To: Community Partner Re: Herb’s Paint & Body/Down Syndrome Guild Golf Classic Canyon Creek Country Club 625 West Lookout Drive Richardson, Texas 75080 Tuesday, April 21, 2015 Dear Community Partner, I would like to personally invite you and your company to participate in the 2015 Herb’s Paint & Body/Down Syndrome Guild Golf Classic. This 9th annual tournament will be one that you will not want to miss! Two separate golf tournaments with over 25 years combined successes are once again partnering to raise funds that will allow the Down Syndrome Guild of Dallas to carry out their mission of providing accurate and current information, resources, and support for people with Down syndrome, their families, and the community. The Down Syndrome Guild of Dallas will be the beneficiary of all proceeds of the tournament, expanding their impact in the community. Herb’s Paint & Body is a family of auto repair businesses founded in 1956. Herb Walne started his business with a Humble Gas Station located in Northeast Dallas. Herb soon added a full-service paint and body shop that has become an icon in and around the Dallas area. Today, customer service is still their number one concern as well as giving back to the community. Currently, there are six full-service Herb’s Paint & Body shops in the Dallas metro area. The Down Syndrome Guild of Dallas is the only local non-profit organization exclusively dedicated to providing resources and support to people with Down syndrome. Down syndrome is the most common chromosomal condition in our country, and more than 2,700 families in our Dallas community have been directly impacted. For more than 35 years, the Down Syndrome Guild of Dallas has given hope and assistance to these families, mostly on a volunteer basis. The organization has led the charge, but needs your financial support. There are various ways for you to become involved in the 2015 Herb’s Paint & Body/Down Syndrome Guild Golf Classic, and a folder outlining a variety of sponsorship/underwriting opportunities is enclosed. Your generous support will make a big difference in the lives of individuals and families touched by Down syndrome. Over the years, these tournaments have grown individually, and 2015 promises to be a fantastic year as we continue to partner together! We’re excited to be at Canyon Creek Country Club again this year. The Herb’s Paint & Body/Down Syndrome Guild Golf Classic is sure to become a traditional part of many spring calendars. We look forward to seeing you there. Best Regards, Ryan Palmer, PGA Tour Professional 2015 Honorary Chairman ___________________________________________________________________________________ 1702 N. Collins Blvd Suite 170 Richardson, Texas 75080 214.267.1374 Fax 972.234.2510 [email protected] FACT SHEET EVENT: Herb’s Paint & Body/Down Syndrome Guild Golf Classic, benefiting the Down Syndrome Guild of Dallas. PURPOSE: Funds raised by the event are designated to fund the programs and long-term growth of the organization. The Down Syndrome Guild of Dallas (DSG) is a non-profit organization that provides accurate and current information, resources, and support to people with Down syndrome, their families, and the community. Established in 1979, it operates primarily as a volunteer organization, mostly family members of individuals with Down syndrome and serves more than 1,500 families in the Dallas area. In the past, the DSG received the “Outstanding Volunteer of the Year” Award (group category) from the Volunteer Center of Dallas County. DATE/TIME: Tuesday, April 21, 2015 LOCATION: Canyon Creek Country Club 625 West Lookout Drive Richardson, Texas 75080 972.231.1466 ENTRY FEE: $125 individual player fee (includes cart and green fee, driving range, lunch, refreshments on course, and dinner) SPONSORSHIP: $10,000 $5,000 $2,250 $1,500 $750 $200 FORMAT: Each team will have four amateurs paired in a Florida Scramble. TOURNAMENT PRIZES: Team prizes will be awarded to First, Second, and Third Place. Additional on-course contests will test your luck and skill. DINNER: Friends, family, and spouses are welcome for the awards dinner. The cost is $25 per person. Reservations must be made in advance by contacting the Down Syndrome Guild at 214.267.1374. Diamond Sponsor Platinum Sponsor Gold Sponsor Silver Sponsor Bronze Sponsor Hole Sponsor 2:00 p.m. Shotgun Start $7,500 $5,000 $3,000 $2,000 $2,000 $1,000 Golf Apparel Underwriter Dinner Underwriter Merchandising Underwriter Lunch Underwriter Logo Golf Ball Underwriter Postage Underwriter Herb’s Paint & Body/Down Syndrome Guild Golf Classic April 21, 2015 Golfer and Handicap Please provide the information for your players below. (No tickets will be issued; names will be listed at registration). Golfers: Player Name:_________________________________________________________ Handicap:________________________ Player Name:_________________________________________________________ Handicap:________________________ Player Name:_________________________________________________________ Handicap:________________________ Player Name:_________________________________________________________ Handicap:____________________________ o Please Invoice o Check enclosed (payable to the Down Syndrome Guild of Dallas) o Please charge my (circle one) AMEX VISA MC DISC for $__________________ Card Number, Expiration Date: _________________________________________________ Company, Contact: ___________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: _____________________________________________________________ Telephone, Email: ___________________________________________________________ MAIL or FAX to: Down Syndrome Guild of Dallas 1702 North Collins Blvd., Suite 170 Richardson, TX 75080 Phone 214.267.1374 • Fax 972.234.2510 Herbs Paint & Body/Down Syndrome Guild Golf Classic April 21, 2015 Corporate Sponsor Opportunities o Diamond - $10,000 12 Golf spots / 24 dinners o Platinum - $5,000 8 Golf spots / 16 dinners o Gold - $2,500 6 Golf spots / 12 dinners o Silver - $1,500 4 Golf spots / 8 dinners o Bronze - $750 2 Golf spots / 4 dinners o Company name on corporate board • Listing on tournament banner • Company logo or name recognized on website and in newsletter • Company logo or name on all event signage • Company logo on all promotional material • Recognition at Awards Dinner • Hole recognition sign Company name on corporate board • Listing on tournament banner • Company logo or name recognized on website and in newsletter • Recognition at Awards Dinner • Hole recognition sign Company name on corporate board • Listing on tournament banner • Recognition at Awards Dinner Company name on corporate board • Recognition at Awards Dinner Company name on driving range and practice green signage Hole Sponsor - $200 Sign on one hole Please invoice Check enclosed (payable to Down Syndrome Guild) Please charge my (circle one) AMEX VISA MC DISC for $ Card number: Expiration Date: Company: Contact: Address: City: Telephone: State: Zip: Email: MAIL or FAX to: Down Syndrome Guild of Dallas 1702 North Collins Blvd., Suite 170 Richardson, TX 75080 Phone 214.267.1374 • Fax 972.234.2510 Sponsor form must be returned no later than February 21 for inclusion in pre-tournament promotional materials. Herbs Paint & Body/Down Syndrome Guild Golf Classic April 21, 2015 Underwriting Opportunities • Golf Apparel $7,500 Underwriting the player and volunteer apparel will give your organization the opportunity to make everyone look good on the course while placing your logo on 400 energetic and visible people. The high-quality apparel provided to each player and volunteer will be worn again and again, linking your name with the event throughout the year. You receive four golf spots, recognition on event signage, listing on the corporate board and eight dinner tickets. • Dinner $5,000 After play, everyone will be looking forward to dinner and the Awards Reception. Underwrite this and your company name/logo will be displayed throughout the reception area and listed in the tournament program as the Dinner Sponsor. You receive four golf spots, recognition on event signage, listing on the corporate board and eight dinner tickets. • Merchandising $3,000 Underwriting player merchandise will give your organization the opportunity to place your logo on 400 energetic and visible people. The high-quality merchandise provided to each player will link your name with the event throughout the year. You receive two golf spots, recognition on event signage, listing on the corporate board and four dinner tickets. • Lunch $2,000 Prior to play, everyone will be counting on a tasty lunch. Underwrite this event and your company name/logo will be displayed throughout the area and recognized on event signage as the Lunch Sponsor. You receive listing on the corporate board and four dinner tickets. • Logo Golf Balls $2,000 Tournament participants will receive a sleeve of golf balls with the tournament logo and your company name or logo imprinted. Every time the golfer uses the balls, whether at the tournament or later, they will be reminded of your business. You will have two dinner tickets will also be provided. • Raffle Prize Donation $500 Raffle prize package of an iPad or Xbox exclusively donated by your company. Name recognition at the prize table. o Please Invoice o Check enclosed (payable to Down Syndrome Guild) o Please charge my (circle one) AMEX VISA MC DISC for $ Card number: Expiration Date: Company: Contact: Address: City: State: Telephone: Zip: Email: MAIL or FAX to: Down Syndrome Guild of Dallas 1702 North Collins Blvd., Suite 170 Richardson, TX 75080 Phone 214.267.1374 • Fax 972.234.2510 Sponsor form must be returned no later than February 21 for inclusion in pre-tournament promotional materials. Herbs Paint & Body/Down Syndrome Guild Golf Classic April 21, 2015 Hole Sponsor o Hole Contest - $500 Sign on hole with contest (e.g. longest Drive, closest to pin) Listing on event signage Two dinner tickets o Hole - $200 Sign on hole listing company name Listing on event signage o Please invoice o Check enclosed (payable to Down Syndrome Guild) o Please charge my (circle one) AMEX VISA MC DISC for $ Card number: Expiration Date: Company: Contact: Address: City: Telephone: State: Zip: Email: MAIL or FAX to: Down Syndrome Guild of Dallas 1702 North Collins Blvd., Suite 170 Richardson, TX 75080 Phone 214.267.1374 • Fax 972.234.2510 Sponsor form must be returned no later than February 21 for inclusion in pre-tournament promotional materials.
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