Tomographic inversion of satellite photometry. Part 2 Stanley C. Solomon, Paul B. Hays, and Vincent J. Abreu A method for combining nadir observations of emissionfeatures in the upper atmosphere with the result of a tomographic inversion of limb brightness measurements is presented. Simulated and actual results are provided, and error sensitivity is investigated. 1. Introduction In an earlier paper' we described an algorithm for recovering the 2-D volume emission rate of optical emissions in the upper atmosphere from limb brightness measurements made by an orbiting spacecraft. This work was based on an integral equation solved by Cormack2 which determines the relationship between a function and its line integrals. We simplified his result to obtain 1 Gn(r) =--| f _ _ _ __ __n_ /9GM H vl dp, (1) where Gn(r) is the nth Fourier coefficient with respect to of the function g(r,O),Fn(p) is the nth Fourier coefficient with respect to of the line integral function f(p,O),and Tn is the nth Chebyshev polynomial. This formula may be used to evaluate the volume emission rate function g of an optically thin emission from measurements of its column brightness f taken at various tangent heights and tangent angles p, 0 (Fig. 1). Since p > r in this expression, measurements taken when the line of sight tangent point lies below the region of interest are not suitable for this type of calculation. In practice there is an upper limit to the number of Fourier coefficients which may be retained in performing the inversion without encountering spurious oscil- The authors are with University of Michigan, Space Physics Re- search Laboratory, Department of Atmospheric & Oceanic Science, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-2143. Received 5 June 1985. 0003-6935/85/234134-07$02.00/0. ©1985 Optical Society of America. 4134 APPLIED OPTICS / Vol. 24, No. 23 / 1 December 1985 lations. The limit depends on the instrumental characteristics, photometer counting statistics, temporal variations of the emission, and distance below the satellite orbit. This places a constraint on the angular resolution which may be obtained. In the case of the Visible Airglow Experiment 3 (VAE) on the Atmo- sphere Explorer (AE) satellites, about 20 to 30 Fourier coefficients may be included before oscillatory behavior begins. This inversion is an improvement over those previously applied to these data4 5 but still does not attain the resolution we desire for imaging auroral emissions and other thermospheric phenomena possessing high spatial variability. When the AE satellites were in the spinning mode, cartwheeling along the satellite track so that the photometer swept out a full circle in the orbital plane, limb scans were obtained which are amenable to interpretation by the Cormack inversion. Information about the emission function is also acquired while the photometer points downward at the earth, but these measurements are contaminated by light scattered from the lower atmosphere, clouds, and solid earth below. In the daytime, these downward looking observations are useless, but at night the contribution from scattered light may be calculated and subtracted from the data. 6 7 When the photometer line of sight intersects lower atmosphere and ground, the measurement no longer represents a complete line integral of the upper atmosphere emission function, and straightforward inversion techniques no longer apply. Rather than attempting to interpret all these observations, we have elected to incorporate into the algorithm only those made looking directly down at the earth within a small angle of the vertical. These nadir observations may be combined with the result of the Cormack inversion to increase the horizontal resolution of the recovery. A method for accomplishing this is described below, simulated results are presented, and selected VAE orbits are inverted. In addition, we present an analysis of errors engendered by the data reduction. II. Theory Nadir photometry yields a measured vertical column brightness function b(O) where 0 is the angle along the satellite track. This function is the sum of light emitted by the upper atmosphere ba(O)and scattered by the lower atmosphere and ground bg(0). During nighttime conditions, and assuming that there are no other significant sources of illumination, bg(O)depends on ba(O),the planetary albedo a(0), the height of the emitting layer Za,and the scattering phase function. If we may assume that the scattering is Lambertian, that the emitting layer has insignificant vertical extent and is a function only of 0, that a plane parallel atmosphere adequately approximates the actual case, and that the albedo is constant, then6 ba(O)= b(O) - b 2J ( b,(O')w-'(0 - ')dO', 2) (2) Fig. 1. Inversion geometry. Each line integral f is the sum of all g(r,O) along a path specified by distance p and angle p. where the 1-D inverse weighting function w- 1 is de- fined w-'(p) = fI exp(-kza) cos(kp) dk. 1 + 2a exp(-kz.) 7rJ0 the Cormack inversion. For n > nmax, G(r) can be computed from Ban (3) The approximations involved are reasonable excepting that in some cases there may be variations outside the orbital plane, violating the assumption that ba is a function only of 0, and that the albedo may vary. The latter is potentially serious, but in certain cases of interest such as the winter polar regions, clouds, snow, and ice all have similar reflectivities so we may hope that albedo variations will be small. Assuming that the albedo is constant, it may be estimated by the following procedure. The volume emission rate in photons cm-3 sec-1 recovered by the Cormack inversion is integrated over the r,0 plane; this quantity I, must be equal to the nadir column brightness in 10-6 R integrated over 0: ba(O) =fJ Ban b,,,(O)dO- J bg(O)dO 2.r f K(r) ba(O)dO, - bm()dO -I 2I, (9) (10) where r27r j (8) R(r)dr, Gn(r) = K(r)Ba,n, (4) since the integral of the 1-D direct weighting function6 equals 2a. Therefore, J Therefore, 2r b.(O)dO- 2a on (7) Gn(r) = R(r)On- r2~~~~~ = = g(r,O)dO, B(r) a.,O (11) Furthermore, if the shape of the r dependence varies slowly with 0, information as to the nature of this variation is contained by the low-order terms of Gn(r). If the r dependence of coefficients greater than nmax have the same shape, we have a situation where the Gn(r) calculated from limb scans provide all the information about g(r,0) except the high frequency variation with respect to 0, which is contained in the Ba,n It is then possible to splice the normalized Ba,nonto the Gn(r) at each r to obtain a set of coefficients from which g(r,0) may be evaluated using an inverse Fourier transform. ~~~~~~~(5) Rather than abruptly Equation (2) is a convolution integral and so may be expressed in frequency space: switching from Gn(r) to Ba,nat nmax,it is desirable to effect a smooth transition from one set of coefficients to the other. This may be accomplished using error functions: Ba n =B,n -BmnWn1 Gn'(r) = ElGn(r) + E2K(r)Ba,n, 2I4 (6) where upper case letters represent the Fourier transform with respect to 0 of the corresponding function, and n is the Fourier coefficient index. Suppose that any point in the r,0 plane, g(r,0) = R(r)0(0); that is, the r dependence has the same shape at all 0. For n • nmax, Gn(r) can be evaluated using Eq. (1) where nmaxis the maximum number of terms that can be retained using (12) where E1 + erf(n, - n)/2] 2 1+ erft(n- n)/2] = E2 - 2 1 December 1985 / Vol. 24, No. 23 / APPLIED OPTICS (13) (14) 4135 _111 111 11 value T 1 MIM111 Illllll plotted in Fig. 2 for the case n, = 15, the value used in the inversions presented below. I- Equation (10) will be strictly valid only so long as the E I condition concerning the shape of the r dependence holds. If this condition is approximately satisfied, Eq. (10) may still be an acceptable estimate, particularly in the region of maximum brightness. When the volume emission rate function recovered using Eq. (1) exhibits significantly varying altitude profiles, caution in using Eq. (12) to find Gn'(r) is indicated. Also, the spectral resolution of Gn'(r) is still limited by the Ba(0);in the case of VAE data, this results in a maximum resolution in 0 of about one degree. Thus this technique is best suited to the analysis of isolated stratified emission features of significant horizontal extent. 2 . 1 1 1... .. 1 I. . . .111. I.1 1. 1. 11 0 20 10 Foui- Fig. 2. coefficient Transition weighting functions. erf(x) = 27r 1 /2 J: 2 exp(-t )dt, (15) of 111. Simulation and Error Analysis and n, is the Fourier term at the center of the transition. The transition weighting functions E1 and E2 are 300 I I . I . I . , I I 1 I . I I I The random and systematic differences between an actual emission function and that which is garnered 200_ 160 photons /ccsec (a) Altit. iude (kM. Emsisstn __(d) photons - I. 120 200 / /e100 a 100 40 .i I - 0I I I 10 20 30 Igle . I . I liii 40 Along Track . I . I ii 50 60 70 0 0 90 (degrees) . I . single Along Track I . I . I (degrees) 160 photons (b) Altitude (kM) 10/sec - 120 Altitude (km) 200 80 I ;. 3. 40 100 - 0 O 1 10 220 30 30 I 50 40 Rng1e Along Track I 300 , I , I . I 90 . 0 9 E.sission (degrees) . . I . 70 60 I . II . . I I _w 160 I . , 120 I 111111 § Altitude (km) - X X i- ., .,i,.S,7 200- x x _ 100 .1.11.,1. . (photons'cc'sec) 1 . . 1 Illlli 1 ...... 1 I . I 1 111111 iAS--0. X X + l . - I photons /00/sec (c) Altitude (km) 200 Rate ..... + x+ . .. x .40 10 x x +> +x 0I I0 10 0 20 30 40 Age Along Track 50 60 70 00 90 (degrees) 100 II r T I 10 Emission Rate Fig. 3. (a) Simulated emission function. (b) Inversion using only limb scans. (c) Inversion using limb scans and nadir observations. (d) Emission rate at 150 km. (e) Emission rate altitude profile through peak of left feature. (f) Emission rate altitude profile through peak of right feature. Solid line-simulation; crosses -limb scan inversion; X-including nadir. 4136 APPLIED OPTICS / Vol. 24, No. 23 / 1 December 1985 r Irl T Ir I 1r 100 (photonscosec) I 1000 from an inversion algorithm are best deduced through computational simulation. This is accomplished by specifying a 2-D function having characteristics similar to those we expect of an upper atmosphere emission and calculating its line integrals numerically at intervals typical of those employed by the VAE channel 1 photometer.1 3 The instrumental field of view was simulated by weighted averaging of seven line integrals arrayed in 0.30 intervals around the central line of sight. Gaussian noise equal to the square root of the number of counts was also added using a characteristic sensitivity equal to 0.1 counts/R. Nadir observations Emissi on Rate photons 'cc/sec 100 Rgle were handled similarly, integrating over a window of 300 100halfwidth, with scattered light calculated using the direct weighting function6 and added to the simulated brightness. Several emission functions were utilized to examine the effect of sharp variations in the horizontal and vertical directions, and situations violating 1, Along Track i .11 1 _+ X + Rltit (ke x x xX + + + 200+ + 10 I Emission Fig. 4. H (b)_ + some of the conditions mentioned in Sec. II were em- ployed to evaluate the algorithm's sensitivity to such deviations. Figure 3(a) displays two imaginary emission functions, both generated by multiplying a Chapman function in altitude by a Gaussian in angle along the track. (The Chapman function has the form expf1 + (rp r)IH - exp[(rp - r)/I]}, where rp is the peak altitude and H is the scale height.) The feature on the left is based on a scale height of 30 km with the peak at 150 km, while the one on the right has a 15-km scale height with the peak at 120 km, so the total emission does not satisfy the requirement for applying nadir observations that the variables be separable in the low frequencies. An albedo of 0.8 was used in computing the nadir brightnesses. In Fig. 3(b) the limb scan inversion is displayed, and the inversion including nadir observations is shown in Fig. 3(c). Despite the fact that the function is not in compliance with our criteria, some improvements are apparent. The addition of nadir data has eliminated most of the horizontal smearing of the recovery, as can be seen in Fig. 3(d), which is a plot of the simulated and recovered emission rates at 150km. The altitude profiles are displayed in Figs. 3(e) and (f) for the left and right features, respectively. The increase in angular resolution afforded by the nadir observations also improves the recovered altitude dependence of the left feature, but the right feature's profile is distorted by the technique: Although the peak value is closer to the original, at higher altitudes the recovered emission rate is too large. This is because the other feature is dominant at these heights, and the inversion imposes its characteristics on the fainter emission. Neither technique can resolve the sharp altitude dependence at the peak as they are both limited by the VAE field of view and integration period. To analyze these effects separately, the following simulations are presented. A function which is narrow horizontally but broad vertically (50-km scale height) was simulated and inverted; again an albedo of 0.8 was employed for the nadir simulations. Figure 4(a) demonstrates the great improvement gained by applying ,,II ,,1 \ + ude (degrees) 1 Rate . X X t00 1000 (photons/cosec) Simulated inversion of a narrow feature: (a) horizontal variation at 150 km, (b) altitude profile at peak. Solid line-simulation; crosses-limb scan inversion; X-including nadir. _11 _ Altit, (km ide Il j 1111 _ II II |X|T|W -i| _ 200 I * +~< 10 Emission Rate 100 1000 (photons/co/sec) Fig. 5. Altitude profile of a wide, vertically structured, simulated emission: solid line-simulation; crosses-limb scan inversion; X-including nadir. nadir observations in cases of this type as the feature is much too narrow to be resolved by thirty Fourier coefficients. The altitude profile is also improved-the limb scans ascertain the correct shape, but at the peak of the emission the recovery is much too low unless nadir data are applied as seen in Fig. 4(b). When the emission is wide horizontally, limb scans alone are sufficient for reconstruction. Figure 5 shows such a case where a two-layered altitude dependence is simulated. The higher broader (30-km scale height) layer is accurately reproduced, but the lower sharper (15-km scale height) layer is smeared by instrumental broadening. The simulations presented in Fig. 6 are all based on a parabolic altitude profile with the peak at 200 km and a 1 December 1985 / Vol. 24, No. 23 / APPLIED OPTICS 4137 _ 300 _Illl1 1 1 1 11H Gm) Altitude (km) Altil ude_ (k 200 I111 100~ _ ii I10 10 Emission Rate 300 I 100 _ 1 _I|F-1 _ 1 Fig. 7. Ml _ 200 100 10 Emts Rate ion _ 1000 (photonsocc/sec) zoo_ I 111111111 Us + 100 Rate . } t l-Jl l:1111 1111 S ~~~. > + phot 'cc' io 00 1 llll 1 ll111 +lii - 200- 100 l I I l l l 111111 100 Rate l l I 111111 1000 10 Emission Fig. 6. l l 111111 (photonscc/sec) Simulated inversion of a parabolic altitude profile: (a) 0.1- counts/R sensitivity; (b) 0.001-counts/R sensitivity; (c) emission rate at 200 km including variable albedo case; (d) altitude profile for variable albedo case. Solid line-simulation; crosses-limb scan inversion; X-including nadir; dotted line-including nadir, variable albedo. square horizontal dependence. At the center of the feature, either method does an excellent job of recovering the altitude dependence. Figure 6(a) shows an inversion using nadir data. In Fig. 6(b) the effect of noise is investigated by reducing the simulation instrument sensitivity by a factor of 100. The altitude pro4138 Simulated inversion as in Fig. 4 but with wrong albedo: file recovered now oscillates about the actual one, deviating by as much as 15% from the original. This simulation is equivalent to the case where the VAE photometer observes a faint emission of 1-2 photons cm 3 sec 1, such as the 5200-Aauroral line. For emissions of this type, nadir data should not be used as it includes stray light from the much brighter lines at lower altitude. The effect of noise can be mitigated by smoothing the limb scans before subjecting them to the inversion procedure. Next we investigate the effect of a varying albedo. Figure 6(c) shows the emission rate at 200 km recovered when the albedo switches from 0.8 to 0.2and back every 30;this might be encountered, for example, if there were banded cloud structures over the open ocean. The albedo estimation technique yields a constant value of 0.53, and hence the recovery fluctuates as much as 25% above and 40% below the simulation value. Also displayed in Fig. 6(c) (d) Altit.Ide (km) 50 (degrees) solid line-simulation; dotted line-inversion including nadir. (b) , Alti1 Lude__ _ (kc Emission 40 Along Track ngle (photonsoccsec) 1il 1I11 1 30 1000 APPLIED OPTICS / Vol. 24, No. 23 / 1 December 1985 is the result when the albedo is constant at 0.8 and when limb scans alone are used. The altitude profile from the highest fluctuation is plotted in Fig. 6(d) for comparison with the original. A case where the simulation albedo is constant at 0.8 but the albedo used in the inversion is only 0.4follows. This situation might arise if the albedo estimation method cannot be applied because the ground is illuminated by sunlight at the edge of the region of interest, or if temporal variations in the emission cause an unrealistic estimation of the albedo which must be rejected. We may then guess the albedo and wish to know the consequences of a bad guess. Figure 7 demonstrates that the consequences are not severe. Here we have used the same simulation as in Fig. 4, and the recovery is similar but slightly broader in the wings. The peak value is reduced by 27% as compared with 19%with a correct albedo. The reason there is so little effect from halving the albedo is that in the combined inversion the integrated emission rate at each altitude is given by the limb scans, and only the horizontal shape is changed by the nadir data. Finally, the first simulation (Fig. 3) is recalculated with a linearly increasing time dependence. In such conditions the nadir data will be in conflict with the limb scans, since the photometer observes a feature on the limb several minutes before it passes over it. Not surprisingly, the albedo estimated is an impossible 1.2, 300 I I I( I I I I Visible Airgiow Experiment AE-C Orbit 3303 day 78070 I 250 XE_ Altitude ,_lIIIIlllilllilll Volume Emission Rate 4Z78 Rmgstro-s IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 300 - 3 h (a 200 2 Altitude (kn) 150 ++ + 100 .1 II + + 100 X X X XX \) .1 t0 . ...... Ad Emission Rate TI 0 50 300 X _ (~~~~~~~~~~~~~~b) l l llid I I c l l 1l i -b_ -A "-X + + + I _I 1 c 100 65 86 4 39990 X + Alt itu ki) 90 68 64 3 39820 66 79 1 39670 _ ++ Altitude 100 O 80 ngle Al ong Track 70 Latitud 61 Rag. InclI inat on 72 Local cIlar Time 0 39510 UIi-vers ia Time (photonsoccosec) o ! 50 . t 200 ._ ...__... + +X X 200 P Wa L50 -. xX. AI + *.Xi. + L50 ..,X + _ i - 100 I 10 Emission 100 Rate 1000 10 1 photons/ccsec) 428 Fig. 8. Time-dependent simulation altitude profiles (see Fig. 3): (a) left feature; (b) right feature. Solid line-simulation; crosses -limb scan inversion; X-including nadir. so in performing the inversion it was adjusted to 0.73, equal to the value found when time dependence was not included. The altitude profiles through the centers of the two features at the time the satellite passes Fig. 9. A Emission Rate 100 1000 photonsccsec) (a) Inversion including nadir data of auroral N 2 + 1NG (0,1) band. (b) Altitude profile through peak. Crosses-limb scan inversion; X-including nadir; dotted line-theoretical model. variation causes some underestimation of the emission rate, these inversions suffer essentially the same faults as the time independent ones. It may be noted here that we do have a method for ascertaining when temporal fluctuations may be a problem-the spinning satellite actually obtains two sets of limb scans, one looking forward and one looking back, and these can be inverted independently and compared with each other and with the nadir observations. Figure 10(a) displays results using the 6300-A filter which measures the intensity of the atomic oxygen (3 P-1D) transition. Because the emission is highly structured, we may suspect the possibility of spurious artifacts. Hence the total electron energy flux measured by the Low-Energy Electron Experiment 9 (LEE) is plotted in Fig. 10(b). The close correspondence of the electron precipitation peaks with the bright emissions lends confidence to the result. An altitude profile is plotted in Fig. 10(c) with error limits estimated from the simulation analysis described above. As expected, the 6300-Aemission is at relatively high altitude in the aurora, since O(D) is rapidly deactivated by collisions with N2 at lower altitudes. IV. V. over them are plotted in Fig. 8. Although.the time Application to Photometric Data Two nightside auroral transits of AE-C were selected to demonstrate the efficacy of the inversion algorithm. Results from orbit 23,303 using the 4278-A filter which passes the (0,1) band of the N2+ 1NG system are presented in Fig. 9(a). The altitude profile of the brightest column is plotted in Fig. 9(b). It is accompanied by the profile recovered using only limb scans and a theoretical model profile8 for comparison. Including the nadir observations sharpens the altitude dependence at the peak at the function, bringing it closer to the theoretical result. The remainder of the deviation is attributable to the effects of the photometer field of view and integration period-at high satellite altitude (380 km in this case) these problems are exacerbated when viewingan emission at substantially lower altitude. Discussion The scheme we have developed for interpretation of satellite photometry may be described as an ad hoc solution to the problem of combining two different types of measurements-those made looking sideways at an emission and those made looking down at it. In essence, the technique is to use the former to ascertain the vertical dependence and the latter to quantify the horizontal variation. The more nearly separable the functional dependence on the two variables the higher the validity of the result. To recover a function which is strongly-nonseparable, or when the underlying albedo is highly variable, measurements taken at additional angles would have to be included, and an iterative solution may be a better method. This would introduce ambiguities from statistical variations of the data and possible temporal variations of the emission, ne1 December 1985 / Vol. 24, No. 23 / APPLIED OPTICS 4139 Visible Airg1ow ExperIment 75039 FE-C Orbit 5374 d Volum Emission Rate 6300 I"i tm 00 ... .. ... . ... .. . .............................................. . ... ... . .. ... ... ... .. .. .. ................ 300 ............ 250 . ... .. .. .. . Altitude(kin) 200 no . .. .. .. ... .. .. . .. .. . . .. ... .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .- 150 .. .. -.1 I- __ i! f .. .. ... NI f I Iffi if f I ff . . .. ll 80 66 63 1 23450 Ai,!g1e Along Trak 70 LatItude61 M ag. Incl1nation 64 0 L ocal S olar TI me Ihiversal Te 23300 f 1 :i! 1 fi 90 66G 80 3 23G00 0 I cessitating smoothing operations and the application of a priori information. Such an approach may be indicated for certain cases and may be the only ap- 10 proach for optically thick emissions, but for stratified auroral emissions the analytical solution here described is likely preferable. It is certainly a consistent and reliable way to obtain the altitude profile of isolated features, which is the primary scientific goal of our present efrs 100 65 76 s 23750 2.0 200 1k) Electro Flux This work was supported by NASA grant NAGW- 496 to the University of Michigan. erg cu 1-/ 1.6 100 630 A Emission Ratephotons. /cc.se0 1 3200 I 1 23300 -1I 23400 I 1 23900 tLkiiver l Ti e ( e 23600 1123700 1 o0.o 23)0 d ) Alti1 (k1 200 too ~ ~ ~ ~ 10 1 6300 A E mission Rate H II I I l 11 100 (ph oton.c.. 1000 ec Fig. 10. (a) Inversion including nadir observations of auroral OI(QP - 'D) line. (b) Horizontal variation at 200 km with LEE total electron energy flux for comparison. Solid line-emission rate; dotted line-electron flux. (c) Altitude profile at UT 23655 with estimated error limits. 4140 APPLIED OPTICS / Vol. 24. No. 23 / 1 December 1985 References 1. S. C. Solomon, P. B. Hays, and V. J. Abreu, "Tomographic Inversion of Satellite Photometry," Appl. Opt. 23, 3409 (1984). 2. A. M. Cormack, "Representation of a Function by its Line Integrals, with Some Radiological Applications," J. Appl. Phys. 34, 2722 (1963). 3. P. B. Hays, G. Carignan, B. C. Kennedy, G. G. Shepherd, and J. C. G. Walker, "The Visible Airglow Experiment on Atmospheric Explorer," Radio Sci. 8, 369 (1973). 4. R. G. Roble and P. B. Hays, "A Technique for Recovering the Vertical Number Density Profile of Atmospheric Gasses from Planetary Occultation Data," Planet. Space Sci. 20, 1727 (1972). 5. C. G. Fesen and P. B. Hays, "Two-Dimensional Inversion Technique for Satellite Airglow Data," Appl. Opt. 21, 3784 (1982). 6. P. B. Hays and C. D. Anger, "Influence of Ground Scattering on Satellite Auroral Observations," Appl. Opt. 17, 1898 (1978). 7. V. J. Abreu and P. B. Hays, "Parallax and Atmospheric Scattering.Effects on the Inversion of Satellite Auroral Observations," Appl. Opt. 20, 2203 (1981). 8. M. H. Rees and V. J. Abreu, "Auroral Photometry from the Atmosphere Explorer Satellite," J. Geophys. Res. 89, 317 (1984). 9. R. A. Hoffman, J. L. Burch, R. W. Janetzke, J. F. McChesney, and S. H. Way, "Low-Energy Electron Experiment for Atmosphere Explorer-C and -D," Radio Sci. 8, 393 (1973).
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