Main Street & ON TRAC Elkins, WV 2015 Spring Training May 19 – 21, 2015 Lodging & Training Location The Isaac Jackson Hotel (304) 636-1400 830 Harrison Ave., Elkins, WV 26241 Special room rate of $89 Room Block: “Main Street” Full breakfast included Reserve room by April 19th Tuesday – May 19, 2015 The Isaac Jackson Hotel 830 Harrison Avenue, Elkins, WV 26241 10:30am Registration – Check-in 11:00 Introduction & Team Building Exercise: Elkins Pre-Research - Training participants will be broken in to teams. Teams will review printed and electronic materials about Elkins to assess available information and plan their mobile workshop itinerary. Teams will introduce themselves and their findings. - Jennifer Ferrell, Main Street WV Coordinator - Nikki Williams, WV ON TRAC Coordinator 11:45 Elkins Intro: A brief overview of Elkins, area attractions, and the downtown district. - Karen Carper, Elkins ON TRAC Executive Director 12:15 Assessing the Visitor Experience - Connecting Local, Regional and Downtown Attractions. Review how to conduct a visitor assessment, review assessment materials. - Doug Arbogast, WVU Extension 12:30 Mobile Workshop: Creating & Developing Places for Visitors - Working in teams, walk the downtown or drive the district. Get an idea of the area, visit local businesses, assess walkability, way finding, ease of navigation, look of downtown, business mix, and the overall visitor experience. Enjoy lunch on your own at one of the many unique restaurants. 3:00 Mobile Workshop: Elkins Attractions - Teams meet up to visit the Old Brick Playhouse, American Mountain Theater and The Darden Museum. Gain insight into how these attractions operate. 4:00 Break 4:30 Railroad History and Tourism: Enjoy a 90 minute train ride from Elkins to Belington on the Cheat Mountain Salamander. Learn about train tourism and capitalizing on an 'anchor’ attraction. (Included in registration fee) 6:00 Networking Dinner: The Rail Yard Restaurant – Enjoy a large buffet dinner after riding the rails. (Included in registration fee) 7:30 After Dinner Music and Networking: Experience live, local music; networking; and drinks at Beanders Bar and Restaurant (Drinks not included in registration fee) Wednesday – May 20, 2015 The Isaac Jackson Hotel 830 Harrison Avenue, Elkins, WV 26241 8:15am 8:30 8:45 Registration – Check-in Looking at the Region – Connecting Towns and Attractions: Information on the Beverly, WV area and review of assessment process. - Doug Arbogast, WVU Extension Depart for Beverly Heritage Center 9:00 Beverly Heritage Center Overview: The Beverly Heritage Center combines four adjoining buildings in the heart of Beverly into one great heritage attraction. Included are: 1900 Beverly Bank building, 1808 Randolph County Court House, 1912 Hill building, and the 1856 Bushrod Crawford / McClellan’s Headquarters building. The Center has museum exhibits, visitor information, public restrooms, gift shop, and research archives. Hear the history of The Center and how it currently operates. - Darryl DeGripp 9:30 Mobile Workshop – Beverly: In groups, explore The Beverly Heritage Center and your choice of: Beverly Walking Tour Randolph County Museum The Marketplace Historic Beverly Antiques Chenoweth House Antiques & Museum Return to The Beverly Heritage Center - Developing and Maintaining Historical Assets - Phyllis Baxter Catered Lunch – Beverly Bistro (Included in registration fee) Depart for Elkins – Return to The Isaac Jackson Hotel Tourism & Visitor Debriefing and Discussion: Teams will report out their observations, discussion on regional tourism tactics. - Doug Arbogast, WVU Extension Break Social Media for Downtown – Charles Town Case Study – Engaging visitors and businesses with Twitter. - Van Applegate, Social Media Coordinator, Charles Town Now Developers Tool Kit for Small and Large Projects – Learn what information and materials you need to assist potential developers and property owners. - Woodlands Development Group Local Developers, Business & Property Owners – local developers, business, and property owners talk about their experiences, success, lessons learned & meeting the demands of visitors. Break Networking Dinner: CJ Maggie’s (Included in registration fee) Dessert Tasting - Clara Belle’s (Included in registration fee) Seneca Mall Atrium – Entertainment provided by: Emily Oleson, Matthew Olwell, Becky Hill, and Jesse Milnes & Nate Druckenmiller with Good Foot Dance Company 11:00 11:30 12:30 1:00 2:15 2:30 3:15 4:30 5:30 6:00 7:00 7:30 Pack Comfortable Shoes & Walking Attire! This training allows for a lot of exploring! We will be walking from the hotel to various attractions and events throughout downtown. Transportation options are available for those who are not able, or prefer not, to walk. Thursday – May 21, 2015 The Isaac Jackson Hotel 830 Harrison Avenue, Elkins, WV 26241 8:15am 8:30 10:00 Registration – Check-in New Main Street Community Presentation: Learn about the newest designated Main Street Community - TBA New Main Street Community Presentation: Learn about the newest designated Main Street Community - TBA Break 10:15 11:00 12:30 Main Street and ON TRAC Roundtables – Updates from community and state programs. Lunch in Elkins – On Your Own WV Nonprofit Association – WEST VIRGINIA PRINCIPLES & PRACTICES FOR NONPROFIT EXCELLENCE 9:15 The West Virginia Nonprofit Association, in partnership with Dr. Susan Aloi of West Virginia Wesleyan College and a team of stakeholders, has developed these Principles & Practices to serve as a model for West Virginia nonprofit organizations to guide their operations and practices, enabling them to meet their missions. In this session, you will be introduced to West Virginia’s Principles & Practices for Nonprofit Excellence. You will learn: • The 8 Principle categories critical to nonprofit organizational excellence. • Best practices within each principle to use as tools to guide you to make a conscious comparison and determination of what will best move your organization forward in ensuring your organizations operates with integrity and its programs and services are of the highest possible quality. • How to access the online Principles & Practices assessment tool and resource library to guide you in evaluating your level of accountability, transparency, and service impact and outcomes that demonstrate progress towards your mission. • Network with your peers to discuss nonprofit standards that are critical in raising the value of the sector as a whole. WHAT’S NEXT FOR WEST VIRGINIA’S NONPROFITS? In this session, nonprofit attendees will have an open conversation about the role nonprofits in West Virginia. I. Where are we are now? A. What is the current state of the nonprofit sector in WV? B. What is our impact in our local communities? C. How does our impact translate to economic impact? C. What are the strengths of the nonprofit sector? D. What are the weaknesses of the nonprofit sector? II. Where do we want to go? What does success look like in your community? A. What is your vision of the impact of the nonprofit sector 5 years from now? B. What public perceptions must change in order to achieve the vision? C. How will the vision positively impact our communities and the economy? III. How will we get there? What can the WVNPA do to help? A. What actions do we need to take to move towards the vision? B. What actions are most doable? C. What actions will have the greatest positive impact? D. If we can’t do everything at once, where should we begin? E. What tools and resources do you need to move towards the vision? Register online: Registration Fee: $125 Includes: All Classroom & Mobile Workshops - Tuesday Networking Dinner Train Ride to Belington - Wednesday Networking Lunch – Wednesday Networking Dinner - Transportation to and from Beverly. Questions call: Nikki @ 304-957-2028 or Jennifer @ 304-957-2019
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