Subject: MINUTES OF PRE-BID MEETING HELD ON 6rH APRIL 2015: Construction of National Motorway M-4 Gojra - Shorkot Sectlon ProJect Gojra - ..Iamanl Section (31 Km) (Km 58+2OO to Km 89+2OO) ICB-M4-IIB: Jamani - Shorkot Sectlon (3O Kml lKm 89+2OO 1o 116 tt$+2OOf ICB-M4-IIA: 1. A pre-bid meeting was held in NHA, HQ on $ttrApril 2015 at l1:00 AM to discuss the technical and contractual issues of subject work raised by Contractors. The said Pre-Bid meeting was chaired by General Manager (P&CA) and was attended by t.lle representatives of NHA, ADB, Consultant and bidders. The following attended the pre-bid meeting: ' ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Natlonal Highway Authorlty Mr. Mukhtar Ahmed Durrani, General Manager, (P&CA), NHA, Islamabad. Mr. Asim Amin, General Manager, (Design), NHA, Islamabad' Mr. Imtiaz Ahmad Khokhar, Director (P&CA), NHA, Islamabad' Mr. Anees Ch., Project Director (M-4 Gojra - Shorkot Section), NHA Mr. Nand Kumar Sufi, Director (QS), NHA, Islamabad' Mr. Ijaz Ahmed, Deputy Director (P&CA), NHA, Islamabad. Mr. Liaqat A1i, Assistant Director (P&CA), NHA, Islamabad i. Consultant Mr. Aamir Ghori, Prime Engineering Consultant. i. i. Miss Ma Yt, AB":1S,.",to D.G.,M/s china Yunnan sunnv Road& BridgeCo. ii. viii. ix. x. xi. Mr. Gu Heiun, Chief Representative, M/s China Railway 2O Bureau Group Cor. Mr. Lv Xiu Feng, Marketing Manager, M/s CGGC Lt. Col. (R) Tariq, Sr. Manager Engineers, M/s NLC Lt. Col. {R} Saeed, General Manager, M/s ZKB-Limak (JV) Li Fang Halg, Manager, M/s CRBC Mr. Shamroz Manzoor, General Manager Business Development, M/s Nishan Engineers (Pvt) Ltd. Engineer Manager, M/s China Railway First Group (CRFG) Contract Manager, M/s Xinjiang Beixin Road & Bridge Liao Hongwei, Deputy G.M., M/s Sinohydro Corporation Ltd. Ms, Aveen, Representative,M/s NIC i. Aslan DeveloPment Bank Mr. Shafiq Wazir, Procurement Consultant ADB. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. . General Manager (P&CA) welcomed the participants of the Pre-bid 2, meeting. He asked the bidders,";fi:,.j:]i{i,--:withtheirquestions' The queries raised and their replies are detailed below: ITB.4.5 Does this clause apply to Chinesefirms? ITB 4.5 is related to Government the in enterprises owned Historlcal Financial Section 3. 2.3,1 Performance Sectlon 4. Form FIN-I and Form FIN-2 The Auditor's report for the year of 20i4 is under process, ca,n we provide the auditor's report for the year of 20I 1 for replacing? Please refer to Section 2,3.1 in Section 3 of bidding documents. And the average annual construction turnover will also be provide the year of 201 I , 2OI2 and 2013? And other financial data should also be o f 2 0 1 1 ,2 0 1 2 . 2 0 7 3 llnanclal Section 3, 2,3,3 requirement; Section 4, Form FIN-S. resources The matter is clarifred in the There is a different definition about LIQUID Addendum No.1. ASSETS, please con{irm which one should be follow. Section 4. Table A-Local Currencv A1I the base rates on 6th Apri1, 2015 of the The base / current prices of materials should be provided by the employer specified materials shal1 be as for the record of tl:e Contractor on the actually prevailing on the base purpose of price adjustment. Please kindly date notified by ttre Engineer with provide t1.e base rates. the approval of the EmPIoYer after the award of works. Please orovide all the relevant data in the Employer's possession on sub-surface and Please refer to ITB 7 .2. hydrological conditions at the site, including envfonmental as In bidding document mentioned that delay damages will be paid by the contractor due to late completion, is there arry bonus to pay to the contractor if the works have been completed earlier than the completion date mention in the contract? For foreigner firm, Does the employer provide fool proof security arrangement at employer's cost and expense for the contractor? BOQ item No. 7O3a What is minimum requirement for said project laboratory? Which kind of equipment should be provloeo/ f.dltn lJ -; \ .,-a.n There is no provision of Bonus in the Bidding Document for earlY completion of the project. The security arralgement on site is the responsibility of Contractor as ner Conditions of Contract. BOQ Item Detaiis regarding No.703-a is given in Volume-III (A) of Particular Specifications / Special Provisions (Road Works) under item 703. In bidding documents, Employer does not provide any privilege for secured advance payment. Kindly elaborate that: a) b) On which items Employer will gives Secured Advalce How much percentage (%) of Secured Advance Payments will be granted? We are requesting to grant 80% Secured Advance Payment on the following ltems. . Cement . Steel . Bitumen On all projects executed under the financing of Asian Development Project (ADB) throughout the country are granting 15 % (Fifteen Percent) Mobilization Advance of Contract Price. There is no Secured Advance project. provision this in Therefore t-Jrerequest for granting 807o Secured Advance against Cement, Steel and Bifumen is resretted, limit of maximum Whereas on this mega motorway project, NF{A The this for Advance Advance Mobilization of granting only 10% Mobilization project shall remain 10% as per Palrment. provisions of Bidding Document. Advance the Mobilization Kindly increase Payment share from 10olo(Ten Percent) to 15% (Fifteen Percent) of the Contract Price to maintain the project execution momentum and Reference to bidding documents, Employer scattered the summaries for a-ll Bil1s of Quantities (BOQs) (Summary of Bil1s) . From Bill No. 1 to 7, (Including Provisional The Summary provided in the Sum) Bidding Document is the Grand Summary and covers all the Bills (Rest Areas) of BOQ. . Summary of Bill No. 8 . Summary Bill No 8A It may be noted that the subtotals of BilI No. 8 (Rest Area), (weigh Stations) Bill No. 9 (Weigh Bridge) and Bill . Summary of Bill No. 09 No. 10 (To1l Plazas) etc are . Summary of Bill No 9l\ carried forward to Bill No. 6A (Miscellaneous Item) and ttren the (To11Plaza) tota-l of Bill No. 6.4 is carried . Summary of Bill No 10 forward to Summary. . Summary of Bill No. 10A Employer does not provide Grand Summary of BOQs to accumulate all above BOQ's SubSummaries It would be more convenient for Employer as well as Contractor that if Employer compile above all sub-summaries in a Single Sr. No Reply Questlon hand written or The Priced Bill of Quantities shall eTaborate your be typed written. Bids with hand Priced BOQ will be written considered as non-responsive as per ITB 2O.2 of bid data sheet. 1 0 The source for Steel is that of Pakistan Steel Mill as per the Bidding Document. However, Please refer to Addendum No. 1. Pakistan Steel Mill is not updating the rates. Kindlv look in to the matter. 1 i Refer to ITB 4.5, how Government owned entity The parameters for establishing eligibility as per ITB 4.5 are can establish eligibility. How about the Government owned entity make already clear in the clause. The Government owned entity may a Joint Venture (JV) with foreign firm. obtain certifrcate covering the pa-rameters mentioned in ITB 4.5 from their controlling Ministry. BOQ's will be filled by typed. I{indly computer acceptability, The eligibility criteria shall also apply if the Government owned entity makes a JV with a foreign firm, T2 Is PEC license for foreign firm needed at the For bidding purpose, PEC license for foreim firm is not required time of biddine? 1 3 It is suggested that a combined site visit of all The site visit has already been arranged to facilitate the bidders; prospective bidders be conducted. however, the responsibility rest with the bidders as per Clause TTB7.2 t 4 Will the Pre-Bid Minutes be uploaded on Yes, the minutes and Addendum (if any) shall be upioaded on NHA website? website. -tD Please extend the bid submission deadline for The project is on high prioritY 15 days in order to make rest potential for Government of Pakistan, contractor and us shall have more sufficient time for document preparation after the site visit. ri is not ffiA.""tension \ i(.-"++i wt
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