Vegetation Condition Benchmarks Rainforest and Related Scrub RCO Coastal rainforest Community Description: Coastal rainforest is dominated by Atherosperma moschatum or Eucryphia lucida or both but Nothofagus cunninghamii are few or absent. Olearia argophylla is prominent in some areas. There may be an intermediate layer with any of Anodopetalum biglandulosum, Phyllocladus aspleniifolius, Anopterus glandulosus, Cenarrhenes nitida and Dicksonia antarctica, with ferns, particularly Blechnum wattsii. There may be emergent Eucalyptus species. The rainforest may only occupy small patches, surrounded by Eucalyptus and wet scrub communities. Overstorey: Tree Canopy Cover: Large Trees: Forest Forest – 40% Height (m) DBH (cm) #/ha 15 25 70 Large Tree Species Common Name Atherosperma moschatum Eucryphia lucida sassafras leatherwood Notes Understorey: Life Forms Immature tree Tree or large shrub Shrub Ground fern Tree fern Mosses and Lichens LF code #Spp %Cover IT T S GF TF ML n/a 3 2 1 1 n/a 5 50 5 70 3 25 Vegetation Condition Benchmarks Rainforest and Related Scrub RCO Coastal rainforest LF Code Typical Understorey Species* Common Name T T T T T T T T T S S LSR LSR GF GF GF TF SCE Anodopetalum biglandulosum horizontal Anopterus glandulosus Tasmanian laurel Cenarrhenes nitida native plum Monotoca glauca goldey wood Olearia argophylla musk daisybush Phyllocladus aspleniifolius celerytop pine Pittosporum bicolor cheesewood Pomaderris apetala dogwood Richea pandanifolia pandani Archeria spp. rainforest-heath Pimelea drupacea cherry riceflower Lepidosperma gladiatum coast swordsedge Lepidosperma laterale variable swordsedge Asplenium bulbiferum mother spleenwort Blechnum nudum fishbone waterfern Blechnum wattsii hard waterfern Dicksonia antarctica soft treefern Prionotes cerinthoides climbing heath *This list is provided as a guide only. The species listed are typical of this plant community type but may not necessarily be present. Ground: Forest Organic Litter Cover Logs (m/0.1ha) Recruitment 75% 40 Episodic Last reviewed – 25 March 2015 Tasmanian Vegetation Monitoring and Mapping Program Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment Vegetation Condition Benchmarks Rainforest and Related Scrub RFS Nothofagus gunnii rainforest scrub: northern and central facies Community Description: Nothofagus gunnii rainforest scrub may be dense and continuous or form mosaics with alpine heathlands and sedgeland. In the central highlands and Cradle Mountain - Lake St. Clair National Park there may be few other species apart from sparsely scattered emergent Athrotaxis cupressoides and/or A. selaginoides. This benchmark is one of 2 benchmarks available to assess the condition of RFS. Dominant Life Form Cover: 100% Dominant Species LF Code Common Name Nothofagus gunnii Athrotaxis cupressoides Athrotaxis selaginoides T T T deciduous beech pencil pine king billy pine Understorey: Life Forms LF code #Spp %Cover Tree or large shrub Shrub Mosses and Lichens T S ML 3 2 n/a 100 5 5 Organic Litter Cover: 95% LF Code Typical Understorey Species* Common Name T S S S S S Richea pandanifolia pandani Diselma archeri dwarf pine Olearia persoonioides geebung daisybush Olearia pinifolia prickly daisybush Richea scoparia scoparia Tetracarpaea tasmanica delicate laurel *This list is provided as a guide only. The species listed are typical of this plant community type but may not necessarily be present. Last reviewed – 25 March 2015 Tasmanian Vegetation Monitoring and Mapping Program Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment Vegetation Condition Benchmarks Rainforest and Related Scrub RFS Nothofagus gunnii rainforest scrub: western and southern facies Community Description: Nothofagus gunnii rainforest scrub may be dense and continuous or form mosaics with alpine heathlands and sedgeland. In the west, this community generally has an uneven canopy and is floristically diverse. Subalpine N .gunnii / Diselma archeri scrubs occur on parts of the Mount Read Plateau, while a subalpine facies north-east of Mt. Bobs lacks D. archeri but has “stumps” of Dracophyllum milliganii. This benchmark is one of 2 benchmarks available to assess the condition of RFS. Dominant Life Form Cover: 80% Dominant Species LF Code Common Name Nothofagus gunnii Diselma archeri S S deciduous beech dwarf pine Understorey: Life Forms Tree or large shrub Shrub Herbs and orchids Medium to small sedge/rush/sagg/lily Ground fern Mosses and Lichens Organic Litter Cover: 70% LF code #Spp %Cover T S H MSR GF ML 2 6 3 4 1 n/a 10 80 5 10 5 5 Vegetation Condition Benchmarks Rainforest and Related Scrub RFS Nothofagus gunnii rainforest scrub: western and southern facies LF Code Typical Understorey Species* Common Name T T S S S S S S S S S S H H H H H H H H H MSR MSR MSR MSR GF Athrotaxis selaginoides king billy pine Cenarrhenes nitida native plum Bauera rubioides wiry bauera Diselma archeri dwarf pine Dracophyllum milliganii curly mountainheath Epacris serpyllifolia alpine heath Melaleuca squamea swamp honeymyrtle Orites milliganii toothed orites Persoonia gunnii mountain geebung Sprengelia incarnata pink swampheath Telopea truncata tasmanian waratah Trochocarpa gunnii fragrant purpleberry Actinotus bellidioides tiny flannelflower Anemone crassifolia mountain anemone Astelia alpina var. alpina pineapple grass Celmisia spp. snowdaisy Chionogentias spp. snowgentian Dichondra repens kidneyweed Schizacme montana mountain mitrewort Senecio pectinatus alpine groundsel Stylidium spp. triggerplant Empodisma minus spreading roperush Lepidosperma spp. swordsedge Oreobolus spp. cushionsedge Xyris spp. yelloweye Gleichenia alpina alpine coralfern *This list is provided as a guide only. The species listed are typical of this plant community type but may not necessarily be present. Last reviewed – 25 March 2015 Tasmanian Vegetation Monitoring and Mapping Program Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment Vegetation Condition Benchmarks Rainforest and Related Scrub RHP Lagarostrobos franklinii rainforest and scrub: forest Community Description: Lagarostrobos franklinii rainforest and scrub is dominated by or has a significant component of Lagarostrobos franklinii usually combined with rainforest species and sometimes Acacia melanoxylon in the canopy over an understorey of other rainforest species. Sometimes L. franklinii forms pure stands with sparse, shrubby or implicate understoreys, usually on deep alluvium. Rocky streamside short forest and scrub may have a combination of small trees of L. franklinii, Leptospermum species, Proteaceae species, rainforest and riverine species and be quite diverse. Trees can reach heights of up to 30 m. Overstorey: Tree Canopy Cover: Forest – 70% Large Trees: Height (m) DBH (cm) #/ha 15 30 100 Forest Large Tree Species Common Name Lagarostrobos franklinii Acacia melanoxylon Atherosperma moschatum Eucryphia lucida Nothofagus cunninghamii Phyllocladus aspleniifolius huon pine blackwood sassafras leatherwood myrtle beech celerytop pine Notes Understorey: Life Forms Immature tree Tree or large shrub Shrub Herbs and orchids Large sedge/rush/sagg/lily Medium to small sedge/rush/sagg/lily Ground fern Scrambler/Climber/Epiphytes Mosses and Lichens LF code #Spp %Cover IT T S H LSR MSR GF SCE ML n/a 5 5 1 2 1 2 4 n/a 40 20 10 <1 10 1 20 2 5 Vegetation Condition Benchmarks Rainforest and Related Scrub RHP Lagarostrobos franklinii rainforest and scrub: forest LF Code Typical Understorey Species* Common Name T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T S S S S S H H LSR LSR LSR GF GF SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE Acacia mucronata caterpillar wattle Acacia verticillata prickly moses Acradenia frankliniae whitey wood Agastachys odorata fragrant candlebush Anodopetalum biglandulosum horizontal Anopterus glandulosus tasmanian laurel Archeria hirtella smooth rainforest-heath Cenarrhenes nitida native plum Leptospermum spp. teatree Orites diversifolia variable orites Phyllocladus aspleniifolius celerytop pine Pittosporum bicolor cheesewood Richea pandanifolia pandani Tasmannia lanceolata mountain pepper Trochocarpa gunnii fragrant purpleberry Archeria hirtella smooth rainforest-heath Coprosma spp. currant Leptecophylla juniperina pinkberry Olearia persoonioides geebung daisybush Trochocarpa cunninghamii straggling purpleberry Hydrocotyle spp. pennywort Libertia pulchella pretty grassflag Baloskion tetraphyllum tassel cordrush Gahnia grandis cutting grass Lepidosperma spp. swordsedge Blechnum wattsii hard waterfern Gleichenia microphylla scrambling coralfern Bauera rubioides wiry bauera Grammitis billardierei common fingerfern Hymenophyllum spp. filmyfern Microsorum pustulatum kangaroo fern Prionotes cerinthoides climbing heath *This list is provided as a guide only. The species listed are typical of this plant community type but may not necessarily be present. Ground: Forest Organic Litter Cover Logs (m/0.1ha) Recruitment 15% 50 Continuous Last reviewed – 25 March 2015 Tasmanian Vegetation Monitoring and Mapping Program Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment Vegetation Condition Benchmarks Rainforest and Related Scrub RML Nothofagus – Leptospermum short rainforest Community Description: Nothofagus – Leptospermum short rainforest is rainforest in which 15 – 50% of the canopy is mature Leptospermum species. The rainforest is generally thamnic and moderately floristically diverse, with Phyllocladus aspleniifolius, Eucryphia species, Atherosperma moschatum and Anodopetalum biglandulosum and sometimes Acacia melanoxylon co-dominant with Nothofagus cunninghamii. Overstorey: Tree Canopy Cover: Forest – 100% Large Trees: Height (m) DBH (cm) #/ha 10 15 250 Forest Large Tree Species Common Name Nothofagus cunninghamii Leptospermum glaucescens Leptospermum lanigerum Leptospermum nitidum Leptospermum scoparium Acacia melanoxylon Anodopetalum biglandulosum Atherosperma moschatum Eucryphia spp. Phyllocladus aspleniifolius myrtle beech smoky teatree woolly teatree shiny teatree common teatree blackwood horizontal sassafras leatherwood celerytop pine Notes Understorey: Life Forms Tree or large shrub Large sedge/rush/sagg/lily Ground fern Mosses and Lichens LF code #Spp %Cover T LSR GF ML 3 1 1 n/a 10 5 25 3 Vegetation Condition Benchmarks Rainforest and Related Scrub RML Nothofagus – Leptospermum short rainforest LF Code Typical Understorey Species* Common Name T T T T T T T T T LSR GF Anodopetalum biglandulosum horizontal Anopterus glandulosus Tasmanian laurel Archeria spp. rainforest-heath Cenarrhenes nitida native plum Orites diversifolia variable orites Richea pandanifolia pandani Tasmannia lanceolata mountain pepper Telopea truncata tasmanian waratah Trochocarpa gunnii fragrant purpleberry Gahnia grandis cutting grass Lycopodiella spp. clubmoss *This list is provided as a guide only. The species listed are typical of this plant community type but may not necessarily be present. Ground: Forest Organic Litter Cover Logs (m/0.1ha) Recruitment 80% 10 Episodic Last reviewed – 25 March 2015 Tasmanian Vegetation Monitoring and Mapping Program Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment Vegetation Condition Benchmarks Rainforest and Related Scrub RMT Nothofagus - Atherosperma rainforest Community Description: Nothofagus – Atherosperma rainforest is tall (25+ m) rainforest in which the canopy is dominated by Nothofagus cunninghamii, and sometimes Atherosperma moschatum on relatively fertile soils. Eucryphia lucida may co-dominate. Structure varies from callidendrous to thamnic, where in the latter, there is Trochocarpa species and/ or Anopterus glandulosus and other broadleaf shrubs in the understorey. This benchmark is most suitable for assessing the lowland callidendrous component of RMT. Overstorey: Tree Canopy Cover: Forest – 75% Large Trees: Height (m) DBH (cm) #/ha 30 60 100 Forest Large Tree Species Common Name Nothofagus cunninghamii Atherosperma moschatum Eucryphia lucida myrtle beech sassafras leatherwood Notes Understorey: Life Forms Immature tree Tree or large shrub Shrub Herbs and orchids Large sedge/rush/sagg/lily Medium to small sedge/rush/sagg/lily Ground fern Tree fern Scrambler/Climber/Epiphytes Mosses and Lichens LF code #Spp %Cover IT T S H LSR MSR GF TF SCE ML n/a 3 2 2 1 1 2 1 5 n/a 20 5 <5 <1 1 <1 10 10 1 20 Vegetation Condition Benchmarks Rainforest and Related Scrub RMT Nothofagus - Atherosperma rainforest LF Code Typical Understorey Species* Common Name T T T T T T T S S S S H H H H LSR MSR MSR GF GF GF GF GF TF SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE Anodopetalum biglandulosum horizontal Anopterus glandulosus Tasmanian laurel Archeria spp. rainforest heath Leptospermum lanigerum woolly teatree Olearia argophylla musk daisybush Pittosporum bicolor cheesewood Tasmannia lanceolata mountain pepper Aristotelia peduncularis heartberry Coprosma spp. currant Pimelea drupacea cherry riceflower Trochocarpa spp. purpleberry Australina pusilla shade nettle Hydrocotyle spp. pennywort Libertia pulchella pretty grassflag Oxalis magellanica snowdrop woodsorrel Gahnia grandis cutting grass Carex spp. sedge Uncinia tenella delicate hooksedge Blechnum wattsii hard waterfern Histiopteris incisa batswing fern Lycopodium fastigiatum mountain clubmoss Microsorum pustulatum kangaroo fern Polystichum proliferum mother shieldfern Dicksonia antarctica soft treefern Asplenium spp. spleenwort Clematis aristata mountain clematis Ctenopteris heterophylla gypsy fern Grammitis spp. fingerfern Hymenophyllum spp. filmyfern Rumohra adiantiformis leathery shieldfern *This list is provided as a guide only. The species listed are typical of this plant community type but may not necessarily be present. Ground: Forest Organic Litter Cover Logs (m/0.1ha) Recruitment 75% 100 Continuous Last reviewed – 25 March 2015 Tasmanian Vegetation Monitoring and Mapping Program Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment Vegetation Condition Benchmarks Rainforest and Related Scrub RPW Athrotaxis cupressoides open woodland: Sphagnum peatland facies Community Description: Athrotaxis cupressoides open woodland is vegetation (generally above 900 m) in which Athrotaxis cupressoides (5 – 8 m) forms small woodland patches or appears as copses and small trees scattered through alpine heathland, sedgeland, fernland and Sphagnum bogs, and along creeklines and lake margins protected from fire. On the Central Plateau and Mount Field broad poorly drained valleys and small glacial depressions may be occupied by Sphagnum cristatum bogs with emergent Athrotaxis cupressoides. This is the appropriate benchmark to use in assessing the condition of the treed Sphagnum peatland component of the listed Athrotaxis cupressoides open woodland community (Schedule 3A, Nature Conservation Act 2002). Overstorey: Tree Canopy Cover: Forest – 40% Large Trees: Height (m) DBH (cm) #/ha 5 25 40 Forest Large Tree Species Common Name Athrotaxis cupressoides pencil pine Notes Understorey: Life Forms Tree or large shrub Shrub Herbs and orchids Large sedge/rush/sagg/lily Medium to small sedge/rush/sagg/lily Ground fern Mosses and Lichens LF code #Spp %Cover T S H LSR MSR GF ML 2 4 2 1 2 1 2 10 10 <1 5 1 <1 40 Vegetation Condition Benchmarks Rainforest and Related Scrub RPW Athrotaxis cupressoides open woodland: Sphagnum peatland facies LF Code Typical Understorey Species* Common Name T T T T T T S S S S S S S S PS H H LSR LSR MSR MSR MSR MSR GF GF GF GF ML ML Atherosperma moschatum Athrotaxis selaginoides Nothofagus cunninghamii Phyllocladus aspleniifolius Tasmannia lanceolata Telopea truncata Baeckea gunniana Bauera rubioides Coprosma nitida Gaultheria tasmanica Leptecophylla juniperina Melaleuca squamea Microstrobos niphophilus Persoonia gunnii Microcachrys tetragona Cardamine spp. Hydrocotyle spp. Baumea spp. Gahnia grandis Isolepis spp. Luzula spp. Milligania densiflora Schoenus spp. Blechnum penna-marina Blechnum wattsii Histiopteris incisa Lycopodium fastigiatum sassafras king billy pine myrtle beech celerytop pine mountain pepper tasmanian waratah alpine heathmyrtle wiry bauera mountain currant tasmanian waxberry pinkberry swamp honeymyrtle drooping pine geebung creeping pine bittercress pennywort twigsedge cutting grass clubsedge woodrush silky milligania bogsedge alpine waterfern hard waterfern batswing fern mountain clubmoss Sphagnum australe sphagnum Sphagnum cristatum sphagnum *This list is provided as a guide only. The species listed are typical of this plant community type but may not necessarily be present Ground: Forest Organic Litter Cover Logs (m/0.1ha) Recruitment 1% 5 Episodic Last reviewed – 25 March 2015 Tasmanian Vegetation Monitoring and Mapping Program Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment
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