Vegetation Condition Benchmarks Scrub, heathland and coastal complexes SSZ Spray zone coastal complex Community Description: Spray zone coastal complex occurs on steep coastal slopes and cliffs of high-energy coastlines subject to extreme salt spray and often inundation. This wind-pruned vegetation is comprised of highly salt tolerant coastal heathland and succulent herbfield. Several plant sub-communities may co-exist within a relatively small area, with their distribution relating to exposure, substrate type and length of inundation. Species diversity and density of cover increases on more protected sites. Lichens often encrust the rocks. This is the appropriate benchmark to use in assessing the condition of the listed Spray zone coastal complex community (Schedule 3A, Nature Conservation Act 2002). Dominant Life Form Cover: 60% Dominant Species LF Code Common Name Rhagodia candolleana subsp. candolleana Disphyma crassifolium subsp. clavellatum Carpobrotus rossii Sarcocornia quinqueflora SCE SCE SCE SCE coastal saltbush roundleaf pigface native pigface glasswort Understorey: Life Forms Shrub Herbs and orchids Grass Large sedge/rush/sagg/lily Medium to small sedge/rush/sagg/lily Tiny grass/tiny sedge/tiny lily Ground fern Scrambler/Climber/Epiphyte Mosses and Lichens Organic Litter Cover: 5% LF code #Spp %Cover S H G LSR MSR TGS GF SCE ML 2 10 4 4 1 3 1 1 n/a 20 <5 10 <5 <1 <1 <1 60 10 Vegetation Condition Benchmarks Scrub, heathland and coastal complexes SSZ Spray zone coastal complex LF Code Typical Understorey Species* Common Name S S S S S S S S S H H H H H H H G G G G G LSR LSR MSR TGS TGS TGS GF GF SCE SCE Alyxia buxifolia Calytrix tetragona Correa backhouseana Myoporum insulare Leptecophylla abietina Leucophyta brownii Olearia glutinosa Olearia lepidophylla Ozothamnus turbinatus Apium prostratum Crassula sieberiana Lepidium foliosum Lobelia anceps Pelargonium australe Samolus repens Stylidium graminifolium Austrostipa stipoides Distichlis distichophylla Poa poiformis Spinifex sericeus Themeda triandra Isolepis nodosa Lomandra longifolia Schoenus nitens Centrolepis spp. Isolepis spp. Schoenus spp. Pteridium esculentum Selaginella uliginosa Muehlenbeckia adpressa Tetragonia implexicoma seabox common fringemyrtle velvet correa common boobialla seaspray pinkberry cushion bush sticky daisybush clubmoss daisybush coast everlastingbush creeping sea-celery stonecrop leafy peppercress angled lobelia southern storksbill creeping brookweed narrowleaf triggerplant coast speargrass australian saltgrass coastal tussockgrass beach spinifex kangaroo grass knobby clubsedge sagg shiny bogsedge bristlewort clubsedge bogsedge bracken swamp spikemoss climbing lignum bower spinach *This list is provided as a guide only. The species listed are typical of this plant community type but may not necessarily be present. Last reviewed - 25 March 2015 Tasmanian Vegetation Monitoring and Mapping Program Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment
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