SPECIALPROVISIONS AND FICATIONS EDULED SPECI OF NON.SCH ITEMS /;'=T' r., ,.i! )'---'i'.i: i't:"i' n\ ,\','"1 \L4t " i*r. ir:i 'v ,":.,.,il "i-,. '1,,-.. _-,=/ Inrcrna(ional .\irpon ( l3 5 Km) B iddingDocuncnrsForConsrrucuon oi Muin l.ink Rond(Acres'Controlled I lo New lslamabad NSI.JTUFFTILES 1. DESCRIPTION This work shall consistof the constructionof grass grid or solid paving tiles, all the accordancewith the specifications and in conformity with the lines,gradls and typical sectionshownon the Drawingsor as established by the Engineer. 1.1 MATERIALREQUIREMENlS F.llmaterialsshallconfirmto the requirements of ltem No.401,,concrete', as specified nerern. solid concret€tiles as providedon the Drawingsor directedby ihe Engineershall be constructedof mortarand concretein two layersas follows a) b) An upper layer formed of one cm thicknessof 1:1 cementsand mortarbv volume. A lowerlayerformedof five cm thicknessof concreteclass43 conformina to the requirementof ltem No.401"Concrete,'. Combinedaggregatesshall co;firm to the followinggradation, unlessothenrrise approvedny i-neEngineer. ASTMSIEVE 1 12" 5t6 No.4 No.8 No.'16 No.30 No.50 No.100 No.200 1.2 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS 1.2.1 Castinqof Tiles % PASSINGBY WEIGHT 100 84-100 60-86 40-60 28-45 I o-.lz 9-20 3-10 0-3 All elementsshall be pre-castby hydraulicpressing,in an approvedmachine usingconcreteproducedin a fullautomaticbatchingplant. t.1.1 Testinq Test shall be carrjed out on the concretemix prior to commencementof manufactureto veriiy that the specifiedstrength(7000 psi) and surface finish requiremenls will be mei. If the requiredstrengthand surfacefinish are not achieved,the Engineermay instructadjustmentin the mix proportions, etc. in orderto achievethe specifiedrequirements. Mix designchangesand any other workconsidered necessaryshallbe considered subsidiary to the manufacture of the elements. | .t.5 DimensioJ]s circumsianceswith siraight eiementsor portionsof siraight elements be pefmitted. 1.2.4 S-urfaceFinish The finishedelementsshailbe of soundappearance withclean plane faces, free from segregation, pits, brokenCornersand other defects. honeyccmbing, Thereshallbe no evidenceof exlemalrendering. Bull ncsesand cur,iedfaces shall be o{ constantradiuswith a smoothchanqe from radiusto plainface. Manufacturing tolerancesshall be three(3) mm in any one, dimensionand end facesshallbe trulyperpendiculaf to thebase. | ,z.a Joints Betweenpavingtiles,thejoint shallhavea widthof four(4) mm and shallbe fi ed withsand. 1.2.6 Beddinq Tilesshallbe laidon a compactedconcreteclas6-Bwiththe sandcushionof 40m thick. la BASISOF PAYMENT The qualityof tilesmeasuredas aboveshallbe paidfor the unitpricesbid in the Bill of Quantities, whichshall be full compensation for furnishingand placingali materialsrequired,for excavationeitheron cut or fill aTeasas necessary,for backfilling, and for all labor,equipment,tools and all other itemsnecessaryfor the prop€rcompletion of the Work as specified. Pay Item No. Description NSFl Providingand layingTufi Tiles paving blockssize 198 x 163 (80mm)grouted with sandover 40 mm thicksand as per drawingsand specifications. Unit of Measurement M2 NSI-4: TESTS(SlT)ONALLPILES soNrcTNTEGRTry 1. TESTS(SlT) soNrc TNTEGR|TY All workingpiles shall be subjectedto SonicIntegrityTesting(SlT) by a specialistagencyengaged by the Contractor.The SIT equipmentlike or equivalent, as appiovedby FPDS(Foundation Pile DiagnosticSysterrr) the Engineer,shallbe usedfcr this purpose.The testingshallbe done as per ASTM D5882-07.Before startingthis testing,the Contractorshall submithis Methodstatementfor approvalof the Engineer. of thesetests and interpretation The contractorshaliarrangeperformance by the specialistagency iike TNO Neiherlandsor equivalentThe shall includeinformationon piie length,concretecrushing interpreiation strength,Sonic PulseVelocityand defectslike necking/ honeycombing reporishallbe submittedior SIT carriedouton pilesby the etc.A sepa!"ate Contractor. z. PAYMENT AddthisPayltemNo.as 407n: Description Unitof l,[easurement NSI-4 SoniclntegrityTests (SlT) Each Item No. 6f{C} r(,(\S)i te-:*dP I,ISI.5& 6 AND CHEVARON REFLECTOR DELINEATORS/ANGLE 607.'! DESCRIPTION Unlessotherwiseshown on the Drawings,all signs shallbe letteredin both Urdu and English.In case of any discrepancybetweenNTRC the requirementsof requirementsand these General Specifications, govern. shall NTRC 907.2 REQUIREMENTS M,A,TERIAL at theend: Addthefollowing Materialsshall be of new stockunlessotherwiseshownon the Drawings and shall conformto the or orderedby the Engineer'sRepresentative followingrequirements: 6 0 7 . 3 . 1 2 Erectionof Delineatorsand MarkerPosts shallbe erectedat locationssholvnon the Drawingsand set Delineators at elevationssuch that the Delineatorreflectorswill be at the indicated notedin the Drawings heightabovethe groundsurfaces.Unlessotherwise holesfor postsshallbe of by the Engineer'sRepresentative, or authorized shallbeset plumband Posts on the Drawings. the depthand sizeshown linesand gradesand shallbe encasedinconcreteclass to the established The cost of all excavation "8" unlessotherwiseshownon the Drawings. and concretewill be consideredsubsidiaryto the bid item (s) for Chevaronshall also be installedon samepatternexcept Delineators. usinghighdensitysheetfor goodreflection. When noted on the Drawingsor authorizedby the Engineer's the posts shallbe erectedby driving,eitherby hand or Representative, with approvedmechanicaldevices.The method of drivingshall not substantiallyalter the cross- sectionaldimensionsof the posts or damagethe coating.Batteredtopswill not be permitted.Posts materialiy are bent or which,in the opinionof the Engineer'sRepresentative, damagedduringor aftererectionshallbe removedfrom the site otherwise expense-Afterdrivlng,the portionof the and replacedat the Contractcr's postsabovegroundshall be plumband the postsshallbe firm in the ground. Refiectorsshallbe attachedto the posis as detailedon the Drawingsor cations. specifi to the manufacturer's according 607.4.2 Payment Pay Description NSI-5 / AngleReflector Delineators NSI-6 Chevaron Unit of Measu rement Each NSI.7 GANTRYSIGNS 620.1 GENERAL Gantrysigns at suitablelocaiionsshall be requiredto be installedto provide the informationabout the important places and restriction enforcedfor typeof passingvehicles. and insialledin accordancewith The ganirysignsshall be manufactured in the Gantry Signs Drawingand as directed and the details shown The sign panel shall be approvedby the Engineer'sRepresentative. designed suiting the situation and approved by the Engineer's beforeits manufacture. Representative 620.2 AND PAYMENT MEASUREMENT and installation of gantrysignsshailfullyconformto the The manufacture requirementsas laid down in the latest publicationof NTRC on the for The steelsectjonsshallconformto the MSHTO specifications sub.ject. The item shall be the StructuralSteel and the StandardSpecifications. for paidfor as under,whichpriceand paymentshallbe full compensation and proper installation manufacture, all the costs necessaryfor the in the item/drawing: of workprescribed completion Description Payment Item No. NSI-7 GantrySignType-las shownon Drawincs. Unit of Measurement Each 5 sP-414 AT BRIDGESITES SOILINVESTIGATIONS 414.1 SCOPEOF WORK boringat bridgeand Flyoversites at shallcarryout confirmatory The Contractor or as direcled by the Engineels marked on the drawings locations Represeniative. The purposeof the Work specifiedhereinis to determinethe type, nature, arrangement,thickness and texture of the various subsurfacestrata. the of the subsurfacematerialsas conditionsand ihe Engineeringcharacteristics they existto the depthand at the locationsspecified.Thisis to be accomplished soil by meansof drilling,in-situtesting,collectionof disturbedand undisturbed and laboratory testing. samples water and of the The Contractorshall carry out the specifiedworks underthe supervision Representative. Engineeis 414.1.1 Plant and Equipment The Contractorshall keep atleast one rotarydrill machineand one percussion of the Work. on the site to meetthe requirements winchalongwith accessories good and capableof condition in operating plant be equipment shall and The as sei forth. Work the performingefficiently 4't4.1.2 Drillersand SupervisoryStaff The Contractorshall providequalified,experienced,orderlyand thoroughiy engineersor engineering comDetentpersonsat all times includinggeotechnicai logglngand in-situ sampling, drilling, and supervise who shallconduct geologists from the his.employees of remove any shall Contractor Gstingat the site. The requirements. these does not meet Engineer opinion of the sitethat in the for hous:ngof his personnel, shall make his own arrangements The Contractor at the site. and supplies equipment storage of the securityand 414.1.3 Setting up at each Hole for setting-upplant The Contractorshall make all the necessaryarrangements preparation and specified, out the work carrying each location, at and equipment routes anc all other to access improvement the work areas, of reinstatement temporaryworks. Measurementof Quantities The payment are onlyapproximate. shownin the Billof Quantities The ouantities with the performed in accordance work of actual on the basis shall be made Speciflcations. 414.1.5 Submissionof Fieldand LaboratoryData dala to The Contractorshall supplycompletefieldand laboratoryinvestigation LllY Ellgrllscr -^--^^^-,^+r.^ 5 n c l J ' E r \ J r I L dl r v c "vi..hin'.he \rr^rLe tinic set_fo*h f^r ccm^lari^^ ^f "1 :'",1'": This data shallincludecopiesof all the approverilogsandtest records.provrded during the course of the ContractincluCingany alierationsor amendmenis Represenlative. requiredby the Engineer's 414.1,6 Locationof lnvestigationPoints a) pointsare as shownon the locationsof the investigation The approximately be establishedin the field by locations shall the actual However, Drawings. be providedlater or as to basis of the Drawings Contractor on the the the boreholes Locating Engineer's Representative. direcied by the of the Contmctor. responsibility be the sole in the field shall accurately b) that furtherDrawingsmay be issuedby the Engineer lt is to be understood points. of investigation the revised locations showing c) Ail the investigationpoints shajl be located by the Contractorthrough field surveyto an accuracyof 1 m in planand 0.05m in groundelevation. 414.2 WORK METHODOLOGY 414.2.1 InvestigatedAreas The locationof the boreholes,are as markedon the Drawings.The Engineerwill specifyfrom time to time duringthe Contractperiod,the exact locationand rbferencenumberof all holes.To locatethe holesaccuratelyin the field shall howeverbe the Contractor'sresponsibility. 414.2.2 Casing strongto A holeshallbe casedin any stratumwhichis fnableor not sufficiently Representative. or as and whendirectedby the Engineer's standunsupporied, The Contractorshall ensurethat casingsare of a suitablesize and insertedin The ContractRatesfor drilling such a manneras to renderthem recoverable. shallbe deemedto includethe supply,insertionand recoveryof casingincluding casingor failurein recovering any damage,lossor delaycausedby difficulty 414.2.3 Removalof Casing Casingshallneitherbe removedfrom any hole nor any fillingintroducedinto it will normallybe given is givenby the Engineer.This permission untilpermission groundwater levelhas been as soon as work in the hole is completedand the measure0. holeovernighiafterhe shallavoidleaving.a As far as possiblethe Contractor finished. has beEunto withdrawthe casingand beforehe has 414.2.4 SuppiementaryHoles sampleshave Abandonedholes and / or the holesfrom which unsatisfactory performed have been field tests been obtainedand/orin which unsatisfactory other holes by due to the negligenceof the Contractorshall be supplemenled supplementary holes of such adjacentto the orig:nallocation.The exactlocation shali be specifiedby the Engineerin the field. or to the holeswereabandoned The depthwherethe unacceptable field unsatisfactorysarnpleswere cbtained or unsatisfactory performedmay be made by any methodselectedby the Contractorthat in the fieldtestingand samplingbelour opinionof the Engineerwill permitsatisfactory thosedepthsat whichoriginalhole was abandonedshall be carriedout usinE the hole. onlythe specifiedmethodof advancing hoie abovethe No paymentwill be made for that portionof the supplementary hole. depthpaidfor in the unacceptable 4'14.2.5 GroundwaterLevel after completionof the hole The groundwater levelin holesshallbe determined or v/henrequiredby the Engineer,as follows: Ciearwalershallbe addedor the holeshallbe bailed-outas necessaryto bring levelas directedby the Engineer the water levelto the expectedgroundwater shall be measured and iecorded at intervalsof 6 hoursfor a the water level and periodof twentyfour (24) hoursthereafter. 414.2.6 EackfillingHoles withgroutas directedby the Engineer. Boreholes shallbe backfilled holesshallconsistof a rnudtormedby mixjngone (1) part Groutingfor backfilling by weightof bentonitewith ten (10) parts of water,to which two parts by weight of cementshall be added afterthe bentoniteand water have been thoroughly holes may be backfilledwith purpose-madepelletsof mixed. Alternatively, providedtheyareof a sizewhich,in the opinionof or bentonite/cement, bentonite with the size of hole.lf there is no standingwaterin th€ Engineer,is compatible the hole,grout may be pouredin from the top. lf there is standingwater in the hole,the groutshallbe fed intoihe bottomof the hole by a tremiepipe,the end junctionwhilegroutingis being of whichshallalwaysbe belowthe groundwater caniedout. Groutbackfillshall be taken up to 30 cm belowthe originalgroundlevel.Any withinone week shallbe apparentloss of groutdue to leakageor consolidation grout and thenthe remainingdepthof the holeshallbe filled made-upwith fresh with concrete. 4'14.2,7 Logs Logs of borehoiesshall be providedon an approvedspecimen.These shall (suchas of all strataincludingdetailsof the soil macrofabric includedescriptions fissures) and details of samples taken, and of and naiure frequency,orientation include Logs of boreholes shall and field tests. an accountof all observaiions noteson the nature,quantityand colourof the drillingfluid returns.AII logsshall be subject to the approvalof the Engineerand two draft copies shall be submittedto the Engineer,not morethan tvvodays afterthe hole is backfilled. Soil descriptionsshall conformto ASTN4designationD 2488 and classified of topsoil D 2487. All depthsand thicknesses accordingto ASTM designatron be recorded in levels shall recorded in meters and all reduced and stratashallbe datum. Accurate cjetermination of of Pakistan meters with referenceto Survey 6 414.2.8 Contractor'sResponsibilityfor Records The presenceof the Engineeror any of his staff and their keepingseparate for driliingrecordsshall nci relievethe Contractorof any of his responsibilities keepingrecords. 414.2.9 Order of Work shali be determinedand The order in whichthe work is to be accomplished approvedin thefieldby the Engineer. 414.3 DRILLING 414.3.1 Depthof Drilling Drillingwould generallybe requiredupto a minimumof 30 rnetersdepthor at least3m belowthe piletip level,as shownon the Drawingsor as directedby the Engineer,whicheveris morewith a minimumhole sizeof NX as directedby the Engineer. 414.3.2 Accuracyof Alignmentof Holes Boreholeswill be within 2 degrees of the vertical unless the Engineer's Representative has orderedthe drillingof an angledholein whichcasethe hole angleshallbe within5 degreesof the anglespecified. .414.3.3 DrillingPlant The drillingplantand ancillaryequipmentto be mobilizedat the site shouldbe adequateto advancethe boreholesin an efficientmannei, to the required depths, Rotary drillingrigs shall be of the hydraulicfeed type equippedwith side dischargetypefish tail and triconebils for drilling.Bits and casingshallconform equivalent. to 8.S.4019;Partl; 1974oran approved Drillingbits shail be of side dischargetype designedto preventunnecessary disturbanceof soil at bottomof the hole by flow of drillingfluid, unlessthe Engineerdirectsotherwise. 414.3.4 DrillingProcedure The methodof cjrill;ngshallbe of any approvedstandardand acceptedmethod by meansof whicha holeof specifieddiameteris extendedto the desireddepth. The normal methcd of drillingshall be rotary unless gravelly strata are may be used. wherepercussion encountered Duringdrillingthe Contraclorshallregulatethe drillingoperationwhichensures in the underlyingmaterialin whichthe in-situtestingand minimumdisturbance samplingis to be carriedout. and usingsuchsizes ln rock,coredrillingshallbe carriedout in sucha manneT of This requiresclosesurveillance of bits,thai the maximumcoreis recovered. the flushingmedia,drillingpressures,lengthsof rLrns,use of applopriatecore to the natureof the materialdrilled.The drillbit barrelsand otherfactors!'elevant may be shailbe withdrawnand core removed the maximumpossibleamountof cor€. In soft or friableformation,dry ciriiling may be requiredusing singletube core barrelwith tungsiencarbide techniques bits as direcledby ihe Engineer.The coreswouldbe placedin core boxesin a orooeTmanner. 414.4.1 Stabilizingof Holes shallbe usedduringrotarycumwash boring Driliingmudof suitableconsistency tc stabilizethe u/alls of boreholesby preventingcaving-inand to avoid disturbance cf the samplinghorizons.The drillingmud shall be a mixtureof and waterwith approvedchemicaladditivesbeingused,if required,to bentonite assistin modifyingits densityand viscosity.The densityand viscosityshall be selectedconsideringsuch factors as hoie stability,cutting operationand samplesrecovery. undisturbed slze and strengthmay Wheredrillingmud is nol effective,casingof appropriate of the will be responsibiiity lt be usedsubjectto the approvalof the Engineer. boreholes the walls of the Contractorto use appropriaiemeansto stabilize It shallbe ensuredthatthereis no jettingactionof the drillingfluid The minimum amountof drillingfluidnecessaryto carryawaythe cuttingsshallbe used During driliingthe Contraciorshall regulatethe pressureof the drillingfluid to ensure to the underlyingmaterialin whichthe in-situtestingand minimumdisturbance samplingis to be carriedoui. 414.4 SAMPLING 414.4.1 Generai samplesfrom any borehole The Conlraclorshatltake disturbedor undisturbed when orderedto do sc by the Engineer.This shallinciudethe prcvisionof ail cratesand boxes,as well samplingequipment,tubesand containers, necessary or storeat site. to the approvedlaboraiory and transportation as handling 414.4.2 Approvalof Equipment No eouiomentor containersshall be used unlessand until approvedby the Engineer. Careof Samples for the safe keepingof samplesof all kinds The Contractor shallbe responsible untilthesehave been handedoverto the designatedlaboratoryor disposed-of as the casemay be-Any samplelost,damagedor instruction on the Engineer's whilein the Contractofscareshalibe replacedby showingsignsoi deterioration ai no expense. the Contractor 4'14.4.4 LabeiingSamples soil samplesand vr'atersamplestakenfrom--hqlqq. and undisturbed All disturbed 'i'i ':.. Each label shallincludethe followinginformatiod:.' labeled. be clearly shatl --*-i','. ,.j . 'i Nameof Contract l a) .f . t\ numberof ihe holes Reference bj ,i,:.', 0\ \) " I .!,j numberofsampl€ Reference cj .,' V ' ,'..',t ) . ' -:: ,J sampling d) Dateof . ';..:.-.:., (e.9. silty clay) stiff brown sarnple ,.1 of the Briefdescription e) ;.:i1 ol LIle tcp allu uuttu:!l ul tlltr >dllll-rrE uY'uvr vruurr'J r-vel/ T) Jgpln S) Numberof the samplertube i. ,i/ x \l \o samplesshailbe labeled"Do notjar or vib!'ate" Tubesand cratesfor undisturbed 'Haul position". and transpcrtin a horizontal and 414.4.5 DisturbedSamples In all the boreholes,small disturbedsamplesshall be takenat the top of each stratum,and at intervalsas directedby the Engineer.Materialfrom the cutting samples,andf!'omthe splitspoonsamplerused shcesof opencriveundisturbed Tests,shallalso be takenas disiurbedsamples. for StandardPenetration 414.4.6 UndisturbedSampling Undisturbedsampling from boreholesshall be done by Shelby tube or sampler or as directed by ihe Engineer.The undjsturbed Pitcher/Denison as dlrectedby the Engineer. samplesshouldbe properlyseaiedand preserved 414.4.7 Cores The cores obtainedfrom boreholesshall be carefullyremovedfronr the core bari'eland placed in the boxes in the colrect sequence,with increasingdepth cf cores from left to rightand top to bottomin the box. Colouredphotographs shallbe takenat site. tripletube liner,the ends of the Wherethe core is containedin an expandable tubeshallbe sealedand waxedas directedby the Engineer. Eachcore run shallbe segregatedby labeledwoodenblocks25 mm thick and in the core the depthof the bottornof eachrun shallbe markedon the partitiond boxwith paint. No boxshallcontainmorethan3 metersof core. 414.4.8 CoreSamples Selectedcores,preferablynot less than 30 cm in length,slrallbe preservedas wouldconsistof clearanceof any loosesludge, coresamples.The preservation waxingof cores,packingin woodenboxesusing sawdustand labelingbefore to the tesiing laboratory. ti'ansportation 414.4.9 \lJaterSamples The Contractorshall take water samplesfrorn holes when directedby the Engineerbeforethe additionof water to the hole unlessit is unavoidable.lf the hole shaltbe bailed-outbeforetakingthe sampleto ensurethat necessary, any potentialccntaminantis remcved.No fuel or other potentialcontaminant shallbe allowedto enterthe hole.The meihodof samplingshallbe as approved by the Engineei,Samples shall only be stored in approved,air tight and clean,containersand shallnot be lessthan 1 litrein volume. scrupulously 414.4.14 Transportationof SamPles Ail samolesshallbe shiftedto the store at the site, th€ day they are collected. The samplesshall be continuouslytranspoftedto the testing laboratoryon conclusionof every boreholeand on the instructionsof the Engineer,The for testingshaiibe approvedby the Engineer. laboratory 414.5 IN-SITUTESTS A4f, E 1 StandardPenetrationTests (SPTs) When directed by the Enginee!'the Ccntractorshall carry out Standard resistance'N' shall be Penetration Tests (SPTs)in boreholes.The penetration expressedas the numberof blowsof a 63.5 kg hammerfreelydropping76.2 cm requiredto forcethe standardsplittubesampler30.5cm intothe soil. StandardPenetrationTest (SPTs) shall be conductedin the boreholesin at 1 meterdepthintervalor as directedby wiih ASTM1586 generally accordance the Engineerat the site. 414.6 LABORATORYTESTING 414.6.1 General The samplesshall be tested in a laboratoryapprovedby the Engineer.The to superviseand check the Engineershall have access to the laboratories be carriedcut in accordance The testing shall testingof the samples. laboratory by the Engineer.The Standards or as directed with ASTM, BSS or AASHTO following laboratory tesis on the out the arrange to carry Contractor shall tested and the to be materials. The samples subsoil specifiedsamplesof the by the Engineer. be for each.sample shall specified teststo be carriedout 414.6.2 Type of Tests Sr. No, Nameof Test Standard i r:r.i. ASTMD 422 ASTIMD 4318 ASTMD 854 eizo rnatucic Liquidlimit,plasticlimit ii. iii. Specificgravity Unitweightof soil iv. (soil) compression v. Unconfined (rock) compression vi. Unconflned content vii. Naturalmoisture viii. Consolidation ix. Directshear test Triaxialcompression x. of Soil Sulphate content xi. xii. Organicmatterconientof soil saltsof soil xiii. Totaldissolved of soil Chloride content xiv. of waterBS 1377 analysis xv Chemical a) Sulphatecontentof water saltsof water b) Totaldissolved content of water Chloride c) d) pH of \tEter ASTMD 2166 ASTMD 2938 ASTMD 2216 ASTMD 2435 ASTMD 3O8O ASTM D 4767 BS I 377 BS 1377 BS 1377 BS 1377 \"- 414.7 REPORTS RECORDS,AND 414.7.1 Records The Contractorshall keep accurate logs and records of all work accomplished underthis item.All such recordsshallbe preservedin good conditionand orderby the contractoruntiltheseare deliveredand accepted The Engineershailhavethe rightto examinesuchrecords by the Engineer. prior to theirdeliveryto him. Separatelogs shall be made for at any time shallbe includedon the logsor in The followinginformation each borehole. the recordsfor bor€hoies: 414.7.2 i. andelevationof top of borehole. Boreholenumberor designation ii. Methodof drillingholes. iii. Datesand time by depthswhenholewas performed. iv. Typeof drillingfluidused. v. Depthsat which sampleslvere recoveredor attemptsmadeto collect thicknessandtype. samplesalongwithdesignation, vi. Recordof SPT on borehclelog. vii. or descriptionby depth of the materialssamples The ciassification or stifinessof soil of conditionof compactness includinga description and moistureconditions. malerialsencountered viii. levelif encountered. Depthof groundwater ix. Depthof bottomof borehole. b) shallfurnishthe Engineerwiththe recordas specifiedabove The Contractor of eachborehole not laterthan48 hoursaftercompletion in duplicate, c\ The presenceof Engineeror the keepingof separaterecordsby the for the work Engineershall not relievethe Contractorof the responsibility specifiedin this Section.Paymentshallnot be madefor any workfor which the recordshavenot beenfurnishedby the Contractor. Reports a) The resultsof each boreholeand the field tests carried out shall be as follows: to the Engineer communicated i. ii. Oralreportsas theworkproceeds. Threesets of completedataof the workwithintwo (2) daysof the of borehole. dateof completion .t b) The datashallcomprise: i. ii. iii. iv. c) '." and givingtheirmap A sile planshowingthe positionof the boreholes reference. The boreholelogs Completeresultsof fi€ldtests Cornmentson any point which the Engineerhas putuD to the duringtheWorks. for inquiryand investigation Contractor to the Engineer t'astsshallhrecommunicated resultsof labo!'atory Co:"nplete of borehole withinseven(07)daysof the dateof completion 4't4.8 ANDPAYMENT MEASUREMENT and paymentfcr the \ /ork specifiedin the Contractfor drilling The measurement of bore holes, coliectionof disturbed,undisturbedand rock core samples, and testingand compilation tests,laboratory performing the standardpenetration of resultsshallbe doneand paidfor as per the pay itemgiven in the submission all labour,material, for Iurnishing BOQ,whichpaymentshallbe full compensation periorming work involvedin this the all and for and incidentals equipment tools, abovein this specification. itemas mentioned 6" minimum dia drilling straight rotary/PercussionLM includingback filling of holes from NSL upto 40m depthor till the rocklevel,whichever is metearlier. sP-414(b) PerformSPT at 1 m intervali/c collection, preservation No. approved an samplesto of disturbed & Transportation Laboraiory. sP-414(b-1) Continuous corediillingin bedrockup to a maximum LM of 5 m depth below rock strike level, including of of core recoverylRQD, preservation determination core samples in core boxes, labelling,waxing of of rockcoresand selectedcoresamples,photography laboratory'In to the core. samples tiansportationof casecore recoveryis lessthan 80% reducerun length to 0.5 m. SP.414(c) Collection soil samplesfrom boreholes N o . of undisturbed pitcher/denison sampleri/c preservation usingShelby and transportationof samples to an approved Laboratory. sP-414(d) Performanceof FDT in test pits through sand N o . moisture content replacement method ilc determinaiion. Excavationof test Pits upto 1.5 m depth along road SP-414(e) alignmentincludingbackfillingof pits to original M condition. sP-414(f) Collection blocksamplesfrom test pits No. of undlsturbed locationas directedby the Engineer. at appropriate of compositebutksample(at least60 kg foi N o . Coltection sP.414(i1) soilsand 12Ckg for gravelysoils) sandy/clayey SP-414(g) Colleciion& preservation of water samplesfrom bo:e No. to an approvedLabofatory' holes& transportation sP-414(h) Laboratory Testing No. Grainsizeanalysis. i. No. analysis. Hydrometer ii. No. Atterberglimits iii. No. Specificgravity No. Naturalmoistureccnient No. (Soil/rock ccres) Bulkdensity& Drydensity lr.io. LgcL L.,r Et t 5t tEdt vii. oooooo zzzzzz 3 Gi .$ EQ U '- ^Y (l)O d o E \)t ty 6; -- O--.:; i-^ = >' >q? 0 (g 6'6 ';; '= gsbEH 3 ;ft 6- 5q 9: gE OE .qo >.8 g6 EO Ei; +6 =f, 9a 99 I Rt F !(J 666 :EF E 3 E> e a.''); a:i c \i ? 6'a J c: >r >\Ptu) H S P,!F EsEEO ,*Yp 6 6 E R --E8I n iF (usr---Y Y:CCc > X OO.!/"jl-) E I q 9 € J*r - = Of ;eh aez ?1i F.E €;.9 ! PG.. U z sP-415 MAI"IUFACTUR,ED TR,ADEMARK EXPANSIONJOINTS 1. GENERAL jointswill followSpecifications Expansion of AASHTO-SS-Division tl-section1g "Bridgedeckjointsseals" The Contractor shall slrbmitto the Engineer,completedocumentations about joints he intendsto usefor the movements the Expansion and type as shown on the Drawings, including referencesof the last 10 y€ars, material Specificaiionsfor metal,rubber and bondingbet^/eenthem, fixations,and test certificates from authorizedlaboratories showingthatthe proposedjointsmeet the soecificaiions. the submittalwill be accompanied Elservhere by samplesof at least0.50m, withits fixations. jointsshallsatisfythe followingfunctional The expansion requirements: 1. It shall withstandtraffic loads of the highway,and accommodate movements betweenthe deckandabutmentor theadjacentdeck, 2. It shallhave goodridingqualityand shallnot causeany inconvenience to roaCuser. 3. It shallnot causeskiddinghazard, It shallnot generateexcessivenoiseor vlbrationduringthe passageof vehicles. Padsliableto wearout shallbe easilvreDlaceabi€. 2. 6, It shallbe watertightand will haveprovisionfor carryingawaywaterand silt. 7, It shallbe easyto inspectand maintain. 8. It shallbe resisiantin hoi and very sunnyclimate. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS joint will be clearlydescribedby the The methodology of placingthe expansion Cont€c{orwith a completeset ot dravlings. jointswill or overlapplng betweenroadwayand walkwayexpansion Connection be clearlyshown. Conneciionwiih wat€r proofingof the deck will be Cetailed. Ali necessary prc!.isions in deck re;nfcrcement will be indicateC lniiialgap at the timeof placingv/illbe clearlyindicated andjusiified. The secondstage reinforcedconcretefor fixaiions.if any. will be Class Y concreteand willbe includedin the pay item. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 'r, a Measurement jointsfor roadwayis measuredin linearmetrebetween The lengthof computed thefacesof the kerbs,plus 150 mm he;ghton eachbridg€raiiing. 5.2 Payment The acceptedquantitymeasuredas providedaboveshall be paid for at the for the pay itemslistedbelowand shownin the contractunitpricerespecthrely price Biil of Quantitieswhich and paymenishall be full compensationfor toolsand incidentals and any work furnishingall materials,labour,equipment, joints paid pertaining necessary to andwhichis not for separately, to expansion completethe item: ItemNo. S P4 1 5 Unit of Measurement Description Manufactured trademarkexpansionJointsor roadway, for 25-30 mm movement. 415-2 M. s P -4 1 8 GALVANIZED IRONDR,AINPIPE 418.1 DESCRIPTION The Contractorshall furnish and place galvanizediron drain pipe (AASHTOStandardsM 1118-BC1986) in accordancewith the plan of and/oras orderedby the Engineer. Bridgedeck,specifications 418-2 MATERIALS The Galvanizediron pipe shall conformto the requirementsof ASTM ,A120. Designation 418.3 CONSTRUCTION Wherethe pipe is used for bridgedrainsit shall be cast in the deck and shallbe flushwiththe decksurface. 418.4 MEASUREMENT The quantityto be paid for underthis item will be numberof linearmeter of pipe incorporatedin the work in accordancewith the plans and and as directedby the Engineer. specifications 418.5 PAYMENT The unit pricebid per linearmetershallincludethe cost of furnishingand placementincludingall labor, materialsand equipmentnecessaryto completetheworK. Item No. Unit of Measurement Description irondrainpipe100mm dia. S P 4 1 B a Galvanized f"Gi \q,\'-lt L.M sP-526 OF WATERCOURSES RELOCATION 526.1 DESCRIPTION The work shall consistof dismantlingand disposalas requiredof existing the samewithstandardwork watercoursesand relocating bricklinediunlined items and requireddischargecapacity as approvedby the Engineer's for smoothflow of water. Representative, 525.2 MATERIALREQUiREMENTS BrickLining of SP-525. Thisshallconformto the requirements 526.3 REQUIREMENTS CONSTRI.'CTION Cross-Sectionfor Relocation lineand grade This shallbe cut and dressedaccordingto specifiedhequired priot to commencemeniof this as directedby ihe Engineer'sRepresentativ€, work. of SP-525. Bricklining,as requiredshallconformto the requirements 526.4 MEASUREMENT The work of relocationof (unlined)wateTcoursewhichis completedas per accordingto dischargecapacity,acceptedby line,gradeand cross-section shallbe measuredin squaremeters. the Engineer The work of brick liningon cementmortarfor linedwaier course,which is completedaccordingto requiredthicknessand grade,shallbe measuredby superficialarea accepted by ihe Engineer's Represeniative.The unit of shallbe squaremeters. measurement PAYMENT Paymentshall be madeas measuredaboveand shallbe full compensation dismantledi unsuitable for relocaiionof the watercourses,disposalof surplusi tools and all other material,provisionof all labour,materials,equipments, aboveand accepted incidental necessaryto completethe work as prescribed by the Enginee/sRePresentative. Pay ItemNo. SP-526a Description Unitof Measurement Relocalion of unlinedwatercourse of bricklinedwate!'course sP-526b Relocation 526-1 q.L*.,# SM SM :,rl-/ sP-616 CONDUITS AND PIPES 616.1 DESCRIPTION The work consistsof supplying, inslalling,and commissicning of all material and servicesof the completeconduitsand pipesas specifiedherein,shown on the Drawings and/oras directedby the EngineelsRepresentative. The Contractor shallget the priorapprovalof the layoutfromthe Engineer's Representative at Site for exaciroute,Iocationand positionof the conduits and pipes. 616.2 GENERAL The extent of work shown on the Drawingsdoes not indicatethe exact positionof conduitsand pipes.The Contraclor shallensureexactlocationand withotherservjceson drawings,as routeof conduitand pipesin coordination per site requirements prior and getthe approvalof Engineer's Representative to executionof the work. olo.J APPLICABLESTANDARD/CODES shall be applicablefor the Latesteditionsof the followingstandards/codes matei"ials in scopeof thisSection: BS 6099 BS 3595 BS 4346 and Accessories PVC Conduits PVC PipesandAccessories CementSolventfor Jointing 6't6.4 MATERIAL 416.1.1 PVCConduitsand Accessories to 856099 shall conforming The heavygaugePVC conduitsand accessories of lightgaugemay be be generallyused.The PVCconduitsand accessories project Representative. of the Engineer's usedon the withthe concurrence The PVC bends,sockets,elbows,coupiingsetc. shallconformto the same The PVC bendsshallhaveenlargedends as for the conduits. specifications in the internaldiameterat joint. any reduction receive conduit without lo be used whereconduitchangesdirection. smooth bends shall Manufactured Bendingof conduitsby heatingor otherwisewill not be allowed in any bendsandteeswill notbe aliowed. The useof sharpgO-degree situation. 616 4.2 PVC Pipe and Accessories The PVC pipeshali be rigid.All pipes shall be minimumClass D (Working pressure- 12bar),unlessotherwise statedon drawings.The buriedPVCpipe shouldbe able to withstandthe externalload actingupon it by continuous movementcf heavydutyvehiclessuch as trucks,cranes,forklift,etc.Where pipe changesdirection,manufactured smoothbendsshallbe used. Bending of pipes by heatingor otherwisewill be allowedin specialcases only. Bendingof pipesby heatingshall be carriedout by firsi fillingthe pipe with removingthe sand.The use of sharp90sand insiCeand then immediately Cegreebendsand teeswil!notbe allowed.The bendsshailco.lformto same as givenfor PVC conduits.Forjoiningof plpe all precautions specifications ^^..1 ^.^^^/.rt.-^co ar ,l!r P' vuevu' -^^^m'.^nrA; F., m^h,,{.^+r,16.6h6 'r- t -..'-.-: h6 {^ll^'a,E^ l 916.1 ' - ' 1o --.,i-.'-, otD.5 INSTALLATION A'A ( I PVC Pipe R'gidPVCpipesshallbe installedunderroadsand pavedareas,at crossing with other servicesas shown on the Drawingsandlor as directedby the Engineer's Representative. The depthof the pipe shallvary accordingto the conditionsat site, and approval of Engineeis Representative shall be obtained prior to installation.ln general the pipes shall be installed underground at the followingdepthsmeasuredfromthetop of the pipeand or as directedby the Engineer'srepresentaiive: a) Underroadsand pavedsurface 800 mm belorvthe finishedsurface. b) Whencrossingotherservices 250-mmverticalclearance 500 mm horizontalclearancewith r u r u r t i \ - r u n D U t g | l r t t g L tI ^^.,^v/'\/'\ v ^.^r^^+;..^ H ru r s u u v c u u v E r . The trenchof requireddimensionsshall be excavatedand the bottomof trench cleanedand leveled.A four-inchthick bed of fine sand shall be providedoverwhichthe PVC pipesinstalledafter properalignment_ Where two or more pipes are installedin the same trenchthe cleai-ance between pipesshallnotbe lessthantwo inches.Afterlayingof pipethetrenchshallbe backfilled with clean-screened earthin layerof four inches.Eachlayershali be properlycompacted. All jointsshallbe sealedadequately to prevententry of foreignelements. The instaliation of pipesshallbe compleledin all respectsincludingits fixing at terminations, beforecablingworkis staried-All sharpedgesand burrsshall be removedby using reameror any approvedde'rice.The pipe shall be thoroughly cleanedof diri and dustfrominside.The pipesshalibe instailedin Drooerco-ordination withotherworks. 616.6 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Measurement Measurement shall be made for the numberof runningmetersof pipes acceptably suppliedand installedby the Conti'actor. Payment Paymentshall be made for the total numbers of meters measured,as pro'ridedabove,at the Contractunit price.The paymentshallconstitutefull compensation for supplying, installing and completion of the layingof the PVC pipes includingjointingmaterialsand accessoriesand all incidentalsfor complelion of the work. Pay Item No. Description Unit of Measurement SP-616a Supplyingand installation of PVC pipe 100 mm dia. 6b Supplyingand installationof PVC pipe '150 sP-61 mm dia. 616-2 Ivl t\,1 rul- ffw 1* \ (*' \\J j i :i.r ..:t:!. &, +/, tt orr"9Z r.r, 1l ' : ry!:M701 PROVISIONS OF SURVEYTEA|VIS ANDTNSTRUMENTS 701.1 DESCRIPTION Deletethe entireparaand replacewiihthe following: The Conhactor shallprovideand maintain surveyequipment for the sole use of the Engineer". All surveying equipment shallbe new and shallbe maintained throughout the coniractperiodandrepiaced bythecontractor free of chargein caseof damageor loss.The surveyequipmentshallbe lupplied to the Engineerwithin thirty (30) calendardays from the Engineer's Orderto CommencetheWorks. Upon completionof the Contract,the surveying instrumentsand equipmentshall become the properiyof the Employerand shall be handedover completely,and in a state of good,conditionand working ordertakingintoaccountfairwearandtear. The.Contractor shallprovideadequatenumberof helpers,alongwith the equipment, to the Engineer/Engineer's Representative to assistin carrying oui the fieldworks. 701.2 EXTENTOF PROVISION AND GENERALREQUIREMENT Deletethe entireparaand replacewiththe following: The Contractorshall provideand maintainat his own cost at least the following surveyingequipment and any other surveyingequipment deemedessentialfor the Work by the EngineefsRepresentative for the soleuseof the Fngineer'sRepresentative: Sr. No Description Quantity 1 ElectronicTotalStation 1'' reading,6" Accuracy,memory10,000pointsor more,BuiltinSD Card Slot & USB Port,programs 2 Nos. topographicsurvey,setiingout, curve Guide Light, Keyboard. Autornatic DualAxisCompensator working + range 6' distancerange reflectorless 400 meter withsingleprism5000meter,withTripleprism6000 metersa!'emorewith one Balley& QuickChargerin Standard (Madein Japan). Accessories 2 Softwarefor Data Downloadinc. 1 No. SinglePrism TargetSet includes:Prism,rangepole 4 N o s . gi'aduated2.6m., tiiting mount \,vithCoaxia!Target Plate, e Autc.'naticLevel,magn ification32X LevellingStaveswith gradr"taticns in rneiricu,$]ts--. G Sieelmeasuring tapes30 m long , ijJ r\ . I t1\\, ' 2 Nos,1:, 12N,y'.s\ 4 NFSi \i 7 LockablePockettapes 5 m 4 lios. TRIPOD(Aluminum) o TRIPODfor PrismPole 1 0 Ciubhammers 2 kg. 5 Nos. 4 Nos. t' tr Sledgehammers4 kg. IL TrafficCones 4 Nos. 4 Nos. 40Nos. Sr. Description No 4A Q uantiiy SurveyUmbrellas Aluminum Straight Edges,4 m long Aluminum Straight Edges,5 m long 6 Nos. 2 Nos. 2 Nos. 1 6 SpiritLevels,30cm long - 4 Nos. All miscellaneousfools,equipmentand mateials requiredin surveying in numbersas determinedby the Engineer'sRepresentative. All newsurveying equipment shallbe provided andmaintained throughout the Contractperiod.In caseof damageor lossthoseshallbe replacedby the Contractor at hisowncost. The Contractorshall make availablethree (03) qualifiedsurveyorsand transportfor checkingand incorporation as and when requiredby the Engineer's Representative. The surveyequipment shallbe placedat the disposalof the Engineer's Representative duringthe Contractperiodand shall be returnedto the Employer on completion of the Contract, complete and in a goodstate, takingintoaccountfalrwear andtear. The Contractorshallprovideadequatesuppliesof expendable materials i.e. levelbooks,pencils,erasersinks,drawingpapers,pegs,nails,flags, brushesand paintsetc.as requiredby the Engineer's Representative. 701.3 PAYMENT The cost of supplying the equipment shallbe paid as re-imbursement againstprovisional sum substantiated by vouchers fromthe ownerplus twelve (12) percentsurchargeto the contractorfor adminisirative and overheadexpensesincludingincometax (06%)relatedto the purchase anddelivery of saidiiems. r:-I ur -.,--:-^ ru trrrrg ^^t drt\l .,F^:h+^^^^^^ 'o rLcr ldrrss, ...^-^;:-^ ouppr_.riUirg c+4+i ord'rr +--^^^^,+ i.iciiiSliUi i, ^+^+: Siaii utilitiesetc. shail be paid under maintainof SurveycrInsl.rument. Paymentshali constitutefull compensation maintenance of equipment, furnishing provis suppl and all otherincidental materials,necessarylabor/helpers expendable of the Work as statedhereinaboveand item(s)for the propercompletion Representative: as directedby the Engineer's Item No. Description 701(a) Provide SurveyandAlliedInstruments. 701(b) Maintain Survey Instruments and provideSurveyTeams. U n i to f Measurement P.S. It,lonth ITEM702 PROVIDE EQUIP& FURNISH ENGINEER'S OFFICE 702.1 General The contractor shall provide a Site Office on hiring basis against provisionalsum providedin the Bill of Quantities.The Site Officeincludes the followina: D ii) iiD iv) 702.2 Officeaccommodation Officefurnishingandequipment Officerunningandmaintenance Officesupporting staff Enqineer's Representative Office Accornmodation The office accommodationas approved and accepted by the Engineer shall be providedon rental basis. The overall size of the Engineeroffice shall be approximately800 Sq. meters havingall kind of facilities. 702.3Furnishino& Equipment The furnitureand equipmentas approvedand acceptedby the Engineer shallbe provided by the Contractor on the instructions of the Engineer or Representative of Engineeras perthe requirement. 702.4 Runninqand Mainlenance 702.4.1 The contractorshall be responsible for the runningand maintenanceof office accommodation, furnishing and equipment etc. bills for all services/utilities to be paid by the contractor. 702.4.2 Officeand DrawingStationery and necessary equipment by the contracioron monihlyrequirement basisas per as issuedby the Engineer. 742.s Supportinq Staff The contractorshallprovideto the Engineerfollowing i) ii) iii) iv) N a i bQ u a s i d Chowkidar Cook Sweeper Four Four two and helper02 tvvo of powei iailureand non-availability of power,eiectricpourer throughgenerators shallalso be providedby the contractor. All rooms provided s h a l lb e with siandardofiicelightingof the flourscenttype. AII roomsshallhavedoorswith locksand keysandsupplied Air-conditioning and heatingsystemas per the approvalof the Engineer. The watersupplyshallbe maintained throughwatersupplysysiemof the town or localiiyboring/installing well with pump or by an elevatedor pressurestoragetankwitha capacityof 2500gallons. A telephone shallbe insialled in Engineer's Officeor cellphonemayalso be providedto facilitatethe Engineer.Engineer officewillbe equippedwith air-cond itioningunitas per requirement. 702.6 Measurement and Pavment For the hiringof accommodation for site officeif approved& allowedby the Engineer, the costof rentandsupplyingofficefurnitureand Equipment shallbe paidas re-imbursement againstprovisional sumsubstantiated by vouchersfromthe ownerplusten (12)percentsurchargeto the contractor for administrative and overheadexpensesincludingincometax (06%) relatedto the purchaseand deliveryof saiditems. For runningand maintenance, officesupporting staff,drawings, stationery, utilitiesbillsetc.shallbe paid undermaintainof Engineer's office. lf the contractordoes not providenecessaryfacility,Engineershall hire the accommodation and arrangenecessarysuppliesof furnitureand equipmentand employstaff etc. as specifiedand maintainthe office. Expenditures shall be recoveredfiom the IPC's / runningbills of the contractor by addinghundred(100)percentoverheads. Pay Item No. 702a 702b 702 c Description Unitof Measurement Providethe Employer'sand Engineer's Provisional Representative's Office and Residence Sum accommodaiion on rentalbasis Furnishand Equip. the Employer's& Provisional Engineer's RepresentativeOfflce and Sum Residence MaintainEmployer'sand Engineer's Office and Residence Month ITEM703 PROVIDE, EQUIPAND MAINITAIN LABORATORY FORTHEPROJECT 703.1 Description The buildingfor the base laboratory shallbe hired(minimum500 sq.m coveredarea)and shallbe fullyequipped,with all necessary furnishing& equipment, utilities, installations and othersas directedby the Engineer". 703.2 GeneralRequirements The furnishingof equipmentshall ensureconductingall tests relatedto construction as per the list providedby the Engineer.In case if any test requiredfor tesiing of materialcannot be performedin the project laboratory, the Engineermay authorizesuchtest to be carriedout at the costof contractor, at any otherlaboratory. The Contractor shallprovideat no cost to the Engineer,technicians,helpers and vehiclesdeemed necessaryby the Engineer,to assistin the operationof the laboratories as proposedprogramof work.Technicians requiredby the Contractor's and helpers once assignedto the laboratoriesmay be removedby the Contactoronlywiththe approvalof the Engineerandsalariesshallbe paid by the contractor. The equipment shallbe procured within15 dayson the instructions of the Engineer. The contractor shallmaintainthe laboratory equipment, apparatus and permit suppliesnecessary to executionof all standardtest requiredby the Listsof specificlaboratory specifications. equipmentshallbe providedas per the requirementand recommendation to purchasefrom a specific manufacturer. The Contractor shallsubmitto the Engineer for his approval at the earliest.The list shall includethe manufacturer's name and descriptiveliterature.Lab Equipment,fixturesand furnitureshall remain the propertyof the Employeraftercompletion of the project. 703.3 Facilitvof the Materialfestinq Materialtestlngequipment as described aboveshallbe providedwithin minimumperiod.ln caseof delayin providing suchfacility, as an interim arrangement, temporaryfacilitiesof testingmaterialshallbe providedas agreed by the Engineer.Contractormay be paid for maintenanceof temporarylaboratory,providedsuch facilitiesare acceptableto the Engineer.Contractor shall also be responsibie for extraexpensesof the Engineerfor conduction of testin temporary arrangement. 703.3.1 SupportinqStaff The contraciorshall provideto the Engineerfollowingsupporting i) ii) iii) iv) NaibQuaslC Chowkidar Cook Two Turo One )"1 The appointment of the supporting staffshailbe subjectto the approvarof the Engineerand onceassignedshailnot be transfeiredor laldo* without the Engineerapproval.Salariesshallbe paidby the contractor. 703.4 Runninqand Maintenance 703.4.1 The contractor sharrbe responsibre for the runningand maintenance of Laboratory, furnishing andequipmentetc.biilsfor aliservices/utitities to be paldby the contractor. 703.4.? office and DrawinEstationeryand necessaryequipment& materialshall be providedby the contractor on monthlyrequirement basisas directedby theEngineer. 703.5 r$EASURMENT AND PAYMENT 703.5.1 Measurement Workunderthisitemshallbe measuredin two portions. 703.6 i) Hiredthe buildingfor MaterialTestingLaboratory and purchaseof laboraloryequipmentshall be paid as reimbursement againit provisionalsum substantiated by vouchersfrom the ownei plus twelve( 12) percentsurchargeto the contractorfor administraiive. overheadexpensesand includingincometax (05%)relatedto the purchaseand deliveryof saiditems. ii) For runningand mainienance and officesupportingstaff,drawing stationery,Lab. Material/equipment (minor),utilitiesbilts, helperi (08no.)etc.shallbe paldundermaintaln baseLaboratory. Maintain Laboratory, to be measuredfor the durationof the contraciand paidas perthe rate/month. Pavment The quantitiesunderthis item of workshall be paidat the contractprice indicatedin the Bill of Quantities whichpriceand paymentshallconstitute full compensation for all costs of furnishinglabor,materials,equipment and incidentals for the propercompleiion of the workindicated in these specifications and specifiedon the drawingsand Specialprovision. Unitof Measurement. Provide Material Testing Labcratory(on rentalbasis project Equip and Furnish Materiai Testino Dr^;^^+ | ^!-^-^+^-, | | uJvl,L Lauur dLUt y Maintain Material Testing Projeci Laboratory SP 7OS 748.1 PROVIDE, Rt,'NAND MAINTAIN TR,qNSPORT FORENGINEER'S REPRESENTATIVE General The transportfor the Engineer'sRepresentative and site staff is to be providedunderthis contractfor whichprovisional sum has beenprovidedin the B.o.Q.contractor shallprocurethesevehicles underthe instrucilon of the Engineer. Frocurement of Veh!cles The contractorshall procurethe vehiclesfrom the local market,get these registeredin the name of the Employerand hand over to the Engineer's Representative. The numberof vehicles(06 no.) coveredunderBOe ltem Sp-5 (i) shallbe neM latestmodelat the time of deliverywhen instructions to procurethese vehiclesis givenas per approvalof the Engineer. The vehiclesshall be handed over to Engineer's Representative. The Contractorshall be responsiblefor the cost of running& maintenance. These vehiclesshall remain the propertyof the Employerand shall be handedover to the Employeraftercompletionof the work.The cost of vehicleshallbe inclusive all like purchase,transportation, registration and otherdues incurredin this regard.ln case new vehiclesare not purchased,same numbersof road worthy conditionsvehiclesshall be hired and its rent cost shall be paid throughpayitemSP 708a,rentalcostshallbe approved by theEmployer. l1 clse _o!delay,failu.reor defaulton the part of the Contractorin providing the facilitiesunder these provisions,the Engineer'sRepresentative may arrangethe sameat the riskand costof the Contractor or hiredthe vehicles suchperiod. 708.2 Running& Maintenance TheContractor shallbe responsible forthe running and majnienance of ihese vehicleswhich includespetrol, ciiesel,repair works, regular tuning, replacement of tires,registration, comprehensive insurance, annualrenewal, lubricants, prcviding including servicing driversetc,. 708"3 Methodof Payment On the instructions and determinalion by the Engineer, Contractor shallbe paldfor the Servicesunderthis Clauseas follows:For i;) For runningand maintenanceof abovevehicl the Contractoishallbe paidon monthlvbasis. iiD on failureof the contractor to provideand of the servicesunderthis clauseor even otheftvisenotwithstanding anythingcontainedin any otherclausesof the Contract Documents,the "Engineer"shall have the authority to nominate/sublet to any other contractingagencyon recommendation oi the ResidentEngineerfor the supplyof servicesunderthis clause,the payment for whichshallbe madethroughthiscontractdirectto the nominated agency outof Provisional Sumprovidedin the Contractor hiredthe goodroadl,iorihy vehiclesand recoverthe cost with 10004penaltychargesfrom contractor,s IPC's. Item No. SP-708a Provide Description Unitof Measurement Transport Facility for Employer's/Engineer'sRepresentative's (06 newvehicles) SP-70Bci Running & Maintenance of Employer's/Engineer's Transport Each Month ,.. 'i ?o sP-70si PROVISION OF TRAINEEENGINEER The.contractor will employTraineeEngineers afterthe approvalof the Employer,throughoutthe durationas per the contractand BOe. Each TraineeEngineer willbe givena monthly stipendRs.35,000(minimum) by the contractor, The periodof trainingof eachtr.aineewiil be as per'the contract.The Contractorwill preparea comprehensive trainingprogrum and get it approvedfrom NHA. ri wiil be the coniractor'.,"spoirinitit-y for the provision of boarding& lodgingof eachTraineeEngineeror paiO separately its cost. Measurementand Pavment The numberof rrainee Engineersshallbe countedand paidto contractor as perthe contractunitpricewhichincludesfullcompensation for all costs necessary likemonthlystipend,boarding, lodgingandtranspor,t facility. Item No. Description sP-709i Employing Trainee Engineer's (GraduateCivil Engineer)including Boarding, lodgingand food Unitof Measurement Month ?1 SP 708 708.1 PROVIDE, RUNAND MAINTAIN TRANSPORT FOR ENGTNEER'S REPRESENTATIVE General The transportfor the EnEineer'sRepresentative and site staff is to be providedunderthis conkact for whichprovisionar sum has been providedrn the B.o-Q.cont!'actor shallirrocurethesevehiclesunderthe instruciionof the Engineer. Procurement of Vehicles The contractorshalrprocuriethe vehicresfrom the rocarmarket,get these registeredin the name of the Emproyerand hand over to the E"ngin".i" Represeniative. The numberof vehicres(06 no.) coveredunderBoe rtemsp-S (i) shaflbe new latestmoderat the tirrleof deliverywhen instructions to procurethese vehiclesis given as per approvarof the Engineer.The vehicresshafl be handed over to Engineei's Representative.The contractor shal| be responsibrefor the cost of running& maintenance.These vehiclessharl remarnthe propertyof the Emproyerand shal be handed over to the Employerafter compretion (f the work.The costof vehicreshaflbe incrusive. all like purchase,transportdtion, registration and other dues incurredin this regard.In case new.vehiclesare not purchased,same numbersof road worthy conditionsvehicresshalr be hired and its rent cost shafl be paid throughpay itemSP 208a,rbntalcostshajlbe approvedbythe Employer. . In caseof delay,failureor defaulton the part of the Contractorin providino the facilitresunder these provisions,the Engineer'sRepresentaiive ma! arrangethe same at the risli and cost of the Contractoror hiredthe vehicles suchperiod. 708.2 Running& Maintenance The Conkactorshallbe resplnsibiefor the runningand maintenance of these vehicles which includes jretrol, diesel, repair works, regular tuning, replacement of tires,registrdtion, comprehensive insurance, annualrenewal, lubricants, servicingincludingprovidingdriversetc,. 708.3 Methodof Payrnent on the instructionsand detbrmination by the Engineer,contractorshall be paidfor the Servicesundertllis Clauseas follows:For the procurementof lehicles Contractorshall provide the oriEinal supporting_ vouchers/receipts for his billingwhich shall be paid from the provisional sum with 10% eitra costas handlingchargesand incometax. In additionto that conhactorshallalsobe paidapplicablJlevies & othertaxes(if applicable). For runningand maintenance of abovevehicles includinqsalariesof drivers. the Contractor shallbe paidon monthlybasis._ s ,.,i j '' \r- iii) on failureof ihe contractorto provideand of the servicesunderthis clauseor even otherwisenotwithstanding anythingcontajnedin any other clausesof the Contract Documents,the "Engineer''shall have the authofity to nominateisublet to any other contractlngagencyon recommendation oi the ResidentEngineerfor the supplyof servicesunderthis clause,the payment for whichshallbe madethroughthis contractdirectto the nominatedagency outof Provisional Sum providedin the Contracior hiredthe goodroadworthy vehiclesand recoverthe cost with '100%penaltychargesfrom contractor'i IPC's. Item No. Description Unitof Measurement SP-708a Provide Transport Facility for Each Employer's/Engineer'sRepresentative's (06 newvehicles) SP-70Bci Running & Maintenance of Month Employer's/Engineer's Transport ?5 sP-709i PFOVTSTON OF-fIRATNEE ENGTNEER The contractorwill employTrainee Engineersafter the approvalof the Employer,throughoutthe durationas per the contractand BOQ. Each TraineeEngineer willbe givena monthlystipendRs.35,000(minimum) by the contractor.The periodof trainingoi each traineewill be as per the contract.The Contractorwill preparea conrprehensive trainingproEiam and get it approvedfrom NHA.it will be the contractor's responslbility for the provisionof boarding& lodgingof each TraineeEngineeror paid separately its cost. F.leasurement and Pavryrenl The numberof TraineeEngineersshallbe countedand paidto contractor as per the contractunit pricewhichincludesfull compensation for all costs necessarylikemonthlystipend,boaiding,Iodgingandtran$port facility. ItemNo. 5H-//U9l Description Employing Trainee Engineer's (Graduate Civil Engineer) including Boarding,lodgingandfood Unit of Measurement Month t\ sP-800 ELECTRICAL WORKS 800.1 DESCSII'TIOU The wcrk under this Contractconsists of supplying,storageat site, instaliing,testing and commjs$ioningof alJ materjalsand services comprisingpoles,lig0lhting fixtures,distributionboards,lightingcontrol panels,motorcontrolcenters,generators,manualchange-oveiswitches, ciistribution transformers,cables,earthing,conduitsand pipes etc., as specifiedherein, shown on the Drawingsand given in the Bjll of Quantities.Small items which are not express{yspecifiedbut which are necessaryfoi" completionof work shall be suppliedby the Contractor withoutextfa cost.The suppiyconnectionfor lightsetc. shallbe obtained from the nearbyWAPDA source.The work shall be completein every respectfor satisfactoryoperationas per specifications and standards givenhereinafter. The Contractorshallco-ordinaierr,rith the Engineerat sitewith respectto oiherservicesfor exactlccationand positionof all electrical equipment. 800.2 GENERAL The locationof the lightingfittings,poles, distributionboards,lighting controlpanels,motorcontrolcenters,distribution transformers and cables etc. are tentativelyshown on the drawings.The Contractorshail ensure the exact position and location of poles and cable routes etc. in cDordination with other servicesas per site fecuirement.The Contractor shall be responsiblefor properlight distributionon the road,/u n'Jerpass surface from the proposed luminaires and other equipment after inslallationand commissioning.He shall be fuily responsibleduiing periodof the works. maintenance The roadr'underpass lightingworkshallbe installedas per requirements of BS-5489or othersimilarinternational standards. The Contractor shallalso complywiththe reguletions of PakistanElectricity Act and requirements of Waterand PowerDevelopment (WAPDA), Authority whereverapplicable. The qualityof equipmentshall be of the best grade for eachtype, even thoughsuchqualitymay not be siatedspecificaliy in the specifications. Ali materialsand productsshall be new and manufactured by well-knou:n firms. Furthermore, these shall be sound and uniformin quality, size, shape,colourancitextureand freefrom cracks,wrapageor otherdefects. Componentpartsof each electrical systemor pieceof equipmentshallbe product the latest standard of a single manufacturerunlessoiherwise specified and provided sub-components,manufacturedby different manufacturers are of specifledstandardsdesign and dimensionsand interchangeability is possibleand shall normallyhave beensatisfactoryin servicefor at leasttwo vears. 39 The designcriteriafor roacjlightingare basedon the followingparameters; Luminance (L) cd/m2 2 cd/m- Overall Uniformity (Uo) (Uo=Lmin./Lavg.) 0.4 Uniformity of Eachlane (Ul) (Ul = L min./Lmax.) 0 . 5- 0 . 7 Thresholdincrement not exceeding < 10 Roadsuriacecharacteristics as per IEC classification is typeR2 with qc = 0.07. The contractorshall be responsibleand confirm in writing that his selectionof equipmentwill ensureon the road surfacesluminancelevel and uniformities equalor betterthan those definedin the lightingdesign criteria. Within six (6) weeks after award of the contract,the contractorshall submit.thetechnicaldetailsof the luminaries and otherequipment and havingobtainedconditional approvalthereofsubmitin duplicate, full detail of the calculatedresultsfor the level and uniformitvof luminanceand illumination on all road surface.Thesedetaiishouldbe submitted in the format as describedin the relevant IEC publicationand after initial approvalby the engineer. 800.3 The latestedltionof the followingsiandards& codes shallbe applicable for the materialswithinthe scooeof this work. IEU International Electro-technical Commission IEEE Instituteof Electrical and Electronics EngineersU.S.A. (IEEEWiringRegulation UK). BSS BritishStandardSpecifications VDE VerbandDeutscherElectro{echnical (Association of German Flanlrir.rl trnninoar<\ NEMA NationalElectricalManufacturers Associaiion. U.S.A. PSI PakistanStandarCs Instituiion ctE Commission Eleciro{ech nique lnternationa! 800.4 TESTING 800.4.1 FactorvTests a, General All type and routinetestson switchgearand a|| otherequipment sha[ be performedat the manufacturer'swoiks in the presence of ti-reEngineeior his representative. Type tests may be waivedoff in case test certificates as certifiedby an approvedstandardlaboratory of international reputeare providedby the Contractorand approvedby the Engineer. Submissionor merelyproducingthe type test certificates shallnot ielievethe contractor to carryout the requiredstandard/routine tests. The Contractorshall arrangeat his own cost factoryvisit(s)for pre_ shipmentinspection/testing for all major electricalequipmenioffered. ilsqe$or,shomerown (rwo peisons;,boarding, *,f:r_"! _"L! irom,shajl roogrngand transport be Contractor,s, responsibility and all costsin this respectshallalso be borneby the contractoi. ln addition,for all pre-shipmentinspectionsca*ied abroad,the contractor shall provide(for two persons)daily allowancein US$ for out of pocket expenses,at per diem rate. per person currenflyrecommended by Chamberof Commerceand Industryfor foreigntravelerson business visa-The numberof days shallbe actualdaysspentin travelfrom and to the home townof the concernedinspectorbut not lessthan five (5) days. The US$ in cashshailba prcvidedbefbrestartof travelfrom nomerown. Forall pre-shipment inspections carriedoutwithinpakistan,the contractor shall provide(for two persons)daily allowanceof Rs. 2,000 for out of pocKetexpenses,at per diem rate per person.The amount shall be providedin cash before start of traverfrom hometownfor the entire durationof the visit. The contractorsharrinformthe Engineeraboutthe dateand tirneof test of each equipmentat leasttwo weeksin advance.The witnessingof test by the Engineeror his representative shal not absorvethe contiactorfrom his responsibility for the proper functioningof the equipment,and for furnishingthe guarantees. All test resultssha-llbe suppliedin triplicate. b. InsulationResistanceTest lnsulationresistancetest shall be made on all Electricalequipmentby usinga meggarof 500 voltsfor circuitsuolo 250 voltsand 1000voltsfor circuitsbetween250 and b00volts. The insulationresistancevaluesol cables,switchgear, etc., shall be as per BSS,IECand PakistanElectricitv Rules. /*offA iiM 800.4.2 FieldTests a. General upon completion of the instalration, the contractorshallperfofmfierdtests on all equipment,materialsand systems.All testsshali be conductedin the presenceof the Engineerfor the purposeof demonstrating equipment o,.systemcompliancewith specifications. The contractcrshalisubmitfor Engineer'sapprovalcompleledetailsof lests to be performeddescribing the procedure,test observationsand expectedresults. The Contractorshall furnish all tools, instruments,test equipment, materialsetc. and all quaiifiedpersonnelrequiredfor the testing,setting and adjustmentof all Electricalequipmentand materiaiinc{udirigpuftin! the sameintooperation. All tesis shall be made with proper regard for the protectionof the personneland equipmentand the Contractorshall be responsiblefor adequateprotection of all personnel and equipmentduringsuih tests. The Contractor shallrecordall testvaluesof the testsmadeby hjm on all equrpment.Three (3) copiesof al{ test data and resultscertifieOby the Engineershall be givento the Engineerfor recordpurposes.Theseshall alsoincludedetailsof testingmethod,testingequipmenqdiagramsetc. b. InsulationResistanceTest Beforemakingconnections at the endsof eachcablerun or joint between cables,the insulationtesistancetestof eachcablesectionshallbe made. Each conduciorof a multicorecableshallbe testedindividuallv with each of the other conductorof the group and also with earth. Ii insulation resistance test readingsare foundto be lessthan the specifiedminimum in any conducior,the entirecableshallbe replacedand iests repeaiedon new cable. lf cablejoint is provided,then each cable sectionshall be testedand joint madeonly afterthe tests havebeen madesatisfactorilv. Finally the completed cablelengthincluding thejointsshallbetested. All switchgear shallbe givenan insulation resistance test afterinstairation, but beforeany wiringis connected. Insulation testsshallbe madebetween open contactsof circuitbreakers,swilchesand betweeneachphaseand earth. lf the insulationresistanceof the circuit undef test is less than the specifiedvalue, the cause of the low readingshall be determinedand removed.Correctivemeasuresshallincludedry-outprocedureby means of heaters,if equipmentis foundto containmoisture.Where cbrreciive rneasures are carriedout,the insulation resistance readingsshallbe taken after the correctionhas been made and repeatedtwice at 12 hours interval.The maximumrange for each readingin the three successive testsshallnoi exceed20Yoof t'neavefagevalue.Aftei.all tesishave been made.theeouiDment shallbe reconn c. Earth ResistanceTest Earth resistancetest shafl be made by the contractofon the earthing system,separating and reconnecting eachearthconnecuon. lf it is indicatedthat soil treatmentor other correctivemeasuresare reguired lo lower the ground resistancevalues, the Engineer wiil detefminethe extentof such correcuvemeasures. The Electricalresistanceof the ECC togetherwith the resrstanceof the earthingleadsmeasuredfrom the connectjonwith earlhelectrodeto any otherpositionin the completeinstallation shallnot exceedone ohm. Earth resistancetest sha|l be performedas per ErectricarInspector's requirementg. Where more than one earth electrodesare installed,the earth resistancetest of each electrodeshall be measureopy meansof resistance bridgeinstrument. d. SwitchgearTest Each circuitbreakershairbe operatederectricariy and mechanicafiy. Ail interlocksand controrcircuitsshal be checkedfor properconnectionsin accordance withthe wiringdiagramsfurnishedby the manufacturer. The contractorsharl properryidentifythe phasesof a[ switchgearand cablesfor connections to giveproperphasesequence. Tripcircuitsshallbe checkedfor correctoperationand ratingof equipment served.The corfect size and function of fuses disconnectswitches, numberof interlocks, indicatingtights,ararmsand remotecontrordevices shall be in accordancewith approvedmanufacturerdrawings.Name platesshallbe checkedfor properdesignation of equipmentserved. 3C 805. POLESFORROADLIGHTING .JUJ.1 DESCRIPTION The galvanizedsteel poles shall be of mild steelas shown on drawing from base plate to lantern connection,well proportionedand neatl! finished.The height of the poie from the centreline of the spigot for lanternconnectionto the groundlineand out-reachof eacharm from the verticalcentreline of the poleto the iip of the spigotfor lanternattachment shallbe as shownon Drawing.Approvalof the Engineershallbe obtained beforeorciering the polesfor manufacturing. 805.2 MATERIALREQUIREMENTS The pole(verticalportion)alonglvithbase plateshallpreferablybe in one piece.Butif manufacturing in one lengthis not possible,it can be in two or thi'eepieceswithforcefit lapjoint. The steelpoles after iabrlcaiionshallbe galvanizedby hot dip process bothin andoutsideas per BS-729'HotDip Galvanized Coatings on lron and Steel Articles'.The poles shall be preparedbefore galvanizingby removinggrease, burs and slag etc. so that zinc coatingis adheieni, dense, smooth,continuousand uniform.The Contractorshall ensure before placingof order that the firm has adequatefacilityfor hot dip galvanlzing processas per standardpractice. The steelused in the manufacture of polesshallbe made bVopenhearth or electricfurnaceDrocess. The steelfor polesshallhavethe followingrequirements: TensileStrength Minimum Maximum 2 J Y . V K g im m , ib.J Kg/mm Yield Point - Minimum 24.7 kglmm2 Elongation - Fora 200 mm sample: Zoo/amin. The straightportionof the pole shall be truly verticaland no deviation morethan100 mm in the entirelengthshalibe accepted. Othertolerances shallbe as foilows: - Outsidediameter - Wall thickness = + loak - Overalllengthof pole = + 0.S% - Weight = - 0.3% + not limited. + 10k The pole and the bracketshall be so designrdthat when subjectedto windat a velocityof 160 km/houron the full pi"ojected areaof pole,bracket and the lanterna factorof safetyof 3 on minimumiensilestrenqthof the materialshallbe obtained.In addition,the temporaryhorizortald6flections at the lanternpositionshall not exceed 1/40 of ihe lengflrof the pole abovegroundat aforementioned wind velocity. The poles shall have a base compartment, designedto accommodatea Joop-inservicescutout for 4 cores pVC/SWA/pVb cablesof given sizes. An 8 mm stainlesssteel stud completewith nut and washersshall be providedin the basecompartment of the polefor earthingpurpose. The edgesof the door openingon the poleshall be reinforcedwith a .1C mm thjckM.S.squarebar to reinstatethe strengthof poleat this location. The openingcovershall consistof weatherproof hingeddoor with outer gaskrt.The cioorshalibe providedwjtha heavyduty non-rusiing lock. Flagbracketsshallbe fittedto polesif shorrnon the drawingand shallbe as approved by theEngineer. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Lightingpolesshallbe handleditransported and erectedin such a wav so as to avoid any damages.Any damageto pole or galvanizingshali be madegoodto the sat;sfaction of the Engineer. The lightingpolesshall be storedclearof soil,groundwate!.or othef rust prcducingmaterials.The fixingof polesshallbe carriedout in accordance withmanufacturer's instructions and goodengineering practice. The poiesshallbe erectedin a true verticalposition.The Contractorshall be responsibleuntil completionof the maintenance periodfor correcting the alignmentof any poleibracket from its originalpositionexceptwhereit is due to vehicleimpact. Wherelightingpolesare to be installedin the vicinityof overheadpower Iines,the Contractorshall informthe Engineerand act as directed.He The Contractor shall numberall the poleswith highqualitypaintusing stencilfor 50 mm highlettering.The numberingshaiibe at 1200mm frori the bottomof pole towardsthe road.The numberingsha[ be in a manner as directedbythe Engineer. Earth.backfili aroundporefoundationsha/rbe donein '1s0mnr thickrayers and shallbe welirammedand compactedto providefull lateraisupport 805.3.1 Qatato be Submitted Beforemanufacturing, the contractorshallprovidethefollowingdata; 1. potes HighMasVlighting . . . . . r . . o 80s.3.2 Tests Manufacturers Countryof origin Typewithmanufacturer's catalogueand descriptive leafiet Detailsof construction withdetailedspecification of materials usedfor Columnand holdingdownbolts Calculation showingdetailsof stressesundermaximumwind loadingand Gusting Caiculations and sizesof necessaryconcretesupportbases ' Design calculationsheets for the poles from manufacturer shall also be submitiedby the Contractorto show that polesifoundations are safefor all speciiiedstresses. 805.3.2.1 General The poles shallbe testedand the resultsrecordedfor each test by the manufacturerin the presenceof an authorizedrepresentative oi the Owneror Engineeras statedbelow: 805,3.2.2 lnspection The material,weight and dimensionsof poles as specifiedshall be certifiedby the manufactu!-er. The polesshall be inspectedand in case being found below the limits of toleranceas aforementioned, shall be 805.3.2.3 LoadinqTeg! Defleciiontest Permanent set test Breakingloadtest .!.,-,:*;,.. ,f,:'): ..- \ | / 4'{ "r'* \ ?! t.-\^' :-' i.\Y,/+; Sanrplecomprising four polesshailbe selectedat randomout of each lot of 1000and subjectedto defiectiontest. One pole per thousandshall be testedfor permanentset test and breakingload test. When the poles in Tender are limited in number,the manufacturermay avoid deflection, permanentset and breakingload test and supplyresultsof testsalready done for prototypetestingon such poles or supply calculationbased results. 805.3.2.4 Galvanizing Weight, uniformityof coating and other requirementsshall be stric y inspeciedin accordancewith BS-729 or other relevant internationat standards. 805.3.2.s ServiceGuiouls Each pole shall be providedwith a waterproofand dust tight loop-inservicecuioutaccommodatedin the base compartmentof the pole. box shallcomprise Thejunction one(1) 6 A MCBfor singlearm polesand two (2) 6 A MCBs for doublearm poles (all MCBs shall be capableof operatingat 55'C), a solid neutrallink and an earthingterminal,lt shall incorporate arrangements for looping"lN" and "OUT"for 4 core upto 35 mm PVC/SWA,/PVC cablehavingcopperconductor. The earihterminals, nuts and washers sha be adequate{ysized to take the earth continuity withtightconnections. conductors Dimensional drawingsand detailsof the junctioncutoutbox of poleshallbe submittedfor approvalto the Engineer. 806. LUMINARIES 806.1 DESCRIPTION type ls givenon the drawingsand is specifiedin the items The luminaries of the Bill of Quantities.Where a definite manufacturer's type and cataloguenumberis specified,it shallserveas an illustration of type and if type of fittingspecifiedis not available,approvedequivalent the particular fittingmay be accepted.The luminarieshall be able to give light over a wideareaalongthe lengthof road. The delermination of equalitywill be basedon certifiedphoto-electric data coveringthe coefficientof utilization, averagebrightnessdata as lvell as oi constructionmaterial,shape,finishes,operationetc. For equivaience any subsiitution,the Engineer'sapprovalis necessary.The Contractor shall submitsample of luminairespecifiedand obtain approvalof the Engineerbeforecommencing the installation. The groupof luminariesshall be controlledautomatically throughphoto electricswitchesas wellas manuallywheneverso is requiredor for testing purposes.The lightingcontrol device shall be similar to as given in WAPDAspecification P-102:76withupto-daterevision. The Contractorshall submitsan'iolesof each and everytype numberof luminaries specified for . I \\- ..ri. ..,. .i', :tr, iE .n'. 9.,-r' E\. at -c(D -E ' - | :{tr -lJ {\J i: € .,r OJ o = = : , : , ., . . : -:.:. ' 5 EIggS;:et;gEgE*IEaEiE agaEgEigi€gEE*iaEgEE (/)lU (u -t: 6li ll -N( D O{; l: € (r o{) Yi: () ;1 (o() t) n- al: (l) .!! oi! 7l: C1--,(l) YJ: (uc flgEiiigiiEiiii*Fi'i'iigiiasiii gB ErHr sEsFE siuaafif Tl:i,iEFEilt fug$:Eg 5I,$* c! (o o co Terminalsshall be of tinned brass or other non-corrodibie materialand each terminalshall have at least two pinchingscrewsfor the incoming cablewhichshallbe suitablyanchoredto the lanternso that the terminal connectionsare not in any way strainedby the weightof the cable. Ali terminalsshallbe indeliblyidentifiedand suitablecableterminalsshall be provided. All internalwiringof the lightfittingsshallbe carriedout withcablehaving a non-hygroscopic heat resistantcross-linkedpolyethyleneor similar primary insulation which shall withstand without deteriorationthe temperature to whichit may be subjectedduringservice,and shall have sufficientflexibility for the purposerequired. Lampcontrolgearshallbe providedpreferably in a separatecompartment of the lanternbody with protectionclass lP-43. A wlringdiagramwith Wattage,operatingVoltageand currentratingsshall be clearlyprintedon the body of the ballast.The controlgear shall be of low powerloss and 'H' fully tropicalizedand with insulation.Controlgear shall operatethe lamp without adversely affecting the lamp life and performance. Compatibility betweenigniter,lampand ballastshallbe established. The power factor correctioncapacitorsshall be containedin leak-proof metalcontainers. The valueof the capacitorcontainedshallbe such that powerfactorof lightfittingis 0.9 or better.Capacitcrsshallbe fittedwith internal dischargeresistances.Terminalsof the capacitorsshall be coveredby PVCshrouds The wiring connectionsbetween ballast and capaciiors etc. and associated tailsfor lampconnections shallbe with insulatedcopperwireof size2.5 mm' in hightemperature resistantinsulationsuchas crosslinked polyethylene. A terminalblockof porcelainor high qualitythermoplastic materialfor screwsshall be provided;also a clamp for anchoringthe supplyleads(or threecorecable)from the cut-outat the polebottom. 806.4 MARTERIALREQUIREMENTS FOR ENCLOSED UNDERPASS LIGHTING LUMINARIE9 Enclosedunderpasslightingluminariesshallbe manufactured according to latest international standardssuch as IEC 60598 (Part 1, 2 A 3\ Luminaries.These shall be suitablein all respectsfor High Pressure SodiumVapourlampsof givenwattage. The luminaries shallbe mounted through stainlesssteel mountingbracketson oppositeverges of the underpass. The luminaries shallbe of pleasingaestheticappearancewithhighquality finish.The luminariesshall be suitablefor 230 V, High PressureSodium Vapour Lamp with gasketsfitted betweenhousing,end cap anC front grass. The lP Classof the luminarie shallbe lP 65. impactresistant(20 Joulesminimum)clear vandaloroof.The luminarieshail have a extrudedaluminumwithoutbonded rcci rl: rminr rm ^^.1 ..^c tl \g The opticaisystemof ihe luminarieshall be of pre_anodized high gloss aluminumreflectors. All nuts,bolts,hingesand otherfixesshaI be of aluminum,stainresssteel or galvanized steel. Terminalsshall be of iinnecibrassor othef non-corrodible materialand each terminalshall have at leasttwo plnchingscrervsfor the incoming cablewhichshali be sultablyanchoredto the lanternso that the terminil connections are not in any way strainedby the vreightof the cable. All terminaisshall be indeliblyidentifiedand suitabrecableterminalsshalrbe provided. All internalwiringof the lightfittingsshall be carriedoui withcablehaving a non-hygroscopic heat resistantcross-linkedpolyethyleneor similai primary insulation \,rfiich shall withstand without deteriorationthe temperatuteto whichit may be subjeciedduringservice,and shall have suffjcient flexibiliiyfor the purposerequired. A wiringdiagramwithWattage,operatingVoitageand cu'ent ratingsshall be clearlyprintedon the bodyof the ballast_ Controlgear.shallopeiatethe lamp w-ith.oqtadversely affecting the lamp life- and p.rformance. Compatibility betweenigniter,Iampand baltastshallbe established. The powerfactor correctioncapacitorsshall be containedin leak-proof metalcontainers. The varueof the capacitorcontainedshallbe such that powerfactorof lightfittingis 0.9 or betier. 806.5 The fluorescentlight fixtures shall have lamps, ballasrs,starters and powerfactorimprovement capacitors of properrating_Eachlamp shall be providedwithindependent ballast. The.f{uorescent lampsshall be tubularin shape.The fluorescenliamps shallhavefollowingminimumtechnicalspecifications: Rating Length Dia firm Lamp Voltage Volts Lamp Curent Amps Color Color Temp Deg.K Lumanous Flux Lumens(') 1O5O 1 Fluorescent i8 600 26 57 .37 54 62CC 2 Fiuorescenl 20 6CO 38 57 .3j 54 6200 10bO 3 FiuoEscent 36 12CO 26 103 .41. 54 BZO0 2600 4 Fluoresceni 40 1200 3e 103 .44 54 6200 2600 5 Flloresceni 18 604 26 57 _37 84 4000 13SO 6 Fluorescent 36 1213 26 103 .44 E4 4000 3350 (") Afier100burningHours The ballastshall be impregnatedcopper/irontype totallyenclosedand suitableto opefateupto250 VoltAC at 50 HZ.The powerlossshallnot be more than i 0 watis for baltastsof all ratings.A wiringdiagram,wattage, voltageancjcurrentfiguresshallbe pri:rtedon the bodyof theballast. wattage.Electionjcbaljaslsare ajso acceptable if submjttedand approved withthe luminarie. The lamp holdersshall be rotarylock-intype.The startersshali be glow typewiih radiointerference suppresser/by-pass capacitor. The internalwiringof the fJuorescent lightfixturesshalloe done with heat resistant wlresand providedwithappropriate connectors for wiring. The bodyof thefruorescent rightfixturessha[ be minimum22 swG sheet steel, de+usted, degreased,finished in heat resistant paint, stove enameled.Appropriatesize bushed wire entry holes,fixing holes, and earthterminalshallbe provided. The designof lightfixturefor recessmountingshal be coordinatedwith the designof falseceilingpriorto commencement of manufacture. Shop drawingsshallbe submittedfor approvalof Engineer. 806.6 oA,TATO BE SUB{VilTTED The contractorsharrsubmitthe fo[owingfor the rightingfitiings to the Engineerfor hisapprovalbeforeexecution: Luminaries Luminaries Detailed: Manufacturer Countryof origin Typewithmanufacturer's catalogueand description Ieaflet Detailsof construction withdetailedspecifications of materialsused Totaleleciricalloadof luminaire Lightingcharacteristics of the luminaire Totallumincusoutputin percentof lampsourpur lsocandela diagrams in all azimuths lsotuxcurveson a horizontalsurface Coefficient of utilization Weighiof completefitting Luminariedirtdepreciation curves Lamp ControlGear L Ballast Manufacturer Countryof Origin Typewiih manufacturer's catalogueanddescriptive leaflet Operating designcharacteristics of lamp(stading andnormar; Lossesin normaloperaiion Minimum starting voltage Variationof lamp lumencutputwithvo)tage StartinEcurrent(rvithcoldand hoi lamp) Minimum vcllagefor lampcorrection Po'wei'iacioi' befoie and afiei' corieciion Conductcrtemperaturerthen ihe ballasiis operatinginside 1 ' r i (r"r"//--<\..' '1/ :..[ i \" \ ;\ R\t i ii:*.-"1,,/-; CD 3 eE P$ E o *Ec EEr ; b eEE AEF eee EEfi E , B € E 3 S € F *;Er qfi"': ; ;E- ae,d€ -E!E #6.s8 figFI ifi;.$ FF-s! .E Eg f; ;t *a Fg !u F$- (.) 'tr AE HeegH :; J{il Es 8F:F.E {)fl: oti ' Eo F.d .gE:Ei aFisi (l) Bg€EE5 = E (!: 9: e': il:uE-E :gE5E ;F h; iq e'' sE 9E qg Hg ;l3EE rE € * ,u, =E 3; pP F,p 3i .5 €*s Hi F.e E E; Ir;rF sE- u6teefl E; HgI p:EgEe*eEg"-gt E|AIE eEA;; (g 0) t {D E T ?lil;€ rRsaa sF;esE#FEsF;prFE gtEE:_€€€segf#5_H'€ E|tlE:.Eq&F* figExPIE*EfiE?EEt; -c (! {.) -o { ena;t,*r;EEn sFEiIiEt EE#5t*FE FEHS;Fg$g El;I o) _o ,BFE 35X=4_:.s .E€{5€ErsreqEIF!: Flfil -FH!'Ee;qsEE-dEu*ruii .EEe=r=[? 5;; FsR* ;gael c' c, .,oco E u 5:ldl FEo l. *xo.= E .E f o) .= -c .g) 5FE#i9a$ . ,EEs58E,s5$$$+SFFEggErEl$l Ps0,P'E.EEP.EEEg33iita3.i EtsF gEEF#EE$ €;Ef+:il EgEgEEE;EEEEFfiFfi6€ $ Bl=I ' g The lightingfittingsshali be thoroughlycleanedand all duston the fitting shailbe remcved.The Contractor shallensurethat the connections to the P.F. correctioncapacitorsand all other conneciionsare tightand proper. The roadlightfittingsshallbe installedafterthe polesare erectedto avoid damageto the fittingsduringinstallation. 806.8 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS FOR FLUORESCENT LIGHTFIXTURES The mountingheighisof light fixtures are indicatedon the drawings and positionof fixturesis accordingto the mentionedscale. The Contractormustensurethat the lightfixturesare installeduniformly with fespectto the djmensionsof the area.Any modifications due to site conditions may be madewiththe approvalof Englneer.All fixturesshallbe carefullyalignedbeforefixingin position. The fluorescentlightfixtureson the surfaceof ceilingshallbe installed withthe backof the bodyflushwiththe ceilingsurface,andin a mannerso as to facilitatewiring. Nylon plugs and galvanizedsteel bo{tsor screws shall be used for fixing the light fixture lo the ceiling.For light fixture installationon false ceiling the installationmethod/detailshall be coordinatedwith ceilingdesignand submittedfor approvalof Engineer. Care shall be taken to preventthe weight of the fixturefrom being transferredto the false ceiling, 807. PVCPIPES 807.1 DESCRIPTION When cablescrossroad, pavedarea or otherservices,theyshall be laid in protectivepipes of requiredsize. The pipe ends after installationof cableshall be pluggedto makethem watertightby meansof bituminized hesianor equivalenimaterial. 6UI.t STAIIDARDSFORPVC PIPE/AGCESSORIES shallbe manufactured accordingto thestandardsas The pipe/accessories belotv. 807.3 PS4607Part-'l: (metiicunits) PVC conduitsand accessories 8S3505: PVC pipesandaccessories 8S6099: PVC condultsand accessories ANp CONSTRUCnONREQUTREMENTS FQR MATERTAL PVCPIPFS chloride(PVC) The PVC pipesand their accessories shallbe of polyvinyl complyingu/th abovestatedor equivalentother reputedstandards.The PVC bends shall heve enlergedends to recei'reconduitwithot-ttany reCuctionin the internalCiameterat ioint. Manufactured shallbe usedwherepipe/conduit changesciirection. Beniingof conduitby heatingor otheruvjse shail be allowedonly ai specialsituationwith the approvalof Engineer.The use of sharpbendsor teesshallnot be allowed. At road crossingthe pipeshallhavea coverof concretearoundand shall be laid at 800 mm below road surfaceor as shown on drawingand directedby Engineer.The PVC pipes/conduits of ShafiSons(brandname BETA), Lahore or TESCO, Lahore or approved equivalentshall be preferred.For underpasslightingthe pipe shall be buriedin slab at an appfopriate depth. 807.4 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 807.4.1 Measuren?ent Measurement shalJbe madefor the numberof runningmetresfor pipe of each slzecomplelewith all requiredaccessories acceptablysuppliedand installedby the Contracior. 807.4.2 Pavment Payment shall be made for the number of running metres of pipe measuredas providedabove,at the Contiactunitpriceper runningmetre of eachsizeand shallconstitute full compensation for supplying, installing, connecling, earthexcavatjon, concretecovering,handholesat the endsof pipesat roadcrossingwhererequiredand backfilling to the satisfaction of the Engineer- 808. LT CABLES 808.1 DESCRIPTION holderof ISO-9002and shali The cablemanufaciurer shallbe cedification be approvedby the Engineer.The cablesfor road lightingshatlbe PVC insulated and PVC sheathed, 600/1000 Volt grade, designed, manufacturedand tested in accordancewith IEC-60502or other equivalent international standards. For lightingsystemthe cablesshallbe singleor muliicoreas requiredwith strandedcopper conductorsand polyvinylchlorideheat and moistureresistantinsulation of thethicknesslistedin IEC oi'BritishStandard. The routeof the cablesshallbe as shownon the drawing.Any changein route requireddue to site conditionsshall be made in relationwith other servicelayoutand withthe approvalof the Engineei'. 808.2 MATERIALREQUIREMEFITS The cableshall be suitablefor operationat conductortemperatureupto 70o C undernormalconditions. annealedcopperwires and Ccnductorsshall be of high purityelectrolytlc of the followingBS cr equivaienl shall conformto the requirement sianciarci. ;./.-i7--"j\:^' T;,*.,, "i(,Etr.' li armouringis requiredit shallconsisiof galvanized steelwirescomolying with BS 1442 and shall provideconductivitynot less than 50% of the phaseconductor. 808.2.1 BS6746: - PVC insulation and sheathof electriccables BS 6360: - Copperconductorsin insulatedcablesand cords IEC60228: - Conductcrsof insulatedcables CableSizes The sizes of LT copper conductorcables shall be as shown on the drawings.Careshall be takenso that voltagedrop at the far end of the cabfedoes not exceed5% af the nominalvoltage.Cablesmanufactured by the reputedfirmsshallbe used,providedtheyfulfillall the requirements of the specifications. 808.2.2 Phase !!!entifiealion All cablesshallhave phaseidentificatlon colouron the insulationof each core.The colourcode of threephasecircuitsshallbe red,yellowand blue for phaseconductorsand blackfor neutralconductor.From poiejunction box upto lanterngreen or green and yellowstripedPVC insulatedwire shal!be usedas earthcontinuity conducior(ECC). For all cables,to be suppliedand installed,the Conti'aciofshall submit completetechnicaldata,includingconductormaterial,insulationmaterial, currentcarryingcapacity,Voltagegrade,weightfor 100metresetc.and all suchdata shallbe supportedby test certificates, currentand temperature risecurvesetc.for approvalof Engineer. 808.2.3 CableAccessories All accessories shall be providedwithoutadditionalcostfor the complete cablingand wiringsystem.Theseshallincludebut not be limitedto items such as clamps, fixing channels, connectors,cable joints (where necessaryand as approvedby the Engineer),clips,Iugs,tapes.solders, identification iags,bushes& glandsetc. 808.2.4 DATATOBE SUBMITTED The Contractorshall submitthe followingfor approvalof the Engineer beforeexecution: o . " r Manufacturer Countryof Origin Catalcgue wiih indication of equipmentproposed DetailecSpecification . l'nnctrr r n tqi ^, n' r .ul ' r -u\ ir/ ri n, '^ c' 9 s EfrE#EfE gE€f iEiuE cEEiggH.l *lI;gE€" E E;EEe ,e #gliff:fil;ts6;Fe *AEEsile+ !e: EEgfi=frHg Es€i +aEeEBe tEtEtu EiEEf; aE ;a$ ,a*igsiE €lEfgE Effi5 iffTiEEE Eigu#$ ig!;:* € €nE$#i Het erar{ifii Et EFEEEil Ee:E !FtSiE Eg g*e, gl i;;Eiii;EEE;;.EEF s;iAila EpETgS 5eEf z,ec;$c*, fi*iiE iEE* fiEE*EIFi ii*l*' tu i'i+ E*E$ ug iAimEE Ii'+'=u='*Eu* ff€i*' *lF$*iF{EE (.t c(! 809 LIGFITING CONTROLPANEL eno.t DESCRIPTION The lightingcontrbl/distribution panel shall be of 14 SWG sheet steel fabricated,cubicaltype, totallyenclosed,dust tight and vermin proof. These shall be completein all respeciswith materialand accessories. factoryassembled,testedand finishedall accordingto the specifications and to the normal requlrements_ The panel with all cornponentsand accessories shallbe suitablefor frontoperationand shall; - be providedwith adequate clearancefrom live pads so that flashovers cannotbe causedby switching, vermins,pestsetc. - haveall components ratedfor insulaiionclassof 600Voii minimum. have the componentsmounted so as to facilitate ease of maintenance from thefront. - be suitablefor mountingon concretefoundation. The lightingcontrolpanel shall be completewith detachablesteel base framefor enibeddingin concretefoundation on site. 80s.2 MATERIALREqUIREMENTS The roadlighting conirolboxshallbe of 14 SWG,G.l.sheetand equippeci withthe following: a) for 25 kVA transformers One-set of three phase, neutral and eafth busbars of high conductivity copperratedat 100amps(siterating). One incoming moulded-casecircuit breaker, 36 kA breaking capacityas per ratingspecified. Outgoingcircuitbreakers,30 kA breakingcapacityas per rating soecifieC. Magneticcontacto.sas per ratingspecified. Photc-electric cell switchesdust and water prooftype and as per BS 5972 or WAPDA SpecificationsP-102 with upto date amenoments. One photo electriccell unit shall be providedto svritchON/OFFevery contactorfor controlof lights.Photo-€lectric unit shall includea delay device to preventthe switchingof lamps during transientchanges in voltage.Eachlightingcircuitshallbe equippedrruith Auto/Manualselector s',viichand ON/CFF push butio;rs foi maintenancepuipose ',.r,itlout inlerference wiih the photocell and the whoieto be enclosedin,the dusi .-ffi;1 /\\r'V , dr , .'",\ / (it $ lf, \\ , '_ a_) b) on roaci and verminproofcase.Sincethe lightingcontrolpanelis installeci plain, without electrical side, therefore its outer cover shall be components.A brass batten holder with ON/OFF switch and 60 watt incandescent lamp shall be providedat suitablelocationin the panel to facilitatemaintenanceduring.nighi time. Doors with hinges shall be providedso as to givemaximumaccessfor cablingand maintenance and shall be fittedwith lock. Three sets of keys shall be suppliedalongwith roadlightingcontrolbox. wiring Wthin the control panel shall be AII necessaryinterconnecting cafriedoui in the factory. Cableglandsand lugsshallbe provided.Threesetsfor incomingoutgoing cables. 4-Coreupto35 mm-CopperconductorPVC/SWA,/PVC A suitableearthingterminalshallbe prcvidedinsidethe box. Crimpingtype lugs for incomingand outgoingcopper cablesshall be provided. 809.2.1 MouldedGaseCircuitBreakers feed MouldedCaseCircuitBreakersshallbe providedfor eachdistribution with IEC 60947-2. The shall in accordance breakers be circuit.The circuit . .with the circuit three phase fault level shall be in accordance requirements. The l"u of all MCCBsshallbe equalto 100%of 1"..All oC. MCCBsshallbe capableof operatingat 50 Each circuitbreakershall have integralthermaloverloadand magnetic trip devices.The thermalreleaseshall provideinverse type short-circuit time overload tripping and the magnetic release shall provide trippingor short time delay trippingwhere necessary,to instantaneous with downstreamprotectivedevicesduring short achievediscrimination circuitconditions. 809.2.2 MaqneticCohtractors shallbe triplepole,400 V continuousdutytype.The main The contactors contactsshallbe silvertipped,but type with doublebreakper pole. Each contactorshallbe providedwith230 V AC singlephaseoperatingcoil,and minimumtwo normallyopen and two normallyclosed auxiliarycontacts wireduptoterminais.But if morenumberof workingauxiliarycontactsare required then, these shall be provided according to the system requirements. 809.2.3 IndicatinoLamps lndicatinglampsshallbe suitablefor flush mounting,completewith base and shallhaverosettesof suitablecolour. 'w '';/ . $ 809.2.4 Line-upTerminals Line-upterminalswhereverprovidedfor control& powercircuitsshall be suitablefor voltageand sizeof conductors as indicatedon drawing. The line-upierminalsfor controlsshall be suitablefor channelmountinq. All necessaryaccessoriessuch as end-plates,fixing clips,transpareit labelholdercapsand labelsheetswithmarkingshallbe provided. 809.2.5 Datato be Submitted The Contractorshall submit the followingfor approvalof the Engineer hoforc avor-r riion' Ivlanufacturer Countryof Origin Catalogue withindicationof equipmentproposed DetailedSoecification Construction drawings Generalarrangement and proposedfoundationdetails. Deiailsof materialsusedfor weatherand dustproofing. 809.3 The roadlightingcontrolpanel box shall be installednear transformefat locationshownon the drawing.The Contractorshallensurecoordination with the civil contractorto avoid damageto the completedworks. The Contractorshall provide foundationbolts and groui them in cement concretewiih the approval of the Engineer.All installationmaterial requiredfor the satisfactoryerection,such as bolts, nuts, washers, supporting steeletc. shallbe providedand installedby the Contractor. The panelshallbe installed uprightand in leveland shallbe firmlyand rigidly fixed on the concrete supports. Panel shall be erected as per manufacturer's instructions and as approvedby the Engineer. Loose paris dispatchedby the manufaclurer,shall be installedand connectedas per assemblydrawing.Any safetylockingof metres,relays etc. providedby the manufacturer, for safetransportshallbe releasedonly panel afterthe is insta!ledin position.The LightingControlpanelshall be testedandcommissioned in the presenceof the Engineer. 810 EAR,TI.IING 810.1 DE9CRIPTION Earthingsystem as shou/n on the drawing shall be installedby the Contractor. The earthingsystemshallgive earthresistance, includingthe resistance of soil,earthleadsand ECC,equalto or lessthanoneohm. 5E 8'!0.2 REQUIREMENTS MATERIAL 810.2.1 Earthinqbv Earth Bqds The earthrod shallbe of steeland shallbe protectedagainstrustingby a permanently thick exteriorlayerof copper(not lessthan 0.33 millimeter), moltedor electrolytically depositedon a high strengthsteelcore which shall providerigidityfor easy drivingwithoutbending.The earthrod shall have nominaldia of 16 mm with chamferedheadof 2x45 mm (chamfer). The overalllenathof the rodshallbe 3000+5 mm. 810.2.2 EarthinqLead The copper conductorused for earth wire shall conformto the latest revision of IEC 228. IEC 2284. The size and number of individual standards. conduclorshallbe as specifiedin the applicable 810.2.3 Earth ContinuitvConductor Earth continuityconductor(ECC) shallbe hard drawnbare copperwire, armourof the armouredconductoror singlecore PVC insulatedcopper conductorcable of given size. The earth continuityconductorshall be connectedat one end to the earthrod throughswitchclamp/eyebolts as shown in the drawingsat the other end to the relevantequipmentto be BOQandshownon drawing. protectedas mentionedin the specificaiion, for singlecore PVCinsulatedcablesusedas ECC The specifications be sameas thosein relevantsectionsof technicalspecifications. 810.2.4 Data to be Submitted The Contractorshall submitthe followingfor approvalof the Engineer beforeexecution; . . . . . Manufacturer Countryof Origin proposed withindication of equipment Catalogue DetalledSpecification di'awings Construction 810.3 REQUIREMENTS CONSTRUCTION 810.3.1 General For earthingof equipmentpropersize copperor brass thimblesor lugs shall be used to which the copperwire shall be connectedby copper shallnot be brazing.The solderingof copperwireat jointsor terminations, brazing using suitable shallbe by copper allowed.All tee.offconnections jointed protected surfaceshallbe by socketand clamps.Afierbrazing,the For connectionsto oxide inhibitingcompoundof low electricalresistance. c!eanedbeforeboltingthe metallicbody,the surfaceshall be thor-ough!y lug or socket. The earthccntinuityccnductorshall,in general,run in cabletrenchor in cables,theseshallbe laid Wherelaid alongunderground conduits/pipes. pipe underpayedareas.,,. n directlyundeigroundin unpaved 810.3.2 Earth ContinuitvGonductor For polesand underpasslightsthe armourof the LT cableshail be used as the earth continuityconductor(ECC).This will be connectedto the providedin the poleswhereas,for underpasslights earthingbarlterminals The bodyof all lighting it will be connectedto the body of the luminaries. generators panels, motorcontrolcentres, and manualchange-over control switchesshallbe connectedto earthby specifiedsize of ECC.All other metal workshall also be connectedto earih by suitablesizeof ECC so is lessthan one ohm. that earthresistance At joints or terminations,the ECC shali be connectedusing proper shallbe madeby twistingof earthconductors. accessories. No connection 810.3.3 Earth ResistanEefcst testsshailbe doneon ihe earihingsystemby separating Earthresistance and reconnectingconductor.The resistanceof earthingleads in the installaticnshall not exceed one ohm. Earth resistancetest shall be performedas per Electrical lnspector's requirements. 811 AND PAYMENT MEASUREMENT 811.1 Measurement shall be maije for the numberof pc'lesincludingall Measurement suppliedand installedby the and foundationblockacceptably accessoTies per shop drawingapprovedby the and the specifications Contractoras Engineer. 811.2 Pavment Paymenishall be madefor the numberof units measured,as provided above, at the contract unit price each, and shall constitute full compensation for supplying, installing, connecting, testing and of each pole includingall accessoriesrequiredfor the commissioning of the ElectricWorksin all respect. satisfactory commissioning Pa-vltem Description Unit of I\{easurement sP-8oo(i) Pole with LightinEFixture of singlearm Supply,installation and commissioning pole of dimensionas shown on drawingcomplete with junction box, ground rod, nut-bolts,service cutout,concretefoundationcompletein all respectas per specifications. Also includingput door type road lightingfixiure make importedPHILIPS/PARAGON LIGHT GLOBAL-2approvedby Engineerwith 250 watt high pressure sodium lamp complete with ballast, capacitor, Lamp complete with balls, capacitor,lamp holderigniter,cablein poles,bracket for mast arm mounting,terminalblock, three core PVCiPVC2.5 mm2 cable betweenjunctionbox and fixtureearthingterminaletc. completein all respect. CablePVCISWA/PVC of PVC insulated Supply,layingand commissioning steelwirearmouredPVCsheathed,copperconductor (600/1000V grade)cableof followingsizes eitherin trench or along fiyoverfrom feeder pillar to all the lightingpoles. For cablePAKISTANCABLES,NEW AGE, or PIONEERCABLE MAKE shall be used. Using3 Core 16 mm2size for supplyof electriciiyto all poles.4 Core 35 mm2 size shall be used for connectionfrom Wapda to main Feeder Pillers. Electricityconnectionfrom Wapda shall also be obtained. sP-800(ii) FeederPillars of Feeder and Commissioning Supply,installation Pillarmadeof 14 SWG M.S.sheetwaterproofboard fixed on concrete foundation including concrete Roofcanopy.Sockets foundation as per specification, to be fixed on door leaves, also including 60 manualtime switch,tr,voway on/offpush contractors, buttons.volt meterwithselectorsswitch,auto manual selectorswitch,protectionfuses, Cts Ammeterwith selectorsvritch,3 phase indicationLamp complete and earthing,completein ali respectsas specification drawings. Make: PEL, SIMENS, ELECTRECH,J&P and includingthe incoming cable 4 core 35mm2, PVC/SWA/PVCfrom feeder pillar,to WAPDA poll completewith earhingsystemincludingcostof 50mm dia Gl pile driven vertical upto water cable, two cooperconductors35mm2 MAKE PAKISTANAND AGE to be drawn upto the feeder pillarseadhing Brass poirri,allGl pipesaccessories, LUGSthimbles, pit of inspeciions withC.J nutsand bolts,construction materialcompletein all respects coverall necessary as perdetaildra'winqs. r\ 'i'{ - i\ w' Each ,".. \ i'., 9E Incoming: 1 x 60 ATP adjustab{e MCCBRC:10KA. Outgoing: 15 x 20 ASP MCBRE:6KA sP-800(iii)S ameas itemNo.01 abovebutDoubleArm polewith LiqhtFixture. SP-800(iv) Same as item No. 01 above but Five Arm polewith LiahtFixture. Each Each Each . :', ..' \,\i--? i 'r-- . ''::', \\/ '\,J' r.,,t 'l ' j'.l:.' , ,..\\.-,,i' S1 SUPPLEMENTARY SPECIFICATIONS llidding DocurnentsFof Consttuclionof Main Link Road(AccessControlled)to New IslamaUaA tnremition.rtAirlorr (t:S fm) Supplementary Specifications TABLE OF CONTENTS SUPPLEMENTARYSPECIFICATIONS S S . _I S S - -2 S S , -3 S S, - 4 SS5 SS_6 SS-7 ss*8 SS_9 S S- 1 O S S _I I S S _1 2 SS-13 SS*14 S S _1 5 S S _I 6 SS_17 SS, 18 ss- l9 SS-20 s s* - 2 1 SS_22 SS_23 ss,-24 ss ..25 SS_26 S S_ 2 7 SS_28 ProgressReports Attendance of Meelings Supplyof BitumenandCementetc. ElectricSupplyRatesandPricesInclusive RatesandPricesInclusive Provisionof PIant Ratesinclusiveof LeadandLift BorrowAreas Timefor Completion of Works DocumentNot to be Alteredor Mutilaled Personal Liabilityof PublicOfficials AccessandCanalRoads RailwayTraffic IrrigationFlow Utility Lines FirstAid Facilities Locationof Contractor'sCamp FinalHand-Over MakingGoodDamageto Services,Earthwork,etc. Returnof Plant,Materials, etc. Methodof Measurement Recordof Measuremenls Dangerous Materials Progress photographs As Built DrawingslShop Drawings SafetyPrecautions lncomeTax SatelliteImageries Bidding Dosumentsfor Consiructiono Main Link Road (AccessCofltrolled)to New ls,amabedlnternationalAirport(13.5 Km) Page 1 of g Supplementary Specifications SUPI'LEMENTARYSPECIFICATIONS SS_I ProgressReport The Contractorshall subrnitto the Employerfortnightlyprogressreportsin two copiesdetailingtheprogress in theexecution of work during1hereporting period.Thesubmission ofthe progress reportsshallbe conditionprecedent to thepaymentof Contractors Bills by the Employer.Oneweekin advance the Contractorshall submitfor the Employer'sapproval,particularsof the work heproposes to execute withinthefollowingtwo weeks. ss-2 SS- 3 Attendances of Meetings tal The Contractorshall attendand shall causehis Sub-Contracrors ro attendany or all meetingswhen calledby the Employeror the Engineerto discussprogressofthe Work andothermattersrelatedto the Work and the Contract,without any compensationfrom the Employer. (b) The Contractorshal.l bear all expensesof the Employer and representatives and the Engineer, and representativesfor any rneetingsrequested by the Contractorfor instructionsand approvals awayfrom the sitewithin or outsidePakistan. Supplyof Bitumcnand Cement,etc The Contractorshall arrangeand ensuretimely supplyof Bitumen.Cement anclothermaterials requiredin theWork.TheEmployerdoesnot assume any responsibility for thesupplyof materials. Flowever, theEmployershallissuea certitlcateof the estimatedrequirementof the quantity of Bitumen and Cementat thespecificrequest of theContractor. SS_4 ElcctricSupply The Contractorshall make arrangemenlfor the electricpower supply and distributionof the sameat the site of Worksfor the completionof the Works at hisownexpense. SS_5 li"atcand PricesInclusive The rates and prices quoted by the Contractor in the priced Bill of Quantities include all freight, customs, import duties, taxes, pilotage, landing SupplementaryConditions of Contract charges,wharfagemorctroi, excise duties,royaltiesand all other costs,chargesinrposedwhatsoeverin respectof any or other things provided by him for the correotexecutionof work in compliancewith the lime Scheduleand the Specifications. Bidding Documentsfor Construcliono Main Link Road (AccessControlled)to NeWlslamabadlntemationalAirport (13.5 Km) P a g e2 o f g Supplementary Specifications By way of illustrationbut not enumeration the Unit pricesshalj inslude besides thecostsfor supplyof materialandequipment, costof theirtransport, Contractor's profitetc.,thecostfor provisionofthe following: (a) Fumishingand maintenance of Contractor's Equipment,fuel for Equipment, temporaryworks,tests,samplesand-labournecessary for executionof the works,Equipmentfor iransport,machines,test laboratories, Site Office and shedsincludingall expenses for the furnishingand maintenance of the Workshopsand storageareas usedby the Contractor. (b) Required power,waterandotherservices. (c) Illumination andsafetyat Site. (d) All additional costsdueto anykindof difficultworking.conditions and intenuptionswhich may possiblybe causedby adverse physicalconditions. (e) Staff allowances,ambulances, expensesfor medicaltreatment, travelingexpenses, holidaywagesand salaries andall otherCosts for all employees, the requiredmeansof communications suchas telephoneand the like, the requiredmeansfor proleclionagainst accidents. (0 All expenses for royalties, licenses, liabilitiesinsurances. rent,hire andthe like in connectionwith the Works. Other specialwork arrangements and provisionsnot mentioned here but necessaryfor the properand completeexecutionof the Works. All Govemmentand/orMunicipaltaxes,customsduties,excise duties^ stampdutiesor anyotherdues,taxesor charges. Cosl 01 all insurances to be kept in lbrce during the periodof constructjon andtheperiodof maintenance of the worksunderthe Contract. (') Mobilization, demobilization andclearance of site. (k) Contractor's campfor staffandIabourincludingtheservices. (l) Performance securityand Bank Guarantees as and when required underContract. Bidding Oocumentsfo. Constructiono Main Link Road {Acce$sCqnlrotled}to Net{ tstarrabadtDternationat AirDort P a g e3 o f g 'i* '!1:' t+ l Supplementary Specifications Thecostof theaboveshallbe deemed to be includedin theratesandprices tenderedfor the works and no separatepaymentshall be made on this accoDnl. SS-6 Provisionof PIant In respectof anycontractor's Equipment in general, exceptasprovidedfor in theseDocuments, whichthe contractor shallbe required1ohaveavailableal Sitefor execution of Worksin accordance with tlie Drawings,Specifications or as directedby the Employer,he shall make his own anangements for foreignexchange, imporlformalities, customstransponto the Siteof Works andall otherformalities whatsoever at his owncostandresponsibility. The Contractor shall be deemed to have taken into considerationall Covemmentor Local Bodies regulations,for the time being in force, regardingthe re-exportof any plant and equipmentwhich he may haveto importin connection with the works.Any amendments to the exisLing rules and/orfurtherregulalionsimposedin this respectby the Government of Pakistanshallbestrictlyfollowedby the Contractor. ss-7 llatesinclusivefor all Leadand Lift 'l-he tendered ratesshallinch.rde all leadandlifl requiredin earthwork. ss-s Borrow Areas 'fhe Contractorshall make his survey/encluiries regardingthe suitableand neareslBorrow Areas for embankment,granularfill, base and sub-base materials etc.,andshallapplyto the Engineer for approvalfor the useof the borrowarea.It will be the responsibility of the contraclorto acquirethe IloruowAreasapprovedby the Engineerand pay for all royalties/malkana and all othercosts.In casethe materialsfrom the approvedBorrow Areasdo not meet the Specifications, in the opinion of the Engineer,the Contractor shall have to proposenew Borrow Areasfor approval,and nothingshall be paid to the Contractor for abandonment of the previouslyapprovedBonow Areas.Additionalinformation regarding bonowandquarrysitesareavailabie. ss-9 Iime for Completionof Works 'Ihe Work is requiredto be completedin the time statedin Appendixof Tender,andthe Tenderer to whomthe Contractis given,will be requiredto complete anddeliverthewholeof thePernianent Workstdctlywithinthetime so slated.Il the Tendererstates,in his Tender,a shortertime thanshownin theAppendix,thensuchshortertimegoverns. Eidding Documentsfor Conslructioflo Main Link Road (AccessControlled)to New lslamabadlnternationalAilport Page4 of I .'1q'-', 94 '.:: i b3 Supplementary Specifications SS-I() Documents Not to be Alteredor Mutilated No alteration or mutilation(otherthanfilling in all the blanksintended to be filled in) shall be madein the form of Tenderor in any of the documents attachedto it. Any commentswhich it is desiredto makeshallnot be placed on any ofthe documentsattachedhereto,but shalltakethe form of a separate statementwhich shall be as brief as possibleand referenced to items,clauses andpagesof theannexed documents. Suchstatements shallnot qualifythe acceptance of the Tenderbasedupon proposed changeor changes in the annexed documents, nor shallbe binding uponthe employerin any way in makingthe award.Alterationsof already 'fenderer writtenpricesmustbe signedin theplaceof alteration by the or his legallyauthorized representativc. ss-ll PersonalLiability of PublicOfficials In carryingout any of the provisions of theseSpecifications, or in exeroising anypowerofauthoritygrantedto themby or within the scopeof the Contract, there shall be no liability upon the Chairman(NHA) or his authorized represenlatives eitherpersonally or as officialsof the Govemment, it being understood that in all mattersthey act solelyas agentsand representatives of theGovernment. No memberor olficerof the Government or the Employer's ropresentative or any one of their respectivestaffs or their employeesshall be in any way personally boundor liablefor the actsor obligations of the Employerunder the Contractor answerable for any defaultor omissionin the obscrvance or performance ofany ofthe acts,matters or thingswhichareherein,oontained. SS_I2 Access and CanalRoads If the Contractorfinds it necessary or electsto use existingcanalroads,the Contractorshall makeall necessaryaftangement and obtainali permilslrom the provincial Irrigation Departmentfor travel over and use of such canal roads.The Contractorshali observeall rulesregulations of the Inigation Depzulment regarding the useof saidcanalroads.Thecostof maintaining all necessary safetymeasures andtemporarystructures andmakinganynecessary repairs,replacemenls or similaroperations andall or anyothercostsrequired by reasons ofhis useofsuchcanalroadsshallbe borneby the Contractor and the Contractorshall saveharmlessand indemnifythe Employerin respectof all claims.demands,proceedings damages,costs,chargesand expenses whatsoever arisingoutofor in relationto anysuchoperation or inlerference. ss-13 RailwayTraffic Whereconstruclionwork or operationsof the Contractorareperformedwithin the liniits of the right-of-wayof the Pakistan Railways,the Contractor shall cooperate with therailwayadministration in orderto expedite lhe work andto Bidding Documenisfor Constructiono lvlainLink Road (AccessControlled)to New lslamabadlnternationai Airport (13.5 Page5 of I Supplementary Specifications avoid interferencewith the operationof the railway. Beforeperformingany work on his sidings yards or on other transpoflationfacilities adjacenttL existingrailways,the contractorshall enterinto an agreement with and shall meet all requirementsof the railway administrationwithin the ar.eaof the Contractor'soperation for the protection of its lines against damage, interference with trafficor servicethereonby theoperations of thecontraJor 'fhe this under contract. contractorshallnot storeor placeany materials or equipment on the rightof-wayof theexistingrailwayin sucha mannerasto interferewith the operationsof trainsor the maintenance of the rail becland track.In advanceof any operationwhich may unavoidablyinterferewith the operationofthe railway,the Contractorshallnotify the superintendent of the corresponding Railway division in order that proper flagging or other protectionmay be provided.The cost of providingand maintainingall necessary safetymeasures, watchmanguards,signalsandtemporarysructures or making any necessary repairs,replacements or similar operationsor furnislringindemnityor otherrequiredby this articleshallbe borneby the Contractorand the Contractorshall save harmlessand indemnifythe Empioyerin respectof all clainrs,demands,proceedings, damagescosts, chargesand expenseswhatsoeverarisingout of or in relationto any such operations or interference. ss-14 Irrigation FIow The Contraclorshall conducthis ope.rations so as to offer the leastpossible obstructionfor maintainingflow in irrigationcanals,channelsand water courses.The Contractorshall observeall rules and regulationsof appropriate authorities regarding theintenuption andmaintenance of flow in irrigationcanals,channels water and sources andthe Contractor shallsave harmlessand indemnifythe Employerin respectof all claims,demands, proceedings, damages, costsand expenses whatsoever arisingout ol or in relalionto any suchconstruction, operations or interference with inigation flow. The Contractorshall maintain alternatechannelswherever temDorarv jisrupt relocation of irrigationchannels is requiredor wherehis operations theirigationflow,withoutanycompensation from theEmployer. ss-15 utilify Line$ The Conlractorshall conducthis operations, makenecessary anangements. take suitableprecautions perform and all requiredwork incidentLo the protectionof and avoidanceof interference with power transmission, telegraph,telephoneand natural gas lines, oil lines water and sewerage mainsand otherutilitieswithin the areasol his operations in connection with this Contactand the costthereofshall be bomeby the Contractorand the Contractorshallsaveharmlessandindemnifythe Employerin respectof all claims,demands, proceedings, costs,chargesand expenses whatsoever arisingoutof or in relationto anysuchinterference. BiddingDocumentsfor Conskuction o Main LinkRoad(AccessControlled) to New lslamaOaO tnternationat nimorVt gS Page6ofg ,') 5'%;\") t\ u[ ^ ).2 i'\:--l"# Supplementary Specifications ss- l6 First Aid Facilities The Contractolshall provideand maintainadequate First Aid Facilities convenient to theSiteto theapprovalofthe Employer. SS_I7 Locationof Contractor'sCamp Thelocationofhouses,barracks, storesandoffices,etc..shallbedetermined in agreement with Employer,Installation for the supplyof electricityand water,fuel,lighting,etc.,mustbepresent to thenecessary extent. S S_ 1 8 FinalHandOver At the end of the DefectsLiabilityPeriodstipulatedin the Contract,the Employeron applicationofthe Contractor,shall decidethe membersof the final hand over committeeand announcethe sameto the Contractor.T-he committee,after investigationof work, if satisfied that there are no deficienciesor defectsdueto work of the Contractor,shall certify the final hand-over, andtheEngineer will thenissuea Defectst,iabilityCertificate as providedunderClause62.1of Conditions ofContract. S S_ 1 9 Mtking GoodDamageto Service,Earthwork,ctc 'l'he Contractor shallmakegood,at his orvncost,all damages to telephone, telegraph and electriccablesor wires,sewers,wateror otherpipesexcept wherethe Authority,Employeror PrivatePartyowingor responsible for the sameelectsto makegoodthedamage. All injuryto thesurfaceofthe land,to thebedsof watercourses, protecting banks,riverbeds,etc. Where disturbedby the works (other than whcre specifically orderedby theEmployer), shallberepaired by theContractor or the Authoritiesconcerned, at the Contractor's expense. All suohmaking goodshallbeto theapproval ofthe Employer. ss-20 Returnsof Plant.Materials.etc The Contractorshall forward to the Employerat the end of eachmonlh retumsshowingthe Constructional Plant,materials, etc.,on Site,in a form prescribedby the Employer. SS-21 Methodof Mcasurement The measurement of the Work shall be performedon the basisof rhe Specifications. If theserneasurements exceedthemeasuremenls indicated in the Specifications andDrawings, excepting thosedirecledby theEmployer, suchexcessshallbe on the aceountof the Contractor and he shallnot be BiddingDocuments for Construction o l\,'lain LinkRoad(AccessControlled) to New lslamabadInternational Airport(13.5 Page 7 of 9 Supplementary Specifications entitled to any compensation therefore. But if they are less than the measurenentsindicated in rhe Specificalionsand Drawings then the Works actually executed shall be measured, provided they afe technically acceptableand there is no provisionto the contraryin any other part of the Contract Documenls.All work completed under the Contract shall bc measuredaccordingto the metric system for all items, unlessotherwise providedhereinor in the specialProvisions.All longitudinatmeasurement 1brareaor volume will be madehorizontallyalongthe road centreline, and no deduction will be made for individual fixtures in the pavementhaving an areaof I sp. Meter or less. All transvgrsemeasurementsfor areaor volume of pavement courses will be made horizontally in accordancewith the dimensions indicaled on the plans, or the dimensionsordered by the Employer.In computing volume of excavalion,embankmentand borrow, the averageend-areamethodwill be used. Quanlitiesof malerialswasledor disposedoff in a mannernot called for underthe Contraotor rejectedloadsof matcrials,includingmaterialrejected after it has been placed by reasonof the failure of the contractorto confbrm to the provisions of the Contract, or material not unloaded from the transportingvehicle,or materialplacedoutsideof the lines indicatedon the drawings or establishedby the Employer, or material remaining on hand after completionof the work will not be paid for and such materialshor.rld bc disposedoffby the Contractorat his own expense.No compensation will be allowedfor haulingrejectedmaterials.The Works slrallbe rneasured net notwithslandingany general or local custom excepl where otherwise specificallydescribedor prescribedin the Contract. SS_22 Rccortl of Measurcmcnts The Contraclorwill supplyto the Employer'sRepresentative six (6) copies of the abstractof Contractor'scertificateof payrnentevery month along with two copies of detailed measurements,quality control tests and cross sectionswith calculations,and any other documentor informationwhich form the basisof payment. ss*23 DangerousMaterials 'l'he Conlractortrnd his sub Contractorshall convey,sroreand make useof all explosives.dangcrouspetroleum,acetylene,carbideof calciumand other similar material provided by them for use in or on the works in strict accordancewith the plovision of all laws, ordersand regulationsthat are in forceat the Siteor may be issuedfrom time to time by the Covernment. SS-25 As Built Drawings/Shop Drawings During construction,the Contraclorshall keep an accuralerecord ol'all BicjdrngDocumenistor Co"tt["tion o f"fainf-'*-Road iAccessT.on-t,of feOfto frte* r.fa,nuOuOl.lt-er;ationatAi,po,1(13 5 K.] Page B of I / j:t::::':' y1g:.f - 1::.+. ' li,./ frt,,' .'!j ;:.1 ,i.l;|,. (ff '1.\;-'1,,,'l' ::ri'{ -"'. . t' 6l Supplementary Specifications deviations of his work as actr"rallyinstalled from that sho\n or.indicated on the Contract Drawings upon completion of the Work, the Contractor shall deliverto the Employercloth/milarpapertracings,the samesizeas Contract Drawingsand at an approvedscaleshowingthe Work as actuallyinstalled. All Drawingsareto becomethe propertyof the Employer. All the shop drawings/fabricationdrawings shall be prepared by the Contractor and submitted to the Engineer at least fiftcen da1,sbefore the 'fhe stafl of the rvork. Engineershall checkand approveor returnthe sanre to the Contractorfor correction/modification within the period of l5 days from the day o[ r'eceiprof the drawings.All work is to be executedby the Contractor in accordance with the drawings approved before the commencement of the works. ss-26 Safcty Precautions 'i'he Contractorshall adequatelyprovide for the safety, health and welfare of personsand tbr the preventionof damageto works, material,equipmentfor the purposeof or in connectionwith the Contract. ss-27 Fixcd WithholdingTax A sunr in PakjstaniRupees,in accordancewith the prevailingincome tax Iaws of Pakistanshall be deductedfrom all actual paymentsmade to the Contractor and be deposited with the Govemment of Pakistan towards paymentof income tax by the Contractor.When such deductionis nrade from the paymentsa certificate to that effect shall be issuedby the Enrployer to the Contractor. Notwithstandingsuch deductionof income lax at source,the ConLraclor shall be liable to pay the balanccincometax, supertax and other laxeson incomeor his profits arisingout ofthe Contract,and his employeeson their renrunerationset, in accordancewith the prevailing income tax laws of Pakistan. ss-28 SatclliteImageries Contractor shall provide satellite imagery of the project site before execution of work. lJpdated satellite imagery shall be provided on submission of each interim payment certificate. Provision of updated 'fhe imageryshall be recordedin the nreasurement cosl of providing book. satellileinragericsis deemedto be includedin otheritemsof BOQ, BiddingDocumentsfor Constructiono lvlainLink Road (AccessContrclled)to New lglamabadlnternationalAirport (13.5 Krn) PageI of 9
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