450-425 (early part of quarter) Int./ext. lustrous gray/black, horseshoe shaped handle attached slightly below rounded straight rim, ca. 450-425 (end of quarter) Int./ext. lustrous black, ca. 450-425 Int.!ext. lustrous to matt black, straight rim rounded on top, horseshoe shaped handle attached slightly below rim, ca. 450-425 (middle to end of quarter) lnt./ext. lustrous red/brown to black, mottled paint, horseshoe shaped handle attached slightly below rim, rim rounded on top and straight, ca. 450-425 (early part of quarter) Int./ext. lustrous black, slightly tapered rim, horseshoe shaped handle attached below rim on lower shoulder, ca. 450-425 (end of quarter) Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, thin walled, widest area at mid-section of vessel, probably from Attic Type A skyphos, ca. 450-425? Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, probably from Attic Type A skyphos, ca. 425 Int./ ext. lustrous black, heavily peeled and worn, straight rim, rounded top with slight tapered projection, triangular handle attached below rim, ca. 425-400 (end of quarter) Int./ext. lustrous black, thick walled, probably from Attic Type A skyphos, ca. 450-425 lnt./ext. matt black, thickened rim flat on top, ca. 375-350? lnt./ext. matt black, worn and peeled, low downturned rim, ca. 350 (Agora XII: 1071) Int./ext. lustrous black, mottled red and striated, probably from Attic Type A skyphos, ca. 450? Int./ext. lustrous black, reserve groove below slightly in curving rim, ca. 450-425 Int./ ext. matt black, straight rim rounded on top, shoulder in curving, oval handle attached below rim on shoulder, ca. 400 (Agora XII:539) Int./ext. lustrous black, reserve at junction of vessel wall and foot, int. broad leaf palmette, ca. 430-425 Int./ext.lustrous black, striated, straight rounded rim, ca. 450-425 (Agora XII:359) Int./ext.lustrous to matt black, handle attached on body below rim, ca. 400 (Agora XII:534) Int./ext. lustrous black, totally painted, horseshoe shaped handle attached slightly below rim, ca. 450-425 Int./ext. mottled lustrous red/black, inner surface of handle reserve, ca. 450-425 (end of quarter) lnt./ext. striated lustrous matt black to red/black, thickened wall, double curvature, probably from Attic Type A skyphos, ca. 375 Int./ext. lustrous black, thin walled, ca. 450 Int./ext.lustrous black, carinated shoulder, ridge/fillet on face of rim, ca. 450-425 (Agora XII:4 71) Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, striated, straight plain rim, ca. 425-400 (Agora XII:359) Triangular oval handle totally painted, attached below rim on shoulder, ca. 400-375 lnt./ext. lustrous black, thick walled, ca. 425 Int.! ext. lustrous to matt black, thin walled, ca. 425? 153 Locus Reg. No. Area Phase Type Description 4801 4803 48003/9 48008/4 C1 4b Cl 4c Bodysherd ofopen vessel Molded foot and base of fish plate 4803 48010/7 C1 4c Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim 4803 48010/8 Cl 4c 4803 48010/16 C1 4c Rim and shoulder of Attic Type A skyphos Rim, shoulder, and handle of bolsal 4803 48016/1 Cl 4c Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, thin walled, ca. 425 Int./ext. lustrous black, molded concave outer face, ridge at junction c vessel wall and foot, resting surface reserve, underside CQncave, inner face of foot reserve with concentric circles and central dot, int. deep central depression, ca. 400-375 (early part of quarter) (Agora XII: 106 Int./ext. matt black, heavily peeled, thickened rim rounded on top an( projecting, tight curl, concave groove below rim, ca. 400-375 (Agora XII:778) Int.!ext. lustrous to matt black, thickened rim tapered lind slightly projecting, ca. 425 Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, rim rounded on top and projecting, horseshoe shaped handle attached below rim, ca. 400-375 (end of quarter) (Agora Xll:558) Int./ext. lustrous black, short nozzle flat on top, ca. 425 4803 48016/2 C1 4c 4803 48016/6 C1 4c 4803 48035/1 Cl 4c 4804a 48014/4 Cl 4a?/3c?? 4804a 4804a 48014/6 48014/8 Cl Cl 4a?/3c?? 4a?/3c?? 4804a 48014/12 Cl 4a?/3c?? 4804b 48014/10 Cl Later than 2 4804a 48014/13 C1 4a?3c?? Body sherd of closed vessel Body shcrd of open vessel 4804a 48014/14 Cl 4a?/3c?? Body sherd ofopen vessel 4804a 4804a 48014/15 48023/4 C1 C1 4a?/3c?? 4a?/3c?? Body shcrd of open vessel Foot and base of bowl 4804a 48029 C1 4a'!/3c?? Ring foot and base of bowl 4804a 48042/2 C1 4a?/3c?? 4804a 48043/3 C1 4a?/3c?? Large body sherd of open vessel Foot and base of bowl 4804a 48043/7 4804a 48067 C1 C1 4a?/3c?? 4a?/3c?? Spout of oil lamp, Type 23A Rim, shoulder, and handle ofbolsal Lower shoulder of Attic Type A skyphos Foot and base of bowl Torus foot and base of Attic Type A skyphos Body sherd ofopen vessel Rim and shoulder of Attic Type A skyphos Body sherd of open vessel Body sherd of open vessel Rim and shoulder of bowl with incurving rim Rim, shoulder, foot, and base of fish plate 4804a 48073/2, 3, 10 C1 4a?/3c?? 4804a 48074 C1 4a?/3c'?? Rim of rolled rim plate 4804b 48094/3 Cl Later than 2 Body sherd of open vessel 4804b 48094/4 C1 Later than 2 4804b 48094/5 4804b 48099/5 C1 Cl Later than 2 Later than 2 Rim and shoulder of bowl with incurving rim Body sherd of open vessel Foot and base of stemless cup 4804b 48136/1 C1 Later than 2 Body sherd ofopen vessel 4804b 48136/2 C1 Later than 2 Torus foot of Attic Type !54 Int./ext. lustrous black, thickened rim rounded on top and slightly projecting, ca. 400 (Agora XII:538) Int./ext.lustrous to matt gray/black, thickened wall, ca. 400-375? Int./ext. lustrous black, reserve at junction of vessel wall and foot, reserve resting surface, underside reserve with thick to thin concentric circles, int. wide incised lines with ovules surrounding unlinked palmcttes, ca. 325-400 Int.!ext. lustrous black, underside reserve, small base, ca. 425 (Agora XII:349 Int./ext.lustrous to matt black, slightly striated, thin walled, ca. 375 Int./ext. matt black, thickened projecting rim, double curve to vessel wall, ca. 375-350 (end of quarter) (Agora XII:349) Int./ ext. lustrous to matt black, pronounced double curve to vessel wal probably from Attic Type A skyphos, ca. 375-350 (end of quarter) Ext. mottled black, thick Walled, 4th cent. Int.lext. lustrous black, thin walled, probably from bolsal, ca. 400-3' (early part of quarter) Int./ext.lustrous to matt black, thin walled, pronounced double curve vessel wall, probably from Attic Type A skyphos, ca. 375-350 Int.!ext. lustrous black, thin walled, ca. 425 Int./ext. lustrous metallic black, ring foot, resting surface scraped ar grooved, low foot, underside totally painted, groove at junction ofvess wall and foot, int. spiral rouletting, ca. 375-350 (end of quarter) Int.lext.lustrous black, scraped groove at junction of vessel wall and foe concave/convex foot, resting surface scraped and grooved, undersi( totally painted, int. spiral rouletting, ca. 375-350 (middle of quarter) Int./ext. striated matt black, thick walled, possibly from a krater, c 350-325' Int./ext. lustrous to metallic black, groove at junction of vessel wall ar foot, concave/convex foot, resting surface scraped and groove1 underside totally painted with central nipple, int. spiral roulettir surrounding palmettes, ca. 375-350 (end of quarter) Ext. matt black, thick walled, probably amphora, ca. 350-325? Int./ext. lustrous metallic to matt black, thickened rim, ca. 350 (Ag01 XII:830) Int./ext.lustrous to matt black, deep groove at junction of vessel wall an foot, heavy ring base, torus foot, resting surface scraped and groove( underside totally painted, int. groove on outer edge of rim and aroun central depression, ca. 400-375 (early part of quarter) (Agora XIL l 062 Int.lext.lustrous metallic to matt black, groove below rim, ca. 350 (Agot XII: 1058) Int./ext. matt black, double curve to vessel wall, probably Attic Type. skyphos, ca. 350 Int./ext. matt black, peeled, ca. 350-325 (Agora XII:830) Int./ext. mottled black, ca. 350-325? Jnt./ext. lustrous brown/black, molded ring foot, reserve at junction ( vessel wall and foot, reserve resting surface, inner face of foot painte( underside reserve with thick to thin concentric circles and central dot, in thin incised lines with tongue surrounding lotus around central incise circle, ca. 425 (Agora XII: Pl. 55:5601; 488) Int./ext. lustrous black, int. spiral rouletting, probably from a large bow ca. 375-350 Int./ext. lustrous black, broad foot, resting surface reserve, inner face c Locus Reg. No. Area Phase 4804b 48136/5 4804b 48169/1 Cl Cl Later than 2 Later than 2 4804b 48177 Cl Later than 2 4807 48036 Cl 4c (unsealed) 4807 48036 Cl 4c (unsealed) 4807 48036 Cl 4c (unsealed) 4807 48036/2 Cl 4c (unsealed) 4808 48060 Cl 4a? 4809 48078/3 Cl Later than 4 4809 48079/4 Cl Later than 4 4809 48080/1 Cl Later than 4 4811 48076/1 Cl Sa+ topsoil 4811 48076/3 Cl Sa+ topsoil 4811 48093/2 Cl Sa+ topsoil 4812 48075 Cl Sa+ topsoil 4815 48091/5 Cl 5 4816 48097/1 Cl Later than 4 4816 48124/4 Cl Later than 4 4818 48104/3 Cl 4(c?) 4818 48112/6 Cl 4(c') 4818 48122/5 Cl 4?c?) 4818 48122/6 Cl 4(c'') 4822 48105 Cl 4a 4822 48125/9 Cl 4a 4824 48135/3 Cl 4b 4824 4828 48135/5 4816511 Cl Cl 4b Topsoil 4830 48143/2 Cl 4 (b?/c?) 4831 48152/2 Cl 4c 4832 48154/4 Cl 4c Type Description A skyphos foot painted, underside reserve, convex vessel wall, ca. 450 (Agora XII:342) Int./ext. lustrous black, thin walled, probably from balsa!, ca. 425 Totally painted lustrous black, triangular oval handle attached at shoulder, ca. 400-375 Int.!ext. matt brown/black, thickened rim, ca. 325-300 (end of quarter) (Agora XII:842) Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, handle attached at rim, tapered rim, thin walled, ca. 400-375 (Agora XII:558) lnt./ext. lustrous gray/black, rim rounded and projecting, tightly rolled, groove below rim, thin walled, ca. 400 (Agora XII:802) lnt./ext. matt black, resting surface reserve, underside reserve, slight double curve to vessel wall, ca. 425-400 lnl./ext.lustrous black, mollled, rim tapered and projecting, double curve to vessel wall, ca. 400-375 (end of quarter) (Agora XII:SSS) lnt./ext.lustrous to matt black, rim rounded on top and projecting, curved vessel wall, ca. 350 (Agora XII:806) Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, striated, rim rounded on top and projecting, angular wall, ca. 37S-3SO (Agora XII:885) Int./ext.lustrous black, shallow vessel, ca. 375-350 Body sherd of open vessel Triangular handle of Attic type A skyphos Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim Rim and shoulder of balsa! Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim Torus foot and base of Attic Type A skyphos Rim and shoulder of balsa! Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim Rim and shoulder of bowl with in curving rim Rim and shoulder of bowl with in curving rim Rim, shoulder, base, and foot of bowl with projecting rim Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim Foot and base of bowl Rim, shoulder and base of tray Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim Rim and shoulder offish plate Foot and base oflekanis Torus foot and base of Attic Type A skyphos Rim, shoulder, and handle of Attic Type A skyphos Rim and shoulder of bowl with incurving and projecting rim Bottom of base of stemless cup Foot and base of bowl Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim Rim and shoulder of bowl with incurving and projecting rim Handle of stemless cup Torus foot and base of Attic Type A skyphos Rim and shoulder of concave/convex bowl Lid of lekanis Rim, shoulder, and handle of Attic Type A skyphos Int./ext. matt black, deep vessel, ca. 325 (Agora XII:842) lnt./ext.lustrous black, groove at junction of vessel wall and foot, ring foot with reserve resting surface, underside of base reserve with series of concentric circles and dot, int. alternately linked broad and thin leafed palmettes surrounding incised lines with ovules, rim rounded on top and tightly curled, ca. 400 (Agora XII:885) Int./ext. matt black, angular wall, rim flat on top and projecting, ca. 3 75-350 (end of quarter) (Agora XII:803) Int./ext. lustrous mottled black/red, totally painted foot and underside, low ring foot, int. rouletting surrounding alternately linked palmettes, ca. 375-350 (early part of quarter) Ext. and underside lustrous black, reserve groove at base, flat resting surface, reserve rounded rim and int., ca. 450-425 (Agora XII: I 092) lnt./ext. matt black, rim rounded on top and projecting, tightly curled, ca. 375-350 (early part of quarter) (Agora XII:802) lnt./ext.lustrous to matt black, scraped outer edge with faint groove, small tapered downturned rim, shallow vessel, ca. 375-350 lnt./ext. lustrous black, heavily peeled, wide reserve band at junction of vessel wall and foot, resting surface reserve and flat, underside reserve, concave/convex foot, ca. 450 Int./ext. lustrous black resting surface and underside reserve, groove at junction of vessel wall and foot, ca. 450-425 (early part of quarter) Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, triangular oval handle attached below tapered straight rim, ca. 37S lnt./ext. lustrous black, groove and ridge/fillet on outer face of thickened rim, rim rounded on top and incurving as well as projecting, ca. 425 (Agora XII:783) lnt./ext.lustrous black, underside reserve with concentric circles, int. two rows of ovules, ca. 42S-400 (Agora XII:466) lnt./ext.lustrous black, reserve groove at junction of vessel wall and foot, resting surface reserve, underside alternating painted circles on reserve, int. spiral rouletting, ca. 375 Int./ext.lustrous black, rim rounded on top and projecting, tightly curled, sloping wall, ca. 375 (Agora Xll:779) Int./ext.lustrous black, thickened rim incurving and projecting, outer face groove and ridge/fillet, ca. 425 (Agora XII:783) Lustrous black with reserve inner face and panel, ca. 425 Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, thin convex wall, resting surface reserve. reserve underside with two thin circles and central dot, ca. 450-425 (middle of quarter) (Agora Xll:342) Int./ext.lustrous black, groove below incurving rim, ca. 425-400 (Agora XII:821) Totally painted lustrous to matt black, convex top, high stem knob, conical depression in center reserve, ca. 400 (Agora XII: 1239) Int./ext.lustrous to matt black, horseshoe shaped handle attached at rim, ca. 425 !55 Locus Reg. No. Area Phase Type Description 4836 48172/5 Cl 4c Foot and base ofbolsal 4843 48200/8 Cl 5(a?) 4855 48258/4 Cl (2+3)?/4a? 4855 48258110 Cl (2+3)?/4a? 4862 48471/1 Cl 7 (disturbed) 4868 4834611 Cl (2+3)4a' 4868 48383111 Cl (2+3)?/4a? Torus foot and base of Attic Type A skyphos Rim and shoulder of bowl with incurving rim Rim and shoulder of bowl with incurving rim Torus foot and base of Attic Type A skyphos Rim and shoulder of bowl with projectig rim Bottom of base ofbolsal Int./ext. striated lustrous red/black, groove at junction of vessel wall an, foot, reserve underside, ca. 425 (Agora XII: 54 I) Int./ext.lustrous to matt black, resting surface reserve, reserve undersidf convex wall, ca. 450-425 Int.lext. lustrous to matt black, thickened rim, int. rouletting, ca. 350 4871 48272/3 Cl 4 (unsealed) 4871 48302 Cl 4 ((unsealed) 4871 48338/1 Cl 4 (unsealed) 4871 4872 Cl Cl 4 (unsealed) 4a (unsealed) 4872 48338/3 4827311 & 48339/7 48345/3 Cl 4a (unsealed) 4872 48420/3 Cl 4a (unsealed) 4872 48420/5 Cl 4a (unsealed) 4876 4876 48361/7 4838411 Cl Cl Topsoil Topsoil 4876 48403/4 Cl Topsoil Foot and base of squat black bodied lekythos 4876 48403/5 CI Topsoil Foot and base of stemless cup? 4876 48403/6 Cl Topsoil 4876 48403/7 CI Topsoil 4877 48329/6 Cl Topsoil Rim and shoulder of concave/convex bowl Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim Foot and base of bowl 4884 48328/4 Cl 4(a?/b??) 4888 48379/2 Cl 4890 48440 Cl 4b?/5? (disturbed?) 4(b?) 4890 48440 Cl 4(b?) 4900 48468/2 Cl Sa (unsealed) Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim Base of bowl 4900 48468/3 Cl Sa (unsealed) Base of bowl 4901 ? CI 5 4903 48431 Cl 4b Foot and base of concave/convex bowl Body sherd of open vessel 4903 48431/9 Cl 4b Body sherd of open vessel 4903 48435/7 Cl 4b Oval handle 156 Rim and shoulder of one-handler Rim, shoulder, foot, and· base of bowl with incurving rim Rim and shoulder of kantharos Oval handle Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim Body sherd of bowl with in curving rim Base of oil lamp, Type 25A Rim and shoulder of bowl with incurving rim Body sherd of open vessel Foot and base of bowl or stemless cup Body of squat black bodied lekythos Rim and shoulder of one-handler/bowl Foot of bowl Int./ext. matt gray/black, thickened rim, ca. 350-325 (Agora Xll:828) Int./ext. striated lustrous red/black, resting surface reserve, undersid intentional red, ca. 475-450 (Agora Xll:359) Int.lext. metallic black/gray, rim rounded on top and projecting, flarin wall, ca. 350 (Agora Xll:806) lnt./ext. lustrous black, underside reserve with concentric circles,in1 incised lines with ovules surrounding small palmcttes, ca. 425-400 fnt_lext. lustrous to matt black, flat angular rim sloping inwards, rin thickened, ca. 350 (Agora XII:757) Int./ext. matt black, heavily peeled, tapered in curving rim, scraped groov' at junction of vessel wall and high ring foot, resting surface scraped an1 grooved, underside totally painted, int. thinly stamped rouletting, ca 350-325 (end of quarter) (Agora Xll:830) Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, heavily peeled, groove on outer face o rim, thick walled, ca. 375 Striated metallic gray/black, inner face reserve, ca. 425 Int./ext.lustrous to matt black, ext. striated with red 'banding' below rim rim flat on top and projecting, underside of rim flat and reserve, ca. 42: Int.lext. matt black, underside totally painted, resting surface scraped molded foot, int. palmette, ca. 350 (Agora XII:678) Int. gray/black, ext. brown/red, concave disk base, ca. 325 (Agon XII:269) Int./ext.lustrous to matt black, thickened rim, ca. 350 Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, ca. 400-375? Int.lext.lustrous to matt black, groove at junction of vessel wall and higl ring foot, resting surface reserve, underside reserve with four thir concentric circles and central dot, int. incised lines with ovule: surrounding linked palmettes, ca. 425-400 Int./ext. lustrous black, heavily peeled, outside edge of foot reserve resting surface and underside reserve, groove at junction of vessel wal and foot, ca. 425 (Agora XII:l423) Int.lext.lustrous to matt black, junction of foot and vessel wall reserve underside wide black band on reserve surface, foot totally paintec including resting surface, int. double incised lines with ovule: surroundingpalmettes from badly worn die, ca. 425-400 (AgoraXII:482) Int./ext. lustrous red to black, heavily peeled, groove on upper wall, ca 425-400 (Agora XII:821) Int.lext. matt black, rim flat on top and under lip of projecting rim (Agon XII:802) Int./ext.lustrous to matt black, groove at junction of foot and vessel wall int. rouletting, ca. 3 75-350 (end of quarter) Ext. lustrous black, ca. 450-425 (Agora Xll:ll23) Int.lext. lustrous mottled gray, angular thickened rim, ca. 400 (Agora XII:783) Ext. lustrous to matt black, resting surface scraped and grooved. underside totally painted, reserve at junction of vessel wall and foot, ca. 375-350 Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, rim rounded on top and projecting, tightly curled, angular wall, ca. 375-350 (Agora XII:885) Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, underside totally painted, int. ligh1 rouletting surrounding series of broad leaf palmettes, ca. 350 Int./ext.lustrous to matt black, groove at junction of vessel wall and base. underside concentric circles on reserve, int. tightly placed broad leaf palmettes at center of vessel, ca. 400 Int./ext.lustrous to matt black, resting surface reserve, broad foot variety. underside fired brown/red, ca. 425 (Agora XII:818) Int./ext.lustrous to matt black, reserve at junction of vessel wall and foot, ca. 400-375? Int./ext. matt black, double curve to lower wall, probably from skyphos, ca. 350-325 Lustrous black, totally painted and heavily peeled, probably from mug, ca. late 5th-early 4th cent. (Agora XII:228) Locus Reg. No. Area Phase Type Description 4903 48446 Cl 4b 4903 48448/2 Cl 4b 4903 4903 48462 4846211 Cl Cl 4b 4b Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim Handle of Attic Type A skyphos Body sherd of open vessel Body sherd ofbolsal 4903 48462/2 Cl 4b 490S 48473/4 Cl S(a?/b??) 490S 4908 48473/S 4840611 Cl Cl 5(a?/b??) 4(b?) Rim, shoulder, and handle ofbolsal Rim and shoulder of bolsal Body sherd of open vessel Rim and shoulderofbowl 4911 4911 48490 48490 Cl Cl 4b (unsealed) 4b (unsealed) Bodysherd ofopen vessel Base and foot ofbolsal 4911 4911 48SOO 48S07 Cl Cl 4b (unsealed) 4b (unsealed) Body sherd of open vessel Footofbowl 4924 48SOI/l Cl Body sherd of open vessel 4924 48SOI/3 Cl Sa (+4?) (unsealed) Sa (+4?) (unsealed) 4931 4931 4931S/3 4931S/6 Cl Cl Sb (disturbed?) 5b (disturbed?) Body sherd of open vessel Rim and shoulder of Attic Type A skyphos 4932 4932S/2 Cl Base of bowl 4934 493S2/3 Cl 5a?/b?? (disturbed?) S (disturbed) 4934 493S2/8 Cl 5 (disturbed) 493S 4931S Cl I? Rim and shoulder of stemless cup Body sherd of open vessel Int./ext. mottled matt red/black to brown/black, rim rounded on top and projecting, angular wall, ca. 375-350 (Agora XII:885) Totally painted lustrous to metallic gray/black, horizontally placed, horseshoe shaped, ca. 425 Int./ext. lustrous black, ca. 425 lnt./ext. lustrous to matt black, concave lower shoulder, ca. 400-37S (Agora XII:SS7) Int./ext. lustrous black, straight rounded rim, square handle attached slightly below rim, ca. 425 (Agora XII:534) Int./ext. lustrous gray/black, heavily peeled, straight plain rim slightly projecting, ca. 400-375 Int./ext. lustrous gray/black, ca. 400 lnt.lext. lustrous black, plain rim thickened, incurving, and projecting, ca. 400 (Agora XII:882) Int./ext. lustrous black, thickened wall, ca. 425? Int./ext. matt black, underside totally painted, reserve band at junction of vessel wall and foot, scraped and rounded on face of foot, ca. 375-350 (Agora XII:S61) lnt.lext. striated matt red/black, thin walled, ca. 375 Lustrous to metallic gray/black, groove at junction of vessel wall and foot, resting surface reserve, groove on inner face of foot, high ring foot, ca. 400-37S (end of quarter) Int./ ext. lustrous black, groove and ridge/fillet at upper part of shoulder, ca. 42S-400? Int./ext.lustrous to matt gray/black, slight groove on outer face below rim, ridge/fillet below groove, rim rounded on top and projecting, tightly curled, angular wall, ca. 400-375 (Agora XII:802) Int./ext.lustrous to matt black, thickened rim, ca. 400-375 Int./ext. striated lustrous to matt black, widest area below rim at mid-section of vessel, straight plain rim, upper wall incurving, ca. 450 (Agora XII:342) Int. matt black, underside totally painted lustrous to matt black, ca. 37S-3SO Top lustrous black, outer face of foot reserve, pedestaled, concave resting surface reserve, underside fired red, central depression reserve, ca. S7S-4SO (Agora XII:96S, molded foot) lnt./ext.lustrous to matt black, straight rim, ca. 425-400 (Agora Xll:487) 4937 49481/4 Cl S(b?) Foot and base of bowl 4937 49481/8 Cl S(b?) 4938 49346/2 Cl Later than 5b 4938 49346/6 Cl Later than 5b 4939 4932S/9 Cl Later than 5b Rim and shoulder of bolsal Rim and shoulder of concave/convex bowl Rim and shoulder of concave/convex bowl Lid of lekanis 4939 49336/2 Cl Later than 5b 4939 49336/3 Cl Later than 5b 4939 49336/S Cl Later than 5b 4939 49336/6 Cl Later than 5b 4941 4934711 CI 5 (unsealed) Foot and base of stemless cup 4948 4937017 Cl 4b (unsealed) 49SI 49SS 49382/S 49388/8 Cl Cl Earlier than 3 4c (unsealed) Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim Body sherd of open vessel Rim and shoulder of ·bolsal? Rim and shoulder of bowl with projecting rim Molded foot and base of stemmed dish Torus foot and base of Attic Type A skyphos Body sherd ofopen vessel Rim and shoulder of salt cellar (echinus wall) Foot of bowl lnt./ext. lustrous to matt black, ca. 400-375? Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, resting surface reserve, underside concentric circles on reserve with central circle and dot, int. linked palmettes surrounding incised lines with ovules and linked palmettes on a circle, ca. 400 (Agora XII:785) lnt./ext. lustrous black, tapered and thickened rim, ca. 400-375 Int./ext.lustrous gray/black, ridge above groove on outer face ofthickened incurving rim, ca. 400 (Agora XII:821) Int./ext. lustrous gray/black to matt brown/black, thickened incurving rim, groove with ridge below rim, ca. 400 (Agora XII:821) Lustrous to matt black, central depression painted, ca. 400? (Agora XII: 1220) Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, torus foot, resting surface reserve, underside reserve, slightly concave lower wall, ca. 400 (Agora XII:349) Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, concave lower wall, probably from skyphos, ca. 375 Int./ext. lustrous black, rim rounded on top and in curving, ca. 425 (Agora Xll:914) Lustrous black inner face, resting surface reserve, face of foot vertical, probably from one-handler, ca. 475-450 Int./ext. matt black, reserve at junction of vessel wall and foot, underside concentric circles on reserve, int. linked palmettes surrounding linked ovules, palmettes at center of vessel, ca. 400 Int./ext. lustrous mottled red/black, striated, thickened projecting rim rounded on top, angular wall, ca. 400-375 (Agora XII:785) Int./ext. lustrous to matt black, thickened wall, ca. 375-350? lnt./ext. lustrous to matt black, handle attached below straight rim, ca. 400-37S 157 Addenda: Area Cl, 1986-1987 Phase Type Description 4709513 2+3 Underside totally glazed, int./ext. black metallic paint, int. roulettin surrounding worn palmettes alternately linked around central inscribe' circle, in curving rim, shallow bulge in center, ca. 3 75-350 Int./ext. metallic black, thickened wall, accentuated double concave curv below rim, thickened rim, ca. 400-375 (early part of quarter) 4367 4709514 2+3 Thickened base oflarge bowl, indication of small central nipple Projecting rim and upper shoulder of Attic Type A skyphos Base of fish plate 4367 4709516 2+3 Bowl with incurving rim 4456 4956512 6 (disturbed) 4464 49591 7 (disturbed) Large body sherd of open vessel, krater/bowl Ring base of bowl 4720 4718315 2-8 4721 4718214 2-8 4723 47228110 4b {disturbed??) 4724 4713014 4c 4726 4713617 Later than I b 4727 ? 2-8 {unsealed) 4727 ? 2-8 (unsealed) ., 2-8 (unsealed) 4727 41850112 4713019 2-8 (unsealed) 2-8 (unsealed) 4727 4715011 2-8 (unsealed) 4727 4715012 2-8 (unsealed) 4727 4715014 2-8 (unsealed) 4727 4715016 2-8 (unsealed) 4727 4715017 2-8 (unsealed) 4727 4715018 2-8 (unsealed) 4727 47164 2-8 (unsealed) Concave ring base of bowl with incurving rim 4727 4716415 2-8 (unsealed) 4727 4716416 2-8 (unsealed) Thickened rim and shoulder of bowl with in curving rim Shallow base of askos 4727 2-8 (unsealed) Rim offish plate 4727 4716418 & 47164116 Uoin) 47164121 2-8 (unsealed) 4727 47164122 2-8 (unsealed Slightly incurving rim of small bowl, possibly salt cellar Projecting rim of small bowl 4727 47167 2-8 (unsealed) 4727 4718012 2-8 (unsealed) Locus Reg. No. 4367 47001 4367 4727 4727 Base and foot of large bowl, heavy plate with thickened foot Body sherd ofbowl/kylix? Slightly tapered rim of Attic Type A skyphos Oval strap handle of small jug Body sherd, probably from Attic Type A skyphos Rolled rim plate, concave rim base Large bowl with rounded projecting rim Bowl with incurving rim Holemouth jar/oinochoe Carinated shoulder of closed vessel, possibly squat lekythos Base, torus foot, and lower shoulder of Attic Type A skyphos Large bowl with tapered projecting rim Rolled rim plate Upper and partial shoulder of Attic Type A skyphos Ringed concave foot, grooved resting surface Bowl with thin incurving rim Int. matt black, int. alternate incised lines with tongue and small irregularl· placed palmette, underside offoot concentric circle and central dot on reserv, surface, three thin to thick bands painted on inner and outer face of foot grooved and reserve band at junction of foot and base, ca. 425-400 (toward end of tradition and quarter) Ext. metallic red/black, int., metallic, inner face of foot painted, reserv' underside with concentric circles, int. linked palmettes above incised line with tongues, ca. 425-400 Int./ext. striated matt black and reserve, ext. reserve with undetermined wav: line, ca. 425 Straight wall, slightly projecting rim, matt black, thickened rim, ca. 400-375 Mottled red/black lustrous paint, heavily worn, ca. 425? Striated black/brown, metallic ext., ca. 350? Int./ext. lustrous black paint, rouletting surrounding broad leaf palmette, ca slightly before 350 Int./ext. matt black, flat top of rim projects over shoulder, ca. 400-375 Heavy type, thickened upper shoulder but thin incurving rim, ca. 375-350 Hellenistic? Ext. matt black, reserve area above black painted motif (undetermined), ca 425 Ext. matt black, reserve at junction of foot and lower shoulder, int. matt red underside and inner face of foot red, thick to thin bands surrounding centra dot, ca. 450-425 (probably towards end of quarter) lnt./ext. matt black, rim projects over upper shoulder, ca. 350 Foot/base totally painted, shallow plate with groove below rim, concave base int. rouletting surrounding thin alternately linked leaf palmette, ca. 350 Ext. badly painted, mottled black paint, handle attached slightly beloVi projecting rim, accentuated double curve, thin walled, ca. 350 Underside fired red, ext. striated black, groove on base and lower shoulder int. mottled, rouletting surrounding badly impressed palmettes, ca. 325? Int./ext. metallic flat black paint, light rouletting on int., groove atjunctior of foot and base, ca. 350-325 (middle to end of quarter) Int./ext. totally painted metallic to matt black, ring base reserve, groove a1 junction of foot and lower shoulder, int. rouletting only, ca. 350-325 (toward~ or at end of quarter) Int./ext. matt black, ca. 350 Reserve flat bottom, rounded outer edge of foot, ext. metallic black, ca. 425-400 Reserve edge, slight groove, flaring lower lip, int./ext. lustrous black paint. ca. 375-350 Ext. matt black, int. painted rim above reserve area. ca. 400-375? Spout of oil lamp, Attic type 23124(') Delicate rim tapers and projects over shoulder of vessel, metallic black, ca. 375-350 Mottled red/black, deep bowl, tapered central depression from spout, ca. 375' Flaring foot of stemmed ca. 420-400? cup(?) !58 Int./ext. metallic to matt black, ring base, int. broad leaf palmette, ligh rouletting above palmette, thickened body, no central nipple, ca. 350 Int./ext. lustrous black paint, tapered rim, slight thickening at uppe shoulder, ca. 400-375 (early part of quarter) lnt./ext. lustrous black, int. matt, ca. 450-425 ,ocus Reg. No. Phase Type Description 727 4718012 2-8 (unsealed) Lid(?) of lekanis 727 4718018 2-8 (unsealed) 727 47180/11 2-8 (unsealed) Body sherd, probably from krater/large bowl Deep ring base offish plate Ext. metallic to lustrous black, underside below rim matt black, overhanging rim, ca. 400? Ext. red, int. black, badly worn, ca. 450-425? 727 727 47180/15 47180/17 2-8 (unsealed) 2-8 (unsealed) Base of bowl, foot missing Foot of bowl 727 47211 2-8 (unsealed) 727 4721117 2-8 (unsealed) Light base of concave/convex bowl Bowl with incurving rim 727 727 47211/10 47211115 2-8 (unsealed) 2-8 (unsealed) Bowl with projecting rim Small bowl 727 47211/17 2-8 (unsealed) Base of bowl inside footed area 727 4722816 2-8 (unsealed) Foot and base oflarge bowl 727 727 4722817 4722818 & 4 7228/12 Uoin) 2-8 (unsealed) 2-8 (unsealed) 727 727 47228122 4733614 2-8 (unsealed) 2-8 (unsealed) Rim of fish plate Triangular handle, upper shOulder, and rim of Attic Type A skyphos Straight rim of Attic skyphos Plain rim of stemless cup 735 47353 4c 740 47270 5a (+earlier?) .746 ·746 ·746 ·748 4724412 4724413 4727016 4726914 2-8 2-8 2-8 2-8 1751 4728416 Later than 5 Rim and foot of concave/convex bowl 1751 1754 4728419 4734911 Later than 5 Sa 1760 4733512 6 Body sherd of bowl (kylix?) Foot and partial base of balsa!(") Base and foot of Attic Type A skyphos 1767 4 7180113 (reg. error) ? Foot and partial base of large bowl 1969 4931 Oil (reg. error) 4942611 ? Trefoil spout of jug Topsoil Heavy torus foot and base of Attic Type A skyphos 1973 4942613 & 4943412 Uoin) Topsoil Ring base and foot of small bowl with incurving rim 1973 4942617 Topsoil Ring base of bowl with in curving rim 1973 1973 4942618 49426/9 Topsoil Topsoil Body sherd Rim of bowl with incurving rim 1973 Body sherd of large bowllkrater Neck and shoulder of squat lekythos/askos? Foot of bowl Body fragment of bowl Body sherd ofbowllkylix? Interior fragment of bowl Int. badly worn, deep central depression, high ring base, slight groove at junction of foot and lower shoulder, foot scraped and grooved, underside glazed red, central depression, reserve band, ca. 325-300 Metallic black, int. light dot rouletting, ca. 350 Int./ext. lustrous black, int. partially reserve at junction of base and foot, slight reserve groove at junction of base and foot, ca. 425 lnt./ext. lustrous black, reserve resting surface, int. black band partially reserved, reserved underside, groove on ext. of foot, ra. 425-400 lnt./ext. metallic black paint, badly worn, slightly thickened shoulder, ca. 375-350 Metallic black, carinated shoulder projecting over rim, ca. 375 Int./ext. matt black, projecting rounded rim with fillet below projection, ca. 400-375 Int. metallic black, ext. reserve with central circle and dot surrounded by thin black line and thick black band on reserve underside, int. elaborate linked palmettes surrounding double band with haphazard tongues which surround linked palmettes around double incised circle, ca. 400 lnt./ext.lustrous black, reserve resting surface, int. of foot painted thick black band and two thick bands on reserve underside, int. alternate or linked tightly placed palmettes, ca. 425-400 (later part of quarter) Int./ext. matt black, groove at lip of totally painted plate, ca. 350 Int./ext. matt gray/black, projecting rim, double curved wall, handle placed below rim, ca. 350 Matt black, straight walled, ca. 450-425 (early part of qumter) Red paint, ext. reserve at carinated shoulder, below rim coral/intentional red, ca. 475-450? Int./ ext. lustrous coral/intentional red, ca. 4 75-450? Ext. lustrous black, int. matt, ca. 400-375 Int./ext. metallic black, slight reserve at junction of foot and base, ca. 400 Int./ext. lustrous black, int. palmettes, ca. 400-375 Int./ext. matt black, ext. reserve with undetermined painted motif, ca. 425? Ext. base inside footed area reserved with thick black band, int. metallic black incised line with badly worn tongue, traces ofpalmettes, ca. 400 Thickened wall, short and squat, int.!ext. totally painted in black, groove and ridge at junction of upper and lower shoulder, reserve resting surface, underside painted black, ca. 450-425 (middle part of quarter) Int./ext. metallic black, ridge below lower shoulder, ca. 425-400 Int./ext. lustrous black, painted resting surface, thick black band, concentric circle, ca. 425? Lighter torus foot, straight to convex lower shoulder to foot, int./ext. metallic black, underside painted red (not reserve), resting surface reserve, ca. 475-450 Ext. painted, reserve band at junction of foot and base at lower shoulder, int. of foot painted, reserve underside and resting surface, partial design of linked/alternately linked palmettes, ca. 425-400 Probably dipped, ca. 350? Int. metallic black, ext. lustrous black, underside reserve, int. of foot black, slight concave surface at junction of foot and base at lower shoulder, early example of double curve tradition, ca. 450-425 Int.!ext. totally painted, ext. metallic lustrous, thickened foot, scraped resting foot, scraped resting surface, underside partially painted with central area natural red, int. evenly spaced small palmettes in center of base around two incised lines, four haphazardly placed palmettes in center around inscribed line, ca. 425-400 (probably end of quarter) Totally painted, ext. matt, int. matt/metallic black, grooved resting surface, int. rouletting, three rows surrounding broad leaf palmette, underside totally painted, concave ring base, no trace ofthickened central section, ca. 37 5-350 (earlier part of quarter) Hellenistic? Hellenistic? !59 Locus Reg. No. Phase Type Description 4973 49426110 Topsoil Int./ext. matt black, double curve, ca. 375-350 4973 49434/3 Topsoil 4973 4989 49434/11 49481/4 Topsoil Body shcrd, probably upper shoulder of Attic Type A skyphos Small bowl with rounded projecting rim Body sherd of bowl Rim and shoulder of bowl 4991 49484/7 4(c?) 4991 49489/7 4(c'') 4991 4991 49489/8 49525/4 4(c'') 4(c?) Balk 49506 Sa Handle of Attic Type A skyphos Base and foot ofbolsal Lower shoulder of bowl Rim and shoulder of projecting/incurving rim bowl Base and lower shoulder of bowl Lustrous black, ca. 425-400 Int./ext. metallic black, ca. 425-400? lnt./ext.lustrous black, incurvinglprojecting rim, thickened rim, fillet bela rim, ca. 400 Totally painted lustrous black, placed at straight tapered rim, ca. 450-4: (probably later part of quarter) Lustrous black, totally painted resting surface, reserve underside, c 425-400 Int./ext.lustrous to dull black paint, int. tight palmettes on incised line ca. 4( Thickened rim with fillet below rim, ca. 400 Dipped, int./ext. matt black hole in base, reserve underside, concave foot, c 300 Discussion: Area Cl, 1986-1987 The majority of vessels are non-specialty types, represented by a high concentration of bowls with incurving rims and to a lesser extent by drinking vessels, primarily Attic Type A skyphoi. Additional types of bowls are those with tapered rims, those with rounded outturned rims, and those with a fillet below the shoulder. Fish plates and rolled rim plates also appear in limited numbers. The remaining types are represented by less than three types each, the majority only by one. All in all, the finds from Area C iu 1986-1987 features a limited distribution of Athenian wares, consisting mainly of those which were easily transported in bulk bowls and skyphoi. Only 22 types are represented. Table 4.5. Distribution of ceramic types. 1}•pc> Bowl with incurving rim, large and small (2 are larger bowls) Fish plate Rolled rim plate Bowl with tapered rim Bowl with rounded outturned rim Bowl with fillet Heavy plate Squat lekythos Skyphos, Attic Type A Concave/convex bowl Holsal Kylix Number Percentage* 21 32 6 3 2 4 2 I 3 3 I 2 10 2 2 3 2 3 15 3 3 5 2 Jug Stemmed cup Stemless cup Askos Jug with trefoil mouth Krater body fragment Body fragment Lid Oinochoe Oil lamp Type 23/24 5 5 2 2 2 2 I 2 3 5 2 2 2 *The total of the percentages is higher than I 00, due to rounding of the percentages for individual types. 160 The dating of individual types is difficult due to the pm city of distinctive features. Most dates have been given i quarter centuries; a plus or minus of a quarter century is po: sible for some examples, especially where the tradition both long and stable and little information can be deduce from the surviving fragment. Bowls with incurving rims aJ a dominant feature of 4th-century Athenian wares, and th largest percentage of pottery is of this type. Easily !ran: ported in bulk by stacking, it is quite common at a numb( of sites. Decoration, where it appears, consists ofimpresse designs of palmettes and rouletting. The size is constan though deeper examples are known and date from the mic die of the 4th century. Bowls with outturned rims are als evident from the last quarter ofthe 5th century and continu well into the 4th century. They are not as frequent here a the bowls with incurving rims. Only a few examples of rolled rim plates and fish plate are evident in this assemblage. Both are Athenian types wit a well-developed 4th-century tradition, and were easil transported by stacking. The examples found here are typ cal of these categories of plates. Attic Type A skyphoi are the dominant drinking vessel in the assemblage. Again, they are typical of exported Ath( nian wares; there was clearly a large demand for them an· they appear in large numbers due to their convenient tram port by stacking. The type has a long history, developin gradually over the years. Problems arise from these subtl changes, expressed primarily by the shift from straight side to a double curve and from a straight to an outturned rim and differences in the placing and shape of handles. Th examples in this assemblage appear to be distributee throughout the chronological range ofthe vessel from the 5tl to the 4th centuries. Individual features determine probab], dates within the development of the type. Bolsals are represented by two examples. This is a spe cialty shape with a more limited demand. Those in th, assemblage feature reserve undersides with black concentri· circles. The shape appears in the last quarter of the 5th cen tury and continues into the 4th century. Our examples ten< to be toward the beginning of the tradition and probably fall within the last quarter of the 5th and first quarter of the 4th centuries. Squat lekythoi are also considered a specialty type. One example is certain, and a second probable. One possesses a reserve area probably with a figurative scene, and the other is totally black. Their dates would tend toward the late 5th and early 4th century respectively, on the basis of their profiles. Their limited numbers in the assemblage indicate that the shape enjoyed little favor. Concave/convex bowls were very popular in the last quarter of the 5th century, when the shape was in high demand. The shape disappears before the middle of the 4th century. The two examples in the assemblage appear to belong to the earlier tradition, the first belonging to the heavier type predating 425 BCE, and the second a transitional middle type appearing in the late 5th and early 4th centuries. The chronological limits for individual loci given below are tentative due to the infrequency of Athenian material, the condition of the preserved examples, and the longevity of the more common wares. Locus Phase Date W4367 4456 4464 4720 472! 4723 4724 4726 4727 2+3 400-350 450-425 425-400 425-400 425 400-375 425 350 W4735 4740 4746 4748 475! 4754 4760 4973 4989 499! 6 7 2-8 2-8 4b 4c Later than Ib 2-8 450/425-300, concentration between 375 and 350 4c 475-450 400-375 425-375 400 450/425-400 425 475-450 (more likely 450) Sa(+ earlier?) 2-8 2-8 Later than 5 5a 6 Topsoil 450-350, concentration around 5a 4(c?) 375 400 425-400 161 CATALOGUE- BLACK AND RED FIGURE* Cups and Small Vessels I. Body fragment, stemless cup? Fig. 4.8: 1.5YR 616, T .004, MPH .034. Reg. No. I 0240/4, LI044, Area AO, phase 3 or earlier. Worn b-ffloral design with a dot of white paint. Concentric circles on lower edge of fragment. Black interior paint. Very fine fabric. Date: early 5th century. 2. Body fragment, stemless cup. 5YR 616, T .004, MPH .026. Reg. No. 10494, LI082, AreaAO, phase 3/4?? B-f design with remains oflower garment and a foot, from a piece near the base of the cup. Decoration is incised. Black interior paint. Very fine fabric. Cf. GCM, case 28, 120, Col. 3 and case 28, 122, Col. 556. Date: early 5th century. 3. Body fragment, stemless cup. 5YR 7/6, T .005, MPH .039. LII86, Area A I, phase 5b. B-f human foot resting on, and extending over, concentric black and brown bands, from the lower portion of the vessel. Black interior paint. Very fine fabric. For a similar example seeAGA No. 120, p. 82. Cf. also Arkansas I, Pl. 22, Fig. 10, No. 57-27-51 and pp. 88-89; C.M. Bowra, Landmarks in Greek Literature, Harmondsworth, 1966, Fig. 36; ARV2 1622; Para. 259; Green, Birds, p. 103, No. 16, Fig. 19:a-c; p. 101, Fig. IO:a-b. Date: ca. 510-490 BCE. 4. Body fragment, stemless cup. Fig. 4.8:2, Photo 4.1 0. 7.5YR 6/4, T .003, MPH .013. Reg. No. 11563/1, Lll75, Area AI, phase 5b. Two rows ofb-f palmettes separated by a line of circles (palmette interlace). Black interior paint. Very fine fabric. Cf.AB-jVP 225, 4; 294, 23; 254, I; AB-jV, Figs. 161 (Munich, Antikensammlungen 2301); 162 (Paris, Louvre F204); 168 (Munich, Antikensammlungen 2302). Date: late 6th-early 5th centuries. Photo 4.11. No. 6. 7. Body fragment, stemless cup? Photo 4.12. 5YR 6/6. T .003, MPf .032. L4651, Area C2, phase 6. B-f palmette pattern. Black interior paint. Very fine fabric. Date late 6th-early 5th centuries. Photo 4.12. No. 7. 8. Body fragment, stemless cup. Fig. 4.8:3, Photo 4.13. 7.5YR 7/4, T .007,MPH .0475. Reg. No. 46628/1, L4668,AreaC2,phase 6b. B-f standing figures with drapery. Decoration is incised. The fragment is from near the base of the cup. Black interior paint. Very fine fabric. For the shape see the Little Master Cups, Kanowski, p. 78. Date: second half of the 6th century. Photo 4.1 0. No. 4. 5. Body fragment. 5YR 7/6, T .004, MPH .036. Reg. No. 43089/1, L430 I, Area C I, phase 5 + topsoil. B-f incised decoration and wreath pattern painted in black and brown. Black interior paint. Very fine fabric. Cf. AB-jV, p. 63, Fig. 142 for painting and incision; AGA 79-83, Nos. 116, 120-21. Date: late 6th century. 6. Rim fragment, stemless cup. Photo4.11. 5YR 7/6, T .0029, MPH .031. Reg. No. 43113/18, L4321, Area CI, phase 4?/5a? B-frim of cup. The rim band is in black paint with a wreath pattern below. Black interior paint. Very fine fabric. Three joining fragments. DB-jV, pp. 42, 86. Date: ca. 500-475. *The Black and Red Figure catalogue was provided by Cynthia K. Kosso of the Department of Classics at the U nivcrsity ofMinnesota, Minneapolis. T = average thickness of fragment; b-f = black figure; r-f = red figure. AU measurements arc in meters. AU dates are BCE. 162 Photo 4.13. No. 8. 9. Rim fragment, stemless cup. 5YR 616, T .004, MPH .034. Reg. No. 46632/2, L4668, Area C2, phase 6b. Offset black rim with b-fwreath decoration below. Black interior paint. Very fine fabric. See DB-jV, p. 86, Pl. 42; for shape see Agora XII, No. 406, Fig. 5. Date: ca. 500-480. I 0. Body fragment, stemless cup? 5YR 6/6, T .004, MPH .023. Reg. No. 46687/10, L4672, Area C2, phase 6b. B-f palmette near handle. The color is brownish near the edges of the design. Black interior paint. Very fine fabric. For similar han- lie decoration see Getty, p. I 03, Fig. I O:a-b (Droop cup, Oxford \shmolean Museum 1971.903) and p. 101. Date: last quarter of he 6th century. I. Rim fragment, stemless cup. Fig. 4.8:4, Photo 4.14. 5YR 6/6, r .005, MPH .056. Reg. No. 48363, L4888, Area Cl, phase4b?/5? Black offset rim, three joining fragments. Below the rim, near the 1andle, is a b~fpalmette. The handle itself is missing. Black interior mint. Very fine fabric. Agora XII, Pl. 19, Fig. 4, No. 401. Date: i40-500. B-f kylix fragment, near stem. Concentric circles around stem. Heel or foot of a figure (dancer?) is preserved. Black interior paint. Very fine fabric. On dancing in ancient Greece see L.B. Lawler, The Dance in Ancient Greece, London, 1964; see also CVA, Pl. 81: I. Date: last quarter of the 6th century. 19. Body fragment, stemless cup? Photo 4.15. 5YR 6/6, T .004, MPH .032. Reg. No. 46616/8, L4660, Area C2, phase 6a. R-f drapery design. The painting is very finely done. Black interior paint. Very fine fabric. See AGA, No. 143, p. I 01; H. Bloesch, Formen attischer Schalen von Exekias bis zum Ende des Strengen Stils, Berne, 1940, pp. 88, II, No. I; E. F. Vander Grinten, On the Composition of the Medallions in the Interiors of the Greek Black and Red-figured Kylikes, Amsterdam, 1966, pp. 32-33; ARV2 335-41, 1646, 1701, 1706; Para. 361-62;Addenda 108-109. Date: ca. 490-4 70. Photo 4.15. No. 19. Photo 4.14. No. II. 20. Body fragment, stemless cup. Photo 4.16. 5YR 6/6, T .0045, MPH .042. Reg. No. 46695111, L4672, Area C2, phase 6b. R-flaurel design. There are drilled holes from repair work. A very small piece ( 1.5 mm.) of the rim is attached. The interior paint is a 2. Body fragment, stemless cup? 5YR 7/8, T .004, MPH .019. Area \0, Locus AH, Reg. No. 82/11. B-fpalmette band. Black interior paint. Very fine fabric. May be elated to the Floral Band Cups; see J.D. Beazley, JHS 52 (1932), >p. 189-90; J.J. Maffre, BCH 95 (1971 ), pp. 658-60, Nos. 15-16; lBjV, pp. 150-51. Date: ca. 480-450. varied brown and black. Very fine fabric. Date: second half of the 5th century. 3. Rim fragment, stemless cup. 5YR 7/4, T .004, MPH .021. Reg. -lo. 46687/8, L4672, Area C2, phase 6b. B-fkylix rim (Type C, concave rim). No design preserved. Inteior of rim has a reserved band at the lip. Very fine fabric. On rim ypes see S.R. Roberts, Hesperia 55 (1986), pp. 1-74, Fig. 3;Agora rii, Fig. 4, No. 413. Date: late 6th century. 4. Rim fragment, stemless cup. 5YR 7/4, T .004, MPH .026. Reg. -!o. 11930/10, Ll233, Area AI, phase 6c. Photo 4.16. No. 20. B-f rim, no design remains. Black interior paint with reserve >and at the lip. Very fine fabric. Agora XII, Nos. 434, 454, 456. 5. Body fragment, stemless cup. 5YR 7/4, T .005, MPH .030. Reg. -!o. 49346/3,1.4938, Area Cl, later than phase 5b. B-f design at the bend near the rim. The design is unintelligible. 3lack interior paint. Very fine fabric. .6. Rim fragment, stemless cup. 5YR 7/6, T .004, MPH .023. Reg. -!o. 46688/6, L4672, Area C2, phase 6b. 21. Body fragment, stemless cup. Photo 4.17. Reg. No. 48341/2, L4883, Area Cl, topsoil. R-f fragment, near the stem. The interior is decorated with an unidentified eyed object. Black interior paint. Very fine fabric. Cf. Masterpieces, Pl. 48, Fig. 67 and Pl. 23, Fig. 38. Euthymides painted (on the Hector Amphora) a shield which has a satyr head 'embossed' on it. The fragment possibly belonged to an illustration B-fkylix rim, with only a little of the palmette design remaining. 3lack interior paint with reserve band at lip. Very fine fabric. Agora rii, Nos. 455-56, Pl. 21. Date: 480-450. 7. Rim fragment, bowl. 5YR 6/4, T .008, MPH .028. Reg. No. 18105, L4822, Area C I, phase 4a. B-f rim. The exterior and interior are streaked red and black. very fine fabric. Agora XII, No. 755, Fig. 8; for firing techniques •ee Techniques; J.V. Noble,AJA 64 ( 1960), pp. 307-318. Date: first 1alfofthe 5th century. 18. Body fragment, stemless cup. 5YR 6/6, T .005, MPH .037. Area :::'1, registration details not available. Photo 4.17. No. 21. 163 of an eyed instrument or some other object; it may even be an eyed R-fpalmette and floral pattern around the broken handle. Bla< phallus. For examples of eyed phalluses sec Eva Kuels, The Reign of the Phallus, Minn, 1985, No. 45, p. 63 (ARV2 386), No. 69, p. 81 (Munich 8934), Nos. 76-77, p. 84 (ARV2 238, 5; 279, 2). Date: second half of the 5th century. interior paint. Very fine fabric. On Attic skyphoi see e.g. CVA (41 Pl. 34 ff.; (5) Pis. 28-32. Richter and Milne would classify this: Type II; see G.M.A. Richter and M.J. Milne, Shapes and Names Athenian Vases, New York, 1935, pp. 26-27. It is Type A in Ago1 XII; see No. 349, Fig. 4, Pl. 16. For skyphos shapes found in tl Agora see also T.L. Shear, Hcsperia42 ( 1973), pp. 359-407, Pl. 67 22. Body fragment, stemless cup? 5YR 6/6, T .0035, MPH .023. Reg. No. 43113/22, L4321, Area C!, phase 4?/5a? R-ftorso. Black interior paint. Very fine fabric. Masterpieces, Pl. 70, Fig. I 00, a krater from ca. 450 BCE, shows light and hasty lines such as are found on this torso. Date: mid-5th century. 28. Rim fragment, skyphos. 5YR 6/6, T .004, MPH 033. Reg. N 43113/20, L4321, Area C!, phase 4?/5a? 23. Rim fragment, cup skyphos. 5YR 6/6, T .004, MPH .026. Reg. No. 48486, L4908, Area Cl, phase 4(b?). Two joining fragments. R-fwoman's head and upper torso wi1 some drapery preserved. Black interior paint. Very fine fabric. No B-f cup rim, with unidentifiable design below. Black interior paint. There is no reserve band. Very fine fabric. For the shape and an example see Kanowski, p. 11R (Rritish Museum G276); Roberts, Hesperia 55 ( 1986), p. 21, No. 30; Agora XII, No. 383, Pl. 18. Date: late 6th century. 24. Handle, skyphos. 5YR 7/3, T (body) .0035, handle diameter .009, MPH .027. Reg. No. 46537/6, L4626c, Area C2, phase 6. B-f? No design remains, but the handle is black with reserved red near the body. Very fine fabric. Date: 6th century. 25. Body fragment. 5YR 611, T .004, MPH .025. Reg. No. 46693, L4668, Area C2, phase 6b. B-f palmette, probably from some kind of cup. Black interior paint. Very fine fabric. Date: late 6th-early 5th centuries. 26. Body fragment, skyphos? Photo 4.18. 5YR 6/6, T .004, MPH .025. Reg. No. 5443/10, L663, Area CO, phase 6/5? R-f palmette frond. Intentional red interior paint (the color is both even and smooth), 2.5YR 4/6-4/8. Very fine fabric. For intentional red glaze see Techniques, p. 24, Fig. 205 (Metropolitan Museum of Art 07.286.47); M.S. Tite et a/., Archaeome/ly 24 ( 1982), pp. 117-26; M. Farnsworth and H. Wisely, AlA 62 (1958), pp. 165-73. 29-33 probably belong to this skyphos. Cf. Agora XII, Type shape, No. 342, Pl. 16; see the National Museum in Athens N• 12235; AGA No. !64, p. 114, Col. 27. The hairstyle and draper suggest similarities to No. 164, which is reminiscent of the style< the Schuwalow Painter (but see No. 33 below). See also A. Lezz Hafter, Der Schuwa!ow-Maler, Einer Kann.enwerkstatt d4 Parthenonzeit (Keramus 2), Mainz, 1976, esp. Pis. 81 c, I 07c-< 148a-b; AR,{V, Fig. 33e, p. 116; Cedric G. Boulter, Hesperia 3 (1963), pp. 113-37, Pis. 48-51 (esp. Pl. 51:20). Date: 430-410. 29. Body fragment, skyphos. 5YR 6/6, T .0035, MPH .023. Re. No. 43113/50, L4321, Area C!, phase 4?/5a? R-f drapery. Black interior paint. Very fine fabric. See No.2: Date: 430-410. 30. Body fragment, skyphos. 5YR 616, T .003, MPH .023. Reg. N, 43113/51, L4321, Area Cl, phase 4?/5a? R-f drapery, finely drawn. Black interior paint. Very fine fabri· See No. 28. Date: 430-410. 31. Body fragment, skyphos. 5YR 6/6, T .003, MPH .026. Reg. Nc 43!13/51, L4321, Area Cl, phase 4?/5a? Edge ofr-ftorso, drawn with quick, confident strokes. Black intt rior paint. Very fine fabric. Probably the same vessel as No. 2f Date: 430-410. 32. Body fragment, skyphos. 5YR 6/6, T .0032, MPH .022. Re! No. 43113/53, L4321, Area C!, phase 4?/5a? R-f circle. Black interior paint. Very fine fabric. Probably th same vessel as Nos. 28-31. Date: 430-410. 33. Rim fragment, skyphos. Photo 4.20. 5YR 6/6, T .004, MPI .046. Reg. No. 43421116, L4368, Area Cl, phase 5b?/6. Photo 4.18. No. 26. Four joining fragments. R-f acanthus flower and stem. Blac interior paint. Very fine fabric. Probably the same vessel as Nm 28-32. 27. Rim and handle fragment, skyphos. Fig. 4.8:5, Photo 4.19. 5YR 716, T .004, MPH .036. Reg. No. 40470, L4098, Area CO, phase 5b-rG. Photo 4.19. No. 27. 164 Photo 4.20. No. 33. 4. Body fragment, skyphos. 5YR 6/6, T .004, MPH .059. Reg. No. 3121, L4321, Area Cl, phase 4?/5a? Six joining fragments. R-fpalmette on alternating red and black oncentric circles. Drapery preserved near the concentric bands. nack interior paint, with some intentional red. Very fine fabric. los. 35-36 are probably also from this vessel. See Techniques, pp. 2, 151 (a skyphos with palmette and concentric circles); Tite eta/., Irchaeometry 24 ( 1958); the National Museum in Athens, No. 443. Date: mid-5th century. 5. Body fragment, skyphos. 2.5YR 5/6, T .0039, MPH .033. Reg. lo. 43248113, L4336, Area Cl, phase 5 (disturbed). R-fleg (without the foot) and floral design. Black interior paint. 'cry fine fabric. Probably belongs to same vessel as No. 34. Date: nid-5th century. 38. Body fragment, skyphos. Fig. 4.8:7. 5YR 516, T .005, MPH .032. Reg. No. 48440, L4890, Area C 1, phase 4(b?). Three joining fragments with brown (7.5YR 4/4) and black paint near the bottom curve of the vessel. Design not discernible. Interior paint the same colors. Not well fired; see Techniques; Tite et a!., Archacometrv 24 ( 1958). Very fine fabric. 39. Body fragment, skyphos. Fig. 4.8:8, Photo 4.23. 5YR 7/4. T .006, MPH .027. Reg. No. 1005211, LlOOl, Area AO, phase 1+2 + topsoil. R-f palmette design with color which varies from 5YR 3/2 to black. The design is delicate and very finely drawn. Black interior paint. Very fine fabric. For bibliography of decorative motives see No.4 7; see also R. Green, Hesperia 3! (1962), Pl. 30, No.9. Date: second half of the 5th century. 6. Body fragment, skyphos. Photo 4.21. 2.5YR 6/6, T .0039, MPH )27. Reg. No. 43248116, L4336, Area Cl, phase 5 (disturbed). R-f design, possibly the handle of a painted vessel. Black interior 1aint. Very fine fabric. Probably belongs to the same vessel as No. 4. Cf. e.g. J.V. Noble, AJA 64 (1960), Fig. 1, Pl. 84, where many ontainers are depicted; J.D. Beazley, Proc. Brit. Ac. 30 (1946), pp. •7-99. Date: mid-5th century. Photo 4.23. No. 39. 40. Body fragment. Fig. 4.8:9, Photo 4.24. 5YR 6/6, T .006, MPH .028. Reg. No. 10069/2, Ll 015, Area AO, phase 1 (unsealed). R-f palmette with small carefully done petals. Black interior paint. Very fine fabric. See in Getty, K.A. Schwab, 'A Parthenon Centaur,' Figs. 5a, 5b (Boston, Museum affine Arts 00.345), p. 93. Date: late 5th-early 4th centuries. Photo 4.21. No. 36 . .7. Rim fragment, skyphos. Fig. 4.8:6, Photo 4.22. 7YR 5/6, T .004, ~PH .043. Reg. No. 46387, L4631, Area C2, phase 6. R-f woman, head, face, and draped upper torso. The hair and eye re quickly and carelessly drawn. The drapery is shown by long, vide strokes. Black interior paint. Very fine fabric. See the 'ational Museum in Athens, Nos. 14626, 17433, 11704, the Kersh :tyle. See also AR,(V, pp. 159-62, though the examples are not lose parallels; GPP, p. 187, Fig. 34; Ian D. McPhee, Hesperia 45 1976), pp. 380-96, Pl. 86, No. 14d; D.M. Robinson, Excavations 'I 0/ynthus X/ll, Baltimore, 1950, Pl. 34; Agora X/l, No. 342, for hape. Date: ca. 360-340. Photo 4.24. No. 40. 41. Body fragment. 5YR 6/6, T .006, MPH .023. Reg. No. 11905/4, Ll237, Area AI, phase 7/8. Partial r-fmale figure, with long curled hair of the head (or possi- ble the beard) resting on the shoulder. There is also perhaps a staff or stick. Black interior paint. Very fine fabric. For examples of curled hair draped over the shoulder see AR,(V, p. 36. Date: ca. 490-470. 42. Body fragment. Photo 4.25. 5YR 6/6, T .005, MPH .030. Reg. No. 43197, L4338, Area Cl, phase 3b/3a? R-f drapery. The lines of the drapery are thick and have little movement. Black interior paint. Very fine fabric. Photo 4.22. No. 37. Photo 4.25. No. 42. 165 Kraters and Large Vessels 43. Rim and handle fragment, krater. Photo 4.26. 5YR 7/6. Reg. No. 46115, L4577, Area C2, phase 5a(+4?). Probably from a column krater. B-f palmette on the flat surface (of the rim?). Roughly finished double handle curves. Very fine fabric. A similar piece is discussed in E.R. Dusenbery, Hesperia 47 (I 987), pp. 211-48, Pl. 58 b.l3; Roberts, Hesperia 55 (1986), p. 32, Fig. 71; AGA, No. 156, p. Ill; K. Hirtzel, Arch. Studien 6 ( 1982). On the general shape, see Richter and Milne, The Shapes and Names ofAthenian Vases. Date: late 6th-early 5th centuries. Photo 4.28. No. 45. 46. Body fragment, krater. Fig. 4.8: II. 5YR 6/6, T .009, MPH .04 Reg. No. 4099411, L4243, Area CO, phase 5. B-f meander pattern, possibly with a human foot poised abm it. Black interior paint, which is quite worn. Very fine fabric. S< in the Cycladic Museum in Athens, No. 122, Cat. No. 556; R.: Folsom, Handbook of Greek Pottery, London, 1967, p. 86, Fig. 9 Date: mid to late 6th century. Photo 4.26. No. 43. 44. Body fragment, krater. Photo 4.27. 5YR 6/6, T .009, MPH .082. Reg. No. 4817111, L4834, Area Cl, phase 5b (unsealed). B-falternating meander and checkerboard pattern, with an overlapping (furniture?) leg. Black interior paint. Very fine fabric. Cf. No. 51, which, if not from the same pot, is at least from the same workshop. Date: 490-460. 47. Body fragment, krater. 5YR 6/6, T .0065, MPH .031. Reg. N' 1057/5, LI9, Area AO, phase 4. R-fpalmette. Black interior paint. Very fine fabric. For simile floral pattern see in Getty, M. True, 'A New Meidian Kylix,' N' 82.AE.38 and n. 12, which refers to the floral pattern on a laq volute krater; Lezzi-Hafter, Der Schuwa/ow-Maier (1976), PI 41-51; ARV2 1312-14, 1315-32; Para. 477-80. Date: late 5th cet tory. 48. Handle, bell krater. 5YR 7/8, length .092. Reg. No. 4853/ L561, Area Cl, phase 3 (disturbed?). Black handle with egg and dart pattern at body attachment. lnt< rior paint worn off. Very fine fabric. See No. 72. For examples c design see AGA, No. 152, p. I 09, Col. 723; in Getty, Fran Brommer, 'Herakles und Theseus auf Vasen in Malibu,' PI 183-84. 49. Body fragment, bell krater. 2.5YR 5/6, T .007, MPH .034. Re1 No. 5357/15, L615, Area Cl, phase 4a. R-f laurel decoration immediately below the lip. Black interic paint. Very fine fabric. For kraters in general see Erika Simon, D1 Griechischen Vasen, Munich, 1976; ARV2, chapters 80, 81; J.t Iliffe, QDAP 2 (1933), Pl. IX a-1, a-6; AlA 33 (1929), p. 56, Fig. : Date: late 5th-early 4th centuries. 50. Body fragment, krater. 5YR 6/6, T .0065, MPH .031. Reg. Nc 1047411, Ll074b, Area AI, phase 3/4? R-f male profile head with headband. Preserved face include most of the nose, the eye, and the forehead. The eye is in true profil and is elegantly drawn, in the style of Kleophon. Black interic paint. Very fine fabric. Cf. e.g. in the Cycladic Museum in Athen' No. 151, Col. 377, attributed to Kleophon;AR-jV, Fig. I 08, p. 14 (Munich 236l.FR, Pl. 29); ARV2 785, 6, 27, 2; Masterpieces, Fi! 102; Ernst Buschor, Greek Vase Painting, New York, 1978, Fi! 228. Photo 4.27. No. 44. 45. Body fragment, krater? Fig. 4.8: I 0, Photo 4.28. 5YR 6/6, T .01, MPH .051. Surface. B-f alternating meander and cross pattern. Black interior paint. Very fine fabric. Date: late 6th-early 5th centuries. 166 51. Body fragment, krater? Fig. 4.8:12, Photo 4.29. 5YR 6/6, · .008, MPH .0415. Reg. No. 10152, LI025, Area A2, phase (unsealed). R-f alternating meander and checkerboard pattern, probably lower border. Black interior paint. Very fine fabric. For some ofth many examples of this border, see AR-fV, p. 161, Fig. 123; Hanc book, pp. 339, 341, Figs. 475, 459; in Getty, Diana Buitron, 'Ne1 Fragments of an Early Cup by Douris,' 82.AE.l46.19, 83.AE.3c and 8l.AE.l92.1, Fig. 2, p. 73 and pp. 71-71 for the importance c mrder ornaments (the trapped meander is a specialty of Douris). :;or the juxtaposition of meander and checkerboard see AB-fV, igs. 267-68; E. Haspels,AIIic Black,(lgured Lekythoi, Paris, 1936, !37, I (Ashmolean Museum 1919.35). Date: early 5th century. 0 (dated 440-420 BCE); C. lster-Kerenyi,AntK. Beih. 9 (1973); Iliffe, QDAP 2 (1933), pp. I 5-16, Pl. IX a-1 and a-6; AJA 33 (1929), p. 56, Fig. 7; GPP, Pl. 48a; C. Boulter, Hesperia 32 (1963), pp. 113-37, Pl. 49, No. 14; Para. 1929. Date: late 5th century. Photo 4.3 L No. 55. Photo 4.29. No. 5 L 52. Body fragment, krater. 5YR 6/4, T .0065, MPH .054. Reg. No. 10486, Ll084, Area AI, phase 3/4? R-ffragment from near the handle, which is surrounded by egg md dart pattern and a palmette with double(?) swirls beneath. Cf. 56. Body fragment, krater. Fig. 4.8:16, Photo 4.32. 5YR 6/6, T .006, MPH .044. Reg. No. 40997113, L4244, Area CO, phase 6. R-fprofile of female face, from below the flare of the vessel rim. The eye is in true profi.le, with long eyelashes. There are five white dots on the fragment. Black interior paint. For similar pieces see in the National Museum in Athens, Nos. 1328-29, 12490, and 12674 (this example is not as well painted). Date: ca. 400-360. 'Jo. 47. Black interior paint. Very fine fabric. 53. Body fragment, krater. Fig. 4.8:13. 5YR 6/6, T .0055, MPH 059. Reg. No. 11618/3, Lll80, Area A I, phase 4. R-f drapery with the lines in shades of black and brown. Black .nterior paint. Very fine fabric. Cf. AR-jV, Fig. 91; ARV2, pp. 653, )63; a very similar drapery line in GA, Fig. 178 (British Museum E424): in Getty, Frank Brommer, pp. 183-184, Abb. 40, 7 LAE.254. Date: late 5th century. 54. Body fragment, krater. Fig. 4.8:14, Photo 4.30. 5YR 6/6, T 0065, MPH .054. Reg. No. 40853, L4135, Area Cl, topsoil. R-f, foot of a piece of furniture (a table) placed on a meander border. Very fine fabric. On furniture see G.M.A. Richter, The Fur- "iture0fthe Greeks, Etruscans and Romans, London, 1966; AR-jV, Fig. 102; J.T. Cummings,AJA 73 (1969), Fig. 5. Photo 4.32. No. 56. 57. Body fragment, krater? 5YR 7/6, T .008, MPH .048. Reg. No. 43043/1, L4300a, Area C!, phase 4c (unsealed). R-f square-ended palmette. Very badly worn. Black interior paint. Very fine fabric. 58. Rim fragment, column krater. Photo 4.33. 5YR 7/6, T .0075, MPH .037. Reg. No. 43026/1, L4301, Area C!, phase 5 +topsoil. Probably r-f. There is a pattern of black dots on the outside of the rim. The top of the rim and the interior are black. The exterior body decoration is badly worn. Very fine fabric. For column kraters see Kanowski, p. 6 7. Photo 4.30. No. 54. Photo 4.33. No. 58. 55. Rim fragment, bell krater. Fig. 4.8:15, Photo 4.3 L 5YR 6/6, T 008, MPH .044. Reg. No. 30379/2, balk H 28, Area BL R-flaurelleafpattern, drawn simply and without embellishment. Dull black paint on both the interior and the exterior. reserve band on inner rim. Very fine fabric. See AGA, No. 152, p. 109, Col. 723 59. Handle fragment, krater. Photo 4.34. 7.5YR 7/6, MPH .087. Reg. No. 46180/15, L4614, Area C2, phase 5. Black handle with r-f egg and dart around attachment to body. Black interior paint. Very fine fabric. 167 R-f design; may be an altar or table of some sort, or even a doOI way. Very fine fabric. Cf. ABfV, No. 161. Date: second half of 5t century. Photo 4.34. No. 59. 60. Body fragment, krater. 5YR 6/6, T .0085, MPH .031. Reg. No. 46266/5, L4622, Area C2, phase 5b. R-ffloral decoration. Black interior paint. Very fine fabric. Date: 5th century. 61. Body fragment, krater? 5YR4/4, T .001, MPH .0545. Reg. No. 46297/3, L4622, Area C2, phase 5b. R-fmeander pattern, poorly fired and preserved. Unintentional red-black interior paint (black to 2.5YR 4/6). Very fine fabric. Photo 4.36. No. 63. 62. Body fragment, krater. Photo 4.35. 5YR 6/6, T .008, MPH .046. L4626, Area C2, phase 5-6. R-flaurelleafpattern with black dots, near rim of vessel. Black interior paint. Very fine fabric. Date: late 5th-early 4th centuries. Photo 4.37. No. 64. Photo 4.35. No. 62. 63. Body fragment. Photo 4.36. 5YR 7/8, T .0075, MPH .055. Reg. No. 46550, L4626c, Area C2, phase 6. R-f(?) meander pattern, with unidentifiable design above. Black interior paint. Very fine fabric. Cf. at the National Museum in Photo 4.38. No. 66. Athens, No. 12252. 64. Body fragment. Photo 4.37. 5YR 6/6, T .007, MPH .055. Reg. No. 46409/2, L4628, Area C2, phase 5b. Unclear r-f design. Black interior paint. Very fine fabric. 65. Body fragment, krater. Fig. 4.8:17. 7.5YR 7/4, T .009, MPH .057. Reg. No. 46372/4, L4631, Area C2, phase 6. R-f laurel leaf pattern with red paint (2.5YR 4/8). The rim is IOYR 3/6 and has an interior reserve band. Interior paint is IOYR 3/2. Very fine fabric. Date: first half of 4th century. 66. Body fragment, krater. Photo 4.38. 5YR 6/6, T .001, MPH .040. Reg. No. 46606/5, L4657, Area C2, phase 6. 168 67. Rim fragment, bell krater. Fig. 4.8:18, Photo 4.39. 5YR 7/5, 1 .0115, MPH .046. Reg. No. 46589/2, L4661, Area C2, phase 6a. R-f laurel leaf pattern. Reserve band on inner lip. Very gloss; black paint on interior and exterior. Very fine fabric. See No.4· for bibliography; see also GPP, Pl. 48B. Date: ca. 460-430. 68. Body fragment, krater? 5YR 6/6, T .006, MPH .040. Reg. No 46690, L46 70, Area C2, phase 6b. R-f decoration, possibly a staff. Piece comes from near rim. Blacl interior paint with reserve band. Very fine fabric. 71. Rim fragment, bell krater. 5YR 6/6, T.008, MPH .058. Reg. No. 48178/3, 1.4828, Area C 1, topsoil. R-f laurel leaf pattern, badly worn. Black interior paint with reserve band. Very fine fabric. Date: early 4th century. 72. Handle fragment, krater. 5YR 7/6, MPH .010. Reg. No. 48338/2, 1.4871, Area C 1, phase 4 (unsealed). Black handle with r-f egg and dart pattern A groove has been carved into the handle, perhaps to facilitate hanging the vessel. Black interior paint. Very fine fabric. For bibliography see No. 48. Photo 4.39. No. 67. 9. Body fragment, krater. Photo 4.40. 5YR 6/8, T .006, MPH .041. ceg. No. 48016/3,1.4803, Area Cl, phase 4c. R-f design near the base of the handle, which was encircled by an gg and dart pattern. Black interior paint. Very finefabric. Cf. CVA, ls. 31-52 (later bell kraters), 5-6 (other Attic kraters). 73. Body fragment, krater? Fig. 4.8:20. 5YR 6/6, T .005, MPH .064. Reg. No. 48418/4,1.4900, Area Cl, phase 5a (unsealed). R-f seated, draped female figure with outstretched hand. The face is not preserved. Black interior paint. Very fine fabric. The pose is a common one for women; see the examples in Kuels, Reign (1985), No. 95, p. 111 (andARV277l, 1), No. 96, p. 113 (andARV2 1258, 1), and especially No. 112, p. 127 (and ARV2 548, 54)- a close parallel to both the hand and the drapery. Date: mid-5th century. 74. Rim fragment, krater. Fig. 4.8:21, Photo 4.42. 5YR 616, T .011, MPH .058. Reg. No. 4934611,1.4938, Area Cl, later than phase 5b. R-flaurelleafpattern with 7.5YR 4/6 to 5YR 5/8 exterior paint. Black interior paint. Very fine fabric. Date: second half of 5th cen- tury. Photo 4.40. No. 69. 0. Body fragment, krater. Fig. 4.8:19, Photo 4.41. 5YR 6/6, T .009, 1PH .081. Reg. No. 48162,1.4828, Area Cl, topsoil. R-f design, figure in drapery with bold black stripes and wearing white boot. The figure is standing near a table and stool. The esign is set above alternating checkerboard and meander patterns. :lack interior paint. Very fine fabric. Cf. the National Museum in •thens, No. 1377; Richter, Furniture; painting similarities to uessula Painter, Handbook, No. 459, p. 341; ARV2, 852-53; 'R-jV, Fig. 122, p. 151. Date: 400-350. Photo 4.42. No. 74. 75. Body fragment, krater. Photo 4.43. 5YR 6/6, T .006, MPH .024 . Reg. No. 49363,1.4940, Area Cl, phase 5b (disturbed?). R-f meander pattern with dark reddish brown (5YR 3/2) paint on the interior and exterior. The paint is iridescent. Vei)' fine fabric. Photo 4.43. No. 75. 76. Rim fragment, krater. Fig. 4.8:22, Photo 4.44. 5YR 6/6, T .0 13, MPH .092. Reg. No. 37/2, Locus AF, Area AO. R-f laurel leaf with 5YR 3/2 paint. Below the rim is myrtle with Photo 4.41. No. 70. white berries. On the lip is egg and dart pattern. Reserved bands 169 Closed Shapes on inside at rim and at beginning of curve oflip. The paint is irides- cent. Two joining fragments. Very fine fabric. The painter follows the style begun by the Meidias Painter; see AR-jV, Fig. 115, p. 148, Fig. 113, p. 149; Masterpieces, Fig. 109; ARV2, 831, I; Buschor, Greek Vase Painting, Figs. 250-51; J.C. Hoppin, Handbook ofAttic Red Figure Vases, London, 1919, Vol. 2, pp. 179-81; in Getty, M. True, Figs. 6, 8, pp. 86-87. On the style in general see G. Becatti, Meidias, un manierista antico, Firenze, 1957. Date: 405-375. 82. Body fragment. 7.5YR 7/6, T .006, MPH .033. Reg. N 48143/7, L4830, Area CI, phase 4(b?/c?). Fragment may come from an oinochoe. There is r-f decoratic ofleaves on a stalk. Remnants of decoration below the stalk sugge that this is a neck piece, as does the curvature (diameter ca. 5 em Black interior paint. Very fine fabric. See Green, Hesperia ~ (1962), 82-94, especially Nos. 10-11, 13. Date: 430-410. 83. Shoulder, lekythos. 5YR 7/6, T (neck) .004, (shoulder) .00 L4651, Area C2, phase 6a/6b. Black lined shoulder design with red reserved background. J\ interior paint. Very fine fabric. This neck design is found on bo1 red figure and white ground lekythoi. See AGA, No. 139, p. 96 an bibliography for No. 138; see also Nos. 144-46, p. 104. Oat 475-460. 84. Neck fragment, lekythos. Fig. 4.8:23. 5YR 6/6, MPH .024. Re No. 46614/7, L4668, Area C2, phase 6b. Black painted neck and top of vessel shoulder with black lin< (see No. 82). Handle may have been black as well. Probably frm a r-flekythos. Very fine fabric. Cf. the squat lekythos in AGA, N• 164, Col. 27. 85. Shoulder, lekythos. 5YR 6/6, T (neck) .004, (body) .005. Regi tration details not available. R-flekythos shoulder. Very fine fabric. Photo 4.44. No. 76. See also Chapter Three, Nos. 211-212, 213, 225, 273. 77. Rim fragment, calyxkrater. 5YR 6/6, T .01, MPH .055. Surface. Abbreviations R-flaurelleafpattern. Black interior paint, with reserved band inside. Very fine fabric. Date: late 5th-early 4th centuries. AB-jV 78. Body fragment, krater? 5YR 6/5, T .01, MPH .055. Reg. No. 48008/4, L4803, Area Cl, phase 4c. J. Boardman, Athenian Black Figure Vase Oxford 1974. AB-fVP J.D. Beazley, Attic Black-figure Vase Painter Oxford 1956. Addenda L. Burn and R. Glynn, Beazley Addenda, Oxfor R-f decoration is badly worn. Intentional red interior paint. Very fine fabric. See No. 26 for bibliography on intentional red. 79. Body fragment. 5YR6/6, T .006, MPH .032. Reg. No. 1027111, L1039, Area A2, phase 3+4. R-fpalmette with squared ends. Black interior paint. Very fine fabric. Date: 5th century. 80. Body fragment. 5YR 7/6, T .006, MPH .035. Reg. No. 48393/2, L4868, Area CI, phase (2+3)?/4a? R-f drapery fragment. Badly worn black interior paint. Very fine fabric. 81. Body fragment. Photo 4.45. 5YR 7/4, T .005, MPH .022. Reg. No. 10539111, Lll 04, Area AI, phase 5a(+4?). R-ffragment. Red-brown (2.5YR 4/6) interior paint. The design 1982. AGA L.I. Marangou, Ancient Greek Art: The N.J Goulandris Collection, Athens 1985. Agora XII B.A. Sparkes and L. Talcott, The Athenian Agar. XII, Black and Plain Pottery ofthe 6th, 5th and 4t Centuries B.C., Princeton 1970. AR-fV G. M.A. Richter, Attic Red-figured Vases: A Su vey, New Haven 1967. CVA Corpus Vasorum Antiquarum. DB-fV J.D. Beazley, The Development ofAttic Black- fi< ure Vases, Berkeley 1951. GA J. Boardman, Greek Art, Oxford 1978. Getty J. Frel and S.K. Morgan (eds.), Greek Vases in. Paul Getty Museum, Malibu 1985. GPP R.M. Cook, Greek Painted Pottery, London 1960 Handbook G. M.A. Richter, A Handbook of Greek Art, Lor don 1959. Kanowski M.G. Kanowski, Containers ofClassical Greece: Handbook of Shapes, St. Lucia 1984. Masterpieces E. Pfuhl, Masterpieces of Greek Drawing an Painting, London 1950. Para. J.D. Beazley, Paralipomena, Oxford 1971. Techniques J.V. Noble, The Techniques of Painted Attic Po tery, London 1966. that remains consists of five red-brown lines in a circular pattern. The paint is peeling off. Streaked red and black interior paint. Very fine fabric. Photo 4.45. No. 81. 170 THE PERSIAN PERIOD: A HISTORICAL AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE Any discussion of imported assemblages should logically be placed within a historical sequence. A crucial factor in the history of the coastal area of Palestine is certainly the role played by the Phoenician cities in the economic exchange system of the region (Knapp 1985). Phoenician domination of the southern Levantine coast probably continued throughout the early Persian period, with specific rights granted by the first Achaemenids in the 6th century. By the end of the century Cyprus and the Greek cities of western Turkey, through which extensive trade was developing, had been added to the eastern Persian domains. This stimulated commercial exchange and interaction throughout the eastern Mediterranean. However, the situation changed in the first quarter of the 5th century as a result of repeated disturbances which swept the coastal fringe of the Achaemenid world: the Ionian revolt of 499, revolt in Egypt in 484, and war in Greece up to 479. The Phoenician grip on the eastern Mediterranean was weakened by the disastrous results of the Greek war and the formation of the Athenian naval alliance. In the second quarter of the 5th century the political situation was unstable, with an aggressive Athenian policy directed towards Cyprus, Egypt, and the Phoenician coast. By the middle of the 5th century a status quo was achieved between Athens and Persia, which was formalized in the peace of 449. The peace provided excellent opportunities for developing the trade which, though evident in the early part of the century, was greatly hindered by the intensity of conflict. The remainder of the 5th century provides a backdrop for expanding commercial interaction between the Greek world and the eastern Mediterranean (Perreault 1986). However, political confrontation in the last quarter of the 5th century- the Peloponnesian War, the renewal ofhostilities with Persia in 413, and finally the Spartan victory over Athens- had a corresponding impact on the economic situation in the eastern Mediterranean. Trouble also befell the coastal region, especially the revolt in Egypt in 404, dynastic struggle with Cyrus the Younger, turmoil in Cyprus, and attacks on the Phoenician coast. The King's Peace of 384 provided some stability to the Greek world, which stimulated a partial revival of trade. This can be supported not only by the continued presence of Athenian types dating from the early 4th century, but also by epigraphical data for the second quarter of the century. During the reign of the Sidonian dynast Straton I, firm diplomatic and commercial ties were established with Athens and the Second Athenian Alliance. As a reward for assisting the Athenian embassy sent to Artaxerxes II, Straton was granted the title of 'guest-friend' of Athens. Sidonian merchants were also granted special exemptions from local Athenian taxes (Rainey 1988). At the end of the quarter the Satraps' Revolt tore the Achaemenid world apart, but its commercial impact seems to have been slight: commercial interaction with the Greek world continued, though probably at a reduced level. The third quarter of the 4th century appears to have been both culturally uninteresting and politically unstable. The quarter begins with the failed attempt by Artaxerxes to regain control of Egypt (351-350), the conquest of Sidon (346-345), and the short-lived capture of Egypt (343, with revolt in 338). In Greece the situa- tion did not differ greatly. The waning of Athens and the political suicide of the southern Greek states in general offered an opportunity for the expansion of the power of Philip of Macedon. Culturally, Athenian goods indicate a decline in both quality and variety of items exported to foreign markets. Trade in general declined along the entire coast. The last quarter of the century is dominated by the presence of Alexander, the formation of new political regimes under Macedonian control, and finally the beginnings of a cultural synthesis. Within the political framework, economic patterns emerge (Table 4.6). Trade expanded and contracted according to the varying conditions of the time. Greek cultural practices, however, were well established along the Levantine coast by the 5th century if not earlier, with some regions 'populated by Greeks who established their own temples .. .' (Stern 1986). This finds excellent suppm1 at Dor, where a Greek enclave was probably in place by the second half of the 5th century during a period of expanding Athenian trade with the east. Such a situation probably existed elsewhere along the coast, since Attic imports in varying quantities appear at a host of sites (Kenyon 1953; Elgavish 1968; Riis 1970; Riis 1973; Stern 1978; Stern 1983; Perreault 1986; Marchese 1988). Table 4.6. Summary of political events and their repercussions on trade. 540-500 500-475 475-450 450-425 Conquest of East Greek cities and beginning of Attic imports Limited commercial interaction due to protracted hostilities Increase in Athenian imports with waning of hostilities towards end of quarter Expanding commercial traffic and large influx of Athe- nian goods along Lcvantinc coast 425-400 400-375 375-350 350-325 Continued growth to end of quarter, although war in Greece and renewal of hostilities with Persia have impact on volume of trade, especially after collapse of Athenian alliance Increase in hostilities between Persia and Sparta, formation of Second Athenian Alliance (on much reduced scale), satrapal unrest, and semi-independence at beginning of quarter give way to varying degrees of political stability at end of quarter, allowing for commercial growth Unrest and conflict in the province of'Beyond the River' at end of quarter Continued political disintegration ending in conquest of Alexander; imported wares decline in volume, with limited number of shapes represented The Athenian assemblage from Areas A and C at Dor, which may not be representative of the whole site, indicates a pattern of expanding trade with Palestine (Table 4. 7). Only a small quantity of imported wares is noted for the middle and late 6th century, with a decline in the early dec~ des of the 5th century. This is to be expected in view oflhe turmoil in the Aegean. The number of goods increases in the second quarter of the century, probably after 462, when Athenian aggressiveness waned in the eastern Mediterra171 Table 4.7. Attic imports, frequency by date. 250 200 /\ \ I \~ I 50 0 . ----- ~ . - 550-<J25 525-<JOO 500-4-75 4-t5-450 4-50-4-25 4-25-4-00 4-00-375 375-350 350-325 325-300 nean. Most of the imports in this quarter probably date from the last decade. Trade increased between 460 and 430, a time of relative peace and prosperity for Athens and Palestine. After 430 and through the final quarter of the 5th century no appreciable decline is noted, though this is difficult to verify in view of the great uniformity of the Athenian assemblage of this time. It is likely that the brisk trade established in the middle of the 5th century continued into the first decade of the last quarter of the century, that is during the Archadamian phase of the Peloponnesian War and up to the Peace ofNicias. However, between 415 and 400 Athenian exports to the east most certainly declined because of the final phase of the war with Sparta and renewed conflict with Persia. This decline probably carried over into the first 172 BCE decade of the 4th century. By the middle of the first quarteJ of the 4th century Athenian exports were on the rise, reach· ing their greatest volume after 390/380, but declined befon 360, with a sharp drop evident in the last decade ofthe second quarter of the 4th century. The decline of Atheniar exports continued into the third quarter of the century, anc imports practically ceased in the early years of the last quar· ter of the century, when only bowls with incurving rim~ were imported. In general, Athenian imports achieved a high volume in two separate periods: ca. 460-420 and 390/380-360. In both periods large numbers and a great variety of shape~ were imported to Dor; they are associated with the majm architectural levels of the site during the Persian period. GENERAL BIBLIOGRAPHY '\miran 1969 R. Ami ran, Ancient Pottery of the Holy Land, Jerusalem. '\vigad 1960 N. Avigad, Excavations at Makmish: 1958, Israel Exploration Journal 10 (1960): 90-96. Bailey 1940 B.L. Bailey, The Export of Attic Black Figure Ware, Journal ofHellenic Studies 60 (1940): 60-70. :::lairmont 1954-55 C. Clairmont, Greek Pottery from the Near East I, Berytus 11 (1954-55): 85-141. :::lairmont 1956-57 C. Clairmont, Greek Pottery from the Near East II, Berytus 12 (1956-57): 1-34. Elayi 1983 J. Elayi, L'importation des vases attiques en Phenicie a l'epoque perse, Atti del I congresso internazionale di studi fenici e punice, Rome. Elgavish 1968 J. Elgavish, Shikmona I, Haifa. Howland 1958 R. Howland, The Athenian Agora IV: Greek Lamps and their Survival, Princeton. Kenyon 1957 K. Kenyon, The Objects from Samaria, London. Knapp 1985 A.B. Knapp, Production and Exchange in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean: An Overview, in: A.B. Knapp and T. Stech, Prehistoric Production and Exchange: The Aegean and Eastern Medi· terranean XXV, Los Angeles. Marchese 1988 R. Marchese, Aegean and Cypriote Imports in the Persian Period, in: Rapp et al. 1988. Munsell 1975 Munsell Color Charts, Baltimore. Perreault 1986 J. Perreault, Cerami que et echanges: les importations attiques au Proche-Orient du VIe au milieu du Ve siecle avant J.C., les donnees archeologiques, Bulletin de Correspondance Hellenique 110 (1986): 145-75. Pecirka 1976 J. Pecirka, The Crises of the Athenian Polis in the Fourth Century B.C., Eirene 5 (1976): 5-29. Ploug 1973 G. Ploug, Sukas II, Copenhagen. Rainey 1969 A. Rainey, The Province 'Beyond the River,' Australian Journal of Biblical Archaeology 1 (1969): 51-78. Rainey 1988 A. Rainey, The Sharon Coastal Plain: Historical Geography, in: Rapp et al. 1988. Rapp et a/. 1988 G.R. Rapp, Z. Herzog, and 0. Negbi (eds.), The Excavations at Tel Michal, Israel, Minnesota. Riis 1970 P.J. Riis, Sukas II, Copenhagen. Riis 1979 P.J. Riis, Sukas VI, Copenhagen. Singer-Avitz 1988 L. Singer-Avitz, Local Pottery of the Persian Period (Strata XI-VI), in: Rapp eta/. 1988. Sparkes and Talcott 1970 B.A. Sparkes and L. Talcott, The Athenian Agora XII: Black and Plain Pottery, Princeton. Stern 1978 E. Stern, Excavations at Tel Mevorakh (Qedem 9), Jerusalem. Stern 1983 E. Stern, The Material Culture of the Land of the Bible in the Persian Period: 538-332 B.C.E., Jerusalem. Stern 1986 E. Stern, On the Beginnings of the Greek Settlement at Tel Dar, Eretz-Israell8 (1986): 419-27. 173 •••»t•··· j ,,~ 2 ~- / / / / / / 6 8 ............ 0 1 2 3CM Fig. 4.1. Black Attic bowls with incurved rim. No. Reg. No. Locus No. Reg. No. Locus 40582 5382114. I 9 4629313 Surface 4098 659 4623 5. 6. 7. 8. 2018513 4653612 4046913 Uncatalogued 233 I (Area B) 4652 4098 I. 2. 3. 4. 174 (~- - - - __ b-1 _ ___, --, I ' 2 \~-,------- J. 3 \~ IV/ 7 \ 4 5 6 - 0 1 2 3CM Fig. 4.2. Black Attic bowls with projecting rim. No. Reg. No. Locus No. Reg. No. Locus I. 5411 Unstratified 18111 670 (Area B) AE 4. 5. 6. 24143/9 10216/3 2543/1 2468 (Area B) 1040 302 (Area B) 2. 3. 175 / / / '\ I I 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I \ I \ I \ --1 5 --J -) -7 J l r -7 1 3 7 6 l 11 10 12 8 13 9 14 15 01!8ifli!tii!1 2 3CM !i!WWHIII! Fig. 4.3. Black Attic bowls. No. Reg. No. Locus No. L 4326711 46594/6 46560/3 4336 4668 4651 4. 25263 312 (Area B) 5-15. Profiles of bowls with thickened incurving and projecting rims. 2. 3. 176 Reg. No. Locus 2 • I 4 6 I 5 oi!liii!!!l!!!h1 2••......., 3CM Fig. 4.4. Cups and skyphoi. No. Reg. No. Locus No. Reg. No. Locus I. 2. 4326 711 20187/3 1201112 11921 4336 2064 (Area B) 40 1242 5. 6. 7. 11629/4 40612/4 24083112 1195 4150 2434 (Area B) 3. 4. 177 -r cJ 3 2 t t 5 I I 7 I I I I I I I 6 . .?' c'--.;;:------ir \ I 8 10 11 ==-- ~------~'1111!11111-11!1111[1111111 2 3CM 12 Fig. 4.5. Mug, kantharoi, fish plates, and rilled and rolled rim plates. No. Reg. No. Locus No. Reg. No. Locus L 46753/1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 254312 4627 302 (Area B) 524 4607 4577 4650 7. 8. 9. 10. II. 12. 25263 4616616 312 (Area B) 4577 4090 2125 (Area B) 1040 602 178 487316 46061/1 46166/7 46503 4040916 20351/6 10216/2 5012/4 ,, ~ ------- I \ 2 •• .,., 4 3 Ug J;~ ~~~ I; ' I '• I ~ ~ ' ''' '''' "' ' '' !4 ' l- \ ~ 5 !IIIII -6 8 0 1 2 3CM Fig. 4.6. Rilled and rolled rim plates and decorated sherds. No. Reg. No. Locus No. Reg. No. Locus L 46! 89/5 25261! 46385/9 23961! 46!3 3!2 (Area B) 4628 226 (Area B) 5. 6. 7. 8. 5443/6 AE 46293/4 51931! 9 663 2 4623 6!5 2. 3. 4. 179 c-·----r-··-·-:~ ·. 2 . 3 ! ~'.' ~~t j __ 5 6 - 0 1 2 3CM ....... 7 'C. . c 9 11 12 14 15 17 -·-, 18 L_ _ _ __j____.._, - 19 10 20 21 0 5 10 15CM Fig. 4.7. Addenda: plain black Attic pottery from Area Cl, 1986-1987. No. Reg. No. Locus No. I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 47150/8 4727 4727 4727 4464 4727 4367 4973 4727 9. 10. II. 12. 13. 14. 15. 180 47150/4 49591 47228/6 47001 49426/3 47211/7 Reg. No. 47095/3 47150/2 46434/3 47228/7 49481/4 Locus No. Reg. No. Locus 4727 4567 4727 4723 4727 4727 4989 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 47228/8 47150/6 47211/15 47136/4 47180/2 49489/l 49310/l 4727 4727 4727 4721 4727 4991 4964 21. 22. 2 5 7 6 J ' 9 8 12 11 15 16 17 7 22 0 1 2 3CM 111!1it810i.===:::&lllllill 23 Fig. 4.8. Black and red figure. Ia. I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Cat. No. Reg. No. Locus 4 8 II 27 37 38 39 10240/4 1156311 4667811 48363 40470 46387 48440 I 0240/4 1044 1175 4668 4888 4098 4631 4890 1044 No. 9. 10. II. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Cat. No. Reg. No. Locus No. Cat. No. Reg. No. Locus 40 45 46 51 53 54 55 56 10069/2 1015 surface 4243 1025 1180 4135 H 28 4244 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 65 67 70 73 74 76 84 46372/4 46589/7 48162 48418/9 4934611 37/2 46614/7 4631 4661 4828 4900 4938 4099411 10152 11618/3 4085311 30379/2 40997113 AF 4668 181
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