Check out these sites on Facebook: My Community DV Drayton Valley Volunteer Connec on Drayton Valley & District FCSS Park Valley Pool Omniplex MacKenzie Conference Centre Early Childhood Development Centre and Family Day Home Agency Community Services Department ADMINISTRATIVE PROFESSIONALS’ DAY BREAKFAST Tickets on sale now!!! Date: April 22, 2015 Time: 7:30am Loca on: MacKenzie Conference Centre Ticket Price: $40.00 Contact (780) 514‐2566 to purchase your ckets now!!! The children in the Super Snails program have been working through the Step Two program with Brighter Futures. Over the last 4 weeks the children have learned about “feelings” and how they can talk, show, or express how they feel to others. They learned to wait, take a breath, use feeling words and take a break! All great social skills in their prepara on for Kindergarten. A p r i l , The Friendly Frogs had a great trip to our local Indigo Petz store. The children were thrilled to see and hold a number of different pets they currently have in their shop. Andrew the staff a endant did a fantas c job in sharing fun filled facts with our group. A er much considera on the children chose a fish for their room and have affec onately named him 2 0 1 5 “Stanley”. This group is focusing on responsibili es of caring for others. ~ Bernice ~ Early Childhood Development Centre is accep ng registra on for children aged 12months to 6yrs Casey is pe ng a bunny from Indigo Petz. (780) 514‐2248 Family Day Home Agency is accep ng registra ons for Stanley the Fish children aged 6 months to 12yrs (780) 514‐2525 is in the air down at 5120 ‐ 52 Street Po. Box 6837 Drayton Valley, AB T7A 1A1 Ph: 780‐514‐2223 Fax: 780‐542‐5753 the Omniplex Final Hockey and Ringette tournaments have taken place and the Figure Skating Club is wrapping up too. Thunder has finished another fun filled season and held its spring camp. This can only mean one thing…ice is on its way out and spring events are under way. MacKenzie Conference Centre Staff members are busy planning for the upcoming Administrative Professionals’ Day Breakfast on April 22nd, 2015. It is sure to be a special event! If you’d like to say thank you to the men and women who are the back bone of your business, tickets can be purchased by ~ Kim ~ calling 780‐514‐2566. On March 18th the children in Bonnie and Joann’s Day Homes met at the Scout Hall for Yoga with the Town’s very own Sami. The children had a lot of fun doing animal poses and making their noises. Yoga helps children calm down and focus. It enhances physical and brain coordina on. Yoga also has a holis c approach to ADHD, Au sm, LD and other Sensory Integra on. Children become more self‐aware of their bodies, minds & feelings ‐ giving them “centering” tools for relaxa on & focus. ~ Jessica ~ Almost 40 people from 22 different organiza ons a ended our Grant Wri ng and Fundraising Workshop which we hosted alongside the Drayton Valley Community Founda on. During the 3 hour presenta on, folks got prac cal advice from expert Debbie Hagman from Alberta Culture on how to generate funds to make the community projects they are working on a reality. Not only were par cipants excited about the tools and resources that they were given, but also about the opportunity it gave them to network with other community groups who are experiencing the same challenges. Unfortunately we were unable to provide everyone who wanted to a end with a space, so we have scheduled another workshop with Debbie for October 3rd, 2015, so SAVE THE DATE!! This session will be a full day which will allow me for even more informa on and networking! ~ Lola ~ Our Junior Lifeguard Club hosted a Provincial Junior Lifeguard Compe on at the Trans Alta Tri Leisure Centre March 21&22/15. We would like to thank all of our parent volunteers and Head Coach Desiree Janzen for their hard work to make it a well‐organized and successful event. Compe tors from Hinton, Calgary, Edmonton, Wetaskiwin, Lethbridge and around the province a ended this two day event in Spruce Grove. Drayton placed third out of fi een teams, (way to go Drayton Valley)! This is the end of the season for the club which runs from September to Spring Break, Tuesdays and Thursdays a er school. Watch for our annual summer camp and registra on for this club in August! Drayton Valley Lightning Swim Club hosted its second annual Spring Fling swim meet Saturday, March 21 at the Park Valley Pool. This was also the last big event of the season for the winter swim club and its eighty plus swimmers. Mark Thursday May 28th on your calendars from 4‐6pm at Park Valley Pool, as this popular club will be taking registra ons for September to March 2016 season and spots fill up fast! The Registra on and Facebook page for Drayton Valley’s fourth annual Triathlon is up and running and within one week we already have had fi y par cipants register. The Triathlon is designed for those that enjoy physical ac vity to get out and challenge themselves. Check out the DV Triathlon Facebook page for the link to register with the Alberta Triathlon Associa on. ~ Lynette ~ Making Financial Cents has come and gone for another season and over twenty new individuals have gained greater financial literacy from this program. Par cipants came from a broad range of backgrounds, from their early 20s to over 65, married, single, with and without children. Topics touched upon included Sustainability, Insurance, Financial Planning, Estate and Tax Planning, Financing cars and post‐secondary educa on, Credit and iden ty the as well as Smart shopping and Proper budge ng. While these topics do not normally get people excited, our par cipants had many great ques ons for our volunteer expert presenters. Over the 7 years of this program we have found that par cipants learn just as much from the ques ons asked as they do from the presenta ons themselves. This program has also been offered to grade 12 students at Holy Trinity Academy since 2007. The students learn all the same material with a few addi onal topics such as ren ng, civic responsibility, and the law. In both cases, the response to the Making Financial Cents program is overwhelmingly posi ve. Even those who felt they were fairly financially literate going in said they would be able to make wiser financial choices because of what they learned in these workshops. If you are interested in taking the Making Financial Cents program it runs once a year, usually February‐March and you can call the FCSS Program Assistant at 780‐542‐2206. ~ Emily ~ CHECK OUT WHAT’S HAPPENING!!! The Community Services Team Annette Driessen Director of Community Services 780.514.2232 [email protected] Cora Appleby Administrative Assistant 780.514.2223 [email protected] Lola Strand FCSS Program Coordinator 780.514.2204 [email protected] Bernice Taylor Program Manager Early Childhood Development Centre and Family Day Home Agency 780.514.2248 [email protected] Evergreen Elementary School – 6328 hrs St. Anthony School – 7238 hrs Aurora Elementary School – 17020 hrs The children in our community excelled once again and ensured that their families unplugged from technology to spend me with each other! Families played board games, played outside, went swimming, ska ng, tobogganing and logged 44 000 hours! Here are the results: The class in each school which logged the highest number of hours enjoyed a pizza party and the winning school which was Aurora school will be enjoying a Drayton Valley Thunder hockey game! Drayton Chris an School – 5834 hrs Eldorado Elementary School – 6780 hrs The winner of our Family Day Winter Fun Package was the Butz family! ~ Lola ~ The Town of Drayton Valley has a number of ball diamonds /fields available to organized user groups and the general public! There are five ball diamonds and one soccer field located by the Omniplex facility and a number of others located throughout the town. User groups (Minor Ball, Girls’ Slo Pitch, Slo Pitch, DV Soccer and Rugby) have priority for their use. Anyone interested in joining one of these groups are encourage to call! DV & District Slo Pitch 780.898.7126; Rugby 780.621.8531; Drayton Valley Minor Ball 780.621.7546; DV Soccer 780.621.8865. The cost is $25/per diamond/field per day. For further informa on, please call the Town of Drayton Valley Omniplex at 780.514.2234. ~ Vicki ~ Lynette Nienaber Park Valley Pool Facility Manager 780.514.2225 [email protected] Jennifer Lundy Manager Omniplex and MacKenzie Conference Centre 780.514.2234 [email protected]
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