Vegetation Condition Benchmarks Rainforest and Related Scrub RFS Nothofagus gunnii rainforest scrub: western and southern facies Community Description: Nothofagus gunnii rainforest scrub may be dense and continuous or form mosaics with alpine heathlands and sedgeland. In the west, this community generally has an uneven canopy and is floristically diverse. Subalpine N .gunnii / Diselma archeri scrubs occur on parts of the Mount Read Plateau, while a subalpine facies north-east of Mt. Bobs lacks D. archeri but has “stumps” of Dracophyllum milliganii. This benchmark is one of 2 benchmarks available to assess the condition of RFS. Dominant Life Form Cover: 80% Dominant Species LF Code Common Name Nothofagus gunnii Diselma archeri S S deciduous beech dwarf pine Understorey: Life Forms Tree or large shrub Shrub Herbs and orchids Medium to small sedge/rush/sagg/lily Ground fern Mosses and Lichens Organic Litter Cover: 70% LF code #Spp %Cover T S H MSR GF ML 2 6 3 4 1 n/a 10 80 5 10 5 5 Vegetation Condition Benchmarks Rainforest and Related Scrub RFS Nothofagus gunnii rainforest scrub: western and southern facies LF Code Typical Understorey Species* Common Name T T S S S S S S S S S S H H H H H H H H H MSR MSR MSR MSR GF Athrotaxis selaginoides king billy pine Cenarrhenes nitida native plum Bauera rubioides wiry bauera Diselma archeri dwarf pine Dracophyllum milliganii curly mountainheath Epacris serpyllifolia alpine heath Melaleuca squamea swamp honeymyrtle Orites milliganii toothed orites Persoonia gunnii mountain geebung Sprengelia incarnata pink swampheath Telopea truncata tasmanian waratah Trochocarpa gunnii fragrant purpleberry Actinotus bellidioides tiny flannelflower Anemone crassifolia mountain anemone Astelia alpina var. alpina pineapple grass Celmisia spp. snowdaisy Chionogentias spp. snowgentian Dichondra repens kidneyweed Schizacme montana mountain mitrewort Senecio pectinatus alpine groundsel Stylidium spp. triggerplant Empodisma minus spreading roperush Lepidosperma spp. swordsedge Oreobolus spp. cushionsedge Xyris spp. yelloweye Gleichenia alpina alpine coralfern *This list is provided as a guide only. The species listed are typical of this plant community type but may not necessarily be present. Last reviewed – 25 March 2015 Tasmanian Vegetation Monitoring and Mapping Program Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment
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