New Experience OB/GYN & Medspa Anita Fulton MD, FACOG Spring, TX 77379

New Experience OB/GYN & Medspa
Anita Fulton MD, FACOG
21334 Kuykendahl Rd Suite A
Spring, TX 77379
Phone: 281-528-7676 Fax:281-528-8859
Congratulations on your pregnancy!
Having a baby is a joyous time in a woman’s life. It also comes with a tummy load of
questions and anxieties. Take a deep breath. We’re here to help.
Enclosed in this packet is some useful information about your pregnancy, nutrition, and
prenatal care.
Dr Fulton Delivers at Tomball Regional Medical Center, Houston Northwest, and St. Luke’s
Vintage. Feel free to call anyone of these hospitals that you are interested in that also will accept your
insurance and schedule a tour.
Tomball Regional
Houston Northwest
St. Luke’s Vintage
605 Holderrieth Boulevard
Tomball, TX 77375
(281) 401-7500
710 F.M. 1960 West
Houston, TX 77090
(281) 440-1000
20171 Chasewood Park Dr
Houston, TX 77070
(832) 534-5000
Clinic hours are from 9:00am-12:00pm and 1:00pm-5:00pm on Monday and 7:00am to 3:00pm
Tuesday through Friday. Our office provides Ultrasounds through Sound Choices on Tuesdays which
is only ordered through Dr Fulton.
If you have an emergency after office hours you can reach Dr. Fulton by calling our office
phone number (281) 528-7676 which will then direct you to our 24 hr answering service.
Dr. Fulton and our medical staff look forward to caring for you during this exciting time in your life.
Dr. Fulton cares about your health and well-being of you and you’re your baby, and will strive to help
you enjoy this very special time. Thank you for choosing New Experience OB/GYN for your prenatal
What to Expect
What to expect at each prenatal visit is a gradual and exciting introduction to the newest member of
your family! Over the course of your pregnancy, you will see, hear and feel your new baby. At
delivery, you will finally be able to put a face to the precious child you've come to know.
At the first visit, you will begin to establish a new bond with Dr. Fulton. Discussion will begin with the
date of your last period to establish your due date. Your health history will be reviewed. If you have
any medical problems such as high blood pressure or diabetes, these issues will be addressed.
Modifications to the number or frequency of visits and ultrasounds will be made.
Various outside factors in your life need to be addressed. For example, if you have cats, we ask you not
to change their litter box or get too snuggly with them. If you travel for business or have a particularly
strenuous job, this should be discussed.
Some basic rules of thumb are:
1. Check with your doctor on all prescription drugs.
2. Stay away from smoking and alcohol.
3. Keep exercise to 30 minutes a day maximum for aerobics and keep your pulse under 140 beats per
4. Travel is okay on an individual basis, up to about 30 weeks.
After going over this information, you will receive an exam. A breast check and pap smear will be
done, as well as cultures for bacteria and blood work to check your blood type and count, to rule out
any sexually transmitted diseases, and to check your carrier status for cystic fibrosis.
Now for the most exciting part: the ultrasound to see your little bundle of joy! Depending on how far
along you are, you may see a heartbeat, arm and leg buds, and sometimes even spontaneous movement
of the baby.
The next visits are every four weeks, up to 28 weeks gestation. They are quick and easy. Each time,
your blood pressure, weight, and urine are checked. Your tummy is measured for growth and the
heartbeat is heard. This enables us to assure you of adequate growth and to determine that no problems
are arising from your changing hormones.
At 16 weeks gestation, a blood test is done to check for Spina Bifida, Down's Syndrome, and other
chromosome related problems. If the test result is abnormal, or if you are 35 years old or over, you
may choose to have genetic testing. Dr. Fulton will discuss this with you, if appropriate.
At 20 weeks a routine ultrasound will be done. This ultrasound is done to check the fetal growth and
anatomy. Fetal gender may be given out if desired. During this time movement from the baby will
become apparent. This is the time to begin planning your birthing classes, looking for pediatricians,
and starting to get your nursery ready at home.
At 24 to 28 weeks blood work is done to screen for diabetes in everyone. If abnormal you will have to
do a 3 hour glucose tolerance test. We suggest that every patient doing the test bring something they
enjoy reading or for 3 hour testers a blanket to rest in our MedSpa room.
At 28 weeks, your visits increase to every two weeks. If you have RH Negative blood you will receive
a Rhogam injection at 28 weeks to prevent RH Disease. Some insurance do not cover the injection
therefore you may be given orders to go to the hospital.
At 30 weeks you will meet with the office manager to go over any insurance questions you may have.
Also to make sure that your hospital is in network with your insurance, especially if you may have a
Medicaid insurance plan. If you have a printed birthing plan we can make a copy for the hospital and
for the office so on your special day your delivery can go as planned.
At 36 weeks, you're on the downhill slide. Visits take place weekly. The same checks are done, but
now an additional test for Group B Strep is performed and additional blood work. Group B strep is
found in 8-10% of all women and can be very dangerous in preterm infants. Antibiotics are given to
protect the baby before or during labor. Your cervix will usually be checked each week in the hope of
noting progress toward labor. These weekly visits continue until you go into labor or until 41 weeks
(40 weeks is full term). At 41 weeks we discuss induction because going more than one week overdue
is usually considered dangerous. We will also still go by your birthing plan as much as possible.
And then, it feels like it all happened so fast. The baby is here, and you have a face to behold and
fingers and toes to count! But it's just beginning — the diapers, the sleepless nights, they're asking to
borrow the car keys.
What to do after you find out your pregnant
* Call insurance company to notify them of your pregnancy (weeks 1-12)
* Register for prenatal classes if you are interested (weeks 28-32)
* Fill out hospital pre-admission forms (weeks 30-34)
* Select a pediatrician (weeks 30-34) which our office has cards.
Below is a diagram to help you understand you appointments and scheduled test.
Concerns & Reasons to call our office.
Visit every 4 weeks
Prenatal labs, Pap test,
Vaginal culture.
Miscarriage, Bleeding, pelvic pain, severe
Visits every 4
AFP or Amnio,
Ultrasound at 18-20
Bleeding, abdominal or pelvic pain or pelvic
pressure, leakage of fluid
Visits every 4
Visits every 4
Visits every 2
Visits every week
Decreased fetal movement, bleeding, pelvic
pain, leakage of fluid
1hr Glucose, CBC, &
Rhogam at 28weeks
(if needed)
Decreased fetal movement, bleeding,
abdominal or pelvic pain, frequent abdominal
cramps, headaches, visual changes
Strep B Culture at 36
weeks and Blood
Decreased fetal movement, bleeding,
abdominal or pelvic pain, frequent abdominal
cramps, headaches, visual changes
Persistent & consistent hard contractions,
bleeding, leaking fluid, headaches, visual
changes, decrease fetal movement
2 wks
Only if C-Section
6 wks
Post Partum
Check incision
Signs of depression, breast infection, heavy
bleeding, fever lower abdominal pain, foul
smelling vaginal discharge
Signs of depression, breast infection, heavy
bleeding, fever lower abdominal pain, foul
smelling vaginal discharge
Laboratory Testing
Complete Blood Count ( CBC ) screen identifies different types of anemia and platelet
Blood type and antibody Screen looks for potential incompatibility between your blood and your
baby’s blood.
Rubella testing done to confirm immunity to German measles. If you are non-immune, you should
avoid exposure to infected individuals. A rubella vaccination should be obtained after delivery.
HIV testing is offered and strongly recommended. Aside from the obvious importance to your
health, identification of an HIV infection will also aid the prevention of transmission to newborns
Varicella ( Chicken Pox ) testing is recommended if you are unsure whether or not you have has
chicken pox. If you are non-immune, you should avoid exposure to infected individuals. A
vermicelli vaccination should be obtained after delivery.
Syphilis testing is important. Syphilis can cause severe birth defects if undetected.
Hepatitis B is a virus, which can lead to liver disease and liver cancer. Special precautions are
taken at the time of delivery to prevent transmission to your baby if you are found to be a carrier.
Hepatitis C testing will be performed for those patients interested in a water birth.
Thyroid ( TSH ) there are Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism, which we will be checking to
make sure your thyroid is in normal rang.
Cystic Fibrosis is a life-long illness that is usually diagnosed in the first few years of life. This
disorder causes problems with breathing and digestion. Cystic Fibrosis does not affect intelligence.
Cystic Fibrosis testing may not be covered by your insurance. The estimated carrier risk is as
follows: Ashkenazi Jewish 1/25, Non-Hispanic Caucasian 1/25, African American 1/65 and
Hispanic-American 1/46.
Urine Culture test for urinary tract infections, which are more common in pregnancy, usually less
symptomatic and can lead to kidney infections if left untreated.
Gonorrhea and Chlamydia ( STD’s )DNA probes are used to screen for infections of the cervix
which can infect newborns.
Group B Streptococcus Culture is done between 35-37 weeks. We follow the guidelines
recommended by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists to administer
antibiotics during labor for all pregnancies at risk for an infection.
If your occupation or social circumstances predispose you to other infectious diseases such as
Tuberculosis, Fifth Disease or Toxoplasmosis, additional testing may be appropriate.
We Need To Know
Please call us if you have any of the symptoms listed below:
Persistent headaches
Blurred vision or seeing spots
Sudden weight gain
Sudden swelling
Run a temperature of 101 or greater
Any vaginal bleeding, regardless of color or cramping
Abdominal pain
Any loss of amniotic fluid (can feel like a gush, or slight leaking)
A decrease fetal movement
Medications used in Pregnancy/Breastfeeding
Cold and Flu
Safe Medications to Take During Pregnancy*
Tylenol (acetaminophen) or Tylenol Cold, Warm salt/water gargle, Saline nasal drops or
spray, Sudafed, Actifed, Dristan, Neosynephrine*, Robitussin DM, Trind-DM, Vicks Cough
Syrup, Romilar, Halls* *Do not take "SA" (sustained action) forms of these drugs or the "MultiSymptom" forms of these drugs.
Metamucil, Citrucil, Fiberall, Fibercon, Colace, Senekot
For 24 hours, only after 12 weeks of pregnancy: Kaopectate, Immodium, Parepectolin
First Aid Ointment J & J, Bacitracin , Neosporin
Tylenol (acetaminophen)
Maalox, Mylanta ,Tums,
Preparation H, Anusol Hc, Analpram 1% HC,
Nausea /Vomiting
Phenergan(25mg supp or tab) / Emetrol (if not diabetic) / Sea bands
Hydrocortisone cream/ointment, Caladryl lotion, Benadryl cream, Oatmeal bath (Aveeno)
Yeast Infection
Monistat or Terazol Do not insert applicator too far
Herpes Outbreak
Valtrex 500 mg- Outbreak 2 times a day for 5 days
Bacterial Vagniosis Metro Gel (not in first trimester)
Iron Supplement
Slow Fe 50mg / Feosol 45 mg Or any over the counter supplement , call the office for help
Common Over-the-Counter Medication that are safe to take during pregnancy:
Anusol HC (Hydrocortisone cream) 2-4 times a day topically (Hemorrhoids)
Benadryl (Dyphenhydramine) 25-50mg every 6 hours as needs (Antihistamine)
Chlor-Trimeton (Chlorpheniramine) 4mg every 6 hours as needed (Antihistamine)
Colas (Docusate Sodium) 100mg 2xs daily (Stool Softner)
Maalox or Mylanta 30 mins after meals (antacids) (better than Tums-also safe)
Robitussin 10ml every 4 hours as needed (cough) (any over-the-counter types)
Sudafed (Pseudoephedrine) 60mg every 6 hours as needed ( non-drowsy decongestant)
Tylenol (Acetaminophen) 6 hours as needed ( Headache, pain, or fever) total dose not to
exceed 4000mg every 24hrs
Common Over-The-Counter Medications to Avoid Unless Otherwise Directed:
Advil, Motrin, Nuprin (Ibuprofen)
Aleve ( Naproxen)
Morning (All Day) Sickness Helpful Hints
 Always try to keep something in your stomach, starting from the minute you wake up.
 Eat small amounts frequently.
 Chew gum
 Avoid fats & greasy foods that tent to upset the stomach. For this reason, avoid fried foods &
foods cooked with grease, oils or fat meats. Eat very little, or none of the following :
 Butter, Margarines, Oils
 Mayonnaise, Salad dressing
 Pie crusts, pastries
 Bacon, Fat back
 Gravy
 Highly seasoned foods such as those cooked with:
 Garlic,
 Onion,
 Pepper,
 Chili & other spices may upset your stomach.
Prenatal Vitamins:
The amount of nutrients a woman needs during pregnancy is significantly higher than prepregnancy. Prenatal vitamins are recommended for all women-even those with an excellent diet-to
provide the extra nutrients needed to sustain a healthy pregnancy. By providing extra nutrients to the
body, both mother and baby can be healthy and happy during pregnancy. We ask that you take a
prenatal vitamin on a daily basis, if you are not satisfied with the prenatal vitamins that were
prescribed to you or if you are having problems with them, please contact our office and we can help
you in every way we can. There are many choices out there and we would be happy to help you in
choosing a prenatal vitamin that is good for you.
Good Nutrition during Pregnancy
Congratulations! You are now eating for more than one. This guide will help you choose the most
healthful foods for you and your baby.
What foods should I eat?
You will need an additional 200 to 300 extra calories from nutrient-dense foods compared with how
you ate prior to your pregnancy. It will be important to carefully consider the foods you consume
during your pregnancy. This is a time to eat more foods that are nutrient-dense, and fewer sweets and
treats. Use these guidelines to choose a healthy diet:
Daily guidelines for eating healthy during pregnancy
Eat a variety of foods. Use the MyPyramid website ( as a guide to choose the
amounts of foods in each food group.
Choose whole grain carbohydrates that are a good source of fiber.
Take your prenatal vitamin daily and/or any other prescribed vitamins and minerals. Your
prenatal vitamin should contain at least 400 mcg of folic acid. The March of Dimes suggests
that 70 percent of all neural tube defects can be avoided with appropriate folic acid intake.
Choose at least one good source of folic acid. Foods rich in folic acid include green leafy
vegetables, fruits (orange juice, strawberries), and fortified cereals.
Drink or eat four servings of dairy products or foods rich in calcium.
Eat at least three servings of iron-rich foods. You should get 18 milligrams of iron in your diet
daily. Good sources include enriched grain products, lean meat, poultry and fish, eggs, and
green leafy vegetables.
Choose at least one good source of Vitamin A every other day. Foods rich in Vitamin A often
have a yellow or orange color to them. They include carrots, sweet potatoes, apricots, and
Avoid alcohol. Alcohol has been linked with premature delivery and low birth weight babies as
well as Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.
Limit caffeine to 300 mg per day. You may choose: two 5-ounce cups of coffee, three 5-ounce
cups of tea, or two 12-ounce glasses of caffeinated soda.
You may use some non-nutritive, artificial sweeteners during pregnancy. The FDA has
approved the use of aspartame (Nutrasweet®), sucralose (Splenda®) and acesulfame-K. The
FDA does not recommend saccharin because it can remain in fetal tissues.
Eat salty foods in moderation. Salt causes your body to retain water and could lead to an
elevation in your blood pressure.
Do not diet! Even if you are overweight, your pregnancy is not an acceptable time to lose
weight. You or your baby could be missing essential nutrients for good growth.
Are there foods that are harmful to eat during pregnancy?
There are specific foods that you will want to avoid during your pregnancy. Hormonal changes during
pregnancy can have a negative effect on your immune system and put you at greater risk for
contracting a foodborne illness. The Centers for Disease Control have found that contracting the
foodborne illness Listeria during pregnancy can cause premature delivery, miscarriage, and even fetal
death. Pregnant women are 20 times more likely to contract Listeria. You can decrease your chances of
contracting Listeria by avoiding hot dogs, luncheon meats, soft cheeses, and unpasteurized milk
products. Soft cheeses include feta, Brie, Camembert, blue-veined cheeses, and Mexican-style cheeses
such as queso blanco and queso fresco. Other foods that are more likely to cause foodborne illnesses
include sushi, rare beef, raw eggs, Caesar dressing, and mayonnaise.
Another food of concern for pregnant women is fish. Although fish is a low-fat, healthful protein
choice, there are certain fish that have elevated levels of methyl mercury or PCBs, a pollutant in the
environment. Consuming fish with high levels of methyl mercury during pregnancy has been
associated with brain damage and developmental delay for your baby. Shark, swordfish, king
mackerel, and tilefish have higher levels of mercury and should be avoided. The March of Dimes
cautions against eating fish that may contain higher levels of PCBs. Fish in this category include
bluefish, bass, freshwater salmon, pike, trout, and walleye.
How much weight should I gain?
Gaining the right amount of weight during pregnancy by eating a balanced diet is a good sign that your
baby is getting all of the nutrients he or she needs and is growing at a healthy rate.
Weight gain should be slow and gradual. In general, you should gain about two to four pounds during
your first three months of pregnancy and one pound a week for the remainder of the pregnancy. A
woman of average weight before pregnancy can expect to gain 25 to 35 pounds during the pregnancy.
You may need to gain more or less depending on whether you are underweight or overweight when
you get pregnant. Recommendations also differ if you are carrying more than one baby.
Where does all the weight go?
 Baby, 8 pounds
 Placenta, 2-3 pounds
 Amniotic fluid, 2-3 pounds
 Breast tissue, 2-3 pounds
 Blood supply, 4 pounds
 Fat stores for delivery and breastfeeding, 5-9 pounds
 Uterus increase, 2-5 pounds
TOTAL: 25-35 pounds
What if I am gaining too much weight?
Try to get your weight gain back on track. Don't consider losing weight or stopping weight gain
altogether. You should try to slow your weight gain to recommended amounts, depending on your
trimester. During the first trimester, you should gain 2 to 4 pounds total; during the second and third
trimester, you should gain 1 pound per week. Consider trying these diet changes to gain weight more
 Eat the appropriate portion size and avoid second helpings.
 Choose low-fat dairy products.
 Exercise; consider walking or swimming on most if not all days.
 Use low-fat cooking methods.
 Limit sweets and high-calorie snacks.
 Limit sweet and sugary drinks.
What if I am not gaining enough weight?
Every woman is different and not everyone will gain at the same rate. You should talk to your doctor if
you are concerned that you are not gaining enough. Weight gain can be hindered by nausea and
morning sickness. (See suggestions for when you are not feeling well.) Excessive vomiting can be a
symptom of hyperemesis gravidarum, which you should discuss with your doctor. Consider trying
these diet changes to gain weight within appropriate ranges:
Eat more frequently. Try eating 5-6 times per day.
 Choose nutrient and calorically dense foods such as dried fruit, nuts, crackers with peanut
butter, and ice cream.
 Add a little extra cheese, honey, margarine, or sugar to the foods you are eating.
What can I eat if I am not feeling well?
Pregnancy symptoms vary. Some women may have difficulty with morning sickness, diarrhea, or
constipation. Here are a few suggestions on how to deal with these symptoms.
 Morning sickness: For morning sickness, try eating crackers, cereal, or pretzels before you get
out of bed. Eat small meals more frequently throughout the day. Avoid fatty, fried foods.
 Constipation: Increase your fiber intake by eating high fiber cereal and fresh fruits and
vegetables. Also, make sure you are drinking plenty of water - at least eight glasses per day.
 Diarrhea: Increase your intake of foods containing pectin and gum fiber to help absorb excess
water. Good choices include: applesauce, bananas, white rice, oatmeal, refined wheat bread,
and smooth peanut butter.
 Heartburn: Eat small frequent meals throughout the day. Try drinking a glass of milk before
your meal. Avoid caffeine. Try not to lie down after eating a meal.
Are cravings normal?
Many women will have food cravings during pregnancy, but there are others who do not. If you have
food cravings, it's okay to indulge as long as it fits into a healthy diet and does not occur too often. If
you are craving non-food items such as ice, laundry detergent, dirt, clay, ashes, or paint chips, you may
have a condition known as pica. You should discuss this with your doctor immediately. Eating
nonfood items can be harmful to you and your baby and may be a sign of a nutritional deficiency such
as iron deficiency.
During pregnancy a woman is higher risk for a food borne illness because her immune system is not
functioning as it normally does. This makes it harder for her to fight off some potentially harmful
bacteria found in the food she eats.
Here are some simple rules to follow throughout your pregnancy to help avoid a food borne
 Wash hands well before and after handling raw meats
 Wash fruits and vegetables before eating
 Cook all meats thoroughly
 Avoid juices that are not pasteurized
 Avoid raw eggs
 Avoid raw sprouts as they may harbor more harmful bacteria
 Avoid raw seafood, meat or sushi
 Avoid soft cheeses such as feta, brie, camembert, or homemade cheeses, unless they are
made with pasteurized milk ( check labels )
 Hot dogs and deli meats should be heated until steaming hot to kill off potentially harmful
bacteria called listeriosis,which can grow at refrigerator temperatures.
 Seafood is another common area of concern for pregnant women. Remember that fish and
shellfish contain many essential nutrients, proteins and Omega-3 fatty acids, which can offer
many nutritional benefits.
What we are concerned about during pregnancy is exposure to fish and shellfish that have higher
levels of mercury in them.
Here are some simple rules to follow regarding fishg and shellfish during pregnancy :
 Avoid shark, swordfish, tilefish and king mackerel, they contain high levels of
 Limit all other fish and shellfish to no more than 12 ounces per week, or about 2-3 servings per
 The five most commonly eaten fish that are low in mercury are; shrimp, canned light tuna,
salmon, Pollock and catfish.
 Limit albacore or “white” tuna no more than 6 ounces per week
Consuming alcohol during pregnancy:
Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can cause physical and mental birth defects. Each year, up
to 40,000 babies are born with some degree of alcohol-related damage. Although many women are
aware that heavy drinking during pregnancy can cause birth defects, many do not realize that
moderate-or even light-drinking also may harm the fetus.
In fact, no level of alcohol used during pregnancy has been proven safe. Therefore, our office
recommends that pregnant woman do not drink any alcohol-including beer, wine, wine coolers, and
hard liquor throughout their pregnancy and while nursing. In addition, because women often do not
know they are pregnant for a few months, women who may be pregnant or those who are attempting to
become pregnant should abstain from drinking alcoholic beverages.
Recent government surveys indicate that about 13% of pregnant womon drink during pregnancy.
About 3% of pregnant women report binge drinking (five or more drinks on any one occasion ) or
frequent drinking ( seven or more drinks per week ). Women who binge drink or drink frequently
greatly increase the risk of alcohol-related damage to their babies.
When a pregnant woman drinks, alcohol passes swiftly through the placenta to her fetus. In the unborn
baby’s immature body, alcohol is broken down much more slowly than in an adult’s body. As a result
the alcohol level of the baby’s blood can be even higher and can remain elevated longer than the level
in the mother’s blood. This sometimes causes the baby to suffer lifelong damage.
Smoking During pregnancy:
Smoking nearly doubles a woman’s risk of having a low-birth weight baby. In 2004, 11.9% of
babies born to smokers in the Untied States were low birth weight (less than 5.5 pounds), compared to
7.2% of babies of nonsmokers. Low birth weight can result from poor growth before birth, preterm
delivery or a combination of both. Smoking has long been known to slow fetal growth. Smoking also
increases the risk of preterm delivery (before 37 weeks of gestation). Premature and low birth weight
babies face an increase risk of serious health problems during the newborn period, chronic lifelong
disabilities ( such as cerebral palsy, mental retardation and learning problems ), and even death.
The more a pregnant woman smokes, the greater her risk of having a low birth weight baby. However,
if a woman stops smoking even by the end of her second trimester of pregnancy, she is no more likely
to have a low birth weight baby than a woman who never smoked.
A recent study suggest that women who smoke anytime during the month before pregnancy to the end
of the first trimester are more likely to have a baby with birth defects, particularly congenital heart
defects. The risk of heart defects appears to increase with the number of cigarettes women smokes.
Can smoking cause pregnancy complications? Smoking is associated with a number of pregnancy
complications. Smoking cigarettes doubles a women’s risk of developing placental problems. These
 Placenta previa (a low lying placenta that covers part or all of the opening of the uterus)
 Placenta abruption (in which the placenta peels away, partially or almost completely,
from the uterine wall before delivery).
Both can result in heavy bleeding during delivery that can endanger mother and baby, although
cesarean delivery can prevent most deaths. Smoking in pregnancy increases a womans risk of
premature rupture of the membranes ( PROM ), when the sac that holds the baby inside the uterus
breaks before completion of 37 weeks of pregnancy. Usually when it breaks, normal labor ensues
within a few hours. If the rupture occurs before 37 weeks of pregnancy, it often results in the birth of a
premature baby. Babies whose mothers smoked during pregnancy are up to three times as likely to die
from sudden infant death syndrome ( SIDS ) as babies of nonsmokers.
Weeks 3 & 4:
Right now
your little
zygote is
settling into
your uterus…
Week 7:
Average size:
.51 inches
Baby's brain is
growing fast...
Week 10:
Prune Average
size: 1.2
inches, 14 oz.
Baby's arm
joints are
working, soon
the legs will
Week 5: Appleseed
Average size: .13
Baby's major organs
and systems are now
Week 6: Sweet
Average size: .25
Blood is starting
to circulate...
Week 8: Raspberry
Average size: .63
inches, .04 oz.
Those little arms
and little legs are
moving like crazy..
Week 9: Green
Average size: .9
inches, .07 oz.
A Doppler device
might pick up a
Week 11: Lime
Average size: 1.6
inches, .25 oz.
Fingers and toes are
no longer webbed..
Week 12: Plum
Average size: 2.1
inches, .49 oz.
Almost all vital
systems are fully
Week 13:
Average size:
2.9 inches, .81
oz. Teeth and
vocal cords are
Week 16:
Average size:
4.6 inches, 3.5
oz. Eyebrows,
lashes, and
hair are filling
Week 14: Lemon
Average size: 3.4
inches, 1.5 oz.
Liver, kidney, and
spleen are
continuing to
Week 17: Onion
Average size: 5.1
inches, 5.9 oz.
Skeleton is
hardening, and fat is
Week 15: Naval
Average size: 4
inches, 2.5 oz.
Legs are finally
longer than
Week 18: Sweet
Potato Average
size: 5.6 inches,
6.7 oz. Baby's
moving like crazy
-- feel anything
Week 19: Mango
Average size: 6.0 inches, 8.5
Vermix caseosa is coating
baby's skin...
Week 20: Cantaloupe
Average size: 6.5 inches,
10.6 oz.
Boy or girl, genitals are
fully formed...
Week 21: Banana
Average size: 10.5 inches
***, 12.7 oz.
Taste buds are starting to
Weeks 22-24 (Month 5):
Average size: 10.5-11.8
inches, 12.7-20.8 oz.
Nipples are sprouting, and
face is fully formed!
Weeks 25-28 (Month 6):
Average size: 13.6-14.8
inches, 1.5-2.2 lb.
Immune system is preparing
for the outside world...
Weeks 29-32 (Month 7):
Average size: 15.2-16.7
inches, 2.5-3.8 lb.
Sleeping and waking cycles
are establishing...
Weeks 33-36 (Month 8):
Average size: 17.2-18.7
inches, 4.2-5.8 lb.
Growth is slowing, and baby
may soon descend...
Weeks 37-Delivery (Month
9): Watermelon
Average size: 18.9-20.9
inches, 6.2-9.2 lb.
Full term! Baby's finally
ready for the outside
Dr. Anita Fulton
21334 Kuykendahl Rd. Suite A
Spring, Tx. 77379
Summary of My Birth Plan
General Information:
Patient Name: ___________________________________________________________________________
Due Date: _________________ Blood Type: __________________________Rh Factor: ________________
Hospital center where you plan on delivering:
o St. Luke’s Vintage
o Tomball Regional Hospital
o Houston Northwest Hospital
If I go past my due date and there are no health risks for me or my baby I would prefer one of the following:
o Not to be Induced
o To be Induced
After delivering I plan on:
o Not Breastfeeding
o Breastfeeding
o Breastfeeding & formula
My partner would like to help:
o Clamp and cut the umbilical cord
I would like to:
o Have a mirror to watch the delivery
o Hold the baby immediately after birth
o Yes for circumcision
o No
Cord Blood Banking:
o Yes or interested in information
o No
o Donate to the hospital
Do you have a pediatrician in mind or would you like a referral to one?
o Yes
o No
You may request a visit with your pediatrician before delivery.
After delivering my birth control method will be: ____________________________________________.
If you wish to have a tubal ligation please sign the consent form and discuss with Dr.Fulton 30 days before
Congratulations on your pregnancy and Thank you for choosing our office for your prenatal care